COLEGIO BUIN Familia de Familias. Carla Saez Salazar I Medio – DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS 2023 Project Rubric GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Make an infographic about a success story (person or organization); present the infographic. Achievement percentage: 60% Criteria Task fulfillment Super skill Band 5 Fully covers all the steps required by the task: Think, Plan, Create and Present. Band 4 ______ / 25 Points Band 3 Band 2 Band 1 Covers all the Covers all the Covers all the steps Doesn’t cover all the steps required by steps required by required by the task: steps required by the the task: Think, the task: Think, Think, Plan, Create task. Plan, Create and Plan, Create and and Present but with Present. Present but with a lot of details some detail missing. missing. Collaboration: Collaboration: Collaboration: Collaboration: often Collaboration: works very works effectively works well with a struggles to work doesn’t work effectively with a with a partner by partner but could with a partner; rarely effectively with a partner by sharing sharing the work share the work shares the work partner; doesn’t share the work equally, equally, working more equally; equally or tries to the work equally or working in different in different ways works in a few work in different work in different ways. ways and and developing different ways and ways. Rarely try to Doesn’t develop new developing new new skills. Uses develops a few develop new skills. skills. skills. Uses several some key new skills. Could Uses very few key Doesn’t use key phrases for taking phrases for taking on key phrases: for phrases: for use more key taking on taking on phrases: for taking on different roles. different roles. different roles. different roles. on different roles. Content Language Creates an Creates a clearly Creates an Creates an infographic about a infographic about a attractive and organized clearly organized infographic with success story, success story, but infographic with a a variety of with some images with a limited good variety of images and key but with some key number of images images and key information about information and with a lot of key information about a a success missing and/or the information missing; success story. story. organization of the infographic isn’t very infographic isn’t clear. always clear. Uses key language Uses key in the infographic: language in the success and infographic: achievements, success and verb, and noun achievements, suffixes, simple verb, and noun past and past suffixes, simple progressive, and past and past progressive, when and while accurately, with no and when and or very few while, with only mistakes. a few mistakes. Uses some key language in the infographic: success and achievements, verb, and noun suffixes, simple past and past progressive, and when and while, with some mistakes. Creates a simple infographic about a success story with very limited visuals and information. infographic isn’t clear. Uses limited key Uses very limited key language in the language in the infographic: success infographic: success and and achievements, achievements, verb, and noun verb, and noun suffixes, simple past suffixes, simple and past past and past progressive, and progressive, and when and while, with when and while, mistakes. with several mistakes. Presentation Achieves all of the Achieves most of Achieves some of Achieves little of the Achieves very little of skills following: the following: the following: following: Introduces the following: Introduces a Introduces a Introduces a a section, then gives Introduces a section, section, then gives section, then section, then gives people time to read. then gives people time people time to gives people people time to Don’t just read the to read. Don’t just read. Don’t just time to read. read. Don’t just infographic aloud. read the infographic read the Don’t just read read the Gives additional aloud. infographic aloud. the infographic infographic aloud. information. Explains Gives additional Gives additional aloud. Gives additional what the photos and information. Explains information. Gives additional information. images show. what the photos and Explains what the information. Explains what the Doesn’t go too fast; images show. photos and images Explains what photos and images allows peers time to Doesn’t go too fast; show. the photos and show. listen and allows peers time to Doesn’t go too images show. Doesn’t go too understand. listen and understand. fast; allows peers Doesn’t go too fast; allows peers time to listen and fast; allows peers time to listen and understand. time to listen and understand. understand.