Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girls Rock 2014-2015 Teacher’s Name: Lauren Nguyen Grade Level: 8 Date BELL RINGER This is the activity that students will be expected to do before class begins. Quote SAR writing prompt Mon. A Tues. B Free Choice Project due Share Free Choice and Reading Log Do The Write Thing final draft due Absent students: snapshot—we’ll review next week Week of: 11/24/14-11/25/14 Subject: ELA TEKS/STUDENT EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES What will students know and be able to do? How will you let them know the goals? Write in student friendly language. ELA.8.14D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.Ⓢ ELA.8.5A Analyze how different playwrights characterize their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (ANAG) Accessing Prior Knowledge, New Information, Apply Knowledge, Generalization A:Quote SAR; Vocab Units 1-3 test; Free Choice review; Book talk; N: Do The Write Thing essay edit; play—focus on how authors use dialogue and stage directions to develop character A: Read play G: Cornel notes-character trait and text evidence ASSESSMENT How will students show you that they know and can do using a variety of formative assessments? Text analysis; STAAR editorial analysis ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES MATERIALS (What different teaching strategies are used to teach all students including GT, 504,LEP, and Special Ed?) Groups, teacher assistance Vocabulary Workshop Student work Shakespeare Reader’s Theatre plays