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Chemistry Notes: Solubility, Atoms, Acids, Gases

Effect of pressure on solubility:
Liquids in Liquids: slightly affects solubility
Gases in Liquids: increases solubility
Increase in temp of
gases dissolved in liquids- decrease solubility
solids – increase solubility
Size of atom dependent on: space occupied by electrons
Water biggest density – liquid
Most common solution -seawater
Negativity of covalent: 0.5 to 1.9
Attract shared electrons – electronegativity
Attract additional electrons – electron affinity
Van der Waals – Diderick van der Waals
Bose Einstein – Einstein
Doined the term ‘Plasma – Irving Langmuir
First identified plasma – William crookes
Smog acid rain – nitrogen
Representative element0 – rightmost digi of group number
Transition elements- group number
Dry Air:
CO2 – 0.03%
N – 78.1%
O- 20.9%
‘Solubility of gas in liquids is directly proportional to partial pressure – henry’s law
“rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molar mass – Thomas graham
Uncertainty principle – Heisenberg
Human Body:
Chalcogens – Oxygen family, group 6a
Ernest Rutherford – proton
John Joseph Thompson – electron - revised atomic theory of Dalton to plum-pudding model
John Dalton – Atomic Theory
Henri Becquerel – radioactivity
Prometheum – Pacemakers for heart
Phosphoric Acid – Tart test
Not a metalloid- magnesium
Table salt- Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
Equal forward and backward reax – chemical equilibrium
Point where added base or acid is enough to neutralize – equivalence point
Uses redox to generate electricity – voltaic cell
Reduced substance – oxidizing agent
Oxidized substance – reducing agent
Bronsted-Lowry theory – acid donates proton, base accepts proton
Arrhenius acid – increase concentration of H
Arrhenius base - increase concentration of OH
(Lewis acid) – electron pair acceptor
Bronsted Lowry base – proton acceptor
Product of lewis acid base- adduct
Lewis – donates(base and accepts(acid) pair of electrons
Arrhenius – gives H+ (acid) and OH-(base) ions in dissociation in water
Bronsted-Lowry – donates proton (acid) and accepts proton (base)
Gilbert Lewis, acid base reaction will form – Coordinate covalent bond
Soren sorenses – ph scale 1909
Remove CO2 from air- lithium hydroxide
Antacid with no restriction – magnesium hydroxide; milk of magnesia
Fertilizers- Phosphoric acid
Vinegar- Acetic Acid
Batteries of cars and automobiles- sulfuric acid
Glass itching -hydroflouric acid
Reduce pain – acetylsalicylic acid
Explosives – nitric acid, HNO3
6.5 ph – saliva and milk
Tertiary acid: 2 nonmetals is oxygen - oxyacids
Bases – metal and hydroxide ion
Colloidal dispersion of liquid in liquid or solid - emulsions
Suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gas – aerosols
Cosmetics and ointments- emulsions
Colloidal dispersion of gas bubbles- foams
Rate at w/c chemical reactions occur- chemical kinetics
“oldos” – glue appearance
Extent of chemical reaction – equilibrium position
Ratio of equilibrium concentration of products and reactants- equilibrium constant
How far from equilibrium the reaction is – reaction quotient
Alkanes – parrafins
Alkenes – olefins
Charge to mass ratio of electrons – J.J Thomson
Lightest metal -lithium
Human Body:
Carbon – 18%