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Autism: Symptoms, Inheritance, and Impact

By: Shayla Miles
Symptoms of autism may include the following:
Avoiding eye contact or no eye contact
Delay in learning to speak
Flat or Monotonous speech
Inappropriate social interaction
Repeating words or phrases
Social withdrawal
Intense focus with one topic
Defects in language comprehension
• There are no treatments for the disease but there are
treatments/medication for side effects such as depression, seizures,
insomnia, and trouble focusing.
No cure
• Sadly, there is no cure for Autism, but as said on the previous slide,
there are cures for some of the side effects such as depression,
seizures, insomnia, and trouble focusing.
How is Autism inherited?
• Autism is among the most heritable of all neuropsychiatric
• These genes can be passed on through generations, but they are only
seen if someone inherits two identical genes, one from each parent.
• When Christopher A. Walsh conducted a study about the
inheritance with autism, he found that the risk of autism could also
be attributed to inherited mutations that resulted in only a partial
loss of gene function.
Is autism common?
Most children get diagnosed around or after age 4, but it can be
diagnosed reliably at the age of 2. In total, 1 in 59 children have
gotten autism in 2018.
Is it most common in a certain race or
1 in 37 boy get diagnosed with autism while 1 in 151 girls get it. In
terms of race, it is more common in Americans than other races.
white/American children are 19% more likely to have autism than
black children and 65% more likely than Hispanic children. This
How long is the life span of people with
It is very sad, but people with autism do die younger than others.
Some researchers found that adults with autism and learning
disabilities die 16 years earlier at the average age of 54. It does
depend on if you have learning disabilities, for example adults with
autism but no learning disabilities die at the age of 58.
How is the family of a person with this
disease effected?
It effects the family a lot because this person requires extra care and
attention. There are complex needs of people with autism so meeting
those needs can cause lots of stress on the family members helping.
What I learned from this slide show
• What is autism
• How it effects people
• Symptoms
• Behavior
Reference Slide
• https://www.genome.gov/Genetic-Disorders/Autism
• https://www.medicinenet.com/autism_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.ht
• https://www.broadinstitute.org/news/4624
• https://www.autismspeaks.org/autism-facts-and-figures
• https://autismsciencefoundation.org/
• https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/race-class-contribute-disparitiesautism-diagnoses/
• https://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20160318/autism-earlydeaths
• https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/living.html