Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 10 - 13, 2020 A Modified Bouc-Wen Model of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles in Antagonistic Configuration Quy-Thinh Dao∗ , Hai-Trieu Le, Manh-Linh Nguyen, Trong-Hieu Do, Minh-Duc Duong Department of Industrial Automation Hanoi University of Science and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam Abstract—Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs) exhibit hysteresis, nonlinear, and uncertain characteristics. This makes it difficult to build a highly precise model of PAM. In this study, a modified Bouc-Wen model is used to describe the hysteresis in the relationship between internal pressure and joint angle of PAMs in the antagonistic configuration. Through an identification method using particle swarm optimization, it is verified that the proposed model can approximate the behavior of PAM based antagonistic actuator with high accuracy. This could lead to enhancing the tracking performance of PAMs. Index Terms—Pneumatic artificial muscles, hysteresis model, Bouc-Wen model, system identification, antagonistic muscles I. I NTRODUCTION This study aims at presenting a modified Bouc-Wen (MBW) model for describing the behavior of PAMs in the antagonistic setup. In the proposed model, the additional input difference term is added to adapt to the different behavior of PAMs during contraction and relaxation processes. The proposed MBW model is validated by identification method using particle swarm optimization. To the end, this paper is organized as follows. Section II provides the background of the BW model and the proposed modified one. Then, the experimental apparatus and data collection for parameter identification are described in Section III. Next, the procedure for obtaining the model parameters is presented in IV. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM), a soft actuator has attracted great attention by many researchers in the last decade [1]–[7]. In comparison to electrical motors and hydraulic actuators, PAM performs two significant advantages which are very high power/weight and power/volume ratios [8]. Besides, PAM has many advantages such as lightweight, flexibility, etc. Especially, PAM acts similarly to a human skeletal muscle. When supplied with the air, PAM contracts in the longitudinal direction and enlarged in the radial direction, and vice versa. Thus, PAMs are widely applied to human-interact applications. A single PAM is often used in longitudinal direction applications such as Body Weight Support systems. PAMs in the antagonistic configuration are usually applied in rotation applications as medical appliances, biorobots, arm orthotics, lower-limb rehabilitation, and so forth. However, the performance of PAM-based systems is limited by the nonlinear input pressure–length relationship and by the inherently complex hysteresis. It leads to difficulty in both model and control of PAM. It also makes the low performance of PAM-based systems. In order to describe the hysteresis behavior of PAM in both single-mass and antagonistic systems, a number of hysteresis models have been employed such as Prandtl–Ishlinskii [3], Maxwell slip model [5], [6], Preisach model [7], and BoucWen model [10], [11]. One of the most widely adopted ones is the Bouc–Wen (BW) hysteresis model whose best feature is its versatility. where y(t) denotes the output of the BW model, u(t), and ω(t) denote the applied input and the hysteresis state, respectively; ρ ≤ 1 is the weighting parameter; k is the stiffness coefficient; and ε, ψ, γ and n ≥ 1 are the parameters which govern the shape and amplitude of the hysteresis curve. Alternatively, the BW model in equation (1) is rewritten as follows: y(t) = ρk + k(1 − ρ) ε − ψsgn(u̇)|Γ|n−1 − γ|Γ|n u̇(t) (2) y − ρku where Γ = k(1 − ρ) In the case of n = 1, k = 1, ρ = 0, equation (2) is expressed as: y(t) = εu̇(t) − ψ|u̇(t)|y(t) − γ u̇(t)|y(t)| (3) This research is funded by the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) under project number T2020-TT-002. It is a special case of the BW model which is considered in this paper. For further developments, the relationship (3) II. M ATHEMATICAL F ORMULATION OF M ODIFIED B OUC -W EN M ODEL First, the formulation of the original BW model is provided together with its discretizing procedure. After that, the proposed modification BW model is presented. The original BW model is expressed as equation (1) [9]: y(t) = ρku(t) + (1 − ρ)kω(t) ω̇(t) = εu̇(t) − ψ|u̇(t)||ω̇(t)|n−1 ω(t) − γ u̇(t)|ω̇(t)|n ω(0) = ω0 (1a) (1b) (1c) Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA. Downloaded 978-1-7281-6530-1/20/$31.00/ ©2020 IEEE 157 on October 02,2023 at 09:07:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. can be discretized base on Taylor Series expansion method as follows. The first order derivative can be simply approximated as ∆t2 (4) 2 where σ ∈ (t, t + ∆t), ∆t is the sampling time, t = k∆t is the sampling instant. If y(t) 6= 0 , the first order derivative ẏ(t) is obtained y(t + ∆t) = y(t) − ẏ(t)∆t + ÿ(σ) y(t + ∆t) − (1 − µ1 )y(t) (5) ∆t ÿ(σ) ∆t2 is defined as a higher order positive in which µ1 = y(t) 2 function of ∆t. If the sampling period ∆t is sufficiently small, (1 − µ1 ) will be closely equal to 1. Thus, the derivative ẏ(t) can be derived from (5) as: ẏ(t) = y(t + ∆t) − λ1 y(t) (6) ∆t where λ1 is a parameter which is closely equal to 1 when ∆t is small enough. We can easily see that equation (6) is also valid even if y(t) = 0. Similarly, we have the approximation of derivative u̇(t) as ẏ(t) ∼ = u(t + ∆t) − λ2 u(t) (7) u̇(t) ∼ = ∆t where λ2 is a parameter which is closely equal to 1 when ∆t is sufficiently small. From (3), (6), and (7), we have yk = λ1 yk−1 + ξϑk − ψ|ϑk |yk−1 − βϑk |yk−1 | (8) denote k∆t as k and define uk − λ2 uk−1 ϑk = , ξ = ε∆t, ψ = Ψ ∆t, β = γ∆t (9) ∆t Relation (8) is the numerical approximation of the BoucWen model in the discrete-time domain. The Bouc-Wen model 40 30 is rate-independent, i.e, limited to decribing invariant hysteresis curves regardless the increment/decrement of the input frequency. This behaviour can be clearly in Fig. 1. Besides, hysteretic effects found in most smart materials, especially in pneumatic artificial muscle is rate-dependent. According to the our research, there are a number of extensions of BW model which have been reported in the literature typical as [13], [14]. Nonlinear terms are included in the standard BW form not only depend on the sign of the input derivative, but also on the input itself. This extension offers greater flexibility in shape control and has the ability to depict asymmetric hysteresis curves with time invariant parameters. Meanwhile, the proposed extension [14] is essentially based on the addition of a function with no further nonlinear memory, i.e. , a polynomial input function created cascading with the BW model the standard has the local Lipschitz continuity attribute. It can be seen that both of these extensions require meticulous methods of determination to yield satisfactory results In order to describe the hysteresis behavior of PAM according to the change of its pressure, equation (8) is further modified by introducing the first-order input difference term νu,k which is define as νu,k = |uk − uk−1 | (10) Then, the proposed modified-BW (MBW) model is given as follows yk = λ1 yk−1 + (ξ1 + ξ2 νu,k ) ϑk − (ϕ1 + ϕ2 νu,k ) |ϑk |yk−1 − (β1 + β2 νu,k ) ϑk |yk−1 | (11) III. E XPERIMENTAL A PPARATUS AND DATA C OLLECTION A. Experimental Apparatus The overall experiment apparatus is shown in Fig. 2, which consists of two PAMs, two electric control valves, a potentiometer, and a control system, etc. (Table I). In this research, two PAMs with 25 mm of diameter and 500 mm of length are connected through a pulley to become the antagonistic configuration (Fig. 3a). As shown in Fig. 3b, the PAM is fabricated at our laboratory which has an inner rubber tube and a layer of non-expendable braided shell. The tube is wrapped in a double-helix-braided shell woven at a predetermined 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Fig. 1. Comparison of input-output relation described by the Bouc-Wen model (λ1 = 0.995, λ2 = 0.995, ξ = 0.8, ψ = 0.04, and β = −0.08) in the discrete-time domain at different frequencies. Fig. 2. Experiment Apparatus. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA. Downloaded 158 on October 02,2023 at 09:07:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Triangle signal: The control signal has the triangle shape with 0.2 MPa amplitude and frequency varies from 0.2 to 0.8 Hz. The experimental data, including the control signal, the measured angle of the actuator, and the pressure are collected for further analysis. The sampling time is set as Ts = 5 ms. The first data of control signal is used to identify the MBW model parameters. Two others are used for model validation. TABLE I C OMPONENTS OF EXPERIMENT SYSTEM Components PAM Potentiometer ECV Controller Model WDD35D8 ITV-2030-212S-X26 Myrio-1900 • Branch HUST Zhejiang SMC National Instruments IV. M ODEL I DENTIFICATION P ROCEDURE A. Particle Swarm Optimization (a) (b) Fig. 3. (a) The antagonistic setup and (b) the fabricated PAMs in experiments. angle. Both ends of the rubber tube are closed with caps. The joint angle is measured by a potentiometer WDD35D8 from Zhejiang, China. The pressure inside of each PAMs are manipulated by electric control valves ITV-1030-04N2OL5 by SMC company, Japan. The control system includes a personal computer and a realtime controller Myrio-1900 from National Instrument (USA). The Myrio is connected to the potentiometer via analog input module and regulates the pressure supplying to PAMs via analog output channel. The MBW model in section II includes many parameters for constructing the shape of the hysteresis curve. The parameters of the proposed model can be estimated through an optimization tool. In this research, the particle swarm optimization method is employed to identify the model parameters. The procedure of the original PSO can be described as following steps [12]: • Initialize the time to zero and set a number for initial i,d position xi,d 0 and initial velocity ν0 i,d • Evaluate the fitness of each particle F xk . • • B. Data Collection In order to identify the model parameters, the input (control signal) and output (joint angle) must be collected first. After that, an optimization method is used to identify the model parameters. The input-output data is collected by two following steps: Step 1: The initial joint angle is set at 0 degrees by supplying the same nominal pressure (P0 ) to both PAMs. This value will determine the joint compliance and in this paper P0 is set as 0.2 MPa. Step 2: The joint angle can be changed by sending a control signal to the electrical control valves. This signal is proportional to the different pressure inside each PAM. Three types of control signals are used for identification: • Sine wave: The sinusoidal signal with 0.2 MPa amplitude and frequency varies from 0.2 to 0.8 Hz. • A mixed-frequency sine wave with both various amplitude and frequency, as in the following equation: u(k) = Asin(2πf t) + 0.6Asin(2π0.3f t) +0.7Asin(2π1.5f t) + 0.1Asin(2π4f t) (12) in which A = 0.1 MPa is the basic amplitude, and f = 0.5 Hz is the basis frequency of the input signal. • • Set the P bi,d k to the P bi,d k−1 P bk = xi,d F k better performance as follows F xi,d ≥ F P bi,d k k−1 i,d xi,d < F P b k k−1 Set the Gbi,d k to the position of particle with the best fitness within the swarm as 1,d 1,d n,d Gbi,d k ∈ Pbk−1 , P bn k−1 , · · · P bk−1 o i,d 1,d n,d F Gbk = min F (P bk−1 ), F (P b1,d k−1 ), · · · F (P bk−1 ) Update the velocity vector for each particle according to the following rule V , if νki,d ≥ Vmax max i,d −Vmax , if νk < −Vmax i,d νk+1 = i,d Iω νki,d + p1 r1 P bi,d k − ik otherwise + p r Gbi,d − ii,d , 2 2 k k Update the position of each particle according to i,d i,d xi,d k+1 = xk + vk+1 • Let k = k + 1 i,d • Compute the new F (xk ) until the iteration to be terminated or the least value for F to be achieved. where Iω is inertia weight, p1 is cognitive learning gain, p2 is social learning gain; r1 and r2 are random numbers in the range of [0,1]; P bi,d k is the best known position along the d th dimension of particle i in iteration k; Gbi,d k is the global best known position among all particles along the d th dimension in iteration k; and k = 1, 2, · · · , N denotes the iteration number; N is the maximum allowable iteration number, Ns is the population size. In addition, Vmax is the maximum velocity evolution which is usually selected to be half of the length of the search space. Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA. Downloaded 159 on October 02,2023 at 09:07:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TABLE II PARTICLE S WARM O PTIMIZATION PARAMETERS . 40 Iω max 0.9 Iω min 0.2 p1 1.5 p2 2.5 N 1000 Ns 60 4 20 2 0 0 -20 TABLE III PARAMETERS OF P ROPOSED B OUC -W EN M ODEL . -2 -40 0 λ1 0.9876 ϕ1 -0.0045 λ2 0.8542 ϕ2 -0.5068 ξ1 0.0016 β1 0.0080 ξ2 0.3372 β2 -0.2762 5 10 0 5 10 40 20 0 -20 B. Model Validation By using PSO method, eight parameters of the proposed MBW model are identified with the applied pressure is a sine wave with 0.5 Hz frequency first. Then, the proposed model is verified with two other input signals including triangle and mixed-frequency sinusoidal waves. The chosen parameters of PSO identification are provided in Table II. Figure 4 indicates hysteresis curves collected in the experiment and estimation curve obtained from the MBW model (11) with the parameters in Table III at 0.5 Hz of sinusoidal signal frequency. Figure 5 and 6 show the model validation with the inputs are triangle and mixed frequency sinusoidal signals, respectively. The root mean square values of estimation errors between measured data and estimated data of MBW are provided in Table IV. It is verified that the MBW depicts a good approximation of hysteresis characteristic of PAMs in an antagonistic setup with the RMSE less than 4.00◦ . -40 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fig. 5. Model validation with input is the 0.5Hz triangle signal: (a), (b) are measured and estimated values, and their deviation. (c) is the comparison of input-output relationship between collected data (blue line) and MBW model (dash-red line). 10 50 5 0 0 -50 -5 -100 -10 0 5 10 0 5 10 50 40 4 0 20 2 -50 0 0 -20 -100 -2 -40 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 0 5 10 0 5 10 Fig. 6. Model validation with input is the mixed-frequency sinusoidal signal: (a), (b) are measured and estimated values, and their deviation. (c) is the comparison of input-output relationship between collected data (blue line) and MBW model (dash-red line). 40 20 0 -20 -40 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fig. 4. Estimation results of the 0.5Hz sinusoidal input signal: (a), (b) is measured and estimated values, and their deviation. (c) is the comparison of input-output relationship between collected data (blue line) and MBW model (dash-red line). M ODEL ACCURACY IN TABLE IV T ERM OF RMSE VALUE B ETWEEN M EASURED AND E STIMATED DATA . Input Signal Sine wave Triangle wave Mixed frequency signal Estimation Accuracy 0.2 Hz 0.5Hz 0.8541 1.3187 0.9422 1.1516 3.5095 (RMSE) 0.8Hz 1.3253 1.6288 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA. Downloaded 160 on October 02,2023 at 09:07:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. V. C ONCLUSIONS This research proposed a modified Bouc-Wen model to describe the behavior of PAMs in an antagonistic configuration. By implementing the input different term, the MBW model is able to characterize the rate-dependent input-output hysteresis relation of PAMs with good accuracy. Particularly, the MBW model is designed in the discrete-time domain, it is facilitate to implemented in any real applications. The MBW exhibits not only promising modeling and characterization but also toward high tracking performance in PAM-based applications. R EFERENCES [1] C. P. Vo, X. D. To and K. K. 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