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Electro Technology Assignment: Electronics Concepts

Assignment No: - 01
Institution: Faculty of Technology, University of Jaffna
Specialization: Electro Technology
Course Name: Electronics for Technologists
Module Code: ETE407TE3
Assignment type: Individual
Q1. What is the slew rate and what is the specification of the slew rate?
Q2. What are the logic families used in comparators? Explain all the logic families.
Q3. What is a Zero crossing detecter? Explain the characteristic.
Q4. What is Hysteresis? Explain how Hysteresis related to Schmitt Trigger with a diagram.
Q5. Explain what is ADC (Analog to digital converters) using suitable examples.
Q6. For the given Figure:01 Op-amp saturation voltage is +/-15V. Find Upper and Lower
threshold voltages.
Q7. Design the Schmitt Trigger for the given Figure:02 Hysteresis curve.(Find R1, R2, and Vref)
Q8. A Mono-stable 555 Timer is required to produce a time delay within a circuit. If a 20uF
timing capacitor is used, calculate the value of the resistor required to produce a minimum output
time delay of 400ms.
Q9. An A-stable 555 Oscillator is constructed using the following components, R1 = 2kΩ, t1 =
21ms, and capacitor C = 10uF. Calculate the output frequency from the 555 oscillators, R2, t2,
and the duty cycle of the output waveform.?
Q10. Explain how IC555 Timer works with the Flip-flop function state the full explanation of the
555 timer.