MUKHTAR SONS PRODUCTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 30,2017 Note June30,2016 Rupees June30,2017 Rupees 7 7 50,000,000 22.998,300 (6,822,578) 16,175,722 50,000,000 22,998,300 (5,017,522) 17,980,778 8 38,848,012 17,574,783 9 4,443,605 4,443,605 4,376,688 3,745,191 Trade and other payable Short term loans 10 11 Contingencies and commitments 12 32,295,568 22,413,022 54,708,590 -114,175,929 60,741,918 22,413,022 83,154,940 -122,987,182 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Intangible Long term deposits 13 14 15 65,993,743 1,284,267 319,127 67,597,137 69,993,029 1,484,267 301,127 71,778,423 16 17 18 40,385,920 1,862,971 1,296,804 858,004 2,175,093 46,578,792 114,175,929 45,385,920 1,262,971 1,062,971 996,804 2,500,093 51,208,759 122,987,182 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Authorized share capital Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital Accumulated loss Surplus on revaluation of property, plant and equipment NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Deferred liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES CURRENT ASSETS Stock in trade Trade debts Advances Advances income tax-net Cash and bank balances 19 The annexed notes from 1 to 32 form an integral part of these financial statements. CHIEF EXECUTIVE