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Physical Activity & Satisfaction of PDL in Tagum City

Physical Activity Participation and Satisfaction of Persons Deprived
of Liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the College of Criminal Justice Education
University of Mindanao
Tagum Campus
Physical activity, screen time, and sleep are examples of movement/nonmovement behaviors that are known to effect health. These factors were examined in this
study because they are common while detention and because they may result in health
issue. Programs to increase physical activity and physical fitness level are conducted in
every sector of society as a result of scientific research findings showing that these factors
are advantageous to all people both physically and mentally. One of the responsibilities
of the state to protect and ensure the physical and mental health of the convicts/detainees
is the right to organize activities that will contribute to the mental and physical
development of prisoners. (Aksoy & Saraç, 2020).
Sport and physical activity programs for jail inmates can offer a significant means
of affecting convicts' personal and social development and achieving good social
changes, skill development, and rehabilitation/reintegration. Physical exercise lowers
stress and anxiety, boosts self-confidence, assists in weight management, and improves
other health concerns. In general, prisoners have minimal opportunity to engage in
regular physical activity; as a result, they are at a higher risk for developing hypokinetic
disorders such diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, and obesity. Due to the
incarceration, movement and occasions to practice sport are very limited with a
consequent impossibility for inmates to enjoy the good effects of physical activities: in
such a kind of situation, those who are imprisoned retain their fundamental right to enjoy
good physical and mental health (Vicente, 2019).
This study anchored to Beard & Ragheb (1980), the term "leisure satisfaction"
refers to the favorable thoughts or sentiments that one develops, evokes, or acquires as
a result of engaging in leisure activities and making leisure-related decisions. It refers to
how satisfied or content a person is right now with their overall leisure experiences and
circumstances. The satisfying of an individual's needs, whether they are felt or not, leads
to this positive sensation of happiness. On their study, the satisfaction scale was originally
for leisure, but it was edited, revised, and validated for physical activity. It comprises six
factors, or subscales: psychological, educational, social, relaxation, physiological, and
aesthetic factors.
In addition, Baldonado et al., (2022) which physical activities like exercise and
sports were enjoyed and performed for leisure by prisoners. Prisoners who engage in
various forms of physical activity, however irregularly, report feeling reasonably pleased
with their engagement in these activities, especially in the psychological and relaxation
domains. In their study that in physical activity according to game/sports which basketball
is the easiest and available inside the district jail compare to volleyball, badminton, table
tennis, and others. Pertaining on the physical activities according to dance activities, the
Zumba which is the best way of relieving their stress and anxiety compare to modern
dance, mass demo, aerobics, and others. Third, the physical activities according to fitness
activities, walking is often do by the PDL because it is easiest to do compare to jogging,
barbells/dumbbells, push-ups, running, curl-up, and others. Fourth, the physical activities
in livelihood activities which craft making/recycling are first in the list compare to weaving,
electrician, dressmaking, jam making, foot spa, and others. Lastly, the physical activities
according to daily routine, which taking bath, brushing teeth and grooming are set of
activities that first given consideration, the detainees also preferred to do cooking,
cleaning, washing clothes and dish washing and need to observe cleanliness inside the
jail. This helps them learn how to adjust. Inmates who engage in physical activity are
statistically substantially more numerous than those who do not. Physically active
prisoners' psychological states included feelings of self-worth and contentment.
This study starts to fill up the research gaps regarding on the physical activity
participation of persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines. The
researchers find out that the study on the physical activity participation of persons
deprived of liberty (PDL) have a lot theory regarding on the programs applied in the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and one of the programs they implement is the
physical activities of the persons deprived of liberty (PDL) pertaining on the relation on
their health issue and mental issue. The articles pertaining on the physical activity
participation of persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines have limited
references regarding to the study. For this reason, the researchers want to increase their
understanding of and ideas about physical activity participation of persons deprived of
liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines.
Furthermore, the significance of the study will determine the physical activity
participation of persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines. The result of
the study would be beneficial to the following: Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
(BJMP). It will be beneficial to assess the physical activities of their inmate which this will
help them to create a plan pertaining on the health issue and mental issue of the
detainees. Future Researchers. This study would act as a guideline for carrying out
similar research and providing prospects for the study's expansion.
Research Questions
The main purpose of this study is to find out the physical activity participation of
persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines. Specifically, it aims to
answer the following objectives:
1. To determine the profile of the persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City,
Philippines in terms of:
1.1 age
1.2 civil status
1.3 years in prison
1.4 height
1.5 weight
2. To determine the Physical Activities of persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City,
Philippines in terms of:
2.1 games/sports activities
2.2 dance activities
2.3 fitness activities
2.4 livelihood activities
2.5 daily routine activities
3. To assess the level of Physical Activity satisfaction of persons deprived of liberty (PDL)
in Tagum City, Philippines in terms of:
3.1 psychological domain
3.2 educational domain
3.3 social domain
3.4 relaxational domain
3.5 aesthetic domain
4. Is there a significant relationship between the physical activities and their level
of satisfaction of persons deprived of liberty (PDL) in Tagum City, Philippines?
Aksoy, F., & Saraç, L. (2020). Physical activity and physical fitness levels of
convicts/detainees remaining in closed penalty execution institutions. Pamukkale Journal
of Sport Sciences, 11(3), 28-41.
Baldonado, N. N., Demot, A. M. L., Villaflores, P. J. A., Dayag, G. G., Buado, E.
L., Ramos, C. V., ... & Martinez, R. G. (2022). Physical Activity Participation of Persons
Deprived of Liberty in Santiago City District Jail, Philippines. Physical Education and
Sports: Studies and Research, 1(2), 91-106.
Beard, J. G., & Ragheb, M. G. (1980). Measuring leisure satisfaction. Journal of
leisure Research, 12(1), 20-33.
Vicente, J. B. (2019). Appraisal of the intervention programs for high profile
inmates in the Philippines. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management
and Social Sciences, 8(10), 136-205.