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IS 3033
IS3033 – Exercise 01: Answer Sheet
L A S T U P D A T E D : M A Y 31, 2023
Regarding the “hello world” code:
1. Briefly explain the purpose of the code.
2. Insert screenshots of the code and its assembly equivalent.
3. Select at least one line of C code and describe what's happening in the
corresponding opcode and registers.
Now find another simple code snippet of your choice with a few lines of code.
Codeforwin Basic Programming Exercises is one site with a few basic examples.
4. Briefly explain the purpose of the code.
5. Insert screenshots of the code and its assembly equivalent.
6. Select at least one line of C code and describe what's happening in the
corresponding opcode and registers.
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IS 3033 – Exercise 01: Answer Sheet
John Newsom