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Ethics Paper Intro

Course Project: Topic Selection and Discussion
Briana Tarver
Chamberlain University
ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics
Professor Noah
July 30, 2023
Chosen Topic: This paper will explore whether not Roe v Wade should be reinstated after being
overturned in 2022.
Moral Position of one side on debate on topic: I believe Roe v. Wade should be reinstated after
being overturned in 2022.
1. When the option of an abortion is taken from women, we must evaluate the associated
economic consequences such as the cost of healthcare for an expecting mother, cost of childbirth,
and the cost of health and child care for a newborn.
2. We must evaluate the associated health risks when abortion is not an option to women facing
severe medical traumas if they go through with childbirth, as well as the mental health of women
who became pregnant from traumatic experiences such as rape.
3. We must look at women's reproductive rights and their ability to make a sound decision about
their bodies.
4. Another reason to consider reinstating Roe v. Wade is the healthcare inequity across different
racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. These factors have shown to have a significant impact on
the affordability and accessibility to quality healthcare, childcare and other resources for
5. We must look at the legal consequences associated with giving or receiving abortions due to
the overturn.
Opposing moral side: Roe V. Wade should not be reinstated.
1. Undergoing an abortion can cause health complications and have a toll on a women’s mental
2. Women seeking abortion should be criminally charged because an abortion is equivalent to
committing murder to a fetus.
Ethical Egoist Position on topic: An ethical egoist supports a woman’s option to have an abortion
or not have an abortion, whichever she feels is best for her.
Egoist Justification for Position: An ethical egoist believes that moral decisions making should
be based solely on one’s self interest, so if going through with an abortion is in the best interest
of that woman, then it is a morally sound decision.
Conflict between Loyalty to Self versus Community: A woman being loyal to herself may
choose to go through with an abortion because that is in her own best interest, but if she lives in a
community where politicians and residents believe that abortion is wrong and are actively
working against abortion care access.
My position: I agree that when it comes to abortion, a moral decision should be based on each
woman’s self interest.
Social Contract Ethicist Approach and Side on Topic: A social contract ethicist may say that an
abortion is a morally wrong decision because society says it is not okay and that everyone should
be pro-life. A social contract ethicist could also argue that because such a large number of people
support the pro choice movement, the moral decision is to allow women to have open access to
safe and legal abortion care.
Social Contract Justification for Position: A social contract ethicist believes a moral decision
should be based on what is agreed upon between people within a society.
Collision between Personal and National obligations: A woman’s personal obligations may be to
get an abortion for health complications, rape or incest, inability to afford raising a child and
several other reasons, but her national obligation involves not getting an abortion because of its
negative backlash from society.
My position: I believe that a woman should make the decision based on her personal obligations.
When it comes time to go through with pregnancy and have a child, the woman’s personal
obligations will be all that matters. Society will turn a shoulder should that woman need
assistance with caring for the child.
Professional Code of Ethics on Topic: The code of ethics of the AMA does not prohibit medical
providers from participating in abortion care.
Topic and Conflicts between professional and familial duties: Professional and familial duty
conflict may present when a woman does not have access to abortion care although she faces
health complications that will prevent her from fulfilling her professional duties at work.
Neither the AMA nor the ANA code of ethics prohibit medical providers from participating in
abortion care for women.