Uploaded by Emma Young

Structure of a Call Story: Biblical Narrative Pattern

The Structure of a Call Story
Bible stories of God calling an
individual and giving him/her a
these stories follow a particular
1. Confrontation with God.
begins with an encounter with God
God’s power is contrasted to that of
the person being called
2. Introductory Speech
God’s revelation - God identifies
Godself in a way that the one being
called will recognize
God speaks first
3. Imparting of a Mission
God gives the one who is called a
special task
the important phrase in these call
stories is “I send you…”,
4. Objection by the prophet to be
the one called responds that he/she
is not capable of doing what God
has asked
5. Reassurance by God
 God reassures the prophet that God
will assist the prophet in this task.
 God promises to be with the one who is
called, to protect and support
 The central theme is: “Do not be
afraid. I am with you.”
6. The Sign
 The Sign demonstrates that what God
has called the prophet to do will in fact