Subject: Organising Diwali Mela APJ Abdul Kalam Hostel Council is organizing the upcoming Diwali Mela, which is scheduled for November 08, 2023. An Expenditure of INR 89,000 (Rupees Eighty-Nine Thousand only) is required for the smooth Conduction of the Event. The detailed budget for the Diwali Mela is as follows: S. No. Description Amount(in INR) 1 Sound System (1 day) 52000 2 Lighting (Halogen, Fairy lights, 1 Night) 10000 3 Tenting (10*1400) 14000 4 Decoration (Creatives etc) 5000 5 Refreshment 6 Miscellaneous To be covered by the GA 8000 Grand Total 89,000 Submitted for your Administrative and Financial approval. Prof. Anup Mandpura Warden, APJ Abdul Kalam Hostel