390 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES, VOL. 25, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2002 Electrical Breakdown in Atmospheric Air Between Closely Spaced (0.2 m–40 m) Electrical Contacts Paul G. Slade, Fellow, IEEE, and Erik D. Taylor, Member, IEEE Abstract—The increasing importance of electrical contacts in air with micrometer spacing prompted recent experiments on the electrical breakdown behavior of these gaps. The electrical field between the contacts used in one of the experiments was analyzed using finite element analysis to model the electric field. The experimental data on the electrical breakdown voltage could be divided into three regions as a function of the gap spacing. First, at close gap spacing ( 4 m) both the breakdown voltages as well as the electrical fields at the cathode were similar to values measured during the breakdown of vacuum gaps of less than 200 m. Second, at larger gaps ( 6 m) the breakdown voltages followed Paschen’s curve for the Townsend electron avalanche process in air. Finally, in between these two regions the breakdown values were below the expected values for purely vacuum breakdown or purely Townsend breakdown. The breakdown phenomena have been discussed in terms of field emission of electrons from the cathode and their effect on initiating the observed breakdown regimes. Index Terms—Atmospheric pressure, electrical breakdown, electrical contacts, Paschen’s law, small contact gaps, vacuum breakdown. I. INTRODUCTION T HIS paper discusses the electric breakdown of closely spaced contacts (0.2 m to 40 m) in air at atmospheric pressure. This subject attracted some research effort in the 1950’s [1]–[3], but for the most part has been neglected until comparatively recently [4], [5]. There are a number of reasons why discussion of this subject is timely. First, the miniaturization of electrical components is rapidly advancing. This miniaturization includes higher conductor densities leading to smaller conductor spacings in connectors, switches, and micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). In these components, the spacing between electrical conductors is routinely dropping to the micrometer range. Even a low potential difference imposed across two such conductors can generate a very high electric field, possibly leading to an electrical breakdown at quite low voltages. Second, the automobile industry is actively changing the electrical system in cars from 14 V to 42 V. It is commonly believed that if the voltage between two conductors in atmospheric air is below the Paschen minimum breakdown voltage in air of 325 V [6], [7], then a breakdown between the conductors is not possible. However, an electrical breakdown of the gap between the conductors, leading to an arc, is possible even at 42 V when the distance between the conductors is a few micrometers [8]. Third, this subject also can literally come Manuscript received September 12, 2001; revised November 16, 2001. This work was recommended for publication by Associate Editor J. W. McBride upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. The authors are with Eaton Corporation, Cutler-Hammer Products, Horseheads, NY 14845 USA (e-mail: paulgslade@eaton.com). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAPT.2002.804615 close to home. A new miniature circuit breaker, called an arc fault circuit interrupter, has been recently been introduced for household use [9]. This device detects low-current, arcing faults on the line, causing the circuit breaker to trip before the fault can cause severe secondary damage, such as a fire. In the U.S.A. the usual home circuit is 110 V (rms), so the question has again risen about how could an arc burn for long enough to cause damage at these low voltage levels. If the breakdown in air followed Paschen’s Law, then the low line voltage would be unable to break down the gap after the arc extinguished at the first current zero. However, in closely spaced gaps a voltage of 110 V would be sufficient to cause electrical breakdown, re-igniting the arc after a current zero. Once an arc has been initiated, breakdown of a contact gap is not the only means by which the arc can continue to operate through a number of current cycles. For example, carbon deposits from dissociated insulation can permit a conducting path between the arcing members. An arc carrying a current of a few amperes has a temperature greater than 5000 K [8], which would be sufficient to ignite a fire. Finally, increasing interest is being paid to another potential arcing problem, namely in the hundreds of kilometers of closely bundled electrical wiring typically used in commercial and military jet aircraft [10]. In all these cases, the proper design of the electrical system requires knowledge of the breakdown behavior. Experiments on contacts in air at micrometer gaps have shown that the contact gap crucially controls the breakdown voltage. An essential component in eliminating these electrical breakdowns at micrometer gaps is to quantify the voltage limits and understand the breakdown behavior as a function of contact gap spacing. In this paper we evaluate recently published electrical breakdown measurements for closely spaced contacts in air at atmospheric pressure Pa and Pa. This data is then and in vacuum between analyzed in terms of the Townsend electron avalanche theory and Paschen’s Law for breakdown in air [6]–[8], and in terms of the vacuum breakdown process involving field emission of electrons from microprojection on the cathode contact [11]–[13]. II. EXPERIMENTAL DATA The data for electrical breakdown in atmospheric pressure air comes from two sources [4], [5]. The first set of data was developed by Lee, Chung and Chiou [4]. These researchers made careful measurements using the contact arrangement shown in Fig. 1, with contact gaps ranging from 0.2 m to 40 m. The cathode was a Fe polished needle and the anode was a silver as a function of condisc. The minimum breakdown voltage tact gap is shown in Fig. 2. The second data source, also shown 1521-3331/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE SLADE AND TAYLOR: ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN IN ATMOSPHERIC AIR Fig. 1. 391 The contact structure used in [4]. All dimensions are in millimeters. Fig. 3. (1). Comparison of the data in Fig. 2 with both the Paschen curve in air and Fig. 2. Electrical breakdown voltage in air as a function of contact gap. Data points ( ) are from [4], and ( ) are from [5]. 4 in Fig. 2, comes from the work of Torres and Dhariwai [5], again using a very carefully developed contact system. These measurements were taken in a clean room, and three contact materials were tested: Ni, Al and brass. They observed no difference outside their experimental errors for these materials. in Fig. 2 shows that for contact gaps greater than 6 m, the breakis in the range 300–400 V. For contact gaps less down voltage is a strong function of the than 4 m, the breakdown voltage contact gap . In Fig. 3 we have taken the Paschen Curve in air at atmospheric pressure [8] and superimposed it on the data given in Fig. 2. For contact gaps greater than 6 m, the Paschen curve passes through the breakdown data. For contact gaps less than 4 m, the voltage breakdown points are below the expected values predicted from the Paschen curve. The data in this region can be represented as a linear function of the gap spacing (1) V m The two lines are shown in Fig. 3; one is for and the other is for V m . This behavior will be discussed in the following sections. III. VACUUM BREAKDOWN REGION The experimental data for the breakdown voltage at small gaps in air is very similar to the breakdown behavior of contacts in vacuum. The experimental data for the breakdown voltage as a function of the contact gap in high vacuum is shown Fig. 4. Electrical breakdown voltage in vacuum as a function of contact gap. in Fig. 4. This data is taken from many sources [14]. The data points shown here are the average values. The contact gap ranges from 35 m to 200 m and shows a linear dependence on contact gap i.e. (2) V m Vm . The value of Where for the vacuum breakdown data falls within the range of in (1) for the air breakdown data in contact gaps less than 4 m. These experimental similarities between the breakdown data in air at very small gaps and breakdown in vacuum for gaps of less than 200 m suggest that a similar breakdown mechanism governs both cases. Three other similarities are also present. First, the electric field at the contact surface for small gaps in air is comparable in magnitude to those observed in vacuum breakdown. Second, this electric field is high enough to produce a field emission current from the cathode contact. Finally, the mean free path of the electrons in air at atmospheric pressure is about 0.5 m. Electrons from the cathode will have very few collisions before reaching the anode at small contact gaps m). The presence of air in these small contact gaps will ( thus have only a small effect on the breakdown process. 392 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES, VOL. 25, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2002 Fig. 6. Example of a surface profile for a ground and polished mild steel contact [16]. Fig. 5. Geometrical enhancement factor Fig. 1 as a function of contact gap. for the contact structure shown in TABLE I GEOMETRICAL ENHANCEMENT FACTOR FOR CONTACT GAP THE TWO RANGES OF Even with polished contacts, the microscopic contact surface is anything but smooth [15], as seen in Fig. 6 [16]. The peaks in the contact surface result in another field enhancement factor, , at the surface of a microprojection’s peak. Thus, the total electric field at the contact’s microsurface is given by (4) Putting then: (5) For vacuum breakdown, the critical parameter is the local electric field at the contact surface. A common method to cal(where is the culate the electric field is to use the ratio potential drop impressed across the contact gap ). When the contact gap is small compared to the radius of curvature at the tip of a needle contact, or the diameter of broad area contacts, the peak macroscopic field is very close to this value. There will be a geometrical effect that produces a higher macroscopic field for longer contact gaps. For broad area contacts, the peak electric field is generally on the edge of the contact, and for needle contacts it is generally at the contact tip. If the geometrical enhancement factor for a given gap is then the maximum macroscopic field, , between the contacts is given by (3) The first step in comparing the air breakdown data to the vacuum theory is to determine . We performed a finite element analas a function ysis for determining macroscopic electric field of the contact gap for the arrangement shown in Fig. 1. The data versus the contact gap for this in Fig. 5 plots case. The ratio of the contact gap spacing to the radius of curvature of the needle cathode determines the behavior of the electric field. When the gap is very much smaller than the needle’s radius of curvature, the needle geometry only has a small effect on can be used to approximate the electric the electric field and field. The peak electric field, however, increases monotonically as the gap increases. For a contact gap of 40 m (i.e., near to the needle’s radius of curvature) the value of has the value of about 1.6. Table I gives the ranges for the geometrical enhancement factor for the contact geometry used in the air breakdown experiment in [4]. Thus, for a contact gap of 2 m in air, where is 160 V (Fig. 3) and is 1.033 (Fig. 5), Vm when the gap breaks down. In addition to knowing the macroscopic field, it is also imporat the contact surface. tant to examine the microscopic field For polished cathodes, the total enhancement factor is in the range 100–250 [17]. Calculations of the enhancement factor generally state the total rather than separately deterand macroscopic contribumining the microscopic at breakdown for contact gaps 35 tions. From Fig. 4, m to 200 m in vacuum is Vm . Therefore at breakdown lies between Vm and Vm . These field strength values are comparable to calat breakdown in air for a contact gap of 2 m culations of Vm and Vm ). The Fe cathode (between used to generate these experimental data is a carefully prepared and polished needle. We would therefore expect that for this at the 2 m cathode to be closer to 100 than to 250. Thus, Vm . The breakdown field gap in air would be closer to strength for vacuum gaps (35 m–200 m) and contact gaps in m) are thus very similar. air ( The enhanced electric field at the cathode contact’s surface results in the field emission of electrons. The current density generated by the electric field is give by the Fowler-Nordheim equation [17], [18] (6) is in amp/m , the electric field is in V/m, is the where work function of the contact material in eV, and and are di. mensionless functions of the parameter In practice, is one and is (7) This equation calculates the current density from the metal via tunneling through the surface potential barrier. A further explanation of the terms of the equation can be found in [19]. comes from a small Assuming that the emission current on the contact surface, then the curmicroprojection of area . Further assuming that the microrent density is SLADE AND TAYLOR: ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN IN ATMOSPHERIC AIR 393 Fig. 7. Fowler–Nordheim plot of the prebreakdown field emission current for Cu contacts spaced 2 mm apart. Fig. 9. Electrical breakdown process in vacuum for contact gaps less than 500 m and in air for contact gaps less than 4 m. Fig. 8. Prebreakdown field emission current as a function of the applied voltage for the data in Fig. 7. scopic field at the tip of the microprojection and the total is given by (3) gives a value of 248. The electric field in this experiment is Vm when breakdown occurs. Thus, only the electric field for contacts in air spaced at less than 4 m is certainly sufficient to produce a very high current density at a cathode microprojection. The development of space charge in front of the cathode is often cited as a limiting factor on the current density that can be extracted from microprojections. Dyke and Trolan [20] observed that the field emission current diverged from the FowlerAm for Nordheim equation at current densities above a 1 mm contact gap. This behavior can be attributed to the effects of space charge reducing the electric field at the emitter, and hence lowering the emission current. Nevertheless, the current density does still increase with increasing electric field and eventually breakdown is reached. The space charge current limit can be calculated from the formula [21] (8) (11) then (6) equation can be written as (9) meaIf the voltage across the contact gap is varied and vs. would give a straight sured, then a plot of line with slope : (10) from which can be calculated. Fig. 7 shows a typical FowlerNordheim plot for Cu contacts with a 2 mm gap in vacuum [17], as a function of for the data in Fig. 7. and Fig. 8 shows grows exponentially as (and ) increases. In fact, at ( kV) for this contact structure and gap, will increase into the milliampere range. Thus, for a 1.45 times increase in (and ), from 34.6 kV to 50 kV, the current increases by . The slope of the line in Fig. 7 four orders of magnitude is the space charge limited current density, is the where bias voltage and is the gap distance. Comparing the ratio of the current density limit for a typical small gap case in air ( Volt, m) to that of a macroscopic gap typical of vacuum kV, mm) gives breakdown experiments ( V kV m mm (12) Thus, space charge buildup will still affect the emission current, however, the current limit is higher for smaller gaps because of the squared dependence on the gap distance. Since breakdown in the larger gaps occurs via the vacuum breakdown mechanism despite the effects of space charge, small gaps should be able to follow the same breakdown process. For small gaps in air, the space charge effect will only be of is greater than Am . This current denconcern once sity is still too low to heat the cathode macro-projection to a level that would initiate a breakdown from the production of field emission electrons alone. One method for overcoming the 394 Fig. 10. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES, VOL. 25, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2002 Townsend electrical breakdown process in air for contact gaps greater than 6 m. space charge limitation is to ionize the dense neutral gas desorbed by the current heating [22]. The resulting ions move toward the cathode, thereby reducing the negative space charge build up and allowing the electric field at the contact surface to increase. Also, ions falling into the cathode will encounter an image electron that travels in the projection to recombine with it. The total current density inside the microprojection thus will be (13) This process is illustrated in Fig. 9 [22]. The background air between the contacts can have only a limited effect on the breakdown process. The mean free path of an m, so for contact electron in atmospheric pressure air is gaps less than 4 m the field emission electrons will only have a few collisions with gas particles. A voltage drop of 20 to 300 V across the contact gap gives a reasonable probability of limited ionization from these few collisions. As the ions drift toward the cathode, a positive space charge can develop in front of the to increase. This efcathode microprojection that will allow fect also helps to compensate for the collisions that may occur between the electrons and the background gas. When the in the cathode microprojection reaches values of to Am , the explosion emission process the order of for vacuum breakdown, as discussed by Juttner [11] (based on the work by Mesyats [12] and Fursey [13]), can occur for closely increases (Fig. 9), the temperature spaced contacts in air. As of the cathode microprojection increases. In fact, the temperature inside the microprojection increases faster than the surface as a result of the Nottingham effect [13], [23]. The Nottingham effect results from the difference in energy between the emitted electrons and their replacements in the metal lattice from the external electrical circuit. At a critical temperature, the microprojection will explode and a dense cloud of metal vapor plasma will form above the cathode surface. This cathode plasma will expand at ms [11], crossing a contact gap of 1 m in s. With closely spaced contacts ( m), the about breakdown of the contact gap once the microprojection explodes is almost instantaneous. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the breakdown process for very small contact gaps in air is similar to that described for vacuum breakdown. The breakdown voltage is a function of the electric field between the contacts, not a function of the contact gap times the ambient pressure. Small contact spacing allows low inter-contact voltages to produce breakdowns. In the experiments discussed here, a breakV is observed for a 0.25 m contact down voltage gap. Thus, for contact gaps less than 4 m the electrical breakdown follows the sequence expected from experiments on the breakdown of contact gaps in vacuum. In this process, the current density in the microprojection increases until it explodes, forming a rapidly expanding plasma ball of metal vapor. When this plasma reaches the anode, the contact gap breaks down. IV. PASCHEN BREAKDOWN REGION Fig. 3 shows that the as a function of contact gap for gaps greater than 6 m fits the Paschen Curve for air. The no longer satisfies the vacuum breakdown curve for gaps m, where voltages above V would be required for the vacuum breakdown processes to occur. For contact gaps of 6 m or more, field emission electrons from the cathode will have approximately twice the number of collisions that would occur for contact gaps of less than 4 m. This produces more ionizing events, making it reasonable to assume that the electrical breakdown for longer contact gaps occurs as a result of Townsend electron avalanche theory [8]. This process is illustrated in Fig. 10. For a 7 m contact gap with a voltage drop of 330 V (Fig. 3), and assuming that is 100, then Vm Vm (14) SLADE AND TAYLOR: ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN IN ATMOSPHERIC AIR Inserting this value into the Fowler-Nordheim equation (see (6)) shows that this electric field can generate a field emission electron current in the microampere range. These electrons will interact with the background gas. The growth in current will be given by [7], [8] (15) where is the contact gap, is the first Townsend coefficient, giving the number of electrons produced per unit distance in the direction of the electric field and is the second Townsend coefficient, giving the number of electrons generated by secondary processes per each primary avalanche. Breakdown oc. According to the Paschen curve curs when for air, the minimum voltage at which this can occur is about 330 V, as is seen in Fig. 3. Thus, for contact gaps greater than 6 m in air, field emission electrons from microscopic projections at the cathode can still initiate the breakdown process. In this case, however, the field emission electrons initiate an electron avalanche that leads to a gap breakdown when a voltage V is impressed across the open contact gap. V. TRANSITION REGION For the contact gap in the range 4 m to 6 m, the measured is less than would be expected from either purely vacuum breakdown or from Townsend avalanche breakdown. In this region only a partial electron avalanche process would be initiated, because the electrons would only have a limited number of collisions with the gas before reaching the anode. This partial avalanche would, however, produce more ions, which would drift toward the cathode microprojection. This enhanced flow of ions to the cathode projection would result in an increase (see (13)). Thus, the in the microprojection current density cathode microprojection could reach a critical current density at than for purely vacuum breakdown. In this contact a lower gap range, the electron avalanche enhances the vacuum breakdown process. VI. CONCLUSION 1) For closely spaced contacts in air, Paschen’s Law is only valid for contact gaps greater than about 6 m. 2) For contact gaps less than about 4 m, the breakdown , in air is a linear function of the contact gap voltage, and is given by: volts (16) is a constant. is similar in where is in m and value to the breakdown voltage expected from contacts with the same contact gap, but in a vacuum ambient. 3) For contact gaps of less than about 4 m, the electric field at a micro projection on the cathode contact’s surface can be high enough to produce a very high current density, field emission electron beam at the projection. When this current density exceeds a critical value, the micro projection explodes and a very high-density plasma forms in the released metal vapor. Electrical breakdown between the 395 contacts is achieved when this plasma reaches the anode contact. This sequence is very similar to the electrical breakdown process between open contacts in vacuum (for contact gaps up to 200 m). 4) For contact gaps greater than about 6 m, the breakdown process follows the classical Townsend electron avalanche theory. For small gaps, however, field emission electrons from the cathode contact initiate the electron avalanche. 5) For contact gaps between 4 m and 6 m, the electrical breakdown is lower than would be expected from either Paschen’s Law or from the vacuum breakdown data. We believe that in this range of contact gap, the electrical breakdown results from an electron avalanche enhanced vacuum breakdown. REFERENCES [1] L. H. Germer, “Physical processes in contact erosion,” J. Appl. 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He is presently the Manager of the Vacuum Interrupter Technology Department, Eaton Cutler-Hammer, Horseheads, NY, where he is responsible for research and development, design, and applications engineering for the vacuum interrupter product. Dr. Slade is a member of the Institute of Physics (U.K.). Erik D. Taylor (M’00) received the B.S. degree (with honors) in applied physics from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 1993 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied physics from Columbia University, New York, NY, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. In 1999, he started working for Eaton Cutler-Hammer, Horseheads, NY, as a Senior Scientist/Engineer at their vacuum interrupter factory. His research interests include plasma physics, vacuum arc physics, electromagnetic field modeling, vacuum breakdown, magnetic fusion, and plasma-material interactions.