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Final Proposal 499

Team Awesome 1
Cody, Fady, Tyler
Professor Waslack
MOR 499: The Art and Science of Decision Making
Final Project Proposal
For our final project, our group will be addressing Option 2: Study a Case of
Biased Managerial Decision Making. We will base our specific instance on Cody’s
experience at Subtractive Inc. involving the faulty assignment of duties by an
interim producer. In the process of creating a film, the producer in charge decided to
maintain control of all of the individual assignments, refusing to delegate general
duties to their respective departmental heads.
Some of the biases we intend to touch upon involving this decision include:
False Consensus: Failed to take into consideration the fact that others have
experience and may have made different decisions.
Self-Handicapping: Gave himself too much responsibility enabling him to use
that as an excuse in case of failure
Curse of Knowledge: Assumed that everyone he assigned responsibilities to
knew what they need to do without elaborating on them in detail
Overconfidence: Took on more responsibility than he could handle
Planning Fallacy: Things took longer than he thought they would
Groupthink: Consulted with new partner on project and readily agreed to
unfeasible ideas
Confidence as a Signal for Confidence: Confidence of producer could create a
false sense of trust in others, preventing them from questioning his abilities.
Escalation of Commitment: