I. Given the following database tables: N o I 1 2 Products Table ProductID ProductName 3 NumInStock II 1 2 3 III 1 2 3 IV 1 2 3 4 Products Table Product code Product's name Quantity of products in stock Bảng Sản phẩm Mã sản phẩm Tên sản phẩm Số lượng sản phẩm tồn kho Customers Table CustomerID CustomerName CustomerAddress Customers Table Customer's code Customer name Customer's address Bảng khách hàng Mã Khách hàng Tên khách hàng Địa chỉ của khách hàng Invoice Table InvoiceID DateInvoice CustomerID Invoice table Invoice code Date of invoice Customer's code Bảng hóa đơn Mã hóa đơn Ngày xuất hóa đơn Mã Khách hàng InvoiceDetails Table Bảng Chi tiết hóa đơn Invoice code Product code Number of products sold Unit price Mã hóa đơn Mã sản phẩm Số lượng sản phẩm đã bán Đơn giá InvoiceDetails Table InvoiceID ProductID NumSold PriceUnit II. Information and data of Database tables Products ProductID P01 P02 ProductName Dell computers Canon printer NumInStoc k 578 752 P03 Panasonic projector 463 P04 HP Computer 916 Customers CustomerID CustomerName C01 C02 C03 C04 Tran Bao Minh Le Nam Giang Nguyen Bich Ngoc Mac Dinh Minh CustomerAddres s Ha Noi Nam Dinh Son La Hai Phong Invoice InvoiceID DateInvoice I01 I02 I03 I04 CustomerID 11-09-23 12-09-23 13-09-23 14-09-23 C02 C04 C03 C01 InvoiceDetails InvoiceID I01 I02 I03 I04 ProductID P01 P02 P03 P04 NumSold 25 30 15 40 PriceUnit 22.000.000 7.000.000 8.000.000 17.000.000 III. Using relational algebra expression to answer below queries 1. List customer codes and customer addresses in the customer table 2. List the product name and product quantity in the product table 3. List product codes and product names with a quantity of products in stock greater than 500 products. 4. Find out the customer code and Invoice date of the customer with an address in Nam Dinh. 5. List names of customers who had purchase invoices on 12-09-2023. 6. List product codes and product names with unit prices greater than 10.000.000 7. Find out the name of the customer with an address in Son La with a purchase invoice on 13-09-2023 8. List product codes and product names sold on 14-09-2023. 9. List product codes that have never been sold 10. List customer codes that have never made a purchase on 11-09-2023