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Enthymemes Exercises: Logic & Argument Analysis

Enthymemes exercises
In the following enthymemes, determine whether the missing proposition is a
premise or a conclusion. Then supply the missing enthymeme into a valid
argument, if possible.
1. Not all text messages are welcome, but those from friends are.
2. None but great novels are timeless, and The Brothers Karamazov is a great
3. Wherever water exists, human life can be sustained, and water exists on the
4. If a symphony orchestra has effective fund-raisers, it will survive; and the
Bangkok symphony has survived for years.
5. The only telescopes that are unaffected by the atmosphere are orbiting
telescopes, and the Hubble telescope is in orbit.
1. Conclusion is missing
- Some text messages are not text messages from friend (valid)
2 Conclusion is missing
• The Brothers Karamozov is a timeless book (invalid)
3 Conclusion is missing
• The moon is a place that human life can be sustain (valid)
4 Conclusion is missing
• The Bangkok symphony is a symphony orchestra band which
has effective fund-raisers. (Invalid)
5 Conclusion is missing
• Hubble telescope is a telescope that is unaffected by the