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Filipino Architecture Visual Dictionary

Diksiyonaryong Biswal ng
Foreword by
University of Santo Tomas
Publishing House
201 s
Diksiyonaryong Biswal ng
Contents .................................................................................................................................................... xi
Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... xiii
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... xv
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................... xvii
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. xix
Part I First Societies .............................................................................................................................. I
Apayao House ......................................................................................................................... 2
Badjao House .......................................................................................................................... 5
Bahay Kubo .............................................................................................................................. 7
Bontoc House ......................................................................................................................... I0
House, Early Form ................................................................................................................ 13
lfugao House ........................................................................................................................... 14
lfugao Rice Terraces, Zoning ............................................................................................ 17
lfugao Rice Terraces, Parts ................................................................................................ 18
lvatan Thatch House ............................................................................................................ 19
Kalinga House ......................................................................................................................... 20
Kankanay and lbaloi House .............................................................................................. 24
Sagada House .......................................................................................................................... 27
Samal House ............................................................................................................................ 30
Tausug House .......................................................................................................................... 32
Yakan House ............................................................................................................................ 34
Part II Hispanic Period .......................................................................................................................... 36
Church, Basic Parts and Plan Type ................................................................................ 37
Church Type, Cathedral ...................................................................................................... 38
Church Type, Fortress Church ........................................................................................ 39
Church Type, Funerary Chapel ....................................................................................... 40
Church Type, Monastic ........................................................................................................ 42
Church Type, Parish .............................................................................................................. 44
Church Type, Pilgrim ............................................................................................................ 46
Church Architectural Style, Earthquake Baroque ................................................. 47
Church Architectural Style, Fil-Hispanic Rococo .................................................. 48
Church Architectural Style, Gothic Revival .............................................................. 49
Church Architectural Style, High Renaissance ....................................................... 50
Church Architectural Style, Romanesque Revival ................................................ 51
Church, Altarpiece ................................................................................................................ 52
Church, Door ........................................................................................................................... 53
Published by
the University of Santo Tomas Publishing House
Beato Angelico Building
Espana, Manila 1015 Philippines
Telefax: (63-2) 731-3522 ·Tel. Nos. 406-1611 Loe. 8252/8278
E-mail: publishing@mnl.ust.edu.ph
Copyright © 2015 Rino D.A. Fernandez
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No portion of this book may be copied in any
form or by any means---mechanical, graphic, photocopying, or stored in
a database or any retrieval system---without a written permission from the
copyright owners.
Text, layout, and illustrations: Rino D.A. Fernandez
Cover design: Patrick Henry Castaneda
Published with the assistance of the
National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
lntramuros, Manila
Recommended entry:
Fernandez, Rino D.A., author, illustrator
Diksiyonaryong biswal ng arkitekturang filipino =Visual dictionary on
Filipino architecture I text, layout and illustrations by Rino D.A. Fernandez;
foreword by Dr. Gerard Rey A. Lico.
-- Manila : UST Publishing House, c2015.
xv, 112 pp.; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-971-506-770-6
1. Architecture -- Dictionaries -- Filipino. 2. Architecture -Dictionaries. I. Title. II. Title: Visual dictionary on Filipino architecture
NA31.F391 2015
PREFACE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The Phil ippines' archipelagic habitat with
thousands of tropical islands having fertile soil, lush
forests, and freshwater rivers and lakes, around shallow
reefs and deep blue ocean with its location being at the
crossroads of trading routes, resulted to its being a
melting pot of various cultures due to trades and
colonization . The richness of these cultures is evident,
not only in the people's dialects, costumes, rituals,
customs and traditions, foods, but also, in their built
heritage. This is the purpose of this book: to present the
rich vocabulary in architecture of our country in a clear
and easy-to-use format.
The book has been organized in three parts:
First Societies, Hispanic, and American Periods. The use
of these historical periods is simply to guide the reader
on the proper context of a particular built heritage. First
Societies presents the architectural terminologies of
the early communities or societies, who settled in the
country prior to the colonization of Spain. Hispanic
Period showcases the rich vocabulary of the
architectural legacies of the Spanish Empire during
their more than 300 years of stay in the country. Lastly,
American Period focuses on the architectural
terminologies of the American built legacy during the
50 years of rebranding the country as a democratic
nation. The Contemporary Period was removed due to
limited entries of terminologies since majority of the
terminologies in this period were also part of other
historical periods .
For each part, the rich vocabulary of a particular
period is presented with a contextual definition with
illustrations to better aid understanding and ensure
retention of information. It is also not the intention
of the author to invent or fabricate an equivalent
terminology in Tagalog/Filipino as counterpart to the
English architectural terminologies which were not
used during the historical periods. Thus, to ensure that
readers understand and familiarize with the
terminologies, its local colloquial, and English
translation will be included whenever applicable. In
First Societies, the local dialect (bold type) will be
followed by its English (regular font) equivalent. For
Hispanic Period, the Tagalog/Filipino (bold type) will be
followed by its Spanish (italicized), and English (regular
font) equivalent. For American Period, if there is an
equivalent term in Tagalog/Filipino, it will be presented
(bold type); however if there is none, only the English
terms (regular font) will be mentioned.
The illustrations were carefully chosen from
the rich architectural structures of the country and will
surely aid in both understanding and appreciation of
the country's built culture. For First Societies, 3dimensional representations of the traditional houses
was used instead of the 2-dimensional floor plans to
give the reader a better sense of visualizing the spaces
and its material finishes. With these in mind, this book
will not only be useful for architecture professionals and
students but also for other design-related professionals
such as interior design and urban planning. This will also
be very helpful for courses in history, tourism, and
cultural heritage aside from those involved in
restoration and preservation of the historic buildings of
our country.
The author believes that this publication is stil l
a work in progress since one can never capture the
entire working vocabulary of a people, past or present.
Church, Vault ........................................................................................................................... 54
Filipino House ......................................................................................................................... 55
Filipino House, Stair ............................................................................................................. 61
Fort .............................................................................................................................................. 62
lvatan, Stone House ............................................................................................................. 64
Lighthouse ................................................................................................................................ 66
Maranao House ...................................................................................................................... 68
Mosque ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Town Plan, Plaza Complex ................................................................................................ 73
Town Plan, Fortress City .................................................................................................... 74
Part Ill American Period ...................................................................................................................... 76
American Period Architectural Style, Italianate .................................................... 77
American Period Architectural Style, Victorian ..................................................... 78
American Period Architectural Style, Mission Revival ........................................ 79
American Period Architectural Style, Neoclassic ................................................. 80
American Period Architectural Style, Neo-Renaissance .................................... 82
American Period Architectural Style, Neo-Gothic ............................................... 83
American Period Architectural Style,Art Deco .................................................... 84
American Period Architectural Style, Streamlined Deco ................................. 86
American Period Architectural Style, Bauhaus ...................................................... 87
Capitol Building ..................................................................................................................... 88
Gabaldon Schoolhouse ....................................................................................................... 90
Guide to Illustrations and Illustrators .................................................................................................. 91
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 97
Filipino Index .............................................................................................................................................. 99
English Index .............................................................................................................................................. I04
Spanish Index ............................................................................................................................................. I09
About the Author ..................................................................................................................................... I 13
FOREWORD _ _ _ _ _ __
Dr. Gerard Rey Lico
Architecture constitutes our visual culture, but
unlike painting and sculpture, it pervades every thread
of our existence, creating a tapestry of meaningful
experiences. As an art form, architecture has its own
language and signifying conventions to generate its
own systems of meaning. Buildings are text, being
made up of visual elements and typological archetypes,
and configured by syntax of architectural
representation. Being pa rt of our quotidian
encounters, built forms are often overlooked, underappreciated and misunderstood.
To understand architecture one must be
familiar w ith its unique vocabulary and to decipher its
mean ing one should master the language of its form. In
knowing the visual language of architecture, we see a
building with fresh eyes and looking at a building now
becomes a source of aesthetic pleasure . In doing so, we
gain the confidence in recognizing quality in design and
discern what this quality and beauty does for the
building. This visual knowledge of buildings can lead to
enlightenment, and an enlightened public will demand
better architecture.
Philippine built forms communicate through a
range of visual devices, morphologic arrangements,
and regional variants and this book revel in illustrated
explanations of building's components. In this book,
author Rino D.A. Fernandez, diligently compiles local
terminologies employed in traditional and
contemporary buildings from the plural architectural
cultures of the Philippines . Most of these vernacular
terminologies are forgotten and obscured by time and
onslaught global culture. These vocabularies were
recovered from extensive research and fieldwork, and
further reclaimed from obscurity through exquisite
hand drawings. The author's monochrome renderings
valorizes the directness and human materiality offinely
detailed hand drawings in this age of digital media and
three-dimensional computer-generated models, to
encapsulate the ideas and articulate concepts which
mere words could not easily capture . The tandem of
word definitions and hand drawn illustrations endeavor
to reintroduce to a new and highly visual generation,
who reared in the infographical didactics, the hetroglot
language of Philippine vernacular construction and
building heritage. A clear understanding of the key
terms used in Philippine architecture will aid the reader
to better understand, analyze and interpret the local
built tradition, articulate local architectural knowledge
and accurately transmit this knowledge through a
common vocabulary across generations.
Most drawings are plans with cross-sections
and exploded isometrics that offer a substantial
amount of fine detail, each legibly expounding on the
underlying ideas and conceptual strategies of how
particular Filipino building typologies are crafted
across geographical locations and historic timeframes.
Extended captions provide a comprehensive naming of
architectural terminology in the vernacular languages
and its English and/or Spanish equivalent. From coverto-cover, Diksiyunaryong Biswal ng Arkitekturang
Filipino is a pioneering work and comprehensible guide
enriched with hand drawings, distinguished for their
elegance and delicacy of line. It is an engaging,
thoughtful and beautiful introduction to Philippine
architecture, ensuring that Filipino built heritage will
never be forgotten.
This book could never have been completed without the wonderful people especially the owners and
caretakers of the built heritage ofourcountrythat I have visited during my research, and the authors and contributors
of the works cited in the bibliography. Without them, this book simply would not exist. That is a humbling thought.
And I am deeply thankful to them all.
Particular gratitude is owed to Manuel Maximo Noche and Gerard Rey Lico, my editors for the architectural
component; Rachelle Lintao and Ofelia Breva for the language component; and Dean John Joseph Fernandez for
reviewing the manuscript. Their expertise, insightful comments, and inspiring suggestions were indeed valuable.
My heartfelt gratitude also to the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) for funding the
research and manuscript preparation; the executive members of the National Committee on Architecture and Allied
Arts (NCAAA) 2011-2013 1 particularly, Tristan Jove Ilana, Mylen Yara non, Lore lie de Viana, Angeline Chua-Chiaco, Anna
Marie Bautista, Gabriel Lopez, Zenaida Galingan, Omar Maxwell Espina, Wilfredo Sy, Ildefonso Torres, and Jemma
Semafia forthe encouragement, guidance and invaluable support.
I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to the NCCA Librarians, Evangeline Toque and Roderick
Bayonito; Arnulfo Dado of National Museum; Mary Rajelyn Javier-Busmente and Juanita Malaga of UST-College of
Architecture; Bishop Julita Cortes and Father Milan Ted Torralba of CBCP - Permanent Committee for the Cultural
Heritage of the Church; Eugene Jamerlan of lloilo Heritage Society; UAP Sugbu Chapter, particularly, Tony Abelgas,
Loloy Castro, and Francisco Noel ; UAP Legazpi Chapter members namely, Rosalyn Narce-Bongalon, Jobe!
Bartolome, and Ricky Astor; Ma. Elaine Banzuela-Cuera of UAPTabaco Chapter; and Jaime Sy, owner of Cebu's Jesuit
Thanks also to Director John Jack Wigley and Deputy Director Ma. Aili I Alvarez and the team of UST Publishing
House, Nida de Guzman-Bernaldez and Felicisimo Tejuco Jr. for proofreading the draft manuscript, Kristina Mae
Banzon for encoding the manuscript and Patrick Henry Castaneda forthe cover design.
I am also indebted to the following illustrators and contributing artists:
Assistant Illustrators:
Mary Christine Bautista
Monique Bautista
Donna Rose Buenaflor
Menard Don
Kimberly Anne Loring
lkko Benjie Mediavillo
Wizza Farra Palanca
Kimberly Ronquillo
Kath Sapungay
Liza Marie Sia
Liza Patricia Sia
Rogelio D. Caringal, MM, uap, piid
Executive Director
UAP Sentro ng Arkitekturang Filipino (2012-2015)
Filipino Architecture has evolved through the years in many aspects and stages that are truly significant. From
Spanish colonization to the contemporary period, the Philippines' built heritage is regarded highly enriching,
resulting to several studies brought about by intense attention and appreciation more-so on its cultural heritage.
Remarkably, we are not fortunate enough to have an available reference on the prolific architectural
vocabulary of the Philippines' built heritage covering traditional Pre-Hispanic structures up to the Contemporary
The "Diksiyonaryong Biswal ng Arkitekturang Filipino" answers to the need, set in visual format, as a multilingual, easy-to-use and comprehensive dictionary on Filipino Architecture to support arrangement and possession of
The author, Ar. Rina D.A. Fernandez, wrote the book based on historical periods to assist the reader on the
appropriate context of a particularword or term resulting to widen national consciousness and identity.
It is noteworthy to state that the very first Illustrated Dictionary on Filipino Architecture is influential in
promoting appreciation of Philippine Culture and Arts, to alleviate the vital need of the Filipinos . It serves as a basic
source of information and learning materials caused by the limited publications on Filipino Architecture .
Contributing Artists :
Jose Vicente Al caber
Marian Ira Lorraine Alejo
Arlene Christine Apela
Rey Baldos
Kristina Mae Banzon
Margarita Inez Barcia
Erica Dominique Cabreros
Jet Catrina Cari
Maria Kristina Cortez
Jayson Darwin Dela Cruz
Shaimaine Joy Duay
Janyssa Eladia
Jillianne Espinosa
Charmaine Garcia
Justin Joshua Giron
Sean Immanuel Go
Paolo Manuel Guanzon
Janine Marie Hung
Kristine Claude Lau
Ana rose Libang
Carmela Dawn Linarez
Glenn Liana
Angelica Mabutas
CidricAngelo Magno
Francis Miguel Malig
Mary Ann Maputi
Ira Kristina Medina
Kimberly Ong
Sarah Faith Ramirez
Sharleen Salazar
Jeff Mcdaniel See
Alyssa Kathryn Sevilla
Mariah Josefina Solidum
Jessica Anne Stevens
Stephanie Suarez
Erica Joyce Tangalin
Alyssa Rae Tejada
Klaradelle SolVillamayor
Dee JayVillanueva
Mariel le Anne Villanueva
Alyanna Riezel Zafe
I give special thanks to my parents, AmparoAntivola Fernandez and the late Ramon Fernandez, who instilled
in me a love of knowledge and a passion for travel and research. This work is also dedicated with love and gratitude to
my wife, Josie, who has patiently endured my absence while I was working and finishing this book.
Dias maba/as sa inda gabas!
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Legazpi City, April 2a15
balai, house
The traditional type of house in Apayao with an
elevated rectangular one-room structure and
protected by a high-pitch thatch roof that
resembles a pointed barrel vault. Interesting
features of this house include the removable
wall panel which can be opened during the hot
season and returned back as a wall durinj) cold
days, and the removable and washable floor
mats placed above a closely-spaced wood floor
that allows natural ventilation thru its floor.
Apayao is the only region in
the Cordillera that has a
navigable river.
atap, roof
High-pointed arch shaped roof
with layers of thick cogon grass
or nipa leaves.
bobong, roof ridge
· · · .. · .... · · · · · · · Layers of thick cogon grass
meticulously laid above the
ridge to cover the space
created along the ridge after
cogon roof was installed.
dindin, wallboards
Rectangular wooden panels
vertically fitted on a groove of
the wall sill and girt to enclosed
upper floor space. Wallboards
can be removed if the house
owner prefers to have an · · .
opening, as window, for
natural ventilation.
sakkar, tie beam
A camber-shaped
. rectangular beam that holds
the roof beam on its ends to
keep the roof beam in place.
ribayan, eaves
The lower end of the
thick cogon roof
projecting beyond the
toldog, floor joist
.·· A hand-hewn rectangular
lumber with cove ends laid
above the posts to hold the
flooring .
tapi, floor beam
A horizontal timber
member attached above
the floor joist and the·..
outer post to provide
support for the raised
section of the floor.
The unusable space below
the house primarily
intended to keep the house
.. . . .. .from dampness and
humidity of the ground.
lawang, drain gutter
A shallow drain canal, ·· ..
located just below the
roof eaves, and
constructed along the
perimeter of the house to
capture and redirect
_._.J----- talaxatag, wood floor
A fixed wooden floor attached
to the floor joist with spacing
almost twice its size.
adixiyan, girder
A rectangular member
· · · .. connecting posts and supporting
floor beams.
part ~
Apayao House
Badjao House
Bahay Kubo
Bontoc House
House, Early Form
lfugao House
lfugao Rice Terraces, Zoning
lfugao Rice Terraces, Parts
lvatan Thatch House
Kalinga House
Kankanay and lbaloi House
Sagada House
Samal House
Tausug House
Yakan House
tabungan, gable
rarat, roof undersheating
An opening above the
upper-end of the gable wall
used as smoke exhaust.
An undersheating for the roof
made from closely-knit driec!
reed grass which forms a mat.
dapug, hearth
The earthen hearth of the house
located inside the bamboo
extension and attached to the
main house. The hearth has
three (3) stones called "taxang"
for cooking and is originally
inside the traditional wooden
soba, breadth of the house
.. ....... sotan/lamdaw, window
The overall width of the main
..· ·····•_,_.,,.__
A portion along the exterior
wall where wallboards can be
removed to have an opening for
Above the hearth is a 3-layer
· ·. -·
shelf which has specific uses.
The lowest section is called
pasalan where woods for fuel .. ·· ·
are stored. It is occasiona~y ..-.::"
used to store meat of a wild
boar. Above the pasalan is paxa -.._,,,._ _
which is used for storing bundles
of rice that have to be dried
before pounding. Paratag, the
last layer situated above the
paxa, is used for storing rice, .•
basket, etc.
banga, cooking jar
Earthen pot used for cooking.
amoto, jar for holding
Earthen jar used for storing water
for cooking, washing and drinking
arangat, shelf
The shelf above the dishwashing
area used for storing plates,
bowls, etc.
padurot, length of the
The overall length of the house
which includes both the wooden
main house and the kitchen
extension made from light
(bamboo) materials.
gawayan, interior of house
The spacious hall of the main
house, without partitions and
with portion offloor adjoining
wall raised to about 4" which
can function as a seat or any
related use.
agdan, ladder
The wooden or bamboo ladder
used both at the main house
and the kitchen extension.
balatad, pathwalk
Stone pavers laid over muddy
ground serving as a pathwalk
from one house to another, or
from one settlement to another.
irat, binding rafter
sokar, collar beam
A horizontal roof member made
from wooden branches, tied
under the rafter to prevent
them from moving.
A three-layer wooden branch,
placed below the binding rafter
which serves to tie and unite the
two opposing bent rafters.
talabawan, ridge beam
A horizontal member at the
apex of the roof, made from
wood branches and used to
support the roof of the house.
patuna/pantud, king post
A hand-hewn lumber, vertically
fitted on its ends with mortise
.. Joints to the tie and collar
beams, used to provide
additional support to the heavy
.· tadawag/baday, rafter
A thin, pliable board, hand-hewn
into bent form, tied to the ridge
beam at the apex of the roof and
the roof beam above the wall to
support the thick cogon grass
adixi~ outer post
A square hand-hewn timber
post, approximately twice the
length of the inner post, which
supports the heavy roofing
framework and its thick cogon
grass roof
sinit, inner post
A square hand-hewn timber
post supporting the elevated
floor space.
agnadan, wall sill
datag/xas.saran, flooring
(bamboo/rattan mat)
A flooring made from closelyknit bamboo strips or dried reed
mat which can be removed and
washed along rivers.
ainpakan, roof beam
A rectangular beam connecting
the outer columns that support
the roof's structural framework.
A horizontal wooden member
placed above floor beams and
grooved to hold the enclosing
axeran, girt
A rectangular horizontal
wooden member along the
perimeter of the house
supporting the closing
wallboards and the upper
roofing frameworks.
The trad it ional house of the Badjao communities at Southern Ph ilippines
comprised of a windowless one-room house of light materials and thatch roof
built above coastal waters.
The Badjao or Bajao is the second largest ethnic community in the Sulu
Archipelago afterTausug . Originally, they were known as "orang selat" or
"orang laut" and were living on their lepa-lepa (boats) .
: tl :
: ~\ ~
i• .. .i
, I
, 1
, I
- - - - - ~ - _;~ - - - - - - - - - . J .L I
:: {:
t . .:
Houses are built separately in a staggered
pattern but connected to the neighborhood thru
jambatan (footbridge) and own taytayan
(catwalk) and to the waters by harunan (ladder)
- -- - ~ - - - - - - -;...:.
· - - - !--! - --i'
batang-bubungan, ridge
_.: A straight trunk of wood or
· bamboo at the apex of the
gable roof to support the rafters
and the thatch roof
atup, roof
A thin layer thatch covering
made from palm or coconut
leaves, fixed with moderate
inclination to protect the
house dwellers from both
intense heat of the sun and
occasional rainshower.
A piece of bamboo or wood
placed above the tie and ridge
beams to support the thatch
The central post of the house·· .....
located at the portion with
gable walls and used as support
of the ridge beam.
The structural element
of wood or bamboo that
encloses the top-most
portion of the wall and
provides support to the
madeyon;· ········ ····· ·
living space
Pertains to the open,
multi-use space of a
Badjao house.
ding-ding, wall· · ·
lantay, floor
The windowless vertical
enclosure of the house
comprised of individual thatch
panels made from palm or
coconut leaves horizontally tied
to closely spaced bamboo
dagan, floor joist nd girder ....-
Small strips of bamboo
that is closely-laid above
the floor joist and girder,
to serve as the floor of
---....z-"'.:.A..-. the house.
harunan, ladder
The horizontal structural
member of wood or bamboo
that ties and stabilizes the
wood posts and provides
support for the main living
·... hag, post
A piece of wood or thick bamboo
that is burried to about o. 60 meters
below the sea bed and extend
beyond coastal waters line to
about half a meter during high tide
and tightly secured by floor joists
and girder.
A thick piece of lumber tightly
secured to the girder to serve as
ladder with a carved and
closely-spaced conical-shaped
bahay kubo, cube-shaped house
A common type of dwelling in
lowland and coastal areas during
the Pre-Hispanic Philippines.
"Bahay" is a Tagalog word for
house while "kubo" is from the
Spanish "cubo'~ meaning cube.
Bahay kubo is a one-room house, raised above the ground to protect the dwellers from
the dampness and humidity of the earth .
sibi, eaves
The portion of the
thatch roof that
extends beyond the
The bahay kubo has three distinct horizontal divisions, namely: the
stilts or posts, the one-room upper living unit, and the steep roof.
The posts are often covered or enclosed with bamboo latticework
to serve as usable space underneath the house for house
implements and livestock.
The bahay kubo is often built with whole bamboo
or tree branches as structural framework, and
finished with bamboo strips for floors, palm leaves
for roof, and bamboo strips or palm leaves for
· ...................... ...... .. .. · balangkas,
pasibi, lean-to roof
The skeletal
structural element
of a roof or wall,
assembled or fitted
together to handle
the exterior
elements or
finishes .
A single slope extension
of a jJable or hip type
batalan, washing area
A small space adjacent to the
cooking area with a service door
leading outside. It is used for
washing hands and feet, bathing
kids and washing pots and dishes
banguerahan ,. "
An elevated counter
made of bamboo
strips usually
projecting beyond
the kitchen wall
which is used to
store food and
kitchen utensils.
abuhan, cooking area
An elevated earthen
fireplace with a stone stove
for cooking and layers of
open shelves for drying
firewood ancfsmoking fish.
sagang, railing
bulwagan, main house
A waist-level railing, made
using bamboo, used as an
enclosed and protected porch
The main section of the house
used as living, dining, and
sleeping areas.
silong, underneath the
hagdan, stair
An enclosed/open space under
the house where harvests are
stored, tools and implement are
kept, and livestock (chicken,
pigs, goats) are tended.
The main access to the house
with the entire framework
made from bamboo or
combined with wood.
bubong, roof
The steep thatch roof made
from either bamboo cogon
grass, anahaw leaves or nipa
shingles as protection and
shade from the sun and
torrential rains.
nipa, nipa
sahig, flooring
"Nypa fruiticans," a tropical
palm with a short trunk and
broad pinnate leaves that grows
abundantly along rivers and
estuaries; its leaves are utilized
both as roofing and walling
Bamboo strips laid
perpendicular to the floor joists,
either closely laid or with ample
spaces, allowing natural air to
enter through the floor.
·. patukuran, secondary
dingding, wall
yawi, main beam ...... .
Finished walls assembled on the
ground and tightly secured using
rattan strips on the bamboo wall
studs. The wall siding is either
bamboo latticework (sala-sala),
interlaced bamboo (amakan),
woven bamboo (sawali), or
woven coconut leaves (sulirap).
A whole bamboo, horizontally
laid to define the perimeter of
the house and tied firmly on
each post with rattan strips.
A whole bamboo laid over the
main beam (yawi) to carry the
floor joist (soleras) .
haligi, post
soleras, floor joist
A whole bamboo, vertically set
up to support the floor and roof
members. A post buried on the
ground is called binaon (buried)
and a post set up above a stone
slab is referred to as pinatong
(placed on).
A whole bamboo laid parallel
with each other of about 12 to
15inches over the secondary
beam (patukuran) as support
for the flooring.
gililan, floor sill
A whole bamboo laid around
the perimeter of the house
used to hold and support the
afung, house
The traditional type of house
in Bontoc, Mountain Province
comprised of perimeter
wooden walls enclosed in an
open living space, and central
granaries. It is covered by a
steep, thick roof that is
almost covering the
perimeter wall.
Afung is the Bontoc house for
married couples and children
up to eight years old.
babarey, village
The settlement area in a
Bontoc community.
Afung is one of the houses in the Cordillera that is built directly
on the ground and its ground space serving as the main living
and working areas.
The village usually consists of
ator (men's meeting place),
afong (houses), pabafunan
(boy's dormitory), pangis (girl's
dormitory), chap-ay(open
space with flat stone in circular
layout), and akhamang (rice
The steep roof, made from cogon grass that grows
abundantly nearthe village, extends beyond the walls
and much lower than a standing Bondoc man.
The roof and the granary are both supported by
independent wooden posts and function distinctively:
the covered roof space as the main house, and the
elevated central granary for storing rice grains.
falig, granary
.. · · · · · · An elevated one-room structure
supported by four hand-hewn
wooden posts and enclosed by
wooden plank walls. It is used
as space for storing rice grains.
li-im, eating area
soklut, cooking area
The most spacious in the house ..
since it contains only an
elevated stick rack (patyay)
suspended on the wall, and the
water jar (panannom) in one
The area, at the left corner of
the house, is intended for
cooking and as fireplace for the
adjoining sleeping area.
Stored in patyay are the
following :
khyag (rattan plates)
palato (enamel plates)
ungot (coconut shells or
wooden bowls)
tasa (enamel cups)
mallakong (enamel bowls)
fanilag (rattan trays)
fanga (pots)
tap-an, pounding area
ang-an, sleeping area
The section of the house with
stone pavement and a pounding
hole where the task of pounding
rice is done.
The area utilized for sleeping
with a tag (reed mat) as bed for
the couple and children up to
eight years old.
atep, roof
fogsor, rafter
A steep, thick cogon roof
protecting the central granary
and the living space below the
Long wooden branches, tied to
the roof beam above the wall
and to the ridge beam at the
apex of the roof It is used to
support the reed mat
undersheating and thick cogon
oway, roof undersheating
kaew, floorboard
Closely- knit reeds, parallel to ..
the ridge beam, as brace for the·· ..
cogon grass roof
Thick, hand-hewn wooden
planks as floor panels of the
tokod, post
chingching, wallboard
A heavy square or circular
member as support for both .. ······
granary and roof structures.
Hand-hewn wooden planks,
laid horizontally above every
panel, used to serve as the
primary wall protection of the
ground living space.
tey-tey, ladder
A wooden ladder, made from
branches of trees, intended for
accessing the central granary.
balangay, boathouse
An impressive boat,
approximately 25 meters in
length and carbon-dated to 320
AD, that was built entirely of
wood and used for seafaring by
;) the ancient Kingdom of Butuan.
Pinanahang, Lean-to
Tree House
A form of dwelling common to the Negritos, an
ethnic group regarded as wanderers, hunters,
and farmers practicing slash and burn
agriculture even during the Hispanic period. The
lean-to is a single-pitched structure of grass or
thatch on wood branches framing with the
lower end resting on the ground and the upper
end supported by wood posts.
A single-room house of light materials that are
either integrally built on high trees or above a
tree stump serving as the house's main support.
Lungib/Kweba, Cave
A natural chamber on the side of a hill utilized as
one of the earliest forms of dwelling. The Tabon
Cave in southwest of Pala wan is one of the oldest
and largest caves with an approximate length of
41 . 00 meters and an opening of 8.oo meters in
height and 16. 00 min width.
Tree Dwellers in the Philippines:
- Gad dang and Kalinga of Luzon
- Manobos and Mandaya of Mindanao
- Moros of Lake Lanao
- Negritos of Bukidnon and Northcentral Mindanao
- Bagobo of Davao
- Mandaya
- Bilaan
- llongot
bale/fale, house
The traditional lfugao housei an
elevated square and
windowless one- room structure
dominated by a high, heavy,
pyramidal roof
The framework of the balelfale is done using hand-hewn
t imber, mortised without nails or hardware. It can be
disassembled, moved and raised again on a new site
within a day.
hagabi, bench
A bench that provides
status symbol for the rich .... .
lfugao due to the cost of
its construction and the
ceremonies involved.
atop, roof
The steep pyramidal rooffrom
thick bundled cogon grass
'. (9olun) used to provide shade
'. from the sun and shield the
: torrential rains.
<II · · ·:
j gaob, wallboard
'. Rectangular wooden planks of
: about 1 in inches thick with
: varying widths and heights
'. vertically fitted at an angle on
: grooved floor beams, joists &
'. wall headers.
........ :
··· ··· ····•
tukud, post
Made of large round logs, 8-12
. inches wide by 6-10 feet in
. .......... · · · · · · length and buried about 2-3
·· · · · · · · · · ·· · ·
feet below the ground and
secured in with stone boulders
The thick and heavy roof of a bale/fa le house
covers its wall and exposes only the
supporting posts.
Parts of trees with truncated
roots are also used as posts and
placed above stone boulders.
.J_ .· --
The roof and the floor of a bale/fale house
are never supported by the same posts.
palan, attic
The third level space of an
Jfugao house with reed mat
flooring and used as storage
area for rice grains.
patyie, shelf
punchapalan, fireplace
A shelfformed by fitting
rectangular wood boards from
the wall header to the roof
An earthen fireplace about 3-5
square feet with layers of open
shelf used for drying firewood
andstacks of rice and
preserving other food .
nundatu, male side ...... .
. . . na-ulya, female side
The spacious section inside the
house intended for the male
head of the family.-
The space inside an Jfugao
house intended for the wife.
It has a much smaller space
fi.ue to the presence of the
fireplace (punchapafan).
halipan, cylindrical disk
panto, door
A wooden disk of about 2-14
inches thick and36-40 inches in
diameter, placed along the
upper portion of the post to
prevent rats from entering the
A detachable wooden panel
door tied to a girt and locked in
place by a wooden bar.
silong, basement
The space underneath the main
house with stone pavement
aligned with the edge of the
roof eaves.
_ .· teteh, ladder
A wooden or bamboo ladder
which can be removed and
hanged on the wall for security
and protection.
ambubulan, square box
taknang, king post
A wooden square frame box
attached to a king post used to
carry the upper end of the
rafters thus making the apex
The vertical wooden member
where the square box
supporting the pyramidal roof is
pumpitolan, central beam
wanan, purlins
A long piece of heavy squared
timber centrally located to
reinforce the attic floor space
and the roof's king post.
A horizontal member of a roof
made from split bamboo and
rono sticks laid out across the
rafters and tied by rattan vines.
bagat, upper column
An upper wood column mortised
at the base of the floor beams
and enclosed by a girt above.
A horizontal timber resting
above the upper columns to
support the rafters of the roof
and the central cross beam.
bughol, rafter··
huklub, transverse beam
Long, round tree trunks or
chopped flat boards tied to
ambubulan (square box) and
/iub (girt) to support a roof
A chest level transverse wooden
beam where wallboards are
dotal, floor board
gawaan, central floor joist
Rectangular wooden planks of
about 2 inches thick, 12-30
inches in width and 7 feet 7
inches in length which are
horizontally laid above floor
joists as boards in a floor.
An inverted wooden tee beam
that supports the floorboards.
mundilig, outer end floor
Side-end floor beams above the
girder with right angle grooves
to receive the floorboards .
· kuling, girder
A wood transverse girder, 12-14
inches thick, 14-16 inches in
depth and 12-14feet long, with
a flat top surface and a rounded
base. This member holds the
posts and holds up the floor
beams and central floor joist.
pognad, stone foundation
Huge stones that serve as
foundation of the house as well
as protection from the ground
termites and moisture.
Bable, village
The settlement of an Jfugao
community, usually comprised
of house (balelfale) and
granary, built in an area that
cannot be irrigated and not
following a regular pattern or
straight line.
bale/fale, house
A single-room structure that
serves as living quarters of an
Jfugao family.
alang, granary
·· ········ ··············· ··
A building intended primarily as
storehouse for harvested rice
betel palm
. ................ ....
inalahan, public forest
An endemic pinnate-leaved
palm (Areca catechu) with nut
used both for medicinal and
chewing purposes.
A forest that serves as hunting
: · · · · · ground and source of wood for
hinaob, forest adopted by
terrace communities
• ··· ····· ·
The forest adopted and protected by
:· · .. · ·the people owning the rice field
terraces as it is the source of water
for the rice field.
•· ·· ···· · .. .. .. ... ... .. ..:
:· · · · · · · · uma/kaingin, swidden farm
A swidden farm cultivated
through a rotation of users.
payo, stonewalled terrace
A series of stone-walled
structures, usually 3. oo meters
in height, built in a hillside,
primanly used as ricefields.
• ···· ··· .. ················.
residential area
The area below the
rice terraces intended
as place of residence.
payo, stonewalled terrace
A series of stonewalled
structures, usually 3 . 00 meters
in height, built in a hillside and
designed primarily as
banong, dike/pond-field
bawang, enclosed pondfield surface
The area enclosed by each
terrace dike that primarily
functions to cultivate rice.
tau', fish sump
A low portion in an
enclosed pond-field
that is usually stocked
with mudfish.
pumpudungan, property
A marker that is intended to
identify the limit of one's
property, especially in a ricefie/d.
inado, vegetable mulch
An earthen mound intended for
cultivating vegetables.
The topmost part of the retaining
wall (topeng) that is relatively
flat and used both as a pathwalk
and water confinement at the
: pond-field.
topeng, stone retaining
lobong, water
The irrigated water from the
Quarried a_ngular broken stones
forest, naturally distributed to
laid tn a sltght angle, one above
every ricefield to foster rice
the other, to serve as terrace
.. ... .. .. ... ..
guheng, spillway
A water outlet constructed at
the retaining wall, just above the
· · · · .. · · · · .... · ·· ·· · .. · · · .... ·· ··· ··required water level of the pondfield, as means of passage for
surplus water as well as a
drainage conduit.
adog, rough gravel fill
Small pieces of rock or gravel
that work both as support for the
terrace stone walling and the
artificial pond-field.
'aldoh, second-course
walling stone
The second layer of stones
of the terraces resting
above the "gonad" or
foundation stones.
gangal, course fill/small
The space in a stonewalled
terrace composed of small,
broken stones /aid directly on the
hill's bedrock.
doplah, bedrock/original
valley-floor earth
Refers to the natural mountain
slope or terrain that serves as the
terrace's foundation or bed.
.. 'anul, drainage conduit
An artificial stone conduit for
distributing and draining excess
water constructed based on the
natural topography of the land.
Other types of lvatan
Thatch House:
An Iva tan type of house with its
enc/osing's lower portion built of
wood, while the upper portion is
built of cogon grass. It has a
thick hip type cogon roof
An lvatan structure used as a
working area and a place of
storage for fishing implements.
The structure does not have any
wall enclosure, exposing posts
that support the roof, and the
thick gable cogon roof, either
with or without gable wall, made
from cogon and reeds.
jinjin, thatch house
A type of house with a timberframed structure which uses reeds
and cogon materials for its walls
and roof
sakong, ridge cover
pakaw, rafter
A thick bundle of cogon laid to
cover the ridge of the roof
4 "x4 "parallel wood beams
attached to the ridge and the
roof beams to support the thick
and heavy cogon gra~s roof
vuvong, lower ridge cover
The lower portion of the ridge
_.: cover that is tightly pressed by
the top layer ofyayis or
supit, reed mat tie
... A rattan strip parallel to the
rafters laid above and tied to
the reed mat.
panganivucan, roof beam
A long piece of heavy 6"x6"
square timber resting above the
longer wall of the house to
support the roof's rafters.
tukah, tie beam
sppawan, ridge beam
A 4"x6" piece of timber
with both of its ends
connected by lap joints
to the roof beams to
........... · · · -~
keep them from
A 4 "x4" wood beam at the ridge
· of the roof to support the upper
ends of the rafters.
paninjinan, wall stud
A 4" diameter piece of log
vertically laid in parallel with
the post to support the
lightweight cogon wall. Its
lower end is buried about 24"
underground and the upper end
is fastened to the roof beam.
parey, corner post
pasunen~ king post
A vertical piece of log, about 7''
in diameter, situated at the
corner of the house and buried
at least 1.00 m deep to hold up
the roof beams.
A vertical piece of log, about 12"
in diameter, situated at the
center of the shorter wall of the
house to bear the ridge beam of
the roof
·. jinjin, cogon wall
Cogan grass wall securely tied
to the wall studs.
foruy, house
The traditional house of the
Kalingas. It is comprised of an
elevated, rectangular, one-room
house of timber materials, and
thick roofing made from 8-10
layers of cut bamboo laid one
above the other. An interesting
feature of the house is the
removable wall panel for
ventilation and the elevated floor
along the perimeter of the wall
that can be used both for seating
and sleeping purposes.
.. talob, roof
Thick roofing made from 8-10
layers of bamboo, cut into
halves with the lower layers
laid in concave arrangement
and the upper layer in convex
layout covering the concave
joints and the rest.
agakan, secondary ridge
A square, heavy timber beam
constructed above the apex of
the rafters to provide support for
the rafters and the thick bamboo
sawang, door
The opening in both exterior an(i,
interior walls that serves as
·. · ·...
entrance and access to
adjoining spaces.
I . ..
ina, main interior post
·-The interior timber post that
-,-. · · · ·
supports the wood structure
serving as the main living space.
tukud, external post
The external timber post
· · · · · · supporting the thick, heavy roof
and the external wallboard.
batangan, tie beam
A rectangular timber, constructed
horizontally at the mid-section of
the rafters to hold the twoopposing rafters in place.
manukdon salakab, rafter
. · · · · · · ·· · ·· · ·" · · ·· · · · · ·. A rectangular timber roof
member, laid at an angle
above the upper tie beam and
sagpatan, shelf
the lower roof beam. It is used
A thick flat piece of
to hold and provide support
wood fastened
for the thick and the heavy
horizontally on a wall to
bamboo roof
hold O.bjects.
daipong, stove
The hearth located at the rear
corner of the house and slightly
raised above the floor by thick
wood panels that hold the
dattagon, upper floor
The main section of the house
elevated to about 1.20m used
as living and sleeping area.
sipi, elevated flooring
The side portion inside the
house, running from front to
rear walls, that is elevated to ....
about 4 "from the main floor.
ban-oga sawang, window
An opening that suggests a
window created in the outer
wall once a wallboard is
lutud, floor joist
The horizontal timber beam .
constructed above the interior ·····..
posts used to hold the post
together and to provide support
for the main floor.
sogwas/dola, basement
singit-tukod, stone peg
A rectangular timber beam placed
on the upper-end of the interior
posts to restrict its movement and
to provide support for the floor
joists resting above these beams.
pudis, floor beam
Stone boulders inserted at
timber posts to fix and restrict
the posts' movement.
A beam, laid horizontally above
floor joist to hold together the
base of the lower column.
mamalbag salakab, purlin
Small pieces of timber laid
horizontally above the rafters
used to bind the rafters together
and provide a member where
bamboo roofing could be tied.
bubong, ridge cover
angattigan, king post
The heavy, square timber placed
above the beam that supports the
interior columns.
· · · · · · .. · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · A thick volume of cogon grass
used to cover the space
between the ridge, for both
cogon and bamboo roofing
tunglob, gable wall
The triangular portion of the
upper exterior wall found below
the sloping rafters, covered with
strip bamboo and laid
binukol, primary ridge
... A heavy square timber
beam where the top most
part of the rafters rests.
he thick wood panel
ert ally laid above the
v--<·~...,r floor and tightly
held by horizontal beams
laid at both lower and
upper parts of the
alisot, bamboo siding
The external wall of the house
located below the upper floor
level. It is made from bamboo
strips fixed horizontally to the
external posts.
binayon/finaryon, house
The traditional house in an
octagonal layout or plan. In
Apayao, this house is called
pongo, bent rafter
panabfongan, ridge beam
A thick rectangular lumber, handhewn into bent form, and tied to
the ridge and roof beams to
support the cogon grass roof
A bundle of two to three wood
branches, tied securely as one,
horizontally laid at the apex of
the roof to hold up the upper
end of rafters.
ati-atig, horizontal roof
The horizontal timber with its .
end portion tied to the bent ·
rafters for support and
pfaced above the vertical r~
ta'ray, vertical roof support
Two pieces of vertical timber
constructed above the tie
beam used to hold the
horizontal roof support at its
upper ends.
paratok, upper column
fatangan, tie beam
An independent interior post;· ······ ....
not the extension of the
group posts.
A heavy timber laid above the
top end of the upper post to tie
together all external upper
posts and provide hold for the
timber roof's support.
okong,upperfloor ······ ··· ···········
Thick timber planks laid
vertically between the roof
beam and the floor sill.
.pisipis, sill and roof beam
Square, hand-hewn beam laid
horizontally between vertical
wallboards which Junction as a
wall sill and a roof beam.
tatagon, floor (mat)
The main floor made from closelyknit bamboo strips or dried reeds
and tied with rattan to form a
mat. It can be removedfor
cleaning and washing.
..... ·. soling, girder
A rectangular beam providing
support for the floor board and
the interior columns.
chosar, fixed wooden floor
Fixed wood flooring of less than
z " which is made from square
lumber and is attached to the
floor joist with spacing equal to
its width.
fuchis, beam
fot-ang, floor joist
chingching, lower floor
A secondary floor beam laid
above the floor joist to provide
support for the upper columns.
Rectangular timber with coved
ends, laid horizontally with
spacing approximately o. 6om.
It is used to support both wood
floor and floor mat.
Thick wooden planks laid
horizontally between external
columns to serve as outer walls
of the main house.
tu-od, post
The square-sized internal or
external post that is made from
hand-hewn lumber.
baey/babayan, house
An elevated, square, one-room
house of the Kankanay and
lbaloi, with four thick posts
supporting a timber upper floor
and steep hip type roof of cogon
grass. The lower end of the roof
flared out similar to the roof of
the Bontocs and Kalingas
sapditan, binding rafter
A horizontal lumber placed
above the flared-out rafter
(tikel) to hold them in place.
kalasod, queen post
The upright member of the roof
frame placed above the tie ....
beam (anayasan) to support
the rafter (dagat).
sha'tal, floor board
Rectangular wood planks laid
horizontally above the floor
joist (sagpad) to serve as floor
(det-a) of the interior of the
tokod, posts
· · · .. · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · A vertical upright member
made of heavy, square timber
used to reinforce the entire
elevated structure.
............. ..... . bubung, roofridge
The thatch at the topmost part
of the roof to cover the ridge .
····· ··· ··· ·
.... ...... atep, roof
A steep hip roof with at/a ring
base covered with thic bundles
of thatch from dried cogon
baey, ceiling ·· ·· ·· · ·· ··
·· ···. ·······
The underside of the reed mat
that is laid based on the angle
of the roof it serves as the roof's
sagaang, shelf
A series of horizontal woodframed structures above the
cooking area with c/oselyspaced wooden base. It is used
to hold objects or kitchen
. pangtew, door
The removable wood panel
intended as entry way.
det-a, floor
pananuman, water
The elevated interior surface of
the Kankanay house, usually
made offloorboards (sha'tal) .
An earthen vessel used for
holding water intendedfor
drinking and cooking.
abek, mat
banga, cooking jar
A mat made from reeds and
laid above the floor (det-a) for
A rounded small earthen
container used primarily for
.. .. ...... tetey, wood ladder
tokdoan, bench
A fixed wooden or bamboo
ladder intended for climbing up
or down the house.
A wooden bench inside the
balangsag, bench under the
A wooden bench placed
underneath the house.
sakiatan, stone stair
The base of the wood ladder
(tetey) constructed of stones
laid one above the other.
bobongan, ridge beam
The top most horizontal roof
framing member placed above
the queen post (kalasod) to
support the upper section of the
rafter (dagat) .
torok, undersheating
The reed mat undersheating
utilized as roof thatch and
interior space ceiling.
anayasan, tie beam
dagat, rafter
A horizontal lumber placed
above the roof beam (goanan)
A wooden member set at an
to hold it in P.(ace.
angle to hold the thick steep
roof Its upper end is supported
by a queen post (kalasod) and
on its lower end, a roof beam "· ..
(goanan) .
goanan, roof beam
A heavy square lumber built
similarly as the wall sill (opop)
but intended to hold together
the upper section of the
wallboard (dingding) and
. provide support for the roofing.
tikel, flared-out rafter
A secondary rafter that is
attached to the main rafter
and provided with an inclined.
support. It is installed with a "._
different angle of inclination ·...
from the main rafter to create
a flaring lower base roof
balkes, horizontal stud ... ··
sedngal, inclined support
A horizontal lumber placed at
A square piece of lumber set at
an angle above the wall sill
the outer mid-section of the
wallboards (dingding) to
provide additional
reinforcement for the vertical
(opop) to hold up the flaring
section of the roof, particularly
the flared-out rafter (tikel).
dingding, wallboards
A rectangular wooden panel
vertically fitted on the grooved
roof beam (goanan) and wall
sill (opop).
opop, wall sill
A rectangular lumber
ballangan, girder
sagpad, floor joist
A thick rectangular lumber
placed above the posts (tokod)
Three pieces of heavy
rectangular lumber with coved
ends laid horizontally above the
girder (ballangan) to provide
support for the wall sill (opop)
and floor boards (sha'tal).
to hold them together and
provide support for the floor
joist (sagpad) .
horizontally laid above the floor
joist (sagpod) around the
perimeter of the house. It is
provided with a groove at its
upper portion to hold the
wallboard (dingding).
tinokbob, house
One of the earliest houses in
Sagada, windowless with a
thick and steep roof intended to
withstand the cold weather
Tinokbob is one of the houses in the Cordillera that is built directly on the
ground. Similar types of houses are the Bontoc and Nabaloi houses. The
ground space is used for eating, sleeping, cooking, and working and the
elevated central structure is used as granary only.
The roof of a tinokbob house is steep, leaving
only a minimum wall surface exposed to the
The house is comprised of two
independent structures - the main
house and the granary.
.··· ······ atep, roof
A steep roof with thick piles of
cogon grass gathered into
bundles and inserted into the
agamang, central granary
An elevated wooden structure, ...
regarded as the heart (poso) of · · ·· ..
the house, and intended for
·· · · ...
storing rice grain and for
offering sacrifices to the anito.
dapoan, cooking area
The area, located at the rear
section of the house, used for
cooking and storing kitchen
agdan, ladder
kamalig, storage space
A wooden ladder utilized for
accessing the granary of the
An elevated wooden platform
for storing baskets and pots.
segpan, doorway·..
An opening as entrance into the
··... lomeng, pig pen
A shallow pit enclosed with
stones and boulders intended as
pigs' pen.
dingding, upper wall
Wooden boards for sheathing
interior walls ofgranary.
pamobbongan, ridge
A horizontal wooden section at
the apex of the sloping roof
which supports the upper end of
the rafters.
bogso, rafter
todog, roof undersheating
An inclined wooden member,
attached to the upper ridge pqle
and beam below to bear the · .
steep and heavy roof made of
cogon grass.
A horizontal support for roof
grass made from "runo" sticks.
kiling, girder
... kammanga, wall sill
A principal beam of timber used
to support the granary
A horizontal timber resting
above the floor joist used to
hold up the granary wallboards.
pitit, beam ...
··.. desa, floor joists
A long piece of heavy timbered
beam used to connect the lower
posts and provide support for
the heavy and steep roof
A rectangular member
attached to the girders which
keeps up the granary structure.
dingding, wall
Horizontal planks wall chinked
with mud to enable the house to
be comfortably heated by the
cooking fire .
·. · tokod, post
A square wood post used to
support the roof and the lower
horizontal plank wall.
Traditional Sama I houses are elevated rectangular one-room structures near the coastal
waters of Southern Mindanao, Palawan, Zamboanga, and Sulu archipelago. These houses
are directly built on shallow water and connected to the shore by a pantan (bridge) or
directly built on solid ground.
····-- .. ---- --r
·--· ------·-n ----··· --.--- T---------. ---\ \----· ------.
The houses are clustered in groups by kinship, with 100 to
500 members per group, and affiliated with the nearest
.···- - --· -. -?-i-------- --!-~
--- ·-- ------+~-·----------; ~
;- J:
1.: :.
Coastal house has ample space underneath the house for
the family's pelang (boat) and fishing paraphernalia .
bubung, roof
The gable roof with moderate
slope usually made of nipa
thatch material on bamboo or
wood purlins. The roof also has
an extended rooffor the open
deck and built just below the end
of the main gable roof
tukalog, stud
.... Secondary posts along the
perimeter of the wall used as
vertical support for the exterior
thatch wall.
pang-tuud, king ·· ..... .
·· ··
The central timber
post that extends
beyond the perimeter
wall to support the
gable-end wall and
the ridge of the roof
.. ..... · · · · taytayan-tikus,
roof beam
habong, tie bean:;·
A rectangular lumber
or bamboo laid
across the upper
section of the room
to connect the two
king posts.
The lumber or bamboo laid
horizontally throughout the
perimeter of the wall to hold
the upper-end portion of the
. . salsa I, joist
A whole bamboo laid
horizontally at about
0.40-0.60 meter
spacing to support the
flooring of the house.
hanglad, gi.rder
A thick lumber or bamboo which
holds the floor joists of the
bay sinug, house
The traditional house of the Tausug
in the Southern Philippines. It is
comprised of two or more houses on
stilts that are connected by an
elevated open space serving as house
Tausug or "suluk" is
the foremost ethnic
group in Sulu then
fol lowed by the Badjao
(Bajau, Bajao, Badyaw,
Sama I or Sama), the
Yakan, the Kagayan,
the lranun (llanun) and
the Kalibugan
(Subanun or Suba'
a nun).
The word Tausug is said to come-from-the words
"tau" (meaning people) and "sug" (meaning
tide), hence they are the "people of the tide."
The two distinct communities of the Tausug is
the "tau gimba" (inland people) and the "tau
higad" (people along the shore).
lubing-lubing, rafter
A rectangular lumber
providing support on the ridge
beam at its upper end and the
purlins throughout its length.
A thick lumber at the ridge of
the roof and kept in place by the
king posts to provide support for
the roof's purlins.
pusal, king post
tiyadtad, split bamboo..
A wall covering made from
split bamboos /aid
vertically at the exterior
portion of the wall.
A vertical member often in a ..
form similar to a baluster with · ··.
belly base, placed above the tie
and roof beams to reinforce the
ridge beam.
tadjuk pasung, bargeboardend decoration
The decoration at the upper-end
of the bargeboard which covers
the projecting end of the gable.
The decoration is usually in the
form of a sea-serpent (naga) or a
bird (manuk-manuk).
kasaw, purlins
The bamboo or wood branches
placed above the rafter to hold
the thatch roof
ubung, tie beam ·
A rectangular lumber that runs
across the upper portion of the
roof to connect the central
columns and provide support for
the king post.
liug, central post
·· ... hag, post
A post at the perimeter of the
Tausug house.
The shortest column pla~ed..at · · ..... .
the center of the house to hold
the crossing floor beams. This
post is the first post to be
erected and represents the
hanglad, roof beam
navel (pipul) of the human
The perimeter beams above the upper end
portion of the posts used to support the
roof structure and the perimeter wall.
Types of Roof:
Types of
"tajuk pasung":
sungan - hipped roof
with triangular
libut - pyramidal roof
with vents at
the apex
naga tajuk pasung
manuk-manuk tajuk pasung
A sea-serpent style of bargeboard-end
A sarimanok (bird) style of bargeboardend decoration.
pang gong, receiving area
A space intended to receive
and entertain _guests.
pantan, open space · · ·
An elevated, open
extension used as a hall,
living space, and place
where fruits, vegetables,
and fishing implements
are kept.
lawang, door
An opening in the main
house functioning as
access to adjoining spaces.
It is often provided with a
removable enclosing
.···· ··· •
dagtong, bamboo water
gibayan, main house
A whole bamboo with a
removable opening at one-end
to hold refilled water, usually
laid near the kitchen and
bathing area.
The only structure in a Tausug
house that is provided with
nine posts and used both as
living and sleeping areas.
lumah, house
The traditional house of the
Yakans in the mountainous
interior of Basilan Island. It is
an elevated, rectangular, oneroom structure with few small
windows and protected by a
high-pitch thatch roof
The Yakan is the third largest ethnic community in
Sulu Archipelago, after the Tausug and the Badjao,
and known for their intricate and colourful
The interior of the one-room house is divided into kokan (sleeping area)
or tindakan (multi-use living space), pantan or simpey (porch), and kosina
(kitchen) by a 0.25 meter by 0.25 meter patung (wooden fl itch). The house
also has angkap (mezzanine) for girls above the sleeping area.
The houses are traditionally built scattered among the
fields or clustered around the langgal (mosque).
Yakan house is often used from 10-15 years then will be
dismantled, rebuilt, or built using new materials besides
the previous site.
salilihan, rafter
Long pieces of wooden lumber
set at an angle as primary
framework support for the
thatch roofing.
... ...... .... bu bong, roofridge
Layers of thatch roof materials
securely tied at the top purlins
to cover the space between the
kasaw, purlin
kulung, hip rafter
A rafter supporting the ends of
the roof's sloping sides, that ..
provides additional support for ···..
the traversing salilihan (rafter).
···· ...
Pieces of wood or whole
bamboo laid horizontally and
securely tied above the rafters
to support the thatch roof
pamatuk, wall post
The post intended primarily to
reinforce the perimeter wall.
sampayan, roof beam ·....
Long wooden pieces of lumber,
horizontally laid and firmly
attached to the topmost portion
of the post to support the roof
and its tie beams.
.·· salat, tie beam
Wood members
horizontally tied above
the roof beams to keep
the wooden posts and
roof beams in place.
ding-ding, wall .... ..
The perimeter wall
enclosure from hand-hewn
wooden planks lay
horizontally above every
panel, and built at a
distance from the main
posts with separate wall
posts as support.
The opening of the perimeter
wall that serves as entrance
and access to the interior
tandiwan, window ··
babag, girder
The small opening built about 1 . 10
meters above the interior floor and
selectively placed along the
perimeter wall.
..A horizontal wood member
tightly secured to the posts as
support for the floor joists .
pagnutih, floor joist
................... ulum, post
Parallel horizontal wood
members placed above the
girders that hold together the
main posts.
The vertical piece of log or
timber that is buried in the
ground to hold both the upper
floor structure and the roof
harren, ladder
Removable wooden or bamboo
• Church, Basic Parts and Plan Type
• Church Type, Cathedral
• Church Type, Fortress Church
• Church Type, Funerary Chapel
• Church Type, Monastic
• Church Type, Parish
• Church Type, Pilgrim
• Church Architectural Style, Earthquake Baroque
• Church Architectural Style, Fil-Hispanic Rococo
• Church Architectural Style, Gothic Revival
• Church Architectural Style, High Renaissance
• Church Architectural Style, Romanesque Revival
• Church,Vault
• Church, Door
• Church, Retablo
• Filipino House
• Filipino House, Stair
• Fort
• lvatan, Stone House
• Lighthouse
• Maranao House
• Mosque
• Town Plan, Plaza Complex
• Town Plan, Fortress City
baptisteryo, baptisterio,
kumbento, convento,
An independent structure or a
_:space near the church's entrance,
eskwela, escuela, school
_.: or at the first level of the bell
In a church complex, a building _: towe;, which is dedicated for
intended for educational studies _.: baptism.
especially of kids.
patyo ng simbahan, plaza
iglesia, church plaza
A building, either attached or
beside a church, that serves as
residence of the parish priest.
~=~ ~~-~~~::=___ _)
... ...
simbahan, iglesia, church
An edifice or place of Christian
Linear Plan
Latin Cross Plan
kampanaryo, campanario,
A tower that is either attached
or at a distance from the
church; supports one or more
Greek Cross Plan
katedral, catedral, cathedral
The principal church of a
diocese housing the cathedra
or bishop's throne.
torre de/ reloj, tower clock
A term used to refer to the
tower or bet/tower with a
edipisyo, edificio, edifice
A building, usually large in size,
with massive structure and an
imposing appearance. •
alkoba, alcove, alcove
A small room, often as transition
space of a much larger room.
The semi-circular space adjacent
to the church's altar.
gitnang pasilyo, nave
central, central nave
Originated from the Latin word
"navis, " meaning "ship," it is the
central aisle of the church flanked
by rows of pews. It probably
symbolizes the faithful journey in
life through the direction of the
church and guidance of God.
pangunahing pasukan,
portal principal, main
kapilya, capilla, chapel
altar, altar mayor, main altar
altar co/atera/, side altar
A room in a church containing an
altar intended for private prayer
and small religious services.
A raised structure, usually a
rectangular table or stone slab, for
religious rites. The main altar is
located at the end of the nave and
is the visual focus during worship.
A secondary altar located on
both sides or beside the main
fortress church
A church built with fortification
for defensive purposes in times
of strife.
kampanaryo, campanario,
balon, poso, well
bell tower
A hole dug into the ground
serving as fresh groundwater
collector used for drinking and
other purposes.
A tower that is either attached
or at a distance from the church
supporting one or mqre bells.
parapeto, parapeto,
The low protective wall above
the fort's rampart with regular
alteration of merlons and
crenels as opening for canon's
fire and defense.
/ muro cortina,
curtain wall
The fortified
perimeter wall
of a fort
bastions or
depensang pader, enceinte,
defensive wall
The defensive fortified wall that
protects a church or town.
A pr~·ecting part of the
forti ication, round or polygonal
in p an, intended to have a
number offiring direction for
both cannon and other weapons
to defend the adjacent
funerary chapel
A chapel, conspicuously built inside a campo santo
(cemetery), for the funeral ceremony or service.
nitso, nicho, niche
One or a series of small
compartments intended to keep
human remains.
lapida, lapida, gravestone
An inscribed slab, usually with
the person's name and dates of
birth and death, placed above
the grave or attached to the
niche or ossuary.
libingan, camposanto, graveyard
osuaryo, osuario, ossuary
An area, usually at a distance from the
cities or towns, that serve as burying
ground for deceased persons.
A small compartment usually
.. inside the chapel or church used
· as storage place for the bones of
the dead .
.. · ·
hukay, sepultura, grave
An excavation, space, or place for the
internment of the dead.
loob ng kapilya, interior of
The space inside a Catholic
· · · · · funerary chapel where ceremony
for the dead is performed.
mosoleyo, mausoleo,
A building, usually of stone, with
ossuaries for the bones of several
people or niche of an important
An external grand staircase
leading up to a building entrance
La Loma Funeral Chapel, La Loma, Manila
.... .. ......
siwang na hugis arko,
luneto, lunette
A semi-circular opening in a
lantern of a dome or cupola for
natural light and ventilation.
San Joaquin Funeral Chapel, San Joaquin, lloilo
.. .
linterna, linterna, lantern
A vertical structure on top of
: · · · dome or cupola with openings or
· glazing for natural lighting.
.... .. .. ... ............ .. ....... ... ...
simboryo, media naranja,
malaposte, pilastra, pilaster
A decorative wall treatment that
protrudes in a wall, simulating.po
pillar with base, shaft and
The imposing curved roof
structure above the altar
intentionally built to proclaim
the presence of the church and
to symbolize heaven coming
down to earth with the light
streaming from its lantern .
... .... ... roseta, roseta, rosette
An ornament in circular pattern
which resembles a stylized rose
flower or any other similar
patsada, fachada, facade
arkong pabilog, arco redonda,
round arch
A type of arch with the
"intrados" in a curved semicircle.
relyebe, relieve, relief
An embossed, carved sculptural
The front of a building, usually
facing the street or road, and
distinguished by an elaborate
or imposing elevation.
retablo, retablo, retable/altar
··· ··· ··· ···· ··· ····
A richly decorated framework
behind the altar. At the lower
midsection, it is usually carved and
painted with ledge and niche for
the saints and tabernacle.
presbiteryo, presbiterio,· ·· · · · · · · · ·
··· ·· ···
··· ···
The area of the church reserved
for the clergy where the main
altar is located.
luhurang pang-komunyon,
comulgatorio, communion rail
A low rail with kneelers provided
near the altar for the parishioners
to kneel down in receiving
The transitional space after the
main entrance, that leads to the· ..... .
nave of a church.
. ...
patyo ng simbahan, plaza
iglesia, church plaza
pangunahing pasukan, portal
principal, main entrance
The huge, often richly carved with
ornamentation, front door of a
church provided' with a secondary
small door along its leaf, called
postigo serving as service door.
The huge open space infront of
the church intended for religious
activities or ceremonies. The
church plaza is usually enclosed
with a low perimeter stone wall
and sometimes has via cruds
(way of the cross) carved on the
perimeter wall.
monastic church
The principal church of a
religious order built beside their
monastery complex.
tympanum oculus
A circular window in the triangular space
(tympanum) of a pediment, traditionally
installed to ventilate and remove the heat
build-up along the ceiling portion Qf a
patyo, patio, court
An internal open space
seemingly private in nature
bounded by the wall of the
church and convent, and
sometimes the surrounding
refectoryo, refectorio,
A room or space designated
as dining hall in a monastery
or convent.
klostro, claustro, cloister
A covered passage surrounding a court
usually with colonnade or arcade on the
side adjacent to the court.
Parish Church
A church strategically built at the
heart of the town and plaza. It is
intended for a particular
ecclesiastical unit, such as city or
town, and under the jurisdiction
of the resident priest assigned by
the bishop.
parokya, parroquia, parish
The place, usually the siyudad
(ciudad, city) or bayan (pueblos,
town) including its adjoining
baryos (barrios, barrios) and
bis1tas (visitas, remote areas)
that is under the religious
jurisdiction of a resident priest.
baptisteryo, baptisterio,
A space near the church's
: entrance or at the first level of
: the bell tower which is dedicated
for baptism.
... . . . . . .
dawdawan, pi/a de agua
bendita, stoup
A basin for holy water located
near the entrance either in
freestanding structure, attached
or carved out in a wall or pillar.
benditahan, pi/a bautismal,
baptismal font
A stone vessel at the baptistry
which contains holy water used
in baptism.
. . . . . . . ..
. . . ... .. .
pasilyo, pasillo, aisle
The longitudinal secondary
corridor between the church's
pews that flan.k the nave.
.. ... . . . .
The following are usually found
inside a Roman Catholic Church:
... .. . .. .
. . . . . . ...
aranya, arafia, chandelier
atril, atril, lectern
badaho, badajo, bell clapper
bangko,banco, bench
blandon, blandon, large church candlestick
blandonsilyo, blandoncillo, small church candlestick
rebulto, rebulto, carved religious image
canojeria, chest to keep vestment in the sacristy
kalis, caliz, chalice
kandelero, candelero, candlestick
komoda, comoda, cabinet with drawers
kumpisalan, confesionario, confessional
krusipiho, crucifijo, crucifix
custodia, monstrance
facistol, a stand
pulpito, pulpito, pulpit
An elevated enclosed stand
: attached to a wall along the
_: congregation area with
accessible flight of steps
intended for the priest's sermon.
. .. ... . ..
... . . . . . .
. ... .. . . .
temp/ete, urn
The vase-shaped ornament in
bricks or stone, placed above an ..
entablature or in a be/ltower as a
crowning element.
contrafuerte, buttress
A vertical mass of masonry built
on the exterior side of the wall
for support and stability.
sakristiya, sacristia, sacristy
A room near the presbytery or
behind the altar where the sacred
vessels, ornaments and robes
including the priest's vest and
other paraphernalia used in
liturgical seryices are kept.
kumbento, convento/casa
parroquial, rectory
A structure adjacent or adjoining a
Parish Church with offices for
religious function on the lower floor
and place of residence for the ·...
priests on the upper floor.
. . . . . . ...
. ..
pilgrim church
A church built to house a
miraculous image with a
passageway behind the altar for
the veneration to the image of the
imahen, imagen, image
A visual representation resembling the
form or figure of God, Holy Being,
person, often painted or carved.
sagrario, tabernacle
One of the major elements of
the afrar, in the form of a
wooden or metal container and
often with a richly ornamented
panel door, where the holy host
are kept.
pedimented doorway
The steps flanking the
An ornament attached to the
exterior wall and above a church
door in a form of a triangular
gable or pediment.
krosing, crucero, cros~ing
arcos tora/es
The area in the church where
the dome is usually located; the
place where the nave crosses
the transept.
The wide and imposing arches
that spans the intersections of
the nave and the transepts and
provides support to the church's
central dome.
nave de crucero, transept
pasilyo, pasillo, p·assageway
The space that crosses at right
The narrow passage at the back of
angles to the nave thereby
the pilgrim church, often with a
forming a cruciform plan or layout series of stairways, as means of
in a church.
access for the devotee in order to
touch the image being venerated.
Earthquake Baroque
An architectural style coined to refer
to the massive Filipino churches with
thick walls and elements of Baroque
style such as scrolled buttress,
volute, plain fa<;ade with pilasters,
and ornamental urns.
pinaculo, finia l
A pyramidal or comical
decoration on top of a pilaster
or of a gable.
scrolled buttress
A thick angle buttress in a
form of a scroll.
An ornamental element in a
buildin9, usually on a facade,
made from a masonry
horizontal band intended to
create certain wall division.
kornisa, cornisa, cornice
A horizontal, ornamental
moulding, fixed at the corner of
the internal wall and ceiling,
usually made of wood or plaster.
medalyon, medal/on,
An ornamental decoration in
either a circular or oval form with
relief ornamentation.
nitso, nicho, niche
A canopied recess in a
wall intended for a
religious image or
The "sun god" medallion
of Paoay Church
raking cornice
A decorative cornice used to
cover the rake of the gable wall.
Filipino-Hispanic Rococo
An architectural style in Filipino
churches which combine fanciful
and elegant designs of shellwork
and foliage of Rococo
Architecture with scrolls, rocaille,
and Philippine flora and fauna as
ornamental motifs.
A French term originally
referring to rockwork or
stonework for artificial caves
and grottoes; usually the use of
ornaments such as shells, rocks
and plants.
An ornamentation in the form of
scrolls or spirals.
relyebeng hugis puno ng
niyog, coconut tree relief
A sculptured figure of a
coconut tree, an enclemic
plant in the Philippines, as
central decoration of the
relyebeng hugis puno
ng papaya, papaya
tree relief
An ornamental decoration
that resembles the tropical
papaya tree.
oxeye window
A type of window which is
generally small and oval in
disenyong malakabibe,
shell motif
an ornamental decoration
that resembles a shell.
Gothic Revival
An architectural style in Philippine
churches reviving the spirit and
form of Gothic Architecture, late
12th to mid of 16th century,
characterized by pointed arch,
ribbed vault, flying buttress,
traceried window, slender pier and
column, and lofty steeple.
A slender tapering,
pyramidal structure
above a square base
orb finial
A sphere-shaped crowning
ornament in a pinnacle, spire or
dome usually toppr;d by a cross.
pinaculo, pinaculo,
Gothic adornment that is
vegetal in form and is placed at-. ...
a regular interval along the edge
of spires, pinnacles and gables.
A vertical member on
top of a buttress and
roof usually with a
./ square base and pointed
·· spire ornamented with
church bell
A hollow device, usually of
copper, placed inside the
uppermost part of a church
tower or to an open pediment
to give off sound or signal for
the church parishioners.
gab let
.-" In Gothic Architecture,
· it's the small gable that
crowned the buttress of
a building.
campana de vue/o
lancet decoration
A type of bell, usually small
and rung by rotation.
An ornamental
decoration with a
narrow, pointed arch
for'!!, /
.... .traceria, tracery
In Romanesque or
Gothic buildings, the
ornament located at the
ends or termination of a .. ·
projecting moulding.
Intricately carved
ornamental branch
like lines above a
Gothic lancet
arkibobeda,· · · ·
boveda, archivolt
A decorative moulding
above the intrados of
an arch.
High Renaissance
An architectural style based on Italian
Renaissance Architecture, late 15th to early
16th century, typified by heavy rustification,
fai;ade filled with classical elements, and
illusion of sculptural volume in design.
't. •
timpano, timpano,
dalawahang poste,
co/umnas acopladas,
coupled column
A pair of closely-spaced columns
often used as a decorative
element or feature.
The triangular space of a
pediment, generally decorated
with sculptures and ornaments,
enclosed by horizontal and
raking cornices.
··. krus, cruz, cross
Christianity's most important
symbol which is comprised of an
upright bar traversed by a
horizontal one.
pronton, fronton, :·· ···· ······ ···· ·····
pediment ....... ... ;
A triangular gable
that is often
provided to cover
a gable roof and
usually with
malabintana, ventana ciega,
..blind window
A superimposed window on a
wall showing its external
appearance as decorative feature
and is not used for lighting and
ventilation purposes .
... bakod, cerca, fence
A barrier usually of low wall
masonry and often with
decorative ba/ustersi used to
mark the property's boundary.
Romanesque Revival
linterna, linterna, lantern
An architectural style in the late 19th
century applying the elements of the
Romanesque style including round
arch, thick wall, small window, and
division of interiors into compartment
A vertical structure on top of
dome or cupola with openings
or glazing for natural lighting.
simboryo, media naranja,
. ..............
. ......... :
drum, drum
The imposing curved roof
structure above the altar
intentionally built to proclaim
the presence of the church and
to symbolize heaven coming
down to earth with the light
streaming from its lantern.
The thick wall, often provided
with openings for light and
ventilation, that supports a
"· modilyon, modillon,
-- --1
A decorative bracket in a scrolllike design with acanthus
closely set beneath the cornice.
bintanang malagulong,
ventana de la rueda, wheel
barandilya, barandilla,
A decorative and protective
railing system placed at the
perimeter of a stair, open space
or above the roofs. It is compose
of closely set balusters fixed with
top rail.
A large circular window with
series of glazing supports
radiating from the center.
pailalim na arkong pasukan,
recessed entrance arch
An arch equally depressing
towards the interior portion of
the space which is provided with
decorative ornaments such as
flower and foliage.
fret,fretes, fret
An embossed or carved pattern
of continuous and repeated
geometric figures .
retablo, retablo, altarpiece
gitnang nitso, central niche
A richly decorated framework
behind the altar usually carved and
painted with a ledge and niche for
the saints, and a tabernacle at the
lower midsection of the retable.
or panel
A recess in the retablo at the
central portion usually intended to
whom the church is dedicated.
The word retab/o is said to come
from the Latin word "retaulus,"
formed by the roots retro (behind)
and tabula (panel).
attic, remate, attic
The topmost part of the retab/o
which is usually crowned at the
center with symbolism
associated with Jesus or the God
the Father such as crucifix, All.······ Seeing Eye, Dove, and Chi Rho.
dalawahang malaposte,
pilastras acopladas, coupled
side niche or panel
A pair of closely-spaced
decorative wall treatment that
. .. .. . . protrudes in a wall, resembling a
column with a base, shaft and
Generally depicts the saints
associated with the figure in the-..
central panel.
kuwerpo, cuerpo, horizontal
The panel in the main altar,
often of wood, decorated with
biblical events and/or other
Catholic iconography.
The horizontal divisions or
subcjivisions of the retablo.
arbotante, arbotante,
: ··· ······ ·· ···· ···········...
volute ornament
A decorative ornament in a
spiral scroll form or design.
predelya, predella, altarpiece
.... ..... .' ............. ....
ramilyete, ramillete, cluster of
A stylized cluster or bouquet of
flowers often carved in wood or
stove as a decorative element.
···... kalye, ca/le, vertical register
The main vertical divisions of the
retablo which usually has
secondary subdivisions, referred to
as "entrecalles."
The supporting base of the
retab/o with shelves intended to
elevate the main part of the
retablo to a height visible from a
distance. It is often designed with
ornamentation or narratives
from the lives of the saints to
whom the church is dedicated.
Pinto, Puerta, Door
An entrance way made from a
panel of wood, glass or
combination of both. It is
usually ornately carved with
either hinged, folding or
sliding mechanism.
larguero,jamba batiente,
sombrero, cabio alto, top
· · The uppermost, often
horizontal, framing member
of a door.
tadyang, jamba central,
The central vertical framing
member of a door.
hamba, jamba, jamb
The vertical side of a door and
window frame .
bandeha, bandeja, panel · ·· · · · ~
· 1 ···
A separate member of a door
framed by stile and rail which is
often ornately carved with much
thinner section than its frame .
bisagra, bisagra, hinge
The vertical members in wood or
steel placed between the stile · · · · · · ........ . .
and mullion of a door panel to
further divide the panel into
smaller parts.
A device attached to a door
and ajamb which allows the
door to swing, turn or move.
. ...... .... .. ... -)
... .......... ·· >
tablero, tablero, board
The vertical board attached to a· ············ .
door frame as its finished
.......... .
kandado, cerradura, lock· ·· ····
A device or mechanism for
securing a door when it is closed.
. ....... ,
trangka, aldaba, latch
A locking device to ensure the
. door is closed, with a horizontal
· member of wood or metal that
slides into a groove or a hole.
. t ;i . . . .
trabesanyo, travesafio,
··· .. .... lock rail
r----... l :l
The horizontal framing
member between the top and
the bottom rail at the level of
the /ockset.
Bobeda, Boveda, Vault
A masonry enclosure over an
area or space that applies the
principle of the arch.
batong pangsara sa arko,
clave, keystone
The voussouir at the center or
crown of a vault or an arch, often
decorated, that locks the voussoirs
in place.
dove/a, voussoir
The mortar or earth that serves
as infill between the haunch of
the vaults.
A wedge-shaped stone or brick
used in the construction of the
true arch or vault.
riiion, haunch
The curved section or portion of
an arch or vault between the
crown and the springing line.
The vertical distance or
measured from the impost
level to the underside of the
the exterior curve
of a vault or an
imposta, springing line or
~ ... _elevation of an arch
panlabas ng
arko, extrados,
The horizontal level of wall
from which the curvature of
an arch or vault begins.
estribo, pier
The enlarged section of a
column or a wall between two
adjacent openings.
The lowest voussoir of ston
laid at the impost of an arch
or vault.
panloob ng arko, intra
intra dos
The interior curve of a vault or an ..>
arch that forms its concave
The clear and unsupported
distance measured from the
inward face of an arch or
boveda de media punto,
boveda rebajada,
barrel vault
boveda ogival, pointed
segmental vault
Filipino House
teha, teja, roof tile
tehado, tejado, tiled roof
One of the thin roofing tiles
covering the roof made from
burnt-clay and is approximately
semicylindrical and tapering in
A rooffinished with curved or flat
pieces of burnt-clay tiles.
teja canalada - semicylindrical
roofing tile
teja plana - flat roofing tile
The hybrid type of house first built in lntramuros, Manila in the 17th
century before spreading throughout the country combining
European classical elements, architectural elements of the
traditional Chinese houses, and architecture and climate-responsive
elements of the traditional lowland houses or bahay kubo. Unique
with the house is the use of bintanang capis (capis window) and
extensive use of sustainable elements such as double fai;ade, wide
eaves and awnings, louvers, floor-to-ceiling operable walls and
partitions to maximize natural daylight and ventilation, cross and
stack ventilation systems, and open courtyard as sun and wind
This house is also called the
Filipino ancestral house, bahay
na bato, or bahay na kahoy.
Its architecture is different
from the Antillian houses in
Netherlands, or even the
traditional houses in Mexico,
Mediterranean, or Spain that
~·•iiii"'*' ~ was built during the same
period when the Filipino house
was designed.
balustre, balaustre,
bintanang capis, ventana
.. ... .. capiz, capiz window
One of the upright and short
vertical woods or clay
members serving as railing of
stair, open deck, and
bintanilya (small window).
_.. ···J
A wooden-framed
checkerboard design window,
often sliding in operation, with
a pane of capiz shell that
provides a non-glary and
diffuse light to the interior.
ca pis, capiz, capiz pane
One of the small squares,
trans[ucent shells, used as
windowpane in a capiz
window, from the clam
"placuna placenta."
In a capiz window, an
assembly of capiz panes fixed
by a wooden frames.
conch a
In a capiz window, a piece of
capiz pane fixed by a wooden
mirador, mirador, mirador
asotea, azotea, flat roof
b nyo, bano, bathroo
A viewing space on a towerlike structure built above the
main house or at an azotea
and surrounded by windows
or decorative latticework.
The flat roof of the alhibe
·stern) usuafly at the back of the
ku · (kitchen) and is used as an
tdoor terrace or
A om intended for wa
ba ing.
kaida, caida, antesala
cubeta, toilet
A room with Latrina (latrine), a
receptacle for human waste
where ash from the kusina
.:'(kitchen) is poured to eliminate
kusina, cocina, kitchen
A transition space right after the ..
stair, leading to sala (living) or to
komedor(dining). Kaida is from
the Spanish verb "ca er" (to fall)
and is said to be a place where
ladies let their trains fall.
A room where food is prepared
·· and cooked.
kuwarto, cuarto, bedroom .....
...... .. . komedor, comedor, dining
A room usually adjacent to the
sala (living room) with kama
(bed), tokador (dresser),
aparador (cabinet) and mesa
The space adjacent to the kusina
(kitchen) where meals are served.
sala, sala, living room
dispensa, dispensa, pantry
The central room in a Filipino
house often facing the street or
plaza and is used as the family's
leisure and social activities' room.
A service room adjacent to a
kusina (kitchen) and komedor
(dining) for storing food supplies
and other provisions.
bodega, bodega, storeroom ...
.. ...... alhibe, aljibe/algibe, cistern
An enclosed room or space where
things are stored.
An enclosed masonry structure
for storing water for household
and other uses.
saguan, zaguan, entrance
The space, after the entrance,
that serves as transition space
between the entrance and the ..... .
grand stairs to the upper floor
that is used as storage for
carriages, processional floats
and where other implements
are kept.
aksesorya, accesoria,
An extension or annex to a
kalado, cawdo, fretwork
One of the upright ornamental
wood panels, with decorative
patterns, formed by perforations
above window headers or door
jambs as wall decorations to
allow added and cross
kisame, quisame, ceiling
The overhead, often horizontal
surface in a room either made of
wood or metal. It is intended to
both conceal the underside of
roofs or floors and provide a
decorative overhead surface.
kostilyahe, costillaje, ceiling
One of the series of square or
rectangular lumbers to which the
ceiling is fixed.
artesonado, artesonado
A coffered, carved, or highly
patterned wooden ceiling.
espeho, espejo
A panel between the window
header and the eaves for
exterior wall and above the
door jamb and ceiling for
interior partition. It is either of
wood framed checkerboard
design with capiz for
additional natural light or,
kalado (pierced work) for
added ventilation.
persiana, perciana, louver
A window with wooden frame
and thin slanting wooden slats
that is either fixed or movable
as solar protection to admit
natural ventilation.
sahig, zuelo, floor
silya, silla, chair
The horizontal, levelled surface in
a room on which one walks and
A seat use for relaxation,
recreation, and entertaining
The interior of a Filipino
House, particularly the
view of the sala (living
room) and kaida
yerong bubong, hierro
galvanizado, galvanized roof
mala-abanikong bintana,
ventana de abanico, fanlight
A half-circle window above
the door transom with
radiating wood or metal bars
typifying an open fan .
kolonet, co/onnete
antefija, antefix
An ornament, usually fret or
pierced work above the senepa
(eaves fascia) as roof decoration.
A roof with galvanized metal
sheet with corrugation or wavy
palupo, cumbrera, ridge
The topmost part of a roof where
two sloping roofing surfaces
lima hoya, valley
The intersection between two
sloping roof surfaces where
rainwater flows.
lima tesa, hip
The sloping ridge formed by the
junction of two adjacent pitched
bubong, techa, roof
.&:i~R'~~;;:;:;;:;;;;~~~~::;;;;;;:;r;:;:;::;:;;:;; .,. ....; The top cover of a building that
; .... provides shelter against the
: elements.
An upright and slender decorative
wood column usually placed
between window opening.
braket, brazo, bracket
A decorative element of
wood or metal provided
below the roof's eaves
or "bolada."
alulod, canalon, gutter
A shallow metal channel placed
: along the eaves to catch and
..: carry off rainwater from the roof
bintana, ventana, window
alero, a/ero, eaves
The lower end of the roof
projecting beyond the wall
board often with a
decorative pierced work of
wood board or metal sheet.
An opening in the external wall
of a house or building intended
· · · to allow light and ventilation for
the interior space and to provide
view of the outside.
bintanilya, ventanilla, small
:··· ··window
pasamano, pasamaiio,. .
The small window between the
floor and the windowsill used to
allow natural light and
ventilation to the interior. It is
provided with an external
protective enclosure of decorative
wood balusters or ornamental
metal grille and operable wall.
The horizontal member between
window opening and bintanilya
(small window) that serves both
as base of the window and
bolada, volada, upper floor
dingding na kahoy na may
·. bandeha, wood wallboard
with panel design
A portion of the upper floor
structure that protrudes the lower. ··
floor exterior wall to provide
additional space on the upper
floor and shades for the lower
floor. Bolada is said to be a
shortened term of "galleria
volada" (flying gallery).
Thick exterior wallboards
vertically or horizontally
installed with a panel de~i_gn
that is either carved or affixed
to the boards.
rehas, reja, grille
An ornamental metal work as
screen or barrier for window,
bintanilya (small window) or
balcony and stair rails. A grille
provides security protection
and at the same time, allows
air circulation.
dingding/muro, wall
A vertical structure of wood or
masonry provided to enclose or
divide a space.
tubo de bajada de agua,
tubo de baiiada,
soil stack
A vertical drain pipe, usually of
thin metal sheet, used to direct
rainwater from the roof gutter to
the ground or drain.
A vertical drain pipe, usually of
cast iron, used to direct foul
water coming from the Latrina
tahilan, viga, rafter
Heavy parallel wood beams where
the top end is attached to the
ridge beam and the bottom part
rests to the roof beam to support
the heavy tiled roof or much
lighter galvanized roof
bosolan, viga, roof beam
A massive lumber above the
wooden post or thick masonry
wall as support for the rafters
or trusses.
tirante, tirante, tie
beam/bottom chord
A weighty piece of lumber with its
ends connected to the roof beams
through lap joints in order to keep
\ them from spreading.
pendolon, king
or queen post
A rectangular lumberJi d at the
ridge of the roof to provide support
to the upper ends of rafters.
A vertical member
(either as king or queen
post) installed in a
wooden truss to provide
support especially for
the diagonal members.
trabesanyo, trabesaiio,
horizontal stud
A framing timber laid
horizontally between vertical
studs to stiffen the vertical
framing and to provide added '""---..:.:...,~-;~f:rn=~~~~~~
support to the finished wall ·-..
board or partition.
barateja, varateja,
·.. A small lumber serving
as clay tile roof base.
pilarete, pilarete, vertical
One of the vertical wooden
frames that is fixed
between the top plate and
the sole plate to carry the
finished wall boards ot·..
·. barakilan, larguera or
reostra, purlin
A rectangular or square lumber
horizontally laid above rafters
or top chord where galvanized
roofing sheets are fixed, or in
case of a tile roof material,
where battens are attached.
"-/ /
gililan, soleplate
/ ) - ..
A rectangular lumber, horizorftal');,
laid on floor boards where the
vertical studs are fixed.
rehas na buntis, barrigones,
bulging iron grilles
Ornamental grillework with
closely-spaced members in
scroll pattern comparable to a
bulging shape.
tabla, tablasuelo, floorboard
The boards, usually 1" in
thickness, fixed to the floor joist
as finished surface of a room.
·· tahilan/cahab-an, viga de/
piso, floor beam
languwete, /anguette,
soleras, so/eras,
tongue and groove
floor joist
A joint used for panelled wood
floor or wal(made by a tongue
on one edge of a panel into a
corresponding groove on the
edge of another panel to produce
a flush surface.
Rectangular beams
laid in parallel with
each other at about
2 feet spacing over
tne floor beams
where floor boards
are fixed.
····· ··· ······ · haligi, harigue, post
Heavy square timber columns or
logs buried directly in the ground
above stone boulders to support
floor and roof beams.
pundasyon, footing
The secondary rectangular
floor beam resting on the biga
(beam) where the so/eras
(floor joists) are fixed.
· ····· ·
... ....... pader, ca/icanto, lime and
masonry wall
A wall built of natural stones
or bricks bonded together
using lime mortar.
· ·· ·· ·sokalo, zocalo, footing
Portion of the masonry wall
that is buried or partly buried in
the ground, often much thicker
than the watl and acts as wall's
dos agwas, dos aguas,
gable roof
A roof having two sloping
planes, each descending from
the ridge to the eaves and
forming a gable at each end.
kuwatro agwas, cuatro
aguas, hip roof
medya agwa, media agua,
A roof with four sloping panels
with its sides meeting at an angle.
A roof-like structure above the
windows to provide protection
from the sun and the rain.
mamposteria, mam asteria,
de silyar, de sillar, dimension
stone masonry
sanepa, cenefa, fascia board
A horizontal wood board vertically
attached to the rafter's end to
provide a band throughout the
eaves or support the alulod
A masonry wall built out of·· .. .. ... ..
· · · · · · · · · · · · ...
small or broken stones or
cobbles of irregular shapes.
largamasa, argamasa,
silyar, sillar, dimension
A wet mixture of cementitious
materials (lime or cement,
sand, and water) that serves
as bonding agent for stone
blocks or bricks.
A solid piece of quarried
dressed stone, usually in
square or rectangular shape
and used as interior or
exterior masonry finish.
andamio, scaffolding
tabike pampango,
tabique pampango
A structure or platform, either
temporary or movable, used as
supporting framework or for ···...-..-. "'lllll"<'lrl!~!I
persons working high above the
ground or floor.
The scaffolding has a puente
(platform) and is supported by
pies derechos (post),
machinates (horizontal), and
riostra (diagonal brace).
klabiha, clavija, wood dowel
A piece of wood, shaped
in a rectangular form, as
peg for jointing two pieces
of wood in beams,
columns, and rafters.
armadura, armadura,
The wooden skeletal element
of a wall or roof, assembled or
fitted together to handle both
interior and exterior finishes.
plaster finish
The hard, protective coating of
a masonry wall composed of
sand, water and lime.
A wet substance, usually of
: lime, sand, and water,
: applied as either a protective
or a decorative coating when
it hardens for masonry walls
and ceilings.
halo, mizcla, mixture
A stucco of cal (lime), arena
(sand), and cement.
tabike, tabique, thin
masonry wall
palitada, paletada,
plaster, emplasto, plaster
kalikanto, cal y canto
A stucco made of lime and
estuko, estuco, stucco ··· ··· ···
An exterior finish to masonry
wall composed of wet
mixture of lime and sand.
A thin masonry wall
constructed using interwoven
strips of bamboo covered
.. .. with lime plaster.
A type of masonry wall serving as
partition in upper floors,
constructed of solid bricks that
are laid or inserted in a wood
framework with x-bracing before
finishing with a lime plaster or
piyedra, piedra, dimension
asulehos, azulejos, glazed
granite stone
Blocks of granite stones often
Colorful glazed tiles, originally
employed for paving, steps for
mostly in shades of blue, used
stairs and ground /eve/flooring.
for wainscoting and as surface
Originally, the stones were used as finishes for floors and stairs.
ballast for Chinese ships.
Hagdan, Escalera, Stair
The basic means of accessing
upper floors comprised of a series
of steps, landing, and decorative
balustrades on both sides.
kahabaan ng hagdan,
tramo de escalera, flight of
Continuous series of steps in a
stair between landings, or floor.
madreng-hagdan, stringer
The long parallel piece of
lumber that holds and
supports the stairs' steps and
~ ---
barandilya, barandilla,
A low barrier enclosing a stair
composed of a rail for grasping
with hand and decorative
wood panels or upright posts
(balusters) at regular intervals
as supports.
n, contrahuela,
baitang, huella, tread
. ineset<meseta, landing
step in a stair usually of wood or
stone materials.
,The horizontal platform either
at the foot or end flight of a
stair; or, between the flight of
· The vertical woodboard
between ~r treads that
cove,rs the opening between
,,. .-treads.
escalera imperial, double-
esca/era a la cata/ana,
esca/era de ida y vue/ta,
return stair
double-L stair
half-turn stair
esca/era de dos
tramos, quarterturn stair
escalera curva de un solo
tramo, straight-run curve
esca/era de ojo,
circular stair
espiral, spiral
esca/era recta de un solo
tramo, straight-run stair
Kuta, Fuerte, Fort
A strong defensive place, intended
for military troops, enclosed with
ditches and ramparts and protected
by bastions and bartizans.
garita, garita, bartizan
A small tower at the upper corner of
the fortified wall or bastion as
Puerta de Santiago, Fort
Santiago Gate
The imposing ornamental
entrance gate of Fort Santiago in
lntramuros, Manila
bodega ng pulbura, almacen de
polvora, gunpowder storage
A structure for the storage of
gunpowder, which is often near the
main terreplein.
kalsadang pang-patrolya,
camino de ronda, gangway
A continuous passageway along
the perimeter of the fortified wall
used for patrolling and
balwarte, baluarte, bastion
A projecting part of the
fortification, round or polygonal in
plan, intended to have a number of/
firing direction for both cannon and
other weapons to defend the
adjacent perimeter.
mer/on, merlon
The thick solid part of the parapet
between crenels or embrasures.
The opening between merlons
along the parapet that allows a
cannon to fire through it.
The levelled, top platform of a
bastion or semibastion where
cannons are mounted.
parapeto, parapeto,
parapet/embrasure · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · ···· · ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · ···· · · · ·
The fortified parapet wall with
alternate merlons and crenels
intended for defense and as wall
decorative motif.
cara, face
The two outer sides of the bastions
or minibastion that meet to form a
V-shaped outwork.
The portion of the bastion or
minibastion that protrudes beyon_d
the curtain.
The corner of a bastion or semi
bastion where the face and flank
mowt, foso, moat
A wide, deep trench
surrounding the rampart of a
fortified place that is usually
filled with water.
.. .... ........... ..
plasa ng militar, plaza de
... ·armas, military plaza
An open space within the
fortified walls for military
activities such as drills and
formations .
sinadumparan, stone house
A type of lvatan house usually
built parallel to the road and
with stone masonry wall and
thick thatch roof The masonry
on the gable wall covers the
gable-end of the thick roof
Traditional(y, the main house
with paya (shelves) is a oneroom space used for sleeping
and living while the kitchen is
an independent structure. A
Sinadumparan is provided
with windows only on the
southern and western side due
to the strong winds coming
f ram the northern and north
eastern areas during
kavahayan, village
The housing section of a
Batanes town or community.
Other types of lvatan
Stone Houses:
Sinadumparan a
A variation of the Sinadumparan
with the thick gable-end cogon roof
exposed or built above the masonry
gable wall.
Another variation of the Sinadumparan house
with thick hip type thatch roofing.
An Jvatan house with thick cogon roof,
the lower portion of the enclosing wall is
of masonry while the upper portion is
constructed using cogon grass securely
tied to the wall studs.
An lvatan house having its three sides
made from cogon grass securely tied to
the wall studs while the remaining wall
is erected out of stone masonry. It has a
thick cogon grass roof in gable design.
atep, roof .... .... .
The top covering of a
Batanes house comprised
of 4-5 layers of a thick
bundle of cogon grass
above reed matting and
with wood spacers tied
with each other.
riyan, eaves
The portion of the thick
.. · · · cogon roof that projects
: · ;. ·, beyond the exterior stone
T .f. masonry wall.
...... .
rakuh, main house
The living quarters of the
house for sleeping, working
and eating .
......... .
rihas, balustrade
The kusina (kitchen) has a
rapuyan (stove), tavuhen
(elevated wall for native jars),
padagak (built-in cabinet),
and dulang (low table) with
bangku (small chairs).
The entire railing system
composed of wood top rail,
decorative 6alusters and
bottom rail.
The tukah (tie beam) above
the stove, that connects the
lower end of the rafters, is
often used as paya (shelf or
shelves) for cooking
implements and firewood .
sapawan, ridge beam
A 4 "x4" wood beam at the ridge
of the roof to support the upper
:ends of rafters.
reklan, binding rafter
A 4 "x4" longitudinal wood
member placed at the bottom of
the rafters to tie the rafters and
prevent them from moving...
yayis, batten
A bundle of two to three pieces
. of reeds laid horizontally and in
.: between bundles of cogon to
.: fasten or tie the cogon roof
The first layer of thick bundle of
cogon grass roof laid directly at
:. the reed mat.
nidkel, reed matt
A roof undersheeting in
Batanes houses made from
closely-knit reeds arranged in
a parallel form along the
roof's ridge.
tarugo, collar beam
A piece of timber attached
below the ridge to tie and unite
two opposing rafters.
pakaw, rafter
A 4 "x4 "parallel wood beams
attached to the ridge beam
and roof beams to support the
thick and heavy cogon grass
gable wall
The extension
of the masonry
stone wall
along the
shorter house
dimension to
cover the roof's
bunghalo, cantiliver
A piece of timber or stone laid
and projected horizontally
beyond the surface of the wall
to provide support for the roof
beam or floor girder.
tapi, floor · · ·
·pangafiivucan, roof beam
The boards, 1"
thick and 12"
wide, fixed to
the floor joists
as walking
surface of the
A long piece of heavy square
timber, 6"x6" in size, resting
above the longer wall of the
house to support the roof's
gada-gada, masonry wall
.· ..
marcu, exterior lintel
A horizontal piece of
wood or stone over an
exterior window or door
opening carrying the
masonry stone wall
above it.
A wall built of natural stone,
usually coral stones, quarried
and cut into blocks and bonded
together using lime mortar.
panagatan, floor joist
Stonework mortar consisting of
slaked lime and sand. Lime in
Batanes is called "amed."
·. suyid, wall footing
The widened part of masonry
stones, about 47" in width, laid
in layers to transmit loads
directly to the soil.
3 "x6" rectangular beams laid
parallel with each other over a
girder as support for the
tirante, girder
A 3"x8" horizontal piece of
lumber resting above the
bunghalo (cantilever support)
to support the floor joists.
Paro, Faro, Lighthouse
A complex light house usually
located on top of the hill
containing the lighthouse tower,
the pavilion, the storage and
kitchen. It is intended to provide
readily available light that will
guide sea vessel navigation and
keep ships and other vessels
from potential hazard.
""'. ..·· ":.'ii
'\"'-, ..
almasen, almacen, storage
The building where things are
stored. For the lighthouse, this
building is intended for storing
combustible fuel equipment and
other implements.
pabelyon, pabel/on, pavillion
An elevated structure which
contains the office and the living
quarters of the keepers.
. .... ..... cupula, cupula, cupola
· ·. .....
parapet, parapeto, parapet·· ·· ···· .. ... ... ..... .
A walkway around the lantern
which is protected by railings.
········· ·········
A domed structure usually with
circular base intended as ceiling
or roof
· ·· ·· ··· ·· · ·· ·· ·· ·· · bintanang salamin, cristal,
glass pane
The framed-glass used as wall
endosurefor the lighthouse'slantern.
bentilasyon, ventillacionr ..... .
An opening, either permanent or
operable, in the floor, interior or
exterior wall, ceiling or roof to
allow fresh air inside the
structures and keep off heat
build-up in the interiors.
·········· ··
tore, torre, tower
The tall and slender structure,
often of masonry or steel,
which houses the lantern on its
topmost level.
taas ng pokal, a/turafocal,
focus plane
The height above the base of the
tower or from the sea level where
the center of the beam of light
' <
• I
11 ' -;
optikang Fresnel, optica
de Fresnel, Fresnel lens
An optic unit based on the
design principles of Augustin
Fresnel with lens that
intensifies brightly and
narrows concentrated light.
linterna, linterna, lantern · · · · · · · .. ·· ·· · · · · · ·
A room above the tower which
houses the lighthouse's lens with
glass1ramed windows all around.
beranda, verandah, veranda
An open space in front of the
building usually covered and
often provided with perimeter
rail or grille.
... .
ilaw ng paro, lighthouse
, ...................... . light
The lighting equipment
comprised of lamp and lens
that gives and distributes
concentrated light in a
lighthouse .
.. · prisma, prisma, prism
A transparent object with two
nonparallel planes at its end
and is used to bend the beam
of light.
torogan, sultan's house
A place of residence and office of
the reigning sultan and immediate
members of his family. Torogan is
also the community's venue for
important social events such as
weddings, thanksgiving, wakes
aside from cultural rituals and
spiritual-related activities.
The Maranao are
dwellers of Lake Lanao
and said to be of mixed
Malaysian and
lndonesean ancestry.
Torogan is a huge one-room house with pukananan or pugigaan (mat) assigned for every member
staying with sultan and baol (wood chest) as storage for their belongings .
The okir is a popular Maranao art form and is applied both in the "sarimanuk" (wild rooster
symbolizing completeness, wealth, prestige, and power) and "panolong" (end-beam design). These
art forms are extensively used as decorations in both interior and exterior of their houses (torogan
and mala a wala1) 1 boats, musical instruments such as harp and kotiyapi (string instrument),
weapons such as kampilan (sable), danganan, and sebat (spear), and coconut grater and ladle.
mala awalai
A house of the highest rank or
richest datu in a "pagawid"
It is a huge, partition-less structure
on stilts with okir decoration on the
baseboards, windowsills, and
doorjambs. Although this house has
ornamentation, it does not have the
panolongs or richly carved endbeam design.
la wig
A house of light materials for the
common people. It has no
ornamentation and is raised above
ground on stilts and with or without
indoor cooking area.
panolong, end-beam design
Richly carved and colourful end-beam design that flares upward into
sculptured wings with either naga (sea-serpent) or pako rabong
(growing fern) ornamentation. The naga and pako rabong
panolongs are alternately placed on the east section of the house to
symbolically capture the sun's energy.
onsod, fence-like motif
Triangular or pyramidal design
usually applied at the facade of
the house below the window.
tiali-tali, rope-like motif
Rope-like design symbolizing
strength and unity, generally
applied at the facade of the
house above the window.
obar-obar, flower-like
Flower design often applied at
the facade of the house,
including the face of the upper
front and corner columns.
birdo, growing vine or
scroll-like motif
The most common ornamental
design symbolizing continuity
both for interior and exterior
niaga motif · · · · · · .....
····· · obar-obar motif
·. birdo motif
lamin, princess' room
A richly-decorated room serving
as private space for sultan's
daughter and her attendants.
lapa, princess bed
An elevated bed with abundant
ornamentation on its sides and
exclusively intended for the
sultan's daughter.
sendigan, sultan's area
An area located away
from the entrance of the
house and designated for
the sultan. It is provided
with a bed (panggao)
and richly ornamented
fabric called
mamandiang, lalansay,
and somandeg.
A spacious area for · .......
preparation and cooking · · · · ....
activities inside the
· · · · ..
house. It has also
"tapaan" or fish dryiag
area and "laya"for
storing bamboo
pukananan (dining) or
pugigaan (sleeping arear ·
The only elevated bed
with rich carved
ornamentation all
around its sides. The bed
is oriented east-to-west
and is shared with
sultan's first wife.
A mat provided for each member
living inside the house where
he/she will take his/her meal and
will rest or sleep.
These mats,
oriented eastto-west, are
arranged with
the sultan's
security near
the door and
the person
closest to him ,,I__,....,,,
beside his
bed .
towa, stair
kerit, tread
The main access to the upper floor
level of the house with the entire
framework, including the railings,
made from wood.
Pieces of rectangular boards or
planks of wood used as steps in a
Hand-embroidered and
opulently designed piece
offabric laid horizontally
above the wall where the
sultan's bed rests.
Hand-embroidered and
lavishly embellished
drapery that is vertically
hanged below
"mamandiang" to cover
the interior wallboards.
Hand-made and richly
ornamented piece of
cloth horizontally laid
below "lalansay."
pulaos bungan, king post
atup, roof
The elaborately carved vertical
members above the tinai-a-walay
(tie-beam) to support the roof
A steep, thick cogon roof
covering the entire house with
a flaring-end at its lower base
due to the varying inclination
of its roofframework.
kalasagan, rafter ... .. .... .
Rectangular wood member s·~t.i:ii ci ·········· ...... ..
high-pitch angle as framework for
the thick thatch roof
tinai-a-walay, tie beam
The thick and huge horizontal
member, often elaborately carved
with Maranao decorative elements
that reinforces the perimeter roof
beams and supports the king post.
sumang, hip rafter .... . .
The second layer rafter whi~h
connected to the lower end of
kalasagan (rafter) and with a very
low inclination or pitch. The exposed
section of this rafter, located below
the roof eaves, is embellished with
·i; .·········· .. .. ..
lantay, floor board
The thick wooden planks that
function as floor panels of the main
du log, floor joist · ......... .
The thick and huge hand-hewn
horizontal member that supports
the floor of the spacious house.
··.. runding, wallboard
tukud, corner post
tapuwilih, central post
The massive often
carved wooden column
at the corner of the
house and buifr above
the ground on huge
stones or boulders.
The massive wooden column
situated at the centre of the
house and aligns with the
pulaos bungan (king post).
The thick wooden planks that
are vertically installed as house
enclosure. The wallboards on
the side where panolongs (endbeam designs) are located are
richly carved with decorative
motifs such as tiati-tiali (rope like), obar-obar (flower-like),
onsod (fence-like), and birdo
(growing vine or scroll-like).
Every post rests on 5-6 pieces of well-closed rocks
that serve both as foundation and protection from
the ground termites and moisture.
Masyid, Masjid, Mosque
circular minaret
A tall tower with a circular
base, attached to a mosque and
with stairs that lead towards
the balcony or balconies where
the muezzin call the faithful
into prayer.
A spiritual sanctuary for Muslim
worship primarily governed by
the liturgical axis towards
Makkah (Mecca). ForTausug
and Yakan, its Langgal while for
the Maranaos, its Ranggar.
Arabic term for God, the
creator of the universe .
.___._ _ _ _ _ octahedral base of minaret
The minaret's base having eight
sides or faces.
mihrab, prayer niche
A niche inside a mosque that
indicates the direction of Mecca .
hilal, star and crescent ··"
An emblem of the Islamic world
placed at the topmost portion of
the onion dome roof
....... ""
kiblah, qiblah
The prime orientation in Mosque
Architecture which shows the
axis of prayer towards Mecca.
musalla, sanctuary
From the Arabic "manara"
meaning "giving off light";
a tall, slender tower of a
mosque where the call to
prayer is pronounced.
A space used for communal
worship for men and women.
.. ........ · onion dome roof
A bulbous ogee-shaped dome
resembling an onion.
Plaza Complex
munisipyo, casa real, town
eskinita, esquinita, alley
simbahan, iglesia, church
A narrow road that provides
access to interior lots or buildings.
An edifice or place of Christian
The layout and placement of
both civic and ecclesiastical
buildings around the central
plaza based on Ordenanza of
1573 (Prescriptions for the
Foundation of Hispanic Colonial
Towns) or commonly referred to
as the Laws of the Indies.
One of the civic buildings
adjacent to the plaza that serves
as the resident-office of the
designated town official who has
an administrative jurisdiction
over a town or city.
The gridiron plan that defines the
layout of the town or city.
pangunahing kalsada,
ca/le real, main road
The wide or spacious flat surface,
intended to transport goods, and
acts as a way of travel for people,
that is adjacent to the plaza and
connecting nearby towns or cities.
hukuman/korte, casa
tribunal, courthouse
kalsada, calzada, road
The wide or spacious road
between buildings and houses
connected to the main road.
plasa, plaza, plaza
The wide open space bounded
by roads and adjacent to the
civic and ecclesiastical buildings
of a town or city and intended
for political or social activities.
In the Ordenanza of 1573 or
Laws of the Indies, the plaza
was the starting point in the
creation of a town or city.
obelisko, obelisco, obelisk
bahay, casa, house
A slender stone with square base
that tapers as it rises and
terminates with a pyramidal
form at its apex. It is usually built
inside the plaza to
commemorate a significant
event or a person.
The dwelling place of a family.
See also Filipino House.
casa de piedra - stone house
casa de madera y teja - wooden
house with tiled roof
casa de vivienda - big house or
casa grande - huge house of a
plantation or hacienda
casa de madera - log or
wooden house
casa de dos aguas - gabledroof house
casa de quatro aguas - hippedroof house
casa de materiales fuertes house of strong
During the Hispanic Period, a
multi-use civic building with
meeting halls for municipal
guilds, courtroom and detention
for law offenders, and temporary
shelter for transient and
lindero, lindero, lot boundary
The legally defined and recorded
boundaries of a property or parcel
looban or bakuran, solar,
A small area of land that is or
could be used for a particular
purpose,for example, where a
building is constructed.
casa de materia/es ligaros house of light materials
lntramuros, fortress city
The center of civic and ecclesiastic
rule during the Spanish period with
the capital city surrounded by a
ilog, rio, river
strong, defensive wall for
protection and a military fort at the A natural stream of water
mouth of the Pasig River.
collected from the precipitation
of hills and uplands towards the
beaterio, beaterio, orphanage
A structure under a religious
order which provides care for the
balwarte baluarte bastion · · ·· · · ·· ·· · · · ·· · ·· · ·· · ·· · ·· · ·· ·· · ·· ·· · · · ··
A pr(f;·ectin~ part of t;e
ad na, aduana, custom
forti ication, round or polygonal
hou e
in p an, intended to have a
number offiring direction for
cuptoms and duties and where vessels
atfe entered and cleared.
both cannon and other weapons
to defend the adjacent perimeter.
eskwela, escuela, school
A building or complex devoted
for educational studies at
differentiated levels. Schools in
lntramuros during the Hispanic
Period reached to a total of ten
and were all managed by
religious groups.
embarcadero, embarcadero, .................... ..
An area used as a landing place for
ships and other water vessels.
ayuntamiento/cabildo, city hall
· · · · · ·· · · ·
The chief administrative building with
offices for both the gobernador-heneral
(head of the country) and the alcalde
(head of the city) with their regidores
(councilors). Ayuntamiento of Manilajas
also space for the prison.
. ..... .
monasteryo, monasterio,
A building where religious
people, monks or nuns, retire
from the world for prayer and
almasenes, almacenes,
A building constructed near a
port for storing goods or asp ce
inside civic building, like cas
real, to store tributes in for of
bodega ng armas,
An open public
square that is
adjacent to both
major roads an
prestigious c· 1c
and reli · s
buildi gs. The
pla mayorof
I ramuros is
ailed Plaza Roma.
maestranza, arsen
A buildingforboth
manufacturing an storing
weapons and am unitions.
kuta,fuert , fort
A str ng, defensive place
· ended for military troops. It is
enclosed with ditches and
ramparts and protected by
bastions and bartizans.
mowt, Jaso, moat
baryo, barrio, barrio
rebelin, revel/in, ravelin
A wide, deep trench surrounding
the rampart of a fortified place
that is usually filled with water.
A district, containing a neighborhood or area that
forms a relatively self-contained social unit.
lntramuros, Manila has four barrios, namely: San
Antonio! .san Cados, San Gabriel and San Luis.
A V-shaped defensive elevated
structure, detached from the
rampart and provided with its
own ammunitions serving as
outside protection of rampart
and main gate/portal.
. . . . . . . . . . . puerta, puerta, portal
An imposing entrance, often
ornamental, wide enough as
passage for both pedestrian and
wheeled vehicles. The fortified
wall of lntramuros has eight
main portals which include Real,
Sta . Lucia, Almacenes, Aduana,
Sto. Domingo, Isabell II, Postigo,
and Parian.
A /J(;ilding, either attached or
/1€side a church, that serves as
residence of the parish priest.
... . simbahan, iglesia, church
..... .. maliit na ba
a rte,
An edifice or place of Christian
worship. In lntramuros, a total of
eight churches were built,
namely: Capuchino, San
Francisco, Venerable Orden
Tercera, Sagrario, Recoletos, San
Agustin and San Ignacio
arzobispa~.... muralya, mural/a, rampart
· arsobisp.a do,
episcopal palace
The official resid~n;~ the
Roman Catholic .ychbishop of
Manila .
, , e e 1eva t ed1~o rt•~·
'11e d wa 11,
usually with sloping facing _wall,
parapet and gangway,
connected to the fort and
Originally refers to a Chinese
ghetto, a place of residence,
business and trade for the Chinese
settlers or merchants.
American Period Architectural Style, Italianate
American Period Architectural Style, Victorian
American Period Architectural Style, Mission Revival
American Period Architectural Style, Neoclassic
American Period Architectural Style, Neo-Renaissance
American Period Architectural Style, Neo-Gothic
American Period Architectural Style, Art Deco
American Period Architectural Style, Streamlined Deco
American Period Architectural Style, Bauhaus
Capitol Building
Gabaldon Schoolhouse
A style which originated in Western Europe in ca. 1840-85 reviving the elements of the Italian Renaissance
Architecture of the 16th century with square cupolas or towers; elaborate classical detailings; wide
overhanging eaves with closely-spaced decorative brackets; tall and narrow square or arched windows; Lshaped plans; arcaded porches with balustrades; and /ow-pitched or flat roof Notable buildings of this
style are Nelly's Garden House and Villa Lizares (now the Angelicum School) in lloilo, and Pasig City
Museum and Malacanang Palace in Manila.
low-pitch roof
A small round window, often
along the dormer or exterior "."all.
A type of roof having a low slope
or inclination.
rustic wall
A wall with building stones of
rough surfaces and chamfered
or bevelled edges.
bintanang nakaungos sa
pader, bay window
A type of window that protrudes
from a wall, forming a bay or
alcove in a room.
The arrangement of columns or
pilasters in pairs, placed very
closely together.
broken-bed segmental
eskudo, coat of arms
An emblem often of heraldic
bearings and usually placed
above the main entrance door
or along the hip gable wall.
A type of segmental pediment
with a base having an opening at
the center; usually applied to a
wall above a door or window.
salomonica columns ········· ··· ···
A type of column with a shaft
carved into twisted or spira{form.
A canopied niche or opening
flanked by pilasters or
A style in Europe during the reign
of Queen Victoria in Great Britain
(1837-1901) reviving and/or
combining the elements of Gothic
and Italianate styles such as steep
gabled roof and dormers; coneshaped turrets or square tower
with mansard roof; intricate or
richly ornamented panellings,
trusses, and braces; panelled
exterior walling with either
horizontal, vertical or diagonal
design; and wide overhanging
eaves with exposed rafter ends.
Notable buildings of this style are
Carcar Dispensary (now Carcar
Museum) in Cebu, Legarda
Elementary School in Manila, and
Silliman Hall in Dumaguete City.
square tower with mansard
Any tower which is roughly square
in plan and roofed with a doublypitched gable or hip-roofform . ·
fascia gutter
A type of gutter, usually of sheet
metal, firmly attached to a fascia
board of an eaves to catch
rainwater from the roof and
convey it to a downspout.
decorative eaves vent
A rain water pipe, usually
of metal sheet, vertically
attached to an exterior
wall to direct rain water
from a roof gutter to the
ground or catch basin.
..· · An air vent placed along the
eaves with ornamental design
A thin decorative column
placed along an exterior
window opening as means
of division and added
support for sliding window
sibi, awning
.. ··
A framed roof-like shading
structure over a window or
door to provide protection
especially against the sun
and rain.
lattice siding
A type of exterior cladding of
timber boards in a lattice form .
· · approach stair
A series of steps placed in
front of a building that
leads to its main entrance.
Mission Revival
An architecture movement which
originated in the United States at
the end of the 19th century
reviving and/or employing the
elements of the Spanish Colonial
Revival Style. This has been
widely used in California
characterized by the used of lowpitched gable tiled roof, stucco
finish exterior walls, wide eaves
with closely-spaced exposed
rafter end, frontispiece with
exposed gable wall, and imposing
square towers with pyramidal
roof Notable buildings of this
style are the Bureau of Science
Building and Normal School (now
Philippine Normal University) on
Manila, and Cebu High School in
exposed rafter tail
The underside of roof eaves
openly showing portions of the.
rafter which overhangs the wall: ·...
A projecting space at the lower
portion of a window in the
upper floors that is enclosed ...
with either wood, stone, or
metal decorative railings.
bracketed eaves
The underside of the balcony or
balconette with series of
decorative brackets of equal
smooth finish stucco
quatrefoil window
The masonry wall having smootfi ·
faces brought about by the limebased stucco coating applied to
the bricks or natural stones wall
to reduce the effect of erosion.
A type of window composed of
four lobes or foils.
mission dormer
A type of dormer projecting
above the tiled roof in Mission
Architecture with multicurvedshape design similar to the
mission parapet.
square tower with pyramidal
tsimenea, chimney
A fire-proof vertical structure
that encloses a flue carrying
waste gases from buildings or
other apparatus.
a tower, square in plan, covered
with a pyramid form roof
bracketed cornice
mission parapet
A type of cornice supported by a
series of decorative brackets of
equal spacing.
A low wall, extending from the
junction of an external wall and
roof, with multicurved-shape
design on its upper end.
A style which originated in Europe and in the
United States from 1885 to 1925 reviving and
combining the Greek and Roman Classical
Architecture with the ideas of Renaissance
Architecture. Also called Classical Revival and
Beaux Arts Classicism, this style incorporates
grandiose symmetrical composition and far;ade,
colonnaded portico with grand stair and imposing
columns, ba/ustraded balconies, pronounced
cornices and entab/atures, and triangular
pediment. Significant buildings of this style include
Post Office Building and Paco Train Station in
Manila, Sorsogon Provincial Capitol in Sorsogon
City, and University of the Philippines in lloilo City.
-: ~:J~/., ·.~ ',.
The triangular gable usually
enclosed by horizontal and
raking cornices above a portico or
colonnaded facade.
............................. ....... ............ ..............
..... .. ...... .._:_..-----__.............
... ... .... . ....
The thick horizontal band above
columns, consisting typically of
the architrave, frieze, and
classical column
A column based on the classical
Greek and Roman orders,
consisting typically of three
elements: the base, shaft, and
base block
A solid piece of masonry or
concrete, usually without
ornamentation and form as the
lowest member of the base.
.·· guilloche
An ornament used as moulding
or as a border consisting of two
or more interwoven bands
around a series of circles.
·.. rosette
An ornament in circular pattern
which resembles a stylized rose
flower or any other similar
palamuti, decoration
An ornamental element added as
an adornment in a building.
peston, festoon
A decorative element, often
carved or molded, in a form of
intertwined flowers and or
ribbons and hanging between
two points.
The uppermost structural member
of a classical column or pilaster,
· · often ornamental and placed
above the shaft to support the
The vertical portion of a classical
. column or pilasters between the
capital and the base.
classical base
... .
... .
.. · The lowest portion of a classical
column, usually carved
according to patterns and
proportions of the Greek and
Roman orders .
raised floor
A floor which has been raised
a6ove the ground level as
protection from groundwater.
A style which originated in Italy
during the period of architectural
style revival in the 19th century
which has been characterized by
hip type tiled roof with /owpitched or inclination; eaves with
supporting decorative brackets;
employment of details such as
columns, pilasters, pediments,
quoins, and arches; and often
symetrically balanced. Notable
buildings of this style are the
Gata de Leche and Ayuntamiento
in Manila, and Bohol Provincial
Capitol in Bohol.
medya-agwa, canopy
A small circular panel or
A roughly triangular area of wall
between two adjacent arches.
A protective covering usually
projecting from a wall of a
building to provide shelter.
A style which originated in
Europe and used in the
Philippines in the later part of
the 19th century reviving the
architecture vocabulary of
Gothic Architecture. It includes
grandiose or lofty far;ades,
pointed arches, soaring spires,
ribbed vaulting, flying buttress,
and rich ornamentation and
tracery. Notable examples
include the San Sebastian and
Santo Domingo Churches in
Manila, and Bantay Church in
/locos Sur. The Iglesia ni Cristo
Central in Quezon City by Carlos
Santos-Viola is a modern
adaptation of this style.
. ...................... .. .. ....
A tall structure comprised
of a tower and a spire.
needle spire
A very slender type of spire
located above the tower roof
················· . . . }}
T. ~~~r~:~·,?~ mew;th
... !
A dome with ribs fanning out
from a central support.
. .:r ...
octagonal lantern
An eight-sided type of lantern
above a tower or dome.
steep gable wall
A gable wall with sharp or
lofty pitch.
Art Deco
A style which originated in
Western Europe and the United
States. It has been adopted from
L'Exposition Internationale des
Arts Decoratifs et Jndustriels
Modernes held in Paris, France in
1925 reviving and/or combining
traditional/historical and avantgarde stylistic elements. Notable
features include stepped gables,
sculptured panels, curved corners
and edges, chevron and zigzag
decorations, round porthole
windows, and elements in group
of three. Significant buildings of
this style are Metropolitan ancf
Capito/Theatres in Manila, S.
Villanueva Building in l/oilo City,
and Rodriguez-Arguelles House in
Sariaya, Quezon.
stepped gable
A gable at the main facade of an
Art Deco buildings with the
upper part shaped series of
,... ..... ..... ... ....
tiara of stylized Muslim
A decorative ornament depicting
the crown of a Muslim minaret.
polychromatic wall surface
The treatment and/or decoration
to a wall surface comprised of
different cofours that resembles
the festive culture of the country.
bird of paradise gate
The ornamental main entrance gate demonstrating
the typical plumed oscine birds (family
Paradisaeidae) common in the Philippines.
stepped gable
sculptured panel
A thin piece of board usually precast with sculptured
ornamentation and attached on
the surface of the walls or ceilings.
curved edge and corner
A treatment applied to corners
and edges, eliminating sharp
corners by curving it. In
Metropolitan Theatre, the curved
corners were treated with
tapestries of Malay cloths and
stylized Philippine plants.
stained glass window
A window with colored and patterned surface-tinted decorative
glass. In the Metropolitan Theatre, the stained glass window
depicts the rising sun with stylized Philippine plants.
Streamlined Deco
A later strain ofArt deco, which
originated in the United States in
the 1930s. It is simple, unadorned,
and linear. Notable features
include a rounded streamlined
corner, glass block walls, banded
parapets, an open deck, porthole
windows, and triple pipe railings.
Significant buildings of this style
includes Quezon Institute and JaiAlai Buildings in Manila, and
Lopez Boat House in Jloi/o.
banded parapet
A parapet with horizontal
continuous strip of moulding,
usually plain or unadorned.
triple pipe railing
A feature in Streamlined Art Deco
copying the streamlined ships
railings with three layers of
horizontal metal rails.
elements in group of three
open deck
A wide and spacious exterior deck
similar to decks of streamlined
ships, without roof and protected
only by the metal railing on its
A common treatment in both
Streamlined Art Deco and Art
Deco designs comprised of an
architectural component of the
building in groups of three.
.·· rounded streamline corner
porthole window
A type of small, circular window
extensively used as one of the
distinctive elements of
Streamlined Art Deco similar to
the "port hole window" or "side
scuttle" of a ship.
A common feature in
Streamlined Art Deco,
eliminating sharp corners of
buildings to look like the
streamlined ships.
A style which originated in
Germany in 1919 and adopted
from the design school founded
by Walter Gropius - the
Staatliches Bauhaus, which
intends to train artists for
industrial arts. Notable elements
include an asymmetrical form,
smooth far;ade, regularity, cubic
form, pilotis, large windows,
balconies, and flat roof
Significant buildings includes
National Press Club, Lopez
Museum, and National Library
of the Philippines, all in Manila.
asymmetrical composition
A design composition exhibiting
non-symmetrical or balanced
smooth facade
A characteristic of the surface
treatment of Bauhaus
buildings having an even and
plain finish.
large window
The quality of having regularly
repeating or symmetrically:··
arranged elements.
A window having multipleframed glass windows that
forms as one huge panel.
flat roof
cubic form
vertical brise-soliel
balkonahe, balcony
A roof having a relatively
horizontal surface usually of
concrete slab finish.
A building element characteristic
having three-dimensional
angular appearance or shape.
A vertical sun-shading element
installed to the building exterior
to reduce solar heat gain by
preventing direct solar exposure
on glass windows and
An accessible outdoor platform
projecting from the external face
of a building and is enclosed by a
railing or balustrade.
The isolated columns or
posts located on an open
ground space to support a
Kapitolyo, Capitol Building
A public building used for
provincial government
bantayog, monument
kalye, street
An impressive structure or statue
erected in a park or plaza in
remembrance of a significant
event, person, or group of people.
A public thoroughfare in a town
or city, usually paved, that is
wider than an alley and often
has buildings along one or both
sides. ·.
A major public road or route
connecting towns or cities and
usually utilized for vehicular
central bay
The central division of a facade often with
distinctive ornamentation as compared to
its subsidiary wings or bays.
................ ........ ... ... ...... ...................
frontisp iece
The principal division of a ······· ...... _. .· ···· ··· ·· · .. .. ....... ..................... , ..
facade where main entrance of
~ ._ z • :;;c
a building is located and
characterized by its
monumental design and/or
palapag, storey .......... .
Refers to the horizontal
division of a building or the
space between floor levels.
i [
I ;I
! ~.. ....
"· " ·
pangunahing hagdan, main
······ "· . . . . .. ..
· · · · · · · · · The principal stair adjacent to
the entrance hall within the
building .
,... "
"· " halwey, hallway
bulwagang pasuka~,
entrance hall
An imposing space, often with
high ceiling, that serves as the
central circulation space inside a
A corridor or passageway in a
building or a hall.
• -~· •
=i portiko, portico
· A covered space serving as
frontispiece of the building,
traditionally consisting of rows of
columns supporting a
pedimented roof
opisina, office
An interior space in which
business, clerical and/or
administrative work is
I 89
Eskwelahang Gabaldon,
Gabaldon Schoolhouse
The one-level prototype educational institution named after Assemblyman Isaura
Gabaldon who authored the Philippine Assembly Act 1801 in 19081 appropriating one
million dollars for the construction of school buildings. The architecture of the
schoolhouse was patterned to the Filipino house with spacious and lofty rooms and
with extensive use of sustainable elements including wide eaves and awnings,
louvers, floor-to-ceiling operable walls and partitions to maximize natural daylight
and ventilation, cross and stack ventilation systems, and open courtyards for noise
control and sun and wind catchers.
palaruan, playground
silid gawaan, workshop room ·· ··· ····>-
An outdoor space, often ofgrass,
intended both for school
children's playing area and
school's outdoor activities.
A room designated for carrying
out classes for technical
loobang bakuran, courtyard
An open space or area surrounded
or enclosed by buildings and/or-by ·············· ······ ········· ···>walls.
koridor, corridor
A narrow interior passageway
providing access to rooms or other
..,. ................ silid aralan, classroom
In school, a room used for
academic instruction and venue
for classes.
cover page
The Metropolitan Theatre, Manila
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The lfugao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Sectional View of an lfugao Mountain showing Rice Terraces
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Author
Liza Patricia Sia
The Traditional Apayao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Apayao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of Apayao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Apayao House
Klaradelle Sol Villamayor
Pictorial View showing Construction Method Used for the Apayao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Badjao House
Erica Dominique Cabreros
The Traditional Badjao Village
Janine Marie Hung
Bay Section of Badjao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of Badjao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Badjao House
Jet Catrina Cari
The Filipino Bahay Kubo
Alyanna Riezel Zafe
Bay Elevation of Ba hay Kubo
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Ba hay Kubo
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Ba hay Kubo
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing Construction Method Used for the Ba hay Kubo
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Bontoc House
Angelica Mabutas
Bay Elevation of Bontoc House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Bontoc House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Bontoc House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing Construction Method Used for the Bontoc House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Balanghay of Butuan
Arlene Christine Apela
A Negrito Lean-to House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
A Tree House in Mindanao
Jeff Manuel See
The Traditional lfugao House
Margarita Inez Barcia
The lfugao "hagabi" or Bench
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of lfugao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of lfugao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of lfugao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the lfugao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The lfugao Village
Rino D.A. Fernandez
A Sectional View of a Mountain showing the lfugao's Use of Land
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Cross Section of a Pond-Field
The lvatan's Jinjin House
Kristine Claude Lau
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the lvatan House
Kristine Claude Lau
The Traditional Kalinga House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of Kalinga House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Kalinga House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
(based from Harold Conklin, Ethnographic Atlas of Jfugao)
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Kalinga House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the Kalinga House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Kalinga's "Binayon" or "Finaryon" House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Kankanay and lbaloi House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of Kankanay and lbaloi House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Kankanay and lbaloi House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Kankanay and lbaloi House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the Kankanay House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Sagada House
Francis Miguel Malig
Bay Elevation ofSagada House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Sagada House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Sagada House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the Sagada House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Sama I House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation ofSamal House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section ofSamal House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Sama I House
Jet Catrina Cari
The Traditional Tausug House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation ofTausug House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section ofTausug House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The lfugao's "Tajuk Pasung"
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View showing the Construction Method Used for the Tausug House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Traditional Yakan House
Arvien Alcazar
Bay Elevation ofYakan House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of Yakan House
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View ofYakan House
Rina D. A. Fernandez
Baclayon Church Complex, Bohol
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Plan of Miagao Church, Miagao, lloilo
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Plan of Guiuan Church, Guiuan, Sa mar
Kath Sapungay
Plan of La Loma Church, Manila
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Manila, lntramuros, Manila
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Plan of Metropolitan Cathedral of Manila
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Facade of Capul's St. Ignatius de Loyola Church (built in 1615), Sa mar
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Capul Church, Samar
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Capilla and Multi-level Niches of the Paco Cemetery, Manila
Carmela Dawn Linarez
Plan ofTabaco Capilla, Tabaco City
Rina D.A. Fernandez
La Loma Capilla, Manila
Janine Marie Hung
San Joaquin Capilla, lloilo
Erica Joyce Tanggalin
Facade ofTabaco Capilla, Tabaco City
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Plan of San Agustin Church Complex, lntramuros
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Entrance of San Agustin Church, lntramuros
Glenn Liana
The Church of the Conversion of St. Paul, lntramuros (San Agustin Church)
Monique Bautista
One of the Cloisters of San Agustin Church, lntramuros
Plan of Sta. Maria Church, llocos Sur
The Sta . Maria Church, llocos Sur
The Site Plan of the Sta. Maria Church showing the Church Complex Above the Hill
(redrawn based from the as-built plan prepared by Arch. Angel Lazaro for the Restoration of Sta. Maria Church, llocos Sur)
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Shrine of Peiiafrancia, Naga City
Liza Marie Sia
The Image of Our Lady of Peiiafrancia, Naga City
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Plan of the Shrine of Peiiafrancia, Naga City
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Rear Buttress of Paoay Church, Ilocos Norte
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Paoay Church and Belltower, llocos Norte
Arlene Christine Apela
The Medallion of Paoay Church, llocos Norte
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Miagao Church, lloilo
Marielle Anne Villanueva
Facade of Miagao Church, lloilo
Rina D.A. Fernandez
San Sebastian Church, Manila
Liza Marie Sia
The Church of Santo Domingo in lntramuros
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Facade of San Agustin Church, lntramuros
Monique Bautista
The Binondo Church, Manila
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Dome of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Manila, lntramuros
Stephanie Suarez
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Manila, lntramuros, Manila
Dee Jay Villanueva
Facade of the Retablo of St. Joseph Parish Cathedral, Romblon
Maria Kristina Cortez
The Front View of a Church Door
Sharleen Salazar
The Rear View of a Church Door
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of a Masonry Vault
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Semicircular or Barrel Vault
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Segmental Vault
Rina D.A. Fernandez
Pointed Vault
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Balai na Tisa, Carcar, Cebu
Liza Patricia Sia
Filipino Houses at the Historical Town ofVigan, !locos Sur
Janyssa Eladia
Pictorial View of a Filipino House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The "Kai ado" of a Filipino House
Mary Christine Bautista
Ceiling Joist of a Filipino House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Interior of a Filipino House
Anarose Libang
Bay Elevation of a Filipino House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of the Eaves of the Jesuit House, Cebu City
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Sectional View showing Construction Method Used for the Jesuit House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Sectional View of Post Construction and Supports for the Jesuit House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Gable Roof
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Hip Roof
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Awning
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Rubble Masonry Wall
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Ashlar Masonry Wall
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Thin Masonry Wall for Interior Partition
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Portion of a Log Post showing End-connections
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The "Tabike Pampango" Masonry Wall
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of the Stair of Liza res Ancestral House, Bacolod City
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Double-return Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Double-L Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Half-turn Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Quarter-turn Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Straight-run Curve Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Circular Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Spiral Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Straight-run Stair
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Restored Facade of the Portal of Fort Santiago, lntramuros, Manila
Donna Rose Buenaflor
The Bartizan of Fort Santiago
Jillianne Espinosa
Plan of Fort Santiago, lntramuros, Manila
Rino D.A. Fernandez
A Portion of a Parapet Wall showing Crenels and Merlons
Rino D.A. Fernandez
A Pictorial View of a Portion of a Fort
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The lvatan "Sinadumparan" House
Sharmaine Joy Duay
The lvatan "Maytuab/Nituavan" House
Sean Immanuel Go
Bay Elevation of an lvatan "Sinadumparan" House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of an lvatan "Sinadumparan" House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
A Pictorial View Showing the Construction Method Used for the lvatan House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Aerial View of Cape Bojeador Lighthouse, Burgos, llocos Norte
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Facade of Pavilion and Tower of Faro de Punta de Malabrigo, Lobo, Batangas
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Tower and Pavilion of Faro de Cabo Bojeador, Burgos, llocos Norte
Jose Vicente Alcober
Section of Pavilion and Tower of Faro de Punta de Malabrigo, Lobo, Batangas
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of Maranao Torogan
Maria Josefina Syline Solidum
The Traditional House and Boat of Maranao
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The "Pano/ong" or End-beam Design of a Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Decorative Ornaments of a Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Elevation of a Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bay Section of a Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View of a Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Pictorial View Showing Construction Method Used for the Maranao House
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Posts in a Maranao House
Ira Kristina Medina
Pictorial View of Bacolod Grande Mosque, Lanao del Sur
Ivan Jude Cerezo
Interior Portion of a Mosque Showing the Qi blah or Prime Orientation
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Minaret and Onion Dome Roof of Hadji Abdullah Maas Nuno Mosque, Zamboanga
Rino D.A. Fernandez
View of the Plaza and Adjoining Structures at the Town of Argao, Cebu
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Aerial View of lntramuros, Manila
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Villa Lizares (now Angelicum School of lloilo), lloilo City
Paulo Manuel Guanzon
The Portal of Pasig City Museum, Pasig City
Jessica Anne Stevens
The Silliman University Hall, Dumaguete City
Alyssa Rae Tejada
Carcar Dispensary (1929), Carcar, Cebu
lkko Benjie Mediavillo
Pasig City Museum, Pasig City
Charmaine Garcia
The Bureau of Science Building (1902), Manila
Sarah Faith Ramirez
The Central Post Office, Manila
Cidric Angelo Magno
The Sorsogon Provincial Capitol (1915), Sorsogon City
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Bas-relief at Pediment of Negros Occidental Provincial Capitol
Dale Villaceran
Decorative Ornamentations at Negros Occidental Provincial Capitol
Dale Villaceran
Gota de Leche Building, Manila
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Ornamental Capital at the Portal of Gota de Leche Building, Manila
Justin Joshua Giron
The Facade ofGota de Leche Building, Manila
Arvien Alcazar
The Iglesia ni Kristo Main Church, Quezon City
Kristina Mae Banzon
Facade of Iglesia ni Kristo
Kimberly Ong
The Metropolitan Theatre, Manila
Jayson Darwin dela Cruz
The Facade ofthe Metropolitan Theatre, Manila
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Stepped Gable of S. Villanueva Building, lloilo City
Rino D.A. Fernandez
Sculptural Panel of Capitol Theatre, Escolta, Manila
Wiza Fara Palanca
The Quezon Institute, Quezon City
Monique Bautista
Lopez Boat House, lloilo City
Alyssa Kathryn Sevilla
The National Press Club, Manila
Patricia Marie Sia
The National Library, Manila
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Provincial Capitol of Negros Occidental
Marian Ira Lorraine Alejo
The Site Plan of Pangasinan Provincial Capitol
Rina D.A. Fernandez
The Pangasinan Provincial Capitol by William Parsons
Mary Anne Maputi
Plan of Sorsogon Provincial Capitol, Sorsogon City
Rino D.A. Fernandez
The Sorsogon East District School (1917), Sorsogon City
Rey Baldos
Plan of Bulan South Central School (1911) 1 Bulan, Sorsogon
Rino D.A. Fernandez
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Ozatea, Emilio V Philippine Architectural Style Source Book
Vol 1: Ouiapo, 10 March 2008
'ahbubul 18
'aldoh 18
'anul 18
abek 25
abuhan 8
adixi 4
adog 18
adwana 74
afung 10
agakan 20
agamang 28
agdan 31 28
agnadan 4
ahbu 64
akhamang 10
aksesorya 56
alang 17
alero 58
alhibe 56
alisot 22
alkoba 38
Allah 72
almasen 66
almasenes 74
altar 38
alulod 58
amakan 9
ambubulan 16
a med 65
amoto 3
ampakan 4
anadixiyan 4
anahaw 9
anayasan 26
andamyo 60
ang-an 11
angattingan 22
angkap 34
anito 28
aparador 56
Apayao 2
arangat 3
aranya 44
arbotante 52
arkada 38
arkibobeda 49
arkong pabilog 41
armadura 60
Arsobispado 75
artesonado 57
asotea 56
asulehos 60
atag 11
atap 41 12,
atep 25, 28, 64
ati-atig 23
ator 10
atril 44
attic 52
atup 71
axeran 4
ayuntamyento 74
babag 35
babarey 10
babayan 24
bable 17
badaho 44
Badjao 51 32, 34
Badjaw 32
Bajao 51 32
Bajau 32
baey 24, 25
bagat 16
bahay 73
bahay kubo 7
baitang 61
baked 50
bakuran 73
balai 2
balangay 13
balangkas 8
balangsag 25
balatad 3
bale 14, 17
balinugnog na fronton 41
balkes 26
balkonahe 8, 87
ballangan 26
balon 39
balustre 55
balwarte 39, 62, 74
bandeha 53
banga 3, 25
banggerahan 8
bangko 44
bangku 64
ban -oga sawang 21
banong 18
bantayog 88
banyo 56
baptisteryo 371 44
barakilan 59
barandilya 51, 61
barateja 59
baryo 44, 75
batalan 8
batangan 21
batang-bubungan 6, 32
batingaw 49
batong pangsara sa arko 54
bawang 18
bay sinug 32
bayan 44
beaterio 74
benditahan 44
bentilasyon 66
beranda 67
binaon 9
binayon 23
bintana 58
bintanang capis 55
bintanang hugis bilog 41
bintanang malagulong 51
bintanang nakaungos sa pader 77
bintanang salamin 66
bintanilya 58
binukol 22
binuron 23
birdo 69
bisagra 53
bisita 44
blandon 44
blandonsilyo 44
bobeda 54
bobong 4
bobongan 26
bodega 56, 66
bodega ng armas 74
bodega ng pulbura 62
bogso 29
bolada 58
Bontoc 10
bosolan 59
braket 58
bubong 9, 22, 35, 58
bu bung 25, 31
bughol 16
bulwagan 8
bulwagang pasukan 89
bung halo 65
cahab-an 59
capis 55
chap-ay 10
chingching 12, 23
chivuvuhung 64
chosar 23
cupula 66
dabi 2
dagan 6
dagat 26
dagtong 33
daipong 21
dalawahang malaposte 52
dalawahang poste 50
danganan 68
dapoan 28
dapug 3
datag 4
dattagon 21
dawdawan 44
depensang pader 39
desa 29
det-a 25
dindin 4
ding-ding 35
dingding 6, 9, 26, 29, 58
dingding na kahoy na may bandeha 58
disenyong maladahon ng niyog 48
disenyong malakabibe 48
dispensa 56
dola 21
doplah 18
dos agwas 60
dotal 16
dulang 64
du log 71
edipisyo 38
embarkadero 74
eskinita 73
eskudo 77
eskwela 371 74
eskwelahang Gabaldon 90
espeho 57
estampa 52
estuko 60
fale 14, 17
falig 11
fanga 11
fanilag 11
fatangan 23
finaryon 23
fogsor 12
foruy 20
fot-ang 23
fret 51
fuchis 23
gada-gada 65
gaob 14
garita 62
gawaan 16
gawang 35
gawayan 3
gibayan 33
gililan 9, 59
gitnang nitso 52
gitnang pasilyo 38
goanan 26
gobernador-heneral 74
golun 14
gonad 18
guheng 18
habong 31
hag 6, 32
hagabi 14
hagdan 8, 61
haguntal 18
haligi 9, 59
halipan 15
halo 60
halwey 89
hamba 53
hanglad 31, 32
harren 35
harunan 5, 6
haywey 88
hilal 72
hinaob 17
hukay 40
huklub 16
hukuman 73
lbaloi 24
lfugao 14
llanun 32
ilaw ng paro 67
ilog 74
imahen 46
ina 20
inado 18
inalahan 17
lntramuros 74
lranun 32
irat 4
ispayral 61
lvatan 19, 64
jambatan 5
jinjin 19
kabalyete 59
kaew 12
Kagayan 32
kahabaan ng hagdan 61
kaida 56
kaingin 17
kalado 55, 57
kalasagan 71
kalasod 24
Kalibugan 32
kalikanto 60
Kalinga 20
kalis 44
kalsada 73
kalsadang pang-patrolya 62
kalye 52, 88
kama 56
kamadid 19
kamalig 28
kammanga 29
kampana 49
kampanaryo 37
kandado 53
kandelero 44
Kankanay 24
kapilya 38
kapitolyo 88
kasaw 32, 35
katedral 38, 74
kavahayan 64
kerit 70
khyag 11
kiblah 72
kiling 29
kisame 57
klabiha 60
klostro 43
kokan 34
kolonet 58
komedor 56
komoda 44
kontrapuwerte 45
koridor 90
kornisa 47
korte 73
kosina 34
kostilyahe 57
kotiyapi 68
krosing 46
krus 50
krusipiho 44
kubeta 56
kuling 16
kulung 35
kumbento 37, 44, 75
kumpisalan 44
kusina 56, 64
kuta 62, 74
kuwarto 56
kuwatro agwas 60
kuwerpo 52
kweba 13
lamdaw 3
lam in 70
langgal 34, 72
languwete 59
lantay 6, 71
lapa 70
lapida 40
largamasa 60
larguero 53
latangan 17
latrina 56, 58
lawang 3
lawig 68
lawing 2
laya 70
lepa-lepa 5
libingan 40
Ii but 33
li-im 11
lindero 73
lining 2
linterna 41, 51, 67
liub 16
liug 32
lobong 18
lomeng 28
loob ng kapilya 40
looban 73
loobang bakuran 90
lubing-lubing 6, 32
luhurang pang-komunyon 42
luma 34
lungib 13
lutud 21
luyo 18
madeyon 6
madreng hagdan 61
magulon 17
mala a walai 68
mala-abanikong bintana 58
malabintana 50
malaposte 41
maliit na balwarte 75
mallakong 11
mamalbag salakab 22
mamandiang 70
mamposteria 60
manukdon salakab 21
manuk-manuk 32
manuk-manuk tajuk pasung 33
Maranao 68
Maranaw 68
marcu 65
masyid 72
mayhurahed 64
maytuab 64
medalyon 47
medya agwa 60, 82
mesa 56
meseta 61
minaruman 65
mirador 56
modilyon 51
monasteryo 74
mosoleyo 40
mowt63, 75
mundilig 16
munisipyo 73
muralya 75
musalla 72
naga 32, 69
naga tajuk pasung 33
na-ulya 15
nidkel 65
nipa 9
nitso 40, 47
nituavan 62
nundatu 15
obar-obar 69
obelisko 73
okir 68
okong 23
onsod 69
opisina 89
opop 26
optikang Fresnel 67
Orang laut 5
Orang selat 5
ospital 74
osuaryo 40
pabelyon 66
padagak 64
padurot 3
pagnutih 35
pailalim na arkong pasukan 51
pakaw 19, 65
pako rabong 69
pagawid 68
palamuti 81
palan 15
palapag 89
palapala 60
palaruan 90
palato 11
palimsa-an 6
palisada 39
palitada 60
palupo 58, 59
pamatuk 35
pamobbongan 29
panabfongan 23
panagatan 65
panannom 11
pananuman 25
pang gong 33
pangaiiivucan 19, 65
panggao 70
pang is 11
pangtew 25
pang-tuud 31
pangunahing hagdan 8g
pangunahing kalsada 73
pangunahing pasukan 38, 42
paninjinan 19
panlabas ng arko 54
panloob ng arko 54
panolong 69
pantan 30, 33, 34
panto 15
pantud 4
parapet 66
parapeto 3g
paratag 3
paratok 23
parey 19
Parian 75
parke 88
paro 66
parokya 44
pasalan 3
pasamano 58, 61
pasibi 8
pasilyo 44, 46
pasunen 1g
patang 21
patsada 41
patukuran g
patuna 4
patung 34
patyay 11
patyie 15
patyo 43
patyo ng simbahan 37, 42
paxa 3
paya 64
payo 17, 18
pelang 30
persiana 57
peston 81
pilarete 59
pinaculo 49
pinanahang 13
pinatong 9
pinto 53
pipul 32
pisipis 23
pitit 29
piyedra 60
plasa 73
plasa mayor 74
plasa ng militar 63
plaster 60
pognad 16
pongo 23
portiko 8g
poso 28
predelya 52
presbiteryo 42
prisma 67
pronton 50
pudis 21
puerta 75
pugigaan 68, 70
pukananan 68, 70
pulaos bungan 71
pulpito 44
pumpitolan 16
pumpudungan 18
punchapalan 15
pundasyon 5g
rahaung 1g
rakuh 64
ramilyete 52
rapuyan 64
rarat 4
rebel in 75
rebulto 44
refectoryo 43
rehas 58
rehas na buntis 5g
reklan 65
relyebe 41
relyebeng hugis puno ng niyog 48
relyebeng hugis puno ng papaya 48
retablo 42, 52
ribayan 2
rihas 64
riyan 64
rosay 65
roseta 41
runding 71
sagaang 25
Sagada 27
sagang 7
sagpad 26
sagpatan 21
sagraryo 46
saguan 56
sahig g, 57
sakiatan 25
sakkar 4
sakong 1g
sakristiya 45
sala 56
sala-sala g
salat 35
salilihan 35
salsa I 31
Sarna I 30, 32
sampayan 35
sandumpad 65
sanepa 60
sapawan 19, 65
sapditan 24
sarimanuk 68
savahay 62
sawali g
sawang 20
sedngal 26
segpan 28
sendigan 70
sha'tal 24
sibi 7, 78
sidung 2
silid aralan go
silid gawaan go
silong 8, 15
silya 57
silyar 60
simbahan 37, 73, 75
simboryo 41, 51
simpey 34
sinadumparan 64
sinadumparan a binedberan 64
singit-tukod 21
sipi 21
siwang na hug is arko 41
siyudad 44
soba 3
sogwas 21
sokalo 59
sokar 4
soklut 11
soleras 9, 59
soling 23
somandeg 70
sombrero 53
sotan 3
Subanun 32
Suba'anun 32
sug 32
sulirap 9
suluk 32
sumang 71
sungan 33
supit 19
suyid 65
ta'ray 23
taas ng pokal 65
tabernakulo 46
tabike 60
tabike pampango 60
tabla 59
tablero 53
tabungan 3
tadjuk pasung 32
tadyang 53
tahilan 59
ta kip silipan 61
taknang 16
talabawan 4
talaxatag 4
talob 20
tandiwan 35
tap-an 11
tapaan 70
tapi 4, 65
tapuwilih 71
tarugo 65
tasa 11
tatagon 23
tau 32
tau' 18
tau gimba 32
tau higad 32
Tausug 5, 32, 34
tavuhen 64
taxang 3
taytayan 5
taytayan-tikus 31
teha 55
tehado 55
teteh 15
tetey 25
tey-tey 12
tiali-tali motif 69
tikel 26
timpano 50
tinai-a-walay 71
tindakan 34
tindahan 56
tinokbob 27
tirante 59, 65
tiyadtad 32
todog 29
tokador 56
tokdoan 25
tokod 12, 24, 29
toldog 4
topeng 18
tore 66
torogan 68
torok 26
towa 70
trabesanyo 53, 59
trangka 53
tsimenea 79
tukah 19, 64
tukalog 31
tukud 14, 20, 71
tulang 70
tulay 74
tunglob 22
tu-od 23
ubong 6
ubung 32
ulum 35
uma 17
ungot 11
vuvong 19
wanan 16
xassaran 4
Yakan 34
yayis 19, 65
yerong bubong 58
accessory s6
accouplement 77
aedicule 77
aisle 44
alcove 38
Allah 72
alley 73
altarpiece 42, s2
altarpiece base s2
anahaw leaves 9
antefix s8
antesala s6
anthemion 81
apartment 73
Apayao house 2
approach stair 78
apse 38
arcade 38
archivolt 49
arsenal 74
Art Deco 84
asymmetrical composition 87
attic 1s, s2
awning 60, 78
Badjao house s
balcony 8, 87
balconette 79
baluster SS
balustrade s1, 64
bamboo latticework 9
bamboo siding 22
bamboo water containers 33
banded parapet 86
baptismal font 44
baptistery 37, 44
bargeboard-end decoration 32
barrel vault S4
barrio 44, 75
bartizan 62
base block 80
basement 15, 21, 64
bastion 39, 62, 74
bathroom s6
battens 19, s9, 6s
Bauhaus 87
bay window 77
beam 23, 29
bed s6
bedrock 18
bedroom S3
bell clapper 44
bell tower 37
bench 14, 2s, 44
bench under the house 2s
bent rafter 23
betel palm 17
big house 73
binding rafter 4, 24, 6s
bird 32
bird of paradise gate 84
blind window so
board S3
boats, 30
boathouse 13
Bontoc house 10
bottom chord S9
bottom rail S3
boys' dormitory 10
bracket s8
bracketed cornice 79
bracketed eaves 79
breadth of house 3
bridge 74
broken-bed segmental pediment 77
built-in cabinet 64
bulging iron grilles 59
bullseye 77
buttress 4S
cabinet 44, s6
candlestick 44
canopy 82
cantilever support 6s
capital 81
capitol building 88
capiz pane 55
capiz window SS
carved religious image 44
cathedra 38, 74
cathedral 38, 74
cave 13
ceiling 2s, S7
ceiling joist S7
central bay 89
central beam 16
central floor joist 16
central granary 28
central nave 38
central niche s2
central post 32, 71
cemetery 40
chair S7
chalice 44
chandelier 44
chest 44
church 37, 73, 7S
church bell 44
church plaza 37, 42
circular minaret 72
circular stair 61
cistern s6
city 44
city hall 74
classical base 81
classical column 80
classroom 90
cloister 43
cluster of flowers s2
coarse fill 18
coat-of-arms 77
coconut shell 11
coconut tree relief 48
cogon grass 14
cogon wall 19
collar beam 4, 6s
colonnete 78
communion rail 42
confessional 44
convent 37, 44, 75
cooking area 8, 11, 28
cooking jar 3, 2s
corner post 19, 71
cornice 47
corridor 90
coupled column so
coupled pilasters 52
court 43
courthouse 73
courtyard 90
crenel 63
crocket 49
cross so
crossing 46
crucifix 44
cube-shaped house 7
cubic form 87
cupola 66
curtain wall 39
curved edge and corner 8s
custom house 74
cylindrical disk 1s
decoration 81
decorative eaves vent 78
defensive wall 39
diagonal brace 60
dike 18
dimension granite stone 60
dimension stone 60
dining s6, 70
dome 41, s1
doorway 28
double-L stair 6i
double-return stair 61
downspout s8, 78
drain gutter 2
drainage conduit 18
dresser s6
drum s1
Earthquake Baroque 47
eating area 11
eaves 2, 7, s8, 64
edifice 38
elements in group of three 86
elevated flooring 21
elevated wall 64
embarcadero 79
embrasure 39
enamel bowl 11
enamel cup 11
enamel plates 11
enclosed pond-field surface 18
end-beam design 69
entablature 80
entrance hall s6, 89
epaule 63
Episcopal palace 7S
escarp 63
exposed rafter tail 79
exterior lintel 6s
external post 20
extrados S4
facade 41
face 63
fanlight s8
fascia board 60
fascia gutter 78
female side 1s
fence so
fence-like motif 69
festoon 81
Filipino-Hispanic Rococo 48
Filipino house SS
finial 47
fireplace 1s
fish sump 18
fixed wooden floor 23
flank 63
flared-out rafter 26
flat roof s6, 87
flat roofing tile SS
flight of stair 61
floor matt 23
floor 6, 2s, S7
floor beam 4, 21, S9
floorboard 71 12, 16, 24, s9, 6s, 71
floor joist 4, 6, 9, 21, 23, 26, 29, 3S,
S9, 6s, 71
floor sill 9
flooring 4, 9
flower-like motif 69
flying gallery s8
focus plane 67
footbridge s
footing S9
footing block S9
forest adopted by terrace communities
fort 62, 74
Fort Santiago gate 62
fortress church 39
fortress city 74
foundation stones 18
framework 8, 60
Fresnel lens 67
fret s1
fretwork S7
frontispiece 89
funerary chapel 40
Gabaldon schoolhouse 90
gable opening 3
gable roof 60
gable wall 22, 6s
gabled-roof house 73
gablet 49
galvanized roof s8
gangway 62
girder 4, 6, 16, 21, 23, 22, 29, 31, 3S,
girls' dormitory 10
girt 4, 16
glass pane 66
Gothic Revival 49
granary 11, 17
grassland 17
grave 40
gravestone 40
graveyard 40
grille s8
growing fern 69
growing vine or scroll-like motif
guilloche 81
gunpowder storage 62
gutter s8
half-turn 61
hallway 89
handrail 61
hard earth fill 18
haunch 54
hearth 3
High Renaissance so
highway 88
hinge S3
hip s8
hip rafter 3s, 71
hip roof 60
hipped-roof house 73
horizontal 60
horizontal register s2
horizontal roof support 23
horizontal stud 26, S9
hospital 74
house 2, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 24, 27,
house of light materials 73
house of strong materials 73
huge house of a plantation or
hacienda 73
lbaloi house 24
lfugao house 14
lfugao rice terraces 18
image 46
inclined support 26
inner post 4
interior of chapel 40
interior of house 3
interlaced bamboo 9
intrados 54
Italianate 77
lvatan stone house 64
lvatan thatch house 19
jamb 53
jar for holding water 3
joist 31
Kalinga house 20
Kankanay house 24
keystone 54
king post 4, 6, 16, 19, 22, 31, 32, 59,71
kitchen 34, 56, 64, 70
ladder 31 51 61 12, 15, 28
lancet decoration 49
landing 61
lantern 41, 51, 67
large church candlestick 44
large window 87
latch 53
lattice siding 78
latrine 56, 58
lean -to 13
lean-to roof 8
lectern 44
length of house 3
lighthouse 66
lighthouse light 67
lime and masonry wall 59
lime mortar 65
living room 56
living space 6
lock 53
lock rail 53
log house 73
lot boundary 73
louver window 57
low-pitch roof 77
low table 64
lower floor wallboard 23
lower ridge cover 19
Junette 41
main altar 38
main beam 9
main entrance 38, 42
main house 8, 33, 64
main interior post 20
main plaza 74
main road 73
main stair 89
male side 15
Maranao sultan's house 68
masonry wall 65
mat 25, 68
mausoleum 40
medallion 47
merlon 63
mezzanine 34
military plaza 63
mini bastions 75
mirador 56
mission dormer 79
mission parapet 79
Mission Revival 79
mixture 60
moat 63, 75
modillion 51
monastery 74
monastic church 43
monstrance 44
mortar 60
mosque 34, 72
mullion 53
multi-use living space 34
muntins 53
narthex 42
navis 38
needle spire 83
Neoclassic 80
Neo-Gothic 83
Neo-Renaissance 82
niaga motif 69
niche 40, 47
nipa 9
obelisk 73
octagonal lantern 83
octahedral base of minaret 72
office 89
onion dome roof 72
open deck 86
open space 33
orb finial 49
orphanage 74
ossuary 40
outer end floor joist 16
outer post 4
oxeye window 48
palisade 39
palm leaf motif 48
pantry 56
papaya tree relief 48
parapet 39, 66
parish 44
parish church 44
park 88
passageway 46
pavilion 66
pediment 50, 80
pedimented doorway 46
pendolon 59
perron 41
pier 54
pig pen 28
pilaster 41
pilgrim church 46
pilotis 87
pinnacle 49
plaster 60
plaster finish 60
platform 60
playground 90
plaza 73
plaza complex 73
plot 73
pointed vault 54
polychromatic wall surface 84
pond-field rim 18
porch 34
portal 75
porthole window 86
portico 89
post 6, 91 12, 14, 23, 24, 29, 32,
pots 11
pounding area 11
prayer niche 72
presbytery 42
primary ridge beam 22
princess bed 70
princess' room 70
prism 67
property marker 18
pulpit 44
public forest 17
purlin 161 21, 32, 35, 59
qi blah 72
quarter-turn stair 61
quatrefoil window 79
queen post 24, 59
rafter 6, 121 161 191 211 26 1 29 1 32, 35,
59, 65,71
railing 71 61
raised floor 81
raking cornice 47
rampart 75
rattan plates 11
rattan tray 11
ravel in 75
receiving area 33
recessed entrance arch 51
rectory 44
reed matt 111 65
reed matt tie 19
refectory 43
regularity 87
relief 41
reredos 52
residential area 17
retable 42, 52
retaulus 52
retro 52
ridge 58
ridge beam 41 6, 191 231 26 1 29,
ridge cover 19, 22
ridge roll 59
rise 54
riser 61
road 73
rocaille 48
Romanesque Revival 51
roof 41 6, 91 121 20 1 251 28 1 311 581
64, 71
roof beam 41 191 26, 31, 32, 35,
roof ridge 41 251 35
roof tile 55
roof undersheating 41 121 29
roof vent 64
rope-like motif 69
rosette 411 81
rough gravel fill 18
round arch 41
round window 41
rounded streamline corner 86
roundel 82
rubble 60
rustic wall 77
sable 68
sacristy 45
Sagada house 27
salomonica column 77
Sama I house 30
sanctuary 72
sand 60
scaffolding 60
school 371 74
scrolled buttresses 47
scrollwork 48
sculptured panel 85
sea-serpent 32, 69
secondary beam 9
secondary ridge beam 20
second-course walling stone 18
segmental vault 54
semi -circular pediment 41
semicylindrical roofing tile 55
shaft 81
shelf 31 15, 21, 25, 64
shell motif 48
shoulder 63
side altar 38
side niche or panel 52
sill and roof beam 23
sleeping area 11, 34, 70
small chair 64
small church candlestick 44
small window 58
smooth facade 87
smooth finish stucco 79
soil stack 58
soleplate 59
span 54
spandrel 82
spillway 18
spiral 61
spire 49
split bamboo wall 32
springer 54
springing line 54
square box 16
square tower with mansard roof 78
square tower with pyramidal
roof 79
St. Christopher carrying the Child
Jesus 48
stain glass window 85
stair 8, 611 70
stand 44
star and crescent moon 72
steep gable wall 83
steeple 83
stepped gable 84
stick rack 11
stile 53
stone foundation 16
stone house 64, 73
stone peg 21
stone retaining wall 18
stone stair 25
stonewalled terrace pond-field 171
stop 49
storage room 56 1 66
storage space 28
store 56
storehouse 74
storeroom 56
storey 89
stoup 44
stove 211 64
straight-run stair 61
straight-run curve stair 61
Streamlined Deco 86
street 88
stringcourse 47
stucco 60
stud 31
submerged water source 18
sultan's area 70
sultan's bed 70
sultan's house 68
swidden farm 17
tabernacle 46
tabula 52
Tausug house 32
terreplein 63
thatch house 19
thin masonry wall 60
tiara of stylized Muslim minaret 84
tie beam 2 1 41 19, 21, 23, 26, 31, 32, 35,
59, 64, 71
tiled roof 55
toilet 56
tongue and groove 59
top rail 53
tower 66
tower clock 38
town 44
town hall 73
tracery 49
transept 46
transverse beam 16
tread 61, 70
tree house 13
triple pipe railing 86
tympanum 50
tympanum oculus 43
umbrella dome with multiple ribs 83
underneath the house 8
undersheating 26
upper column 16, 23
upper floor 21
upper floor projection 58
upper floor wallboards 23
upperwall 29
urn finial 45
valley 58
vault 54
vegetable mulch mounds 18
ventilation 66
veranda 67
vertical brise-soliel 87
vertical register 52
vertical roof support 23
vertical stud 59
Victorian 78
village 17, 64
volute ornament 52
voussoir 54
wall 6, 91 29, 35, 58
wall footing 65
wall post 35
wall sill 4, 26, 29
wall stud 19
wallboard 4, 121 14, 22, 261 71
washing area 8
water container 25
water jar 11
way of the cross 37
wheel window 51
window 31 21, 35, 58
window sill 58
wood chest 68
wood dowel 60
wood floor 4
wood ladder 25
wood wallboard with panel design 58
wooden bowl 11
wooden flitch 34
wooden house 73
wooden house with tiled roof 73
worked pond-field soil 18
workshop room 90
woven bamboo 9
wooven coconut leaves 9
Yakan house 34
accessoria 56
aduana 74
alcalde 74
alcove 38
aldaba 53
alero 58
algibe 56
aljibe 60
almacen 66
almacen de polvora 62
almacenes 74
altar colateral 38
altar mayor 38
altura focal 67
andamio 60
antefija 58
araiia 44
arbotante 52
arcada 38
arco redonda 41
arcos torales 46
arena 60
argamasa 60
armadura 60
artesonado 57
Arzobispado 75
atril 44
ayuntamiento 74
azotea 56
azulejos 60
badajo 44
balaustre 55
baluarte 39, 62, 74
baluartillo 75
banco 44
bandeja 63
baiio 56
baptiserio 37, 44
barandilla 51, 61
barrigones 59
barrio 44, 75
beaterio 74
bentana 58
bisagra 53
blandon 44
blandoncillo 44
bodega 56
boveda 49, 54
boveda de media punto 54
boveda ogival 54
boveda rebajada 54
brazo 58
caballete 59
cabildo 74
cabio alto 53
cabio bajo 53
caida 56
cal y canto 60
calado 57
calicanto 59
caliz 44
calle 52
calle real 73
calzada 73
camino de ronda 62
campana 49
campana de vuelo 49
campanario 37
campo santo 40
canalon 58
candelero 44
canojeria 44
ca pi Ila 38
capiz 55
cara 63
casa 73
casa de dos aguas 73
casa de madera 73
casa de madera y teja 73
casa de materiales fuertes 73
casa de materiales ligaros 73
casa de piedra 73
casa de quatro aguas 73
casa de vivienda 73
casa parroquial 44
casa real 73 1 80
casa tribunal 73
catedral 38, 74
cenefa 60
cerca 50
cerradura 53
ciudad 44
claustro 43
clave 54
clavija 60
cocina 56
colonnete 58
columnas acopladas 50
comedor 56
comoda 44
comulgatorio 42
contrafuerte 45
casa tribunal 73
concha 55
concheria 55
confesionario 44
contrahuela 61
convento 37, 44, 75
cornisa 47
costillaje 57
cristal 66
crucero 46
crucifijo 44
cruz 50
cuarto 56
cuatro aguas 60
cubeta 56
cuerpo 52
cumbrera 58
cupula 66
custodia 44
dispensa 56
dos aguas 60
dovela 54
edificio 38
embarcadero 74
embecadura 54
emplasto 60
enceinte 39
entrecalles 52
epaule 61
escalera 61
escalera a la Catalana 61
escalera curva de un solo tramo 61
escalera de dos tramos 61
escalera de ida y vuelta 61
escalera de ojo 61
escalera Imperial 61
escalera recta de un solo tramo 61
escarpa 63
escuela 37, 74
espejo 57
espiral 61
esquinita 73
estribo 54
estuco 60
extrados 54
fachada 41
facistol 44
faro 66
flanco 63
festoon 79
foso 63, 75
fretes 51
fronton 50
fronton semicircular 41
fuerte 62, 74
galleria volada 58
garita 62
gradillas 46
harigue 59
hierro galvanizado 58
hospital 74
huella 61
iglesia 37, 73, 75
imagen 46
imposta 54
intrados 54
lntramuros 74
jamba 53
jamba batiente 53
jamba central 53
languette 59
lapida 40
larguera 59
latrina 56
lima hoya 58
lima tesa 58
lindero 73
luneto 41
linterna 41, 51, 67
machinales 60
maestranza 74
mamposteria 60
masjid 72
mausoleo 40
medallon 47
media agua 60
media naranja 41, 51
merlon 63
meseta 61
mihrab 72
mirador 56
mizcla 60
modillon 51
monasterio 74
muralla 75
muro 58
muro cortina 39
musalla 72
nave central 38
nave de crucero 46
nicho 40, 47
nipa 9
obelisco 73
optica de Fresnel 67
osuario 40
pabellon 66
paletada 60
palizada 39
parapeto 39, 66
parroquia 44
pasamaiio 58
pasamanos 61
pasillo 44, 46
patio 43
pendolon 59
perciana 57
piedra 60
pies derechos 60
pila bautismal 44
pila de agua bendita 44
pilarete 59
pilastra 41
pilastras acopladas 52
pinaculo 49
plaza 73
plaza de armas 63
plaza iglesia 37, 42
plaza mayor 74
portal principal 38, 42
poso 39
poste 59
postigo 38
predella 52
presbiterio 42
prisma 67
pueblo 44
puente 60, 74
puerta 53, 75
Puerta de Santiago 62
pulpito 44
quisame 57
ramillete 52
rebulto 44
refectorio 43
regidores 74
reja 58
relieve 41
remate 52
reostra 59
retablo 42, 52
revel Iin 75
riiion 54
rio 74
riostra 60
roseta 41
sacristia 45
sagrario 46
sala 56
sepultura 40
silla 57
sillar 60
soleras 59
tabique 60
tabique pampango 60
tablasuelo 59
tablero 53
techa 58
teja 55
teja canalada 55
teja plana 55
tejado 55
templete 45
tienda 56
timpano 50
tirante 59
torre 66
torre del reloj 38
traceria 49
tramo de escalera 61
travesaiio 53, 59
traza 73
tubo de bahada 58
tubo de baiiada 58
varateja 59
ventana 58
ventana capiz 55
ventana ciega 50
ventana de abanico 58
ventana de la rueda 51
ventana redonda 41
ventanilla 58
ventillacion 66
verandah 67
via crucis 37
viga 59
viga del piso 59
visita 44
volada 58
zaguan 56
zocalo 59
zuelo 57
Rino D.A. Fernandez is a faculty member of the College of Architecture at the University of
Santo Tomas, Manila; former Dean of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts of Aquinas
University of Legazpi, Al bay and former Academic Coordinator of Escuela Taller - lntramuros,
a school on conservation and restoration funded by Agencia Espanola Cooperacion
Internacional para el Desarollo (AECID). A fellow of the United Architects of the Philippines
(UAP), and currently the Executive Directore of UAP - Sentro ng Arkitekturang Filipino,
Vice Head of the International Network on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism
(INTBAU - Philippines) and former Vice Head of the Sub-Commission on Architecture and
Allied Arts of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). Architect Fernandez
is a Bicolano from Legazpi City, Al bay.