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Daily Training Program: Strength & Conditioning Workouts

Use the following list of low intensity, mini-workouts to increase the week’s training volume,
address weaknesses, “injury proof” the body, and assist in recovery.
EDT 1:
2-3 Sets of 100 Reps, Triceps pushdowns using a mini - strong band.
Sets should be unbroken, rest as needed between efforts.
EDT 2:
3 Sets
50 Shoulder Rotations Forward
25 Band Pull Aparts
50 Shoulder Rotations to the Rear
25 Band Pull Aparts
EDT 3:
5 Sets
Perform 50% of the Strict Pull Ups (Or Ring Row) you are capable of.
20 Hammer Curls
EDT 4:
Perform 10 Sets of 10 Feet Elevated Push Ups, Rest approximately 10 Seconds Between Sets.
EDT 5:
50 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean, select a weight that allows for one unbroken set.
EDT 6:
4 Sets of 30-50 Banded Good Morning.
(Minimum ROM is the angle of your torso in the dead lift)
EDT 7:
2 x 5:00 ATP Walk, or Banded Marching if no ATP / Belt Squat is available.
EDT 8:
5 Sets:
10 Steps (Per Leg) High Box Weighted Step Up.
15-20 Strict Hanging Knee Raise.
EDT 9:
3:00 Unbroken Russian Kettle Bell Swings, switch to alternating hands, if grip begins to fail.
EDT 10:
3 x 25 Romanian Dead Lift With a Moderate Weight.
EDT 11:
3 Sets
20 Push Ups
50’ Waking Lunge
10 Pull Up (if 10 reps is “too easy” add external weight, but do not exceed 10-12 reps)
EDT 12:
4 Sets of 100m Bear Crawl, rest as needed between efforts.
The original “Dirty Dozen” from the growing list of EDT (Every Day Training) focuses small
workouts on muscle groups and systems within the body. It was designed primarily to add
volume to lagging muscle groups and target weakness.
The primary focus of Conjugate Tactical will always be building upon our maximal strength
without letting our conditioning and explosive power suffer, so we are now creating the list of
hard hitters; Short to moderate length workouts that will expose us to the high heart rate, gut
punch feeling we all must expose ourselves to.
The following list of workouts should be used if and when additional conditioning outside of the
baseline program is needed. The four primary training days should still remain the focus of the
week, and the inclusion of these workouts should be done in a way that does not interfere with
the big four, and addresses the need for increasing work capacity, so choose wisely!
3 Sets
20 Alternating Lunge Jumps
30 KB Swing into Upright Row
1x20 Push Press @ 60-70% Unbroken
4 Sets
Row/Ski 150m
3 Burpee Pull Up
Sprint 10 yds
Back Pedal to start
Sprint 20 yds
Back Pedal to start
Sprint 30 yds
Back Pedal to start
Sprint 40 yds
Back Pedal to start
Sprint 50 yds
Back Pedal to start
40 Squats @ 35-40% of your 1rm Unbroken
300 meter stone carry at chest
Stop and perform 3 Burpee to tuck jump every 30 seconds
This list of a half dozen Hard Hitters should not be the only exposure you have to the short
intense sessions, it- like all things Conjugate is the launch pad for your own creation and
exploration. It will, however, ensure that the 3:00 and below (a copper slugging it out with a bad
guy) time frame is filled with the proper intensity.
Week 1
Day One:
ME Lower
Establish a One Rep Max Squat
Using 40-45% of your 1rm squat, set your feet as wide as possible and perform 4-5 Sets of 5-8
Box Squats to a box at
appropriate height that allows you to maintain perfect form.
5 Sets
3-5 Good Morning +
Max Reps Pull Ups
4 Sets of 8-10 Reps, GHR, Inverse Curl, or Band Assisted GHR.
2 x 3:00 Set max rep weighted step ups
4 x 12 Reverse Hypers, use 50% of your 1rm squat for pendulum weight.
Mission Brief:
For the 1rm Squat, Do not fail, it is better to leave a few pounds in the tank than to train to failure
each ME session.
Preservation of the CNS is one of, if not the, top priorities in Westside Tactical. Maintain your
current preferred squat
Moving into the ultra wide box squat drills, 40-45% is a guide, lighter is better here- this is a
chance to direct some very
effective work into the hips and glutes. Manipulate the box height intra workout, as you loosen
up it is ok to reduce
box height. This will be a 4 week focus, aiming at building mobility and strength in the hips.
Remember to push the
floor apart while rising off of the box.
Good Mornings and Pull Ups, it should be very obvious that the emphasis here is to train the
backside of the body.
Rarely if ever will you see a recommended weight for good mornings-use common sense and
focus on form over
intensity. The default pull up for Westside Tactical is a strict dead hang pull up with the chin
passing the top of the bar.
Feel free to modify the pull ups, grips, added weight, chest to bar etc... If band assistance is
needed, begin set one with
the most assistance and perform the most reps, work the assistance down until the last set is your
hardest. If Pull Ups
are going to be omitted due to training needs, or injury, the “feet up ring row” is our go to
Inverse Curls or Glute Ham Raises, strict form is absolutely 100% crucial here, the GHR or
pursuing a perfect rep is
now a huge part of your life.
2 Rounds of Step Ups: These should be performed on a step that places the top of the knee
slightly above parallel. For
three minutes perform weighted repetitions, 5 reps on each leg before switching. For the added
weight men should use
2 x 35 lbs dumbbells, or kettlebells women will use 20lbs. Start each three minute round with the
bells in the racked
position, once fatigue, place your weights on the shoulders until fatigued, then drop the weights
to your sides in a
farmer’s walk position and continue... Do not stop working, if this position fatigues out remove
one bell and hold only
one weight however is needed to finish the three minutes, if one weight fails, continue at bodyweight only. Rest as
needed before second set.
Reverse Hypers, follow the recommended percentages, if no hyper is present spend your cool
down time stretching
and working the low back out at a low intensity.
Week 1
Day Two:
ME Upper
Build to a Heavy Set of 3 Push Press, Do Not Fail.
3-4 Sets of 10-12 Incline Dumbbell Bench
4 Sets
8 Rolling Tricpes
20 Triceps Push Downs, with pause at bottom.
6 x 8, Bent Over Rows + HCHP til near failure.
8:00 As Many Rounds As Possible Max Rep Push Ups
20 Kettle Bell Swings
Mission Brief:
The main movement today is the push press, perform with the position you prefer, I personally
push press behind my
head with a snatch grip- as I feel it has the biggest carry over to my bench press, this position
advantageous if you are also lacking flexibility in the wrists. Do not fail on your attempt, during
this first phase of
training we are going to be maxing out and testing our primary lifts to gather training data that is
needed. Today is a
training day, but not a tester, as we tested the squat Monday.
For the Incline Dumbbells, if no dumbbells are present yes you can use a bar, but we have seen
the biggest carry over
in strength gains and shoulder mobility come from using dumbbells due greater stretch in the
shoulders, and pressing
with palms facing inboard or at a 45 degree angle, also fewer shoulder injuries when the bar is
Triceps work, 8 reps for the rolling tricep is a catch all number today, you can take these up to 10
reps per set, but no
fewer than 7, select a proper weight, and don’t be afraid to adjust set to set. For the push downs,
use a band or
machine- make 20(ish) reps difficult, pause for about a second at the bottom- place your elbows
in a position that
makes the lower head of the triceps light up, as this is the goal for most of our tricep work.
Bent over rows and hang clean high pulls; bent over rows are to be done nice and strict, upon
completing the 8th bent
over row, while still holding on to the bar, stand up and shift gears into Hang Clean High Pulls,
perform quick, but
full ROM, reps until near failure- rest as needed between sets.
Today we have a second workout in the day’s training, in the form of a dedicated conditioning
session. This can be
done at the end of the strength session after a brief recovery period, or as a second workout later
in the day. To
execute, set a clock for eight minutes. Rep out as many push ups as possible, intentionally take
each set of push ups to
failure or near failure- we are training, not gaming a workout for competition’s sake. Once your
sets of push ups ends,
immediately perform 20 Russian KB swings, the Russian swing is our Go-To swing in WSBB/T,
not the over head,
then return to push ups.
Record the total push ups completed in this workout for future reference.
Additional work in the form of an upper body / or lower body EDT can also be performed at a
low level of intensity,
or an additional stretching workout for the shoulders, arms, and back at the end of the night.
Week 1
Day Three:
DE Lower
10 x 2 Box Squat @ 65% of your One Rep Max Squat- Perform 3 Strict Pull Ups Between Sets.
8-10 Singles, Dead Lift @ 80% of your one Rep Max DL.
2 x 15 Light to moderate weight, ultra wide sets of Sumo Dead Lift.
4 Sets of 12-15 Reps: Inverse Curl, Modified GHR, or GHR
2 x 5:00 ATP Walks, if no ATP is present, perform 2 five minute rounds of WSBB/T Banded
100 banded Good Mornings
100 Upright Row
4 x 20 Reverse Hyper @ 25% of 1RM Squat
1000m Row
800m Row
600m Row
400m Row
200m Row
Mission Brief:
Ten sets of two box squats! Remember the main movements on our dynamic days focuses on
force development, and
in Westside Tactical we will begin to implement an element of fatigue-proofing, but for this first
three week wave, we
are supersetting each set of two with three strict pull ups. Move quickly through this portion of
your workout, squats
and pull ups should be completed well within 10 minutes.
Dead Lifts, Work at or slightly under 80% of your current one rep max deadlift. Though we do
not have bands
attached this wave, start getting used to moving the bar as fast as you can control it. DO NOT get
soft at the top!
After completing the day’s DL training- drop the bar down to something much lighter and
perform a couple drop sets
in a wider than normal sumo stance possibly on risers for added difficulty, or if you haven’t
performed sumo in the
past, use this as a chance to practice form.
More GHR work, stay tight and work the full ROM. Reduce reps and sets if needed, there is little
to no value in bad
reps here.
ATP walking! Set the feet wide, use a weight that is hard and put out for 5 minutes. If no ATP or
belt squat is present,
perform 5:00 of the modified Westside Tactical banded marching set up.
More accessories, we will be using high rep sets and numbers for the next few weeks, if 100
straight reps can not be
performed partition as needed, the goal of the banded good mornings and upright rows is to add
volume to the day’s
Reverse Hypers, lighter and more than Monday, but essential to our week’s training. Total
volume here will be close to
4x the volume squatted- this is another guideline for organizing training.
Conditioning work, rowing- if for some reason a rower isn’t available in your area complete the
distances with running
or a fan bike. Rest as needed between sets.
Week One
Day Four
DE Upper
10 x 3 Push Press @ 70% of 1RM
2 Sets of 6 Close Grip Bench Press, choose a weight that can be completed without struggle.
4 Sets:
12-15 Skull Crushers +
20 Dips
3 Sets (Do Not Drop Dumbbells)
20 Bent Over Rear Fly
20 Lat Raises
3 Sets
1:30 Max Rep Dumbbell Hang Cleans
:30 Rest
1:30 30” Box Jumps (Step Down Each Rep)
:30 Rest
*200 Triceps Push Downs
*100 Band Pull Aparts
Mission Brief:
More push press, comparable to what we did with our squats, one day heavy, one day light. If
70% becomes too
much, reduce to 60-65%- bar speed is more important today than weight.
After push pressing we have some close grip bench work that needs to be done, this is going to
be a starting point for
several weeks of increasing weight so please start with a weight that is doable without a doubt,
usually about 65-75%
of your 1rm is a good starting point. Do not grind on a rep and do not build up. 2 sets is all you
Accessory work, skull crushers and dips- take your bar to either the forehead, nose, chin, or
throat, or one set of
each, though I would prefer you pick the hardest point and work all sets there, even at a lighter
weight or fewer reps.
Dips, if twenty is not possible, add a band assist to complete 15-20 Reps.
Getting into our back accessories, we have a lot of volume, but very little intensity as the days
conditioning will have
more back work in it in the form of Dumbbell Hang Cleans. 20 reps of each, bent over rear flies
and 20 lat raises,
choose a weight that allows for all 40 reps to be completed without stopping.
Conditioning- three x 4:00 rounds, 12 total minutes. 90 seconds of dumbbell hang cleans, thirty
seconds rest,
followed by 90 seconds of box jumps, for the box jumps do not “string” the jumps together- step
down each time, yes
this will reduce the number of reps that can be completed in each set, but it will help develop
explosive power as each
jump will become a “first rep” ideally you are going to transition straight from strength training
into your
conditioning with today’s workload.
To finish the day, either in the gym or in the evening complete 100 band push downs unbroken
and one hundred
pull aparts. This should not be a completive effort, just move and stretch
Week 2
Day One:
ME Lower
Build to a heavy set of 3 Box Squat, against Red Mini Bands.
Box Squat Drills:Using 40-45% of your 1rm squat, set your feet as wide as possible and perform
4-5 Sets of 5-8 Box
Squats to a box at appropriate height that allows you to maintain perfect form. This box should
be slightly lower than
last week’s
5 Sets
3 Good Mornings
5-7 Weighted Pull Up
4 Sets of 6-8 Reps, GHR, Inverse Curl, or Band Assisted GHR.
3 Sets:
30 Alternating Weighted Step Ups
30 Russian Kettle Bell Swings
4 x 12 Reverse Hypers, use 50% of your 1rm squat for pendulum weight.
40 Burpee Box Jump for time
Mission Brief:
After testing the squat last week in order to identify our 1rm for future programming we are
taking the squat to a heavy
triple this week, against mini bands. Do not make an attempt that prevents three reps from being
Once the main movement is done we have a repeat of last week’s wide stance box squat work,
this week’s work should
work up to a lower box than last week- focus on your knees and ensure they aren’t collapsing
during the eccentric or
concentric phase of the movement.
Moving into the accessory work you will see that the exercises and combinations look similar to
last week’s- remember
we are reducing variety at times in order to pursue greater levels of progress. For the weighted
pull ups the added
weight should be the reason the set ends in the 5-7 rep range- choose accordingly.
For the step ups and swings, set the step higher than last week, the hips should be well below the
top of the knee at the
start of each rep. The kettle bell swings should be heavy, and not over head.
Reverse Hypers, if one is not present perform several minutes of low intensity low back work of
your choice and
stretch/foam roll.
40 Burpee Box Jumps for time... conditioning workouts on ME Lower will not always be
included in the program, if
they are typically the intensity will be high and the length will be short, this is the beginning of
the training week, and
we do not want to be crushed on the first day, thus sabotaging the week’s training. That being
said, if your goals or job
require more conditioning, increase the conditioning for your needs- in the event that this is done,
separate your
conditioning from the strength work by no less than 4 hours.
For the burped portion, try to maintain a cadence during the movement, do not sprawl to the
ground for “time’s sake”
sprawls will have their place in the workouts. Box height should be practical. Time goal is under
Week 2
Day Two: ME Upper
Build to a One Rep Max Bench Press.
3 x 10 Floor Press, w/ pause at bottom.
4 x 12-15 Seated Shoulder Press, use a pair of dumbbells totaling 30-50% of your 1rm shoulder
5 Sets
10-12 Rolling Tricpes
25-30 Triceps Push Downs
5 Sets
5-8 Bent Over Row
10 Romanian Dead Lift 10 Hang Clean High Pull
For Time:
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
10 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
9 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
8 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
7 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
6 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
5 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
4 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
3 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
2 Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean
1 Push Up
Mission Brief:
For the main movement this week, we are testing the bench press. There is no need to change
your grip or do
anything outside the normal habits of benching. If a 1rm is not known lift the biggest weight you
can without
sacrificing form- I.e. ass stays on the bench!
After completing the main movement there are a few drop sets of floor press, a working
percentage is not needed
here- the sets should be challenging.
Accessory work, will build upon last week’s efforts. More rolling triceps and push downs, try to
select a heavier weight
for the dumbbells and complete more reps with this week than last. The push downs have also
increased in volume.
For the back work you will notice an increase in work to the barbell complex from last week in
the form of adding
Romanian Dead Lifts. Complete each set unbroken- your strict bent over row weight will dictate
the bar weight used.
Conditioning- This hang clean and push ups workout will be a cornerstone of training for
Westside Tactical. The
main reason is I don’t feel that you can accommodate this work out and not make progress. The
goal is to complete
each set of both exercises unbroken from the top of the list down. A slight pause between sets is
preferred to failing a
task. Select a starting dumbbell weight that you know you can complete the work with without
The time goal for this workout is roughly 7:00, if you are finishing in under 5:00 you need to
grab heavier dumbbells
for the next go. In WS/T fast workout times are great, and decreasing times over the year are
what we want, but the
focus and most important task is STRENGTH! Do not forfeit quality for “bragging rights”
This conditioning session should be completed as a second workout several hours after the day’s
strength training and
after a few high protein meals have been consumed. Ideally a small rest or nap would also occur
prior to this session.
However; if this is not a possibility give yourself at least a few minutes after completing the
strength training to stretch
out and hydrate prior to this.
Typically this day will be a Wednesday on the schedule, and Thursday will be a full day of rest or
active recovery. Plan
on resting the day following ME Upper regardless of where it falls on your calendar during these
first few weeks
Day 5hree
DE -oXer
10 x 2 Box Squat @ 70% of your One Rep Max Squat- Perform 5 Strict Pull Ups Between Sets.
Dead lift for 8 sets of 2 @ 75% of your one rep max DL
3 x 10 Light to moderate weight, ultra wide sets of Sumo Dead Lift, stand on risers
15 Reps of Inverse Curl, GHR, or Band Assist GHR
40 Banded Good Mornings
3 x 4:00 ATP Walks, if no ATP is present, perform 2 five minute rounds of WSBB/T Banded
20-30 Chest Supported Row or Seal Row
25 Reverse Hypers at 25% of your 1rm Squat
Choose the workout most applicable to your
field / goal.
2 Mile Run for Time or 15:00 On Row, Ski, or Fan Bike 3 Sets of 10 Min on Step Mill
8 x 150m Sprints- Rest as needed between efforts.
Mission Brief:
The main movements, this is week two of a three week “traditional” Westside style pendulum
wave for the squats, the
short term goal is to complete this week’s squat training faster than last weeks- weights are 5%
heavier and the super set
of pull ups has increased by two reps per set.
For the dead lifts, we are still working sumo drills within our strength training, the option to
increase difficulty by
standing on a small riser- 10 lbs bumper plate, or 2” risers is more than enough. If form starts to
go reduce weight, or
cut the eight sets short.
Accessories... 3 sets of GHR work with the addition of high rep banded good mornings. With the
band it is ok to
increase ROM past the limiting point of barbell good mornings.
For the marches or belt squat walks, a third set is included, but sets are shortened by a minutethis means difficulty
must increase, add weight or a weighted vest to the training.
We finish with two back exercises, rows and light Reverse Hypers. If no chest supported row is
present, perform seal
rows on a utility bench, if this isn’t present standing face pulls for high reps can be performed. Be
hesitant to use bent
over rows here, as the low back should be quite fatigued at this point.
Conditioning- Choose one of the three options and perform after ample recovery from the day’s
strength training. This
should take place no sooner than 4 hours after completing the initial training load, if a long
duration “sustained pace”
endurance session has been completed in your normal day’s training. Or unit PT- omit this work
and replace with a
mini workout from the EDT list.
Week Two
Day Four
DE Upper
10 x 3 Push Press @ 70% of 1RM
2 Sets of 6 Close Grip Bench Press, choose a weight 5-10 lbs heavier than last week.
5 Sets:
10 Skull Crushers
15 Weighted Dips
4 Sets of 12-15 Bent Over Row.
3 Sets (Do Not Drop Dumbbells)
20 Bent Over Rear Fly
20 Lat Raises
20 Hammer Curls
For Time:
20 Rounds
2 Box Jumps, Use a tall box.
5 Two Kettle Bell Press (or push press)
Mission Brief:
This is week two of three for our initial three week wave, during our on-ramp / adjustment phase
of training. Reps and
percentages are the same as week, one. A small goal for the main movement is to complete the
work load faster than
last week.
Do not sacrifice form and bar speed for time, but work in a slight state of fatigue.
After completing the main movement get back on the bench press and perform two more sets of
close grip bench same
as last week, but add 5-10 lbs this week. Do not make a giant jump, these sets should challenge
you, but reps should not
slow to a “grind” at any point.
For accessories, we are increasing difficulty with the skull crushers and weighted dips, still
performed as a super set.
After completing the triceps work, perform 4 sets- add a fifth if you felt it is needed, of bent over
rows. You will also
notice the addition of the 20 hammer curls to the high volume back work- use one pair of
dumbbells for all 60 reps per
Conditioning, self explanatory. Tall Box is a subjective term, aim to use a box above your knee,
but not too close to
your max height. The two KB Presses are for 5 reps per set. We need these to be difficult through
out, this is the last
training session of the week- its ok to crawl away from this one but do not let your KB weight
exceed 80% of your one
rep max standing barbell press
Week 3
Day One:
ME Lower
Build to a 1 rep max Dead Lift, sumo or conventional-your call- NO STRAPS! Or
**Build to a heavy set of 2 reps while standing on 4” tiles**
Box Squat Drills: If the box is now below parallel and form is proper throughout the ROM, work
5-7 sets around 50%
of the 1rm Squat for 4-5 reps per set. If the box is not below parallel stick with he 40-45% for 4-5
sets for 5-8 reps.
3 Sets
2-3 Good Mornings +
1 Weighted Pull Up.
Build to a difficult set of 3 reps; Inverse Curl, GHR, or assisted GHR
4 Sets
12 Reverse Hypers, use 50% of your 1rm squat for pendulum weight. +
20-30 Face Pulls
60 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jumps
60 Kettlebell Swings
Mission Brief:
The main movement this week is another tester, this time the deadlift, build to a new one rep max
or confirm your
current one rep max, if unknown. If you have recently contested your deadlift (within the last
month) you may not
want to test it again, if this is the case, perform the 2 rep option **.
Normally we wouldn’t squat after dead lifting, but again this is our initial training phase and we
only have so many
days in a week. That being said, if the body or CNS is taxed from the Dead Lift, you can omit the
squats altogether, but
it is important that we get down on the box in a wide stance ASAP. Be smart on this one.
Accessory work and conditioning are condensed today, for the good mornings and pull ups, get
the good mornings
heavier than last week, and the pull up from each set should be a very hard and heavy weight.
For the difficult sets of Inverse Curls or GHR, start easy and stretch out, then begin eliminating
assistance each set until
the last set is extremely difficult to complete.
Reverse Hypers and face pulls, perform these as a super set at the end of the strength portion of
the days training if the
conditioning is going to be done as a second work out (Recommended) If the day’s training has
to be completed as one
session, perform the Hypers and pulls after the conditioning work.
Conditioning, again short and sweet, 60-30-60 one time through, with the jumps, choose the
option you feel is most
important to you, if performed as “first jumps” by stepping down each set we are going to be
building more power, but
will be forfeiting a certain degree of our conditioning, if the jumps are strung together completion
time will be faster,
and our gas tank is gonna get some extra attention. There is no right or wrong, only variety on
Week 3
Day Two:
ME Upper
Build to a One Rep Max Standing Shoulder Press
3 Sets
7-8 Dumbbell Floor Press, with 1 sec pause (triceps on the deck) +
Max Rep, Feet Elevated Push Ups.
5 Sets
7-10 Rolling Triceps, on slight incline +
No less than 50 Triceps push downs
4 Sets
5 Bent Over Row
8 Romanian Dead Lift
8 Hang Clean High Pull
8 Standing Press (use a push press if needed to finish the set unbroken)
2 x 5:00 Rounds.
30 Alternating, one arm hang clean and press with one dumbbell
10 Dips
Rest as needed between rounds.
Mission Brief:
Main Movement... Contesting the standing shoulder press, I’m not sure why the world frowns on
belting up for this
movement, but I highly recommend wearing your belt for the press, especially after deadlifting
heavy on Monday.
Establish a one rep max on the lift, we need this number on hand.
Similar to Monday, the accessory work is condensed and difficulty has increased.
The Floor Press and push ups super sets and the triceps work should be self explanatory- any
questions just ask them
in the discussion tab, and we can address.
For the back oriented barbell complex; a hang clean will be performed after finishing the last
high pull in order to
transition into the presses.
Conditioning: The day after day 2 training is going to be rest and active recovery, really try to
complete a true
maximum reps per round on these two rounds.
Complete today’s training in one session if time permits, if a second workout is desired, a very
light sled pull for 10-20
minutes or a casual walk is all that is recommended, along with your preferred recovery work;
massage gun, yoga,
rolling, tempering etc...
Week 3
Day Three:
DE Lower
Dead Lift for 10 sets of 3 @ 65% of your 1rm Sumo DL, if Sumo Dead number is not known,
use a challenging weight.
Super set each set of deadlifts with 4 Lateral Multi Jumps.
3 x 20 Inverse Curl, GHR, or weight assisted GHR.
2 x 6:00 ATP Walks, if no ATP is present, perform 1 10 minute rounds of WSBB/T Banded
10-15 Chest Supported Row or Seal Row
25 Reverse Hypers at 25% of your 1rm Squat
8-10 100m Sprints (rest as needed between efforts
Mission Brief:
We are wrapping up our first full 3 week wave, this one was completed with no band tension,
next wave we will begin
to implement bands and chains. Eight sets of two reps at 75%, the pull ups were removed so the
focus can stay on the
Dead Lifts and multi jumps, dead lifts should be performed as sumo unless injury or a specific
reason prevents you
from doing so, the superset with the lift is lateral multi jumps, essentially four broad jumps after
you complete the 3rd
deadlift. Don’t be so eager to go jump that your final rep doesn’t get our best attention, lock it out
set the bar down, go
Accessory work... Basically last week only harder.
Conditioning, go to a field, track, or stay indoors... While your careers may require you to sprint
on pavement and
concrete, training does not. We will never recommend sprinting on pavement due to the risk to
your hamstrings and
knee health
Week 3
Day Four
DE Upper
10 x 3 Push Press @ 70% of 1RM
2 sets of 6 close grip bench press, choose a weight 5-10 lbs heavier than last week.
7 sets:
7-8 Skull Crushers
Max Reps Dips
Sets of 12-15 Bent Over Row.
Sets (Do Not Drop Dumbbells)
20 Bent Over Rear Fly
20 Lat Raises
20 Hammer Curls
20 Seated Shoulder Press, palms facing inward.
set of 5:00 Alternating Cross Body Curls with two dumbbells.
Mission Brief:
Week 3 of the Push Press is wrapping up just as the three week wave has
wrapped up on DE Lower.
Follow the same protocol as last week for the 2x6 close grip bench.
Accessories, Skull crushers should be heavier than last week, dips lighter, but reps increase to
failure or near failure
each set. Do not try to preserve a certain number each set, make the dips hard If you did the same
number in set
seven as you did in set one you haven’t tried hard enough. It’s training, and it has to be hard...
There’s a reason why
we need to get into the long sets and painful reps.
Bent over rows, are bent over rows... For the dumbbell complex, we have now added 20 seated
shoulder press to each
round, again do not fail.
There is also a single five minute set of cross body dumbbell curls, this is a drill we have adapted
from the Russian
Judo teams of the past, great for strength endurance and shoulder health. Use a pair of dumbbells
totaling about 20%
of your body weight for this first session, if you are unfamiliar with the workout. It is not an
AMRAP, the goal is to
move constantly. Grippers, muscles, and lungs will be taxed.
Week 3
Day Five.
Complete a 2-3 mile walk/run or 30:00 bike ride at a casual effort. The goal today is to layer in
more work for the
training week, and to engage in some active recovery.
Optional second workout:
Week 4
Day 1
Modified ME Lower
Prior to warming up for squats: Complete 2 Sets of 15 Bench Press, One close grip, one
competition grip or wider.
Do not warm up, do these 2 sets void of building up in weight.
Build to a Set of 2, Front squat at or about 85% of your 1rm Squat.
10 Sets
5-8 Romanian Dead Lifts
10 Ring Row or Pull Ups
200 Banded Hamstring Curls
4 Sets
12 Reverse Hypers @ 55% of your 1rm Squat
15-20 Upright Rows with Dumbbells
Conditioning 1:
30 Sets for time of two vertical squat jumps + 1 Box Jump
Conditioning 2:
For 20 Minutes,
Pull a sled 100’
20 Lunges (10 Per Leg)
20 Push Ups
Mission Brief:
This will be a modified training week, we have spent 3 weeks contesting at least one lift per
week, and for some
adapting to a completely new style of training. The focus of these modified weeks is to recover
from the heavy
training and allow the CNS to recover as well. By increasing the effort on our strength endurance
and cardiovascular
conditioning we are not only aiding in recovery, but building up or GPP/SPP for real world
potential needs.
Now that a majority of our testing and assessing is done, we can begin to move forward to the
full training style of
Westside Tactical. Prior to most ME Lower Body sessions there will be a pressing movement
added at a moderate
difficulty. This week is 2x15 Bench Press; one set narrow grip, one set at competition grip or
slightly wider. Choose a
weight that you know all reps and sets can be performed at a weight that is 100% doable and no
“grinding” of the
reps occurs toward the end of either set.
For the main movement, get to a heavy set of two front squats, your final set should be at or
around 85% do not
exceed 85%, but do not fail at 85% if it is not doable.
Next is 10 sets, performed as a super set of Romanian Dead Lifts and Ring Rows or Pull Ups. No
prescription of
weight, remember this is a modified training week, but not a week off, select a weight that makes
you work, but
doesn’t kick your ass.
Banded Hamstring Curls, perform them seated, lying down, or even use a staining leg curl if one
is available.
2 Conditioning workouts today to make up for the modified work load. Part one - Short and
sweet, 30 sets; squat to
full depth then jump vertically- do this two times, then jump onto a box- get off the box and
For the second conditioning workout, this should be a somewhat familiar format for most of us,
work for 20
minutes straight on the three movements listed
Week 4
Day Two
Modified ME Upper
5 Sets of 10-20 Reps Incline Dumbbell Bench, Use a pair of dumbbells that total 40% of your
1rm Bench Press.
100 Dips, performed in as few sets as possible.
8 Sets
12 Bent Over Row
30-50 Band Pull Aparts
3 Sets
40 Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Press
Rest 1:00 Between Sets
Optional Additional Training: EDT 1 after conditioning or as a mini workout later in the day.
Mission Brief:
No barbell for the main movement this week, the incline angle should not be vertical, if no
adjustable bench is
available elevate the flat bench 3-5” at the head.
Moving into accessories 100 Dips, if you can do 100 straight great, if not divide them up as
needed to complete the
Back work is in the form of bent over rows super-setted with band pull aparts. Then it is right
into conditioning.
Conditioning is 3 sets of alternating dumbbell clean and press, for each rep take the dumbbell
from the deck clean /
curl it into a pressing position and then strict press it over head - if the weight you have chosen
fatigues the strict
press use the push press to finish the task - Do not reduce dumbbell weight!
If you need a bit more for the day, EDT 1 is recommended
.oEJGJeE DE -oXer Upper
10 Sets
2 Squats @ 55% of your 1rm Squat
3 Reps of Close Grip Bench Press
@60% of your 1 rm Bench.
2 Sets of 6, close grip bench press
- add weight from last week.
4 Sets
ATP walks or WS/T banded marching x 1:00
Double Kettlebell Push Press until near failure
(Rest no longer than :45 between sets)
100 Banded Good Mornings, or light bar good mornings
200 Rear Flies
EDT 12
Mission Brief:
Remember we aren’t wasting the week, but we are intentionally dialing back intensity in order to
prepare for the
final two weeks of our initial 6 week “indoc” into Westside Tactical.
For the main movements we are running through squats and close grip bench press. These should
be performed
as a super-set. The working weights are light enough to allow for an increased working pace, do
not forfeit formbut work a bit faster than you might be accustomed to during the first part of the work out today.
If added
difficulty is required add a 1-2 second pause in the bottom of the squat and the bench (optional)
For the ATP walks and push presses, keep the walking weight (or band tension if no ATP or belt
squat is
available) manageable; Example a 500 pound squatter should have no less than four plates on the
ATP even
though this is a “de-load” themed week. For the kettlebells 35 pounds for men and 26 pounders
for the ladies
should get the job done. If either of those weights are too heavy to allow for more than 15 repsselect a weight
that permits higher reps.
Good Mornings and Rear Flies, adding some work to the back side of the body, you can also add
some rotational
shoulder work in the form of Indian Clubs if available after the Pos Chain work is done.
Conditioning, Perform the bear crawls from EDT 12, don’t be so focused on time that you miss
the opportunity
to use this time to really stretch the hips and body out during this movement.
Week 4
Day Four
1 Mile Carry with kettle bells.
Mission Brief:
Select 2 Kettlebells that will challenge you and serve your needs the best. If low back strength
and over all strength
training are a higher priority than general conditioning select heavier bells, if the gas tank needs
attention, go lighter.
To begin; place your two kettle bells in the rack position and walk as far as possible until you are
no longer able to
maintain the rack, then drop the kettle bells into a traditional farmers carry and continue walking.
DO NOT allow
yourself to walker further than 30 seconds in the farmer’s carry. Recover if needed and clean the
bells back to the rack
position and pick the walk back up.
Repeat this sequence until the mile is done. If additional work is desired, repeat the workout, but
with lighter bells.
If more difficulty is desired add ankle weights to mile one, or a moderate weight ruck sack (2050 lbs) but I think
most of us will be ok with just the two bells.