1/18/23, 2:08 PM ELA End of Year Class Survey ELA End of Year Class Survey * Required 1. Email * 2. List some topics you enjoyed learning about in ELA this year: 3. This some things you did NOT enjoy learning about in ELA this year: 4. This specific activities or lessons you enjoyed participating in ELA this year: 5. This specific activities or lessons you did NOT enjoy participating in ELA this year: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14v8nswseABvJMOCUn9cOP_QkX1sPCiAnCfH6FgYptFM/edit 1/4 1/18/23, 2:08 PM 6. ELA End of Year Class Survey Would you recommend we read "Where The Red Fern Grows" with next year's 7thgrade class? Mark only one oval. Yes No 7. Would you recommend we read "The Running Dream" with next year's 7th-grade class? Mark only one oval. Yes No 8. Would you recommend we read "The Hunger Games" with next year's 7th-grade class? Mark only one oval. Yes No 9. List some things you think could help improve the 7th-grade ELA course: * This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14v8nswseABvJMOCUn9cOP_QkX1sPCiAnCfH6FgYptFM/edit 2/4