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Biomolecules: Carbohydrates & Proteins Presentation

 These
substances formed the basis of life and are
responsible for growth and maintenance of all
living organisms.
 These
substances are biomolecules
 Biomolecules
 Biomolecules
build up the living system.
are carbohydrates, proteins,
nucleic acids, vitamins etc.
 These
are hydrates of carbon, I’e.,those
have C,H and O. General formula is
 The
structures that are known to satisfy this
formula are:
 For
 Glucose/fructose
 Sucrose
– C6H12O6 or C6(H2O)6
– C12H22O11
 As,
there are many molecules that, satisfy
similar criteria but are not carbohydrates.
 For
example:- Acetic acid
 But
 C2H4O2  C2(H2O)2
this is not a carbohydrate.
 There
are a lot of compounds that do not
satisfy the formula but are carbohydrates.
 For
example :- Rhamnose
 C6H12O5
 it does not satisfy the formula,
but it is a carbohydrates.
 Carbohydrates
are optically active poly
hydroxyl aldehyde of ketones or substances
which produce these on hydrolysis and have
at least one chiral carbon atom.
 For
example :- glucose, fructose, lactose,
sucrose, maltose etc.
Classification of Carbohydrates
 (1)
On the basis of hydrolysis product
 Monosaccharides
 Oligosaccharides
 Polysaccharides
 (2) On the basis of reducing properties
 Reducing sugar
 Non – reducing sugar
 (3) On the basis of taste
 Sugars
 Non - sugars
 It
is the simplest carbohydrate,
which cannot be hydrolysed further
to give simpler molecules of poly
hydroxyl aldehyde and ketone.
 The general formula is CnH2nOn.
 For example :- glucose, fructose,
ribose etc.
Classification of Monosaccharides
 On
the basis of functional group present
 (1)
Aldose  having –CHO group
 (2)
ketose  having =C=O group
 If
a monosaccharides have an aldehyde group. It is known
as an aldose and if have ketone group, it is known as
No. of
carbon atom
 It
is present in honey and
sweet fruits etc.
 It
 It
is an aldohexose.
is also known as dextrose
as it is dextrorotatory.
 Glucose
is also called blood sugar as it
circulates in the blood at a concentration
of 65 – 100 mg/ml of blood.
 It is synthesised by chlorophyll in plants by
using water and carbon dioxide from the
air and sunlight as an energy source.
 Glucose made in the leaves is then
converted into starch for storage.
Preparation of Glucose
 It
is prepared from sucrose and starch
 From
 On
boiling sucrose with dilute HCl or H2SO4
in alcoholic solution, equal amounts of
glucose and fructose are obtained.
 From
 When
starch is boiled with dilute H2SO4 at
393 K temperature and 2 – 3 atm pressure,
glucose is obtained.
Structure of Glucose
 The
structure of
glucose is
given on the
basis of
Evidences in support of open structure
of glucose
 (1)Glucose
on reduction with HI and red P
at 373 K, gives a mixture of n-Hexane and
2-Iodohexane suggesting that all the 6
carbons are linked in a straight chain.
 (2)
glucose forms an oxime with
hydroxylamine (NH2OH).
 (3)
On adding a molecule of hydrogen
cyanide, glucose forms cyanohydrin.
 (4)
On oxidation with mild oxidising agent
bromine water, glucose gives gluconic acid.
 It
confirms the presence of aldehyde group.
 (5)
Glucose on acetylation with acetic
anhydride forms a penta acetate.
 It
confirms the presence of 5 -OH group.
 (6)
On oxidation with nitric acid, both glucose
and gluconic acid form the same product.
 It
confirms the presence of primary alcoholic
(-OH) group in glucose.
 Fischer
after studying many properties of
glucose gave the exact spatial arrangement of
–OH groups.
D  represent the
configuration of the –OH
group at the last carbon.
 (+)
 stands for optical
rotation, I’e.,
 ‘D’
and ‘L’ notations are
not related to the optical
activity of the compounds.
 Molecules
that are non-superimposable
mirror images are called enantiomers.
 Notations
d, l or (+), (-) are used to show optical
 Dextrorotatory
(‘+’ or ‘d’):- enantiomer which rotates
the plane of polarised light towards right.
 Laevorotatory
(‘-’ or ‘l’):- enantiomer which rotates the
plane of polarised light towards left.
D and L -Configuration
Compound chemically
correlated to (+) or ‘d’
isomer of
glyceraldehyde is
assigned Dconfiguration.
Compound chemically
correlated to (-) or ‘l’
isomer of
glyceraldehyde is
assigned Lconfiguration.
 The
–OH group on the lowest asymmetric
carbon is on the right side.
Reactions which do not support
proposed structure of glucose
 The
open chain structure of glucose explains
most of its reactions, yet it fails to explain
the following facts.
 Despite
having the aldehyde group, glucose
does not give 2,4-DNP test.
 Despite
having the aldehyde group, glucose
does not give Schiff’s test.
 Glucose,
on reaction with sodium
bisulphite, does not form the addition
 Penta
acetate of glucose does not react with
 These
reactions indicate the absence of free –
CHO group in glucose.
Cyclic structure of glucose
 Fischer
 The α-glucose and β-glucose, differ only in the
orientation of the hydroxyl group at C-1 atom.
 Such pairs of the optical isomers that differ
only in the orientation of H and OH group at C1 atom are called anomers.
 The C-1 atom is called anomeric carbon atom
(or glycosidic carbon).
 It
was found that the –OH group at C-5 in
glucose combines with the –CHO group and
forms cyclic hemiacetal structure.
Haworth Projection
 Haworth
proposed a 6-membered cyclic
structure for glucose, based on the structure of
a hetrocyclic compound pyran.
 Such
a structure is known as the pyranose
 Haworth
projection of α-glucose and βglucose are as follows;
 It
is ketohexose
 It
have keto group
 Natural
found in fruits and honey.
 It
melts with slight
decomposition at 102
degree celsius.
 It
is laevorotatory; as it
rotates plane polarised
light to the left.
Cyclic structure of fructose
 Haworth
proposed a 5-membered cyclic
structure for fructose, based on the
structure of a hetrocyclic compound furan.
 Such
a structure is known as the furanose
 Proteins
are found in almost all the living cell of
the plants and animals.
 Proteins
constitute about 20% of the living cell.
 They
are essential for the growth and
maintenance of life.
 Proteins
are highly complex nitrogenous organic
compounds of high molecular mass.
 They
 They
are polyamides.
are condensation polymer of α-amino
 Successive
 Amino
hydrolysis of proteins;
acids:- they are basic building units of
 The number of amino acids in proteins may
Amino acids
 The
compounds which have carboxylic acid
group and amino group are called amino
 They
 They
are obtained on hydrolysis of protein.
are differ from one another in the
nature of side chain.
 Nearly,
all naturally occurring amino acids
are α-amino acids.
 Those
amino acids in which NH2 group and
COOH group attached to the same carbon
are called α-amino acids.
Classification of α-Amino Acids
 On
the basis of the relative number of
amino and carboxylic groups.
Acidic Amino Acids
 When
the number of amino group is less
than the number of carboxylic acid group in
the molecule of amino acid, it is called
acidic amino acid.
Basic Amino Acids
 When
the number of amino group is more
than the number of carboxylic acid group in
the molecule of amino acid, it is called
basic amino acid.
Neutral Amino acids
 When
the number of amino and carboxylic
group is equal in the molecule of amino
acid, it is called neutral amino acid.
Essential and Non-essential Amino
 Out
of the 20 α-amino acids required for
protein synthesis, only 10 can be synthesised
in human body.
 On
this basis, α-amino acids are classified as
essential and non-essential amino acids.
Essential Amino acids
 Those
amino acids which are not
synthesised by our body are called essential
amino acids.
 Their
deficiency can be cause diseases like
Non-essential Amino Acids
 Those
amino acids which are synthesised by
our body are called non-essential amino
Properties of amino acids
 Amino
acids are usually colourless, crystalline
 These
are water soluble with high melting point.
 They
behave like salt due to presence of basic
amino group and acidic due to carboxylic group.
 In
aqueous solution, the carboxylic group can
lose a proton and amino group can accept a
proton to give a dipolar ion which is known as
‘Zwitter ion’.
Zwitter ion
 Amino
acids show amphoteric nature. They
react with both acids and bases.
 In
acidic solution, Amino acids group
accepts a proton.
 In
basic solution, carboxylic group loses a
Classification of proteins
 On
the basis of molecular shape, proteins
are classified into two categories.
Fibrous proteins
 In
fibrous proteins, polypeptide chains are
held together by hydrogen bonds and
disulphide bonds and form fibre-like
 Generally,
 For
insoluble in water.
example:- keratin in skin, hair, feather
Globular proteins
 In
globular proteins, the chains of
polypeptides are folded together into
compact units.
 They
are soluble in water.
 They
act as enzymes to catalyse the
biological reactions.
 Some
 Sone
 For
of them regulate metabolic reactions.
act as antibodies.
example:- albumin and insulin.
Structure of proteins (Peptide Bond)
Peptide link is repeated many times to produce a
A polypeptide with more tan 100 amino acid is
called protein.
 Proteins
are condensation polymers, also
categorised as polyamides due to the
presence of –CONH group.
Structure of Proteins
Primary structure of proteins
 Proteins
have one or more polypeptide chain.
Each polypeptide in a protein has amino acids
linked with each other in a specific sequence
of amino acids in a protein is called primary
structure of proteins.
Secondary structure of Proteins
 The
arrangement of peptide chain into 3-D
structures is called secondary structure of
 This
arrangement is due to the folding of chain.
 The
folding is due to hydrogen bond and peptide
bond between carbonyl and –NH- groups of
different peptide bonds.
 It
gives the shape of the protein molecule.
 The
folding gives two types of structures;
(1) α-helix (2) β-pleated sheets
 It
is formed when
the chain of α-amino
acids coils as a right
hand screw.
 It
is due to the
formation of
hydrogen bonds
between the amide
groups of the same
peptide chain.
β-Pleated sheet
It is formed when the chain of the α-amino acids are
arranged side by side. The chains are held together
by a very large number of H-bonds.
-pleated sheet is not a very stable
structure because of van der waal repulsion
between the substituents on the –carbon
atom of one side chain and the
corresponding substituents on the
neighbouring chain.
-pleated sheets are arranged in two ways;
(1) parallel β–sheet
(2) Anti-parallel β-sheet
 Parallel
acid chains
run in the
 Antiparallel
β-sheet:Amino acid
chains run in
Tertiary structure of proteins
 It
arises due to the further
folding, coiling and bending
of the secondary structure.
 It
give the overall shape of
 The
attractive forces
between the amino acid side
chain make the proteins
result in a compact and
complex structure.
Quaternary structure of proteins
 Quaternary
determines the number
of sub-units and their
arrangement in a protein
 Sub-units
are joined to
form proteins with the
molecular mass greater
than 50000 amu.
Denaturation of proteins
 It
is the change in the physical and
biological properties without affecting its
chemical composition.
 Causes;
 Change
in pH
 Change
in temperature
 Presence
of some salts or chemicals
 During
denaturation, the protein molecule
uncoils from an ordered and specific
conformation into a more random
Nucleic acid
Nucleic acid are biomolecules which are found in the
nuclei of all living organism or cells in the form of
They are biopolymers in which the repeating structural
unit or monomeric unit is a nucleotide, so that nucleic
acid are also called polynucleotides.
Each nucleotides have three components.
(1) pentose sugar  ribose, deoxyribose
(2) nitrogenous base  these are of two types,
(a) purines  adenine, guanine
(b) pyrimidines  cytosine, thymine, uracil
(3) phosphoric acid
base joined to a
sugar molecule is
called nucleosides.
 Depending
upon the
sugar present, there
are two types of
ribonucleoside and
nucleotide have all the three
components. I’e., pentose sugar,
nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid.
The two nucleotides are connected by a
phosphodiester linkage
Glycosidic linkage
 The
bond formed between C1 atom of sugar
and nitrogen atom of the nitrogenous base.
Nucleotide chain in a nucleic acid
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
 It
is genetic material responsible for the
hereditary character of the cell
 Present in the nucleus of the cell
 Composition;
 (1) A pentose sugar  deoxyribose
 (2) Four nitrogenous bases
(a) Purine; adenine, guanine
(b) Pyrimidine; thymine, cytosine
 (3) phosphate group
Structure of DNA
 The
double-helix structure of
DNA was established by James
Watson and Francis Crick.
 The two nucleic acid chains
are bonded to each other and
held together by the hydrogen
 Hydrogen bonds are formed
between complementary base
A to T and G to C
RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
 It
is genetic material in some plant and animal
 It found in cytoplasm and on the membrane in
 Composition;
 (1) A pentose sugar  ribose
 (2) four nitrogenous bases
(a) Purine; adenine, guanine
(b) Pyrimidine; uracil, cytosine
 (3) phosphate group
 Structure
of RNA
is similar to that
of DNA but it is
single stranded.
Types of RNA
 It
is of three types
 (1)
Messenger RNA:- m-RNA
 (2)
Ribosomal RNA:- r-RNA
 (3)
Transfer RNA:- t-RNA