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Tellabs 8600 Managed Edge System Overview

Tellabs 8600
Managed Edge System Overview
The aim of this document is to give the reader a basic understanding of the Tellabs® 8600
Managed Edge System and a vision as to where the platform is developing. It covers the
target market, the main applications and the component building blocks that make up the
system today and in a longer term. As a prerequisite, the reader should have a basic
knowledge of telecommunications and mobile networks. The document is written at a
relatively high level and starts with an overview of access networks from both a wireless and
wireline perspective. This is followed by a more detailed introduction to the Tellabs 8600
system and how it can operate in both of these types of networks. The final section
concentrates on the specific network elements and the network management system,
which is an essential and integrated part of the whole solution.
Tellabs operates globally and is a leading supplier of managed access transport platforms to
service providers around the world. Tellabs has a successful record of providing managed
access solutions to more than 300 customers over the past 15 years. The Tellabs 8600
system is a next-generation packet-based platform that is suitable for both access and
regional networks in mobile transport and converged networks. It is attractive not only to
new customers building long term network solutions but also to existing Tellabs® 8100
Managed Access System customers wishing to extend the capabilities of their current
access networks.
Tellabs knows how important it is to provide our customers with a seamless migration from
their current solutions as they introduce new technology and provision new services. A lot of
effort has therefore been made to integrate all of the network elements under one
management system. A chapter of this guide is dedicated to what this means in practice
and the added value that it provides for the customer.
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Network evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Tellabs® 8600 Managed Edge System in next-generation networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Tellabs 8600 system’s benefits and role in wireless transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Tellabs 8600 system in GSM and UMTS networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Customer cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Tellabs 8600 system in CDMA networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tellabs 8600 system functionality in a mobile network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Tellabs 8600 system in wireline transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Network and service deployments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Managed migration path from the Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 systems . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Network elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Element architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Network management system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Summary of product features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Acronyms and initialisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Network evolution
The Tellabs® 8600 Managed Edge System has been designed using
feedback from many global telecommunications service providers.
Together they face the following market and technology challenges:
„ In wireless networks, the 3G and release 5 ratification is
accelerating the move of mobile services to an all-IP network;
mobile service providers are therefore looking for a way to migrate
their current Radio Access Networks (RANs) based on
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) to a manageable Internet
Protocol (IP) implementation.
„ In wireline networks, business and residential services are
becoming predominately IP- and Ethernet-based; with increasing
bandwidth requirements and new service delivery models, the
current infrastructure is becoming inefficient and expensive to
„ Fixed and wireless convergence is taking place both in the
services and in the underlying networks; the distinction between
these previously distinct applications is now becoming blurred.
These challenges and the issues they raise are explained in more
detail below. This is followed by a section explaining how the Tellabs
8600 system helps to address them.
Wireless Networks
After years of speculation, mobile network operators are finally
going through the evolution from 2G to 3G. This transition, which
will call for major investments in the mobile network infrastructure,
is taking place globally in both GSM- and CDMA-dominated
markets. In practice, the evolution of mobile networks will mean
upgrades to all mobile-network-specific components – from the
mobile cell stations, through the RAN, and right into the core
network. The underlying transport technologies are expected to
undergo a transformation from Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
and Frame Relay (FR) to ATM and eventually IP. At the moment, the
use of Internet Protocol / Multiprotocol Label Switching (IP/MPLS) is
restricted to the core of next-generation mobile networks but is
gradually moving out into the RAN and towards the user. Eventually
it will be used to provide an all-IP network, replacing the legacy
ATM systems over the long term.
Because the RAN infrastructure is expected to rely sooner or later
rely heavily on IP, it makes economic sense to converge the fixed
and mobile networks to use the same generic packet-based
architecture. As an example, many mobile operators intend to offer
WiFi or WiMAX as complementary access methods in certain areas
for different services. Additionally, business services such as the IP
Virtual Private Network (IP VPN) or Metro Ethernet can be used to
enhance the service portfolio.
Wireline Networks
The increased utilization of the Internet and the move to IP-based
applications and services is both a business and residential user
One of the most popular business services is Local Area Network
(LAN) interconnection, which is used to build corporate intranets
and share company data and applications across remote sites.
Traditionally, the technology for providing LAN interconnection has
been TDM, FR and ATM. However, these are all limited in their
capacity and are not very cost-efficient when used to transport data
traffic in high volumes. The trend today is towards Ethernet- and IPbased services, which offer a more natural fit to the predominately
data traffic mix. They are also more economical for the service
provider to deploy, given the ubiquity of Ethernet-equipped network
This unified technology is blurring the boundary between the
customer and service provider networks. It therefore offers service
providers the opportunity to offer more value-added services such
as VPNs, storage backup and outsourced IT applications.
Now that bandwidth is becoming a commodity, users’ service
expectations are rising. Simple connectivity as a service is no longer
adequate; service providers need the ability to differentiate their
services. Users are demanding Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
from their service providers. These SLAs specify, for example, the
service availability, repair time and service quality parameters. To
maintain these service levels, the service provider can also manage
the customer premises equipment directly on the customer’s behalf.
The main force for the growth of IP traffic has arisen from the everincreasing use of the Internet. This has been fueled recently by the
now widespread availability of broadband services to home users.
New applications continue to be layered on IP, and legacy systems
are already being replaced with IP alternatives – Voice over IP
(VoIP) being a prime example.
As broadband services become an essential part of everyday home
life, the demand for bandwidth will continue to grow exponentially.
This is creating pressure on the bandwidth available to the end user
and is also creating scalability issues in the wider core network. The
promise of triple-play services, where voice, data and video services
are available through a single access interface, is another challenge
for service providers to deliver cost-effectively.
The Wider Challenge
An IP infrastructure is the ideal choice for quickly and costeffectively delivering different types of business and residential
services. However, it is critical that it comply with the traditional
requirements of the service provider: carrier-class operations and
manageability. For instance, wireless service providers need the
Quality of Service (QoS), predictability and reliability that up to now
could be delivered only with connection-oriented networks. The
deployment of converged packet-based networks will enable
wireless carriers to offer higher-value data services, which will
enhance their existing voice services and create new revenue
streams. With the Tellabs 8600 system, Tellabs offers service
providers a scalable and potentially cost-effective solution to this
The Tellabs® 8600 Managed Edge System
in next-generation networks
The Tellabs 8600 system is a next-generation platform for building
advanced telecommunications networks and services. It has been
designed to meet the requirements of service providers who need
to extend packet switching technologies more and more deeply into
their access networks. While doing so, it provides the reassurance
of a true carrier-class platform on which to build and deploy new
Tellabs understands that any investment made in the access
network has to last for many years. It has therefore designed a
system that is so scalable and extendable that it is intended handle
years of new service deployment and change. Tellabs also
understands the pressures facing today’s service providers. Falling
margins in both fixed and mobile voice revenues, plus increasing
regulatory and competitive pressure, are squeezing profit margins
Working with its global customer base, Tellabs has designed the
Tellabs 8600 system to offer very low operation costs as well as
rapid network and service deployment with an architecture that
facilitates efficient use of the available network resources. Since
existing Tellabs customers have made significant investments in
their current access infrastructure, Tellabs provides a seamless
transition and compatibility between its Tellabs® 8100 Managed
Access System, the Tellabs® 6300 Managed Transport System and
the new Tellabs 8600 system. Full management capabilities across
all of these platforms are provided by a single management system,
the Tellabs® 8000 Network Manager.
The Tellabs 8600 system builds on the extensive experience Tellabs
has gained with managed access platforms in over 300
deployments of fixed and mobile networks worldwide. The addition
of IP/MPLS technology creates a robust, scalable and manageable
platform for delivering next generation voice and data services. The
combination of IP and MPLS provides the predictable properties of
ATM but at the lower cost of Ethernet based devices. Extending
MPLS into access and regional networks makes the entire network
more controllable and efficient for transporting different types of
Figure 1. The Tellabs 8600 system’s position in service provider networks
As is shown in Figure 1, the Tellabs 8600 system is positioned in
the access network to provide four basic applications:
„ Mobile transport for 2G and 3G RAN
„ Managed IP VPN and Ethernet services
„ Multiservice aggregation for existing Tellabs 8100 system and
Tellabs 6300 system services
These applications are described further in the following chapters,
which outline the role of the Tellabs 8600 system in wireless and
wireline networks. In many of these applications, the Tellabs 8100
system and the Tellabs 6300 system solutions currently play an
important role. These are expected to continue to remain in service
provider networks for many years to come. Integration between
these Tellabs platforms is covered later in this document.
The key benefits of the Tellabs 8600 system, explained further in
the chapters that follow, include provision of:
„ A platform supporting technologies needed for evolving mobile
„ An intelligent management system
„ Design for an optimized cost structure
Platform Supporting Technologies Needed for Evolving Mobile
The Tellabs 8600 system when combined with the intelligent
Tellabs 8000 manager is a solution for the needs of evolving mobile
networks. It is a scalable platform that can be positioned anywhere
in the mobile RAN. At the Radio Network Controller (RNC) site it
can provide significant savings for the service provider in the overall
transport cost by improving scalability and optimizing the RNC port
costs. Additionally at the RNC site, the Tellabs 8600 system
platform can act as a Customer Edge (CE) network device.
Positioned at the hub site, the Tellabs 8600 system can bring
significant CAPEX and OPEX savings by optimizing the bandwidth
and improving the management of the transport network through its
testing capabilities and protection solutions. When positioned at the
base station site, the Tellabs 8600 system platform can aggregate
different protocols, encapsulate them into MPLS Pseudo Wires and
statistically multiplex them over various types of backhaul links.
Mobile networks are evolving, and significant changes need to be
made to enable new high-speed data services in the mobile RAN.
In a single platform, the Tellabs 8600 system supports the
technologies needed in mobile transport network evolution. It can
handle the transition in moving from 3G R99 ATM networks to 3G
R5 IP/MPLS and Ethernet networks in a cost-effective manner. At
the same time, the Tellabs 8600 system solution can still also carry
2G TDM traffic, providing a single platform for mobile network
The Tellabs 8600 system platform optimizes network capacity by
using sophisticated Quality of Service and Traffic Engineering (TE)
tools to support the growth of mobile data services. By using
standards-based signaling and network control mechanisms
between the network elements, it is possible to reserve explicit
paths for time-critical, delay-sensitive or bandwidth-intensive
connections through the network. Less time-critical or bandwidthintensive connections can be allocated along shared paths, where
bandwidth and delay parameters are more flexibly defined. Wirespeed forwarding and full resiliency mechanisms are the keys to
very high-speed, predictable performance.
The Tellabs 8600 system is designed for fixed and mobile network
convergence. In addition to the Ethernet connectivity, it can support
any combination of mobile and fixed backhauling, such as E1, ATM
IMA, POS and channelized STM-1 interfaces, in the same network
Intelligent Management System
Because the number of network elements in the access and
regional network is an order of magnitude larger than that in the
core network, effective network management is absolutely essential.
This imposes additional scalability requirements for the
management system.
The Tellabs® 8000 Network Manager is an integral part of the
whole solution. It provides a full set of tools based on an easy-touse graphical user interface to manage element-, network- and
service-level configurations. Since the operational management
expenses can be as high as 80% of the overall costs of the
network, this is a key feature of the overall solution.
The Tellabs 8000 manager offers significant advantages for the
service provisioning process and management of large networks.
Traditionally, service provisioning has been performed using
element management systems or even industry-standard
command-line-based tools, which is often a complex and timeconsuming process. Management complexity becomes much
greater when the network grows and several technologies are
involved. According to some service provider statistics, these tools
can result in a first-time success rate of just 60% for provisioning of
individual network elements. This low success rate leads to
significant costs and increased lead times in delivery of new
services. With the Tellabs 8000 manager, service provisioning is a
highly automated process, with the system taking care of creating
all of the parameters and configuring the relevant network elements.
In the same way, making changes to services or network
connectivity is very straightforward and quick. Each connection or
service can even be individually tested before launch or even while
it is operational. For service assurance, the operator can see how
network or element interruptions are affecting individual services,
enabling much faster reaction to changes. Most importantly, with
the Tellabs 8000 manager, monitoring accuracy and management
capabilities are not sacrificed, even when the network scales to tens
of thousands of elements. This can give a huge competitive edge to
a mobile operator with a network facing heavy growth.
The Tellabs manager also operates with open interfaces enabling
data to be retrieved or sent to other Operational Support Systems
(OSS) that are deployed in the service provider environment. All
network- and service-related information is stored in a database,
which is accessible using open Application Program Interface (API)
Design for an Optimized Cost Structure
The network elements of the Tellabs 8600 system solution vary in
size, which facilitates the best fit for every network location. The
platform is flexible, for various applications, and therefore it can
serve essentially all of the transport requirements in the access or
regional network. The modular design of the Tellabs 8600 system
platform provides the flexibility to equip each element with different
capacities and interfaces as required. These are specified according
to the service and network requirements, which typically vary with
the position in the network hierarchy. Depending on the changing
requirements of the data communications infrastructure, the
network capacity and interfaces can be adjusted and upgraded
throughout the service life cycle.
With traditional network element solutions, the cost of separate
switching cards for each platform can become very significant
when one considers the overall cost of the network element. This is
especially true where some network elements are supporting only a
few customer interfaces. This can make the initial network
deployment expensive for new services that may start off with low
customer volumes but require the deployment of many network
elements to reach the target customer market.
With the Tellabs 8600 system, it is profitable build out the network
even with a small initial quantity of bandwidth and services. This is
because the cost of service entry is significantly lower than with a
traditional network elements, which can lead to reduced payback
times and a quicker return on investment. With a distributed
switching architecture, switching capacity is increased as new
interface cards are added. This reduces the service entry cost,
since the basic configuration is very simple, even with full elementand network-level redundancy features. Expanding the network to
support a larger number of services is achieved by simply adding
new interface cards to the platform. Increasing the scope of the
network to cover denser and larger geographical areas is as easy as
installing new network elements and follows the same “pay as you
grow” principle.
The Tellabs 8600 system’s benefits
and role in wireless transport
After years of speculation as to whether 3G evolution will ever
happen, network deployments have finally started and many
operators have already launched or are currently in the process of
deploying 3G services. The most important 3G standards are UMTS
and CDMA2000. UMTS networks use WCDMA radio technology,
and they are often referred to accordingly as WCDMA networks.
This section of the document discusses how the Tellabs 8600
system can provide a solution for these networks.
When determining the optimal solution and technology for a 3G
network, the service provider should consider at least the following
„ The investment being made is for the long term, and the network
should be able to scale easily in the future.
„ The solution must take into account the need for service and
network convergence, where multiple types of service can be
offered on the same platform.
„ The network management solution must support the business
processes and be able to lower the operational expenses
When compared to the alternatives, the Tellabs 8600 system offers
an attractive and potentially long-term solution to the mobile RAN
transport challenge. Typical RAN transport solutions on the market
today are based on TDM or ATM technologies. These are old
technologies that have limited capacity and do not provide the long
term scalability and flexibility that mobile network evolution
demands. As IP eventually becomes the native transport protocol
throughout the mobile network, new data-rich services will drive the
need for higher-bandwidth services to emerge. Also, with the need
for fixed and mobile network consolidation to reduce operating
costs, service delivery using Ethernet and MPLS will become the
norm. Legacy technologies will not be able to support the
unstoppable move to converged network architectures.
The most significant benefits the Tellabs 8600 system solution
brings to mobile RAN networks can be summarized as follows:
„ A single-platform solution for 2G/3G architectures and beyond
„ A potentially long term investment with IP/MPLS support from day
„ A single management platform for all Tellabs mobile solutions
„ A highly integrated architecture with carrier-class operations and
low inventory cost
Single-platform Solution for 2G and 3G
In the move from 2G to 3G and beyond, the transport technology
moves from TDM and FR to ATM and eventually to IP. The use of
dedicated solutions for different transport needs is costly from both
a CAPEX and OPEX point of view. The Tellabs 8600 system can
handle the aggregation and transport of all of these protocols in
parallel. This makes perfect sense at, for instance, new or existing
sites where 2G and 3G are collocated. The Tellabs 8600 system is
a vendor independent transport solution that can interoperate with
other vendor’s technology components in the BSS and RAN
infrastructure. And, most importantly, the transport network can be
managed even as a single entity.
Otherwise, with both an ATM and an IP platform to look after,
management and maintenance costs will remain high. The amount
of savings gained in terms of leased line rental is a highly marketdependent figure and in certain markets can be huge.
Once the Tellabs 8600 system solution is deployed close to the
Node-Bs in the access network, the transport infrastructure can be
further optimized with more cost efficient Ethernet interfaces. Also,
the available bandwidth can be utilized in a more efficient way by
allowing overbooking for data services. Ethernet interfaces can be
used to enable new Metro Ethernet services and Ethernet leased
lines for backhaul. This use of Ethernet devices can further lower
the total cost of the RAN.
Long Term Investment
A Single Management Platform
Today’s mobile transport solutions are based on TDM and ATM
technologies. These are optimal for 2G and for the first releases in
the 3G UMTS networks. However, the longer-term evolution is
expected to bring IP all the way to the access network and even out
to the mobile terminals. At the same time, with the introduction of
the High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and CDMA
1xEvolution – Data Only (EV-DO) high-speed data services, the
bandwidth capacities will increase significantly. This will pose new
challenges for the access and transport networks. The TDM- and
ATM-based network infrastructure will cease to be cost-efficient or
even capable of meeting these challenges, especially since these
technologies do not figure significantly in most telecommunications
equipment vendors’ product strategies. The Tellabs 8600 system is
already based on IP/MPLS, which does not require leapfrog
investments or forklift upgrades in moving to the all-IP phase.
Additionally, it allows the operator to offer new wireline services,
such as Ethernet and IP VPNs, on the same platform.
Tellabs has over 15 years of experience in developing powerful
service providers’ network management tools in cooperation with
our customers. Network management has always been an integral
part of the Tellabs access platforms and has proven to be a key
differentiator in the market. With hundreds of networks based on
the Tellabs solution, Tellabs is now making network evolution and
transition to new technologies even simpler. With a single network
management system, the service provider can manage the whole
network. Also, the service provider can deploy the solution without
cost-intensive integration work and with minimal investments in the
existing management platform. The ability to use the same
personnel and processes without major retraining makes the
change extremely straightforward.
Figure 2. 3G RAN solution with the Tellabs 8600 system solution
Figure 2 illustrates the comparison of business cases for an ATM
and a Tellabs 8600 system IP/MPLS-based RAN solution. The main
cost savings in favor of the Tellabs 8600 system solution come from
the reduction in CAPEX, since there is no need to invest in
additional IP routing functionality at each site when moving to 3G
R5 and beyond.
Integrated Architecture with Carrier-class Operations
The Tellabs 8600 system was initially specified, and has been
continuously developed in partnership, with our service provider
customers. All hardware elements and the network management
system are built with high reliability, performance, scalability and
cost-efficiency in mind. The same highly integrated hardware and
software architecture is used across the whole platform. The
distributed switching architecture is the main factor that can make
the system cost efficient to deploy even at small sites. The basic
configuration of the element is kept very simple yet retains the
flexibility to equip each element with the correct mix of interfaces.
This makes it suitable for very different locations and applications.
A broad range of element- and network-level protection options can
be instituted on the basis of the network availability requirements.
The Tellabs 8600 system in GSM and UMTS networks
Currently, mobile operators are required to build their RAN
infrastructure according to a system that was specified long before
MPLS was considered mature enough to win acceptance in service
provider networks. Today, UMTS Release 99 (R99) is the only
application that requires ATM backhaul for efficient transport in the
service provider networks. However, WCDMA implementations
deployed in the U.S. and Asian markets are already IP-based.
Based on business cases prepared by Tellabs, these savings can
amount to approximately 80% of the cost of the equivalent multipleplatform network. Approximately 20% savings in OPEX can result
from the reduction in leased line costs due to the simpler transport
infrastructure required by the more scalable Tellabs 8600 system.
The strict R99 ATM requirements do not go away with the
introduction of MPLS. But, by limiting ATM to the edge of the RAN,
the required level of efficiency and robustness can be achieved with
the deployment of a more modern access network. With a Tellabs
8600 system solution, the RAN network can simultaneously handle
the access for any base station through each of the evolution
phases as illustrated in Figure 3.
Tellabs 8600 system network. In a similar way, dedicated paths
with specific priorities can be provisioned for any type of connection
across the Tellabs 8600 system network.
Figure 4 below shows where the different Tellabs 8600 system
network elements can be positioned in the mobile RAN.
Figure 3. Multiple networks v. IP/MPLS in 2G and 3G RAN
Over time, the RAN transport is expected to change to IP. This
change applies from R5 onwards. All communication in the mobile
network should eventually be based on IP, and mobile terminals
identified with IP addresses. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
will be the method used to set up and tear down such connections
in the mobile network. With the Tellabs 8600 system, the service
provider can plan this network evolution so that there is no need to
change the transport infrastructure even though the network
includes different locations and different stages of evolution. With
the introduction of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), the whole
network and all devices will be using the same services,
independent of their access technology. True service convergence
will be enabled. Some of the leading service providers have already
begun implementing an IMS infrastructure. The advancing network
and service evolution also brings new data services, with higher
bandwidth and quality management needs. This poses new
challenges for the network transport as well. No single technology
will meet all of the requirements in terms of cost, scalability or
The Tellabs 8600 system solution covers the transport part of the
mobile access network from the base station sites to the RNC/BSC
sites. The launch of 3G networks is driving the need to build a new
and scalable transport infrastructure for these services. In
particular, the emergence of HSDPA and High-Speed Uplink Packet
Access (HSUPA) services will dramatically increase the bandwidth
requirements from the cell sites. Even though 2G networks are
already built out in the most developed markets, in certain areas
there might be locations where there is a need for adding more
GSM base stations. In these cases, the use of one transport
solution for each site is an advantage. The Tellabs 8600 system can
be used for TDM transport in the same way that it is used for ATM.
Figure 4. Tellabs 8600 system positioning in 2G/3G RAN
RNC Sites
Outside the network core, the first optimal position for a Tellabs
8600 system platform is at the RNC site. This network element is
typically a fully redundant and highly scalable Tellabs® 8660 Edge
Switch. It can also be used to connect RNC sites together in the
mobile core network. In addition to 3G traffic, the same network
element can be used to aggregate traffic from the 2G GSM network
into the BSC. This can handle the case where the 2G network is
being upgraded with new equipment or additional sites and would
avoid the need for investments in a separate infrastructure including
network elements and management systems. With 3G traffic
aggregation the Tellabs 8600 system solution is significantly more
economical and scalable than traditional ATM switches. For R99
applications alone with E1 interfaces and IMA towards the Node-Bs
and STM-1 ATM handoff towards the RNC, the operator can save
50% per E1 (see Figure 5). Additionally, the Tellabs 8600 system
platform today offers direct and potentially extremely cost effective
Ethernet interfaces and routing capabilities, which become essential
at least with the future deployments.
In practice, both the ATM and TDM traffic is carried through
tunnels that are provisioned with predefined capacities through the
Figure 5. Tellabs 8660 switch at RNC site
Using the Tellabs 8600 system at the RNC site offers the service
provider the following potential advantages:
„ It improves the network scalability and allows more Node-B sites
to be controlled from one centralized RNC.
„ It reduces CAPEX by reducing the number of interface ports
needed on the RNC. This is as a result of performing the ATM
inverse multiplexing and VP/VC grooming on the Tellabs 8600
system platform.
„ It enables the use of lower-cost unchannelized interfaces at the
RNC site.
Figure 6. Tellabs 8600 system at hub site
„ It can further reduce CAPEX since the same network element
can be used as part of the mobile core.
In summary, use of the Tellabs 8600 system at the hub sites can
bring the following business benefits:
„ The same platform used for 3G traffic aggregation can be used
for grooming 2G GSM traffic arriving on TDM links.
„ It allows a smooth network migration from TDM to ATM transport
and eventually to IP.
Hub Sites
„ Bandwidth utilization is improved through traffic grooming and
network overbooking.
Positioning the Tellabs 8600 system platform closer to mobile base
stations can yield additional business benefits. These include better
bandwidth utilization, more options for backhaul technologies and
improved network management capabilities. The role of the hub site
is to aggregate different traffic streams, including voice and data,
from the access network into the mobile core network over fewer
connections. The introduction of a Tellabs-8600-like MPLS network
infrastructure can significantly optimize the bandwidth utilization,
enable use of cost-efficient Ethernet interfaces and reduce the
number of leased lines required to carry the traffic. It also allows the
traffic to be handled with finer granularity. Depending on the
bandwidth, port density and redundancy requirements, the hub site
can be implemented using the Tellabs® 8660 Edge Switch, the
Tellabs® 8630 Access Switch or the Tellabs® 8620 Access Switch.
The business case for utilizing the Tellabs 8600 system solution at
both RNC and hub sites is persuasive, and this solution can
generate significant savings in both CAPEX and OPEX terms. Use of
the Tellabs 8600 system solution for the hub sites saves on
bandwidth costs, not only because of the number of lines required
but also due to the ability to move from Constant Bit Rate (CBR) to
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) transport. This is the gain from statistical
multiplexing, which makes sense with increasing and bursty data
traffic. From some business case calculations with our customers,
we have determined that distributing only one hub layer to the
network can yield more than 25% cost savings in E1 leased line
costs. Naturally, if alternative, more cost efficient transport
technologies are used, the percentage is higher. The Tellabs 8600
system is flexible in this sense and offers various alternatives, such
as Ethernet connectivity, which is becoming more and more
attractive (see Figure 6).
It should be remarked that in a converged network, customers can
be connected to other services over the same Tellabs 8600 system
platform reaching the hub sites. In fact, the service can even be
implemented with the Tellabs 8600 system and related
management system. Both of these improve the operator’s business
case and service manageability.
„ The solution is scalable for higher-bandwidth data services such
„ ATM traffic can be monitored and tested over the whole
connection. This is particularly important when statistical gain is
„ Low-cost Ethernet interfaces can be used for implementing
Ethernet leased-line transport.
„ Additional value-added services can be carried and managed on
the same network infrastructure. These can include managed IP
VPN and Ethernet services with differentiated SLAs.
Base Station Sites
When the Tellabs 8600 system platform is used at the base station
sites, traffic can be consolidated onto a single access network
infrastructure, which brings savings in transport costs even in the
local loop. Additional savings are gained through statistical
multiplexing, which is significant when higher-speed data services
are brought into use. It is worth noting that, although there is only
one physical connection, the different traffic streams can be
managed logically as independent connections with their individual
service quality requirements. Locating the Tellabs 8600 system unit
at the cell site, like in Figure 7, allows the access network to be
managed end to end so that modifications – for instance, to the
capacity or service quality settings – can be handled remotely.
When the Tellabs 8600 system is deployed to the cell site, there are
several alternative ways to arrange the access to the network.
Depending on the open infrastructure and service requirements, the
service provider can choose Ethernet, DSL or TDM. PDH and SDH
are the most popular alternatives today, since this infrastructure is
widely deployed and reasonable for voice transport. In the
beginning, the 3G traffic is indeed mainly voice. However, when the
HSDPA-based services are launched, capacity requirements grow
and other alternatives are likely to be worthy of consideration.
From a cost and availability point of view, DSL service is attractive
for connectivity. Because the base station can separate voice and
data traffic, voice can be directed to the TDM transport system and
data to DSL via Ethernet. This seems to be a cost-effective set-up.
For instance, DSL’s cost advantage over E1 when backhauling
HSDPA data traffic in the local loop is about 50%. In the context of
RAN’s transport as a whole, even 59% cost savings can be
achieved over ATM-based RNC application.
Another inviting option is to utilize the Metro Ethernet networks,
which are already widely deployed. Also, the bandwidth cost is
typically significantly lower than that of traditional TDM networks. In
using Ethernet transport in the RAN, it is important to make sure
that the synchronization and service quality management can be
arranged properly. With Tellabs 8600 system functionality, these
important elements are well supported. Synchronization is
discussed later in this document.
links and rebuilds all of them at the selected interfaces of another
element. This not only makes the process fast but also facilitates
correct configurations for all of the related network elements. In this
context, the operator can even verify the connectivity remotely with
the management system tools.
The Tellabs 8000 manager can offer the service provider the
following advantages:
„ Fast response to network changes with remote configuring,
automated provisioning and testing
„ A single management solution for multiple access technologies,
including TDM, ATM, FR, IP and Ethernet
„ A carrier-class network manager built on the basis of service
provider needs, supporting 30,000 network elements and tens of
concurrent users
„ An easy-to-learn and -use management system with a graphical
user interface that hides the network complexity from the user
„ Potentially significant cost savings for operators through provision
of management for multiple technologies, remote management
and fast troubleshooting
Figure 7. Tellabs 8600 system at cell site
Network Convergence
The Tellabs 8600 system is very flexible, allowing the service
provider to use any of the mentioned technologies for access.
Naturally, it gives the service provider the choice of using the
platform for some base station sites while using traditional SDH
platforms for the last-mile access for other sites. This, of course,
depends on the bandwidth and service requirements, plus the
growth expectations for each area.
The boundaries between fixed and mobile services and networks
are vanishing. Deregulation is opening up new opportunities for
service providers. The resulting competition is driving every service
provider to extend its service portfolios.
„ It can aggregate different 2G- and 3G-related protocols and traffic
streams on the same platform.
Ideally, the same network infrastructure and the same management
system should be capable of handling all of these different services.
The Tellabs 8600 system is designed exactly for this purpose and
uses MPLS for convergence, as shown in Figure 8. Convergence
can be executed at various levels and depends greatly on the
organization boundaries. One way to segregate the various levels of
convergence is:
„ Connection and service parameters can be changed remotely via
the network management system.
„ Mobile convergence in terms of providing 2G and 3G services
with the same platform
„ New services can be implemented on the platform to attract new
customers and increase revenue streams.
„ Fixed and mobile convergence where the service provider not
only offers mobile services but also, e.g., produces broadband or
business services, or just transport from a unified infrastructure
For a base station access solution, the Tellabs 8600 system
provides the following main benefits:
„ Cost-efficient and scalable Ethernet links can be used for
backhauling the traffic into the RAN.
Efficient Management in Mobile Networks
Mobile networks are by definition very dynamic in nature and are
growing especially dramatically now. New base stations are often
constructed, and bandwidth links are frequently upgraded or
added. When the network is first built, the sooner it can be put into
service, the sooner the service provider can turn on its revenue
stream. Network management has a critical role in all of these
processes. The sophisticated tools of the Tellabs® 8000 Network
Manager provide major benefits for the service provider throughout
the network life cycle. They support day-to-day operations
throughout the continuous evolution of the network, providing endto-end connectivity management.
Managed re-hosting capability is one excellent example of the
Tellabs 8000 manager’s competencies. When a selected group of
connections must be moved from one location to another, the
operator can with one command execute the whole operation. The
Tellabs 8000 manager automatically tears down all of the selected
„ Service convergence, of which the IMS infrastructure and the
same service offering independent of the end-user device is a
good example
The access network is the most expensive part of the service
provider’s overall infrastructure. Therefore, the use of common
multiservice-capable elements and flexible management tools in the
access network offers the best potential savings for service
The Tellabs 8630 switches were deployed to the aggregation sites
to allow utilization of a single platform for both 3G traffic and
residential DSL services. This lowered the CAPEX related to the use
of several devices at the hub sites and optimized the costs related
to the backhauling. With the help of the Tellabs 8630 switches,
operators were able to utilize cost-effective Ethernet backhauling for
RAN and solve synchronization challenges often related to ME
backhauling. The Tellabs 8600 system solution offered superior
QoS features and end to end resiliency as required in large-scale
Metro Ethernet backhauling cases. There are already hundreds of
Tellabs 8600 systems deployed in this network.
Customer Case with RAN Optimization
Figure 8. Service convergence enabled by MPLS
If we look at network convergence from a mobile operator’s point of
view, the following types of services and access technologies are of
„ WiFi and WiMAX access used as complementary wireless access
„ Ethernet and IP VPN services for business customers
„ Broadband Internet access for residential customers
„ Wholesale bandwidth to offer to other service providers
„ Transport for Data Communications Networks (DCNs)
The technology evolution from ATM to Ethernet and IP is taking
place everywhere, not only in mobile networks. For instance,
DSLAMs, which are the primary method for implementing
broadband Internet access services, are moving from using ATM to
Ethernet for their backhaul protocol. The combination of
multiservice interfaces and MPLS PWE tunneling on the Tellabs
8600 system platform makes the evolution path easier for service
Customer cases
Before providing a description of the Tellabs 8600 system’s roles in
the mobile backhaul, we consider two examples of how and why
this solution was chosen for specific networks. These two cases are
chosen because they differ from each other in their drivers and
requirements. This shows the flexibility and uniqueness of the
Tellabs 8600 system solution.
In this RAN optimization reference case, the operator was launching
3G services with a tight schedule due to the fierce competition in
the market – at the same time, two other operators were also
launching 3G services. The main requirements for the first-phase
implementation were:
„ Rapid deployment of 3G transport to allow rollout of the first 3G
„ A scalable platform that can support future growth of the services
and replacement of existing ATM devices that had been
implemented for 3G test sites
„ Full R5 compatibility from the first installation, to minimize the
cost of the transport network and eliminate future forklift
„ In terms of network management a smooth migration from the
existing network to the new infrastructure
The proposed solution to meet these requirements was a Tellabs
8660 system collocated with the RNCs to:
„ Optimize RNC port costs – utilization of unchannelized interfaces
towards the RNC
„ Enhance the scalability of RNCs and RNC front nodes – a single
device with high-density interfaces and support for all
requirement in a single node
„ Ease management and connection creation from the very
beginning of the commercial 3G solution
The access transport part of the network relied on the existing
SDH-based transport network and external leased lines. This
allowed rapid launch of the service because only new elements
were located at the RNC sites. At this stage of the implementation,
utilization of existing platforms was seen as the most cost effective
Customer Case for Building a Converged Network
This operator was looking at transport solution that lowers the
capital and operational expenditures when moving to a converged
network. The objectives for the transport network project were:
„ A single converged network to operate and manage all services
„ Utilization of Metro Ethernet backhauling to lower the cost of
„ A long-term solution with R5 support
„ Halting of investment in ATM platforms
„ Finding of a cost-effective solution for multiservice aggregation
It was clear to the operator already in the initial planning of the
commercial 3G deployment that the transport network had to be
capable of accommodating growth in the capacity, number of
Node-Bs and proportion of data in the network. The second phase
of the network implementation was planned to support HSDPA
launch. To support the increasing amount of data traffic in the
mobile backhauling, a second layer of MPLS-aware devices was
implemented for the network. The new sites – aggregation sites –
were designed to address the following issues:
„ Adding statistical gain to the data traffic and offloading the ATM
at the aggregation point to minimize capacity needs and costs of
„ Optimizing the utilization of leased connections between cell sites
and RNCs
„ Enabling low-cost transport alternatives like Metro Ethernet
backhaul and EoSDH transport
„ Simplifying network building and modifications (one touch reparenting) with advanced management solutions customized for
mobile access
„ Obtaining visibility of leased line quality and enabling testing in
the access part of the network
„ Offering a common infrastructure for 2G and 3G already at the
aggregation point
„ Offering the possibility to support additional services like Ethernetbased WiFi and WiMAX in transport but also IP-based services
for several network locations
The transport between aggregation points is still leveraging the
existing SDH network in part – now in Ethernet over SDH mode.
Ethernet interfaces are used towards the SDH network to optimize
the spares management and to equip the network for the future. As
capacities grow even higher, Ethernet interfaces allow rapid
upgrades to Ethernet leased lines, Metro Ethernet backhauling or
utilization of direct fiber links with GE. Currently, there are
approximately 40 Tellabs 8600 systems deployed in this network.
Figure 9. Overview of the CDMA network
exceeds that, there are multiple, parallel links. This means that the
IP traffic needs to run over ML-PPP. Ethernet connectivity is another
alternative to multiple TDM links. Some base stations already offer
an Ethernet interface, and many vendors have this on their
roadmaps. Unlike WCDMA, ATM technology is not present at all in
the CDMA access.
Figure 9 shows a typical mobile operator’s network with 2G and 3G
components. It defines the basic building blocks in the CDMA
network as well as the connectivity in the access network. TDM –
more specifically, PDH and SONET –still dominates the access.
Particularly in the U.S., a typical mobile operator leases all of its
transport from another operator and owns only the mobile service
specific parts of the network. Conversely, in Europe the mobile
operators tend to invest in at least some part of the access
transport and they more often utilize microwave links instead of
fixed lines.
The Tellabs 8600 system in CDMA networks
Another common way to implement 3G networks is using a
CDMA2000 technology path, which is especially popular among a
number of U.S. operators but also is deployed in certain countries
in Asia and Latin America. It should be noted that in the U.S. some
operators have chosen a GSM and WCDMA path to follow instead
of CDMA. Transition to 3G has been particularly strong in the U.S.
and Asia Pacific region. The air interface is naturally different from
WCDMA. From the transport point of view, the main difference
between WCDMA and CDMA is the protocol carrying the traffic.
Most of the operators have started their transition to 3G with 1xRTT
technology, which could be considered to be a 2.5G phase, and
have now initiated the rollout of the 3G network with EV-DO.
However, some operators have announced a move to EV-DV directly
from 1xRTT. With 1xRTT, all of the traffic is based on FR, whereas
with EV-Dx the traffic from the cell site is IP and carried over PPP
or HDLC. The first step when EV-DO is deployed is to carry only
data over IP, while voice remains in FR (1xRTT). Only with EV-DV is
all traffic IP-based, but that phase remains for the future.
Because the physical connectivity toward a cell site today typically
consists of E1 or T1 links and the total capacity requirement
Figure 10. Tellabs transport solution for CDMA networks
The role of the Tellabs 8600 system is similar to what was
described for W CDMA. In other words, it covers the mobile
transport network from cell site to the BSC as shown in Figure 10.
The driver for using the Tellabs 8600 system platform for traffic
aggregation is mainly to minimize the operational costs relating to
the cost of bandwidth. This becomes more and more essential with
the growth of data traffic and the increasing capacity.
Potential benefits provided are:
„ Minimized cost of bandwidth
„ One platform for various traffic needs and services (costefficiency in terms of investments and maintenance)
„ Improved management, fast response to network growth and
ease of topology changes
tunnel is terminated at the edge of the MPLS network domain,
where the label is removed and the TDM traffic is passed to the
destination element or out into the TDM network. This process is
illustrated in Figure 12. All TDM traffic is carried transparently
through the MPLS domain, and bandwidth can be reserved for
each LSP that the Pseudo Wires traverse.
„ Readiness for convergence and flexibility for various technologies
„ A cost-efficient solution
Tellabs 8600 system functionality in a mobile network
Multiprotocol Grooming and Transport
MPLS technology is an ideal transport solution for evolving mobile
networks. It can handle all of the protocols required in each of the
3G release phases. MPLS can carry traffic over any underlying
transport network. Any Layer 1 or Layer 2 protocol can be
transparently transported over the MPLS network using Pseudo
Wires (PW). These are sometimes referred to more specifically as
Pseudo Wire Encapsulation Edge to Edge (PWE3). The PW
connections can be regarded as permanent connections just like
ATM PVCs. Each PW connection can reserve an explicit amount of
bandwidth from the network and can be protected end to end
through the network if required.
The Tellabs 8600 system platform can combine the functionality of
a number of network elements. For GSM and UMTS traffic
aggregation, the most important facilities that the Tellabs 8600
system provides are TDM and ATM cross-connections as well as IP
routing on a single device. With CDMA, instead, FR and PPP or
HDLC are essential from the transport point of view. The
multiprotocol connectivity available is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Multiprotocol connectivity through the Tellabs 8660 switch network
TDM is the most common access technology used in GSM
networks. Traffic to and from 2G base stations goes over
channelized E1 links or STM-1 links in the SDH network. Instead of
using a traditional TDM cross-connect for this task, the Tellabs
8600 system platform can be used as the first aggregation element
in the mobile access network. It combines the TDM cross-connection
functionality with ATM switching and IP routing. Cross-connections
or traffic grooming can be performed at the timeslot level (DS0).
Traffic can be switched between channelized interfaces as in
traditional TDM cross-connects or towards an MPLS interface on
the same platform. At the MPLS interface, the TDM traffic is
encapsulated by adding an MPLS label and sent through the PWE3
tunnel over a Label Switched Path (LSP). The other end of the
Figure 12. ATM and TDM cross-connections, and transport between Tellabs
8600 system elements
This technique makes sense when the service provider is focusing
its investment on long-term transport solutions and wants to
optimize the infrastructure to lower the total cost of ownership for
the network. Instead of using a separate platform for each type of
transport needed, a single Tellabs 8600 system solution with one
management system can fulfill all of the mobile transport
For UMTS networks, the traffic from a Node-B is currently
transported over ATM. ATM VP/VC circuits can be cross-connected
just like TDM timeslots. When these connections are made from
one ATM interface to another, the element looks externally like an
ATM switch. Through implementation of a Tellabs 8600 system
solution at the base station site, ATM connections can be carried
over MPLS Pseudo Wires transparently. These Pseudo Wires are
transported along MPLS LSPs, which can be assigned a traffic
class according to the ATM Class of Service. The Tellabs 8600
system platform also supports ATM IMA functionality in all of its
channelized interfaces. This means that an ATM IMA group coming
from a Node-B can be terminated at the Tellabs 8600 system
element. More cost-efficient interfaces and transport mechanisms
can then be used in the transport network. Typically, the physical
link to the cell site is E1 or channelized STM-1. Over the longer term
and from R5 onwards, the ATM transport will be replaced with IP.
When UMTS R5 is deployed, the RAN starts to migrate to a fully
IP-based network. The Tellabs 8600 system elements are
essentially IP routers with MPLS support for all interface types. In
the R5 specification, the physical connectivity to the Node-B is
either a channelized TDM or Fast Ethernet. If the connectivity is
based on multiple E1 links using Multilink PPP (ML-PPP), these can
be terminated in the Tellabs 8600 system element in a similar way
to ATM IMA. Frame-Relay- or HDLC based traffic, which is often
present in CDMA networks, can be transported via Pseudo Wires.
The Pseudo Wire connections are independent of the protocol
transported and can be provisioned end to end with the Tellabs
8000 manager’s easy-to-use graphical tools. Before going live,
Traffic class
Conversational RT
Streaming RT
Interactive best effort
Background best effort
Fundamental charasteristics
Preserve time relation (variation)
between information entities of
the stream. conversational
pattern (stringent and low delay).
Preserve time relation (variation)
between information entities of
the stream.
Request response pattern.
Preserve payload content.
Destination is not expecting the
data within a certain time.
Preserve payload content.
Example of the application
Streaming video
Web browsing
Background download of emails
ATM Service Category
DiffServ Traffic Class
(*) Use of AF traffic classes is operator dependent
Table 1. Service classes according to 3GPP TS 23.107
the connections can be tested to ensure that they deliver the
desired functionality. The service provider can also monitor each
connection in the Tellabs 8600 system network in real time and get
statistics and faults mapped to individual connections. This helps
the service provider to understand, for example, the impact that a
network fault can have on specific connections or services.
Service Quality Management
Synchronization Management
Current mobile services are predominately voice-based, a situation
that is likely to prevail until the beginning of UMTS deployments.
However, new types of data and multimedia services will become
more and more popular. This mixture of voice and data services will
set new service quality requirements for the network. It will need to
be able to handle these requirements in an efficient and appropriate
Synchronization plays an important role in mobile networks since
the base stations must be well synchronized to ensure good voice
quality and manage the call hand-overs.
The UMTS specifications define four service classes, which are
listed in Table 1. Each service within a given class has a common
set of characteristics.
GSM and WCDMA networks typically obtain synchronization with
the cell site from the E1 or T1 leased line or the microwave link to
which they are connected. When the connectivity is TDM,
synchronization is not an issue. However, where Ethernet
connectivity is concerned, timing could become problematic.
Traditional Ethernet networks do not have the ability to provide a
clock-based signal to a cell site. Standardization bodies are
currently working with this issue, and some candidates are already
present. These are IEEE’s 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) and
Synchronous Ethernet. IEEE 1588 was originally specified for Local
Area Networks for use with testing. The second version, which adds
support for the WAN environment, is still in progress. Synchronous
Ethernet is described in ITU-T G.8261, which specifies the method
of distributing the synchronization via the Ethernet line signal.
Tellabs follows closely the standardization progress and has
implemented the Synchronous Ethernet. PTP is intended to be
implemented soon after the specification exists. With the Tellabs
8600 system, the synchronization can also be relayed to the cell
site by means of adaptive timing, where a TDM interface in the
Tellabs 8600 system element can obtain synchronization through a
TDM Pseudo Wire. It is worth mentioning that Tellabs 8600 system
elements are, in fact, part of the synchronization network so it can
distribute the clock to other elements in the network.
The transport network must be able to implement these service
classes in the appropriate way throughout the whole network. They
can be supported using any of various transport technologies or
even with a combination of them.
With CDMA networks, the synchronization and packet network
issue does not arise from the transport point of view since CDMA
uses GPS receivers at each cell site. This is, naturally, an option
also with WCDMA networks, but it is not widely deployed. More
often, since the 2G and 3G base stations are collocated and SDH is
present as well, one could obtain the synchronization through SDH.
As described for the service provider, Tellabs offers various options
for arrangement of the synchronization in the network and therefore
removes the barriers from migration to packet-based backhauling.
The Tellabs 8600 system has extensive support for traffic quality
management. Traffic forwarding inside the network element is
performed at the hardware level to facilitate wire-speed
performance for all traffic. For high-priority traffic, bandwidth can
be reserved through the network using the RSVP-TE signaling and
connection admission control (CAC) protocols in the elements along
the signaled path. These protocols facilitate that the requested
connection can be established without disturbing the existing traffic
and that the reserved path is always available for this connection.
Tunnels run over MPLS LSPs, which can be configured to carry
traffic for one QoS class or for a mixture of QoS classes. Each LSP
can be configured with different parameters for path protection and
bandwidth reservation depending on the type of traffic it is carrying.
The Tellabs 8600 system implements QoS management using IP
DiffServ and maps other protocols to the DiffServ traffic classes to
provide end to end service quality.
For ATM service classes, the Tellabs 8600 system platform
supports CBR, VBR, UBR+ and UBR service categories. Traffic
forwarding, queuing, scheduling and shaping is performed on a VP/
VC basis. When ATM traffic is transported across an MPLS network,
each service category is tunneled through an MPLS LSP with the
equivalent DiffServ class. Typically, CBR is mapped to EF and UBR
to BE, whereas VBR and UBR+ are mapped to the chosen AFxy
Network Resilience
High network uptime is critical for a service provider. Building
resilience comes at a cost that is highly dependent on the
mechanisms used to improve the network reliability. Therefore, it is
vital that the service provider specify the reliability needed. Highpriority services deserve faster protection mechanisms, whereas
lower-priority ones can rely on slower alternatives or possibly no
protection at all.
With the Tellabs 8600 system, connections can be protected in
different ways. Obviously, individual links can be protected between
two network elements. But this same level of protection would apply
to all traffic classes using the link. MPLS provides a protection
mechanism that can be used to enable much finer granularity.
Using these protection mechanisms, individual LSPs can be
protected across the network or even along a selected path in the
network. For instance, only paths that are carrying certain traffic
classes could be protected across the network through allocation of
dual paths. This could represent only a fraction of the interface
capacity and makes efficient use of the available bandwidth. By
contrast, paths with lower-priority traffic classes can be protected
such that the recovery time in the event of failure can be a bit
longer, whereas Best Effort traffic normally does not need any
protection mechanisms and can tolerate some service breaks in the
event of a network outage.
The Tellabs 8600 system in wireline transport
The Tellabs 8600 system is adaptable to various applications and
enables mobile operators to broaden their service portfolio into
wireline services. A wide range of interface technologies with
service intelligence, plus a superior network management system,
enables the service provider to build a single platform that meets
both current and emerging business needs. A single upgradable
platform and one network management system is much more costeffective than building parallel platforms to satisfy different service
The Tellabs 8600 system is highly flexible. It can be used to
connect end users to multiple services with very different
requirements simultaneously. Multiservice delivery is more efficient
for the service provider since the same physical network and
business management processes can be applied to many services.
In addition to wireless applications, the three main wireline service
applications that can be implemented with the Tellabs 8600 system
„ Ethernet services
„ IP VPN services
„ Broadband Internet access
In a typical service provider network, all of these services can be
offered to satisfy the needs of different customer segments or for
the operator’s internal use. Tellabs believes that it makes the most
sense to utilize the same access and core infrastructure for
implementing all services.
Ethernet Services
With an Ethernet service, the customer manages the end-to-end
routing and the service provider simply provides Ethernet
connectivity between each customer site. In most cases, this
provides a lower-cost, more flexible and scalable alternative to
traditional leased lines. Large corporations, which have their own IT
departments in place, often prefer this type of service since they
wish to retain control of the routing network inside their company.
Using MPLS, the Tellabs 8600 system can deliver Ethernet services
in two ways:
„ As a point-to-point Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS)
„ As a multipoint-to-multipoint Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
Due to its simplicity and similarity to traditional leased lines, VPWS
is currently the predominant service provider offering. VPLS has
gained much interest recently but is still in its infancy in terms of
technology and network deployments. However, it offers an
interesting alternative for current deployments.
For example, LAN interconnection services often use a hub-andspoke topology in which the headquarters acts as the hub site. This
kind of network can be created easily using VPWS point-to-point
Ethernet tunnels. However, each VPWS tunnel is terminated at a
separate port on the hub site switch. VPLS can provide a better
alternative since the customer only needs one physical interface to
the service and still provides any-to-any connectivity between the
sites. With VPLS, the service provider network emulates a big
Ethernet switch from the end-customer point of view. All the sites
look like they are physically on the same LAN, making service
cheaper to deliver and easier for the end user to manage.
IP VPN Services
An IP VPN service can be considered the next layer of value-added
service over and above basic Ethernet connectivity since it adds
routing management to the service. But IP VPN services can also
provide the platform for more value-added services, which can give
access to additional revenue and greater profitability for the service
IP VPNs are particularly attractive to customers with limited IT
support skills. They are also requested by companies for whom IT is
not a core competency and who wish to outsource as many
services as possible.
The Tellabs 8600 system implements IP VPNs based on RFC
2547bis. This is the IETF standard that describes a mesh service
model for LAN interconnection and makes use of the Quality of
Service and Traffic Engineering capabilities offered by MPLS. This
IP VPN method uses a peering model in which the customer’s edge
routers exchange their routing messages with the Provider Edge
(PE) routers. MP-BGP is then used within the service provider
network to exchange the routes of a particular customer VPN
among the PE routers that are attached to that VPN. This is done in
a way that ensures that routes from different customer VPNs remain
distinct and separate, even if two VPNs have an overlapping
address space. The PE routers distribute the routes from the CE
routers to the other CE routers in that particular VPN.
This IP VPN model scales well in large customer networks and
supports different network topologies, from hub-and-spoke to full
mesh. Customer routes are propagated in the service provider
network with the help of the MP-BGP routing protocol, which
automatically provides updates of the correct VPN routes in the
respective PE routers. The Tellabs 8600 system introduces a similar
hierarchical model to that specified for VPLS services into the IP
VPN application. This is discussed later in this document, along
with a comparison with the standard IP VPN models.
Broadband Internet Access
Network and service deployments
Broadband Internet access refers to the volume deployment of
broadband services to residential, SOHO and SME customers.
With the Tellabs 8600 system, it is possible to create a service
oriented network. The Tellabs 8600 system can function
simultaneously as a reliable transport network for point-to-point
services and a service platform for IP VPNs. In addition, it can
efficiently aggregate and transport traffic from DSLAMs and MTUs
that generate a massive amount of Internet traffic.
Today, the majority of broadband services are based on digital
subscriber line (DSL) services, which use existing telephone-grade
copper pairs. Most DSL services are still based on ATM technology,
which prolongs the need for ATM in the access network. However,
ATM is not seen as a long-term solution and is gradually being
replaced with Ethernet and MPLS solutions at the head-end DSL
Access Multiplexer (DSLAM).
Broadband Internet access can also be offered to Multi Tenant Unit
subscribers. In this case, subscriber traffic is aggregated in the
basement of the building with a low-cost Ethernet switch and
transported to the service provider network, usually over a fiber
connection. This model is becoming increasingly common,
especially in urban areas and new buildings. Wireless hotspots are
also becoming popular in public areas. This too is driving the
demand for Ethernet-based transport and aggregation solutions.
The flexibility of the Tellabs 8600 system means that the same
platform is suited as well to aggregating traffic from DSLAMs and
MTUs to the Internet service provider as it is to delivering enterprise
services. In the long term, these services will evolve from their
current “Best Effort” requirements to needing true QoS to support
IP multimedia and voice services. Because of its carrier-class
capabilities, the Tellabs 8600 system is an ideal solution for Internet
access deployments, which will have increasingly strict Quality of
Service requirements. End-to-end service provisioning is extremely
easy and efficient with the provisioning tools provided by the Tellabs
8000 manager. In addition, last-mile connectivity for MTU and
wireless hotspot applications can be based on very cost-efficient
Ethernet access.
Delivery of Value-added Services
The continuing price erosion in basic connectivity services is driving
service providers to look for ways to provide higher-value services to
their customers. Tellabs recognizes that this is one of the key
challenges for service providers today.
Value-added services involve more than simply offering a flexible
SLA. It is the additional services on top of the basic connectivity
that can provide profitable revenue sources and help service
providers to stay competitive. By the service provider taking on
more of the customer’s IT-related needs, a business partnership is
created between customer and service provider. This partnership
can strengthen the relationship over and above a pure bandwidth
supply arrangement. If you are supplying only bandwidth, a
competitor can always offer it more cheaply.
For example, IP VPN services provide an ideal opportunity to add
value. Optional services can be added, such as managed firewalls,
storage backup services, virus protection, traffic encryption, Web
hosting and application management. These services can even be
offered by a specialized third-party service provider who leases
capacity from the network service provider. The key to offering
differentiated services is the ability to treat traffic streams in
different ways throughout the delivery network. This is something
that the Tellabs 8600 system can do both effectively and efficiently.
The Tellabs 8600 system is purpose-built for the service provider
environment with a complete set of carrier-class features. It is
designed to be cost efficient to deploy for even a small number of
services and to be able to grow with the service provider’s business.
Point-to-Point Services (VPWS)
In a VPWS, end-user traffic is tunneled through the packet-switched
network along Pseudo Wires. An Ethernet PW emulates a single
Ethernet link between two end-points. Typically, the underlying
network is based on IP/MPLS technology. The most common of the
tunneling methods is PWE3, also sometimes referred to as the
“Martini draft” implementation.
Figure 13. Ethernet PWE3 tunnel using the Tellabs 8600 system
As shown in Figure 13, the Tellabs 8600 system implementation of
VPWS implements the PWE3 draft. The encapsulation of different
frames or cells into MPLS labels emulates a leased-line type of
connection. The transported traffic can be Ethernet, ATM, FR or
TDM. PWs are constructed by establishing a pair of unidirectional
MPLS virtual connection LSPs between the PE end-points. One of
these tunnels is used for incoming and the other for outgoing traffic.
These LSPs are identified with MPLS labels, either assigned
statically or provided dynamically using the Label Distribution
Protocol (LDP). Ethernet traffic can be mapped to the PW tunnel on
the basis of its ingress port or by using its VLAN ID information.
An LSP carrying multiple PWs is built across the MPLS network that
connects the PE routers. This tunnel can use either LDP or RSVPTE signaling. With RSVP TE, the PWE3 tunnel can have bandwidth
guarantees and traffic class characteristics assigned in the same
way as with an IP VPN. The inner label identifies the physical or
logical interface at the ends of the tunnel connection. This can be
the Ethernet port or VLAN ID, the ATM VC or the FR DLCI,
depending on the original traffic type. The encapsulated traffic is
not examined or inspected by the intermediate routers along the
connection. And since all of the information shared along the traffic
path is at the MPLS layer, the security of the encapsulated traffic is
In addition to offering similar bandwidth guarantees to those of IP
VPNs, VPWS can take advantage of the same MPLS traffic
protection mechanisms found in an IP VPN. The Tellabs 8000
manager makes the provisioning of single Ethernet tunnels very
straightforward. Even a large mesh of tunnels can be provisioned
simultaneously using the same easy-to-use tools.
IP VPN Services
In the traditional IP VPN service deployment model, service
implementation is the responsibility of the PE router at the edge of
the IP/MPLS core. All of the intelligence needed for the IP VPN
service resides in that router. The CE router is normally connected
to the PE via a point-to-point connection, regardless of the network
technology. The CE router is usually an ordinary router, owned by
either the service provider or the end customer.
Figure 14. Traditional IP VPN deployment model
Figure 14 shows the basic working principles of an IP VPN based
on RFC 2547bis. PE routers are located at the edge of the service
provider IP/MPLS core, and traffic from the CE routers is
backhauled to the PE router using any of the available access
networks. The PE router dynamically peers with the CE router using
BGP, OSPF or RIP routing protocols. Alternatively, the service
provider can define a static route in between the CE and PE. The
PE router separates the different customer VPNs into logical VPN
Routing and Forwarding (VRF) tables. These can be seen by only
the corresponding customer part of the VPN. Customer VPN
addresses are propagated over the core network using the MPiBGP routing protocol. This inserts the VPN routes in the correct
VRF table corresponding to the VPN on the PE routers.
Usually in a large or growing network, Route Reflector units are
used for BGP communication and scalability. Instead of having a
full mesh of BGP communication between all of the PE routers,
each PE establishes a session with a Route Reflector, which
distributes the routes to the relevant PEs. Normally, the Route
Reflector is duplicated and an additional session is established from
a PE to the secondary Route Reflector.
In this deployment model, a single PE router is typically responsible
for offering services to a large number of end customers. The
processing power and reliability of the router are therefore critical to
the operation of the network. Enlarging the network often requires
adding a new PE router: a significant financial and operational
investment that needs to be cost-justified on the basis of potential
customers and traffic. When some level of redundancy is required,
the cost can become even more significant.
In summary, the limitations of the current deployment model are
„ Scalability is limited by the cost and complexity of introducing a
new PE router.
„ The cost per bit in the access network is relatively high since the
legacy network technologies are not optimized for transporting
bursty data traffic.
„ Metro Ethernet deployments lack the required QoS capabilities
and hence require heavy over-provisioning.
„ End-to-end service management and monitoring is a challenge
across the disparate platforms and technologies currently
deployed, which often leads to SLAs covering only the PE–PE
part of the service.
„ Inefficiencies arise from operation of multiple network
technologies, such as TDM, ATM, FR or Ethernet in the access
network and IP/MPLS in the core.
„ Difficulties occur in mapping IP and Ethernet services to ATM or
FR service models in the access network.
To address these limitations, Tellabs has created a new distributed
architecture to support IP VPN services, which makes scaling a
network easier and faster. The architecture takes the hierarchical
model introduced by the IETF for VPLS services and extends it to
the IP VPN, a natural step since networks often will be used to
deliver both types of service. The Tellabs 8600 system can be used
to deliver the standard IP VPN model as well as this distributed
version. In practice, the two models are likely to coexist in the same
network: larger areas will be implemented with the new distributed
model and smaller areas, with limited growth expectations, using
the existing flat model.
In the distributed model, the same procedure and protocols that
were used in the core between the PE routers are applied in the
access domain. In routing terms, distributing the network improves
the management, scalability and stability of the network. Traffic
Engineering and protection mechanisms can be implemented
optimally within the regional networks, regardless of the core
network configurations and set-up.
Figure 15. Distributed IP VPN enabled with the Tellabs 8600 system
The distributed IP VPN model is shown in Figure 15. PE routers are
divided into U-PE (user-facing PE) and N-PE (network-facing PE) as
is done in the hierarchical VPLS specification. The U-PE router has
a direct connection at IP level with the CE. The N-PE is at the edge
of the core and communicates with the other N-PE routers across
the core as in the existing flat model. MP-eBGP is used for VPN
route distribution in between the U-PE and N-PE as in the standard
model. Where there are Tellabs 8600 system platforms or other IP/
MPLS routers in the network between the U-PE and N-PE, they act
as simple MPLS Label Switch Routers (LSRs) just as P routers do in
the core. They are indicated as “P-a” (P in access network) in the
diagram. P and P-a routers do not need to understand anything
about the VPNs since they only transport traffic on the basis of the
outer labels. It should be noted that, in a typical network, one
element has several roles. For example, for one service the router
can be a U-PE and for another a P-a router.
The limitations of the traditional IP VPN model can be addressed
with the distributed model. Full-mesh connectivity is required only
between the N-PE elements in the network. Also, the addition of a
new U-PE to the network is more straightforward: it only needs
connectivity within the access or regional network. All of the
customer VPN routes are communicated in a consolidated manner
in the regional network between U-PE and N-PE routers using a
single MP-eBGP session. Where customer sites are in the same
region, traffic can be locally routed without loading the core
network. Thanks to the element architecture, network growth can
be achieved with incremental investments making it more
economically attractive. Provisioning services with versatile
resilience mechanisms over the access network or at the edge of
the core adds marginal cost in the distributed model. And MPLS
protections, dual homing and Traffic Engineering can be used in the
regional network since it is a traffic engineered domain on its own.
The basic principle in the distributed model is to move the
intelligence away from the core and closer to the customer
demarcation point. The new access domain utilizes the same
procedures that are traditionally used only in the core. In practice,
this has the added benefit of removing the single point of failure at
the edge of the core network. This is all made possible through the
cost-efficient architecture of the Tellabs 8600 system.
The management components of the Tellabs 8600 system can
automatically set up the required LSPs and parameter
configurations for the network elements along the VPN route. A CE
router or switch in the end user’s LAN is connected to a Tellabs
8600 system U-PE device either on customer premises or at the
Local Exchange (LE) site, typically with an Ethernet interface. The
service provider connects all of the sites, which are part of a
specific VPN, according to end user requirements. The service
provider also sets all of the QoS parameters for each VPN according
to the end-user requirements. With the Tellabs 8600 system,
different traffic types can be classified at the customer demarcation
point before entering the operator’s network. Another option is to do
this at the first LE site using an Ethernet aggregation switch such as
the Tellabs® 8606 Ethernet Aggregator. Alternatively, this function
can be performed by way of a CE router located on customer
premises. This might be the preferred solution in cases where high
bandwidth fiber is used for the local loop or where true end-to-end
management is not an issue. All of the customer traffic is
transported over MPLS LSPs in the regional and core networks.
This results in a single LSP in the core network and separate LSPs
in the regional networks on either side of the core.
The Tellabs 8600 system in combination with its accompanying
access nodes supports many types of customer network access
technologies, including Ethernet, TDM, DSL and wireless access.
Customer networks can be distinguished from each other by a
combination of port, channel, circuit, VLAN ID and MPLS label at
the Tellabs 8600 system interface used to connect to the chosen
access network.
Customer traffic entering the network is directed to the appropriate
service on the basis of service-specific policy settings for the Tellabs
8660 switch. For example, certain VLANs can be forwarded to a
VPWS while others are directed to an IP VPN service. A customer’s
broadband Internet access traffic can be directed to a dedicated
service network using:
„ IP routing where the customer Ethernet VLAN or ATM VC is
terminated at an IP router. Traffic conditioning based on the
customer SLA and IP address relaying from the DHCP server is
performed at the first Tellabs 8600 switch.
„ PW tunneling using either the Ethernet/VLAN ID or the ATM VC,
from the DSLAM to the BRAS.
Figure 16 shows multiple service provider networks with a
centralized BRAS service selection gateway. These services are
provided to customers across a regional network.
Traffic leaving the network toward the customer is combined from
the multiple service networks. It is then queued and shaped
according to the service-specific policies at the Tellabs 8660 switch.
Packet replication for predetermined groups is performed to support
multicast services such as IPTV. Local content servers and caching
can also be supported for additional service networks.
In summary, the benefits of the distributed Tellabs 8600 system in
delivering IP VPN services can be:
„ Improved scalability: a single PE takes care of a larger number of
customers and customer routes are communicated more
efficiently with one BGP session across the access domain.
„ A cost-efficient entry point for new networks: the system gives the
option of starting with limited services and gradually extending to
a large service delivery platform.
„ Operational efficiency in service provisioning and upgrade
processes: the Tellabs 8000 manager enables fast service
creation. It is easy and accurate to use since the operator does
not need to configure each element individually or have a deep
technical understanding of each network element.
„ Better scalability of MPLS Traffic Engineering: with fewer PE
routers in the distributed solution, there are fewer tunnels to
traffic engineer over the core.
Broadband Service Aggregation
All of the applications supported by the Tellabs 8600 Managed
Edge System can benefit from the platform’s broadband service
aggregation capabilities. In provision of Ethernet, IP VPN, Internet
access or value-added services, network traffic can be separated
and aggregated at the edge of the network according to the specific
service needs.
Figure 16. Tellabs 8600 system in broadband service aggregation
In a next-generation broadband access architecture, the primary
application of the Tellabs 8600 system is to support multiple
services such as data, voice and video on a converged regional and
access infrastructure. Quality of Service and bandwidth usage can
be controlled in the metro network, and both business and
residential services are supported by the same regional and access
Managed migration path from the Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs
6300 systems
when one is building a network connection, gathering service level
data or troubleshooting the network.
In today’s telecommunications environment, it takes time to
transition the network to new technologies, services and standards.
Current production networks must operate in parallel with new
developments in order to maintain revenue streams and maximize
the profitability of the existing networks.
Integration with third-party OSS systems is also faster and easier,
since only one platform instead of two or three needs to be
integrated. Maintenance of the management platform is also much
easier and less costly because there are fewer components to look
Tellabs has made a number of enhancements to its existing
platforms to support a smooth transition to next-generation IP- and
Ethernet-based services and networks. In practice, this means that
new services can be introduced quickly and easily with small
incremental investments while the established business processes
are continuously maintained. This is especially important for the
Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 system solutions, which have a
significant global installed customer base with extensive network
coverage in both wireline and wireless networks.
Ethernet interfaces and switching are already available as add-ons
for the Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 system platforms. An
Ethernet interface is the most cost-efficient and flexible way to build
connectivity today towards IP-capable devices. With Ethernet
switching, the TDM platform can be utilized in the most efficient
manner and with more flexible connectivity for multisite networks.
The service provider can choose the best option from among E1,
STM-1, Fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet when connecting to its
Tellabs 8100 and 6300 system elements.
To make the transition to IP/MPLS as seamless as possible for
service providers, Tellabs has ensured that even though the Tellabs
8600 and Tellabs 8100/6300 system platforms are based on
different technologies, they share a common management system,
as shown in Figure 17.
Migration in Wireless Networks
In wireless transport networks, a combination of the Tellabs 8100
and the Tellabs 6300 systems is usually deployed for GSM
networks. When starting to deploy 3G networks, the service
provider has two options: to invest in new Tellabs 8600 system
elements or to upgrade the existing elements to provide more
capacity in the network. In high-density areas, it often makes sense
to start immediately with the Tellabs 8600 system, since it is
optimized for ATM and IP and scales easily for future needs. In
areas where the bandwidth capacities are not expected to grow
rapidly, it may be sufficient to upgrade the existing systems. Both of
these scenarios, as shown in Figure 18, give the service provider
various options for building the required connectivity. Both 2G and
3G traffic can be transported over the Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs
6300 system units toward the BSC and RNC site. The Tellabs 8600
system solution can also transport both 2G and 3G traffic; hence,
the operator can choose the most economically feasible network
configuration for each area in the wireless transport network.
Figure 18. Combined 2G and 3G network with the Tellabs 8100, Tellabs 6300
and Tellabs 8600 systems
Figure 17. A single management solution for Tellabs networks
The Tellabs 8000 manager provides a single database with
integrated network management tools providing the same “look and
feel” for service management functions. The service provider can
save on CAPEX and OPEX by continuing to use the same servers
and operational environment. The same management logic is
retained, which helps customers to learn quickly how to use the
new tools and to maintain the same business processes. Training
for service personnel is therefore kept to a minimum. Each service
and connection or group of connections can be provisioned,
managed and monitored end to end regardless of the termination or
origination platform for the service. This can be a major benefit
Mobile networks are growing continuously, and setting up the new
cell sites and building connectivity quickly for them is a challenge –
especially in cases when many technologies are involved. The
Tellabs 8000 manager makes it possible to bring the new sites into
use quickly or remotely manage other network and connectivity
changes, which can be caused by network growth or maintenance.
Connections starting from the Tellabs 8100 portion of the system
solution and ending at the Tellabs 8600 system component can be
provisioned and end to-end tested with the management system.
This is something that normally would require totally separate tools
and management systems and procedures with no interaction in
between. A technologically complex network becomes simple with
the intelligent management software.
Migration in Wireline Networks
Figure 19 shows the role of the different Tellabs platforms in a
wireline service provider network. The integrated Tellabs 8100/6300
system platform is generally used as an access platform for lowerspeed IP VPN, Ethernet service or Internet access tails ranging from
n x 64 kbps to 10 Mbps, whereas the Tellabs 8600 system platform
is optimized for connectivity and services at speeds of 10 Mbps and
Access equipment typically has less capacity than aggregation
nodes deployed in the regional network. The Tellabs 8620 and the
Tellabs 8630 switches are designed primarily for small hub sites.
The Tellabs 8660 switch is more suited to deployment in the
regional network for aggregating traffic from the RAN network to the
RNC site. Compact and cost-efficient, the Tellabs® 8605 Access
Switch and the planned Tellabs® 8607 Access Switch are optimized
for cell site access. The network elements are based on the same
technology platform, which facilitates interoperability. The managed
access solution may be complemented with a compact Ethernet
switch that can be managed similarly to all of the other Tellabs
8600 system elements.
Tellabs 8660 switch
The Tellabs 8660 edge switch is the largest and highest-capacity
network element in the Tellabs 8600 system family. Usually, this
element resides at large hub sites or next to an RNC within a mobile
operator network. However, due to its intelligent hardware
architecture, the element can also be cost-efficiently deployed for
smaller sites. These are typically sites that have high reliability
requirements and growth expectations; they can operate with only a
fraction of the platform’s maximum capacity, offering excellent
growth potential.
Figure 19. Tellabs 8100, Tellabs 6300 and Tellabs 8600 system solutions in the
wireline network
To support new wireline services with minimal investment, the
Tellabs 8100/6300 system platform can be upgraded with Ethernet
interfaces and Ethernet switching capabilities. These allow capacity
to be utilized in a more efficient and flexible way on the TDM
platform. Aggregating traffic through an Ethernet interface is very
cost-efficient when compared to using traditional channelized
interfaces. Furthermore, services can be classified and prioritized
as well as managed end to end. Different customer services are
identified with VLAN identifiers, and they, in turn, can be mapped
to an IP VPN service in the Tellabs 8600 system domain. The
copper access capabilities of the Tellabs 8100 system are
comprehensive and very flexible. This includes high-performance
network terminating units, with an up to 12 Mbps line speed on
copper, that extend full management capabilities to the customer
premises. They can be used for their basic Layer 1 functionality or
extended to use higher, Layer 2 or Layer 3, functionality through the
addition of bridging and routing options. The latter is particularly
useful for a Tellabs 8600 system based service extension. With a
consistent platform and unified management processes, it is easy
and cost-efficient to offer new services or implement branch office
connectivity with either IP VPN or Ethernet services. In areas where
bandwidth demand is currently relatively low and there is an existing
Tellabs managed access network, this can offer a fast and low-cost
option for introducing new data services.
Network elements
The Tellabs 8600 system comprises several network elements and
an integrated, service-oriented network management system. The
network elements can be located either in the access network close
to cell sites or within the regional network for traffic aggregation and
service provision.
Figure 20. The Tellabs® 8660 Edge Switch
The physical dimensions of the Tellabs 8660 switch are: 440 x 600
x 300 mm (W x H x D). It can be installed in a standard 19-inch
rack, with up to three Tellabs 8660 switch elements per rack.
Figure 20 shows the front view of the Tellabs 8660 switch, with
space for 14 modules. Module slot numbers 1 and 14 are reserved
for the Integrated Control and DC Power Feed Card (CDC) with one
slot for redundancy. The remaining slots are available for a
maximum of 12 line cards (LCs). Different types of LCs may be
freely placed in any slot between 2 and 13 in the switch.
Thanks to the distributed switching architecture, no switch card
upgrades or additions are needed – only line cards need to be
added to meet the service provider’s specific interface and
functionality needs. The backplane contains buses for data, battery,
synchronization as well as a fan module control. Each LC and CDC
is connected to every LC and CDC via the backplane using point-to-
point connections. Switching is performed on the LCs, while the
CDC provides the information that the IFCs require for making their
forwarding and switching decisions.
To increase the flexibility and scalability of the chassis, every line
card can be loaded with up to two Interface Modules as different
combinations. Several interfaces support multiple protocols, which
make usage very flexible and allow having a mixture of protocols
even within one interface. As a result, the entry cost of the device is
very low compared to traditional, centralized switch-based
architectures. The backplane itself is passive and contains no active
This distributed switching architecture gives the following
„ It simplifies the card/slot placement rules and can radically
decrease the entry cost of the Tellabs 8660 switch network
„ It eliminates the potential for a single point of failure in the
„ It provides more space for Line Cards that can deliver services
and revenue.
Each LC contains an Interface Module Concentrator (or IFC, a sort
of baseboard for an LC) plus up to two Interface Modules (IFMs)
and provides a bidirectional interface capacity of 3.5 Gbps. The
total capacity of the node depends on the number of populated
interface slots. When the node is fully loaded, the total bidirectional
interface capacity is 42 Gbps. For future scalability, the backplane
can handle 10-Gbps Interface Modules, such as those for 10-Gbps
Ethernet or STM 64/SONET 192c. Due to the hardware-based
design, all traffic can be forwarded at wire speed.
LCs can be easily removed and reconnected with the help of hooks
placed at the top and bottom of each card. In the lower part of the
network element there are cable ducts, forced cooling modules with
filters and an air intake gap. Fan trays are also controllable via the
The Tellabs 8660 switch can operate at temperatures between –5°
C and 45° C, which is within the typical climate range of a telecoms
equipment room.
Tellabs® 8630 Access Switch
The Tellabs 8630 switch is a more compact version of the Tellabs
8660 switch and has physical dimensions of 440 x 230 x 286 mm
(W x H x D). Its smaller size makes it ideal for medium-sized hub or
traffic aggregation sites in the mobile RAN, where the compact
physical size saves on valuable rack space. The element is normally
installed in a standard 19” rack. All cards are positioned horizontally
so that the power and control functions reside in CDC cards in the
bottom and top slots for a fully redundant configuration. In between
these, four slots are available for LCs. These can be equipped with
IFMs as in the Tellabs 8660 switch. The same cards and interfaces
can be used in both the Tellabs 8660 and Tellabs 8630 switch
products, making management of spares easier. When all four slots
are used for interface cards, the element provides a maximum
forwarding capacity of 14 Gbps. The functionality and flexibility of
the unit are identical to those of the Tellabs 8660 switch system.
Figure 22 below shows the front view of the Tellabs 8630 switch.
Figure 22. Tellabs 8630 switch
Tellabs® 8620 Access Switch
Figure 21. Interface Module Concentrator
The Tellabs 8660 switch is fully compliant with carrier-class
reliability requirements since it has been built specifically for use in
telecoms service provider networks. Not only can the common logic
be duplicated for resiliency in the element, but traffic protection can
also be added at various layers. MPLS protection mechanisms
deliver failover times that are equivalent to those in protected SDH
networks. All LCs and CDCs are hot-swappable; if an LC fails, it can
be replaced without disrupting the traffic on the other cards. The
system automatically takes care of copying the previous parameters
to the new LC. Embedded software in the CDC can be upgraded
with no impact on the traffic flowing through the element.
The Tellabs 8620 switch uses the same technology as the Tellabs
8660 switch. It is designed to be used in a base station or small
hub site and can be installed in a standard 19-inch rack.
Depending on the location, the element can be equipped with the
required IFMs and AC or DC power options; optionally, DC power
supply can be duplicated. The Tellabs 8620 switch, like all other
Tellabs 8600 system network elements, is managed and owned by
the service provider.
The Tellabs 8620 switch can deliver both voice and data services
for wireline or wireless applications. It can handle all of the traffic
classification and prioritization. Since the Tellabs 8620 switch is
managed by the service provider, it is possible to monitor the endto-end service or connection quality. This is particularly important
for SLA reporting. Being able to mix the different traffic streams and
services in the access network allows the service provider to deliver
more services using the same network and hence increase
profitability. These different traffic streams can include mobile
network connections as well as business services on the wireline
side. Each traffic stream can be mapped into specific tunnels or
service instances by the Tellabs 8620 switch. This allows the traffic
to be identified and delivered with full end-to-end security.
that are part of the Tellabs 8000 manager.
The elements have an identical appearance, the only difference
being the interface offering. Both products are configured with two
gigabit Ethernet interfaces and additionally a fixed number of T1/E1
and Fast Ethernet interfaces. The Tellabs 8605 switch, shown in
Figure 24, has a combination of 16 T1/E1 and two Fast Ethernet
ports, whereas the Tellabs 8607 switch has a combination of eight
T1/E1 and eight Fast Ethernet interfaces. The power supply is
selectable between 24 VDC, 48 VDC and AC. Due to their typical
role in the mobile network next to cell sites, the switches are
environmentally hardened so that they sustain a wider temperature
range than normal telecoms equipment.
Figure 23. Tellabs 8620 switch
Figure 23 shows the front view of the Tellabs 8620 switch. The unit
is a compact and modular network element with a bidirectional
interface capacity of up to 3.5 Gbps. It integrates all of the common
logic, such as power, switching and control functions, within the
same element. The two IFM slots can be equipped with a variety of
IFMs. The Tellabs 8620 switch uses the same range of Interface
Modules available in the Tellabs 8660 switch and the Tellabs 8630
switch. The interfaces may be customer-facing or for connecting the
element to the network.
The service capacity of the Tellabs 8620 switch has limits that can
be flexibly specified by the service provider. The service provider
can easily upgrade and test each service and individual connections
by using the management system when needed. This maintains full
control of the network capacity and provides the capability to
charge accordingly. It also allows upgrades to be kept under control.
The network interface must be carefully chosen so that it suits both
the infrastructure and the capacity requirements, at installation time
and in the future. Various types of networking technologies are
supported by the Interface Modules.
Like all other Tellabs 8600 system network elements, the Tellabs
8620 switch offers a diverse range of network protection features,
such as LSP Fast Reroute, to meet even the toughest availability
Figure 24. Tellabs 8605 switch
Tellabs® 8606 Ethernet Aggregator
The Tellabs 8606 aggregator is a compact Layer 2 switch that can
be managed using the Tellabs 8000 manager in the same manner
as all of the other Tellabs 8600 system network elements. It is
specifically targeted at network applications where traffic from
multiple end users must be aggregated to the Local Exchange site
using Ethernet links over a fiber connection. As is shown in Figure
25, the main applications are:
„ MTU access aggregation applications
„ Port extension shelf for Tellabs 8600 IP/MPLS routers
The switches are simple to configure, and services can be fully set
up and managed using the Tellabs 8000 manager. Where multiple
customers each with partially filled interfaces need to be connected
to the network, these Ethernet aggregators can offer a very low-cost
Tellabs 8605 and 8607 switches
The Tellabs 8605 switch as well as the Tellabs 8607 swicth are
excellent for cell site access where a number of E1/T1 interfaces
and Ethernet are required in a compact and cost-efficient form.
The elements are primarily optimized for 2G and 3G traffic
aggregation but could just as well be used as a CPE when the
provider offers, e.g., business services. From the Tellabs 8605 or
8607 switches at the cell site, the traffic is switched or backhauled
towards the network and eventually typically to a BSC or RNC
through TDM, ATM or Ethernet Pseudo Wires. Regardless of the
small physical size, there are full MPLS and QoS capabilities and
the maximum capacity towards the network is 150 Mbps. As with
the other Tellabs 8600 system elements, TDM cross-connections
and ATM switching help to improve the bandwidth utilization.
Element configuration, as well as connection provisioning and
verification via end-to-end testing, are performed easily via tools
Figure 25. Tellabs Ethernet aggregation solution
The Tellabs 8606 aggregator (see Figure 26) supports 24 100BaseTX Fast Ethernet ports and 4 1000Base-X gigabit Ethernet ports, of
which two can be replaced with optical SFP connectors. The switch
is designed to act as a multiplexer where the aggregate bandwidth
is well below the maximum bandwidth of the link. This avoids
network congestion along with any consequent impact on service
quality. At the first Tellabs 8600 system switch element in the
network, all traffic can be classified and any required QoS-related
procedures initiated.
The BRAIN handles all of the routine functions for data forwarding
and QoS procedures and enables the Tellabs 8600 system to
operate at wire speed. This intelligent design plays a significant role
in delivering network resiliency mechanisms. It helps service
providers to build demanding, QoS-aware services with a high
degree of flexibility. A unique feature of the BRAIN is the inclusion
of a test generator with which the service provider can test the
service or connection functionality. Test metrics supported include
connectivity, delay, delay variance, packet loss and throughput.
These testing procedures can be executed with ease using the
Tellabs 8000 manager.
Control and Power Card
The CDC card is responsible for the following basic functionality:
„ Control plane
„ DC power feed for the element
„ Synchronization
Due to its fundamental role, it can be duplicated to reduce the risk
of network outages.
Figure 26. Tellabs® 8606 Ethernet aggregator
When the switch is used for port extension, the Tellabs 8606
aggregator is collocated with the Tellabs 8600 system platform to
support more Fast Ethernet or gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
Element architecture
This chapter describes some of the important architectural features
that are implemented in the Tellabs 8600 system platform
Hardware-based Forwarding Plane
The Tellabs 8600 system has been designed to support a wide
variety of services, from business connectivity to mobile
transmission and even residential service aggregation. Each of
these services has very different requirements, necessitating a
combination of hardware-based implementation and a distributed
architecture for functions such as forwarding. Without a hardwarebased forwarding plane, it is not possible to satisfy the wide range
of requirements applying for different types of connectivity services.
For instance, traffic-aware QoS treatment, specific protection
systems and guaranteed bandwidth per application cannot be
handled efficiently at software level alone; the volume of packet
processing needed would overload a central-processor-based
To achieve the best combination of performance and costefficiency, all router elements that are part of the Tellabs 8600
system solution rely on the same core architecture. To implement
this architecture, Tellabs has designed a custom ASIC: the
Broadband Routing ASIC for IP Networks (BRAIN). This is the
central building block for all of the customer premises equipment
and plug-in units. Within each network element, the BRAINs are
connected in a full-mesh topology: the BRAIN in each plug-in unit
is connected to every other plug-in unit using point-to-point
connections through the backplane. The architecture also allows the
use of general network processors to provide differentiated packet
processing for added flexibility.
Tellabs has taken a long-term approach in the development of the
software for the Tellabs 8600 system. The platform control plane
implements the latest network protocols, and the layered and
modular architecture allows for flexible upgrades. All of the MPLScapable elements that are part of the product family are built from a
common software base. From the start, the platform has been
designed to allow the easy addition of new features and support the
portability of these features to new products.
The control plane implements the IP stack functionality, the routing
protocols and the configuration function for all routing and servicerelated parameters. The actual traffic forwarding is performed by
the hardware-based forwarding plane; any traffic that cannot be
handled by the hardware is forwarded to the control plane software
for processing.
The control plane software supports both IPv4 and IPv6. In order to
support QoS aware services and connections, it includes a range of
routing and signaling protocols plus traffic extensions. For example:
„ For IP routing, the system supports static routing, OSPF(-TE), ISIS(-TE) and (MP-)BGP.
„ For MPLS signaling, either LDP or RSVP-TE can be used to build
LSPs through the network.
„ The basic IP stack functions include IP forwarding, TCP, UDP,
ICMP and ARP modules.
The control plane supports hot swapping, which means that any
card can be changed without the need to power down the entire
unit. The configuration information from all of the Interface Modules
is stored on the CDC. If one Interface Module should fail, it can be
replaced with a new one, which automatically copies the
parameters from the control card. New firmware versions can be
downloaded easily to the control and line cards without disturbing
the traffic forwarding. The CDC software can be upgraded without
disruption to the current traffic and services.
The Tellabs 8600 system software supports graceful restart
mechanisms for OSPF, IS-IS, LDP, BGP and BGP with MPLS labels.
When two redundant CDCs are present, they copy data between
each other while operating. Should a CDC fail, graceful restart
allows traffic forwarding to continue. The protecting CDC does not
maintain a synchronized set of routing tables; therefore, the routing
tables cannot be used immediately in a failure situation. Instead,
the CDC obtains the up-to-date routing information from the
Currently, the following Interface Modules are available for the
Tellabs 8600 system platform:
IP routers are susceptible to various types of denial of service (DoS)
attacks. The Tellabs 8600 system has multiple methods for
protecting against such attacks. For instance, the system can
relieve the effects of a possible disturbance by dynamically
restricting the traffic traversing an element. Additionally, all of the
incoming and outgoing traffic in an element can be filtered using a
hardware based access control list (ACL) that is defined by the
system administrator. The system administrator can also restrict the
number of routes propagated by the routing protocols learned from
the VRF tables.
„ Eight-port Fast Ethernet 100Base-X
„ Eight-port Ethernet 10/100Base-TX
„ Two-port gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-X
„ Eight-port gigabit Ethernet 1000Base-X
„ 2+6-port (2 x 1000Base-X + 10/100/1000Base-TX) Ethernet
combo module
„ Eight-port STM-1/OC-3 POS
„ Four-port STM-4/OC-12 POS
„ One-port STM-16 POS
„ One-port STM-16/OC-48 POS
Interface Module Concentrator
„ Four-port STM-1/OC-3 ATM
For the Tellabs 8660 and Tellabs 8630 switches, the Interface
Module Concentrator is a universal baseboard for all LCs. As shown
in Figure 27, the IFC can be equipped with two Interface Modules
to form a line card. The IFC is 28 mm wide and can hold any two
IFMs from the range available. The line card can then be placed in
any available Interface Module slot in the network element. The
Tellabs 8620 switch can also be configured with two IFMs that are
plugged directly into the fixed module slots of the network element.
„ Eight-port chE1/chT1 Multiservice
The advantage of this mechanism is that there is no need to buy
different types of line cards for each service. Use of a single line
card type reduces the total quantity of spare parts that must be
held in inventory and simplifies the service provider’s field
„ 24-port chE1/chT1 Multiservice
„ One-port chSTM-1/chOC-3 Multiservice
The platform is open for broadening to new interface types, which
are added on the basis of customer requirements. All of the optical
Interface Modules can be equipped with standard SFP (Small
Form-Factor Pluggable) connectors, responsible for transmitting and
receiving the optical signals. This modularity means that interfaces
can be upgraded when needed and supports a “pay as you grow”
Multiservice interfaces offer further flexibility for the service provider
since a single interface can be configured to carry a mixture of
Quality of Service Management
The Tellabs 8600 system uses IP DiffServ mechanisms for QoS
management. When non-IP protocols such as ATM service
categories are transported over the network, they are mapped to IP
DiffServ traffic classes. In this way, end-to-end QoS can be
provided in a transparent manner.
Certain components are essential for delivering Quality of Service in
an IP/MPLS network. The following features must be taken into
account and are supported in the Tellabs 8600 system design:
„ The network elements must support the Traffic Engineering
extensions of the IGP routing protocols, such as OSPF-TE or ISIS-TE. These extensions are used to advertise, for instance, the
link bandwidth for each traffic class.
„ Support should be provided for the Constrained Shortest Path
First (CSPF) algorithm, which can select the most feasible paths
in a network, utilizing the network-related information from the
TE-enabled routing protocols.
Figure 27. Line card with two Fast Ethernet Interface Modules
„ Label distribution and signaling with RSVP-TE is required when
specific resources of a network need to be reserved. With
DiffServ aware Traffic Engineering, it is possible to reserve
capacity on a traffic class basis. This provides QoS for premium
„ The connection admission control mechanism can check that
resources along the path can be allocated before the reservations
are made. If a link does not have the bandwidth available in the
requested service class, then the request is rejected. The use of
CAC is optional and can be set up on a link and service class
basis in each network element. The LSPs created with the LDP
protocol are never subjected to CAC.
„ Support for Strict Priority and WFQ scheduling enables efficient
delivery of real-time, premium data and Best Effort services in a
single network. With advanced traffic conditioning features such
as policing and shaping, it is possible to define CIR, PIR, CBS
and PBS settings for each service. In fact, CAC combined with
priority-based queuing forms the key component for hard QoS.
Figure 28. Scenarios for QoS implementations in wireless networks
As shown in Figure 28, a service provider utilizing the Tellabs 8600
system can use either L-LSPs or E-LSPs to carry differentiated
service classes through the network. Either LDP or RSVP-TE can be
used to signal the LSP through the network. The Tellabs 8600
system supports both L LSP and E-LSP signaling. The Tellabs 8600
system is able to forward traffic on the basis of traffic class to the
correct LSPs.
When E-LSPs are used, multiple traffic classes can be carried over
the same LSP. The service provider may decide to carry certain
traffic classes in one E-LSP and others in a different E-LSP, which
can mean that not all E-LSPs in the network are equal. For
instance, traffic classes for data traffic may be carried in one E-LSP
and all delay-sensitive traffic in another E-LSP.
LSPs can be provisioned automatically with the Tellabs 8000
manager. The Tellabs 8000 manager supports automatic updating
of the LSPs in the service provisioning process. If the LSP for the
required traffic type already exists, its bandwidth can be increased
if so required. This simplifies the workflow and reduces the number
of errors possible in the service provisioning phase. Manual route
set-up is allowed also. If resource reservations are not needed or
the traffic-engineered paths are not available, the LDP can be used
for setting up the path. When explicit resource reservations are
required and Traffic Engineering is enabled, LSPs should be
provisioned using RSVP-TE. LSPs over the core network can be
provisioned with the Tellabs 8000 manager in a similar fashion.
Again RSVP-TE is used when resource reservation is needed.
standards for quality and reliability. Obviously, any service protection
has to be justified on a cost/benefit basis, so networks are usually
built with a mixture of various protection mechanisms to best match
the individual service requirements. The Tellabs 8600 system can
meet even the most demanding service requirements through a
mixture of element-level resilience and network-level protections.
In the Tellabs 8600 system, all of the internal buses through the
backplane are protected. These include power, battery and auxiliary
voltage, as well as synchronization buses. The backplane is passive,
which means that it is highly reliable. The data links between all of
the line cards are also duplicated, providing two serial buses
between each card.
The slot for the CDC can be protected by equipping the chassis
with two CDC cards. When the unit is thus protected, both the DC
feed for the element and the synchronization are protected, in
addition to the control plane functionality. When one of the two
units is in active mode, the other is in passive or standby mode.
However, the standby unit holds identical information to the active
one. The software continuously controls the state of the units and
dynamically makes changes if needed. Any changes made do not
affect the data traffic flow. The CDC includes graceful restart
mechanisms for protocols such as OSPF, BGP, BGP with MPLS
labels and LDP. These mechanisms are critical for service provider
networks that carry services with high availability requirements.
Graceful restart helps to minimize the impact of a routing protocol
failure on traffic forwarding; the forwarding plane continues working
for a certain time even though there is a problem in the control
All cards in the network element are hot-swappable. When a card is
changed and replaced with an equivalent one, all of the original
parameters are automatically copied to the new card. It is also
worth noting that a failure in a single line card in the system does
not have an impact on any other traffic in the network element. The
control unit maintains up-to-date information on all of the
parameters of the line cards, which can be requested when
For network protection, the Tellabs 8600 system supports both linkand MPLS level protection to provide very fast recovery times. At
the lowest level, the Tellabs 8600 system elements support
Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) for SDH interfaces. With MSP,
one line is reserved for protecting an identical line. This method is
called MSP 1+1 or APS protection and provides very fast SDH-layer
protection with less than 50 ms of switch-over time. MSP 1+1 and
APS protection options for SDH interfaces are enhanced with
equipment protection. In practice, this means data travel via an
interface on a separate line card to the one offering the protected
connection. With Ethernet interfaces, link aggregation can be used
to provide two basic benefits. Firstly, it can be used to increase the
link capacity by combining several physical Ethernet links to form a
higher-capacity link bundle. Secondly, if one of the links in the
Ethernet bundle fails, the traffic can automatically be transported
over the remaining links.
LSP protection can be implemented in several ways supported by
the Tellabs 8600 system:
„ RSVP-TE-based 1:1 LSP protection
The Tellabs 8600 system platform has been designed from the
outset to maximize network reliability and to conform to SDH
„ 1+1 LSP protection based on MPLS OAM (ITU-T)
„ BFD-based 1:1 LSP (IETF) protection
Which is the best protection mechanism depends on the
interoperability requirements as well as on the required network
availability. The RSVP-TE-based protection enables an approximate
switch-over time of 400 ms to three seconds for the selected LSP in
the network. The other three alternatives are capable of meeting the
standard SDH 50-ms switch-over time.
displayed graphically in the Network Editor tool of the Tellabs 8000
manager. This information can be used for Traffic Engineering
purposes for LSPs routed through the Tellabs 8600 system and
third-party network elements.
Path protection based on RSVP-TE is implemented using RSVP
Hello messages, providing a 1:1 protection mechanism. This means
that in normal circumstances the traffic is only sent along the
working LSP. If a failure is detected, the traffic is forwarded to the
protecting LSP. The switch-over time in this case is highly
dependent on the frequency of RSVP Hello messages sent between
the end-points of the protection group.
Route Reflector
MPLS-OAM-based 1+1 LSP protection uses MPLS OAM packets,
which are sent at a given frequency over the LSPs. Transported
traffic is sent to both LSPs simultaneously, and the receiving end
selects the best source. The OAM packets inform the remote end
about the prevailing path conditions. The OAM packet sending
frequency can be set by the service provider. When a 10-ms
frequency is used, a 50-ms switch-over time can be achieved. A
lower OAM packet frequency results in a longer switch-over time.
The benefit with this model is that the intermediate nodes do not
take part in the protection mechanisms. When the working and
protecting LSPs are terminated by different line cards in the same
element, protection is provided also against the potential failure of
one line card.
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is a protocol that can
detect faults in the bidirectional path between two forwarding
engines. It operates independently of media, data protocols and
routing protocols. One potential application of BFD is to monitor the
availability of an MPLS LSP. As such, BFD is a lightweight protocol
that can be used to detect a data plane failure in the forwarding
path of an MPLS LSP.
Management Plane
All of the elements of the Tellabs 8600 system solution implement a
full range of SNMP MIBs and support command-line interface (CLI)
network management applications as well as the GUI-based
Tellabs® 8000 Network Manager. However, within the Tellabs 8600
system solution, the Broadband Management Protocol (BMP) is
used for communications between the Tellabs 8000 manager and
the elements. BMP was chosen for its scalability, security and
The software architecture allows simultaneous use of the different
management interfaces: SNMP, CLI and BMP. Several concurrent
Telnet or SSH sessions can be made to a single element. Both
Ethernet and serial interfaces are available on the CDC for local
management access of each network element. The Ethernet
interface can also be used to build an external management
network where required. The management plane is protected
whenever the CDC is duplicated for redundancy, which is typically
the case.
Online Core Network Monitoring
Online Core Network Monitoring enables the partial management of
third-party network elements in the same management domain with
Tellabs 8600 system elements. It collects information on network
topology and capacity reservations by means of the OSPF-TE
routing protocol. The topology and bandwidth information is then
Route Reflector functionality is used to improve the scalability of the
BGP routing protocol within an autonomous system. Instead of all
routers in the AS running BGP forming a full mesh of iBGP sessions
with each other, each BGP router creates a session to the Router
Reflector, which reflects the BGP advertisements received from one
of the routers to all others. One of the BGP routers in the AS can
function as a Route Reflector. Additionally, the Tellabs 8000
manager system offers the unique possibility of dedicating a
standalone Linux-based server to operation as the Route Reflector.
This solution can increase the BGP scalability further by enabling
flexible upgrades in the processing performance of the Route
Reflector without reconfiguration of the traffic-carrying network
Network management system
Network and connection management are becoming more and
more important in today’s networking world. The ability to manage a
complex and large network with limited non-specialized resources is
essential for service providers. An efficiently designed management
system can help to streamline processes and can shorten service
delivery and repair times considerably.
The network management system for the Tellabs 8600 system
follows the same ideology as the widely used and well-received
Tellabs 8100 system. The Tellabs 8000 manager is a single
platform that can manage both Tellabs 8600 and Tellabs 8100
systems network elements, as well as the Tellabs 6300 system
network elements. This service-oriented network management
system is one of the most important parts of a Tellabs solution. It
has been designed on the basis of extensive operation experience
and customer feedback gained with the Tellabs 8100 system’s
previous network manager software. It allows customers with
Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 systems network elements to
continue to use the same management system, which has been
extended with new tools for newer applications. The key benefits of
this graphical-user-interface-based system are ease of use,
scalability and reliability.
Each service type is managed with its own optimized tool. Links
between the tools are designed so that operations staff can handle
complex tasks without the need for a deep understanding of the
network or the management structure. The system has been
purposefully designed for ease of use by hiding the complexities of
the network behind a service-driven point-and-click interface. In a
traditional management environment, setting up each new service
often requires extensive configuration of every network element
involved in the delivery of the service. With the Tellabs 8000
manager, simple actions are translated into a series of commands,
which are then sent automatically to all relevant network elements.
This enables very fast, lower error operations without the need for
in-depth understanding of the underlying technology.
As shown in Figure 30, the normal CLI has been replaced by a
graphical user interface (GUI). This enables service providers to
Figure 29. Easy-to-learn, simple-to-use management system
focus their valuable expertise on the more challenging operational
issues. The tools and applications can be launched by operators at
remote workstations. In this case, highly customizable user
privileges determine the rights of each operator.
In addition to managing Tellabs elements, the Tellabs 8000
manager also collects information on the operation and topology of
the core IP network elements for monitoring purposes. This allows
the service provider to view the network structure as a unified
entity. With this view, the personnel can understand the network
status and identify any possible bottlenecks that could affect
service delivery.
Benefits of the Tellabs 8000 manager
The provisioning of QoS-guaranteed services and connections is a
complicated task; it involves many steps and requires up-to-date
knowledge of the network topology and resource allocation
situation. This work can be done manually by accessing each
associated network element using Telnet/SSH and issuing the
appropriate CLI commands, but this approach requires an
experienced networking expert. It takes a lot of time and is very
prone to configuration errors.
Figure 30. Network topology and element management tools
The system has been designed with scalability in mind. It can
support very large networks containing hundreds of thousands of
elements. As the network scales, so does the number of
management servers and workstations. This provides maximum
protection and efficiency.
To allow integration with the existing service provider network
management systems, the Tellabs 8000 manager uses open and
standard interfaces. In some cases, the service provider may prefer
to monitor the Tellabs 8600 system elements using an existing
SNMP manager. For this reason, all Tellabs 8600 system elements
support the standard SNMP MIBs. It is also possible to configure
the elements via a CLI if this is required.
By contrast, the Tellabs 8000 manager automates these individual
steps and provides an umbrella interface for each process. This
approach does not need anywhere near the same level of network
expertise as the manual method. The end-to-end management of
the network and service life cycle is achieved in less time, at a
lower cost and with fewer errors.
For the service provider, the advantages of the Tellabs 8000
manager can include:
„ End-to-end service and connectivity provisioning results in fast
time to revenue. Remote configuration, automated processes and
service templates reduce the time for delivering the services and
remove the need for site visits.
„ Advanced testing tools for connectivity, QoS and throughput
provide that high quality services can be maintained for
customers. These provide accurate service- and connection-level
data for SLA reporting.
„ Fast troubleshooting with proactive and accurate fault
identification maximizes network availability.
applications or modules. Network management users can select
from these only the ones they need.
„ A single management solution for the Tellabs 8100, Tellabs 6300
and Tellabs 8600 system platforms is complemented with
external products from e.g. 3rd party mobile vendors. Support for
TDM, ATM, FR, IP and Ethernet technologies provides an easy
upgrade path from TDM to IP.
The cornerstone of the system is the Basic Package, which contains
all of the tools for planning and building the network, as well as for
element management. The element management tools include all
functionality that is required for monitoring or configuring elements
and their components in a Tellabs 8600 system network. It provides
tools for element configuration and element-level fault and
performance management. In addition, tools for user privilege
management, customer information management tools and the
online help system are included in the Basic Package. All of the
functionality is provided via a graphical user interface.
„ Provisioning can be handled by fewer operators since no special
in-depth technology knowledge is needed. The advanced
graphical user interface enables fast operations and is easy to
learn. The system includes comprehensive online help to support
the users.
„ A significant amount of time is saved over the command-line
approach, especially for large networks. The number of errors can
be reduced dramatically through the use of automated tasks and
service templates.
„ A central database is maintained by the system and is updated in
real time with modifications made by multiple users using
different tools. A consistency check is made between the different
network elements. The database notifies the user of any mistakes
and so prevents faulty configuration data from being entered.
„ Service definitions need only be specified at the top level. The
system automatically handles all of the complex element
configuration work. Templates make it easy to learn and use
these processes.
„ More effective Traffic Engineering can be achieved through
network virtualization. Network elements, links and even services
can be simulated in the database without updating of the physical
hardware involved. This allows different network planning options
to be analyzed. For example, the effect of a new service on
network congestion can be modeled without any actual changes
to the physical network.
„ Fault and performance data are collected from network elements
and are associated with individual services and connections. The
overall state of a connection can be checked at a glance. The
fault management monitoring covers network elements, links
between the elements, network-wide parameters and the network
management system itself.
„ The entire Tellabs 8600 system based network – devices,
configurations, services – is automatically documented in the
Tellabs 8000 manager database. For example, service
configuration information is stored in the database when a service
or connection is provisioned. This is then kept constantly up to
date if any changes are made to the configuration.
„ The distributed architecture facilitates that there is no single point
of failure. It also means that consistency is maintained between
the physical network and its management.
In summary, the Tellabs 8000 manager is designed to be quick to
integrate, scalable and easy to use. It can deliver a reliably running
network with simple service provisioning and monitoring. The
system is equally well suited for managing just the Tellabs 8100,
6300 and 8600 system elements or for integration into the service
provider’s wider umbrella management system.
System Components
The Tellabs 8000 manager is a modular software system. The
system functionality is divided into several, separately licensed
In addition to the Basic Package, there are a number of network
and service level management applications. With the provisioning
and testing applications, the operator can configure, test and
monitor all of the services and connections in the network on an
end-to-end basis. Each service and connection can be tested
before it is put into active use. The fault and performance
information can be viewed at the service level, which helps the
operator to respond quickly to customer issues. All of these end-toend management tools enable an operator to reduce the number of
steps and the risk of errors in the service delivery phase. This can
have a direct effect on delivery time and customer satisfaction.
Using the Tellabs 8000 manager
The basic design principle of the Tellabs 8000 manager is that all
actions can be planned ahead of time. They are then implemented
when the hardware is available, and activated when needed. Once
deployed, the services can be tested to confirm that they are
functioning properly. The activation of an element automatically
triggers the monitoring function. The following sections illustrate
how the Tellabs 8000 manager assists with the daily operations and
service-related management tasks.
Service Provisioning Steps
The first step is to choose the service or connection end-points.
The connection type can be multipoint-to-multipoint or point-topoint. Point-to-point connectivity is implemented as an MPLS
Pseudo Wire. This can carry Ethernet, ATM, TDM or FR traffic. The
end-points are located in the interfaces/sub-interfaces of the Tellabs
network elements. A sub-interface can be specified by a VLAN tag
in an Ethernet interface or by an ATM VP/VC in an ATM interface.
To speed up the operations, the operator can also create a number
of Pseudo Wires at once. This group operation option applies also
for connection end-point changes.
Once the connection is defined, the operator then specifies the
traffic constraints and traffic rate. The traffic constraints include
information about the traffic classification rules, QoS requirements
and parameters for traffic shaping and policing. These traffic
constraints are then used to determine the DiffServ classification of
the traffic, plus the routing and capacity reservations for the LSPs
assigned to the service.
The next step is to set up the newly created connection or the
whole service. The service is first created only in the database,
using the Tellabs 8000 manager provisioning logic. The operator
can then check the results of this before actually implementing the
connection on the network hardware. If the connection operation
fails for some reason, a descriptive error message is displayed to
Figure 31. Service provisioning tool window
the operator. The Tellabs 8000 manager maintains a list of which
configuration steps for the network elements have, and have not,
been completed. With this list, the operation can be redone after
fixing of the problem that led to the failure on the previous attempt.
Alternatively, one can back out of the process completely, with no
incomplete settings left on the network elements. Figure 31 shows
the main service provisioning window displayed in connection of a
Pseudo Wire using the Tellabs 8000 manager.
To test the service or connection, the Packet Loop Testing tool can
be launched directly from the service provisioning window. Service
testing is a logical step for ensuring that any newly provisioned or
modified services are working as expected. Testing at the service
level, including SLA-related parameters, is currently unique to the
Tellabs 8600 system.
Once a service or connection is no longer needed, it can be deleted
from the network and from the Tellabs 8000 manager database in
a single operation. All configurations related to the deleted service
are removed from the network elements.
Packet Loop Testing
End-to-end testing of services and connections is one of the most
important features of the Tellabs 8000 manager. A similar testing
tool, the Circuit Loop Test, is provided for TDM connections built
with Tellabs 8100 system elements. The Packet Loop Test is made
possible by special test and loopback generators and analyzers that
are built into the hardware and software of the Tellabs 8600 system
network elements. Figure 32 shows the Packet Loop Test window in
which the tested service and results are displayed.
The Packet Loop Test tool provides answers to questions such as:
„ Does basic end-to-end connectivity exist between all or only
some of the chosen end-points of the service?
„ What are the values for packet loss, delay and jitter (delay
variation) for the connection being tested?
„ Is the provisioned connection able to perform transfer at full
If necessary, the test can be configured to be performed
automatically for a specified length of time at a given interval. For
Figure 32. The Packet Loop Test tool enables testing of selected services or
example, it can be set up to run every second day between
11:00:00 and 11:00:20 as an additional part of the performance
monitoring of a VPN. Test results can be reported automatically
using email. If an automatically performed test indicates a problem,
an alarm can be generated.
Service-level Fault Monitoring
The Tellabs 8000 manager is designed to provide a coherent fault
monitoring structure that correlates equipment-level issues with the
specific services and individual connections involved. Element-level
monitoring information is mapped against each LSP and the
connections or services carried. This means that when an LSP goes
down, the operator has a complete picture of the equipment fault
that has caused it and of the impact it has on services. This leads
to much faster fault resolution and allows the operator to react to
the most critical service issues first. Service management allows the
operator to monitor faults for a group of objects as one service
entity. The group can consist of, for instance, connections
terminating at a specific element, elements that are part of a special
network or have a special role, or trunks leased from another
service provider. This feature makes it possible to pay specific
attention to certain parts of the network that could require more
attention or quicker responses.
Performance Monitoring
In the Performance Monitoring component, an extensive array of
metrics related to the performance and traffic characteristics of the
links and LSPs is gathered from the network. The information also
includes class-based packet statistics to provide a higher-granularity
picture of network performance. The information collected is
normalized and stored in the database. The performance
management GUI tool includes a basic set of reports that the user
can generate. All stored historical data can be viewed with the tool,
for analysis of the most utilized links and LSPs in the network. This
helps the operator know when a link in the network needs to be
upgraded. The graphical tool can be used also to monitor the
performance of a link in real time when one is diagnosing problems.
With trend lining, the operator may use historical data to predict
when some links in the network need to be upgraded. The
performance data can also be exported to external systems for
further analysis.
The Performance Monitoring tool is very important in a packetbased environment, for keeping link utilization at acceptable levels.
It is a key function for compliance with end-user Service Level
Web Reporter
Tellabs Web Reporter offers online information on the network and
services through a standard Web browser (as illustrated in Figure
33). The tool is easy to use for service provider personnel who need
to read current status information or obtain reports at various levels
concerning the Tellabs network. There are a number of predefined
report formats that show the network information in HTML form.
At the client end, no special tools are required, only a Web browser.
In the network management network, instead a separate server is
needed that gathers the information from the database part of the
Tellabs 8000 manager and converts it into the appropriate format
when the report request from the client is generated.
software versions that can significantly increase integration and
maintenance costs. The Tellabs 8000 manager provides support for
the Tellabs 8600, Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 systems’ network
elements through a single northbound interface. This means that
any element version dependencies are completely hidden by the
Tellabs 8000 manager. Therefore, each tool that is part of the
Tellabs 8000 manager platform always has the latest information
Tellabs has many years of experience of integration with a number
of third party OSS systems, including Micromuse Netcool, Cramer,
HP TeMIP, NetCracker, EliteCore and Servion. In addition, some of
our customers have successfully integrated the platform with other
vendors’ solutions, such as Orchestream and Concord.
Management Solution Components
Figure 34 shows the management system, which consists of a
number of servers and workstations connected to the same Local
Area Network.
Figure 34. Management network for the Tellabs 8600 system
Figure 33. Tellabs Web Reporter client
Management System Interoperability
The Tellabs 8000 manager provides flexible interface options for
communication and integration with other vendors’ Operational
Support Systems. The architecture supports open and documented
northbound interfaces with flexible communication protocols for
OSS integration. A standards-based Java client library is available
for easy access to the Tellabs 8000 manager from any platform.
The architecture also provides an open communication API for use
if other integration options are preferred. In practice, customization
is usually needed in any OSS integration project. However, the
design of the system architecture makes this integration simple and
The Tellabs 8000 manager provides high-level northbound
interfaces that communicate at the service level in order to hide the
lower-level complexity of the Tellabs 8600 system elements and the
underlying network. This shields the integrator from the individual
element management systems and any changes between different
The management network is connected to the Tellabs 8600 system
network elements through one or more communication servers. If
there are also Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 systems elements in
the same network, they will require communication servers of their
own. The number of communication servers required depends on
the network size, the number of connections and the required
reliability level. Should a server fail, the remaining servers
automatically take over the communications on behalf of the failed
one. The network management system can scale to very large
networks with tens of thousands of network elements. One
communication server can typically handle a network with up to
500 elements.
All of the information from the network and services is stored on a
central database server. Information can be extracted from the
database even by external systems. The database server contains
all of the necessary data for the network. This can include elements
from the Tellabs 8100, the Tellabs 6300 and the Tellabs 8600
systems. The network is configured in the database, and the
configuration is downloaded to each element. In this way,
configurations can be checked for errors before the configuration
information is downloaded to the network element.
The management server runs the processing logic for the Tellabs
8000 manager tools, ensuring the proper ordering of all operational
actions. The management servers can be duplicated to increase
network management system scalability and improve availability.
Operations staff can access the network management system from
workstations. Using the workstation, the operator can run all of the
licensed tools for network design, element configuration, service
provisioning, service testing, fault monitoring and network
performance monitoring. The service provider can delegate the
operational responsibilities between different groups by flexibly
defining the privileges for each person or group concerned.
The number of workstations needed depends on the number of
concurrent users. Each can be connected to the management LAN
directly or over a Wide Area Network. The workstations operate as
thin clients with the processing logic hosted centrally. The network
management system enables the operator to easily monitor and
configure the network elements and their respective services. If
communication is lost between the management system and the
network, these functions are suspended while the connections in
the network are not affected. All settings in the network elements
remain unaltered until communication with the network
management system is restored.
The management system for the Tellabs 8600 system is built on the
basis of open, standard interfaces. These interfaces are also used
for communication within the Tellabs 8000 manager. Open
interfaces also enable easier integration at several levels with the
third-party management systems that a service provider may be
If required, all of the Tellabs 8600 system network elements can be
monitored with SNMP-capable systems. Standard MIBs are
implemented in all devices. Configuration can be carried out via a
CLI also, if necessary. Whichever method is used, the system
maintains consistency between the database and the Tellabs 8600
system network elements to provide that all information is up to
The Route Master is a separate network element that provides two
important functions – the Online Core Network Monitoring and
Route Reflector as described earlier. The Router Master can be
configured to perform either both functions or only one of them. As
mentioned previously, any Tellabs 8600 system network element
can also function as a Route Reflector. If the Route Master is used
as a Route Reflector, it should always be duplicated, regardless of
network size, due to the criticality of its role. The Route Master
server operates on a Linux server platform.
Windows 2003 and UNIX are available for the database server. All
of the process logic servers and workstations work in a Windows
2003 environment.
The computers associated with the Tellabs 8000 manager can also
be installed in a Tellabs 8100 system network management
configuration. For a current Tellabs 8100 system network manager
customer, the introduction of the Tellabs 8600 system and related
management tools is a simple task. All network data can be
integrated into a single database, with one tool used for monitoring
the network. All of the new tools can be run according to the same
business procedures used with the existing workstations.
The Tellabs 8000 manager is designed to scale with the network
size, number of users and required management capabilities. The
Tellabs 8600 system is designed for use in large national and even
international networks, which may consist of tens of thousands of
network elements, so network scalability is obviously a critical issue.
End-to-end manageability for every single connection and service in
the network is preserved as the network grows.
The Tellabs proprietary communication protocol BMP facilitates
minimal error network management operations since it provides
very efficient communication between the network elements and
the management system. The BMP protocol is similar to the proven
DXX protocol, used for communication with the Tellabs 8100
system elements.
As the number of people operating the network increases, it is
possible to add more workstations to meet the network
management needs. The service provider can also install additional
servers in the management network to add management capacity
or for redundancy. In the latter case, the additional servers can
share the management load and make the system even more faulttolerant.
The Tellabs 8000 manager software includes several optional
applications, thus allowing service providers to choose the right set
of tools for their specific management needs. When a network is
small or a limited number of services are provided, the service
provider can start with the basic management functionality. As the
service portfolio is enhanced or the network grows, a wider
selection of applications can be deployed.
Security for Network Management
The protocol used to communicate with the Tellabs 8600 system
network elements can support very large networks and handle a
vast amount of information. The management traffic uses the UDP
protocol at the transport layer. Since the management traffic is
mixed in with the live data traversing the network, it is important to
make sure that the management commands can always get
through, even when the network is busy. This is facilitated by giving
the management traffic a very high priority.
It is also essential to make sure that the management traffic and the
associated applications are accessible only to authorized personnel
who have the appropriate security clearance. The following security
features have been implemented in the Tellabs 8000 manager:
„ The service provider’s administrator can define the user lists and
specify the privileges for each user. Privileges can be assigned
for, e.g., a certain application only. For each application it is
possible to further limit the information available or the rights to
run certain tasks.
„ No server or workstation software may be started without entry of
a valid username and password.
„ Each user is authenticated upon login to the system. The login
and all subsequent management actions performed by the
operator are tracked and logged on the database server.
„ IPSec can be used to secure the connections between the
network management system and the network elements.
Figure 35. Tellabs 8000 manager platform integration
Management of Services across Tellabs Platforms
Tellabs eases the transition from traditional leased-line services to
new packet based services with its integrated approach to network
and service management tools. Simultaneous support for new
platforms and existing deployments helps service providers to
minimize their capital and operational expenditure. A service
provider that already provides services using a Tellabs 8100/6300
systems platform can deploy a Tellabs 8600 system and
immediately offer new services and connection methods. Ethernet
and IP VPN services or ATM connectivity can be offered using the
same management system infrastructure, processes and personnel.
The Tellabs® 8600 Managed Edge System can be used to provide
access and regional aggregation for next-generation mobile and
converged networks. For a mobile operator, the Tellabs RAN
solution is a very cost-effective and versatile solution alternative to
ATM-based RAN networks. When used in a mobile RAN, it allows
the service provider to migrate from one access technology to
another at its own pace. This allows a gradual transition between
release phases in implementing a 2G-to-3G evolution toward an allIP RAN. Its modular architecture, versatile interface support and
scalability make a Tellabs 8600 system solution a potentially good
long-term investment.
All new and existing tools can be launched using the same Tellabs
8000 manager toolbox. It is very easy to learn to use the new
components because they follow the same logic and have a look
and feel similar to that of the existing tools. All of the licensed tools
are visible and accessible via the toolbox. Information about all
Tellabs products is stored in a single database, which maintains the
consistency of the data. Network Editor is able to show all Tellabs
network elements and thus provide a full picture of the network
topology. Topology changes and element configuration can be
performed with ease for the whole network. Additionally, customer
management and network fault management can be processed for
the whole network from a single window. For large networks, it is
possible to limit the view to only certain areas or levels of the
network at a time.
The management system makes it very straightforward to provision
and maintain connections and services: each step in the process
can be carried out with the same tools. The system automatically
takes care of correctly configuring all of the network elements that
deliver a part of the service. The network management system
automates the process as much as possible and asks for only the
relevant parameters from the operator. In the service creation
process, user-friendly wizards facilitate building cross-platform
connections. This way, the user is guided through the steps that are
needed to implement the task. Using the same system, the operator
can manage various service types and multiple technologies. With
the testing tools, services and connections can be tested
automatically when created or on a regular basis. Moreover, faults
occurring in any of the services are reported through the same fault
management system.
The Tellabs 8600 system solution offers a truly convergent platform
that can support multiple applications and services across different
segments of the customer base. Wireless LAN hotspots and WiMAX
are and will remain a part of the network that requires Ethernet
connectivity and high bandwidths. The same Tellabs 8600 system
platform and elements can be used for efficiently transporting
traffic in a mobile RAN, delivering managed IP VPN and Ethernet
services to business customers and aggregating Internet access
traffic from residential users through various access options.
An integrated advanced management solution – the Tellabs 8000
manager allows the service provider to minimize operational
expenses as well as improve network change response times. The
solution is extremely scalable and offers the same capabilities even
if the network grows significantly. The Tellabs 8000 manager
supports multiple Tellabs product families and provides customers
with seamless management across platforms, independent of the
underlying technology.
Summary of product features
QoS functionality
The table below provides a summary of
functionality and products of the Tellabs®
8600 Managed Edge System. It should be
noted that some parts of the system or
functionality listed below are not yet
generally available, but are part of the
planned future development.
„ Tellabs 8660 switch: 93.6 Mbps
„ DiffServ, DiffServ aware MPLS Traffic
Engineering (RFC 3270 and RFC 3564)
„ Transport for 2G and 3G Radio Access
Network with ATM IMA, ML-PPP, ATM
VP/VC switching and TDM crossconnections at DS0 level
„ Tellabs 8630 switch: 31.2 Mbps
„ Tellabs 8620 switch: 7.8 Mbps
Interface Modules
„ Fast Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet,
multiservice ch. STM-1/OC-3c,
multiservice ch. E1/T1, STM-1/OC-3c
POS, STM-4/OC-12c POS, STM-16/OC48c POS, STM-1/OC-3c ATM
„ CBR, VBR, UBR+ and UBR ATM service
„ ATM Forum Traffic Management 4.1
„ L-LSP and E-LSP support for MPLS
„ Queuing for up to eight QoS classes per
port for DiffServ traffic and 1000
additional queues for user-selectable
services (e.g., VLANs) per IFC
„ Possibility of using all Interface Modules
in the Tellabs 8660, the Tellabs 8630
and the Tellabs 8620 switches
„ Traffic classification based on protocol,
source and destination address, source
and destination port and Type of Service
(ToS) field
„ IP VPN (RFC 2547bis)
IP/MPLS protocols
„ Policing with Two Rate Three Color
„ H-VPLS (Lasserre-Vkompella IETF draft)
„ Static routing, OSPF-TE, IS-IS-TE, (MP)BGP4 (RFC 1771 and RFC 2858), LDP
(RFC 3036), RSVP-TE (RFC 3209)
„ Queue-based RED, WRED and tail drop
for congestion control
„ PWE3 tunnels (Ethernet, ATM, HDLC, FR,
„ Broadband service aggregation
Physical dimensions (W x H x D)
„ PIM-SM Ipv4 Multicast
„ Tellabs 8660 Edge Switch: 440 x 600 x
300 mm
„ Tellabs 8630 Access Switch: 440 x 230 x
286 mm
„ Common logic 1+1 protection, hotswappable plug-ins (Tellabs 8660 and
Tellabs 8630 products)
„ Tellabs 8620 Access Switch: 440 x 88 x
280 mm
„ Tellabs 8606 Ethernet Aggregator: 440 x
44.5 x 300 mm
„ Tellabs 8605 Access Switch: 440 x 44 x
280 mm
Switching capacity
„ Tellabs 8660 switch: maximum of 42
Gbps bidirectional switching capacity (12
IFCs each with 3.5 Gbps switching
„ Tellabs 8630 switch: 14-Gbps
bidirectional switching capacity
„ Tellabs 8620 switch: 3.5-Gbps
bidirectional switching capacity
„ Tellabs 8606 aggregator: wire speed on
all interfaces, 12.8-Gbps switching matrix
„ Tellabs 8605 switch: 300-Mbps
forwarding capacity
„ 1+1 MSP (APS), 1+1 (MPLS OAM) and
1:1 (RSVP-TE or BFD) LSP protections,
Ethernet link protection
„ OSPF, BGP, BGP with MPLS labels and
LDP graceful restart mechanisms
„ SP/WFQ scheduling
„ Optional traffic shaping per queue
„ Element, network and service
management with Tellabs 8000 Network
„ CLI as an option for element configuration
„ SNMPv2 MIB support in network
Power requirements
„ SEC/Stratum-3 timing module
„ External clock input and output
„ Synchronous Ethernet
„ Adaptive synchronization
„ IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol
„ Clock distribution capability
„ 48-VDC power for the Tellabs 8660 and
Tellabs 8630 products
„ 100 … 240 VAC or 48 VDC for the
Tellabs 8620 switch
„ Universal VAC or 48 VDC for the Tellabs
8606 aggregator
„ 48 VDC, 24 VDC or 100 … 240 VAC for
the Tellabs 8605 switch
Environmental conditions
„ ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.2 (In use)
„ NEBS GR-63-CORE (In use)
Acronyms and initialisms
Access Control List
Fault Management System
Assured Forwarding DiffServ PHB
Frame Relay
Automatic Protection Switching
Gigabit Ethernet
Application Specific Integrated Circuit
General Problem Type
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Graphical user interface
Best Effort
High-Level Data Link Control
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
HyperText Markup Language
Border Gateway Protocol
High Speed Dpwnlink Packet Access
Broadband Management Interface
High Speed Uplink Packet Access
Broadband Management Protocol
Internal BGP
Broadband Routing ASIC for IP Networks
Interface Module Concentrator, interface card
Base Station Controller
Interface Module
Connection Admission Control
Internet Engineering Task Force
Constant Bit Rate
Interior Gateway Protocol
Committed Burst Size
Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
Control and DC Power Card
IP Multimedia Subsystem
Code Division Multiple Access
Internet Protocol
Customer Edge
Intermediate System to Intermediate System
Committed Information Rate
Customer Located Equipment
International Telecommunications Union –
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
Command Line Interface
Local Area Network
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Local Area Network Interconnection
Class of Service
Label Distribution Protocol
Customer Premises Equipment
Local Exchange
Central Processing Unit
Label Edge Router
Constrained Shortest Path First
Label LSP
Class Type
Link-State Advertisement
Connection Verification
Label Switched Path
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Label Switch Router
Differentiated Services
Maximum Allocation Model
Deferred Maintenance Alarm
Maintenance Event Information
Differentiated Services
Management Information Base
Differentiated Services Code Point
MP-BGP BGP with Multiprotocol Extensions
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
Multiprotocol Label Switching
External BGP
Multiplexer Section Protection
Explicit Congestion Notification
Multi Tenant Unit
Expedited Forwarding DiffServ PHB
Network Element
Exterior Gateway Protocol
Network Management System
Network-facing Provider Edge router
Embedded software
Operation, Administration and Maintenance
Code Division Multiple Access Evolution, Data Only
Online Core Network Monitoring
Code Division Multiple Access Evolution, Data and
Open Shortest Path First routing protocol
Provider router
Forward Defect Indication
Provider router in access network
Fast Ethernet
PIR Burst Size
Forwarding Equivalence Class
Protocol data unit
Provider Edge
Strict Priority
Per Hop Behavior
Shortest Path First
Peak Information Rate
Special Problem Type
Packet Loop Test
Synchronous transmission mode
Prompt Maintenance Alarm
Transmission Control Protocol
Packet over SONET
Time Division Multiplexing
Point-to-Point Protocol
Transit Exchange
PHB Scheduling Class
Traffic Engineering
Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge
Traffic Engineering Database
Quality of Service
Type length value
Radio Access Network
Type of Service
Random Early Detection
Trail Termination Source Identifier
Request For Comments (IETF documents)
User Datagram Protocol
Routing Information Protocol
User-facing Provider Edge router
Radio Network Controller
Variable Bit Rate – real-time
Route Reflector
Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line
Resource Reservation Protocol
Virtual Local Area Network
Route Target
Voice over Internet Protocol
Real Time
Virtual Private LAN Service
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Virtual Private Network
1 x RTT
Single carrier Radio Transmission Technology
Virtual Private Wire Service
SDH Equipment Clock
VPN Routing and Forwarding
Small Form-Factor Pluggable
Session Initiation Protocol
Weighted Fair Queuing
Service Level Agreement
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
Simple Network Management Protocol
Weighted Random Early Detection
Synchronous Optical Network
Extensible Markup Language
Statements in this document pertaining to (a) future market or technological trends or developments, (b) future Tellabs products or features, (c) cost-savings, profitability or other
commercial or technological advantages arising from a product, service or technology, (d) possible network or system designs or configurations, or (e) other future, speculative or
forward-looking statements are for discussion purposes only, subject to change and shall not be construed as recommendations, guarantees or warranties (expressed or implied).
Results, outcomes or conclusions may differ.
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