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Hotel Gym Workouts: 8 Quick & Effective Routines

8 Quick And Effective Hotel Gym Workouts
If your gym has a lack of machines or heavy weights, and you want a quick and effective workout
to keep those sexy muscles pumped….then give these a shot.
Workouts vary from 4 minutes to 60 minutes
Session 1
A1: Incline DB Chest Press 10 x 10
A2: Chest supported row 10 x10
90 seconds after a set of chest press, perform the row and rest 90 seconds before going back to
B1: Finish with Tabata cardio of choice e.g Burpees 20 seconds on 1 seconds off
Session 2
Whole Body Circuit
A1: Press ups x 10
A2: Goblet Squat x 10
A3: One Arm Row x 10 each side
A4: Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
Rest 90 seconds after entire circuit and repeats 4 more times
B1: Standing Bicep curl x 12
B2: Bench dips x 15
Rest 60 seconds and repeats twice more
C1: Lateral raise 3 x 15 with 60 seconds rest
Session 3
On The Minute Every Minute
Minute 1: Between 1 and 5 chin ups (first set should feel relatively easy)
Minute 2: Press ups x 10
Minute 3: Goblet Squat x 10
Continue up until 30 minutes completing 10 rounds
Session 4
A1: 4 minute push up test: as many push ups as possible in 4 minutes
B1: Treadmill or bike sprints: 20 seconds hard work rate with 40 seconds rest x 6-10 rounds
Session 5
BB Back Squat: Put your bodyweight on the bar, squat with solid form throughout for 100 reps in
few sets as possible. Time it.
Session 6
BB Bench Press: Put your 40-75% of your body weight on a bar, bench with solid form
throughout for 100 reps in few sets as possible. Time it.
Session 7
On The Minute Every Minute
Minute 1: Bodyweight dips x 1-8
Minute 2: Chin ups x 1-6
Repeat for 20-60 minutes
Sessions 8
A1: Seated shoulder press 3 x 10 with 90 rest
B1: Seated bicep curls 3 x 12
B2: DB Skull crushers 3 x 15 with 90 seconds rest
C1: Shoulder shocker 1, 2, or 3 x 2-3 sets with 120 seconds rest
D1: Planks 3 x 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest