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Prophet Sulaiman Islamic Studies

Prophet Sulaiman (‫)عليه السالم‬
1. He was the youngest son of Prophet Dawud (‫)عليه السالم‬
2. He had the ability to talk to animals
Surah An-Naml
3. He could also control Jinn
4. The Quran narrates that the wind was made subservient to
Sulaiman (‫)عليه السالم‬, and he could control it at his own will
َ َّ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ٰ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ
5. An ayat in Surah Sad says ‘ ‫ووهبنا نلداوۥد سليمـن ۚ نَّعم ٱلعبد ۖ نَُِّۥ أواب‬
‘ which translates to ‘And We blessed David with Solomon—
what an excellent servant he was! Indeed, he constantly turned
to Allah’
6. He became King after the death of his father
7. An important aspect of his kingship was the size of his army
which consisted of both men and jinn
8. The Quran relates (in Surah Saba’) that Prophet Sulaiman
(‫ )عليه السالم‬died while he was leaning upon his staff and that he
remained standing, propped up by it, until a little creature – a
worm – gnawed at it, until, finally, it gave way – and only then
did his body collapse.
9. As he remained upright, propped on his staff, the jinn
thought he was still alive and supervising them
10. This verse is understood to teach the audience that jinn do
not know the unseen (Al-Ghaib) – had they known it, they
would not have remained toiling like fools in the service of a
dead man