Final Exam Notes Exam: Monday May 9th 1 page of notes double sided. Ch. 13 Instruction Sets - Machine instruction characteristics - Types of operands - Addressing Modes (14.1) - Direct, Indirect, Immediate, Register, Register Indirect. - Types of operations Ch. 16 CPU Structure and Functions - Processor Organization: Parts of the CPU (ALU, Registers, Bus, etc) - Register Organization - Instruction Cycle - Instruction Pipelining Ch. 19 Control Units - Look over the CH 19 quiz for examples. CH 13.1: What are the typical elements of a machine instruction? Opcode, Source operand, result operand, next instruction reference. (ALWAYS) gonna have an opcode What types of locations can hold source and destination operands? Registers, I/O Devices, main memory, immediate. Concerns related to instruction set design/CPU Design Issues. 1. Operation repertoire. 2. Data types 3. Instruction Format 4. Registers - number of processors that are referenced by instructions and use. 5. Addressing CH 16: What categories of data are commonly supported by user visible registers? General purpose, Data, Address, and Condition codes CH 19: What is another name for a micro program? Firmware What must the control unit do at the end of each subcycle? Look for answers on the quiz. For horizontal microinstructions reading is execution True How does the WIlkes control scheme mainly differ from the horizontal instruction approach? The next address is contained in the microinstruction