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Group Assignment 2 W2022

Group Assignment 2
In this assignment you will focus on recruitment sourcing (finding candidates) for a
specific job. You can pick a role within any company you choose. However, you might
find it effective to use a position from the company where you interviewed for
Assignment 1
For this assignment, you can work with the same group.
Note: This is a group assignment. Everyone participates at every stage of the process
and receives the same mark. You must identify any information that is not your own and
explicitly list (or "cite") your sources. Any form of misrepresentation or unequal
participation will be treated as misconduct under Humber's academic policy.
Follow the steps below to complete your assignment. There are five parts:
1. Job Description: Determine the position that you want to hire. Work up a
job description for this position that includes the essential duties of the job.
Use National Occupational Classification (NOC), market reports or any
other background information that you need to support this design.
2. Interview questions: Write up questions for a pre-screening telephone
interview. Organize the questions into categories for: communication
skills, technical skills, and job-related experience. Time your questions to
fit a 10 to 15 minute conversational format.
Note: Include a numerical ranking system for question assessment. Include instructions
for the interviewer if you think it is important. Do not suggest sample answers to guide
the interviewer.
1. Advertisement: Write a job advertisement suitable for posting to an online
website. Avoid jargon and trendy phrases. Check the job sites where you
plan to post this ad for any special criteria (like unformatted text) and how
graphics or word count could affect posting costs.
Note: This advertisement must be original content written by your group. Other
websites will be searched for plagiarism. Copying from other web sites or job boards will
be treated as academic misconduct.
1. Budget: Explain the size of your budget for this project. Justify how the cost for
posting this position is appropriate for the level of the position and number of
positions being hired.
2. Posting Rationale: Identify two job sites where you “pay for posting”, (provide
specific names and web addresses). Explain what each site specializes in, how
much they charge, and why they were chosen for your posting. Identify how long
your ad will be posted, how it will be tagged categorizing, and how it will target
your audience. Make sure that the total cost for each posting is clear.
Note: If you need to simulate any missing details, make sure they are consistent with
the situation you are reporting and check with your instructor first. Be prepare to make
logical argument based on the course material to support your position.
Every assignment is graded according to the following criteria:
Job description with essential duties (6 points)
Telephone interview questions (12 points)
Advertisment for online job posting (12 points)
Advertising budget (9 points)
Rationale for site posting (6 points)
Follow the format below:
This report must be typed. Provide a clear and thoughtful argument that your
reader can follow. Do not simply respond to questions—write a proper essay.
Include a cover page with the names of each person submitting the assignment.
The report should be 7 - 8 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font.
Use at least two different types of sources (newspaper, journal article, etc.) in
addition to the interview.
Provide an appendix of the questions you asked in the interview.
Include a Bibliography with references to the source material used. Use proper
citation for all sources.
Note: Humber College requires the use of American Psychological Association (APA)
style for all citations, quotes, and references. Use the APA Tip sheet to check the
formatting in your paper before submitting an assignment.
Warning: Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Marks will be deducted for
errors so make sure you proof read the final submission more than once.
To submit your assignment:
1. Click Assignments on the side menu then scroll to the name of the assignment.
2. Click the assignment name to open the Preview Upload Assignment page.
3. Click the Browse My Computer button on the Dropbox page then navigate to the
assignment file in the File Upload window.
4. Select the assignment file then click the Open button to upload the file.
5. Add any comments about your assignment in the Comments field.
6. Click the Submit button to save your assignment for marking.
Note: Name the file using your first initial, last name, and the number of the assignment.
For example, “tjones1.doc” for Tom Jones’ assignment 1.