Table of Contents T HE SCIENCE BEHIND MUSCLE GROWTH; WHY AND HOW DO MUSCLES GROW. 2 1. 2.INTRODUCTION TO HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING. 5 WHY HIGH INTENSITY? 5 3.TECHNIQUE; HOW TO PERFORM THE PERFECT REP. 11 11 4.FORCED REPS 21 5.DURATION ; 25 25 HOW LONG SHOULD A TYPICAL WORKOUT LAST? 6.DROP SETS . 28 28 ARE THEY NECESSARY? 7.THE QUESTION ON MACHINES VS FREE WEIGHTS 31 8.IDEAL WORKOUT ROUTINES 34 9.THE QUESTION ON MUSCLE SORENESS. 48 10. WHAT NO 50 ONE IS TELLING YOU ABOUT FAT LOSS. 1 THE SCIENCE BEHIND MUSCLE GROWTH; Why and how do muscles grow. For you to grasp the concepts of High Intensity training, you must first understand the basic concepts of muscle growth, the biology surrounding muscle growth. In my experience, understanding the basic structure of muscles and the science that goes behind its growth makes workouts that much more fun since I actually know what I’m doing in the gym and not just wasting precious time. That being said, let’s go straight into it. It has been repeated time and time again that anaerobic training (weight training), builds muscle, i.e. moving a certain weight from point A to point B under significant resistance. THIS IS AN IRREFUTABLE FACT. You might have also heard of the term ‘Hypertrophy’ severally which is simply what happens when your muscle fibers experience microscopic tears as a result of resistance training, this results to an overall increase in muscle size as a compensatory measure against similar attacks on it in the future. The muscles ,in this case seem to have a mind of their own as they automatically initiate several biochemical reactions that rebuild the muscle fibers bigger and thicker . 2 IMG 1;After Intense training, microscopic tears occur in the muscle, this forces the muscle to grow bigger and stronger to prevent similar attacks to it. All this provided that your diet and rest is on point. 3 In all routines involving bodybuilding and muscle gain, this happens to be the primary principle. Doesn’t matter who you’re getting training from or what level of expertise you’re at in terms of your bodybuilding journey, you’ll want to have this principle as your key driver to success. You will however, need to understand how to execute the motions right so as to get the most out of your workout .You need to understand what overtraining is and how detrimental it is. You ignore some of these basic principles, you’ll be trekking along a very difficult and disappointing path where the gains will elude you like the plague 4 INTRODUCTION TO HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING. Why high intensity? Before you embark on this journey, you might be asking yourself, ‘Why High Intensity?’ . If you have any rough knowledge of HIT you’d know that some of the most successful bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger , Sergio Oliva or even Phil Heath never predominantly carried out this mode of training. As a matter of fact the Gold’s Gym Venice crew back in the Golden Era were known to train for long hours ,twice a day. Yet here we have Mike Mentzer and his crew advocating for only a 30 minute workout , 3 times a week MAX. Was Mike Mentzer crazy when he started this movement? Going against the greats of bodybuilding at that period? The short answer is NO. Mike knew exactly what he was doing and knew the damaging effects of prolonged workouts and just in case you never knew. MOST if not all Pro Bodybuilders have used or are currently using STEROIDS whose effects counteracts the degrading and costly effects of long-duration, high-frequency workouts. Mike even goes further to state that “they would have developed further and faster, and reached their present physiques sooner had they trained accordingly using High Intensity Training (HIT).” 5 Let me get one thing clear. HIT is extremely brutal, having used this system myself for quite some time. It’s not your average workout where you get your workout buddy to help you out here and there. HIT will drain you like a bitch and leave you on the floor in a couple of minutes as you’ll see for yourself. BE WARNED 6 IMG 2; The brutal nature of HIT will not let you carry a workout beyond 45Minutes. PERIOD *DISCLAIMER; I have nothing at all against steroid use as long as it is done in a safe , legal and controlled manner under direction of a certified physician. Again I repeat, bodybuilders that compete at a higher level i.e. The Olympia and the Arnold Classics all use steroids . There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that . 7 The results of their use makes the sport thrilling and fun to watch. 8 So let’s cut to the chase here. What is High Intensity Training (H.I.T)? Simply put, this is a method of training whereby you should work out a muscle to ABSOLUTE FAILURE. By absolute failure I mean you should not be able to move the weight in all three motions ; 1;THE POSITIVE (CONCENTRIC MOTION); which is the ability to raise a weight 2;CONTRACTION; which is the holding/squeezing phase at the top of a rep 3;THE NEGATIVE (ECCENTRIC MOTION); which is the ability to lower a weight.(Which happens to be the most vital movement as we’ll see shortly) Only after you’ve exhausted your momentary ability to conduct all three of these movements in perfect form (we’ll talk about partial reps later) is when you can confidently say that you’ve conducted a High Intensity Workout. 9 IMG 3;Most people assume that they’ve hit failure when they can no longer lift the weight A.K.A performing a positive rep. This should never be the case as you’d be surprised at the amount of energy you have left to LOWER the weight . In fact lowering the weight does the most damage to the muscle thus stimulating it more to growth. 10 TECHNIQUE; How to perform the perfect rep. Now, this is where stuff gets interesting. The very essence of HIT is performing perfect reps, if you’re just going through the motions, yes you might hit failure but have you worked the muscle? You might be doing the bench press hoping that you’re working your chest only to find out the following day that your Front Delts and Triceps are sore but not your chest .I’ve been caught in this situation enough times and as frustrating as it is you must understand one thing :MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION IS VERY IMPORTANT. I can’t stress this enough . So here I’ll teach you a simple trick that will ensure that you hit the SPECIFIC muscle you’re training with intensity . Let’s go. The muscles in the body respond to stretching . Before a muscle contracts maximally ,it must stretch first . The same way that for you to stand up you must be seated to begin with. So in our case here , for you to perform the perfect lift ensure that you’ve stretched the targeted muscle as much as you can before you push the weight up. Let’s take the biceps as an example. Before curling the weight to the top ensure that the weight goes as downwards as your joints can allow thus stretching the bicep. NO HALF REPS. As you perform the positive rep from that stretched position 11 ,you’ll notice that you will be feeling you biceps being 12 worked as opposed to if you started the motion halfway through. Try it with all workouts and you will be guaranteed to feel the muscle you’re working on. 13 IMG 4; On the bench-press, ensure that before pushing the weight upwards, you stretch the chest at the bottom of the rep. If your joints allow, you should feel a slight or major stretch across your chest depending on the individual . After the stretch is felt , push the weight upwards. 14 IMG 5; Same applies to the rowing movements, after feeling a stretch while lowering the weight, proceed with the positive rep 15 This technique works like magic , I’m surprised that not so many people are aware of it. I however do understand that some people might not have the greatest range of motion maybe due to a joint defect or some sort of injury. This is unfortunate as this method requires you to be relatively flexible. I highly recommend that you see a certified physician so as to rectify any possible underlying problem that could be hindering you from achieving a full range of motion. 16 Once you got your mind-muscle connection in check, the second vital aspect of HIT that you have to keep in mind is; Time Under Tension (T.U.T) also known as Cadence but we’ll go by T.U.T here.T.U.T is indispensable and very important when it comes to HIT. For you to put enough stress on a muscle for it to stimulate growth, the muscle MUST be put under as much tension as necessary . This simply means that the execution of all your exercises should be conducted at a relatively slow pace whilst maintaining active tension. NEVER and I repeat NEVER let momentum get in the way of your reps. I want you to understand one thing , once the speed at which you conduct a rep exceeds a certain point, momentum takes over and the amount of muscle you’ll be using to perform that rep will be greatly reduced thus making the exercise essentially useless. By avoiding momentum I mean ; you should not use another muscle other than the one you’re working on to assist you in a lift unless the biomechanics of your body forces you to do so. Don’t bounce weights off surfaces like your chest or specific types of bouncy floors. Doing so will take away the stress and the tension off your muscle, which is not what you want. 17 IMG 6; Resist the urge to bounce the weight as it induces momentum which will reduce T.U.T NEVER LET MOMENTUM GET IN THE WAY , THE MUSCLE SHOULD BE DOING ALL THE WORK. 18 The final step towards performing a perfect rep should be pretty obvious but I see many people falter in this particular aspect. The amount of weight used in a particular exercise should be sufficient enough to require the muscle to contract MAXIMALLY. A landmark 1975 study by Etlinger et al. has shown that skeletal muscles can undergo rapid growth in response to muscle contraction induced by increased workload. Again let’s take the example of the bicep curl. After fully extending your bicep with the weight on the negative rep, slowly lift the weight up to a point where you can feel the bicep contract. I describe the feeling as a feeling of almost bursting, however, DO NOT force the contraction to a point of feeling a sharp pain as you run the risk of actually ripping the muscle, not microscopically , but ACTUALLY tearing the muscle. 19 IMG 7;You run a greater risk of tearing a muscle if you go overboard with the contractions . BE CAUTIOUS. 20 To sum up all these steps, during each rep, aim for as great of a range of motion as possible. That is ;from a point of full extension to a point of full contraction .By doing this you will be taking the muscle out of what its accustomed to thus signaling it to grow bigger and stronger. 21 FORCED REPS So you’re done with the ‘easy’ part , you’ve performed the perfect rep and now you want to dip into your muscle reserves and squeeze out every ounce of growth stimulus available. That’s where forced reps come in. The essence of Mentzer’s High Intensity Training and Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts. This where all the gritting of teeth and grunting happens. After you’re done with your working reps and you cannot perform another rep under a full range of motion and in perfect form, you can have someone assist you only slightly in lifting the weight , preferably with only three fingers or even two (You’ll find out that the help is actually more psychological than physical since the mind gives up faster than the body ). Have the help you until as Mentzer put it , “You can barely complete the rep with an all-out gut-busting effort.” BUT THAT’S NOT ALL Having done that, you have only achieved failure on the positive reps and the contraction at the top of the rep. You however haven’t achieved failure on the NEGATIVE REPS which are arguably even more important than the positive. That being said, you cannot claim to have worked a muscle to absolute 22 failure if you haven’t exhausted your strength on performing the negative reps too . In perfect form. Having completed your forced positive reps and working negatives , you now must work on your forced negatives. How do you do this ? Let’s get right in to it. Get your workout buddy to lift the weight to the top contracted position so that you can lower the weight all by yourself . What you’ll realize is that you will still have strength left to perform the negatives after obliterating yourself on the positives. (NOTE ; At this point , you will be getting TOTAL assistance performing the positives as your partner will push the weight up for you, all you need to do is lower the weight.) As you progress further with your negative reps, the weight will begin to drop down faster until a point where you will have absolutely no control of the weight and it is at that point where you can say with conviction that you have achieved TOTAL MOMENTARY MUSCLE FAILURE. 23 *Forced reps however do come with a caveat. In technical exercises such as squats and heavy deadlifts , you should be extra cautious . As a matter of fact , I DO NOT recommend negative reps to failure on squats as you risk crashing with the weights on your back (similar to what happened to JP Fux in that infamous photoshoot). This is because with large muscles such as the quadriceps, by the time you realize you’re about to achieve muscular failure, it would be too late and you won’t be able to get back up with the weight and you risk debilitating injuries . BE CAUTIOUS 24 IMG 8; Some of you might be familiar with this image of JP Fux in the infamous photoshoot. I do not recommend negative reps to failure as you’re never sure when that moment of failure comes. You might fail to make it through the positive even with assistance from a training partner thus crashing to the ground with the weight. CAUTION IS REQUIRED. 25 DURATION ; How long should a typical workout last? Now you might be wondering , how long does a typical H.I.T workout last , why is time even important while conducting H.I.T ? The simple answer to that is SHORT , VERY SHORT . As a matter of fact I have gone through several workout sessions that only lasted for 25 minutes that left me sore for days. This is due to three main reasons . 1. Performing H.I.T is extremely grueling and draining thus carrying it out for extended periods of time means you’re doing something wrong 2. ;Extending a HIT workout is counterintuitive due to its effects on hormones. 3. The ‘PIT Phenomenon’ which we’ll cover shortly. You know, when I was a beginner in HIT, I always got the temptation of doing one more set to failure . I had convinced myself if one set to failure will stimulate my muscles to grow, then two sets will stimulate them even more. I later came to realize that I was making a huge mistake and being 100% drug free, I wasn’t able to counteract the damaging effects of overtraining as mentioned earlier. Let’s discuss the above points in more detail. 26 The grueling nature of HIT. As you have seen in all the points I’ve made about performing that perfect rep and forced reps, H.I.T is not easy at all . It could as well be the most brutal form of physical exercise. Having that in mind, if you follow all the steps I’ve shown you , how long do you think you can last in the gym? I’ll leave that for you to answer. Negative effect towards hormones I assume as a gym-goer, you are well versed with the hormone Testosterone and its antagonist Cortisol AKA ; the stress hormone. Overtraining has been shown in several studies to cause a sharp spike in cortisol levels as a defense mechanism. Carrying out HIT beyond a certain window of time is guaranteed to be classed as overtraining it’s that simple. As a matter of fact training using this method as a natural (drugfree) athlete beyond the 45 minute mark could easily be classified as overtraining thus cortisol will dominate. Remember if the effects of Testosterone are hampered by other antagonistic hormones such as Cortisol and/or estrogen, it doesn’t matter how you train ,eat or sleep. YOU WILL NOT GAIN MUSCLE. Avoid overtraining 27 The ‘Pit Phenomenon’ This is actually a phenomenon that the GOAT covered in his seminars but he referred to it as the ‘inroad phenomenon’, but here, I’ll just call it the Pit Phenomenon as it is more understandable. So what is it? For those of you who are new to it, this is simply the ability of the body to recover from a workout depending on how much stress you place upon it. Let me expound a little further .You see, for muscles to repair themselves and grow, they must first and foremost regain the energy reserves that were consumed during the gruesome workout. There are levels to this thing. I want you to picture this in your mind, you’ve dug a rubbish pit , after serving its purpose the first thing you should do is cover the pit with soil, then later maybe you can make a small hill out if . You don’t make a hill without covering the hole first . Same principle applies with muscle, after stimulating your muscle to grow through a workout, the muscle must heal and regain its lost energy reserves first ,then grow. Having this in mind, if you spend hours in the gym training, most of your body’s resources will be directed towards recovering lost energy reserves and healing . NOT TOWARDS GROWTH. Stimulate don’t annihilate as Lee Haney said . Perform 28 workouts that are just enough to stimulate growth. Once you’re done stimulating the muscle just enough , WALK OUT OF THE GODDAMN GYM. Your work for the day is done. To quote the GOAT, “If you train as hard as possible within each set, the fewer sets you will be able to do before fatigue obliterates you.” *The logic here will slightly differ if you’re on Performance Enhancing Drugs due to the physiological edge they give you. DROP SETS . Are they necessary? Short answer is NO. You should achieve total failure with the weight you stated working with. Do not pull off plates then proceed to failure with a weight lower than what you began with . Why is this so? There are 4 main reasons why this is discouraged while performing HIT. 1;A significant reduction of the weight will not require you to output maximum intensity to the particular set 29 2; The main barometer of progress in the gym in ALL muscle-gaining programs not only HIT ,is an increase in strength, by doing drop sets you’ll be shortchanging yourself and you won’t have a surefire way of knowing whether your making strength gains i.e. through lifting heavier weight and not reducing the weight. 3;With drop sets , you are not limited to the amount of sets you perform , you can perform as little as 2 drop sets to as many as 6. That being said, it is VERY easy to over train without even realizing it . The immense fatigue you experience say after a leg day which incorporated drop sets can easily be characterized as overtraining. You know what I’m talking , the sense of lethargy and lack of motivation that precedes such workouts. We’ve already covered the detrimental effects of overtraining and this is exacerbated with workouts majoring on drop sets. 4; While performing drop sets, the propensity to lockout is greatly increased. As we’ve discussed earlier lockouts while performing HIT are highly counterintuitive. They take stress away from the working muscle and can lead to debilitating injuries. The period where you pause and strip the 30 weights away in certain movements such as the leg press and bench press can trigger a lockout effect which you want to avoid at all cost. It is also worth noting that the intensity of your working set will actually dip below the level of you last forced rep that you completed . It becomes a case of making two steps forward and one step backwards simultaneously . 31 THE QUESTION ON MACHINES VS FREE WEIGHTS So here comes the age old question , which one works better for muscle growth stimulation ; machines or free weights. We all know of some phenomenal bodybuilders such as Frank Zane , Phil Heath and Dexter Jackson who never shied away from machine dominant workouts . On the other hand, bodybuilders such as Ronnie Coleman and Luke Sandoe were and are known for their somewhat manic approach to free weights . So who’s right and who’s not. Short answer; no one as both have pros and cons which will be covered below. Pros of free weights As for free weights the pros are pretty obvious. 1;Free weights maintain better stress on the muscle being worked. How so? ,through the reduction of momentum that you might get from machines 2;With free weights, it’s rather difficult to lockout .Lockout is greatly reduced while using free weights because most of your muscular facets will be used to control the weight as opposed to using machine weights where majorly you 32 will not be 33 required to stabilize the weight as that is taken care of already. With machine weights, you may feel a sense of safety while using say, a smith machine thus you may be inclined to lockout. Pros of machines 1; First and most important . Machines are extremely essential in contracting the muscle. As we’ve covered earlier , the contractile motion of a rep is vital when it comes to hypertrophy. Machine workouts take the effort required to stabilize a movement and direct it to contracting the muscle in positive reps . For instance, while performing a bench-press on a smith machine, the weight is already stabilized as all you are tasked with doing is to lift the weight, squeeze the muscle at the top without locking out and finally slowly lowering the weight. Do this till absolute momentary failure and you will be good. 2; Machines are vital for controlling mechanical overload. This comes is especially handy for beginners or competitors nearing a show. Why is this so? This is because certain lifts require the recruitment of multiple joints , under the circumstance that there’s even a slight issue or tweak with one of the joints, a serious injury can occur. Because exercise machines control the path 34 of motion and place the 35 greatest amount of tension where the muscle is strongest, it can be a safe way to apply the overload necessary to stimulate hypertrophy whilst preventing injury. General Consensus The use of both machines and free weights comes with pros and cons. That being said, incorporating both into your workouts is highly recommended. However, for beginners and competitors nearing a competition, the use of machines should be the go-to so as to avoid costly injuries. 36 IDEAL WORKOUT ROUTINES Now let’s get down to the actual workouts which you are meant to act upon. It is worth noting that the workouts mentioned in this chapter are not for the faint of heart. Remember also that to get the most from your workout , you must STIMULATE the muscle ,not ANNHILATE . Generations of world famous bodybuilders from Mentzer to Lee Haney have gone by this mantra . So what does this actually mean? This means that the routine must not be so long to a point where it causes the body to use up all its recuperative capacity in order to achieve normalcy from the intense and exhaustive effects of your workout session (recall the ‘Pit Phenomenon’).That being said, your main objective in the gym should be to 1;Stimulate hypertrophy then walk out of the gym. 2;Avoid the urge to overtrain as this will use up the body’s recuperative reserve to restore the body to normalcy instead of using these reserves for growth. 37 SESSION 1; SHOULDERS, CALVES, ABS PART WORKOU T SHOULDE Pre RS Exhaust with seated shoulder press Side lateral raises using dumbbell Bent over lateral raises 38 SETS REPS 1 10-18 1 8-12 1 8-12 PART WORKOUT SETS REPS CALVES Seated calf raises Standing calf raises 1 10-18 1 10-18 39 PART ABS WORKOU SETS T Straight 1 hanging leg raises Hanging 1 leg raises at different angles for obliques REST FOR 3-5 DAYS. 40 REPS Failure Failure SESSION 2; BICEPS, FOREARMS, TRICEPS , TRAPS PART BICEPS WORKOU T Preexhaust with barbell curls Standing EZ bar curls Preach er curls 41 SETS REPS 1 12-16 1 8-12 1 8-12 PART WORKOU SETS REPS T FOREARM Hammer 1 8-12 curls or S reverse grip barbell curls Most people can do without this as grip strength can be very effective in developing powerful forearms . Just make sure you keep the use of assistive grip gear to a minimum and use your bear hands. 42 PART WORKOUT SETS REPS TRICEPS Skull crusher Cable pushdow n 1 8-12 1 8-12 Dips 1 8-12 43 PARTS TRAPS WORKOUT SETS Pre Exhaust 1 shrugs using a hexbar or barbell REPS 12-16 Dumbbe ll shrugs 8-12 REST FOR 3-5 DAYS 44 1 SESSION 3; CHEST AND BACK PART CHEST WORKOU SETS REPS T Pre1 12-16 exhaust with smith machine benchpress Dumbbell 1 on each 8-12 flyes at all three angles incline, flat , decline 45 PART BACK WORKOUT SETS Pre1 exhaust set of rack pulls Pull ups/ 1 lat pull downs REPS 12-20 Deadlifts 8-10 REST FOR 3-5 DAYS. 46 1 8-10 SESSION 4; QUADS/HAMSTRINGS(LEGS) AND ABS PART WORKOUT SETS REPS LEGS Squats 1 8-10 Leg extensio ns 1 12-20 Stiff legged deadlifts 1 8-10 47 PART WORKOUT SETS REPS ABS Sit ups at differen t angles 1 Failure Leg raises 1 Failure REST FOR 3-5 DAYS THEN REPEAT THE CYCLE. 48 IMPORTANT NOTES ALWAYS remember that one set to failure (aside from the pre-exhaust set) is all you need to stimulate strength and size gains. A lot of gym- goers seem to have a problem accepting this, what you have to realize is that ‘more is not necessarily better,’ as Mentzer puts it . That’s just an economic principle which holds no value in bodybuilding training. All reps should be performed in a strict manner. This means using a slow and controlled cadence; 4 seconds on your way up, a two second squeeze at the top and 4 seconds on your way down. NEVER let momentum take control or assist you in any way. This is essential in maximizing the stress on the muscle thus yielding a growth-stimulus. Select a weight that you can use to perform the amount of reps indicated above to failure , increase the weight as you get stronger to perform the number of reps indicated Ensure you keep a progress record so as to track your strength progression in all your lifts , this ensures that each workout is planned out and that you are actually making progress . Stronger 49 muscles are big muscles and big muscles are strong muscles , always keep that in mind. 50 THE QUESTION ON MUSCLE SORENESS. We all have experienced this type of soreness. Shall I say a sweet, dull pain that we all look forward to the day after an intense workout. Well, for those of you who don’t know, this is actually a common phenomenon known as ‘Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness’ ,DOMS in short. So what causes it? Contrary to popular belief, DOMS is not caused by lactic acid buildup . The primary cause of DOMS is inflammation caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, these tears are majorly as a result of the eccentric movement of the weight. KEYWORD; ECCENTRIC. This means that most of the damage caused to a muscle is as a result of the negative rep where the muscle lengthens . This brings me back to the point where I said that achieving muscular failure on the negatives is just as important if not more important than on the positive. As a matter of fact, several studies have shown that eccentric activities induce micro-injury at a greater frequency and severity than other types of muscle actions. Having that in mind, we can conclusively say that the soreness serves as the body’s indicator to avoid any form of training of the sore muscle as this will lead to further damage. Is DOMS an indicator of muscle growth? While it is an indicator of adequate stress on a muscle as a growth 51 stimulus, by itself it will not cause muscle growth if factors such as diet and sleep are not optimized. However, more often than not , prior to stimulating your muscle with a weight it is not accustomed to, you will experience DOMS due to the micro-tears within the muscle fibers from the heavier weights. 52 WHAT NO ONE IS TELLING YOU ABOUT FAT LOSS. I could as well call this a secret for the single reason that, the concept I am about to explain does not receive as much attention as it needs. You don’t need to go any further than Instagram to see all these fitness models advocating fasted cardio as the most effective mode of fat loss, this is a very pertinent falsehood that needs to be debunked. The reasoning behind this rationale being that ‘the low glycogen levels that your body experiences during a fasted state ,cause your body to shift energy utilization away from carbs, therefore allowing for greater mobilization of fat for fuel’ this is according to a Brad Schoenfeld article (2011). Schoenfeld goes on to state that, the concept of looking at fat loss during a SINGLE exercise session is highly flawed. This is due to the dynamic nature of the human body and the fact that fat utilization in the human body is reliant on several factors including hormones and enzymes as opposed to what happens in a single cardio session. That being said, if you are in a premise of losing body fat outside the competitive realm (Contest Prep) i.e. not using any PEDs you should aim to lose body fat constantly for the most part of the day. As you will see down below, once you perform fasted cardio, your fat burning capabilities end a few moments after your workout. Is that what you 53 want? Or do you want to be a fat burning machine than burns 54 fat even at rest . If that’s what you are aiming for, let’s get right into it. Muscle mass and fat loss Muscle mass is the single MOST IMPORTANT factor when it comes to incinerating fat in your body. Having that in mind, you should prioritize weight training over cardio. I know this comes as a surprise to many people, well, you shouldn’t be. Let me explain. Several ground breaking scientific including the landmark Stiegler study of 2006 has stated that , “Given that fat-free mass (FFM) represents a key determinant of the magnitude of resting metabolic rate (RMR), it follows that a decrease in lean tissue could hinder the progress of weight loss”. In this case FFM simply stands for muscle mass and RMR simply means, the ability of the body to burn fat at rest, WITHOUT ANY FORM OF CARDIO. Thus , an increase in muscle mass will increase the body’s ability to burn fat at a constant rate even in your sleep. I don’t about you , but this is what you should be aiming for. Other studies including the Jacquet et al. (1998) study have shown that 55 there is a positive relation between the reduction of thermogenesis (fat 56 burning capability through heat production) and the degree of fat mass depletion during states of food deprivation A.K.A fasted states. This simply means that, while attempting cardio in a fasted state over an extended period of time, the body auto regulates its use of fat as an energy source through lowering the body’s metabolism . This means that your body stops burning fat and you become caught up in a state of zero progress. Let me expound further on some concepts of increased muscle mass in relation to fat loss. 1;Adding more muscle to your frame will increase your metabolism thus leading to fat loss 2; The process of recovering from a grueling workout will use up energy in two ways Through the food you’ve consumed thus leaving little of it to be stored as fat. Through you adipose(fat) reserves thus reducing body fat 3;Weight training burns fuel in the same ways mentioned above 4;More muscle improves insulin sensitivity 57 Having all these pointers in mind, it is easy to conclude that focusing on weight training is mire beneficial when it comes to fat loss than the common ‘fasted cardio’ scheme . This is the same reason why golden era bodybuilders almost never performed fasted cardio because it holds barely any scientific proof of effect. It’s literally that simple. It’s very easy to fall for what the bodybuilders who endorse fasted cardio say, but you have to understand one thing, THEY ALREADY HAVE THE MUSCLE so they’ll be burning fat at rest whether or not they perform fasted cardio. 58