eW/FS/WE/001 The water environment WATER CYCLE: Percolation/Infiltration AC3.4 Infiltration is the absorption of water by soil. Water soaks into the ground (called infiltration) moving downward, then it moves laterally and finally seeps into lakes, streams, or directly into the ocean. (Earth An Introduction To Physical Geology, Sixth Edition, International Edition Tarbuch & Lutgens) Infiltration rate is the rate at which water can be absorbed (taken up by) into a specific soil. Every soil has a different capacity to absorb water depending on organic matter content, size of soil particles (sand, silt or clay), amount of soil animal activity, presence of dead root channels, etc. Contact: ewisa@wamsys.co.za URL: www.waterinfo.co.za Prepared by: eWISA Copyright: All right reserved Sponsored by: