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Phylogeny: Principles & Molecular Approaches - Biology Presentation

•Describe species diversity procedures to
establish evolutionary histories.
•Explain how modern systematists use DNA
sequences data to answer the perplexing
concepts of speciation and evolution.
• Classifications should be “natural”, meaning they
reflect evolutionary relationships as closely as possible.
• We do not, for example, place slime molds and eagles
in the same family.
• Systematics is a two-part endeavor. First, construct a
hypothesis of evolutionary relationship among the
organisms under study and second, plan a classification
scheme that would reflect the hypothesized
• After understanding the principles of taxonomy and
systematics on the previous chapter, this chapter
would tackle the procedures of constructing
methodologies and modern molecular techniques.
• This will introduce the basics of phylogenetic
construction which is commonly used in showing
evolutionary relationships.
• Phylogenies can be represented as tree-like diagrams
called phylogenetic or evolutionary tree showing how
various taxa branched out from their ancestors and from
each other.
• Different graphic representations of phylogenies.
• Nodes represent common ancestors of taxa (branches).
• The
two lineages branching from the same ancestor arose at the
same geologicaal time. A lot of people assume that Homo sapiens is
the “most highly evolved” or most recently evolved species; however,
neither is true because of the following rules.
RULE #1: The branches at every mode can be rotated. The branches
do not infer any sort of order; they indicate only how recent are the
common descendants.
RULE #2: Two lineages branching from a single ancestral node are
known as sister taxa. The common ancestry is the main basis of
taxonomic groupings and not based on subjective perceptions of
RULE #3: There is no such thing as a “most highly
evolved species”. It means that all extant species
descended from successful ancestors, and evolved to
survive and reproduce, adapted to their specific
RULE #4: No extant or extinct taxon is considered
ancestral to any other extant or extinct taxon. This should
be remembered when one hears the incorrect statement “
humans evolved from monkeys” because monkeys did not.
Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor.
• Using apomorphies, taxa can be grouped in different ways:
A. Hennig Tree/Argumentation - uses characters one at a time.
B. Wagner Tree/Method - taxa are connected one at a time until all the taxa
are included in the tree.
C. Rooted vs. Unrooted Trees. Trees can be rooted or
unrooted, scaled or unscaled, or a combination of both.
Rooted tree - used when each of the nodes represents the most
recent common ancestor of the taxa branching from it. It is
directional, which means that a single common ancestor is
present at the root and all taxa evolve or radiate from that
single common ancestor.
Unrooted tree - used when there is no hypothetical ancestor,
outgroup, or directionality to the tree and only the putative
evolutionary relationships of the taxa on the tree are present
in the tree.
D. Monophyly, Paraphyly, and Polyphyly. A
phylogenetic tree is not constructed randomly. A
systematist uses different characters to determinee
recency of common descent.
One of the tasks of a systematist is to convert the tree into
the formal hierarchical Linnaean classification by giving a
formal taxonomic name to groups that share a common
Such groups are called monophyletic taxa and are
recognized because they share unique derived characters.
the classification system was creted due
to the absence of a clear guideline, some
biologists called lumpers focus on similarities
in organisms thereby delimiting several species
into a single genus.
biologists called splitters focus on the
differences between the species, thus, dividing
the species into several different genera.
• Systematists
can change any classification schemes that were
presented before because of the following reasons based on
1. New data - input from new technologies provides new
information on the similarities and differences among taxa that
leads to revision, lumping, or splitting a taxon.
2. New taxa - discovery of new species with new or conflicting
characterss leads to the revision of classification.
3. Misinterpreted data - new monophyletic taxon is created when
new studies revealed that the characters used to group a certain
taxon are not unique or are convergent with other characters.
• It has since been determined that evolution is actually a
molecular process based on genetic information, encoded in
DNA, RNA, and proteins.
• One molecule undergoes diversification into many variations
while one or more of those variants can be selected to be
reproduced or amplified throughout a population over many
• Indeed, the onset of DNA technology helped systematists to
establish relationships between species and unknown species
using genetic structures.
• Evolutionary events are shaped by homology and represented in
phylogenetic trees as homologous relationships.
• Homologous relationships can occur as:
1. paralogs - homologous sequences separated by gene duplication
2. orthologs - separated by a speciation event
A molecular phylogenetic tree is derived from biomolecular
sequence alignments of DNA, RNA, or amino acis, molecular
markers, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or
restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), morphology data,
or information on gene order and content.
• According to Dowell, the process of creating a molecular phylogenetic tree is as follows:
1. DNA Isolation. A sample is taken from the specimen to be analyzed.
2. Amplification of the DNA. The DNA that was isolated is then amplified using the
polymerase chain reaction.
3. DNA Sequencing. Now is the right time to know the actual and precise orders of
nucleotides (A,T,C, and G) within the DNA molecule. There were a lot of different
sequencing methods that were utilized in the past decades.
4. Dataset assembly. The real work begins after getting the whole actual DNA sequence.
5. Sequence alignment. After you selected and retrieved data, multiple sequence
alignment is done.
6. Phylogenetic Tree Building. To construct a phylogenetic tree, statistical methods are
applied to determine the tree topology and calculate the branch lengths that best
describe the phylogenetic relationships of the aligned sequences in a dataset.