Periodic Trends 1 Elements show trends in their physical and chemical properties across periods and INORGANIC CHEMISTRY down groups. s block 2 Group 1 1 Period 2 Li 18 p block 13 14 15 16 17 He H Be d block B C N O F Ne Al Si P 3 Na Mg 3 4 5 6 S Cl Ar 4 K Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Ca 5 Rb Sr f block 6 Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta 7 Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Figure 10.2 A modern form of the Periodic Table. The elements shown in red are good conductors of electricity, and the ones shown in blue are poor conductors. The pink shading indicates that the principal form of the element is a semiconductor. As only a few atoms of the elements at the end of the Periodic Table have 10_02 Cam/Chem AS&A2 been made, these have been left white. Es Fm Md No Lr 7 8 9 W Re Os r 10 11 12 n Pt Au Hg TI Sn Sb Te Pb Bi Xe Po At Rn Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn 113 Fl 115 Lv 117 118 in rows or periods across the table. The elements in a period have different physical and chemical properties, but trends become apparent in these properties as we move across a period. The periodic table is divided into groups, periods and blocks. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, now recommends that the groups in the The s, p, d and f blocks periodic table should be numbered 1 togroups 18. form the s block (Groups 1 and 2). These have the outer The first two 1 electronic configurations ns1 and ns2, respectively, where n is the number of the shell. The last six groups form the p block (Groups 13 to 18), in which the p sub-shell is being progressively filled. These elements have the outer electronic configurations ns2 np1 to ns2 np6. In between the s and p blocks is the d block (Groups 3–12), in which the d sub-shell is being progressively filled. Our study of the d block is largely restricted to the elements scandium to zinc, and these elements have the outer electronic configurations 4s2 3d1 to 4s2 3d10, as we shall see in Topic 24. About a quarter of the known elements belong to the f block. The first row, the 4f, includes all the elements from cerium (Ce) to lutetium (Lu) inclusive. In this block, the f sub-shell in the fourth principal shell is being progressively filled. In the past, these elements were called the ‘rare earths’. This was a misnomer, as their abundance in the Earth’s crust is fairly large – for some it is comparable to that of lead. However, it is true that they are mostly quite thinly spread, so mining them is quite expensive. They are now called the lanthanoids, as their properties are similar to those of the element lanthanum (La) that precedes them in the Periodic Table. Although they are not particularly rare, the lanthanoids are difficult to purify from one another because their chemical properties are nearly identical. The elements of the second row of the f block, the 5f, are called the actinoids. All the actinoids are radioactive, and most have to be made artificially. Groups Dog Art1 and 2 remain the same as before – classified as the s-block. •Barking • The transition elements now become Group 3 to 12 – classified as the d-block. • Groups 3 to 7 now become Groups 13 to 17 and the noble gases become Group 18 – classified as the p-block. All the elements in a group contain the same number of electrons in their outer shell. For example, all the elements in group 1 have one electron in their outer shell, which is in an s-orbital. All the elements in group 17 have seven electrons in their outer orbit, arranged s2p5. The horizontal rows are called periods. All elements in the same period have the same number of shells containing electrons. For example, all the elements in the third 10.3 Periodic trends in the elements of period, Na to Ar, have electrons in the first, second and third shells. the third period (sodium to argon) 1 Key atomic number symbol relative atomic mass 1 H In this section we shall look at the trends in the properties of the elements and their 18 compounds in the third period of the Periodic Table. 2 He Appearance 1.0 2 3 4 Li Be 6.9 9.0 11 12 Na Mg 23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 19 20 21 22 23 24 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr 39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 37 38 39 40 41 42 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo 85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 55 56 72 73 74 Cs Ba Hf Ta W 178.5 180.9 183.8 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 116 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Fl Lv 188 132.9 137.3 87 88 Fr Ra 57-71 89–103 13 14 15 16 17 5 6 7 8 9 204.4 207.2 209.0 4.0 10 The elements on the left of the Periodic Table have low values of ionisation energy B C N O F Ne and electronegativity, and so they show the properties associated with metallic 10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2 bonding (see section 4.11), for example, they13are shiny conduct16 electricity. In18 14 and 15 17 Al higher Si values P of ionisation S ClenergyAr the middle of the Periodic Table, elements with 27.0 31.0 35.5 7 8 11 12 9 and electronegativity are10semiconductors: they have 28.1 a dull shine to32.1 them and are 39.9 25 26 27 30 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 −12 poor of electricity (typically times that metal).SeThe elements Mn conductors Fe Co Zn10 Ga Ni Cu Ge of aAs Br Kr on the right the highest values of74.9 ionisation and 72.6 79.9 54.9 55.8 of the 58.9 Periodic 58.7 Table, 65.4 63.5 with 69.7 79.0 energy 83.8 43 44 45are dull 46 in appearance 47 48 and are 49 such 50poor conductors 51 52 54 electronegativity, that53they are Tc as electrical Ru Rhinsulators Pd (their Ag conductivities Cd In are only Sn about Sb 10−18 Tetimes Ithat ofXe used 102.9 106.4 101.1 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3 a 75 metal). 76 86 79 80 83 84 85 77 78 81 82 Ir Au Re Os Pt Hg Po At Rn Bi Tl Pb 333_10_AS_Chem_BP_186-201.indd 188 18/09/14 1 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 138.9 140.1 140.9 144.2 144.9 150.4 152.0 157.2 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr 232.0 238.1 Figure 8.1 The periodic table. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, now recommends that the groups in the periodic table should be numbered 1 to 18. ● Groups 1 and 2 remain the same as before – classified as the s-block. ● The transition elements now become Group 3 to 12 – classified as the d-block. ● Groups 3 to 7 now become Groups 13 to 17 and the noble gases Groups 3 to 7 now become Groups 13 to 17 and the noble gases Periodic Trends 2 become Group 18 – classified as the p-block. ● The table is also divided into blocks: The blocks are shown in Figure 8.2. pblock sblock dblock 1 Figure 8.2 Blocks of the periodic table. The s-block consists of the elements in groups 1 and 2. An s-block element has its The vertical columns are called groups and the horizontal rows are highest-energy electron in an s-orbital, i.e. the last electron added goes into an scalled periods. Trends in the groups (vertical columns) and periods orbital. (horizontal rows) reflect the structures of the atoms of the elements within them,in and these in affect the These chemical properties the The elements the s-block areturn reactive metals. metals (includingof potassium, elements. These properties sodium, calcium andrepeating magnesium) are all highdemonstrate in the activity periodicity. (electrochemical) series. They have lower densities, lower melting points and lower boiling points than most other metals and they form stable, involatile ionic compounds. Group 1: Also called the Alkali Metals. Soft, highly reactive group of metals. ns1. 30/03/15 Group 2. Also called the Alkaline Earth Metals. Fairly reactive metals. ns2 The d-block elements occupy space in the periodic table between Group 2 and Group 13. The d-block contains the elements scandium to zinc in period 4 and those elements below them. A d-block element cannot be defined in terms of energy because the energy level of the d-orbitals is altered by the presence of electrons in the outer s-orbital. It can only be defined in aufbau terms, i.e. the last electron added to a d-block element goes into a d-orbital. These metals (including chromium, iron, copper, zinc and silver) are much less reactive than the metals in Groups 1 and 2. Periodic Trends 3 Although the periodic table does not classify elements as metals and The p-block contains elements in groups 13 tobetween 17 and group 18 (the noble non-metals, there is athe fairly obvious division the two (‘fairly obvious’, but, notA ‘clear cut’). Separating the elements into either or i.e. non-metals gases). p-block element has its highest-energy electron in ametals p-orbital, the last is rather like trying to separate all the shades of grey into either black or white. electron added goes into a p-orbital. The fairly obvious division between metals and non-metals is shown by a thick stepped line in Figure 9.5. The 20 or so non-metals are packed into the top Some of the elements in the p-block are metals, like tin, lead and bismuth. They are right-hand corner above the thick stepped line. Some of the elements next to usually low in the activity (electrochemical) series and they have some resemblances the thick steps, such as germanium, arsenic and antimony, have similarities to to non-metals. Other elements in the p-block are non-mental. both metals and non-metals and it is difficult to place these in one class or the other. Chemists sometimes use the name metalloid for these elements which 2 np5 Group 17. Also called the Halogens. Very reactive group of non-metals. ns are difficult to classify one way or the other. 8 Periodicity 8.1 The Periodic Table 1 Figure 9.8Also shows a classification of elements as metals, metalloids and nonGroup 18. called the Noble Gases because they do not react. Form few metals on the basis of their electrical conductivity. In this classification: 2 6 compounds. ns np Metals Metalloids Non-metals The Periodic Table is a list of all the elements in order of increasing atomic number. You can predict the properties of an element from its position in Li Be B C N O F Ne the table. You can use it to explain the similarities of certain elements and Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar the trends in their properties, in terms of their electronic arrangements. Metals K Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te The structure ofd-block the and Periodic Table Cs Ba f-block metals I Kr Non-metals Xe Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn The Periodic Table has been written in many forms including pyramids Ra one shown below is one common layout. Some areas and spirals.FrThe ofFigthe Table are asgiven are shown in Figure 9.8 Periodic Classifying the elements metals,names. metalloidsThese and non-metals on the basis of their 1. 1 2 alkali metals alkaline earth metals electrical conductivity. In this figure, metalloids are coloured grey 3 4 5 6 7 0 noble (rare or inert) gases 4 halogens 1 Metals are good conductors of electricity with atomic electrical conductivity* 1 greater than 10−3 ohm−1 cm−4. 2 Metalloids are poor conductors of electricity with atomic electrical conductivity 2 −3 −5 −1 −4 usually less than 10 but greater than 10 ohm cm . metalloids 3 3 Non-metals are virtually non-conductors (insulators). Their atomic electrical −10 −1 −4 conductivity is usually less than 10 ohm cm . Notice in Figure 9.8 that the cell for carbon is shaded less heavily than those for transition metals 5 the other metalloids. This is because carbon exists as three different allotropes – 6 graphite, a poor conductor classed as a metalloid, plus diamond and fullerenes, insulators classed as non-metals. 7 In spite of problems such as this, the classification of elements into metals, metalloids and non-metals is useful and convenient. Lanthanides lanthanides Actinides actinides ▲ Figure 1 Named areas of the Periodic Table Metals and non-metals The red stepped line in Figure 1 (the ‘staircase line’) divides metals (on its left) from non-metals (on its right). Elements that touch this line, such as silicon, have a combination of metallic and non-metallic properties. They are called metalloids or semi-metals. Silicon, for example, is a non-metal but it looks quite shiny and conducts electricity, although not as well as a metal. t The Periodic Table reveals patterns in the properties of e from Na table → Mg omits → Al. the t period number. This so-called ‘short form’ of the periodic Periodic Trends 4 example, every time you go across a period you go from left to non-metals on right. 15This is16 an example 1 2 13 the 14 17 18 of pe On the other hand, metalloids and non-metals with molecular structures Period have no mobile electrons. This means that their electrical conductivity regularly. is 1 word periodic means recurring 2 almost nil. Metals, such as sodium, magnesium and aluminium, on the left of each period with mobile, delocalised electrons in their structure are good conductors of electricity. When a battery is attached to them, electrons flow out of the metals into the positive terminal of the battery. At the same time, electrons flow into Group the metal from the negative terminal of the battery. H 1 He 1 2 3 4 and 5 6 7 8 9 10 Periodicity properties of elements in The periodicity of atomic properties 29.7 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2,1 is explained 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,6 arrangements 2,7 2,8 Periodicity by2,4the electron o Table 9.3 shows the electronic (shell and sub-shell) structures for the elements 11 12 13 14 15 in Periods 2 and 3. In this section you will learn to: 16 17 18 • Give the electronic structure of Period 2 and 3 elements and compare the number of 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,8 electrons in the last sub-shell • Describe and explain changes in atomic and ionic radii as you go across a period Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar • The elements in Groups 1, 2, and 3 (sodium, magne Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar electron 2,8,1 2,8,2I elements 2,8,3 2,8,5 configurations. For example, Group (Li to Fr) 2,8,4 have one electron in their aluminium) outer shells (ns ). Group II elements (Be to Ra) have two electrons in are metals. They have giant structures. 19) and Group20VII elements (F to At) have seven outer shell their outer shells (ns electrons (ns these electron configurations recur in a periodic pattern, 4 np ). As outer electrons to form ionic compounds. K Ca it would not be surprising to find that atomic properties, such as atomic radii, 3 1 1 2 2 5 2,8,8,1 energies, 2,8,8,2 ionic radii and ionisation show similar periodicity. • Describe and explain other trends in atomic properties such as first ionisation energies and electronegativity • Silicon in Group 4 has four electrons in its outer she Atomic radii Based on the electron arrangements of the elements (Chapter 12), the pe The atomic radii of atoms can be obtained from X-ray analysis and electron it forms four covalent bonds. The element has some density maps. Using these techniques, it is possible to measure the distance divided intoof four blocks of elements (Figure 3.7): between the nuclei atoms and then estimate the radius of individual atoms. properties and is classed as a semi-metal. KEY POINT The atomic radii of metals are obtained by measuring the distance between the The periodicity of atomic properties ■ s-block elements nuclei of neighbouring atoms in metal crystals (Figure 9.10 (a)). The atomic •thisisThe elements indistance. Groups 5, and 6, and radius simply half of the In section we ll inter-nuclear look at the trends in atomic ionic 7 (phosphorus, sulfu ■ p-block elements and electronegativity as you goThey across aeither period. accept electrons to form io are non-metals. ■ d-block elements Table 9.3 The electronic structures of the elements in Periods 2 and 3 or share their outer electrons to form covalent compou ■ f-block Electron shell structure Period 2 Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar electron radii, first ionisation energies configurations. This results in similar atomic properties. elements. 2, 1 2, 2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5 2, 6 2, 7 2, 8 • Argon in Group 0 is a noble gas – it has a full outer s unreactive. Electron sub-shell structure 1s22s1 1s22s2 1s22s22p1 1s22s22p2 1s22s22p3 1s22s22p4 1s22s22p5 1s22s22p6 Period 3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar Electron shell structure 2, 8, 1 2, 8, 2 2, 8, 3 2, 8, 4 2, 8, 5 2, 8, 6 2, 8, 7 2, 8, 8 Electron sub-shell structure 1s22s22p6 3s1 1s22s22p6 3s2 1s22s22p6 3s23p1 1s22s22p6 3s23p2 1s22s22p6 3s23p3 1s22s22p6 3s23p4 1s22s22p6 3s23p5 1s22s22p6 3s23p6 Table 1 shows some trends across Period 3 (see Figure 1 trends are found in other periods. 185 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 4 5 6 7 ▲ Figure 1 The Periodic Table with Period 3 highlighted To understand how such atomic properties vary we have to understand all the forces at play inside an atom. 3 luminium 4 silicon 5 phosphorus 6 sulfur 2 1 Ne] 3s 3p 2 2 [Ne] 3s 3p 2 3 [Ne] 3s 3p 2 4 [Ne] 3s 3p 7 chlorine 2 [Ne] 3s 3 Forces that act on electrons in an Periodic Trends 5 Forces that act on electrons in an atom tom The forces that act on electrons in an atom are electromagn The forces that act on electrons in an atom are electromagnetic. They obey Coulomb’s law, which states that the magnitude of the force betw Coulomb’s law, which states that the magnitude of the force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charg objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely . Theyproportional obey to the square of the distance between their centres. proportional to the square of the distance between their centres. two charged mathematically as: q+q− and inversely force ∝ 2 r s is expressed where q+ and q− are the charges on the two objects and r is the theirto:centres. It simplifies • 1 Thecharges rules are: opposite attract; like charges repel the bigger the charges, the stronger is the ● opposite charges attract; likeforce charges repel • ance between ● the bigger the charges, the stronger is the force • the further apart the particles, the weaker is the force ● the further apart the particles, the weaker is the force This means that electrons are attracted towards the nucleus (F greater the atomic number, the stronger is the force of attractio are further away from the nucleus are attracted less than those clos In addition, because they have –the same charge, electrons repel ea Repulsion they are more densely packed, the inner electrons repel outer elec Attraction – + repel each other. than the other outer electrons re 2.18). The – Repulsion Electrons that Shielding and the effective nuclear charge o the nucleus. Effective nuclear charge across period 1 In a hydrogen atom, the nucleus has a charge of +1 and there is ther. Because 1s-orbital. There are no forces of repulsion, so the electron feels Figure 2.18 The forces acting ns much more attraction of a +1 charge. This means that electrons are attracted towards the nucleus. The greater the atomic on an electron in an atom number,In theastronger is the force of attraction. Electrons that are further away from helium atom, the nucleus has a charge of +2 and there the nucleus are attracted less than those closer to the nucleus. the 1s-orbital. These electrons repel each other slightly. The are res force of attraction between the nucleus and each electron is sligh In addition, because they have the same charge, electrons repel each other. Because between a +2 charge and one electron. Therefore, the helium nucl they are more densely packed, the inner electrons repel outer electrons much more an eff ective nuclear charge of slightly less than 2. than the other outer electrons repel each other. electron in a Effective nuclear charge across period 2 e full force of The situation becomes more complicated for lithium and the remai lithium, the nucleus has a charge of +3 and the outer 2s electron is o electrons in s that the net less than that is said to have Key term The effective nuclear charge is the net charge 07404_C02_Edexcel_GF_Chem_009-036.indd on the27nucleus, after Periodic Trends 6 7 Calculate the −34 J s × 3.00 × 10 8 m s−1) (6.63 × 10 hc = outer = wavelength (in m) Factors that effect the force of attractionE on electrons −9 m λ 600 × 10 of electromagnetic Nuclear charge −17 J 4.0 × 10 radiation with = 1.2 × 102 p When the nuclear charge becomes of additional a frequency of more positive (due to the 3.31presence × 10 −19 J/photon protons), its attraction1368 on allkHz. theDeduce electrons increases. Calculate the number of photons with wavelength which part of the electromagnetic −34 J s × 3. Atomic Radius (6.63 × 10 hc spectrum it belongs For one photon: E = = λ attraction of 4 × 10 −9 As the distance of theto. outer electrons from the nucleus increases, the 1 the positive nucleus for the negatively charged electrons falls. 8 Calculate the = 2.01 × 1016 So for one joule: −17 4.9725 × 10 frequency of yellow light with Shielding Effect a wavelength of The outer or valence electrons are repelled by all the other electrons in the atom in −8 cm. 5800 × 10 74 2 Atomic structure addition to being attracted by the positively charged nucleus. The outer electrons are 9 The laser used to Ionization energy shielded from the attraction of the nucleus by the shielding effect. read information The third shell can hold a The first ionization energy is the minimum from a compact disc However, when there are e has a wavelength of one mole of isolated gaseous atoms to form o shell there is a degree of st – – 780 nm. Calculate thermodynamic conditions. example, the electronsFor enter the fourth the energy required to bring about the reaction: metals beyond calcium the associated with This electron does not – the third shell until it con feel the full effect of the positive – one photon of this + − Cl(g) → Cl (g) + e electrons. In addition, the charge of the nucleus – radiation. 1 Electron configuration Explaining periodic patterns Atomic rad + ■ shells are divided into a nu The electron is removed from the outer sub-s – (other than hydrogen) also – is, a 3p electron). Table 12.1 gives some exam before they can form chemi – energy, which is the enthalpy change for the This process is called – important concept in the IB the Chemistry dataAn booklet. These electrons shield outer 3 and also in Chapter 12 electron from the nucleus – radii (Figure 2.50).Atomic The electro Table 12.1 Selected Element Ionization equation experience different attra ionization energies + (g) + e − Oxygen O(g) → O Figure 2.50 Electron shielding presence of other electron + (g) + e − Sulfur S(g) → S experience the most shiel Na ToK Link 10– Cu(g) → Cu+(g) + e − – Copper 1 Figure 8.3 Periodici Jacob Bronowski: ‘OneFactors aim of the physical sciences has been to give anenerg exact p that affect ionization One achievement… has been to prove that this aim is unattainable’. are t Across a What period, Values of ionization energies depend on the f for the aspirations of natural sciences in particular and for knowledge in genera 11+ one the size of the atom (orFrom ion) This claim is probably related to ‘modern’ (approximately 100 years old) atom physics suo special relativity and quantum physics, including the Uncertainty Principle. An exa the nuclear charge ● material or physical world is impossible. Quantum mechanics means that the wor the charge of shielding molecular level, and there are limits of experimental precision dictated by the Unc the shielding effect. electrons in the atomic level is ‘schizophrenic’ due to its wave–particle duality. The material w ● the shielding r full shells of scientific models, all of which are limited and incomplete as descriptions of phy Atomic radius There is 8.4 no absolute knowledge in science method th Across theassumes period Figure Shielding effect of inner and the scientific of objects and phenomena existing out there that is independent of the observ As the distance shell electrons reduces the pull of the increases and the some physicists might question the assertion that the material world is indepen the attraction of nucleus in the outer shell. Schrödinger’s cat is both alive and dead until the observation is made, i.e. the b 10 Find out about the thought experiment ‘Schrödinger’s Cat’ Down falls. Tt function is collapsed, and one of the eventualities – alive orelectrons dead a – isgroup, manifeste – ionization energ Niels Bohr wrote, ‘It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how what we can say about nature.’ 3+ nuclear pull From one atom o Nuclear charg ● the charge of When the nucle ToK Link of addii ● presence the shielding – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that there is a theoretical limit to the p increases. This c can know the momentum and the position of a particle. What are the implicatio – Down the group human knowledge? Shielding effec decreases and th In 1927 the German physicist Heisenberg stated the Uncertainty Principle, which ity The outer or val dual behaviour of matter and radiation (de Broglie’s hypothesis). It states that it repulsion from simultaneously the exact position and exact (orin velocity) of an in elect the atom a innermomentum shell of particle) along a given direction. electrons (’shielding’) Mathematically, it can beforces described by the equation: Figure 12.13 Electrostatic operating on the h nucleus. The ou the nucleus by t Periodic Trends 7 nickel Shielding and the effective nuclear charge The effective nuclear charge is the net charge on the nucleus, after allowing for the electrons in orbit around the nucleus shielding its full charge. ■ Electron arrangement and the periodic table Effective nuclear charge across period 1 It is the electrons in the outer or valence shell that determine the chemical a In a hydrogen atom, the nucleus has a charge of +1 and there is one electron in a 1sproperties of the chemical element. The position of a chemical element in th orbital. There are no forces of repulsion, so the electron feels the full force of attraction related to its electron arrangement. The period number indicates the numbe of a +1 charge. atom of the element. All chemical elements in the same period have the sam In groups 1 and 2, the number of valence electrons is equal to the group num In a helium atom, the nucleus has a charge of +2 and there are two electrons in the 18, 1s-orbital. the number of valence electrons is equal to the group number minus 10. These electrons repel each other slightly. The result is that the net force of Figure 3.6 shows how the electron arrangement of a chemical element is re attraction between the nucleus and each electron is slightly less than that between a period number. This so-called ‘short form’ of the periodic table omits the trans +2 charge and one electron. Therefore, the helium nucleus is said to have an 1 effective nuclear charge of slightly less than 2. Group Period 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 Effective nuclear charge across period 2 1 H He 1 2 3 5 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 11 12 13 14 15 Mg Al C 7 Be Na B 6 Li 2,1 3 4 Si N P 18 2 8 O 9 10 2,6 F 2,7 Ne 16 17 18 S Cl 2,8 Ar The situation complicated lithium and elements. In 2,8,1 becomes 2,8,2 more 2,8,3 2,8,4 for2,8,5 2,8,6the remaining 2,8,7 2,8,8 lithium, the nucleus has a charge of +3 and the outer 2s electron is strongly repelled 19 20 4 two by the electrons. The nucleus is shielded by the inner electrons and the Kinner 1sCa 2,8,8,1 2,8,8,2 effective nuclear charge is approximately +1. This is the +3 nuclear charge, minus the effect of two negatively charged screening electrons. Based on the electron arrangements of the elements (Chapter 12), the period divided intoelement four blocks of elements (Figure The next is beryllium. The nucleus has a3.7): charge of +4, there are two 1s shielding the nucleus and two 2s electrons that also repel each other ■ electrons s-block elements slightly. Therefore, the effective nuclear charge is not exactly +2 (+4 nuclear charge ■ p-block elements minus the effect of the two negative inner electrons) — it is slightly less than +2 ■ because d-blockofelements the extra repulsion by the two electrons in the outer orbit. ■ f-block elements. The situation is slightly more complicated with the next element, boron. The atomic number of boron is five (a nuclear charge of +5). There are two 1s electrons that shield the outer electrons from the nucleus. The two 2s electrons are closer to the nucleus than the single 2p electron and they repel it. Therefore, the effective nuclear charge is significantly less than the +3 value predicted by the simplified idea that effective nuclear charge is equal to the atomic number of the element minus the number of inner-shell electrons. 1. Periodic Trends 8 Electron arrangement and the periodic table he electrons in the outer or valence shell that determine the chem shielding force erties of the chemical element. The position of a chemical element Li Be B TheCperiod N number O F Ne the n ed to its electron arrangement. indicates of the element. All chemical elements in the same period have th oups 1 and 2, the number of valence electrons is equal to the group he number of valence electrons is equal to the group number minu electrostatic igure 3.6 shows how the electron arrangement of a chemical elemen attraction towards d number. This so-called ‘short form’ of the periodic table omits the Group d 1 positive nucleus 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 Figure 12.15 A diagram illustrating how the balance 18 2 Similar arguments apply to other periods — the effective nuclear charge increases 1 between shielding and nuclear charge changes across across a period, but does not increase by as much as +1 between successive 1 period 2 2 electron elements. attracted 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 by an 2 effective H He inner elect shiel valen elect from nucle Be of attraction B C N electrons, O so they F areNe creasesLithe force on all the 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 charge 2,6 2,711+ 2,8 gly. Each additional electron across a periodofenters the same +1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 increase in shielding is minimal (Figure 12.15). 3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar for the ionization energy to increase across the period, there 2,8,1 2,8,2 2,8,3 2,8,4 2,8,5 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,8 energy19across 20 periods 2 and 3 (Figure 12.14). These dipssodium can core charge = 11 – 10 = +1 The core charge increase model of electronic structure. 4 electron K Ca inner this electron attracted 2,8,8,1 2,8,8,2 electrons of chlorine ther od is the result of a change inelectrons the sub-shell (sub-level) from experiences by an shield the than does the outer-shell hangeeffective in electron shielding. These have a greater effect than the a stronger valence attraction d on the electron arrangements of the elements (Chapter 12), the p charge electron 11+ crease in atomic radius. In period 2, this firstthan decrease occurs 17+ Atomic radius decrease the of +1 from the 2 2 ed into four blocks of elements (Figure 3.7): nd boron. When it is ionized,nucleus the berylliumelectron atom (1s 2s ) loses attraction experienced by in sodium 2 2 1 m (1s 2selements 2p ) loses a 2p electron (Figure 12.16). More energy is block are all in the third electr m the lower energy 2s orbital in beryllium than from the higher increases, the electrostat -block elements sodium chlorine ugh the 2score andcharge 2pissub-levels areto in the from sameanthe shell, the energy electron more remove argon atom. Theincreases. argon atom Th = 11 –diffi 10 cult = +1 nucleus core charge = 17 – 10 = +7 -block elements is 2) alsothat smaller the sodium atom and, therefore, the outer electron is l (Chapter thethan energy gap between shells and sub-levels this electron the nucleus and making experiences closer to the nucleus and more strongly held. Figurein 3.2.8 Core2pcharge can be used to ex in shell number. In addition, a single electron the subblock elements. a stronger The trend in ionic radii is 2 trends within the periodic table. attraction y the inner electrons than the 2s electrons (Figure 12.17). 17+ For the metals (sodium t across the period. Silicon 4− (Si ) ion. For the non-me 2p 3− • atomic radius decrease (P ) to the chloride ion ( • electronegativity increa chlorine radius than the original • first ionization energy core charge = 17 – 10 = +7 • ionic radius decreases negative ion has a larger Figure 3.2.8 Core charge can be used to explain of extra negative charges trends within the periodic table. ions have a larger radius electron Figure 3.2.9 Trends in properties across a p The incr • atomic radius decreases The atomic radius is basically used to describe the size of an atom.from The left than the electron in sodium Periodic Trends 9 Figure 8.3 Periodicity of atomic radii in the periodic table. Effective nuclear charge in a group The nuclear charge and the number of inner shielding electrons increase by the Across a period, the atomic radius decreases from left to right (Figure 8.3). same amount in a group. This leads to an assumption that the effective nuclear From acting one atom an element theelements next across period: charge on theofouter electronsto of the in theasame group of the periodic hardly varies, but thisincreases is a simplification of a more complex situation. ● the table charge of the nucleus ● instance, the shielding remains the same For sodium has 11 protons and, therefore, a nuclear charge of +11. It has two electrons in the first shell and eight in the second shell. These ten electrons Across the period the effect of the nuclear charge on the outer electrons shield the outer, third-shell electron very efficiently and the effective nuclear increases and the atomic radii decreases. charge is close to +1 (+11 − 2 − 8 = +1). Down a group, the atomic radius increases. 1 Potassium has 19 protons and, therefore, a nuclear charge of +19. The outer, fourthFrom one atom of an element to the next down a group: shell electron is shielded from the nucleus by two electrons in the first shell, eight ● the charge of theshell nucleus increases electrons in the second and eight electrons in the third shell, making a total of 18 inner shielding electrons. From sodium to potassium, the number of protons has ● the shielding increases increased by eight and the number of shielding electrons has also increased by eight. Down the group the effect of the nuclear charge on the outer electrons Therefore, potassium also has a similar effective nuclear charge close to +1. decreases and the atomic radii increases. Li Na K outer electron shielded by 2 inner electrons outer electron shielded by 10 inner electrons outer electron shielded by 18 inner electrons Figure 8.5 Atoms of the Group 1 elements lithium, sodium and potassium. Test yourself 1 Put the following elements in order of increasing atomic radius. Justify your answers: a) Mg, S, Si b) Mg, K, Al c) Si, Cl, K 30/03/15 ments of Period 3 Periodic Trends 10 Atomic radius Some key of atoms, such as and between ionisation energy, are The radius of properties an atom is found by measuring thesize distance the nuclei of two −12 1 pm = 1 × 10 m periodic, thatand is, there are similar trends as you go across each period touching atoms, then halving that distance. in the Periodic Table. In general the atomic radius of an atom is determined by the balance between two opposing factors: Atomic radii • These tell us effect aboutbythe of atoms. Youshell(s) cannot measure theatomic the shielding thesizes electrons of the inner – this makes the Although it is not possible to measure radius of an isolated atom because there is no clear point at which radius larger. The shielding effect is the result of repulsion between the electrons an atomic radius for Ar, it is possible to the cloud around it valence drops to zero. Instead half the in electron the inner shell anddensity those in the outer or shell. measure a value for the van der Waals’ −12 distance between the of a pair ofradius atoms is used, see Figure 1. 1 pm = 1 × 10 centres m of this element. 1 • the nuclear charge (due to the protons) – this is an attractive force that pulls all the The atomic radius of an element can differ as it is a general term. electrons closer to the nucleus. With an increase in nuclear charge, the atomic It depends on the type of bond that it is forming – covalent, ionic, omic radius decreases acrosssmaller. a period is basically the radius becomes metallic, van der Waals, and so on. The covalent radius is most egativity and ionisation energy increase: an increase measure of the size of the atom. Figure 2 shows a oss thecommonly period but noused signifias canta increase in shielding. ne have theof same number of inner shells of electrons plot covalent radius against atomic number. Atomic radius decreases across a period Although it is not possible to measure nt of shielding is similar); however, chlorine has an atomic radius for Ar, it is possible to Remember that effective nuclear charge increases across the period. This means (Even metals can form covalent molecules such as Na in the gas 7+ whereas sodium has a nuclear charge of only 2 measure a value for the van der Waals’ that the outer-shell electrons ofdo chlorine therefore experience a greater the outer electrons arenoble pulled in more strongly phase. Since gases not in bond covalently with one attraction another,to radius of this element. um and the atomic radius is smaller. the nucleus than does the outer-shell sodium. they do not have covalent radiielectron and soofthey are often left out of comparisons of atomic sizes.) cally the measure of graph the size shows of an ion.that: The ncrease shielding. • atomic radius is a periodic property because it decreases across each nic radii of positive ions are smaller than electrons period and there is a jump when starting the next period dii, and the ionic radii of negative ions are has eir atomic radii. • atoms get larger down any group. only ngly in .10 (overleaf ) shows a comparison of thedecrease atomic and across a period Why the radii of atoms or theYou alkalican metals. Each 1+this ion istrend smallerby than the explain looking at the electronic structures of formed (by loss of an electron). the elements in a period, for example, sodium to chlorine in Period 3, + Na as it has one extra shell of electrons – the as shown in Figure 3. + on of Na is 2, 8, 1, whereas that of Na is 2, 8. Also, Atomic radius decreases from left to right across period 3 due to the increasing me nuclear charge pulling in the electrons (11+), but As you move from sodium to chlorine you are adding protons to the r than attraction experienced by the unt of electron–electron repulsion in outer-shell Na, as there electrons. These outer-shell electrons are ns are nucleus and electrons to the outer main shell, which is the third shell. + electron is however, as the effective nuclear charge paredallwith only 10 in Na . The in the third electron shell of thecloud atoms; The charge on the nucleus increases from +11 to +17. This increased + there are more electrons repelling thanincreases, in Na , asthe electrostatic attraction between the outer-shell electrons and the charge pulls the electrons in closer to the nucleus. There are no charge pulling the electrons in. tomic and increases. This has the effect of pulling these outer-shell electrons in closer nucleus additional electron shells tocan provide ive ions are larger than their parent atoms be seen more shielding. So the size of the han to thethe nucleus and making the atom smaller. es of halogen atoms with as their ionsgo (1−) in Figure atom decreases you across the period. larger than Cl, because it has more electrons for the he and, therefore, greater repulsion between electrons. Na Mg Al P S Cl Si atom , 8. Also, − nd 17 protons in the nucleus. Cl also has 17 protons 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,5 (11+), but has 18size electrons. The repulsion between 18 electrons of s there en 17 electrons, so the electron cloud expands as an atom oud is − d to a Cl atom to make Cl . epelling 2,8,2 2,8,4 2,8,5 2,8,6 2,8,7 2,8,1 2,8,3 atomic (covalent) an be seen radius / nm Figure 0.156 0.136 0.125 0.117 0.110 0.104 0.099 ns for the nuclear ectrons. 16+ 17+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ charge 7 protons electrons ▲ Figure 3 The sizes and electronic structures of the elements sodium to chlorine nds as an Periodic Trends 11 1 Summary: Across a period, the atomic radius decreases from left to right. From one atom of an element to the next across a period: • the shielding remains the same • the charge of the nucleus increases Across the period the effect of the nuclear charge on the outer electrons increases and the atomic radii decreases. Atomic radius The radius of an atom is found by measuring the distance between the nuclei of two touching atoms, and then halving that distance. Trends across a period Atomic radius/pm Even though extra electrons are being added, the atoms get smaller going across a period from left to right. From lithium to fluorine, the outer electrons are all 2 in the 2nd shell, being screened by the 1s electrons. The increasing number of protons in the nucleus as you go across the period pulls the electrons in more tightly. This is slightly offset by the increased repulsion of the electrons from each other. However, the net effect is a decrease in radius (Figure 2.19). This pattern is repeated in the 3rd period. 250 200 reason that atomic radius decreases across a period is basically the The same reason electronegativity and ionisation energy increase: an increase 150 in nuclear charge across the period but no significant increase in shielding. Sodium and chlorine have the same number of inner shells of electrons 100 (and hence the amount of shielding is similar); however, chlorine has 50 sodium nuclear of only a nuclear charge Li Be of B 17+ C whereas N O F Na has Mg a Al Si Pcharge S Cl K Ca 2nd period 3rd period 11+. This means that the outer electrons are pulled in more strongly in Figure 2.19 Trends in atomic radius chlorine than in sodium and the atomic radius is smaller. Trends in a group Down a group, the trend is for atomic radii to increase steadily because of the 244 12 Periodic Trends 262 Atomic radius increases down a group0 10 20 30 0 Down a group from top to bottom, atomic radii increase. In each new period the 270 At outer-shell electrons enter a new energy level so are located further away from the nucleus. This has a greater effect than the increasing nuclear charge because of ion of atomic radii in group 1 ■ Figure 3.20 Bar chart showing the va shielding by the inner-shell electrons (effective nuclear charge stays nearly the same.) 300 mber Atomic radius/pm Atomic radius/pm 1 58 99 200 Cl 100 Br F 114 Summary: Down a group, the atomic radius increases. From one atom of an element 133 0 to the next down a group: 10 20 30 0 140 At • The variation of ionic radius across a period is not a clear-cut trend, as ■ Figure 3.21 Bar chart showing the va on ofthe atomic radii in group 17 shielding effect increases (effective nuclear charge stays the same) •the type of ion changes from one side to the other. Thus positive ions are formed on the left-hand side of the period and negative ions on the rightincrease in the number of shells •hand Moving down a group, both the nuclear charge and the shiel side. the charge of the nucleus increases outer electrons enter new shells. So, although the nucleus gai Down the group the effect of the nuclear charge on the outer electrons decreases For positive ions there is a decrease in ionic radius as the charge on and the radii increases. further away, butforalso moreions effectively screened an additio the ionatomic increases, but negative the size increases as thebycharge increases (Figure 4.12). + 2+ : both ions have the same electronic Let us consider Na and Mg atomic radii decrease 2+ configuration, but Mg has one more proton in the nucleus (Figure 4.13). Because there is the same number of electrons in both ions, the amount of electron–electron repulsion is the same; however, the higher 2+ nuclear charge in Mg means that the electrons are pulled in more atomic radii increase strongly and so the ionic radius is smaller. Ionic radii for ions of the same charge also increase down a and 3.7). Ionic radii are the radii for ions in a crystalline ion Periodic Trends 13 How is atomic radius measured We know that electrons in atoms are in located in atomic orbitals, which are regions of space where there is a high probability of finding an electron. This meansproperties that the Periodic position of the electron is not fixed, so we cannot measure the radius of the atom in the same way as we measure the radius of a circle. One way of overcoming this problem and finding the radius of an atom is to measure the distance between the Figure 7.7 ! nuclei of two closest atoms of the element and dividing it by 2. Periodicity in the first ionisation energies The atomic radii of atoms can be obtained from X-ray analysis and electron density of the elements. maps. Using these techniques, it is possible to measure the distance between the nuclei of atoms and then estimate the radius of individual atoms. 1 The atomic radius of an element can differ as it is a general term. It depends on the typeArof bond that it is forming – covalent, ionic, metallic, van der Waals, and so on. group 0 The atomic radii of metals are obtained by measuring the distance between the Cl nuclei of neighbouring atoms in metal crystals. The atomic radius is simply half of the inter-nuclear distance. This is sometimes referred to as metallic radius. S Ca K group 2 group 1 8.3 More trends in the proper 20 the elements of Period 3 Learning objectives: Some key properties of atoms, such as periodic, that is, there are similar trend ➔ Describe the trends in atomic in the Periodic Table. atomic radiiand of non-metals radius first ionisationare obtained from the distance between the nuclei anyThe pattern energyjoined of theby elements in bond. So, for non-metals, the atomic radius is of and similar3.atoms a covalent ds 2 Atomic radii Period 3. half of the covalent bond length. Because of this link to covalent bonds, the atomic s decrease Data These tell us about the sizes of atoms. Y ➔ Explain these trends. radii of non-metals are sometimes called covalent radii. ? radius of an isolated atom because ther Specification reference: 3.2.1 the electron cloud density around it dr distance between the centres of a pair o atomic radius The atomic radius of an element can di It depends on the type of bond that it i metallic, van der Waals, and so on. The commonly used as a measure of the siz plot of covalent radius against atomic n molecules. Chemists use distance betweenr the be defined precisely number of bonds. (Even metals can form covalent molecu non-metallic molecule nces between atoms in phase. Since noble gases do not bond c Figurecalculated 1 Atomic radii are taken to be they do not have covalent radii and so n-metals▲are atomic radius half the distance between the centres of comparisons of atomic sizes.) ules (covalent radii). a pair of atoms The graph shows that: d. Across the period Na 99 nm forHint chlorine. From • atomic radius is a periodic property Periodic Trends 14 How is atomic radius measured In the simple molecular structures of non-metals, one molecule touches the next and it is sometimes useful to compare the distances between neighbouring atoms which are not chemically bonded. This distance in non-metal crystals is called the van der Waals radius. 1 Consider a group of gaseous argon atoms. When two argon atoms collide with one another there is very little penetration of their electron cloud densities. Argon does not form a diatomic species. If argon is frozen in the solid phase the atoms would touch 3.2 PE each other but would not be chemically bonded. In this case the distance between the argon atoms could be measured and hence non-bonding atomic radius. The atoms could be measured and hence Rnb could be found (figure 2). The non-bonding atomic radius is often termed the van der Waals’ radius. non-bonding atomic radius is often termed the van der Waals’ radius d = 2Rnb ▲ Figure 2 Atoms of argon in the solid phase. The atoms are touching but not chemically bonded. The non-bonding atomic radius of argon Rnb is 188 pm (d = 376 pm) Section 9 of the Data booklet provides data for the covalent atomic radii of the elements. The general term “atomic radius” is used to represent the mean bonding atomic radius obtained from experimental data over a wide range of elements and compounds. Note that the bonding atomic radius is always smaller than the non-bonding atomic radius. Th approximate bond length between two elements can also be estimated from their atomic radii. For example, for the interhalogen compound BrF: atomic radius of bromine = 117 pm atomic radius of fluorine = 60 pm bond length of Br-F = 177 pm Compare this with the experimental bond length of Br-F in the gas F 9 h chemical properties across periods and down grou Periodic Trends 15 First ionization energy The Data booklet provides data for the atomic radii of the elements. The general term The first ionization energy is the minimum energy req “atomic radius” is used to represent the mean bonding atomic radius obtained from from one mole of gaseous atoms (under standard therm experimental data. Note that the bonding atomic radius (metallic and covalent) is + − (g) + e In general: always smaller than the non-bonding atomic radiusX(g) (van → derX Waals). For example, the first ionization energy of hydrogen is g 0.20 H(g) → Na + H (g) + − e ∆H = −1 +1310 kJ mol Ar The amount of energy required to carry out this proces 1310 kilojoules. Mg Period 3 Atoms of each element have different values of first atomic radius/nm Al 1 Electronegativity Si The electronegativityPof an atom is the ability or powe S Cl shared pairs of electrons to itself. The greater the electr ability to attract shared pairs of electrons to itself. Electronegativity values are usually based on the Paul the most electronegative atom. The least electronegative value of 0.7. The values for all the other elements lie betw electronegativity values are pure numbers with no units. 0.10 0 11 12 13 14in the 15 properties 16 17 of the 18 ■ Trends elem group 17 proton number Phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine all form small covalent molecules, P4, S8 and Trends in atomic and ionic radii Cl2 respectively. When these substances melt, it is only necessary to break weak a intermolecular bonds and notAt strong melting points radius is d the interatomic right of theattractions. periodicThe table, the atomic 10_04 Cam/Chem AS&A2 decrease phosphorus > covalently chlorine (seebonded Figure 10.5), the(Figure 3.19). Fo r in the order sulfur >nuclei of two atoms Barking Dog Art intermolecular bonds becoming weaker as the molecules become smaller. molecule (the distance between two chlorine nuclei) is r The melting point of argon is low, as the attraction between the argon atoms is −1 of chorine is ½ × 199 = 99 pm (1 picometre [pm] = 10 very small. metallic radius b r r Si covalent radius c Mg r left of the periodic table, the atomic radius is that of th radius). For the noble gases the atomic radius is that of radius). In general the atomic radius of an atom is determin factors: ■ the shielding effect by the electrons of the inner sh Cr shielding effect is the result of repulsion larger.V The Ti those in the outer or valence shell. and Fe Co Ni Sc ■ the nuclear charge (due to the protons) – this is an Cu Ge Mn closer to the nucleus. With an increase in nuclear c Ca However, when moving downZna group in the periodic t radius as the nuclear charge increases (Tables 3.4 and 3 S Se Na P K result of two factors: Br Cl As Ga Ar Kr van der Waals’ radius ■ the increase in the number of complete electron sh Ne (for group 18) and the nucleus 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ■ Figure 3.19 proton number ■ the increase in the shielding effect of the outer elec Atomic radius Al Electrical conductivity Sodium, magnesium and aluminium are metals. They have delocalised electrons that are free to move in the lattice of cations (see section 4.11). Silicon is a semiconductor. The other elements in the third period form covalent bonds with no free electrons, negative ion is always larger than its neu Periodic Trends in negative ionic radiusion, an atom must gain one or more The radii of cations andthe anions vary from the parent atoms from they of are attracti same atomic number, sowhich forces formed in the following is way. extra repulsion due to the increased numbe causes the ion to expand, moving the elect The radii of cations are smaller than those of their parent atoms. The reason again, between for this is that there are once more protons thanthere electronsisinathebalance cation so the valence the f electrons are more strongly attracted to the nucleus. repulsion. Periodic Trends 16A 1 Ion Atomic number Li+ Na Ionic radius/pm 3 Ion + Na Atomic number Cl Ionic radius/pm 9 133 F– 68 Electron affinity (EA) – + Cl 11 98 Na If an atom loses all its outer electrons, the radius of the resulting ion17is much smaller181 Br– 35 148 I– 353 219 At– 85 No data + 133 K than the atomic19radius. This is because: 196 • can be represented by the eq there are fewer electrons in the positive ion than in the atom, so the electron– • − − A(g) + e → A (g) Rb+ 37 Cs 55 167 Fr+ 87 No data there is one fewer shell of electrons + Electron affinity ■ ■ Table 3.7 The variation of ionic radii in group 17 electron repulsion is less, causing a further reduction in the radius. Table 3.6 The variation of ionic radii in group 1 Li Li + The negatively charged electron being adde charged nucleus. There is a force of attracti energy is released when the two are brought c Na Na + K K + The first electron affinity of oxygen is −14 per mole, for the process: − O(g) + e Trends in first ionization energy → − O (g) On moving down a group, the atomic radius increases as additional electron shells are added. Th The second electron affi nity can be represe causes the shielding effect to increase. The further the outer or valence shell is from the nucleus the smaller the attractive force exerted by the protons in the nucleus. Hence, the more easily an − − 2− e the→ionization A (g) Aand(g) outer electron can be removed the + lower energy. So, within each group, the first ionization energies decrease down the group. This is shown in Table 3.8 and Figure 3.24. 494 418 402 376 on of first ionization First ionization energy/kJ mol 519 –1 mber First ionization energy/kJ mol –1 The second electron affi nity of an element is a Li Na 500 energy is required to add an electron to an K Rb negative ion. The electron is repelled by the 400 Cs bring the ion and the electron together. 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 Atomic number 50 60 Periodic Trends 17 charge increases from 11 to 12 to 13. The force of attraction between + 2+ 3+ For ions with the same electron configuration (e.g. Na , Mg and Al ), the ion f the aluminium ion (13 protons) and its ten electrons is, therefore, with the greatest charge will have the smallest radius. hat between the nucleus of the other ions and their ten electrons. This 3+ ion Theto nuclear increases radius. from 11 to 12 to 13. The force of attraction between the havecharge the smallest nucleus of the aluminium ion (13 protons) and its ten electrons is, therefore, greater than that between the nucleus of the other ions and their ten electrons. This causes the Al3+ ion to have the smallest radius. egative ions on is always larger than its neutral atom (Figure 2.20). To form a The radii of anions are larger than those of their parent atoms. A negative ion is an atom must gain one or more electrons. The atom and the ion have always larger than its neutral atom. To form a negative ion, an atom must gain one or mic number, so forces of attraction remain the same. However, there more electrons. The atom and the ion have the same atomic number, so forces of sion due to the increased number of electrons in the same shell. This attraction remain the same. However, there is extra repulsion due to the increased n to expand, moving the electrons further from the nucleus until, number of electrons in the same shell. This causes the ion to expand, moving the here is a balance between the forces of attraction and the forces of 1 electrons further from the nucleus. + Na – Cl Cl n affinity (EA) ity can be represented by the equation: → − A (g) ly charged electron being added is brought towards the positively eus. There is a force of attraction between the two and, therefore, ased when the two are brought closer together. ctron affinity of oxygen is the process: −1 −142 kJ mol . This is the energy change, The variation of ion − → O (g) the type of ion change formed on the left-ha electron affinity can be represented by the equation: hand side. − → A 2−(g) Table 2.6 Atomic and ionic radii For positive ions th lectron affinity of an element is always positive (endothermic) because Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 ion Groupincreases, 6 Group 7 but f the uiredAtomic to add anNaelectron to an already negative ion. The incoming Mg Al C N increases O F (Figure 4.12 pelledRadius/pm by the negative ion. Therefore, energy has to be supplied to + 186 160 143 70 65 60 50 Let us consider Na and the electron together. 2− Mg2+ Al3+ N3− confiOguration, F− but Mg Ionic Na+ Radius/pm 95 65 50 171 140 136 4.13). Because there is amount of electron–el The nuclear charge increases from 11 to 12 to 13. The force of attraction between Io the nucleus of the aluminium ion (13 protons) and its tennuclear electrons is, therefore, charge in Mg s Periodic Trends 18 Increasing electronegativity and first ionization energy 1 Increasing electronegativity and first ionization energy 1310 2370 H He 2.1 519 799 900 1090 1400 1310 1680 – (O +844) 2080 Li Be 1.0 494 1.5 736 2.0 577 2.5 786 Na Mg Al Si 0.9 418 1.2 590 1.5 577 1.8 762 2.1 966 2.5 941 3.0 1140 B 632 661 648 Ca Sc Ti 0.8 402 1.0 548 1.3 636 1.5 669 Rb Sr 0.8 376 1.0 502 Cs 0.7 181 K 653 762 757 736 745 908 N 3.0 1060 P Ne F O 3.5 4.0 1000 1260 – (S +532) Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br 1.6 653 1.6 694 1.5 699 1.8 724 1.8 745 1.8 803 1.9 732 1.6 866 1.6 556 1.8 707 2.0 833 2.4 870 2.8 1010 Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te 1.2 540 1.4 531 1.6 760 1.8 770 1.9 762 2.2 841 2.2 887 2.2 866 1.9 891 1.7 1010 1.7 590 1.8 716 1.9 703 2.1 812 2.5 920 Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 510 1520 Ar Cl S Cr Y V 716 C 1350 Kr 1170 Xe I 1040 Rn 669 Fr Ra Ac 0.7 0.9 1.1 First ionization –1 energy (kJ mol ) Element Electronegativity Figure 3.2.1 Electronegativity and first ionization energy values, showing trends within the periodic table. A similar table can be found in the IB Data Booklet © IBO 2007. Decreasing atomic and ionic radii 30 H He Increasing atomic and ionic radii 154 (1–) 152 Li 68 (1+) 186 Na 98 (1+) 231 K 133 (1+) 244 Rb 148 (1+) 262 Cs 167 (1+) 270 Fr 88 112 Be B 30 (2+) 16 (3+) 143 160 Mg 65 (2+) 160 Ca 94 (2+) 110 (2+) 217 Ba 34 (2+) 220 Ra 131 125 129 126 125 124 128 133 260 (4–) N 171 (3–) 117 66 O 146 (2–) 110 58 F 133 (1–) 104 Ne 99 Si P S Cl Ar 42 (4+) 212 (3–) 190 (2–) 181 (1–) 271 (4–) 141 122 121 117 114 Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 81 (3+) 90 (2+) 88 (2+) 63 (3+) 80 (2+) 76 (2+) 74 (2+) 72 (2+) 96 (1+) 74 (2+) 62 (3+) 53 (4+) 222 (3–) 202 (2–) 196 (1–) 68 (4+) 59 (5+) 60 (4+) 64 (3+) 63 (3+) 69 (2+) 272 (4–) 180 157 141 136 135 133 134 138 144 149 166 162 141 137 133 215 Sr 146 C 70 Al 45 (3+) 197 77 93 (3+) 188 La 115 (3+) 80 (4+) 157 Hf 81 (4+) 70 (5+) 143 Ta 73 (5+) 68 (4+) 137 W 68 (4+) 137 Re 65 (4+) 86 (2+) 134 Os 67 (4+) 135 Ir 66 (4+) 126 (1+) 138 Pt 144 Au 137 (1+) 85 (3+) 97 (2+) 152 Hg 127 (1+) 110 (2+) 81 (3+) 112 (2+) 245 (3–) 222 (2–) 219 (1–) 71 (4+) 171 175 170 140 140 95 (3+) 120 (2+) 84 (4+) 120 (3+) 200 Ac Atomic radius (10–12 m) Element Ionic radius (10–12 m) Figure 3.2.2 Atomic and ionic radii values showing trends within the periodic table. A similar table can be found in the IB Data Booklet © IBO 2007. Periodic Trends 19 Skill Check 1 ne >, =, < First particle a Second particle − Chlorine atom (Cl) Chloride ion (Cl ) 3+ b Aluminium ion (Al ) Aluminium atom (Al) c d Calcium atom (Ca) Sulfur atom (S) e f + − Sodium ion (Na ) Fluoride ion (F ) 2+ Magnesium ion (Mg ) Calcium ion (Ca ) + 2− Sulfide ion (S ) 2+ 1 Potassium ion (K ) EMENTS AND THEIR OXIDES iodicity within groups and periods, ents and some of their compounds. n arrangement of the elements. group eactive nature. Their tendency to that they must be stored under in secondary school laboratories olent reaction with water. er increases down group 1. While ter and reacts slowly, producing ently, whizzing around on the gas in what is sometimes described 3.3.1 Discuss the similarities and differences in the chemical properties of elements in the same group. © IBO 2007 g its progress on the surface of the .1). The white smoke in figure 3.3.1 . Potassium burns spontaneously olution when they react with water. en in figure 3.3.1. Phenolphthalein e the reaction with sodium and has ydroxide. by the decrease in electrostatic and the positive nucleus of the Figure 3.3.1 Sodium will burn with a yellow flame if its motion on the surface of water is stilled. factor is Trends the increase Periodic 20 in the atomic radius, making the outermost electro from the nucleus and so easier to remove. Periodic trends in ionisation energy The general trend across a period is for the first ionisation energy to The first ionisation energies of the elements show periodicity. The pattern from However, there are a number of slight variations from this trend. 1st ionisation energy/kJ mol–1 lithium to neon is repeated exactly with the elements sodium to argon. Apart from the Figure 2.6 shows that there are maxima at each noble gas and minima at e insertion of the d-block elements, this pattern is seen again from potassium to 1 metal. There are dips after the second and fi fth elements in both period rubidium. 2400 He 2200the radii of atoms Ne Why increase down a group 2000 down a group in the Periodic Table, the atoms of each ele Going have one extra complete main shell of electrons compared with 1800 F one1600 before. So, for example, inArGroup 1 the outer electron in sod is in main shell N3, whereas in potassium it is in main shell 4. So Kr 1400 down the group, the outer electron main shell is further from th O Cl 1200 H Br nucleus and the atomic radii increase. P 1 1000 Be C Zn S Se Si First ionisation energy B Mg 800 As Ge 600 The first ionisation energy is the energy required to convert a m Al Li Ga Na 400 Rb isolated gaseous atoms into a mole of singly positively charged g K 200 ions, that is, to remove one electron from each atom. 0 E(g) ➝ 0 + – E (g) + e 5 10 (g)15 where E stands for any elemen 25 30 35 40 20 Atomic number The first ionisation energies also have periodic patterns. These ar Figure 2.6 Variation of the first ionisation energy with atomic number shown in Figure 4. 2500 He first ionisation energy / kJ mol –1 Ne 2000 F 1500 Ar N 02_Edexcel_GF_Chem_009-036.indd 17 O H 1000 Cl Be P C Mg B 500 0 S Ca Al Li 0 Si Na 5 10 atomic number ▲ Figure 4 The periodicity of first ionisation energies K 15 20 01 Periodic Trends 21 of sodium, magnesium aluminium isoelectronic species (Table to 3.15). The nuclear The Ions general trend across and a period is forare the first ionisation energy increase. 2 2 6 2p , In Figure notice the ion small between phosphorus (1s , pulls 2s ,all charge increases2, from the sodium to thedrop aluminium ion. The higher nuclear charge 2 3 2 2 6 2 4 the electron shells closer to the nucleus. Hence, the ionic radii decrease. 3s , 3p ) and sulfur (1s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p ). In phosphorus, As the effective nuclear charge increases from left to right across a periodeach of the Similarly, the nuclear charge increases from the phosphide ion to the chloride ion. The three 3p orbitals contains just one electron, while in sulfur, one of the (nuclear charge increases and the shielding effectively remains the same), the 8.3 More nuclear trends incharge the properties of the elements Period 3 higher causes the electron shellsofto be pulled closer to the nucleus. Again, the 3p orbitals must contain two electrons. The repulsion between these ionic radii decrease (Table 3.16). valence electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus, so the attraction between the • paired electrons makes it easier to remove one of them, despite the + 2+ 3+ 3– 2– – electrons and the nucleus increases. This makes it more difficult to remove an Species Na Mg Al Species P S Cl The first ionisation energy generally increases across a period increase in nuclear charge, see Figure 4. Nuclear charge +11 +12 +13 Nuclear charge +15 and lithium, +16 (see Figure 4), alkali metals like sodium, Na, Li,+17 have the electron from the atom. Number of electrons lowest values and Number the nobleofgases (helium,18He, neon,18Ne, and18 argon, 10 10 electrons 10 • Ar) have the highest values. Ionic radius/pm 98 across 65 a period 45 Ionic radius/pm 190the Atomic radii decrease – because the distance212 between 181 2p ionisation energy decreases going3pdown any group. The The first the nucleus it3sGroup becomes more difficult ■ valence Table 3.15 electrons Atomic data for sodium, magnesium Table 3.16 Atomic data for phosphide, sulfide 2s and 1s trends fordecreases, Group■1 and 0 are shown dotted in to redremove and green, and aluminium ions andgraph. chloride ions respectively on the an electron from the atom. 1 The large increase in size from theYou aluminium ion these to thepatterns phosphide ion is due to the presence can explain by looking at electronic arrangements of an additional shell.inThis causes5). a large increase in the shielding effect and as a result orbitalselectron (sub-shells) phosphorus (Figure However, there are a number of slight variations from this trend. easier the ionic radius increases. Outer electrons are harder to remove as nuclear charge 2pincreases Trends in 1s first ionization energy 2s 3p to lose 3s The first ionization energies of the elements in period 3 are listed in Table 3.17. The general 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 18+ trend is an increase in first ionization energy across the periodic table. When moving across a period from left to right the nuclear orbitals (sub-shells) in sulfurcharge increases but the shielding effect only increases 2 3p2 2 3p3 2 3p4 2 3p5 2 3p6 [Ne]3s1 [Ne]3s2 3p1 [Ne]3s2 [Ne]3s [Ne]3s [Ne]3s [Ne]3s [Ne]3s slightly (since electrons enter the same shell). Consequently, the electron shells are pulled closer to the nucleus and as sodium a resultto first ▲progressively Figure 5 The electronic structures of the elements argonionization energies increase. ▲ Figure 4 Electron arrangements of phosphorus and sulfur Element Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Phosphorus Why the first ionisationSilicon energy increases Sulfur across aChlorine period As you a period from right, the number of1260 protons 736go across 577 786 left to 1060 1000 Both these cases, whichin go against the expected trend, aresame evidence the nucleus increases but the electrons enter the main shell, see Figure increased charge on theThese nucleus were means that it gets that confirms the existence of 5.s-The and p-sub-shells. increasingly to remove anthere electron. However, the increase in first ionization energydifficult is not uniform and are two decreases – First ionization energy/ kJ mol –1 494 Down a group predicted by quantum theory and the Schrödinger equation. between magnesium aluminium phosphorusenergy and sulfur. decreases can The trend down aand group is for and thebetween first ionisation toThese decrease. Down a group, the ionisation energy decreases. Why the first ionisation energy decreases going down a group only be explained by reference to sub-shells and orbitals. Hint Although the number of protons increases, so does the number of down shielding The number of filled inner shells increases the group. This The first ionization energy of aluminium is lower than that of magnesium, even though –1 Trends in ionisation energies down a group in the results in an increase in shielding. Also, the electron to be removed is Filled inner electron shells are said ) of the elements in Group 1 of the The first ionisation energies (kJ mol electrons, keeping theradius. effective nuclearin charge constant. Thefrom main factor is aluminiumhence has a smaller atomic The decrease first ionization energy magnesium at an6 increasing distance from the nucleus and is therefore held less to shield electrons in the outer 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 1 periodic are shown in Table 8.6. (1sPeriodic 2s 2p table 3s in ) tothe aluminium (1s 2s 2p 3s 3p ) occurs because the electrons in the filled 3s Table the increase atomic radius, making the outermost electron further from the strongly. Thus the outer electrons get easier to remove going down a shell from the nuclear charge. orbital are more effective at shielding the electron in the orbitalaway thanfrom they the are nucleus. at shielding each group because they are3pfurther nucleus and so easier to remove. Table 8.6 First ionisation energies ofis the 1 elements. Figure 5 shows that thereto a Group general decrease in tofirst ionisation other. Therefore less energy is needed remove a single 3p electron than remove a paired 3s Why there is a drop in ionisation energy from one period electron. energy going down Group 2, and the same pattern is seen in other Li Na K Rb Cs Element 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 to the next The first ionization energy of sulfur (1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3p 3p ) is less than that of phosphorus groups. This is because the outer electron is in a main shell that gets Moving from neon in Period 0 (far right) with electron arrangement 2 2 6 2 1 1 1 4 –1 energy is required to remove an electron from the 3p orbitals (1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3p 3p ) because less 496 419 403 376 First ionisation energy/kJ mol2,8 to520 sodium, 2,8,1 (Period 1, far left) there is a sharp drop in the further from the nucleus in each case. of sulfur than from the half-filled 3p orbitals of phosphorus. The presence of a spin pair of electrons first ionisation energy. This is because at sodium a new main shell results in greater electron repulsion compared to two unpaired electrons in separate orbitals. starts and so there is an increase in atomic radius, the outer electron is Factor 1 Atomic radius further – increases down the group and the outer from the nucleus, less strongly attracted and easier to remove. ■ Trends electron in electronegativity values is further from the nucleus. This tends to decrease 900 Be The electronegativities of the elements in period 3 are listed in Table 3.18. The general trend the ionisation energy as we go down the group. Summary questions –1 is an increase in first ionization energy across the periodic table. When moving across a period 850 from left to the nuclear charge increases but thedown shielding effect only increases slightly Factor 2 right Nuclear charge – increases the group. This tends toacross a 1 What happens to the size of atoms as you go from left to right (since electrons enter the same shell). Consequently, the electron shells are pulled progressively period? Choose fromas increase, decrease, no change. 800 increase the ionisation energy we go down the group. closer to the nucleus and as a result electronegativity values increase. 2 What happens to the first ionisation energy as you go from left to right Mg 750 across a period? Choose from increase, decrease, no change. first ionisation energy / kJ mol nts 3.2 Periodic trends 101 Factor 3 Shielding effect – increases down the group. This reduces Element Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine 3 nucleus. What happens to the nuclearto charge of the atomsthe as you go left to right the effect of the This tends decrease Electronegativity 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.2 700 across a period? ionisation energy4 as we go down the group. Why do the noble gases have the highest first ionisation energy of all Generally, the electronegativity values of chemical elements increase across a period and 650 the elements in their period? decrease down a group (Figure 3.28). This observation can be used to compare the relative Factors 1 and 3 outweigh factor 2 as ionisation energy decreases down electronegativity values of two elements in the periodic table. To do this, find the positions of Ca a group. 600 154 Sr Across550 a period Across a period, ionisation energy increases. This is illustrated in Ba Table 8.7. 500 0 ionisation 10 energies20 30in Period 2. 40 50 60 Table 8.7 First of elements B C N atomic number O F ▲ Figure 5 The first ionisation energies of the elements of Group 2 801 1086 1402 1314 1681 Ne 2081 18/0 8.4 A closer look at ionis Periodic Trends 22 Why there is a drop in ionisation energy from one period to the next Moving from neon in Period 2 Group 18 (far right) with electron arrangement 2,8 to sodium, 2,8,1 (Period 3 Group 1 far left) there is a sharp drop in the first ionisation This chapter revisits the trends in ionisation energies first dealt wi energy. This is because at sodium a new main shell starts and so there is an increase in Topicradius, 1.6, the in outer the electron context of periodicity. Theless graph of attracted first ionisa in atomic is further from the nucleus, strongly energy and easieragainst to remove.atomic number across a period is not smooth. Figu below shows the plot for Period 3. A closer look at ionisation energies of Period 3 first ionisation energy / kJ mol –1 1750 Group 0 Ar 1 1500 1250 Group 5 P 1000 500 Group 6 S Group 2 Mg 750 Group 1 Na Group 7 Cl Group 4 Si Group 3 Al 250 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 atomic number 16 17 18 ▲ Figure 1 Graph of first ionisation energy against atomic number for Theelements graph of first the of ionisation Period 3 energy against atomic number across a period is not smooth. It shows that: It shows that: the first ionisation energy actually drops between Group 2 and Group 13, so that has aionisation lower ionisation energy actually than magnesium •aluminium the first energy drops between Group 2 and Group 3, so that aluminium has a lower ionisation energy than the ionisation energy drops again slightly between Group 15 (phosphorus) and magnesium Group 16 (sulfur). • the ionisation energy drops again slightly between Group 5 Similar patterns occur in other periods. You can explain this if you look at the electron (phosphorus) and Group 6 (sulfur). arrangements of these elements. Similar patterns occur in other periods. You can explain this if you look at the electron arrangements of these elements. The drop in first ionisation energy between Groups 2 and 3 For the first ionisation energy: • magnesium, • aluminium, 2 1s 2 1s 2 2s 2 2s 6 2p 6 2p 2 3s , 2 3s loses a 3s electron 1 3p , loses the 3p electron. Specification reference: 3.2.1 Periodic Trends 23 3p 3s energy The drop in first ionisation energy between Groups 2 and 3 actually betweenenergy: Group 2 and For thedrops first ionisation m has Hint a lower ionisation energy than 2s magnesium, 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 , loses a 3s electron Ionisation energies are sometimes ps again slightly between Group 5 1s 2 2 6 2 1 aluminium, 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p , loses the 3p electron called ionisation enthalpies. 6 (sulfur). 2p • • 2 2s2 2p6 3s2 magnesium 1s periods. You can explaininthis if you The p-electron is already a higher energy level than the s-electron, so it takes less er ments of these elements. energy to remove it ation energy between complete removal 1 1st IE y: 1st IE 3p 3p loses a 3s 3s electron 1 3p , energy energy 2, 2 complete removal loses the 2p 3p electron. 2s energy 3s 2p 2s higher level than the s-electron, rgies ove it, see Figure 2. 1s 1s 2 2 6 2 2 2 6 2 1 The drop in first ionisation energy between magnesium 1s 2s 2p 3s aluminium 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p Groups 5 and 6 ▲ Figure 2 The first ionisation energies of magnesium and aluminium The drop in first ionisation energy between Groups 15 and 16 An electron in a pair will be easier to remove that one in an orbital complete removal (not to scale) An in abecause pair will be to remove thatrepelled one in an by orbital its own because onelectron its own it easier is already being theonother electron. 1st shownbeing in IEFigure itAs is already repelled3: by the other electron. • 2 1s 2 2s 6 2p 2 3s 155 3 3p , • phosphorus, 1s 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3, as no paired has electrons no paired electrons in a in a p-orbital because p-orbital because each p-electron is in a different orbital 3sp-electron is in a different orbital each energy 3p 2 phosphorus, 2 1s 2 2s 6 2p 2 3s 4 3p , • sulfur, 2p has two of its p-electrons paired in a 2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4, has two of its p-electrons paired in a p-orbital so one of sulfur, 1s p-orbital so one of these will be easier to remove than an unpaired 2s these beto easier remove than unpaired due to in thethe repulsion the onewill due thetorepulsion ofan the other one electron sameoforbital. • other electron in the same orbital. 1s 2s 1s aluminium 2 1s 2 2s 6 2p 2p 2 3s 1 3p 3s 3p ▲ Figure 2 The first ionisation energies of magnesium and aluminium orbitals (sub-shells) in phosphorus (not to scale) 1s 2s 2p 155 3s 3p easier to lose orbitals (sub-shells) in sulfur ▲ Figure 3 Electron arrangements of phosphorus and sulfur Successive ionisation energies If you remove the electrons from an atom one at a time, each one is harder to remove than the one before. Figure 4 is a graph of ionisation hence there is a greater attraction (higher effective nuclear charge) fo Periodic Trends 24 Ionization energy He filling up the p sub-shell H Ne filling up the p sub-shell Ar half-filled p sub-shell Li s sub-shell s sub-shell s sub-shell 1 erstand by the term atomic orbital? show the shape of: half-filled p sub-shell Na [1 K Atomic number 2 2 6 2 6 8 2 [1 [1 electronic configuration 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s . TheCheck ‘drops’ groups 2 and to? 13 occur because an electron is remove[1 theSkill Periodic Table2between does element X belong mumThe number of energy electrons inofaseveral dansub-shell. higher in than s orbital is easier remove. There is[1 1st ionisation energies elementsand with hence consecutive atomicto numbers are shown 2+ ms aninion of type X .Thebetween ‘drops’ groups 15 and 16elements. occurs because there are pa the The graph below. letters are not the symbols of the 2 [1 ectronic confienergy gurationisfor this ion using 1s notation. so less required to remove one. This is due to the increased a. Which of the elements A to I belong to Group I in the Periodic Table? Explain your answer. ol for theThere sub-shell begins afterend the of 3d each and 4speriod are completely is which a large droptoatfillthe becausefull. an electro[1 2 2s2 2p6 3s2?Total = b.which Which ofresults the elements A to I could have the electronic configuration 1s in a large increase in shielding. Hence there is less attra nucleus. c.the Explain the rise in 1st ionisation energy between element E and element G. ergies of several elements with consecutive atomic numbers are shown in the graph For the sand p-blocks the increase in nuclear charge across a per Estimate the of 1stthe ionisation energy of element J. notd.the symbols elements. on the outer shell (valence) electrons because the inner shielding onl –1 First ionisation energy / kJ mol 2000 1600 1200 1800 400 0 A B C D E F Element G H I J ents A to I belong to Group I in the Periodic Table? Explain your answer. 2 2 6 2 ents A to I could have the electronic configuration 1s 2s 2p 3s ? 1st ionisation energy between element E and element G. nisation energy of element J. [3 [1 [4 [2 80 80 − Periodic Trends B 25 ( Br− Br) 79 81 − C ( Br− Br) Skill Check 3 79 81 + ( Br− The first ionisation of D elements sodiumBr) to argon is shown below. d? (1) (2) B Mark on the graph where the value for potassium would be. The firstforionisation of elements tolarger than C Explain3why the value the second ionisation of sodiumsodium is very much that of its first ionisation. argon is shown below. First ionisation energy (1) (1) d) State and outline one modern use of mass A Explain why the general trend from sodium to argon is upwards but why the value for (3) sulfur is less thanspectrometry. that for phosphorus. (Total 9 marks) 1 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K a) Explain why the general trend from sodium to argon is upwards but why the value for Skill Check 4 sulfur is less than that for phosphorus. (5) (1) For each of the following pairs, state which element has the higher first ionisation energy b) Mark on the graph where the value for ks) and explain your answer: potassium would be. (1) A Mg and Al c) Explain why the value for the second he ionisation of sodium is very much larger than that of its first ionisation. (2) e B Mg and Ca (Total 8 marks) (1) (1) C Ne and Na (1) ic 1)