Good Study Habits Read and use the suggestions below - add more throughout the year STUDY SPACE - Have a dedicated study space - Keep it organised and purely for study/assessments etc - Somewhere quiet is best - Put your phone in another room or on airplane/focus mode Plan your Time - Plan Week x Week, Month x Month or Term x Term - Be flexible, sometimes your priorities will shift - Be realistic - Plan breaks/rest time/fun TAKE A BREAK Your brain and body need a rest. Every hour take 10-15 min break, set a timer: - Go for a walk - Cook something - Talk to family/friends - Check your phone/emails - Do a mindfulness video/activity I'M STUCK! Don't waste time getting nowhere or going in circles; - Walk away and do something else, come back after ~20 min - Have a break - Write down all the questions you have in your book or email them to your teacher and put the task away - Move on to another task Study Strategies - Prepare. Have everything you need before you start - Break down tasks into manageable chunks; tick them off as you finish - Set a timer for each subject/block you need to complete - Choose healthy, enjoyable snacks/drinks Created by Miss Dalrymple & 11CF 2022