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NEET UT-03 Syllabus: Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry

Jr Elite and AIIMS S60 NEET UT - 03 Syllabus
Test Date: 03 - 10 - 23, 8.30AM to 11.50AM
Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering plants and Living
World: From the beginning of chapter to 1.2. Classification and Systematics
Structural Organization in Animals: Earthworm to Frog and Human health
and Diseases : Introduction, Health and Disease, Types of diseases, Pathogens
and modes of transmission, Common-Bacterial diseases in humans, Viral and
fungal diseases, Entamoeba histolytic, Plasmodium vivax : Life cycle in
humans, Plasmodium life cycle in mosquito and Ascaris lumbricoides
Track-1: Laws of Motion and Friction: causes, types – uses, Methods of
reducing friction, laws of friction, Angle of friction, Friction on horizontal
surface, Pushing & pulling and relevant numerical
Track -02: Kinetic theory of gases and Mechanical properties of Solids and
Mechanical properties of Fluids: Viscosity : Density and pressure, variation of
pressure with acceleration, Buoyancy - applications (Including expansion of
Track -01: Stoichiometry: Empirical and molecular formulae, oxidation state,
balancing of chemical reactions, stoichiometric calculations and concentration
methods and States of Matter: Measurable properties of gases, Gas laws,
Combined gas equation & Numerical, Graham’s law of diffusion, Dalton's law
of partial pressures and Kinetic molecular theory of gases, Deductions of gas
laws from kinetic gas equation, Kinetic energy & Distribution of molecular
velocities and types of molecular velocities.
Track-02: Organic Chemistry: Classification,
homologous series,
nomenclature and structural and stereo isomerism, Reagents: Nucleophiles
and electrophiles, Fission of covalent bond: carbonium and carbanions,
Carbene and benzyne, Electron migration effects: Inductive effects,
Electromeric effect and Mesomeric effect