Waste Incineration and Heat Recovery Plant heat-recovery units designed to defray rising fuel costs must also comply with current and anticipated environmental regulations. JoAnn E. Ward and Andrew P. Ting, T h e Heyward-Robinson Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. 10048 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Components in the Waste Stream A recent project includes the incineration of organic and aqueous waste streams, Table 1. The waste streams represent a gross heating value of 26 million kcal/hr (100 million Btuihr). A system designed to generate approximately 36,000 kg/hr (79,366lldhr) of 1138 kPa (165psig) steam for plant use, would save $5.5 million a year.jf the steam produced is valued at $2011000 kg ($9/1000 11)). T h e presence of certain components, such as inorganic salts, chlorinated and nitrogen-containing organic compounds, sulfur compounds, and phospho-organics, is critical to the design, and each deserves special considerations, as described below. Inorganic Salts-The presence of salts, such as NaCI, Na2S0,, CuSO,, and FeSO,, in the waste accelerates wear on the refractory in the combustion zone. Upon evaporation and combustion, the salts form particulates of NaCl, NaZSO,, Cu,O, and Fe,O,. CuSO, decomposes at 805°C (1481°F) to CuO, which in turn decomposes at 1030°C (1886°F) to Cu,O [ I ] . Ignition of FeSO, yields Fe20,[ 2 ] .Cu,O is stable at high temperatures, and the temperature of Fe,O, decomposition is beyond the expected temperature range of most incinerator operations. Molten salts and oxides solidify on the waste-heat boiler tubing when cooled, causing reduced efficiency and possible plugging in the waste-heat boilers. This problem can ISS~-02i8-~191-8~-5898-0010-5.7.00. 'The 4lirrricatr Iri\titute (if C1irniic.d Eiigi- ~ i r e r * 19% . be alleviated by cooling the incinerator exhaust gas below the salt melting points before it enters the waste-heat boiler, either by quenching with water, ambient air, or recycle gas from the waste-heat boiler exhaust. Melting points for some salts and oxides found in incinerators are listed in Table 2. In determining the temperature to which the incinerator exhaust gases should be quenched, the individual salts and oxides and possible eutectics must be considered. Eutectic mixtures can contain complex combinations of salts with melting points lower than the pure salts. For example, NaCl and Na,SO, form a eutectic mixture with a melting point as low as 623°C (1153°F) at 65 mole % Na,SO,; NaCl and Na,CO, form a low-melting eutectic system having a minimum melting point of 633°C (1172°F) at 62 mole % Na,CO,. In addition, the tertiary Na,SO, Na2C0, - NaCl system may form a eutectic mixture with a melting point of 612°C (1134°F). Low-melting eutectic mixtures are especially critical in fluidized-bed incineration. If the eutectics are allowed to accumulate, the fluidized-bed may collapse [3]. Eutectic mixtures can affect the overall economics of a waste-heat recovery system. An investigation of the costs of operating with a quench to eliminate solidification of particulates before entering the waste-heat boiler is necessary. In some systems, without quench, the amount of deposition in the waste-heat boiler may b e tolerable, requiring only one to two hours of weekly blowout to maintain efficient operation. A final concern when incinerating salts is the federal EPA regulation, which limits emissions of particulate mat- Component, kg/hr Stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total kgihr Page 30 c H 208.8 203.4 42.6 1169.8 32.1 35.3 6.4 101.8 ~ 460.7 40.5 163.3 14.6 34.1 4.9 276.3 27.2 173.7 41.7 118.8 18.2 3.5.4 3.7 C H - - - - - 2886.1 326.4 c1 309.9 111.3 31.0 1.5 3.1 4.8 228.4 160.6 0 S ~ 218.8 25.8 1.5 80.3 66.6 9.0 46.3 34.9 17.3 3.1 36.8 CI N 46 0 N S _ _ - - - - - 690.0 617.8 78.0 50.6 February, 1982 Total Salts, kgihr P H20 NO,. Na2S0, FeSO, ~ 3.6 433 (Atomizing Steam) 5.7 120 2 11.8 3.6 CuSO, NaCI 3.6 5.7 14 30.2 P 163.0 H,O 0.85(AIR-23971 kgihr Dry) CnSO, NO,, Na2S0, FeSO, 30.2 729.8 0.85 9.3 3.6 - -___ 3.6 550 350 80 1530 433 634 400 50 590 376 250 203 h'aC1 19.7 5446 Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) TABLE 2. MELTING POlNTS OF SOME SALTS AND OXIDES PRESENTIK INCINERATORS Component, "F "C Molc Fraction PYOS 0.50NaCI - 0.26N%S04 - 0.24N%C03 - 0.65Na2S04 0.35NaCl - 0.38NaC1 0.62Ni~~CO3 NaCI h;a,S04 cu20 Fey% Fe,O, Reinarks 569 1 ) 1056 612 623 633 801 at34 1236 1462 1560 2) 2) 2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 4) 1134 1153 1172 1474 1623 2257 2664 tertiary eutectic binary eutectic hinary eutectic. decomposition decomposition 2840 I). Fabian, 11. W.. P.Heher, and M.Schoen, "How Bayer IncineratesWastes."Hydnp curlmi P ~ I W S . & ~ .185 (April. IS7e). 2). Rrrgniaii. A. C., and A. K. Senientsoiva. "The Teniary Systems NaNCl, SO,. (Xbninl W/Cl, SO,. CO,," B u r . h'eiwg. Khiw., 3 (2).388 (1958). 3). Dean, J. A.. editor, "Lunge's Hundhook of Chemistry." Ed. 12.WCraw-Hill Rnnk Co., New York. N.Y.. pp. 4-48-113 (lS79). 4). Kirk and Othnicr, "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology." Ed. 2. Vol. 12.1). 39, Jchn Wile? and Sons, New York. N.Y. (1084). ter from incinerators to 0.18 g/dscm* at 20°C (0.08 ddscf at 68°F) after correction to 12% C02 [4]. Chlorinuted Organic Compounds-These compounds produce HCl and some C1, as combustion prtducts. Assuming that equilibrium is reached at the incinerator temperature, equilibrium data, developed from heat caacities, Fi ure 1, can be used to determine the relative Po,.* rates o HC1 and C12in the incinerator exhaust gas [S, P 61. Figure 2. CO formation. Log K vs. temp. K = Pco2p~JPcl$ atm. The formationof phosgene (COCI,) from CO and C1, is a concern, because exposure to phosgene is a health hazard and OSHA has strictly limited phosgene's Threshold Limit Value (TLV) to 0.1 pm [7]. Equilibrium wnstants or formation of CO from CO,, derived from specific heat and thermodynamic data [5,6], are shown in Figure 2. The rate of COCl, forniation can in turn be calculated from the equilibrium constants, Figure 3. The equilibrium constantvalues were obtained from the free energy of the reaction, given by the etption: P AF" = -24,100 = grams per dry wtanbrd cubic meter 1.00L2 d.42 d.0012 4.ooe1 * ddscni [a + 4TInT + 3.5T d.0091 Figure 3. COCli formation. Equilibrium constant vs. temp. K = PctSay, atm-'. Figure 1. HCI and C12formation. Eiuilibrium constant vs. temp. K, = (p"c3Ypd (P"YO)PC,Y) .a ohno.s ' Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) Prorld Formation of phosgene is favored by temperatures much lower than those found in incinerators, about 350°C (662°F)or less, and a phosgene concentration significantly less than its TLV is expected. Upon coolingin the waste-heat boiler there is a possibility of condensation of HCI with water vapor. The condensation temperature can be estimated using a graph of parus. temperature [9]. Figtial pressure product, pHcLx pH2,, ure 4. The acid dewpoint of the incinerator exhaust gas is a critical consideration in the selection of operating temperatures (particularly the waste-heat boiler outlet temperature) and in selection of materials of construction, because of the highly corrosive effect of hydrochloric acid, chlorine, SO,, SO,, etc. February, 1982 Page 31 I I I I 1 , 1 I 0 2700.F 24W.F 21OO.F 1800.F 150OoF 6 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 4 I E E -c' P' c n z Y 3 i1 n 01 v) z Y 0 8 0 0 I I I I I W'C W.C I -16 I I M1. 40% I 70% I W.C i I 90% i I 100% TEMPERATURE Figure 4. HCI acid formation. Log (partial pressure product of H20 & E O O l -I m 3 0 W HCI) vs. temperoture. aoa PP XXVi - X X V I I I After incinerator gases pass through the waste-heat boiler, the quantities of HCI and C1, can b e reduced to 1 ppm HCI [lo] and 0.1 ppm C1, [I]] by absorption with water and neutralization with caustic solution in a tray scrubber or packed tower. Although emissions of hydrogen chloride and chlorine are not covered by EPA guidelines, exposure of workers is limited by OSHA regulation to 5 ppm and 1 ppm ceiling TLV, respectively, to prevent possible respiratory damages [7]. Nitro Groups-Fuel NO,r is the combustion product of organic compounds containing nitro groups. In addition, thermal NO, formation by reaction of nitrogen and oxygen in air is favored by the high temperature and long residence time needed to fully combust polychlorinated compounds also present in the wastes [12].T h e overall rate of NO,,. formation is in the range of 2,000 to 15,000 ppmisec, and, based on data from a mathematical model, NO, concentration reaches a plateau after about 0.1 sec [13]. T e m p e r a t u r e , t y p e s , a n d a m o u n t s of nitrogencontaining compounds in the file1 and the percent theoretical air are factors which wili affect the degree of conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO,. Thermal NO, formation occurs primarily in the range 1540-1930°C (2800-3500°F). This suggests that NO, formation will occur in or near the flame. Also, the longer it takes for the combustion gases to cool down to 1540°C (2800°F) the greater the NO, concentration. Very little thermal NO,. formation occurs below 1540°C (2800°F) [13]. At the high temperatures of incinerators, N O formation dominates the N O - N 0 2 equilibrium, Figure 5 [5, 61. The reaction kinetics [I41 for the formation of NO2 from N O were examined in the system. Based on the theoretical calculation, the amount of NO, formed once the combustion gases leave the incinerator is insignificant. Experimental studies found that the fraction of fuel nitrogen converted to NO, will range from 0.20 to 0.70 [15, 161. A graph of fraction conversion as a function of fuel nitrogen content is shown in Figure 6. The degree of conversion appears to be a function of both the nitrogen content of the fuel and the percent excess air present, At lower fue1-nitrogen levels, more than 60% of the elemental N is converted to NO,r.T h e fraction conversion is about 45% at 0.4% fuel nitrogen and decreases further to about 25% at 2% nitrogen. At higher excess air levels, these values for fraction conversion are expected to be slightly greater. T h e effect of airlfuel ratio on NO, concentration is Page 32 February, 1982 'HANDBOOK OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS"ED 60, PP D67-78 CHEMICAL AND 0 000 TEMPERATURE Figure 5 NO, formation Equilibrium constant vs temp 0 07- I ( , 1 FRACTION CONVERSION VS FUEL N CONTENT 100% THEORETICAL AIR I I I I I I I MARTIN,G.B. AND E.E. BERKAU. AIChE SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 126,68 PP.45-54(1972) 0 TURNER, D.W, R.L. ANDREWS, C.W SIEGMUN SYMPOSIUM SERIES N0.126.68 PF!55-65( 1972) I I- Z" 6 05 20 25 FU;~ N I T R ~ G E N w0 BY WEIGHT) 30 35 Figure 6. Fraction conversion vs. fuel N content. 100% theoretical air. shown in Figure 7. NO, concentration peaks at around 90% theoretical air, according to one study [17]. Other studies indicate from 83% [I51 to 105% [13]as the amount of theoretical air at which NO, concentration reaches a maximum. The decrease in NO,. concentration at higher excess air levels is deceptive, primarily due to a dilution effect. T h e amount of NO, formed will increase upon addition ofexcess air, although not as fast as the total volume of exhaust gas. NO, concentration, corrected to 12% CO,, will increase upon addition of air, leveling off at around 140-150% theoretical air [15], Figure 8. In summary, the fraction of fixed nitrogen in the liquid waste converted to NO, upon combustion decreases with increasing fuel ni- Environmental Progress (Val. 1, No. 1) FRACTION CONVERSION VS. FUEL N. ~ 120% THEORETICAL AIR - W Figure 9. Froction conversion vs. fuel N content. REFERENCES OTURNER, DW R L ANDREWS, CW SIEGMUNO AIChE SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 126.68 PP LANGE JR, t i 8 AlChE SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO 126,68 PP 1 7 - 2 7 ( 1 9 7 2 ) A BARTOK,W ET AL AIChE SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO 126,68 PP 3 0 - 3 8 ( 1 9 7 2 ) lo+ I I I I I 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 , 4 130 PERCENT THEORETICAL AIR Figure 7 Effect of air-fuel ratio on NO, concentration (as measured). trogen, Figure 9, and increases with increasing theoretical air [16]. The fraction conversion as a function of fuel-nitrogen 120% theoreticol oir. content and percent theoretical air can be approximated, Figures 9 and 11. Figure 11 is derived from the data shown in Figure 10. The fraction conversion factor at a given percent theoretical air is the ratio of fraction conversion at that percent air to the fraction conversion at 120%thearetical air at the same fuel-nitrogen content. The use of 120% theoretical air as a basis should be more reliable than the use of 100% theoretical air. At 100% theoretical air, the system probably fluctuates between reducing and oxidizing atmospheres, .causing instability. A 35% conversion to NO, can be estimated for a liquid waste containing 1.4 weight percent N and combusted with 200% theoretical air, Figures 9 and 11.This compares with a calculated equilibrium conversion of 45%. The equilibrium concentration of NO,, calculated using fuel-composition data [IS],is shown in Figure 12. Equilibrium concentration decreases as percent excess air increases because of the reduction in flame temperature which accompanies the addition of air. Measured NO, concentrations divided by the corresponding equilibrium concentration yield values for fraction equilibrium conversion, Figure 13. The values indicate the actual NO, concentration to be in the range of 4 to 19% of the calculated equilibrium concentration. Most ofthe NO, can be removed by scrubbing, although NO is especially difficult to remove. At the high tempera- I I I KK) I10 130 140 Is0 I60 170 180 P E ~ C E N TTHEORETICAL AIR Figure 8. Effect of air-fuel rotio on N0,concentrotion (corrected to 12% C 0 2 dry). Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) PERCENT THEORETICAL AIR Figure 10. Effect of air-fuel rotio on fraction conversion February, 1982 Page 33 I 1 -- 8 F ( 6 j - L o I X NITROOEN CI 0 5 U WITRODEN 0 I % WITROQEN 2k-4 O Z GO [LE W z $ 0.16 a w > 0.16 z El2 8: 0 %,, * o m I-- 2 [L LL 0.20 EFFECT OF AIR-FUEL RATIO ON :RACTION, EQUl,Ll6RlUM CwERSloru A 2 % NITROOEN I W FUEL. BY WElDHT 82 5 0.22 EFFECT OF AIR-FUEL RATIO ON FRACTION CONVERSION FACTOR (BASED ON 120% THEORETICAL A 1 R ) A - I 08 'G I 1 ,20 B AND EE BERKAN. AIChE SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 126.68 P P 4 5 - W I 9 7 2 1 ~ I30 140 I50 160 PERCENT THEORETICAL A I R Figure 1 1 , Effect of air-fuel ratio on fraction conversion factor (based on 120% theoretical air). 0.14 I 2 a 0.12 - m 1 =) 0.10 8 0.08 0 tures of incinerators, NO formation dominates the NO-NO, ecpilibriuni, Figure 5 [5, 61. Hence, NO, is not removed as efficiently a s HCl and SO2i n the incinerator exhaust gas. If further reduction of NO,. emissions is desired, the process depicted and described here niay require modificatioii. Several &nitrification processes currently under iuvestigation may provide some relief for this problem. Potential problems d u e to eniission of NO,. to the atmosphere include particulate and smog formation and acid rain. In attainment areas, NO, emissions from incinerators are not regulated if less than 90,700 kgiyr (100 short toiisiyr) are emitted for a new construction or less than 36,300 kgiyr (40 short tonsiyr) for a major rnotlification of an existing plant [18]. In addition, the possibility of HCN fornlation must be n F 2 0.04 0.02 Figure 13. Effect of air-fuel rotio on fraction equilibrium conversion F.E.C. = pprn NOJequilibrium ppm NO,r; corrected to 12% CO,, dry. examined. Since it is such a hazardous substance, HCN has a TLV of 10 ppin (1I mgim3) skin exposure set hy OSHA [7]. From a therniodynamic viewpoint, it is highly unlikely that HCN will be formed in the oxidizing atmosphere of the incinerator. However, in a reducing atmosphere, substantial amounts of HCN can form. A study of the reaction behavior of nitrogenous pollutants indicates substantial HCN emissions during the combustion of alkyl amines at temperatures below 827°C (1521°F) [19]. Su@r compounds-The waste streams contain sulfur compounds which combust to form SO, and SO:,. In order to determine the relative flow rates of SO, and SO4, it is assumed that equilibrium is attained at the incinerator temperature, Figure 14 [20]. At the high temperatures of incinerators, equilibrium favors formation of SO,. As with HCI, the possibility ofconclensatioii o f sulfiiric acid from combination of SO, with water vapor intist he coiisidered becaiise of its corrosive effects. T h e sulfuricacid dewpoint can b e calculated, if volume percents of water vapor and SO:3in the gas are known, from the following equation: _ 100o _ _ -- 1.7842 T,,P + 0.0269 fogP,,,, - 0.1029 logP,,,,, + 0.0329 logP,,,, logP,,);, [Z] wherc, pressures are i i I atinosphercs and t h e tle\vpoint is in K . Other equations giviiig sulfuric acid dewpoitits have I ~ e e ipii1)lishetl i [22]. These equations, however, ;ire direct drrivations ofthe original Verhoff-Banchero equation [ 2 3 ] . Curves calculited from Equation 21 are shown in Figure PER CENT THEORETICAL AIR Figure 12 Effect of air-fuel ratio on equilibrium NO, concentration Page 34 February, 1982 15. III adtlitioir, SO, may condense to sulfurous acid, the dewpoilit for which can lie estiniatetl from partial-pressure data [g], Figure 16. hlost of the SO, and a small ;imout~tof SO:, can be allsorliecl a s solublr Na2S0,, and Na,SO, salts b y scrulhing with a caustic soliition. Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) l60oT 1000*F I 10 I I I 2100Y SOX FORMATION I I ~EOUILIBRIUYCONSTANT vs. t b=p*-* 50°F 2400.F 150°F IOO'F 1 i 2~. 004 I I I I 1 HnSOa' _ ~ _ _FORMATION - ~~iij 250"F ~. . ! 1 OVER AQUEOUS SO0 SOLUTIONS Po, E E I X 10 aoI I a I m I - 0.m X I XI 0 I I N c d ~ I I t I I I I - I 1 I I I I I I I 46oC S'O'C 8b.C IOO'C I 0°C i0.C liO°C I&% TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE Figure 14. SO,,. formation. Equilibrium constant vs. temp. K , = Pse:/ P , ~ ~ atm-'. P ~ ~ , I Figure 16. HtSO, farmotion. Partial pressure product of H,O and SO, over aqueous SO, solutions. Phospho-Organics-The main combustion product of phospho-organics is gaseous P,O,. Above 599°C (1110"F), P20sreacts with deposits on waste-heat boiler surfaces and with iron oxide on the boiler wall, resulting in difficult-toremove incrustations. This causes corrosion, an increased pressure drop through the waste-heat boiler, and a reduction in boiler efficiency and life. Gaseous P 2 0 , liquefies at 591°C (1096°F)and solidifies at 569°C (1056°F).It is emitted to the atmosphere as particulate matter, for which the EPA has strong restrictions. Because of the small temperature difference between the boiling point and melting point, fine aerosols will form as the incinerator exhaust gas cools causing potential removal difficulties [24]. However, most of the P20, can be removed in the scrubber. PROCESS DESIGN On-Stream Time A minimum 95% on-stream time is the specification for the incinerator and waste-heat boiler system. This factor is relatively high for two reasons. First, a major portion of the steam used in plant operations is considered to be generated in the waste-heat boiler. Additionally, inability to incinerate wastes may necessitate shutdown of plant operations. The system must be reliable if it is to be economically feasible. Flexibility of Handling Capability Figure 15. H,SO, formation, SO, concentrations vs. calculated dewpoint. Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) In addition to special consideration of waste materials to be incinerated and high on-stream time, a high degree of flexibility is required in the system's handling capability. The ability to accept rapidly varying flows and compositions is required, including turndown to two-thirds of de- February, 1982 Page 35 sign rate and provision for future expansion with minimal modification. Process Design Description A simplified process flow diagram for the incineration and heat recovery is shown in Figure 17. Wastes are fed to the incinerator through four feed burners. The waste streams are separated so that reactions between stream components before entering the incinerator are avoided. Waste streams containing chlorinated hydrocarbons are combined and fed to one burner, with atomization b y compressed air. The two tar streams are each fed through separate burners. The fourth burner handles all other liquid wastes. T h e wastes to these three burners are atomized by steam. An air stream containing some aromatic hydrocarbon vapors is fed to the incinerator, as are combustion and excess air. I n c i n e ra tor opera t i n g co 11d i t i on s are based o n the minimum EPA regulation for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). EPA regulation requires a 2-second residence time and minimum flame temperature of 1200°C (2192°F) with 3% excess air [25].Bayer, in Germany, encountered no detectable chlorinated compounds in the flue gas when incinerating polychlorinated compounds at 1200°C and 1-second minimum residence time [24].T h e EPA regulation is a reasonably conservative basis for design and has been verified by test burns at Rollins and Ensco facilities in 1980 [ I I ] . An incinerator operating pressure of -51 mm ( - 2 in) WC is chosen for safety and environmental reasons. Immediately preceding the incinerator exit, incinerator exhaust gas is cooled from 1204°C (2200°F) to 760°C (1400°F) by recycle of waste-heat boiler exhaust gases, in order to solidify molten salt particles. Although both NaCl and Na2S04 exist in the wastes, eutectic forniation is minimized by intensive atomization. Recycle Mixing Quench Chamber Cooled incinerator exhaust gas passes through the quench chamber before entering the waste-heat boiler. Coarse solid particles entrained in the gases settle out in the bottom of the quench chamber for disposal. T h e ciuench chamber and lines from the incinerator to the waste-heat boiler are brick-lined. capacity, with provision for future addition of a water-tube boiler at production rates beyond this range. Inlet temperature is 760°C (1400°F). At the 100% rate, the approximate nutlet temperature and boiler pressure drop are 246°C (475°F) and 203 nim (8 in) WC respectively, with generation of approximately 36,000 kg/hr (79,366 Ib/hr) of 1137 kPa (165 psig) steam. Venturi Scrubber In the Venturi scrubber the waste-heat boiler exhaust gas is quenched from 246°C (475°F) to 45°C (113°F) with salt-containing waste water. I n addition, some of the soluble entrained salts such as NaCl and Na,SO, are removed. Efficient removal of sub-micron particles can be obtained by installing an EPA recognized best available control technology (BACT) high-energy, variable-throat Venturi. T h e variable throat provides pressure drops as high as 1219 mm (48 in.) WC and very high efficiency of removal over a range of gas flow rates. Scrubbing Column Quenched waste-heat boiler effluent gas enters the bottom of the scrubbing column, and flows couutercurrent to the scrubbing liquor. Most of the HCI, SO,, P,O,, NO,r,and solids from the exhaust gas are absorbed with water and neutralized to salts (NaCl, Na2S0,, Na,SO,, and Na,P04) by a slightly caustic solution. T h e p H of the solution should range between 6 and 9 for most efficient removal. Below p H 6, the efficiency ofremoval is reduced, and at a pH greater than 9, CO, will be absorbed from the gas, causing problems with scale formation [26]. Most of the resulting salt solution is recirculated to the top of the scrubber column. T h e remaining liquor is removed a n d purged to a wastewater sewer or wastetreatment plant. Recirculation minimizes water pollution and the cost of wastewater treatment. The scrubbed gas goes through a mist eliminator which removes entrained liquor and particulates before entering the exhaust stack. Scrubber Exhoust Stack The exhaust gas passes through the stack, located on top of the scrubbing column, to the atmosphere. The stack emissions point is 80 feet above grade. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS Waste-Heat Boiler A fire-tube, horizontal boiler is preferable to a watertube boiler. T h e higher gas-film temperature of fire-tube boilers is advantageous because salt deposits and corrosion are minimized, and cleaning or replacement is easier and less frequent. The waste-heat boiler is designed to operate at 67-100% The material balance starts with the incinerator. An elemental analysis of the waste streams is shown in Table 1. The combustion reactions assumed for calculation purposes are: 1. CI + H = H C I 2 . 4 H 0, = 2 H 2 0 + + 0,= co, s + o,=so, 3. C 4. + 50, = 2P,O5 6. 2N (in the nitro group) 5. 4 P TO STACU r- RECYCLE GAS t --- 7, LOX CAUSTIC PACKE L I I a LEGEND ~ I l \ i RECIRCULATION LIQUOR YENTURI scnvnesn - T I TEMPERATURE BLOWDOWN TO SEWER Figure 17. lncinerotion ond waste heat-recovery flowsheet. Page 36 February, 1982 + 1.5 0, = NO + NO, In addition, at an incinerator temperature of 1204°C (2200"F), salts will decompose: 2CUS0, = c u , o + 2 s 0 , + Y20, ZFeSO, = Fe,O, + SO3 + SO, T h e amount of stoichiometric air required for combustion is determined on the basis of the incoming streams. Excess air needed to maintain an incinerator temperature of 1204°C (2200°F) is found by heat balance, based on the average heat capacity of the combustion gases, and gross heating values for each stream. Assumptions are that equilibrium is attained at 1204°C (2200°F) in the iucinerator for all reactions except NO,. formation; and that on cooling ofthe gases, changes in flow rate and concentration are negligible. Investigation of equilibrium for the following reactions Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) is necessary: (Figure 1) 1. H,O + C1, = 2HC1 + YzO, (Figure 2) 2 . X O , = 2CO + 0 2 (Figure 3 ) 3 . co + Cl,=COC12 (Figure 5 ) = NO, 4. Y2N2 + %02 (Figure 5) 5. N O + % 0 2 = N 0 2 (Figure 14) 6. 2SO2 + 0 2 = 2SO3 Once combustion and equilibrium reactions have been studied, the incinerator exit gas analysis is known, Table 3. The calculation of caustic feed flowrate to the scrubbers is based on the NaOH requirement for the following neutralization reactions: HCI + NaOH = NaCl + H 2 0 SO, + 2NaOH = Na, SO, + H 2 0 SO:, + 2NaOH = Na, SO, + HzO P,O, + 6NaOH =2Na,PO, + 3 H 2 0 The scrubber exhaust-gas temperature is determined by a heat balance for the scrubber, based on 126 m3/hr (550 gpm) wastewater at 13°C (55°F) for quenching and scrubbing. Trial-and-error calculation converges on a 45°C (113°F) exit temperature. The partial pressure of water at this temperature determines the amount of water vapor in the scrubber exhaust gas. The final scrubber exhanst analysis is listed in Table 4. A water balance around the scrubbers gives the blowdown stream flow rates. This stream includes water, solTABLE3. INCINERATOR EXIT GAS 95.8% Excess Air kg mol hr Cotn- ponent M.W. ~ N, + .A 28.2 Mol% Dry kg Wt% hr Dry ~ Mol% Wet 38.02 1147.06 40.95 0.28 8.59 44 240.51 0.64 36.5 19.44 0.69 71 0.018 GPPM GPPM c1, 0.06 0.06 30 1.81 N0 46 0.12 43PPM 40PPM NO, 0.06 0.06 1.664 SO, 64 80 0.026 9PPM 9PPM SO, 46.09 49.64 AIR 29 1390.52 100.0 280 1.168 H,O 18_ _ 216.06 7.16 -_ _--Total 29.2 3017.228 100.0 100.0 kg = 1.46 g/dscm P205and Particulates: 98 hr CO, HCl ~ 38.45 32,347 12.58 10.582 0.84 710 1.3 15PPM 0.06 54 5.7 68PPM 0.13 107 2 24PPM 47.93 40,325 100.0 84,134 3,889 88,023 100.0 uble salts, and particulates. T h e recirculation liquor stream has the same composition as the blowdown stream, with a 141 m3/hr (616 gpm) flowrate. LITERATURE CITED 1. Kirk and Othmer, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,” Ed. 3, Vol. 7, pp. 106-107, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1979). 2. Kirk and Othmer, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,” Ed. 2., Vol. 12, pp. 38-42, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1964). 3. Wall, C. J., J . T. Craves, and E. J. Roberts, “How to Burn Salty Sludges,” Chemical Engineerin , 77-82 (April 14, 1975). 4. Ennironnzentul Reporter, “Stanckrds of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 121:1526 (September 7, 1979). 5. Houeen and Watson, “Chemical Process Principles,” Vol. 2, p. 985, Appendix pp. xxvi-xxviii, John Wiley a d Sons, New York (1959). 6. “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,” Ed. 60, pp. D-67-78, Chemical and Rubber Company (1979). 7. Occupational Safety and Heulth R e p o r t f r , “OSHA Standards-Toxic and Hazardous Substances, p. 31:8303 (January 21, 1981). 8. Kirk and Othmer. “EncvcloDedia of Chemical Technoloev.” Ed. 2, Vol. 4, p 432. ]oh, Wiley and Sons, New York (19x44). 9. Perry and Chilton, “Chemical Engineer’s Handbook,” 5th Ed., pp. 3-62-63, McCraw-Hill, New York (1973). 10. Santoleri, J. J., “Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Waste Disposal and Recovery Systems,” Chem. Eng. Progr., 69, No. 1, 68-74 (January, 1973). 11. 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SCRUBBER EXIT GASANALYSIS T = 45°C 1113°F) Component % Removal CO, N, + A AIR NO NOI S0, SO, HCI C1, P,O, Total, Dry H,O Total, Wet 0 0 0 65 65 99 10 99.3(1) 99 (1) 99 kgihr kg-mol/hr 10,580 32,350 40,325 19 1.9 1.1 1.8 5.3 0.013 0.7 83,284.813 5,270 88,554.813 240.45 1147.16 1390.52 0.63 0.042 0.017 0.023 0.146 0.0002 0.0049 2778.9931 292.78 3071.7731 g‘dscm 127,034 388,426 484,182 228 23 13 22 64 02 8 86,524 412,797 500,368 227 15 6 8 53 0.07 2 158 484 604 0.28 0.028 0.016 0.027 0.079 0.00019 0.010 Corrected to 12% CO, g/dscm 120,000 572,508 307,060 315 21 8 11 74 0.1 3 220 672 837 0.39 0.039 0.023 0.037 0.11 0.00027 0.015 I ) E P A Incinrr.ilion of PCB,. Suinmarp of Approval Actions 2-6-XI 2778.9931 X 22.4 1 1 1 ~ 273 + 2VK ___ X tg ~ niol 273°K = 66810 dscm Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1) February, 1982 Page 37 ~ 17. Bartok, W., V. S. Engleman, R. Goldstein, and E. G . del Valle, “Basic Kinetic Studies and Modeling of Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Combustion Processes,” AJChE Symposium Series No. 126, 68, pp. 30-38 (1972). 18. EPA, Final PSD regulations, 52.21(h) (August 7, 1%0). 19. Meier, H., and F. Weger, Staub Reinhault Luft, 1980, 40(b), 245-9 (Chem. Abstracts, VoI. 94, 1981-94: I9746K). 20. Kirk and Othmer, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,” Ed. 2, Vol. 19, p. 461, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1964). 21. Pierce, R. R., “Estimating Acid Dewpoints i n Stack Gases,” Chemicd Engineering (April, 1977). 22. Kiang, Y.-H., “Predicting Dewpoints of Acid Gases.” Chemi- cal E n ineering, p. 127 (February 9, 1981). 23. Verhok, F. H. K., and J. T. Banchero, “Predicting Dewpoints of Flue Gases,” C h e m . Eng. Progr., 70, No. 8, 71 (August, 1974). 24. Fabian, H . W., P. Reher, and M. Schoen, “How Bayer Incinerates Wastes,” Hydrocurbon Processing, 183-192 (April, 1979). 25. EPA 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 761. Final Rule on PCB’s, effective February, 1979. 26. Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, “Sulfur Oxides Control Technology Series: Flue Gas Desulfurization-Dual Alkali Process,” Research Triangle Park, N.C. (October, 1980). Andrew Ting is a process manager at T h e Heyward-Robinson Company, where he is responsible for all environmental matters related to air, water and solids pollution control. He earned his B.S. at Chekiang University, China, his h1.S. at Montana State University and his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri, all in Chemical Engineer- JoAnn Ward is a process engineer with The Heyward-Robinson Company. She received her B.S.Ch.Efrom Tiifts University in 1980. ing. Prediction of Destruction Efficiencies How big must a boiler be to destroy a given hazardous waste by incineration? Here are recommended options for the practicing design engineer. C. Dean Wolbach, Acurex Corp., Mountain View, Calif. 94042 destroy the compound. The converse is not true. That is, if Regulations being proposed under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) have prohibited or made very expensive some traditional methods for disposing of hazardous wastes. Rather than impounding andlor landfilling wastes, there are increasingly strong economic incentives to use methods to completely destroy these materials. Such destruction methods for organic-containing wastes can be classified as either chemical or thermal. Chemical destruction methods are usually tailored to particular properties of a waste, while thermal destruction has more universal application. Because many organic wastes have a high heat content, and because of rising fuel costs, destruction in boilers in which the waste is co-fired appears to be an attractive answer to a real problem. One question that must b e addressed when contemplating the destruction of a hazardous organic waste in a boiler is: will the boiler destroy the waste to a sufficiently low level that it no longer constitutes a significant environmental hazard? This paper proposes a means of answering that question. It proposes a method whereby an estimate of a boiler’s ability to achieve a given destruction efficiency can be made. The model discussed in this paper is the core of a more extensive, and complex rnodel which contains verification procedures for the assumptions of the core model, and relaxes the conservative restrictions placed on it. Thus, the core motlel is the more conservative. If the assumptions of the core model are met, and the core model predicts that a certain coinpound will b e destroyed to a given efficiency, then it can be assumed that the boiler will satisfactorily 81491-82-57R1-003X-%2.00. “ T h e American Institute of Chemical Engi- Page 38 February, 1982 the model predicts insufficient conditions for destruction, the boiler may or may not be adequate. APPROACH The chemical and physical processes undergone by a material passing through a boiler are varied. T h e detailed reaction paths a r e c o m p l e x , e v e n for t h e s i m p l e s t molecules [I]. For larger and structurally more complex molecules, little if anything is known of the detailed mechanism of destruction. However, by the use of judicious assumptions, a conservative estimate of boiler destruction efficiency can be obtained. T h e core model first establishes a time and temperature relationship required to reach a certain destruction efficiency for a given compound. It then develops analogous time and temperature relationships for the bulk gases within the boiler furnace. Finally, a graphical overlay procedure is used to determine ifthere is sufficient time above a given temperature in the boiler furnace to achieve the required destruction. Destruction efficiency, for the purposes of this paper, is considered to be based on the disappearance of the compound of interest. It is assumed that the kinetics of disappearance are experimentally expressable as pseudo-first order [2]. During actual thermal destruction three types of mechanisms occur simultaneously. A portion of the material is destroyed in the flame zone at high temperatures and at very fast rates d u e to high free-radical concentrations. The bulk of the material may bypass the flame but can be destroyed at much slower rates by either oxidation or Environmental Progress (Vol. 1, No. 1)