Uploaded by Akash Padir

80386 Microprocessor Question Bank

MP Question Bank
Q1. Explain any three control transfer instructions of 80386?
Q2. Explain in detail the registers of 80386DX.
Q3. Explain the flags register of 8086.
Q4. Explain following instructions, mention flags affected i) CWD ii) BT iii) LAHF
Q5. Explain the operation of each data movement instruction with applicable addressing
Q6. Explain SHL & ROL Instruction?
Q7. What is the se of Interrupt Flag?
Q8. What is the use of following instructions? I) Wait II) Lock
Q1. Draw and explain how 80386 address translation mechanism considering PG bit in CR0 in
Q2. Draw the functional block diagram of 80386 processor in protected mode.
Q3. Explain Memory-Management Registers.
Q4. Explain in detail the control registers of 80386.
Q5. Explain system address and system segment registers.
Q6. Write difference between real and protected mode of 80386 with respect to
i) Physical address generation (ii) Instruction set