Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering, UNITEN Chapter 4 Subsurface Water Unsaturated Flow Infiltration Groundwater Unsaturated Flow Subsurface water flows beneath the land surface. Subsurface flow processes and the zones in which they occur are shown in the figure. Subsurface water zone and processes. Unsaturated Flow Three important processes are Infiltration of surface water into the soil to become soil moisture. Subsurface flow (Unsaturated flow through the soil). Groundwater flow (Saturated flow through the soil/rock strata). Unsaturated Flow Soil and rock strata which permit water flow are called “Porous Media”. Flow is unsaturated when the porous medium still has some of its voids occupied by air, and saturated when the voids are filled with water. The water table is the surface where the water in a saturated porous medium is at atmospheric pressure. Unsaturated Flow Below the water table, the porous medium is saturated and at greater pressure than atmosphere. Above the water table, the porous medium is usually unsaturated except following rainfall, when infiltration from the land surface can produce saturated conditions temporarily. Subsurface and groundwater outflow occur when subsurface water emerges to become surface flow in a stream. Soil moisture is extracted by ET as the soil dries out. Unsaturated Flow Cross section through unsaturated porous medium. A portion of cross section is occupied by soil particles and voids (air & water) Unsaturated Flow The Porosity () is defined as = Porosity Volume of Voids Total Volume The range of is approximately 0.25<<0.75 for soils, the value depending on the soil texture. Porosity is a measure of how much of a rock/soil is open space. This space can be between grains or within cracks or cavities of the rock. Unsaturated Flow Soil Moisture Content A part of the voids is occupied by water and the remainder by air, the volume occupied by water being measured by the Soil Moisture Content () = Volume of Water Total Volume 0.25< < ; the soil moisture content is equal to the porosity when the soil is saturated. Unsaturated Flow Darcy Flux Its sides have length dx, dy, dz in the coordinate directions. Volume = The volume of water contained in the control volume = The flow of water through the soil is measured by the “Darcy Flux” (q) Q q= A Control volume containing unsaturated soil Unsaturated Flow Darcy’s Law Darcy’s Law was developed to relate the Darcy flux, q to the rate of head loss per unit length of medium, Sf q = KSf Consider flow in the vertical direction and denote the total head of the flow by h Sf = − Control volume containing unsaturated soil h z h q = −K z The negative sign indicates that the total head is decreasing in the direction of flow because of friction, Darcy’s Equation Hydrologic Processes - Infiltration • Infiltration is the water that soaks into the surface of the soil. • The infiltration capacity, the maximum rate at which water can infiltrate into a given soil at a given time, depends on the soil physical properties and the depth of water that has already infiltrated. • The actual rate of infiltration depends also on the rainfall intensity or the depth of water ponded on the catchment surface. • For impervious catchment surfaces, such as paved areas, the infiltration capacity is so small that it can be neglected, but for highly pervious surfaces, such as sands or lateritic soils, most of the precipitation on the land surface may be lost to infiltration. (A) Cover and Storage of a Natural Watershed (B) Cover and Storage of an Urbanized Watershed (C) Flood Frequency Curves for Natural and Urbanized Watershed (D) Hydrographs for Natural and Urbanized Watershed 12 Changes in Hydrology and Runoff Due to 13 Hydrologic Processes – Soil Moisture • Soil Moisture is the water contained in the soil above the water table. It is depleted by evaporation from the ground surface and by transpiration through vegetation. • The availability of soil moisture plays a key role in supporting natural vegetation and agricultural crops. • The amount of useful soil water varies between the ‘wilting point’ (the lowest soil moisture content beyond which plant roots can no longer extract water from the soil) and ‘field capacity’ (the maximum amount of water a soil can hold against the action of gravity). • Interflow (or sub-surface storm flow) is water that percolates in a nearly horizontal direction through the soil and seeps out into stream channels relatively quickly during or shortly after a storm period, without having reached the ground water reservoir. • Percolation is the movement of water (particularly in the vertical direction) under hydrostatic pressure through rock or soil, excluding turbulent flow through large openings (macropores). Hydrologic Processes -Groundwater • Groundwater is the water contained in saturated soil (i.e. below the water table). The total volume of groundwater storage may be very large compared to the other components of the water balance. • Groundwater flow, in general terms, is the flow within, between or from groundwater systems. • Baseflow is a general term for that portion of the streamflow that seeps into the stream channels from below the ground surface. • Mostly, it is taken to include both groundwater flow and interflow, but sometimes is used to mean only groundwater flow, i.e. the outflow from the groundwater store to streams that may continue for several months after a storm event, and that is thus responsible for the dry-weather flow in streams. Typical Loss Model for Estimating Rainfall Excess Loss Rainfall, Loss Rainfall, Loss Rainfall Time Time (b) Constant Loss Rate Rainfall, Loss Rainfall, Loss (a) Constant Fraction Time Time Runoff (c) Initial Loss-Loss Rate (d) Infiltration curve Curve Rainfall (e) U.S. SCS relations Recommended Infiltration Models Parameters based on MSMA Manual Note: Well drained sandy soils – A; Poorly drained clayey soils - D Infiltration Infiltration is a process of water penetrating from the ground surface into the soil. The factor influences the infiltration rate 1) condition of soil surface and its vegetative cover 2) the properties of the soil: porosity and hydraulic conductivity 3) the current moisture content of the soil. Hydraulic Conductivity/Permeability is a measure of the ease with which a fluid (water in this case) can move through a porous media. Infiltration The distribution of soil moisture within the soil profile during the downward movement of water is illustrated in the figure. There are 5 moisture zones 1) Saturated zone 2) Transition Zone 3) Transmission zone 4) Wetting zone 5) Wetting front Moisture zones during infiltration. Infiltration 1) Saturated Zone : near the surface, extending up to about 1.5 cm below the surface and having a saturated water content. 2) Transition Zone : which is about 5 cm thick and is located below the saturated zone. In this zone, a rapid decrease in water content occurs. 3) Transmission Zone : the water content varies slowly with depth as well as time. Infiltration 4) Wetting Zone : in which sharp decrease in water content is observed. 5) Wetting Front : a region of very steep moisture gradient. This represents the limit of moisture penetration into the soil. The infiltration rate, f expressed in inches per hour or centimeters per hour, is the rate at which water enters the soil at the surface. If water is ponded on the surface, the infiltration occurs at the Potential Infiltration Rate. Infiltration If rainfall at the surface is less than the potential infiltration rate then the actual infiltration rate will also be less than the potential rate. Most infiltration equations describe the potential rate. The cumulative infiltration, F is the accumulated depth of water infiltrated during a given time period and is equal to the integral of the infiltration rate over that period. t F(t) = f()d is variable of time in the integration. 0 dF(t) f(t) = dt The infiltration rate is the time derivative of the cumulative infiltration. Horton’s Equation Horton’s Equation • • • • • • Infiltration process of movement of water into soil under gravity and capillary forces. A simple infiltration model was suggested by Horton (1933) It state that the rate of infiltration of rain water into soil decrease exponentially with time during a storm event. Some hours during the storm, the infiltration rate maybe closed to zero as the soil becomes saturated. The concept of infiltration based on Horton model which relates between infiltration capacity, f and rainfall duration, t is as shown : When i > f at all times, Horton’s equation can be written as f = fc + (f0 – fc ) e-kt Where f 0 is the initial infiltration rate fc is the final infiltration rate f is the infiltration rate at a time k is the empirical constant for time Horton’s Equation Horton’s Equation • • • • • In Horton’s equation, k is a function of surface texture where k decrease with increasing vegetation. Also, fo and fc are function of soil types and covers. The figure shows the variation of infiltration rate with soil cover, rainfall intensity and slope. The figure indicates that low rainfall intensity will have a lower proportion of its rainfall infiltrates than a high rainfall intensity event. Another important parameter is the cumulative infiltration, F. It represents the volume of infiltration from the beginning of rainfall to the end of rainfall. It is sometimes called infiltration volume or accumulated infiltration. Example – Horton’s Eq Infiltration capacity data obtained in a flooding type infiltration test in given in Table below. (a) For this data plot the curves of (i) infiltration capacity vs time (ii) infiltration capacity vs cumulative infiltration and (iii) cumulative infiltration vs time (b) Obtain the best values of the parameters in Horton’s infiltration capacity equation to represent this data set. Time since start (minutes) Cumulative Infiltration depth (cm) 5 1.75 10 3.00 15 3.95 25 5.50 45 7.25 60 8.30 75 9.30 90 10.20 110 11.28 130 12.36 The best fit straight line through the plotted points could be expressed as ln(fp – fc) = 2.8868-2.6751t -K=slope of the best fit line = -2.6751 Thus K = 2.675/h and Ln(fo – fc) = intercept = 2.8868 giving (fo – fc) = 17.94; Since fc = 3.24 cm/h, fo = 17.94 + 3.24 = 21.18 cm/h Infiltration Horton’s Equation One of the earliest infiltration equations was developed by Horton (1933, 1939) who observed that “infiltration begins at some rate, fo and exponentially decreases until it reaches a constant rate, fc” f(t) = fc + (f0 − fc )e −kt K = a decay constant having dimensions [T-1] Infiltration by Horton’s Equation. Location plan and layout of HTC Kuala Lumpur 134 SEK SYEN 60 K AWASAN BANGUNAN PARLI M EN 84 782 SEK SYEN 97 128 FIGURE 2.1 : LOCATION PLAN AND AND HTC LAYOUT PLAN ZHL ENGINEERS SDN BHD PROPOSED WSUD COMPONENTS Grey Water Treatment System Porous Pavement Toilet Cabin Garaj Office Building Garden Surau Office Building Bio Retention Green Roof Rainwater Tank Porous Pavement Bio Retention Detention Pond / Wetland • Based on MSMA Volume 12 (Chapter 32 Infiltration section 32.2.1), one of the general limitations for suitability of soil for quality infiltration is the minimum infiltration rate fc is 13 mm/hr. Soil Properties Classified by Soil Texture (Source: Puget Sound, 1992) ZHL ENGINEERS SDN BHD • The method used for this testing is by using the Hand Auger Test Pit/Boring Method based on MSMA Volume 8 Chapter 21 (Appendix 21.A – Soil Infiltration). Table 1: Infiltration Testing Summary (Source: MSMA Volume 8 Table 21.A1 Type of Facility Initial Feasibility Test Trench 1 field infiltration test, test pit not required Concept Design Testing 1 field infiltration test & 1 test pit per 15m of trench 1 field infiltration test & 1 test Basin 1 field infiltration test, test pit not required pit per 50m2 of basin area 1 field infiltration test & 1 test Biofiltration 1 field percolation test, test pit not required pit per 15m of filter area (no under drains required) ZHL ENGINEERS SDN BHD Soil exploration using hand auger Water filled into the hole Water level is measured Infiltration Curve (Infiltration Rate and Cumulative Depth vs. Time ZHL ENGINEERS SDN BHD Summary of the results: Parameters (Average) Point A – Bio Retention Point B Wetland Point C – Porous Pavement Initial Rate of Infiltration (f0) (mm/hr) 130.43 246.58 789.63 Constant Rate of Infiltration (fc) (mm/hr) 4 13 13.43 Shape factor (k) (hr-1) 6.511 4.354 9.448 Ratio f0/fc 34.17 26.48 73.07 Horton Equation f = fc+(f0 – fc)e-kt f = 3 + (130.43 – 4)e-6.65t f = 9 + (246.58 – 13)e-4.354t f = 13.43 + (789.63 – 13.43)e-9.448t ZHL ENGINEERS SDN BHD Infiltration Phillip’s Equation Philip (1957, 1969) solved the equation to yield an infinite series for cumulative infiltration, F(t), which is approximated by F(t) = St1/ 2 + Kt S = a parameter called sorptivity (which is a function of the soil suction potential) K = hydraulic conductivity By differentiation 1 1/ 2 f(t) = St + K 2 As t → , f(t) tends to K For a horizontal column of soil, soil suction is the only force drawing water into the column F(t) = St1/ 2 Infiltration Infiltration Rate (cm/hr) Cumulative Infiltration, cm Phillip’s Equation Infiltration Time (hr) Variation of infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration with time Green Ampt’s Equation Green Ampt’s Equation ▪It is a very old model proposed by Green and Ampt (1911). This model is based on Darcy’s Law. ▪It is meant for infiltration into uniform soil to uniform initial moisture content due to a pool of water whose depth can be neglected. ▪The water is assumed to infiltrate into the soil and there is a distinctly definable wetting front of the water as shown in following figure. ▪The wetting can be considered as a plane separating a uniformly wetted infiltrated zone from a totally unwetted zone. ▪Once the soil is wetted, the moisture content does not change with time as long as infiltration continuous. ▪The Green-Ampt model can be written as : f = Ks (L +H+S )/L where : L is the distance from the ground surface to the wetting front, H is the depth ponding above the soil surface normally taken as zero, S is the capillary suction at the wetting front, Ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. Negligible ponded Green Ampt’s Equation Depth of water Green Ampt’s ’s Equation Negligible ponded Depth of water H L Wetted soil Wetting front Unwetted soil Parameters Ks and S can be determined from laboratory and analysis on soil samples. Infiltration Soil Texture Porosity (%) Basic Infiltration Rate (cm/hr) Sand 32-42 2.5-25 Sandy Loam 40-47 1.3-7.6 Loam 43-49 0.8-2.0 Clay Loam 47-51 0.25-1.5 Silty Clay 49-53 0.03-0.5 Clay 51-55 0.01-0.1 Based on MSMA Manual – min infiltration rate is 13 mm/hr. Example 1 In a 10 hour storm event, the following rainfall intensity were observed over the catchment. Surface runoff resulting from the storm is equivalent to 20 cm of depth over the catchment. Time (h) Rainfall intensity 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 (cm/h) 1.0 1.5 5.0 6.0 10.5 8.5 9.0 7.0 1.5 10.0 1.5 Total 51.5 Determine: 1. Infiltration capacity, fi 2. Infiltration rate, f Example 1 - Solutions Total rainfall in 10 hours = 51.5 cm Total runoff in 10 hours = 20.0 cm Therefore, Total infiltration in 10 hours = 51.5-20.0 = 31.5 cm Then, Infiltration capacity, f = 31.5 /10 = 3.15cm/h. It is obvious that, the rainfall is less then the average infiltration capacity during first, second, ninth, and tenth hour and the infiltration rate is equal to the rainfall intensity. During third to eight hour, the rainfall is more than the infiltration thus resulting in runoff occurrence. Let fi be the infiltration rate during these 6 hours, Therefore, 1.0 + 1.5 + 6fi + 1.5 + 1.5 = 31.5 cm. Thus, the infiltration rate fi = (31.5-5.5)/6 = 4.33 cm/h. Example 2 – Horton’s Eq The following infiltration characteristic are meant for particular catchment area: f0, = 100 mm/h ; fc , = 10mm/h ; k= 0.35/h Calculate infiltration rate at 1 hour, 2 hours and 6 hours for the catchment . Solutions: Using equation ; f = fc + (f0 – fc ) e-kt f= 10 + 90 e-0.35t For t =1h ; f = 73.4mm/h For t = 2h ; f = 54.6mm/h For t = 6h ; f = 21.0 mm/h Example 3 A small tube with a cross-sectional area of 40 cm2 is filled with soil and laid horizontally. The open end of the tube is saturated, and after 15 minutes, 100 cm3 of water have infiltrated into the tube. If the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil is 0.4 cm/hr, determine how much infiltration would have taken place in 30 minutes if the soil column had initially been placed upright with its upper surface saturated. The cumulative infiltration depth in the horizontal column is F = 100 cm3/40 cm2 = 2.5 cm. For horizontal infiltration, cumulative infiltration is a function of soil suction alone so that t = 15 min = 0.25 hr F(t) = St1/ 2 F(t) = 2.5 cm, t = 0.25 hr , therefore S = 5 Example 3 For infiltration down a vertical column, applies with K=0.4 cm/hr. Hence, with t = 30 min = 0.5 hr. 1 1/ 2 f(t) = St + K 2 S = 5, t = 0.5 hr, K = 0.40 F = 3.74 cm