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Technology & Society Assignment: Environmental Impact & Ethics

Technology and Society
Part 1 – Short Answer
Scenario 1:
A fast-food outlet wishes to decrease
the long-term environmental impact
of the packaging it uses.
Explain the benefits or drawbacks of the below strategies using the
supporting information.
A) Reduce the amount of packaging
B) Design the packaging for reuse by the company
C) Carry out life cycle analysis on a range of packaging
D) Manufacture the packaging from recyclable material
A) Benefit: the environmental impact would be lessened because having
less packaging would reduce the amount of waste. Drawback: time and
money put in to find a designer to make efficient new packaging
B) Benefit: could allow for less waste and more resource conservation.
Drawback: specialised recycling plants could have to be created
C) Benefit: Allows sustainable packaging to be designed. Drawback: time
and money
D) Benefit: reduces waste and conserves resources. Drawback: time and
Which strategy or strategies would be the
most appropriate?
• Redesign the packaging so that there’s less and it can be recycled
Scenario 2:
You are involved in the design
and development of a new
communication product.
Use the supporting information to explain why each one of the following
concerns would be an important consideration in the design and
development process.
A) Can it be recycled?
B) Does it meet Australian standards?
C) Will the device become fashionable?
D) Would the intended use of this product be fair to all people in the
A) Recycling is important because it makes people feel like they are
making a difference when they buy your product. It’s also good for the
B) If it doesn’t meet standards, no one will buy it because there will be
better things
C) Portability and function make a device fashionable
D) Yes
Which of the concerns should be your most
important ethical consideration?
• Fair to the whole community is the most important ethical
Scenario 3:
You have been commissioned by
Pencil Smart Pty Ltd to design a
solar-powered pencil sharpener.
As an ethical designer what steps would need to be
taken before presenting your design to Pencil Smart?
• Ask
• Research
• Imagine
• Plan
• Create
• Test
• Improve
Explain in detail why OR why not each of the following conditions would be
A) The designer applies for copyright.
B) Pencil Smart applies for a patent.
C) The designer researches existing designs of similar products.
D) The designer applies for a patent.
A) The designer owns the design and so the copyright
B) The designer owns the design and so the patent
C) The designer should research existing designs to make sure they do
not breach copyright regulations
D) The designer owns the design and so the patent
Technology and Society
Part 2 – Research and
• Research two products that have been developed as a direct response to environmental issues.
Address the following areas in your research:
- Details and images of the product.
- A brief history (timeline) of the circumstances that led to the product’s launch.
- Explanation about how the product had a direct and positive impact on the environment
- What benefits did the product offer the consumer, cost saving, environmental saving,
time-saving, easier to use etc?
• Develop a Brochure or Leaflet (for each product) advertising/promoting/explaining the benefits of
the product to the public.
• Remember you are trying to ‘sell’ the products so make sure you include some of the following in
your Brochure:
- Eye-catching images
- Description of the environmental benefits
- Emotive or convincing language
- Simple dot points explaining the benefits
- Explanation of why this product is worth using
Product 1 Research – who gives a crap toilet
• Who Gives A Crap started when they learnt that 2.4 billion people
don't have access to a toilet. That's roughly 40% of the global
population and means that around 289,000 children under five die
every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and
sanitation. That's almost 800 children per day, or one child every two
• We delivered our first product in March 2013 and have been thrilled
to keep growing ever since. Not just because our toilet paper is
gracing bathrooms across the country but also because we donate
50% of our profits to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the
developing world.
• over 1 million trees are destroyed every day just to make regular
toilet paper.
• Our recycled toilet paper is made from 100% recycled postconsumer paper – that’s recycled office paper which is already in
Product 1
Product 2 Research – libra period underwear
• Approx 1.5 billion pads/tampons in landfill per year in Australia
• Our plastic packaging is recyclable through soft plastics recycling programs. In NZ,
you can drop your plastic packaging at collection points via the Soft Plastic
Recycling Scheme. In Australia, soft plastic recycling through REDcycle is
temporarily unavailable, but we hope it'll be up and running again soon.
• Everything old is new again when you’re an active partner with Love NZ. These
amazing people reprocess soft plastics and waste materials into new products.
Buckets, waterslides, fences – yep, they do it all.
• Preserving our earth’s natural treasures is so important to us. 100% of pulp
purchases made to create our products meet our Responsible Forestry and Fibre
Sourcing Policies.
• Australian-made, cruelty free, dermatologically tested, no exploitation
• it takes at least 500-800 years for each pad and tampon to decompose.
Product 2