Your Name

____ (Your Name)
____ (Street address)
____ (City, State zip)
____ (Phone)
____ (Email)
____ (Date)
Human Resources
____ (Company name)
____ (Address)
____ (City, State zip)
Re: ____ (Name of job), position #____ (number found in the ad job posting)
I found your job posting in the ____ (name of publication) last ____ (day of the week). I
am a ____ (your profession) with experience in ____ (one or two of your skills), very
similar to what your job posting asks for.
I enjoy work that involves ____ (a particular situation or challenge). I would be delighted
if my talents were used to benefit your organization.
Thank you for responding to my application.
____ (Your name)
Enclosure: resume