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Violence Against Women: Rape Culture, Revenge Porn, Consent

Tammy Patterson, DNP, RN, C -EFM
NURS 4422
Fall 2023
911 call audio
Rape Culture in the Media
◦ Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is
prevalent and in which sexual violence is _________
and ________in
the media and popular culture.
◦ Examples:
Blaming the victim (“She asked for it!”)
Sexually explicit jokes.
Trivializing sexual assault (“Boys will be boys!”)
Publicly scrutinizing a victim’s dress, mental state, and
history. (“She is always wearing short skirts and flirting”)
Peer pressure on men to “score”
Tolerance of sexual harassment.
Assuming only promiscuous women get raped.
Defining “womanhood” as submissive and sexually passive.
Teaching women to avoid getting raped.
Media romantically shows violence, especially issues like
stalking, coercion, and misuse of power. (“Alpha male”)
Rape Culture Example 1
◦ Steubenville rape in 2013 at a party
◦ The accuser (16 yr.) did not remember what
happened to her.
◦ Videos and pictures spread throughout social
◦ Shows two boys (16 & 17) next to the naked
accuser, who appears to be unconscious, holding
her arms and legs. Other students were reported to
be watching. The two boys are popular high school
◦ Convicted of rape
Only served 1-2 years
Rape Culture Example 2
◦ An off-campus fraternity emailed all freshman girls at the
University of Pennsylvania.
“May we have your attention please/We’re looking for the fun ones/
And say f**k off to a tease/ Wednesday nights will get you going/
With bankers flowing all night/Tonight is your first showing/
So please wear something tight.”
Junior girls found out, printed flyers,
and posted them on campus under a banner stamped with
Rape Culture Example
Officials at Miami University of Ohio are investigating a flier called
“Top Ten Ways to Get Away with Rape” posted on the men’s
bathroom wall in a coed floor dorm.
This flier replaced a university-sanctioned “Top 10 Ways to Prevent
Sexual Assault” poster.
The tips included such graphic advice as encouraging men to have sex
with unconscious women because it "doesn't count," drugging
women with "roofies," and slitting women's throats if they recognize
their attackers.
Rape Culture Example 4
◦ In 2020, six female students filed suit against Howard University,
claiming they experienced discrimination regarding sexual
harassment and violence.
◦ They reported to have been sexually assaulted by male students and
a university employee.
◦ Howard mishandled the reports and permitted the abuser to remain
on campus, enabling him to assault a second woman.
◦ Howard argued that they did not need to respond unless
a student experiences rape or harassment for a second time.
According to these six female students, the university will always
prioritize the males over the females, and the males know it.
Rape Culture in the
◦ Until we start seeing sexual assault for what it is – the
assailant’s decision to sexually violate another human being –
nothing will change. And until bystanders start taking action to
help and support survivors instead of blaming them, nothing will
What is Revenge
◦ Revenge porn is a type of digital abuse in which nude
or sexually explicit photos or videos are shared
without the consent of those pictured for the
purpose of causing distress.
Revenge Porn Example 1
Holly Jacobs
• Florida Ph.D. student who shared intimate photos
with her boyfriend, Ryan Seay
• After a breakup, Seay shared her images online and
compromised her social media accounts
• Holly changed her name, jumped from job to job, and
deactivated social media
• Police initially would not help her because she
voluntarily took the photos
• Sued Seay for invasion of privacy: Seay claimed to be
the victim
Charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
Revenge Porn
Example 2
Audrie Pott
◦ California teen (15 yr.) who committed suicide
eight days after humiliating and sexual pictures
were shared through her school.
◦ Sexually assaulted while unconscious during a
party and pictures taken without consent.
◦ Endured bullying and sexual harassment before
committing suicide.
◦ Three male classmates (16 yr.) arrested and
charged with sexual assault.
◦ Two of the three received 30-day sentences to
be served on weekends. The other was
sentenced to 45 consecutive days.
Where The Pornographic
Material Comes From?
 It is the act of sending sexual text messages, that often also involves sending nude or seminude photos
and explicit videos of yourself;
 Intimate images during sexual intercourse with the consent of the victim;
 The victim during intimate moments, as while she he is in the shower or in public baths, by means spy
 The victim's cloud space.
Nonconsensual Laws
Georgia Code 16-11-90: Prohibition on nude or sexually explicit electronic
• A person violates this Code section if he or she, knowing the content of a transmission or
post, knowingly and without the consent of the depicted person:
(1) Electronically transmits or posts, in one or more transmissions or posts, a photograph
or video which depicts nudity or sexually explicit conduct of an adult when the
transmission or post is harassment or causes financial loss to the depicted person and
serves no legitimate purpose to the depicted person; or
(2) Causes the electronic transmission or posting, in one or more transmissions or posts,
of a photograph or video which depicts nudity or sexually explicit conduct of an adult
when the transmission or post is harassment or causes financial loss to the depicted person
and serves no legitimate purpose to the depicted person.
• Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and
aggravated nature; provided, however, that upon a second or subsequent violation of this
Code section, he or she shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by imprisonment of not less than one nor more than five years, a fine of not more
than $100,000.00, or both.
How Common Is Revenge Porn?
What Motivates Them To
Publish Revenge Porn?
Frustration resulting in a broken relationship
 After the ending of a relationship, the person who has
been left, angry, decides to post the images that were
intended only for the couple
 To the person involved for retaliation or revenge
 Co-worker, family member, clique worker
 Some web sites pay who post pornographic material
The Victims of
Revenge Porn
A study from the Cyber Civil Rights initiative
found 51% of all victims had suicidal thoughts and
49% stated they had been stalked or harassed
online by users who saw their material.
◦ Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI)
◦ FAQs for US NCP Victims frequent questions for US residents and first steps to take if victimized
◦ CCRI Crisis Helpline (844-878-2274) free and confidential line 24/7
◦ Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project; pro bono law firm
Protecting the privacy and free expression rights of women and girls
is an essential part of
combating violence against women and achieving gender equality.
Sexual/Intimacy Consent Facts
◦ Consent means actively agreeing to be sexual with someone.
Teaching Consent At a Young Age