Designing and Implementing a Router Node Simulator for Network Management Testing

Designing and Implementing a Router Node
Simulator for Network Management Testing
Presented by:
Mikko Kyllönen
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
 Basic information
 Background
 Stress testing
 Problem
 Simulator design possibilities
 Final design
 Initialization mode
 Simulation mode
 Basic message handling
 Simulator GUI
 Faults and PMS data
 Using the Simulator
 Simulator performance
 Conclusions and future development
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Basic information
 Author:
 Title:
 Supervisor:
 Employer:
Mikko Kyllönen
Designing and Implementing a Router Node Simulator for
Network Management Testing
Raimo Kantola
Tellabs Oy
The goal was to build a simulator that would simulate a large amount of
Tellabs 8600 nodes so that Tellabs 8000 Network Manager would see
them as real network equipment.
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
 Tellabs 8600 Managed Edge System
> 8600 series multiservice routers
> Data transport in mobile access networks
> IP MPLS over Ethernet, ATM, TDM…
> VPN and pseudowire services
 Tellabs 8000 Network Manager
> 8600, 8100, 8800, 6300, 7100…
> Several components
> Element-, Network- and Service Management
> FMS, PMS, customers,
accounting, network tests
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Stress testing
 Heavy tests in large environments
 Efficiency in terms of delays and error caused by mass usage
 Trend for efficiency during development releases
 Now environments are database only, but this is not enough
 This is where the Simulator is to be used
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
 How to test Tellabs 8000 Network Manager scalability?
> Big networks: thousands of nodes…
> Impossible to bring that many nodes to laboratory
> Can’t test wild things in production networks
 Could the nodes be simulated?
> Information model
– Very complex
> BMP protocol for node communication
– Hexacode based
– Quite simple
– Well specified
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Possibilities for simulator design
 Pure infomodel implementation
> Hard task, maintenance problem
 EMS server internal simulator
> Very hard task, might not work
 ESW porting to Windows platform
> Does not scale
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Final design
 Initialization --> Simulation
 The Simulator is initialized by running an automated test case
through the simulator.
 The Simulator stores all the messages and “learns” how to reply to
each message type
 The stored messages are used as a basis for the reply in the
simulation mode
 Uses the features of BMP protocol
 Several advantages: quite simple, low maintenance, scalable
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Initialization mode
 Two modes:
> Initialization mode
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Simulation mode
 Two modes:
> Simulation mode
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Basic message handling
Receive the request
Find a similar request from message database
Get the matching response as basis for the new response
Change message id and other fields if needed
Send back to NMS
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Simulator GUI
 Intuitive
 Easy to use
 Only the needed features
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Faults and PMS data
 Special message handlers
 Support for a limited set of faults
> Easy to add more
 PMS data only for T1s
> Others use SNMP
> SNMP support planned
but not implemented
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Using the simulator
 For basic load
 Tests to real HW
 More like real network environment
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Simulator performance
 Tested with 5000 nodes
 Probably would handle a lot more
 Max CPU 9%, max memory usage 30,1MB
 Biggest initialization 10h and 33k messages
 IP addressing a problem, workaround done
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Conclusions and Future development
 Conclusions
> The project went well
> Simulator is being used
> Simulator has been found useful
 Future
> More product families 8100, 7100, 8800, 6300
> Generic fault and PMS features
> Simulator programmability
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016
Tellabs Internal and Confidential
July 24, 2016