Pharmacology of Poisoining and Drug Overdose Mary Y. Mancao, M.D., FAAP Cebu Doctors’ University Hospital Cebu City, Cebu EPIDEMIOLOGY: Philippine Perspective (National Poison Management and Control Center) TOXICOKINETICS Compartmental Toxicokinetics – exposure to a chemical with rapid equilibration to the central compartment followed by distribution to the peripheral compartments 1. 2. 3. 4. EXOGENOUS COMPOUNDS ADVERSE EFFECT ASSOCIATED PASSAGE THRU PHYSIOL OGICAL ULTIMAT E FATE OF CHEMICALS Top Ten Agents 2014 (Telephone Referrals) Pediatrics Adults Kerosense Sodium hypochlorite Sodium hypochlorite Methamphetamine Silica gel Paracetamol Paracetamol Hydrochloric acid Oral contraceptive pills Organophosphate Isopropyl alcohol Pyrethroid Pyrethroid Ferrous sulfate Jathropa seeds Silver jewelry cleaner Ferrous sulfate Chlorine granules Paint thinner Clonazepime PHARMACEUTICALS 47% of Exposures and 84% of Serious or Fatal Poisoning ABSORPTION: SKIN 1. Defense between dermal exposure and systemic toxicity 2. Significant route of exposure for lipophilic substances 3. Percutaneous absorption from skin to dermal blood vessels TOXICOKINETICS • Absorption • Distribution • Metabolism TOXICODYNAMICS • Median Lethal Dose • Median Lethal Concentration • Threshold Level ABSORPTION: GI TRACT Degree of Absorption from GI tract depends on: 1. Site, time, pH dependent on the physicochemical properties of the toxin 2. Oral Cavity/ Sublingual (first pass metabolism) 3. Esophagus 4. Presence of Food in Stomach 5. Enterohepatic circulation prolongs toxin effect 6. Colon 7. Rectum ABSORPTION: RESPIRATORY TRACT 1. AIRBORNE Toxic Gases • Aerosols • Volatile |1 2. 3. ALVEOLI Large area for gas exchange and blood perfusion TERMINAL BRONCHIOLES One of the most effective surface for absorption Leads to systemic TOXICOKINETICS DISTRIBUTION OF TOXICANT METABOLISM Biotransformation/ Metabolism • is the sum of all chemical processes of the body that modify endogenous or exogenous chemicals DISTRIBUTION: Factors Affecting Distribution METABOLISM: Factors affecting Metabolism of Toxicant Age • Very young • Elderly • Young Adulthood Sex • Hormonal Variations Nutritional Status • Elderly TOXICOKINETICS |2 ELIMINATION OF THE TOXICANT Critical to the reduction of toxicity Includes all processes that lead to the decrease in the amount of the toxicant OVERDOSAGE • Describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced • May result in a toxic state or death GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF POISONING Emergency Stablization History Physical Exam Lab Exam TOXICODYNAMICS ● Utilized to denote the injurious effects of toxins on vital functions ● Response depends on the quantity of chemical exposure or administration within a given period Graded Dose Response – relationship of an individual to increasing of continuous doses of chemical Quantal Dose Response – increasing doses in a population of test systems 3 CONCEPTS Median lethal dose (LD50) • statistically calculated dose of a chemical that causes death in 50% of the animals tested • used to extrapolate the toxic potential of a compound to humans • used with all routes of poisoning except inhalation Median lethal concentration (LC50) • smallest concentration of a given chemical that will kill 50% of a test group of animals. It is applicable to chemicals that are inhaled Threshold limit values (TLV) • maximal amount of a chemical that is considered safe. Elimination of Poison EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OF POISONING – ABDCDE PRINCIPLE • • A – Airway: Maintain adequate airway B – Breathing: Provide oxygenation • • C – Circulation: Maintain adequate circulation D –Disturbances of the CNS: Treat seizures, coma E – Electrolytes: Correct electrolyte abnormalities • IMPORTANT PARTS OF HISTORY TAKING Obtain a good history which should include the following: • Type of drug and amount ingested • Time of intake/ingestion • Intake of other substances • Intentional intake of toxin or Unintentional ingestion • Past medical history and current medications • Home remedies given • Patients MUST be observed in a medical facility even if they are asymptomatic |3 IMPORTANT PARTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION* GENERAL EXAM • Skin • Odor of AUSCULTA TE • Lungs • Heart CHECK • Complete abdominal exam *Watch for TOXIDROMES – groups of symptoms that appear consistently with particular poisons *(see separate page) CASE 1: IRON OVERDOSE History • 3 year old female was brought to the local emergency room (ER) due to abdominal pain and vomiting. The mother states that the symptoms began 2 days prior to consult. • The mother denied any other symptoms. • On exam: Temp=36.5oF HR: 125/min RR: 30/min BP= 93/55mmHg • Rest of physical exam was within normal limits • Patient was then sent home from ER Six hours later, the patient returned with lethargy and pallor along with continued vomiting and abnormal respiration • Patient was then admitted to the ICU • Admission lab exams were significant for: serum bicarbonate: 5 meq/L, Arterial pH of 7.17, pO2 of 300 mm/hg on ventilator • After 24 hours upon admission to the ICU, the patient expired Mechanism of Toxicity: • Iron is corrosive to GI mucosa, leads to hematemesis and perforation of the intestine • Early iron-induced hypotension leads to massive volume losses • Iron accumulates in Kupffer cells of the liver and myocardial cells leading to hepatotoxicity, coagulopathy, and cardiac dysfunction Toxic Dose • Moderate to severe toxicity is seen with ingestions > 60 mg/kg in children and > 40 mg/kg in adults • *see separate page for Elemental Iron Preparations *see separate page for Acute Iron Intoxication Overview |4 Elemental Iron Content |5 IRON OVERDOSE TOXICITY • 20-30 mg/kg elemental iron – Abdominal pain • 40 mg/kg elemental iron – Potentially serious • 60 mg/kg elemental iron – Potentially fatal 6 mg/kg/day Normal Dose in Children BUN=18meq/L creatinine 3.2 meq/L • Patient was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Mechanism of Toxicity: • Hepatic injury • Renal Damage • Fetal death and abortion • Metabolic Acidosis and Altered Mental Status Toxic dose: • Acute Toxicity: more than 200mg/kg in children and 6-7 grams in adults A suicidal patient took 100 tablets of Ferrous fumarate (500mg Fe/tab), weight of patient= 55kg. Calculate the mg/kg of elemental iron ingested. DEFEROXAMINE TREATMENT: INDICATIONS • Peak serum Fe concentration ≥ 500mcg/dL • Significant clinical manifestations (lethargy, coma, hypovolemia, coagulopathy, metabolic acidosis) • (+) abdominal radiograph for tablets or capsules despite GI decontamination • Peak serum Fe concentration between 350-500 mcg/dL AND presence of persistent vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain CASE 2: ACETAMINOPHEN OVERDOSE HISTORY • 4 day old male infant presented to the local ER with nonprojectile vomiting, altered level of consciousness, and poor feeding • Infant was born at 38 weeks via spontaneous vaginal delivery and weighed 7 lbs and 2 oz. On the second day of life the patient underwent circumcision • On admission: Temp=37.2oF HR=100/min RR=28/ min • Significant lab exams include: Serum glucose=27 mg/dL (normal 45120 mg/dL) sodium=149 meq/L (normal 135148meq/L) bicarbonate=18 meq/L ACETAMINOPHEN OVERDOSE Pharmacokinetics: • Elimination half life is 1-3 hours but may be greater than • 12 hours in an overdose • More toxic metabolites may be produced in high risk • patients such as alcoholics and those taking isoniazid (inducers of CYP2E1). Glutathione production is reduced in fasting and malnourished patients. |6 Diagnosis: Serum acetaminophen levels Management: N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – restores hepatic glutathione stores N- ACETYLCSYSTEINE (NAC)* Mechanism of Action 1st Stage: Prevention of NAPQI binding (w/in 8 hours) • Precursor for Glutathione and sulfate • Glutathione substitute • Reduction of NAPQI to Acetaminophen 2nd Stage: Modification of NAPQI binding effects • Antioxidant • ↓ neutrophil accumulation • improved microcirculatory changes • improved tissue oxygen delivery and extraction *NEEDS TO BE GIVEN WITH 8 – 10 HOURS FROM INGESTION INDICATIONS FOR NAC • serum acetaminophen concentration drawn at four hours or more following acute ingestion of an immediate-release preparation is above the "treatment" line of the treatment normogram for acetaminophen poisoning • A suspected single ingestion of greater than 150 mg/kg (7.5 g total dose regardless of weight) in a patient for whom the serum acetaminophen concentration will not be available until more than eight hours from the time of the ingestion. • Patient with an unknown time of ingestion and a serum acetaminophen concentration • >10 mcg/mL (66 μmol/L). • Patient with a history of acetaminophen ingestion and evidence of ANY liver injury. • Patients with delayed presentation (>24 hours after ingestion) consisting of laboratory evidence of liver injury (ranging from mildly elevated aminotransferases to fulminant hepatic failure) and a history of excessive acetaminophen ingestion. |7 MANAGEMENT • ABCs of life support • Maintain vital signs • NPO, start IVF • NGT and gastric lavage with activated charcoal and sodium thiosulfate after lavage. • Give 20% NAC with premedication of diphenhydramine to prevent anaphylactoid reactions • Serum AST monitoring • Treat specific problems: acute renal failure, bleeding tendencies, hepatic insufficiency, metabolic disturbances CASE 3: ORGANOPHOSPHATE POISONING History • 23 year old male sampaguita worker was brought to the local ER due to headache, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting of 1 day duration • He denied any similar illness in the family. • On admission: Temp=37.5oF HR=60/min RR=40/min • Significant physical examination for lethargy and diaphoretic with bilateral wheezing of both lung fields • EKG revealed prolong QTC interval Mechanism of Toxicity: • By binding to and inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, preventing the degradation of acetycholine and resulting in its accumulation in nerve synapses. • If left untreated, organophosphates form irreversible bond to acetylcholinesterase, permanently inactivating the enzyme. • Carbamates form a temporary bond to the enzyme, allowing reactivation of acetylcholinesterase within 24 hours Organophosphates: Malathion, Dursban (Chlorpyrifos can be found in Raid) Carbamates: Aldicarb, Methomyl *see nest page for neurologic effects of organophosphate and carbamate agents ORGANOPHOSPHATE POISONING A. Muscarinic Effects DUMBBELS • Diarrhea/ • Defecation • Urination • Miosis • Bronchorrhea • Bronchospasm • Bradycardia • Emesis /excitation of muscles • Lacrimation • Salivation B. Nicotinic Effects • muscle fasciculations • cramping • weakness • diaphragmatic failure • hypertension • tachycardia • mydriasis • pallor |8 CHOLINERGIC TOXIDROME *see next page for organophosphate and carbamate poisoning: Rapid overview |9 | 10 CASE 4: TRICYCLIC ANTIDPRESSANT OVERDOSE History • A 36-year old female was admitted to the local ER for generalized tonic clonic movement of 1hour duration. • The family denies any prior illness or symptoms • On examination: the patient is lethargic and confused • Vital signs: Temp=38.9oF HR=108/min BP=80/60 • First EKG: Sinus tachycardia • Second EKG: Ventricular tachycardia, Ventricular Fibrillation Mechanism of Toxicity • Achieve their desired antidepressant effects via blockade or norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake • Antagonism at muscarinic ACH receptors leads to anticholinergic toxidrome • Antagonism at peripheral alpha receptors lead to hypotension and syncope • Toxicity of TCAs due to ability to block sodium channels leading to impaired cardiac conduction and arrythmias Toxic Dose: 10 -20 mg/kg is potentially life threatening SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS (SSRI) • In overdose, SSRIs are considerably less toxic than TCA • Mechanism of toxicity: SSRI selectively block uptake of serotonin in the central nervous system. In contrast to TCAs, SSRIs do not directly interact with receptor types • Clinical and Lab Manifestations: Sertonin syndrome is a triad of altered mental status, autonomic instability, and neuromuscular hyperactivity (hyperreflexia, tremors, clonus in the lower extremities ECG shows prolonged QTc prolongation • Treatment: Supportive care, Cyproheptadine | 11 CASE 5: ISONIAZID OVERDOSAGE History • A 62-year old male was found by relative wandering the streets of Lahug saying in Bisaya “Repent-the world is at its end” • His relatives state he had been well until two hours prior to admission to the local ER. They also stated that he had been regularly going to the health department • Upon arrival to the ER, he was noted with a 30minute generalized tonic clonic seizure Mechanism of Toxicity • INH produces acute toxic effects by reducing brain pyridoxal 5-phosphate, which is the active form of vitamin B6 and an essential cofactor for the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase. This results in lower CNS levels of gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which leads to uninhibited electric activity manifested as seizures. • INH may also inhibit the hepatic conversion of lactate to pyruvate, exacerbating the lactic acidosis resulting in eizures. ISONIAZID OVERDOSE: ACUTE TOXICITY ISONIAZID OVERDOSE Mechanism of Toxicity • Peripheral neuropathy, presenting in a stockingglove distribution, is thought to be related to pyridoxine deficiency. It is the most common complication of chronic INH therapy. • The mechanism of INH-induced hepatitis involves two pathways: an autoimmune mechanism and, more commonly, direct hepatic injury by INH and its metabolites. Hepatocellular necrosis is the most alarming adverse effect of chronic therapeutic INH. INH TOXICITY Toxic Dose • Acute ingestion of as little as 15–40 mg/kg can produce toxicity. Doses larger than this often cause seizures. Ingestion of 80–150 mg/kg is associated with increased mortality. • With chronic use, 10–20% of patients will develop hepatic toxicity when the dose is 10 mg/kg/d, but fewer than 2% will develop this toxicity if the dose is 3–5 mg/kg/d. Older persons are more susceptible to chronic toxicity. Diagnosis: Triad of Metabolic Acidosis, Seizures, and Coma Treatment: Supportive, Vitamin B6, Sodium Bicarbonate in Severe Metabolic Acidosis, Benzodiazepines LABORATORY • Plasma INH levels • Urine test for metabolite • Other examinations CBC, ABG, Random Blood Sugar serum electrolytes BUN, creatinine liver function tests Protime, CPK MM urine pH MANAGEMENT ABCs of life support Maintain vital signs NPO, start IVF NGT and gastric lavage with activated charcoal and add sodium thiosulfate after lavage Alkalinization therapy with Na bicarbonate at 1mEq/kg IV q6h until urine pH ≥ 7.5 to enhance excretion Vitamin B6 (either as pure or in combination), avoid phenytoin Treatment of specific problems: metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, pulmonary edema, renal failure, seizures | 12 CASE 6: BENZODIAZEPINE OVERDOSAGE Enhance action of inhibitory neurotransmitter gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) Anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and hypnotic properties Kinds of benzodiazepines: long-acting, intermediate acting and short-acting • Diazepam (long acting)-t1/2= 24-48 h • Midazolam (short-acting)-t1/2= 2 hours Rapidly and nearly completely absorbed in the GI tract BENZODIAZEPINE OVERDOSE Toxic Dose • In general, the toxic-therapeutic ratio for benzodiazepines is very high. For example, oral overdoses of diazepam have been reported in excess of 15–20 times the therapeutic dose without serious depression of consciousness. • Respiratory arrest has been reported after ingestion of 5 mg of triazolam and after rapid IV injection of diazepam, midazolam, and many other benzodiazepines. • Ingestion of another drug with CNS-depressant properties (eg, ethanol, barbiturates, opioids) probably will produce additive effects. • Determination of benzodiazepine levels in the blood is NOT useful • Urine benzodiazepine level can be obtained but interpreted with caution since only the metabolites of 1,4-benzodiazepine such as oxazepam can be detected by the urine drug test. It may not detect lorazepam, alprazolam, and midazolam. • Other diagnostic tests Random Blood Sugar, BUN, creatinine Serum electrolytes ABG, 12 lead EKG Pregnancy test (pregnancy risk category D) • • • Flumazenil – competitive antagonist with weak agonist properties at the benzodiazepine receptors Indications: pure benzodiazepine overdose CNS depression normal Vital Signs, including O2 saturation normal ECG otherwise normal neurologic exam Expected response: improvement of level of consciousness Specific Precautions • It may take several days to achieve recovery • Benzodiazepine abstinence syndrome may occur around 5 days after discontinuation of the drug • Benzodiazepines exert a synergistic effect with other CNS depressants • Flumazenil has NO ROLE in unknown poisoning presenting with coma • Forced diuresis and hemodialysis are not effective – Benzodiazepines are highly proteinbound! Management • ABCs of life support • O2 inhalation • IV fluids • Insert NGT and do gastric lavage with activated charcoal • Give sodium thiosulfate (Adult: 15g in 100ml water; Pediatric: • 250mg/kg in water to make a 10% solution) • If (-) respiratory depression: observe for 24 hours • If (+) respiratory depression: Give Flumazenil (adult: 0.1mg/min to total dose of 1mg; Pediatric: 0.01mg/kg to total dose of 1mg) | 13 Fill for SUMMARY: | 14