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Plastic Deformation: Slip, Twinning, and Strain Hardening

Notes-Unit-1 Part-2
UNIT-I Syllabus : Plastic Deformation: Introduction to engineering materials,
Imperfections in crystals, Dislocation in crystals, Types of dislocations, Effect of slip
and twinning on plastic deformation, Strain hardening, Cold and hot working,
Bauschinger effect, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain growth and its effect on
mechanical properties of metals. Fracture: Types of fracture in metals, Ductile and
brittle fracture, Griffith theory of brittle fracture, Crack propagation and ductile to
brittle transition temperature.
Part-2: Effect of slip and twinning on plastic deformation, Strain hardening, Cold and
hot working, Bauschinger effect, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain growth and its
effect on mechanical properties of metals.
Plastic deformation: plastic deformation process is the one in which an object
undergoes an irreversible change in size or shape due to the application of force.
According to the theory of material science, plastic deformation occurs when a metal
is subjected to enough stress to result in persistent deformation. Additionally, plastic
deformation refers to the breakdown of a small number of atomic bonds caused by
the movement of dislocations.
Mechanism of Plastic deformation – Slip & Twinning
In metals, there are two main mechanisms for plastic deformation:
The primary process of deformation in
metals is slip. A slip is the sliding of crystal
blocks over one another along various
crystallographic planes referred to as slip
In twinning, a portion of the crystals adopts
an orientation that is clearly and
symmetrically connected to the direction of the remaining untwined lattice.
When the applied stress is greater than the material’s critically resolved shear stress,
atoms slide over one another within the crystal structure. Slip happens when edge
dislocations travel along densely packed planes and directions, where there are the
most atoms per unit length. The set of slip planes and directions where the dislocation
movement needs the least amount of energy is referred to as the slip system.
Due to the presence of dislocations, the resolved shear stress calculated theoretically
significantly exceeds experimental findings. Slip allows for the promotion of plastic
deformation by causing an existing dislocation to move along the slip line rather than
creating new ones. If a structure contains enough closely packed slip systems, slip is
typically the basic process of plastic deformation.
Twinning occurs because of screw dislocation. Although slip movement typically
causes plastic distortion, twinning can occasionally replace slip systems in situations
where there are few slip systems to begin with. When atomic bonds are distorted, a
process known as twinning occurs that causes the atoms’ orientation to shift. As a
result, local atoms rearrange across a twinning plane as mirror copies of one another.
Twining occurs across specific crystallographic planes and directions known as twin
planes and twin directions, much like slide does. Atoms parallel to the twin plane
travel along the lattice during twinning, causing the lattice within the twinned region
to distort. Each atomic plane’s separation from the twin plane directly relates to the
quantity of movement. Twining causes planes to slip more by affecting the plane’s
orientation, which adds to plastic deformation.
Strain hardening:
Strain Hardening is phenomenon in which when a metal is deformed beyond the yield
point, an increasing stress is required to produce additional plastic deformation and
the metal apparently becomes stronger and more difficult to deform.
Let a material is deformed beyond yield point and the
load is removed. Then the material returns to a state of
zero stress along a path parallel to the elastic loading line
when the material is reloaded, it follows the same path
up to the original stress-strain curve. The new yield
strength is now substantially higher than the old yield
strength. But, the total elongation available has now
When a material is permanently deformed, the
dislocations move until they are stopped by grain boundaries or intersection by other
dislocations. The dislocations pile up against each other, and can become intertwined.
Thus the dislocations pile up at the grain boundaries or entangled with each other.
This prevents any further permanent deformation of that particular grain, without the
use significantly greater energy. This greatly increases the strength of the material
under any subsequent loading.
Bauschinger effect
The Bauschinger Effect is defined as a decrease in the yield strength of the material in
compression as a result of prior deformation in tension.
It is a general phenomenon found in most polycrystalline metals. Based on the cold
work structure, two types of mechanisms are generally used to explain the
Bauschinger effect:
Local back stresses may be present in the
material, which assist the movement
of dislocations in the reverse direction. The
pile-up of dislocations at grain boundaries
and around strong precipitates are two
main sources of these back stresses.
When the strain direction is reversed,
dislocations of the opposite sign can be
produced from the same source that
produced the slip-causing dislocations in
the initial direction. Dislocations with opposite signs can attract and annihilate
each other. Since strain hardening is related to an increased dislocation density,
reducing the number of dislocations reduces strength.
Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain growth
Plastic deformation of metal distorts the crystal lattice. It breaks up the blocks of initial
equiaxed grains to produce fibrous structure and increases the energy level of metal.
Deformed metal, during comparison with its un-deformed state, is in nonequilibrium, thermodynamically unstable state. Therefore, spontaneous processes
occur in strain-hardened metal. When the temperature of metal is increased, the metal
attempts to approach equilibrium through three processes:
(i) Recovery,
(ii) Recrystallization, and
(iii) Grain growth.
(i) Recovery: Recovery is the initial stage of heat treatment, where dislocations
within the crystal lattice begin to rearrange and eliminate some of the internal
strain energy, often through the motion of dislocations and the annihilation of
point defects.When a strain-hardened metal is heated to a low temperature, the
elastic distortions of the crystal lattice are reduced due to the increase in
amplitude of thermal oscillation of the atoms. This heating will decrease the
strength of the strain-hardened metal but there is an increase in the toughness and
ductility of metal, though they will not reach the values possessed by the initial
material before strain-hardening. No changes in microstructure of metal are
observed in this period.
(ii)Recrystallisation: Formation
of new equiaxed grains in the
heating process of metal, instead
of the oriented fibrous structure
of the deformed metal, is called
recrystallisation. The first effect
of heating of metal is to
form new minute grains and
these rapidly enlarge until
further growth is restricted by
grain meeting another. The
original system of grains go out
of the picture and the new
crystallized structure is formed
in the metal. Recrystallisation
does not produce new structures
however it produces new grains
or crystals of the same structure
in the metal. It consists in
having the atoms of the deformed metal overcome the bonds of the distorted lattice,
the formation of nuclei of equiaxed grains and subsequent growth of these grains due
to transfer of atoms from deformed to un-deformed crystallites. Recrystallisation
temperature is also defined as that temperature at which half of the cold worked
material will recrystallise in 60 minutes.
(iii) Grain Growth: After recrystallization, further heat treatment or time at elevated
temperatures can lead to grain growth, where existing grains increase in size. On
recrystallisation of metal, the grains are smaller and somewhat regular in shape.
The grains in metal will grow if the temperature is high enough or if the temperature
is allowed to exceed the minimum required for recrystallisation. For any temperature
above the recrystallization temperature, normally there is practical maximum size at
which the grains will reach equilibrium and cease to grow significantly.
The mechanical properties of metals are influenced by various microstructural
changes that occur during different heat treatment processes, including recovery,
recrystallization, and grain growth. Let's discuss each of these processes and their
effects on the mechanical properties of metals:
Effect of Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain growth on Mechanical Properties of the
Recovery reduces the dislocation density, which results in a decrease in the metal's
hardness and an increase in its ductility. This is because the metal becomes more
malleable as internal stresses are relieved. Yield strength and tensile strength may
decrease slightly during recovery, but the overall impact is often minor.
Recrystallization leads to the formation of new, equiaxed grains that are generally
smaller than the original grains. This process improves the metal's ductility,
toughness, and formability. Grain boundaries play a crucial role in the mechanical
properties, and the formation of new grains with clean, low-angle boundaries can lead
to improved mechanical properties. As a result of recrystallization, the yield strength
and hardness decrease, but the material becomes more ductile and less susceptible to
As grain size increases, the material's strength and hardness tend to decrease, while
its ductility increases. Larger grains are less resistant to plastic deformation. Finegrained materials are generally stronger and harder but may be less ductile. Coarsegrained materials are often more ductile but have reduced strength and hardness.
Grain growth can also impact other properties, such as creep resistance and thermal
In a nutshell, Recovery reduces internal stresses and dislocation density, leading to
decreased hardness and increased ductility. Recrystallization forms new grains with
clean grain boundaries, enhancing ductility and formability while reducing strength
and hardness. Grain growth, if allowed to progress, can lead to larger grains, reducing
strength and hardness while increasing ductility.
Cold and hot working
Hot working and cold working are two distinct processes used to shape and deform
metals, and they are typically employed based on the temperature at which they are
Hot Working: Hot working is a metalworking process that is carried out at elevated
temperatures, generally above the recrystallization temperature of the material. The
recrystallization temperature is typically between 30% to 50% of the metal's melting
point. During hot working, the metal is in a ductile and malleable state, allowing it to
be easily deformed and shaped without the risk of fracture. Hot working processes
include techniques such as forging, rolling, extrusion, and hot stamping. The high
temperature softens the metal and reduces its resistance to plastic deformation,
making it suitable for forming complex shapes and structures.
Cold Working : Cold working, also known as cold forming, is a metalworking process
that is performed below the recrystallization temperature of the material. In cold
working, metals are less ductile and more resistant to deformation at these lower
temperatures. As a result, cold working processes require higher forces to induce
plastic deformation. Examples of cold working techniques include cold rolling, cold
forging, wire drawing, and bending of sheet metal. Cold working is often used when
precision shaping, tight tolerances, and high dimensional accuracy are required.
However, it causes work hardening, which increases the material's strength and
hardness but reduces its ductility.
In both hot working and cold working processes, the choice of temperature and
technique depends on the specific requirements of the application, the desired
properties of the final product, and the characteristics of the metal being worked.
Differences between Hot Working and Cold Working
Cold working
Hot working
It is done at a temperature below Hot working is done at a temperature
the recrystallization temperature. above recrystallization temperature.
It is done below recrystallization Hardening due to plastic deformation is
temperature so it is accomplished completely eliminated.
by strain hardening.
decreases It increases mechanical properties.
mechanical properties of metal like
elongation, reduction of area and
impact values.
Re-crystallization does not take Re-crystallization takes place.
Material is not uniform after this Material is uniform thought.
There is more risk of cracks.
There is less risk of cracks.
Cold working increases ultimate In hot working, ultimate tensile strength,
pointyield point, corrosion resistance are
hardness and fatigue strength butunaffected.
decreases resistance to corrosion.
Internal and residual stresses are Internal and residual stresses are not
Cold working required more energy It requires less energy for plastic
for plastic deformation.
temperature metal become more ductile
and soft.
More stress is required.
Less stress required.
It does not require pickling because Heavy oxidation occurs during hot
no oxidation of metal takes place. working so pickling is required to remove
Embrittlement does not occur in There is chance of embrittlement by
cold working due to no reaction oxygen in hot working hence metal
with oxygen at lower temperature. working is done at inert atmosphere for
reactive metals.