WORKSAPP SOFTWARE RELEASE DOCUMENT Monthly Release Worksapp Version 2.1 Release Date: 04-10-2023 We are pleased to announce the release of our Worksapp project, a software solution designed to address the needs of our valuable Worksapp users. This project represents the culmination of our efforts as a team of 12 over the past week. ENHANCEMENT’S & NEW FEATURE’S 1. LEAD BANK Created bank for leads that have all information of leads stored in it. 2. LDDR “Lead Data Distribution Rule” - defined rules (mechanisms) that how to assign leads to advisor mentioning date (start-end),campaign source(from which source lead came), leads per day.Moreover, added BCM and advisor list allowing to view BCM and advisors. Initially leads were auto assigned to advisors whenever csv file uploaded. 3. KFI (SPACE, DESIGN, FLOOR, CATEGORY VIEW FILTERS) Implemented few changes in design like space and added fields for design, floor, and category. Initially there were spacing issues between fields and also there was no maintainability e.g. when we have to add filters or more fields, there was no space where we could add. 4. ZM RM REPORTS Our reports section has been upgraded to include Zonal Manager (ZM) and Regional Manager (RM) reports, in addition to the existing Business Center Manager (BCM) reports. This update introduces a hierarchical view, allowing users to access reports based on their positions, sequentially: ZM, RM, BCM, and advisor, enhancing data accessibility and analysis. 5. USERS -> ACTIVATE/INACTIVATE Updated a 'Status' field in user profiles, differentiating between 'Active' and 'Inactive' users. When a user departs, the system updates their status to 'Inactive,' and this information is diligently maintained in our database. This enhancement enhances user management and data integrity within our system. 6. TEAM HIERARCHY Our design has undergone enhancements to provide an improved team display. Previously, all users were listed on a single page. The new design introduces a tabular view showcasing the hierarchy, with clear divisions for Zonal Managers (ZM), Regional Managers (RM), Business Center Managers (BCM), and advisors. This refinement enhances user experience and hierarchy visibility. 7. SETTINGS MENU 8. TASK DONE SHOOULD DISAPPEAR FROM TDAY AND MOVE TO DONE (NO NOT DECREASE) ON TOP Task section has been upgraded for all today tasks. Initially tasks were remained in “Today” after marking as done. Now Implemented functionality that when task will be marked as done, it will move to done section. 9. CODE OPTIMIZATION AND BUG REMOVAL. 10. LEADS DATA INFORMATION WERE MISSING 11. BUSINESSACCOUNT CREATION Added new functionality for creation of business account. Initially there were no accounts for business people to view the Worksapp. Now business accounts are created enabling them to view the leads, advisors, clients, reports (BCM, RM, ZM) and deals. 12. STATISTICS OF USER: Functionality has been added for display of statistics and performance of users. When user (BCM,RM,ZM,ADVISOR) logged into their account, statistics will be displayed that shows total tasks ,done tasks and overdue. 13. PROFILE SECTION: Profile section has been upgraded to restrict changes into profile. Initially user was able to edit details but now functionality has been implemented to restrict the user to add changes to email, CNIC and contact, other changes they can do.