See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The Modeling of a Propeller Turbine Runner in 3D Solid Using 3D Equation Curve in Autodesk Inventor 2015 Article in Applied Mechanics and Materials · June 2016 DOI: 10.4028/ CITATIONS READS 5 528 3 authors: Indra Djodikusumo I Nengah Diasta Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung Institute of Technology 6 PUBLICATIONS 16 CITATIONS 4 PUBLICATIONS 8 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Fachri Koeshardono Politeknik Negeri Bandung 5 PUBLICATIONS 9 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: EARLY DESIGN OPTIMIZATION IN HOT BRIQUETTING MACHINE View project The Implementation of Archimedean Screw Generator in Irrigation Canal View project All content following this page was uploaded by Fachri Koeshardono on 16 July 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 The Modeling of a Propeller Turbine Runner in 3D Solid using 3D Equation Curve in Autodesk Inventor 2015 Indra Djodikusumo, I Nengah Diasta, and Fachri Koeshardono Abstract — Published paper on modelling of propeller turbine blade and runner is not commonly found, especially those using Autodesk Inventor. One of them is titled CAD Modelling of Axial Turbine Blade using Autodesk Inventor. However, the road taken is quite complicated and should be repeated from the beginning whenever new geometrical characteristics of a new axial propeller turbine will be modelled. Currently, Autodesk Inventor has introduced the new tool that help sketching the spline lines either in 2D plane or 3D space simplifying the task of 3D modelling of propeller turbine blade, called Equation Curve. The Equation Curve tool requires the codes for creating the spline lines. To create the codes, two sources have been used: NACA report no. 460 and modelling methodology proposed by Milos in his paper. In NACA report no. 460, it is explained that NACA 4 Digit Series is created by combining mean line with the thickness variation curve of Gottingen 398 and Clark Y. This airfoil has 4 different lines with their own equation. The equations can be used for sketching in 2D plane. However, the solid model of the runner blade is formed from the airfoils in cylindrical surface. Then, as explained by Milos in his paper, the procedure is as follows: sketch the airfoil in 2D plane that is the tangent of cylindrical surface, move the airfoil to its center, rotate to its stagger angle, and project it to cylindrical surface. The result of this process will be the equations of lines in 3D space. Transform them to the Inventor codes. Input these codes to 3D Equation Curve tool to create the 4 lines for each cylindrical surface section of blade. Making the solid model of runner the following step is required: use loft command to create blade surfaces, use the stitch command to solidify, use the pattern command to create other blades, create hub, and lastly combine blades and hub. The solid model of the runner then is tested by simulating it using ANSYS Fluent. The hydraulic efficiency of the model is 85 %. Index Terms— Propeller Turbine Runner, Propeller Turbine Blade, Equation Curve, 3D Modeling This paper was submitted at September 14th 2015. Indra Djodikusumo is with the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jalan Ganesha no. 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia (e-mail: I Nengah Diasta is with the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jalan Ganesha no. 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia (e-mail: Fachri Koeshardono is with the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jalan Ganesha no. 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia (e-mail: I. INTRODUCTION Published paper on modeling of propeller turbine blade and runner is not commonly found, especially those using Autodesk Inventor. One of them is titled CAD Modeling of Axial Turbine Blade using Autodesk Inventor [1]. The steps of the modeling strategy in that paper consist of: importing the 3D coordinates of blade profile (airfoils) that can be imported from Excel by command import points or from other CAD softwares, creating blade surface, performing extension of the blade surface, intersecting the blade surface with radial planes and creating the solid model of the blade [1]. However, the road taken is quite complicated and should be repeated from the beginning whenever a new geometrical characteristics of a new axial propeller turbine will be modelled. dsec m/l L/l t/l β∞c l z with dsec m/l L/l t/l β∞c l z TABLE I GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RUNNER BLADE Sections 0 1 2 3 4 0.400 0.356 0.312 0.268 0.224 4 4 4 4 4 40 40 40 40 40 3 4 5 6 7 20 22 25 29 35 196 176 155 133 111 7 Diameter NACA maximum camber NACA maximum camber location NACA maximum thickness profile distortion angle chord length number of blade 5 0.180 4 40 8 47 89 [m] [%] [%] [%] [o] [mm] [-] In this paper another approach in modeling of the propeller turbine blade and runner will be described, where the technique used is more straightforward. This technique used is made possible with the new tool introduced in Autodesk Inventor 2013, called equation curve. The modelling begins with the geometrical characteristics (Table 1). > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < II. SKETCHING STRATEGY Starting with the geometrical characteristics the blade profile on the surface of the cylinder will be sketched. In order to do that the method introduced by Milos has been adopted [2]. The steps of sketching the blade are as follow: airfoil design in the own system of representation, the transposition of the airfoils to the stagger angle into developed plane, and the transposition of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces. A. Airfoil design in the own system of representation In accordance with Table 1, the type of airfoil used in this paper is a NACA 4 Digit Series. This series was introduced to improve the previous airfoil profiles that could not systematically provide the correlation between the aerodynamics characteristics and the variations of shape. As mentioned in report no. 460, airfoil profiles may be considered as made up of certain profile thickness forms disposed about certain mean lines. The major shape variables then become two, the thickness form and the mean-line form. The thickness form is of particular importance from a structural standpoint. On the other hand, the form of the mean line determines almost independently some of the most important aerodynamic properties of the airfoil section, e.g., the angle of zero lift and the pitching-moment characteristics [3]. NACA 4 Digit Series is developed with better efficiency from the previous two airfoils, Göttingen 398 and Clark Y. These two airfoils are nearly alike when their camber is removed (the mean line is straightened). When they are reduced to the same thickness, the curve would be like the Fig 1 [3]. 2 from 0.1015 into 0.1036 [4]. The equation has been modified and expressed as a thickness variation per chord length (yt/l). 2 ! ! $ $ # 0.2969 x - 0.1260 x - 0.3516 # x & +& l l yt t / l # "l% & (3) = # & 3 4 l 0,2 # !x$ !x$ & # 0.2843 # l & - 0.1036 # l & & " % " % " % As mentioned before the airfoil profiles may be considered as made up of certain profile thickness forms disposed about certain mean lines, then the role of the mean line becomes very important. In the NACA report no. 460 it is stated the mean lines of certain airfoils in common use were reduced to the same maximum ordinate and compared it was found that their shapes were quite different. It was observed, however, that the range of shapes can be well covered by assuming some simple shape and varying the maximum ordinate and its position along the chord. The mean line was, therefore, arbitrarily defined by two parabolic equations [3]. Some boundary conditions are given to both parabolic equations. The result is a mean line equations consisting of two equations in two ranges, namely before and after the maximum ordinate. Both equations are modified into the equations of mean line per chord length (yc/l). 0≤ x< L/l 2⎞ ⎛ yc m/ l ⎜ L x ⎛x⎞ ⎟ = 2 ⎜ ⎟ l (0≤x<L/l ) (L / l)2 ⎜⎝ l l ⎝ l ⎠ ⎟⎠ (4) L / l ≤ x ≤1 2⎞ ⎛ yc m / l ⎜⎛ L⎞ L x ⎛x⎞ ⎟ = -⎜ ⎟ ⎜1- 2 ⎟ + 2 l ( L/l≤x≤1) (1- L / l)2 ⎜⎝⎝ l⎠ l l ⎝ l ⎠ ⎟⎠ (5) As described in the report NACA 460, the method of combining the thickness forms with the mean-line forms is best described by means of the Fig.2. Referring to the figure, the ordinate yt of the thickness form is measured along the Fig. 1 Thickness variation of NACA 4 Digit Series perpendicular to the mean line from a point on the mean line If the chord taken along the x axis from 0 to 1 and y is the at the station along the chord corresponding to the value of x thickness of the profile, the thickness variation could be for which yt is computed. Then points to the formation of the upper surface and a lower surface of the airfoil can be marked approximated using the following equation [3]. as (xu, yu) and (xl, yl). In addition to these points, the symbol ϑ is employed to designate the angle between the tangent to the 2 3 4 ± y = 0.2969 x - 0.1260 x - 0.3516 x + 0.2843 x - 0.1015 x (1) mean line and the x axis. In conclusion there would be 4 lines In order to change the thickness variation to fit a maximum in the airfoil profile: 2 upper lines (Line 1 and Line 2) and 2 thickness value (t), the equation needs to be converted into: lower lines (Line 3 and Line 4). yt = t 0, 2 (0.2969 2 3 x - 0.1260 x - 0.3516 x + 0.2843 x - 0.1015 x 4 ) (2) The equation has a problem if it is used because the trailing edge is open. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to modify the equation. It is done by replacing the factor of x4 The equation of that angle is: " d(y /l) % ϑ =tan -1 $ c ' # d(x/l) & (6) > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 3 B. The transpositions of the airfoil to the stagger angle into developed plane There are 2 steps in the transpositions the airfoil to the stagger angle into developed plane: the translation of the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis and the rotation around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached [2]. The translation of the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis is illustrated in Fig. 4. The blade spindle axis center in x axis to be xspindle/l=0.3 because in that point, the airfoil has the maximum thickness [2]. The relations used for this translation is: Fig. 2 NACA 6421 with x ' = x - (xspindle / l) l (13) 0≤ x< L/l y ' = y - ( yspindle / l) l (14) d( yc / l) 2m / l ⎛ L x ⎞ = ⎜ - ⎟ d(x / l) (0≤x<L/l ) ( L / l)2 ⎝ l l ⎠ (7) (15) xspindle / l = 0.3 ! m / l # L xspindle yspindle / l = 2 ( L / l)2 # l l " L / l ≤ x ≤1 d( yc / l) 2m / l ⎛ L x ⎞ = ⎜ - ⎟ d(x / l) ( L/l≤x≤1) (1- L / l)2 ⎝ l l ⎠ With 2 !x $ - ## spindle && " l % $ & & % (16) (8) Based on Fig.2, equations required for generating points of the airfoil can be derived as follow. "x y % xu = $ - t sinϑ ' l #l l & "y y % yu = $ c + t cosϑ ' l l l # & "x y % xl = $ + t sinϑ ' l #l l & ⎛y y ⎞ yl = ⎜ c - t cos ϑ ⎟ l ⎝ l l ⎠ (9) (10) Fig. 4 Translation of the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis (11) (12) The illustration in Fig. 5 describes the process of the rotation around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached. The formulations for this rotation is: (17) X = −x 'cos( β c ) + y 'sin( β c ) ∞ Those points can be used to draw a profile of an airfoil in the plane. However airfoil profiles in the formation of the blade profiles are not drawn in some certain planes but it is formed from several airfoil profiles on some of the cylinder surfaces. So the next steps need to be done in order to do the transformation. c ∞ Y = −x 'sin( β∞ ) − y 'sin( β∞ c ) (18) Fig. 5 Rotation around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached Fig. 3 Drawing the airfoil profile on the plane C. The transposition of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces In this step, the airfoil is transposed from its plane to its cylindrical surface. The initial data for this transposition are > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < the coordinates (X, Y) of the transposed profile at the stagger angle β∞c in the developed plane. So, the current coordinates of the cylindrical coordinate system are (R, θ, Z) [2]. The illustration of this step is in Fig. 6. The equations used for this transposition is: dsec x 2 2X θ= dsec x R= Z =Y (19) (20) 4 • • • • • • • m/l to m_l_sec0 L/l to L_l_sec0 t/l to t_l_sec0 β∞c to beta_sec0 l to l_sec0 x to t x_spindle_sec0 for the position of center in x direction Notepad could be used to do the process of code generation, because it is available in every computer that is installed with Windows Operating System. (21) Fig. 7 Tool parameters of 3-D Equation Curve Fig. 6 Transposition of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces III. UTILIZING THE 3-D EQUATION CURVE IN AUTODESK INVENTOR 2015 The process for modeling in Autodesk Inventor 2015 using 3-D Equation Curve can be summarized into the following steps: • Generating the code for the Equation Curve Ø Transforming the geometrical characteristics variables to tool parameters Ø Preparing the equations of the airfoil in tool parameters Ø Translating the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis Ø Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached Ø Transposing the airfoils from plane to the computing cylindrical surfaces • Using the Equation Curve for sketching the airfoil profile • Creating the blade surfaces • Creating the solid model of the blade • Creating the solid model of the runner A. Transforming the geometrical characteristics variables to tool parameters. In order to use the 3-D Equation Curve tool in Autodesk Inventor 2015, the user needs to define the variables of the equation. For the case of modeling the runner, the geometrical characteristics in Table 1 must be transformed to parameters known to Inventor. For example, it is necessary to change the variables for section 0 as follow: • dsec to d_sec0 B. Preparing the equations code of airfoil for section 0 The tool parameters are then used to make the code for sketching the NACA Airfoil 4 Digit Series in the developed plane. Fig. 8 Thickness distribution of NACA airfoil 4 digit series Fig. 9 Mean lines of NACA airfoil 4 digit series > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < The code for thickness distribution is generated from Equation (3). Then, prepare the mean line equations code from Equation (4), (5), (7), and (8). To generate the code for the airfoil profile, the equations (9) to (12) can be used. There will be 4 line equations code consisting of: Line 1 (xu, yu at 0<t≤L/l) code, Line 2 (xu, yu at L/l≤t≤1) code, Line 3 (xl, yl at 0<t≤L/l) code, and Line 4 (xl, yl at L/l≤t≤1) code. The procedure for creating Line 1 code are: use the equations code of xu and yu, replace the yt/l with yt/l as in Fig.8, replace the d(yc/l)/d(x/l) with d(yc/l)/d(x/l) from Fig.9 at 0<t≤L/l, and finally replace yc/l with yc/l from Fig.9 at 0<t≤L/l. Repeat the process for other lines with their respective range of d(yc/l)/d(x/l) and yc/l. The result is shown in Fig. 11. 5 Fig. 12 Translating the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis process Repeat the procedure for the other Lines at other ranges. So there will be 4 Lines for each section: two lines for range 0<t≤L/l and two lines for range L/l≤t≤1. Fig. 10 Combining mean lines and thickness distribution of NACA airfoil 4 digit series Fig. 13 Translating the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis code (1) Fig. 11 NACA airfoil 4 digit series airfoil code C. Translating the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis The transformation (translation) process in code generation is done by using the equations (13) and (14). For the coordinate of the spindle axis, use equation (15) and (16). The procedure (for example the Line 1) is as follows: use the equations x’ and y’, replace the x and y with xu and yu respectively (from airfoil) at range 0<t≤L/l, replace xspd in x’ equation with xspd below the y’ equation, replace yspd in y’ equation with yspd below the xspd equation. The x’, y’ are renamed as xu’ and yu’ at range 0<t≤L/l. Fig. 14 Translating the coordinate system origin in the blade spindle axis code (2) D. Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached The equations that are used to transform (rotating) the previous code are the Equation (17) and (18), as it is shown below (Fig. 15). The procedure (for example the Line 1) is as follows: use the equations X and Y, replace x’ in X and Y equation with xu’ at range 0<t≤L/l, replace x’ in X and Y equation with yu’ at range 0<t≤L/l. The X, Y will be renamed as Xu and Yu at > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 6 range 0<t≤L/l. Repeat the procedure for the other Lines at other ranges. So there will be 4 Lines for each section: two lines for range 0<t≤L/l and two lines for range L/l≤t≤1. Fig. 18 Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached code (3) Fig. 15 Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached process E. Transposing of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces The last step is to build the code for Equation Curve. In this last step the previous 2-D cartesian coordinate system is transformed into 3-D cylindrical coordinate system. The equations used to transform the code are Equation (18) to (20), as shown below (Fig. 19). Fig. 16 Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached code (1) Fig. 19 Transposing of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces process Fig. 17 Rotating around the blade spindle axis until the stagger angle is reached code (2) Fig. 20 Transposing of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces code (1) > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < Fig. 21 Transposing of the airfoils from plane on the computing cylindrical surfaces code (2) The procedure (for example the Line 1) is as follows: use the equations R, T, and Z replace X in T equation with Xu at range 0<t≤L/l, replace Y in Z equation with Yu’ at range 0<t≤L/l. The R, T, and Z will be renamed as Ru, Tu, and Zu at range 0<t≤L/l. Repeat the procedure for the other Lines at other ranges. So there will be 4 Lines for each section: two lines for range 0<t≤L/l and two lines for range L/l≤t≤1. 7 Fig. 23 Define the variables in parameters Subsequently, input the value of these variables based on Table 1. Repeat this process for other sections by changing the “sec0” with its respective section such as “sec1” for section 1. Line 3 Line 1 Line 4 Line 2 Fig. 24 Create the sketch using Equation Curve in 3-D Sketch Fig. 22 Projected airfoil (3) F. Using the Equation Curve for sketching the airfoil profile The code that has been made must be inputted to Equation Curve. In order to make the tool to recognize the code, the variables of the code must be defined in the Inventor tool called Parameters. For example, the variables for section 0 have to be defined in Parameters as follows: • • • • • • • d_sec0 use the unit mm m_l_sec0 use the unit ul L_l_sec0 use the unit ul t_l_sec0 use the unit ul beta_sec0 use the unit deg l_sec0 use the unit mm x_spindle_sec0 use the unit ul After that, input the code in Equation Curve tool at 3-D Sketch with the coordinate type as cylindrical. For example to create the Line 1 for section 0: input the Ru from the notepad at the range 0<t≤L/l to r(t), input the Tu from the notepad at the range 0<t≤L/l to θ(t), and input the Zu from the notepad at the range 0<t≤L/l to z(t). Repeat this process for other lines in section 0. The result would be in Fig. 24. G. Creating the blade surfaces The blade is formed by 6 blade profiles. After creating the first airfoil for section 0 (Fig. 24) the other profiles can be generated using the code that was made previously (R, T, and Z) and input the code to Equation Curve. For example, to create the profile in section 1, change the “sec0” with “sec1”. Repeat this process for other profiles in other sections. The surfaces are: pressure side surface, suction side surface, hub side surface, and shroud side surface. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 8 I. Create the solid model of the runner There are 7 blades in the runner. The Pattern command can be used to copy the blade. The direction of pattern is circle (across the hub). Fig. 25 Profiles of the blade The creation of the blade surfaces has been done using 2 following commands: Boundary Patch and Loft. The boundary patch is used twice: creating the shroud side surface by using the section 0 profile and the hub side surface by using the section 5. The loft command (surface type) is used to create the pressure side and suction side surfaces. Fig. 28 Blades pattern Hub Side Pressure Side Shroud Side Suction Side Fig. 26 Surfaces of the blade H. Create the solid model of the blade From the surfaces that have been made, solid model of the blade can be generated, using Stitch command. For the purposes of meshing, in the next step fillet should be given to the trailing edge. Fig. 29 Solid model of the runner IV. ANALYSIS OF THE SOLID MODEL OF THE RUNNER CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is used for analyzing the performance of the designed blade and runner numerically. There are two steps of analyzing the model: meshing the model and simulating it as follows: A. Mesh the model with Gambit To simulate the runner model in CFD, the fluid surrounding the runner should be modeled (Fig. 30), before exporting it to Gambit. Fillet Fig. 27 Solid model of the blade Fig. 30 Negative model of the runner > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 9 • The SIMPLE scheme and Gradient are used as GreenGauss Node Based [9]. • The Initialization type is used as Hybrid Initialization [10]. After the simulation set the following boundary condition for Turbo Topology [11]: • Runner_Inlet as Inlet • Runner_Outlet as Outlet • Runner_Hub as Hub • Runner_Case as Case • Runner_Blades as Blade • Default-Interior as Theta Periodic The hydraulic efficiency reported by Turbo Topology is 85.45 %. Fig. 31 The mesh of the runner The negative model is created by subtracting the cylinder with a height equal to the height of the runner and a diameter equal to the diameter of the runner with the model of the runner. The negative model is then exported to Gambit in ACIS format file (.sat). Set the boundary conditions as follow: • On the inlet surface use Pressure Inlet and give the name Runner_Inlet. • On the outlet surface use Pressure Outlet and give the name Runner_Outlet. • On the hub surface use Wall and give the name Runner_Hub. • On the case surface use Wall and give the name Runner_Case. • On the blades surface use Wall and give the name Runner_Blades. Set the Continuum type of the model as Fluid. Mesh the model with hexahedral volume element and Cooper type. Hexahedral is chosen because of its accuracy [6]. The number of element is 53000. B. Model simulation using ANSYS Fluent The simulation has to be set at the design condition of the runner. The runner is designed for Head = 7 m, flowrate = 0.5 m3/s, and rotational speed = 750 rpm. The following setup has been done before running the simulation using the ANSYS Fluent: • The viscous is set to k-epsilon standard [7]. • The material type is set to water fluid. • The cell zone condition is set to frame motion with rotation velocity is 750 rpm with z as rotation axis [8]. • Boundary conditions are set as follow: Ø Runner_Inlet as Pressure Inlet with Gauge Pressure 68532 Pa (Head=7 m). Ø Runner_Outlet as Pressure Outlet with Gauge Pressure 0 Pa. Ø Runner_Hub and Runner_Blades as Moving Wall with Rotation as moving type and relative to adjacent cell. Ø Runner_Case as Stationary Wall. Fig. 32 The hydraulic efficiency of the runner V. CONCLUSION • • Propeller water turbine runner could be modeled using Autodesk Inventor 2015 using 3-D Equation Curve. The simulation shows that the efficiency of the runner is quite satisfactory. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] D. Nedelcu, I. Padurean, “CAD Modelling of Axial Blade Turbine using Autodesk Inventor”, Scientific Bulletin of the Politechnica University Timisoara, Romania, ISSN 1224 – 6077, No. 1, 2007 T. Milos, M. O. Popoviciu, I. Bordeasu, R. Badarau, A. Bej, and D. Bordeasu, “The 3d blade surface generation for kaplan turbines using analytical methods and cad techniques,” Hidraulica, 2013. E. N. Jacobs, K. E. Ward, and R. M. Pinkerton, “The characteristics of 78 related airfoil sections from tests in the variable-density wind tunnel,” National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Tech. Rep., 1935. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < [6] R. Biswas and R. C. Strawn, “Tetrahedral and Hexahedral Mesh Adaptation for CFD Problem”, Applied Numerical Mathematics Journal, Vol. 26, issues 1-2. [7] [8] Docs_logiciels/Fluent/Tutorials/Introductory/tutorial10/tut10.pdf [9] ANSYS, “Solver Settings, Introductory Fluent Training”, Fluent User Service Center, 2006. [10] M. Keating, “Accelerating CFD Solutions”, ANSYS Inc, 2011. [11] fine.html Indra Djodikusumo was born in Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia at the 18th of January 1955. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Institute of Technology Bandung, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, in 1978 in the field of Production Engineering. He got his Masters Degree of Mechanical Engineering in 1981 in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium in the field of Production Engineering and his Doctoral’s Degree in Engineering in 1994 in the Technical University Berlin in the field of System Planning. He has been a Lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the Institute of Technology Bandung from 1978 to present. The first author is an active member of the Association of Hydro Bandung, and the technical member of Indonesian National Standard in the field of Microhydro. He has invented patent for silent chains of the timing chains in motorcycle’s internal combustion engines that are now already manufactured in mass production scale for after market in Indonesia. Some of his works are: • Tolerance Stack Analysis in Francis Turbine Design, Journal of Engineering and Tecnological Sciences, Institute of Technology Bandung, 2010. • Design, 3-D Modeling and Simulation of Propeller Turbine Runner Utilizing NACA Profile, currently being reviewed at the Journal of Engineering and Tecnological Sciences in Institute of Technology Bandung. • A book entitled Guideline of Designing the Runner for a Propeller Turbine, which will be published very soon. View publication stats 10 His research projects were in the fields of automotive components, micro- and mini hydro turbine and agricultural post harvesting machineries. His research focus is in the field of Reverse Engineering. I Nengah Diasta was born in Bali, Indonesia, in 1965. He received the B.S Degree in 1991 and M.S. Degree in 1997 from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia. He has been an Expert Research Assistant in Fluid Mechanic Laboratory in Institute of Technology Bandung since 1994. The second author participated in various seminars and conferences related to turbo machinery. Some of his recent publications are: • Simulation and Investigation of the Air-Foil Motion in the Extremely Low Head Ducted Darrieus Type Water Turbine (RCNRE 2012) and • Quasi 3-D Inverse Design Method, Optimization Criterion for Very Low Head Axial Turbine Design (FTEC 2011). His research interests include: fluid mechanics and fluid machinery. Fachri Koeshardono was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 1990. He received the B.S and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from the Institute of Technology Bandung in 2015. From 2012, he has been a Research Assistant in Mechanical Production Engineering Laboratory. He is the author of paper entitled “Kaji Konservasi Energi Pemanfaatan Panas Limbah Proses Dyeing, Drying, and Stentering Pabrik Tekstil”. His research interests include textile process, Microhydro turbine, CAD modelling, and reverse engineering.