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Zeus & Hera Social Media Project Assignment

Ms. Davis
1st Period Mythology 198N-1
3154th Period Mythology 198N-2
1. Complete the Google Slides presentation "Social Media Project - GreekGodbook
Template by (insert your name)" for either ZEUS or HERA. There are links on some of
the headings which take you to the slide that the menu tab indicates such as About Me,
Family & Friends and Photos.
2. Rewatch the videos on Zeus and Hera, look at your notes, quizzes and all work up to
the present date for the information as well as research it on the internet.
3, Open the Sample Fake Social Media project Google Slide attached here as "Social
Media Project Sample - Neil Armstrong" for an example of what a finished product
would look like.
4. Open the Template for your Social Media Project and begin replacing the text and
pictures with your own text and images that portray the life and relationships of either
Zeus or Hera.
5. The Rubric for how you will be scored is attached.
Objective: (Condition) After participating in a variety of small group lessons & whole
class lectures, reading the text, viewing multimedia presentations and taking several
quizzes and tests on Zeus & Hera, (Behavior) students will synthesize this information
and combine it into a fake social media profile for either Zeus or Hera (Measure) in order
to support conclusions they have drawn about what the individual stories, symbolism and
character traits demonstrate about the cultural values of ancient Greece promoted by
their mythology.
NJSLSA.R2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the
key supporting details and ideas.
NJSLSA.R3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a
NJSLSA.R7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually
and quantitatively, as well as in words.
Ms. Davis
1st Period Mythology 198N-1
3154th Period Mythology 198N-2