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IELTS Speaking Review Vol.7: Practice Topics

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Mục lục
IELTS Speaking Part 1
38. Puzzles.........................................................................47
39. Sweets & Cakes........................................................48
40. Shoes............................................................................49
Boring things..............................................................13
41. Science........................................................................50
Book and reading habit........................................14
42. Shopping at street markets..............................51
43. Spending time with others...............................52
44. Sitting down..............................................................53
45. Social media..............................................................54
46. Snacks..........................................................................55
10. Cars.................................................................................19
47. Taking photos...........................................................56
11. Collecting things.....................................................20
48. TV Program................................................................57
12. Concentration............................................................21
49. Talents..........................................................................58
13. Drawing and Art galleries.....................................22
50. Time management..................................................59
14. Daily Routine..............................................................23
51. The area you live in.................................................60
15. Dreams..........................................................................24
52. Technology.................................................................61
16. Doing sports.............................................................25
53. Meeting places.........................................................62
17. Email..............................................................................26
54. Work or study............................................................63
18. Evening time..............................................................27
55. Weekend.....................................................................65
19. Getting Lost................................................................28
56. Weather.......................................................................66
20. Geography...................................................................29
57. Websites.....................................................................67
21. Home/ accommodation..........................................30
58. Watching sports.......................................................68
22. History...........................................................................31
59. Watch...........................................................................69
23. Housework and Cooking........................................32
60. Writing.........................................................................70
24. Handwriting................................................................33
61. Travelling on Public Transport............................71
25. Headphones and Microphones...........................34
26. Hair salon.....................................................................35
27. Lost and found..........................................................36
28. Mirrors...........................................................................37
29. Math..............................................................................38
30. Mobile/ Cell phones................................................39
31. New places..................................................................40
32. Neighbors....................................................................41
33. Noise.............................................................................42
34. Names...........................................................................43
35. Old building..............................................................44
36. Pets and Animals......................................................45
37. Public gardens and Parks......................................46
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IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3
Describe your favourite famous person .........................................................................................................................................73
Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member .....................................................................................................76
Describe a time when you gave some helpful advice to someone ..................................................................................79
4. Describe a historical event from your country ...........................................................................................................................82
5. Describe a place in the countryside that you visited ................................................................................................................85
Describe a situation when something in your house was broken or stopped working ..........................................88
Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event ...................................................................................92
Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends .............................................................................................95
Describe a lesson that you remember well ..................................................................................................................................98
10. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you ....................................................................................................101
11. Describe a selfie which you took on your mobile phone on your favourite occasion .................................104
12. Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend ...............................................................................................................107
13. Describe a special cake you received from others ...............................................................................................................110
14. Describe a story someone told you that you remember ................................................................................................113
15. Describe a thing you cannot live without except a cell phone or computer .......................................................116
16. Describe a long walk you had .......................................................................................................................................................119
17. Describe a useful skill you learned from an older person .............................................................................................122
18. Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language ............................................................125
19. Describe an apartment or a house that you would like to live in, in the near future .................................128
20. Describe a time you visited a new place ...............................................................................................................................131
21. Describe a rule (in school or work) that you don’t like ................................................................................................134
22. Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with .....................................................................................................137
23. Describe a toy that you often played with as a child ......................................................................................................140
24. Describe a song that you think is interesting ........................................................................................................................143
25. Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it ................................................146
26. Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn ................................................................................................................150
27. Describe a time when you got up early ....................................................................................................................................153
28. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way .............................................................................................156
29. Describe a habit your friend has that you would like to develop ..............................................................................159
30. Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen ....................................................162
31. Describe an athlete that you admire .........................................................................................................................................165
32. Describe a café you’d like to visit ..............................................................................................................................................168
33. Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time ..........................................................................................171
34. Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like ...............................................................................174
35. Describe an exciting book you have read ............................................................................................................................177
36. Describe a creative person (an artist/musician/...) whose work you admire ......................................................180
37. Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go .......................................................................................183
38. Describe a difficult decision that you once made ...........................................................................................................186
39. Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting ...........................189
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40. Describe a businessman you admire ...........................................................................................................................................192
41. Describe a place you visited on vacation .................................................................................................................................195
42. Describe some good service you received (company or store/shop) .........................................................................198
43. Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted .........................................................................................201
44. Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school ....................................................204
45. Describe something you think would be interesting to learn more about ...............................................................207
46. Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society ..............................................................210
47. Describe a person you follow regularly on social media .................................................................................................213
48. Describe a famous city that you think is interesting ........................................................................................................216
49. Describe a time when you moved to a new home or school ...................................................................................219
50. Describe an occasion that you lost something ........................................................................................................................222
51. Describe a traditional product in your country .....................................................................................................................225
52. Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy ..........................................................................................................228
53. Describe a time when you helped a child .............................................................................................................................231
54. Describe a quite place you like to go ..........................................................................................................................................234
55. Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved .................................................................................................................237
56. Describe a course that impressed you a lot ............................................................................................................................240
57. Describe a person you only met once and want to know more....................................................................................243
58. Describe an important river/lake in your country .................................................................................................................246
59. Describe an interesting neighbor ...................................................................................................................................................249
60. Describe a time you were very busy .................................................................................................................................................252
61. Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future ....................................................................255
62. Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in .................................................................................258
63. Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study ............................................................261
64. Describe something that surprised you .....................................................................................................................................264
65. Describe an important event you celebrated ..........................................................................................................................267
66. Describe a positive change that you made in your life ...................................................................................................270
67. Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much .........................................................273
68. Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way ........................................................................276
69. Describe a disagreement you had with someone .........................................................................................................................279
70. Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion ...............................................................................................282
71. Describe a place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live ..............................................285
72. Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive about some work that you did .............................288
73. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding) .............................................................291
74. Describe a person you from know who is from a different cultures background ............................................................294
75. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently ...............................................................................................297
76. Describe a programme that you enjoyed very much (e.g. on TV or the internet) ............................................................300
77. Describe a photo you took that you are proud of ......................................................................................................................303
78. Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again ......................................,................................... 306
79. Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well ........................................................................................309
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80. Describe a home of someone you know well that you often visit ..............................................................................312
81. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park) .......................................................................315
82. Describe a time when you needed to search for information ........................................................................................318
83. Describe an object that you think is beautiful .......................................................................................................................321
84. Describe something you had to share with others ................................................................................................................324
85. Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants(e.g.vegetables/fruit/flowers,etc.) .......................................327
86. Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment ..................................................................................................330
87. Describe an English lesson you had and enjoyed ........................................................................................................................333
88. Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult ........................................................336
89. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting ......................................................................339
90. Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something ........................................................................................342
91. Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam .......................................................................345
92. Describe a time you used your mobile phone for something important...................................................................348
93. Describe a popular/well known person in your country ...................................................................................................351
94. Describe a friend that you enjoy talking with ........................................................................................................................354
95. Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably ................................................................................................................358
96. Describe an important thing that you learned (not at school or in college) ..........................................................361
97. Describe a problem you had while shopping online or while shopping in a store ............................................364
98. Describe a place popular for sports .............................................................................................................................................367
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Speaking Part 1
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1. Do you like drawing?
→ Yes, I have taken a keen interest in drawing since I was a kid,
and at one point I even attended an art class for beginners. These
days though, I rarely draw due to a lack of time, however, I still
spend some time occasionally on the weekend to visit an art
gallery in the city.
2. Do you like to go to the gallery?
→ Absolutely yes. I’m a big fan of fine art, so I often spend time
on the weekends visiting different galleries and exhibitions.
Aesthetic quality can vary from different art styles, so I enjoy
both historical-themed masterpieces in local galleries and
modern artwork in certain art showcases.
• take an interest in / ˈteɪkən ən ˈɪntrəst ɪn /: hứng
thú với..
Ex: I wish John would take an interest in his
• spend time doing sth / spend ˈtaɪm ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ /
: dành thời gian cho hoạt động
Ex: On the weekends I usually spend my time with
my family and friends.
• Aesthetic quality / iːsˈθetɪk ˈkwɒlɪti /: giá trị
nghệ thuật
Ex: Aesthetic quality is considered one of the
most significant factors when judging artwork.
• Historical-themed / hɪˈstɒrɪkl̩ ðəmd /: mang
chủ đề lịch sử
Ex: Historical-themed artworks appear to be
quite boring to some people.
3. Do you want to learn more about art?
→ Though I don’t see myself as being gifted, I’d still like to attend
art classes to fulfill my passion for painting. Personally speaking,
learning to paint or draw not only helps to promote creativity
but also significantly reduces my stress levels.
4. Did you learn how to draw when you were a kid?
→ Yes, I enrolled in my first art class when I was 7 years old. My old
teacher used to speak highly of my random scribbles, though
I’ve never seen myself as being very artsy.
• gifted (adj) /ˈɡɪf.tɪd/: có năng khiếu
Ex: She is a gifted dancer who won numerous
• creativity (n) /ˌkriː.eɪˈt̬ɪv.ə.t̬i/: khả năng sáng tạo
Ex: Too many rules will kill your creativity.
• scribbles (n) /ˈskrɪb.əl/: nét vẽ nguệch ngoạc
Ex: The kids have caused many scribbles on the
• artsy (adj) /ˈɑːrt.si/: khéo tay, liên quan đến
nghệ thuật
Ex: She is a typical artsy person who spends most
of her time creating beautiful artwork.
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1. Are you interested in watching advertisements on
the television or internet?
→ Neither are very appealing to me. Don’t get me wrong;
• appealing /əˈpiːlɪŋ/ (adj): hấp dẫn
Ex: The large salary made their offer even more
appealing to him.
I don’t completely hate advertisements. Some of them are
very creative and unique. However, I would rather watch
the things that I want to watch and not the adverts.
2. Are there any kinds of advertisements you dislike?
→ Celebrity endorsements. I’m not too fond of the way
that those famous people influence other people’s choices.
Some of them haven’t even used the product before
encouraging their fans to buy it.
3. Do you share advertisements with others?
→ To be honest, yes. I know it sounds crazy to share ads with
other people, but there are many hilarious ads, especially
Celebrity endorsements /səˈlebrəti
ɪnˈdɔːrsmənt/: quảng cáo thương hiệu bằng
người nổi tiếng
Ex: Celebrity endorsement is a very old marketing
communication strategy.
• Laugh one’s head off (idiom): cười nhiều, lớn
Ex: You laughed your head off when I fell!
• Sense of humor (n): khiếu hài hước
those from Thailand. I always laugh my head off when
Ex: He has a great sense of humor because he
watching those funny ads, and so I like to share them with
makes me laugh every time we meet.
some of my friends who have the same sense of humor
as me.
4. Would you like to work in the advertising industry in the
→ There are numerous reasons why certain meeting
places are better than others, but it usually would depend
on who the people are, why they are meeting, and their
whereabouts. For example, due to their popularity, cafes
• whereabouts (n) /ˈwer.ə.baʊts/: vị trí địa lí
Ex: Trupin is thought to be in the Caribbean,
although his exact whereabouts is a mystery.
• popularity (n) /ˌpɑː.pjəˈler.ə.t̬i/: độ yêu thích
Ex: Organic food has gained increasing popularity.
tend to be quite noisy places so if you wanted a private
conversation about something serious then you might be
better off in a park or somewhere quiet and more private.
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1. What apps have you recently used?
→ I use a wide range of mobile apps. I think they have become an
integral part of our daily life because they help to transform our
phone into a multifunctional device. Recently, I’ve been using
Skype, an app that allows me to connect with my coworkers.
2. What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?
→ Any app that makes my life easier. Social media apps allow
me to share more about my day-to-day life with my friends and
• integral /ɪnˈteɡrəl/: không thể thiếu
Ex: Music is an integral part of the school’s curriculum.
• multifunctional /ˌmʌltiˈfʌŋkʃənl/: đa chức năng
Ex: This phone is a multifunctional devic.
• Day-to-day /ˌdeɪ tə ˈdeɪ/: hàng ngày
She has been looking after the day-to-day
running of the school.
family, while entertainment apps, such as online games, help me
relax after a stressful day at work.
3. What was the first app used?
• the in thing (idiom): thứ thịnh hành nhất
→ Facebook, I guess. It was the in thing a few years ago. All of my
friends were on Facebook. I didn’t want to miss out, so I pestered
wedding dresses lately.
my parents to buy me a smartphone so that I could be on that
social networking site.
Deep V-necks are becoming the in thing for
• Pester /ˈpes.tɚ/: làm phiền, nằng nặc
Ex: John has been pestering her to go out with him
all month.
4. What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?
• out of shape (idiom): không khỏe mạnh
Ex: I’m so out of shape that I get out of breath climbing
→ There is a trend towards fitness apps as they help to define
your lifestyle. As I’m getting out of shape, I guess I can turn to
those apps for advice on my health.
the stairs.
• turn to (phr.v): dựa vào, tin tưởng vào
Ex: You should choose carefully who you turn to for
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Boring things
1. What kinds of things are boring to you?
→ Repetitive tasks. I just can’t stand doing the same thing
day in, day out. Unfortunately, there are lots of repetitive
things that you have to do on a daily basis.
• Repetitive / /rɪˈpetətɪv/ (adj): lặp lại
Ex: I really dislike the music young people
listen to nowadays, it all sounds so repetitive.
• day in, day out / deɪ ɪn, deɪ aʊt/ (idiom):
hàng ngày
Ex: Living on junk food day in day out is not
good for you.
2. What do you do when you feel bored?
→ Anything that would help relieve the boredom. If I’m
at work, I will stand up and walk around for a couple of
• Boredom /ˈbɔːrdəm/ (n) sự chán chường
Ex: I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom.
minutes. After that, I can return to my work and have a
better chance of staying focused on it.
3. What was the most boring thing you did when you
were young?
→ Doing homework, of course. I think every kid has to
experience such dull things when they are young. But it was
compulsory, you know, so I still had to complete everything
• Dull /dʌl/ (adj): chán, không thú vị
Ex: Life in a small town can be very dull.
• Compulsory/kəmˈpʌlsəri/ (adj): bắt buộc
Ex: English is a compulsory subject at school
even though it really annoyed me.
4. Do you think school is boring?
→ Some parts of it are. Like when we had to stand in the
schoolyard and listen to a meaningless speech from the
headmaster every Monday. Things like that were absolutely
• Headmaster /ˌhedˈmæstər/(n) hiệu trưởng
Ex: He is a retired headmaster, living in
• Mind-numbing /ˈmaɪndˌnʌm.ɪŋ/ (adj): đầu óc
tê liệt
Ex: I find subjects like history and philosophy to
be so mind-numbing.
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Books and Reading Habits
1. Do you often read books?
→ Unfortunately I spend far less time reading books than I
would like. So much of my time is spent involved with my
studies, and while I guess that counts in the context of
reading textbooks, I don’t think that is what you mean. The
only times I really get to sit down and read a book is when
traveling. Being on a bus or an airplane is a great time to
really delve into a good book.
2. Do you read differently now than you did before?
→ I hadn’t thought about it, but now that I do, I definitely
read very differently than I used to. I used to get very
absorbed into books and not look up from the pages for
hours. Now when I read, I do so quite differently, I can still
get just as caught up in the books, but when I see a new
• count in the context of /kaʊnt ɪn ðə ˈkɒntɛkst
ɒv/: Được tính vào bối cảnh/ việc nào đó.
Ex: I think reading comics doesn’t count in the
context of reading books.
• delve into /dɛlv ˈɪntuː/ : Tìm hiểu sâu
Ex: It’s not always a good idea to delve too deeply
into someone’s past.
• absorbed /əbˈzɔːbd/: thích thú, say đắm
Ex: She was completely absorbed in the task.
• curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/: tò mò
Ex: He is such a curious boy, always asking
word I don’t know, or something is referenced that I am
curious about, I cannot help but whip out my phone and
search the word or concept on the internet to learn more,
then, back to the book.
3. Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted
into a film? Which do you prefer, reading the books, or
watching the movies?
→ I have on many occasions either read a book then seen a
movie adaptation, or watched a movie then been inspired
to read the book. I have to say, in almost all cases, the books
have been better than the movies, though I cannot say I
completely prefer that to the other. Some things just work
better as a book, and some things work better as a movie.
Books also tend to take a significantly longer time to finish,
and this means that many people just don’t have the time
• a movie adaptation /ə ˈmuːvi ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ :
bộ phim chuyển thể
Ex: There have been more than 60 film adaptations
of his literary works.
• inspire (v) /ɪnˈspaɪə/: Truyền cảm hứng
Ex: The actors inspired the kids with their
• dedicate (a) /ˈdedɪkeɪt/: dành thời gian làm gì /
cống hiến
Ex: She dedicates herself to her work.
to dedicate to a single story, whereas if it is a movie, they
can get the enjoyment of the story in one evening.
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1. What do you usually do on your birthday?
→ Well usually, on my birthday I prefer to spend the day
and most of the evening at home. I tend to spend that
time celebrating with my family, and catching up with
any relatives who have come to wish me a happy birthday.
• Catch up with / ˈkætʃ ˈʌp wɪð /: hỏi thăm tình hình
Ex: I should catch up with you some time.
• Meet up with / miːt ˈʌp wɪð /: gặp mặt
Ex: They met up with each other for drinks.
Then, later at night I like to meet up with my friends and
go visit street markets for snacks and fresh juices. That is
my favourite way to spend my birthday, and so how I try to
do it every year.
2. What did you do on your birthday when you were young?
→ Well, when I was younger it was much more conventional.
The way we celebrated, I mean. It was mostly planned by
my parents, of course, so most activities like games were
chosen by them. I always got to pick what food was served
though, and have for as long as I can remember. Most years
• Conventional (a) /kənˈven.ʃən.əl/: truyền thống,
đơn giản
Ex: I find his art dull and conventional.
• Plan (v) /plæn/: tổ chức, lên kế hoạch
Ex: She is already planning what to do on her weekend.
we had pizza.
3. Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your
→ I don’t think that it is particularly special, but on the other
hand I kind of do. For myself, I don’t really care, because for
years I have thought that in a world of almost eight billion
people, there are only 365 days in a year! We can’t have a
• special day / ˈspeʃl̩ ˈdeɪ /: ngày trọng đại
Ex: Today is your special day Ellie, it’s your birthday!
• take out some time / ˈteɪk aʊt səm ˈtaɪm /: rảnh
thời gian làm việc gì đó khác
Ex: She took out some time from her career to raise
her children.
special day for everyone. Although, for the same reason,
there are a lot of people in the world and it is easy to feel
small, so it is important for everyone to take out some
time in their lives to celebrate themselves.
3. Whose birthday do you think is the most important to
celebrate in Viet Nam?
→ I think that would depend on who you ask, but for most
people I think the most important birthdays to celebrate
are those of the very young and also those of the very
• Tie to / ˈtaɪ tuː /: gắn liền với
Ex: His allergy is tied to dairy products.
• Aging (n) /ˈeɪ.dʒɪŋ/: sự già hóa
Ex: Our bodies will change due to aging.
old. The young because it is more special to them and it
is important to build positive memories tied to aging. For
the older people it is also important because we should
celebrate that they have lived so long and are still with us.
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1. Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?
→ Not often. Movie tickets were costly back then and most
• costly (adj) /ˈkɑːst.li/: đắt đỏ
Ex: Because this necklace is so costly, I have to be so
careful with it.
cinemas were in the city center, which were far from my house.
My parents only took me to the movie theaters on special
occasions like my birthday or Tet holiday.
2. Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?
→ We only go to see the latest blockbusters when they are
released. We’d rather hang at a cafe because my friends and I
like gossiping and talking loudly, and it is just rude to do so at
a movie theater.
3. Do you still like watching movies that you liked when you
were a kid?
→ Definitely. I used to spend hours watching Doraemon. There is
no doubt that Doraemon is a classic that is loved by audiences of
all ages. In fact, I recently just binge-watched every episode of
Doraemon on Youtube.
• blockbuster (n) /ˈblɒkˌbʌs.tər/: bom tấn
Ex: He thinks that this novel has the potential to
become a blockbuster movie.
• gossip (v) /ˈɡɒs.ɪp/: buôn chuyện
Ex: My bestie and I love to gossip about celebrities’
private lives.
• binge-watch (v) /ˈbɪndʒ ˌwɒtʃ/: cày phim
Ex: We binge-watched 6 seasons of “Once upon a
time” last summer.
• episode (n) /ˈɛpɪsəʊd/: tập phim
Ex: Have you watched the final episode of Penthouse?
It is very emotional.
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1. What’s your favourite colour?
→ Well, I don’t have any particular favorite colours. But I guess
red is among my favorite ones. It represents happiness in
Vietnamese culture. Besides, it is a powerful colour that can
evoke strong emotions.
2. What’s the colour you dislike most? Why?
→ I don’t know why but I’m not a fan of blue. For many, it is a
soothing colour, helping them to calm themselves, but I always
• represent /reprɪzent/: đại điện, tượng trưng
Ex: We believe you represent everything British racing
• evoke /ɪˈvəʊk/: gợi lên
Ex: The music evoked memories of her youth.
• soothing /ˈsuːðɪŋ/: dễ chịu
Ex: She has a soothing voice.
feel sad when I look at something blue, dark blue, in particular.
3. What colours do your friends like most?
→ I’m not sure. Some like grey, others like yellow. But I guess they
all like green because that is the colour of our school uniform. I
think green is also a great color. Instead of straining your eyes like
other colours do, it creates a sense of calmness and reassurance.
• Strain /streɪn/: làm mệt mỏi
Ex: You’ll strain your back carrying those heavy
• Reassurance /ˌriːəˈʃɔːrəns/: Tái đảm bảo
Ex: Teenagers need love, encouragement and
reassurance from their parents.
4. What colour makes you uncomfortable in your room?
• garish /ˈɡeərɪʃ/: quá sặc sỡ
Ex: It’s a little too garish for my taste.
→ Probably yellow. I think it is a little too garish for my taste. I
can’t stand waking up and looking at this gaudy color. Instead,
I want to paint my room grey, it gives me a more relaxing and
• gaudy /ˈɡɔːdi/: lòe loẹt
Ex: I don’t like gaudy clothes.
peaceful feeling.
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1. In what situations would you use a computer?
→ Well, I use my computer for many reasons. My computer
is usually put to use to access the internet for studying
purposes. Also, I often play several online games on my
computer to reduce my stress levels.
• access the internet /ˈækses ði ˈɪntənet/: truy
cập vào mạng internet
Ex: Nowadays, many people can’t live a single
day without accessing the internet.
• reduce stress level /rɪˈdjuːs ˈstres ˈlevl̩/ : giảm
căng thẳng
Ex: Jogging is a good way to reduce my stress
2. When was the first time you used a computer?
→ When I was 6 years old, my dad brought home a computer
and that was the very first time I learnt about the basic
functions of a computer. My dad taught me how to start
up and shut down the computer, and how to open some
basic programs to access the internet. I was really amazed
• basic functions / ˌbeɪsɪk ˈfʌŋkʃn̩ z /: chức năng
cơ bản
Ex: This phone only has basic functions, like
making calls and text messaging. It doesn’t have
all the fancy apps like new smartphones do.
at the time.
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1. Did you enjoy traveling by car when you were a kid?
→ To be honest, I was not a big fan of traveling by car. I was a
particularly frail kid and experienced a lot of car sickness
when we traveled somewhere, which left an unforgettably bad
impression of car travel in my mind. Consequently, I now prefer
traveling by motorbike when I go somewhere.
2. What types of cars do you like?
→ As a young person, I guess I fancy sports cars the most. Tesla
electric cars seem to be really in vogue these days, and I guess
their sleek design and minimal environmental impact seems to
win many people’s hearts. Personally, I’d prefer a gas-guzzling
V12 Lamborghini, but they’re a little bit out of my budget for now
• frail (adj) /freɪl/: có sức khỏe yếu
Ex: My grandmother has become a frail old lady.
• car sickness /kɑ:rˈsɪknəs/: say xe
Ex: He had a bad case of car sickness on his trip
through the mountainous area.
• in vogue / ɪn vəʊɡ /: hiện đại, hợp thời
Ex: Bowling has come back in vogue.
• win someone’s heart / wɪn sʌmwʌnz hɑːt /:
chiếm được cảm tình
Ex: His smile won my heart.
I guess.
3. Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?
→ To be honest, I am not a confident driver at all, and at some
point I think I would have a serious accident. So, to ensure the
safety of other people in the car I think I would have a preference
for being a passenger.
• at some point / ət səm pɔɪnt /: ở một thời điểm
trong tương lai
Ex: If you keep eating too much sugar, at some
point you will get diabetes.
• preference for / ˈprefrəns fɔː / : ưu tiên
Ex: She has a preference for expensive things.
4. What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?
→ Traffic jams are one of the most common problems people
have to face on their daily commute when living in a city.
Undoubtedly, all you can do is wait. After zoning out for a while,
I sometimes get a little anxious and try to take a shortcut so as
to escape from the crowd, but it never usually works, so I end up
• take a shortcut / ˈteɪk ə ˈʃɔːtˌkət /: đi đường tắt
Ex: The kids take a shortcut through the parking
lot to get to school.
• commute (v) /kəˈmjuːt/: di chuyển
Ex: She commutes to the city by car every day.
just having to wait it out.
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Collecting things
1.Do you collect things?
→ No, I just don’t have the time or money for such a hobby.
But a good friend of mine has an extensive collection of
war photographs, which is actually very impressive, to be
2. Are there any things you have kept from childhood?
→ My mother keeps a stack of pictures taken when I was
very young. Those photos remind me of my beautiful
childhood, so I occasionally look at them when I have time.
There is also a few old toys of mine from when I was young,
• Extensive /ɪkˈstensɪv/ (adj) nhiều, lớn
Ex: The fire caused extensive damage.
• Impressive /ɪmˈpresɪv/(adj): ấn tượng
Ex: He has an impressive record of 63 wins from
71 fights.
• Stack /stæk/ (n): xấp
Ex: She added her tray to the stack.
• Remind of /rɪˈmaɪnd ɒv / (p.v): gợi nhớ
Ex: That smell reminds me of France.
but I haven’t really kept them for any special reason, they
are just sitting in the cupboard still.
3. Would you ever keep an old thing for a long time?
• Cramped /kræmpt/(adj): ngột ngạt
→ I would say no. My house is a bit cramped, so I always try
Ex: He lived for six months in a cold, cramped
to get rid of unnecessary things so that I can have a more
attic room.
spacious place to live.
• get rid of /gɛt rɪd ɒv/ (idiom): loại bỏ
Ex: I can’t get rid of this headache.
4. Where do you usually keep things you need?
→ Well I usually keep all the things I need in convenient
places so that I can access them easily and quickly. I like
to keep my place neat and tidy, that way I don’t misplace
things very often. I just hate when I can’t find my keys when
I am running late for work. That’s why I always keep them
hanging behind the front door for safekeeping.
• Neat and tidy /niːt ənd tʌɪdi/ (idiom): sạch sẽ,
gọn gàng
Ex: He always keeps his room neat and tidy.
• Safekeeping /ˌseɪf ˈkiːpɪŋ/ (n): bảo quản an
Ex: I always keep my money in the bank for
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1. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
→ Yes, I am easily distracted by my surroundings. Paying full
attention to one thing for a long time is a Herculean task for
me. My mind starts to wander whenever I need to focus on
• Distract /dɪˈstrækt/: gây xao lãng
Ex: You’re distracting me from my work.
• a Herculean task (idiom): công việc khó khăn
Ex: She faces the Herculean task of bringing up four
children single-handedly.
• wander /ˈwɒndə(r)/: lang thang
Ex: It’s easy to be distracted and let your attention
2. What do you do to help you concentrate?
→ When working, I’ll block out distracting websites and track
how much time I’ve spent on surfing the web. This helps me to
• Block out (p.v): không nghĩ đến
Ex: Over the years she had tried to block out that part
of her life.
realize how much time I actually spend working. Besides that, I
try to keep fit by hitting the gym every afternoon. You know, a
healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
3. What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?
→ Probably my phone. There are so many notifications on my
phone and it is very tempting to check your phone every once in
a while. Background noise can also be a source of distraction. It
is hard for you to focus on something if there are people arguing
• tempting /ˈtemp·tɪŋ/: cám dỗ
Ex: Any free offer is always tempting.
• Background noise: tiếng ồn xung quanh
• Background /ˈbækɡraʊnd/: xung quanh
• Noise /nɔɪz/: tiếng ồn
Ex: Suddenly, the background noise bursts into life.
or there are dogs barking.
4. When do you need to be focused?
→ I think you need to focus on whatever you are doing, from
simple tasks like doing housework to difficult ones like taking an
• alert /əˈlɝːt/: chú ý
Ex: When you’re driving, you must stay alert.
exam. The more alert you are, the more productive you can be.
So I try to concentrate on everything that I do.
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Drawing and Art galleries
1. Do you like drawing?
→ I must admit I have no interest in drawing whatsoever. It was a
challenge for me to learn how to draw at school and I kept falling
behind. My mom had to pull an all-nighter with me every time I
had a drawing assignment.
• fall behind (phr.v) /fɔːl bɪˈhaɪnd/: thua kém
Ex: Despite being sick for 6 weeks, he didn’t fall behind
with his assignments at school.
• pull an all-nighter (idiom) /pʊl ən ˈɔːlnaɪtə/: thức
trắng đêm
Ex: We always pull an all-nighter on Christmas Eve.
2. Do you like to go to art galleries?
→ I am not a big fan but I love photography and the art gallery
is my go-to place whenever I need some inspiration. There are
very few galleries in HCMC so I’m hoping there will be more
spaces for artists to display their work.
• my go-to place /maɪ gəʊ-tuː pleɪs/ (phrase): địa
điểm yêu thích của tôi
Ex: The art gallery is my go-to place when I have free
• display /dɪˈspleɪ/ (v): trưng bày
Ex: The gallery displays works from young artists.
3. Do you like to learn artistic things?
→ Not really. When I was younger, I soon realized that I didn’t
have a knack for art so it would really be a waste of time to learn
such things. But, learning art subjects can nurture one’s creativity
and is a great way to destress.
• have a knack for (idiom) /hæv ə næk fɔː/: có khả
năng đặc biệt, giỏi một thứ gì đó
Ex: Children have a knack for learning languages.
• destress /ˌdiːˈstres/: giảm stress
Ex: Listening to music is a common way to destress.
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Daily Routine
1. Do you have a study routine?
→ I don’t think so. I am spontaneous and only study whenever
there is a big test coming up. Probably because my parents
• spontaneous (adj) /spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs/: tự ý, tự nhiên
Ex: His working schedule seems spontaneous, he
doesn’t have any fixed timetable.
neither forced me to study after school nor formed any study
routine for me as a kid. But I think people with study routines can
perform better at school.
2. What’s your routine like in your everyday studies?
• get up at the crack of dawn (idiom): dậy rất sớm
→ Like I’ve mentioned, I don’t actually set any specific time to
Ex: My mom is an early bird, so she always gets up at
study. However, I will get up at the crack of dawn on the day of a
the crack of dawn.
test to review, and usually spend about 2 hours on the weekends
preparing learning materials for the next week.
3. Would you like to change your daily routine in the future?
→ Of course. I must admit that I have an unhealthy lifestyle,
staying up all night and sleeping in regularly. So I hope I can
change my daily routine and practice a healthier lifestyle, like
getting up early and doing morning exercise. If I am determined
• sleep in (phr.v) /sliːp ɪn/: ngủ nướng
Ex: I can only sleep in on Sunday morning.
• self-discipline (n) /ˌselfˈdɪs.ə.plɪn/: tính tự kỷ luật
Ex: Unless you have self-discipline, you will never be
able to finish anything.
enough, changing will also help me train my self-discipline and
time management skills.
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1. Do you often remember your dreams?
→ I don’t think so. I usually sleep like a log and wake up
remembering nothing. Sometimes, I can recall my dreams
• sleep like a log (idiom) /sliːp laɪk ə lɒg/: ngủ
như chết
Ex: She sleeps like a log, no one can wake her up.
if they were a happy dream or a nightmare, but I definitely
couldn’t describe precisely what happened in the dream.
2. Do you want to make your dreams come true?
→ Yes, everyone does. Even though I’m aware that some
dreams are impossible, there is always a part of me that
• desire (n) /dɪˈzaɪə/: khao khát, ham muốn
Ex: At the moment, they have no desire to have
more children.
wishes for them to come true. If you want your dreams to
happen, you have to be specific about your dreams and
goals, and turn them into desires that strongly motivate
3. Do you share your dreams with others? Or are you interested in others’ dreams?
→ I never share mine with anyone because I can never recall what actually happened in any of my dreams. But it’d be interesting
to listen to others share their dreams because some are just funny to listen to and some can reflect people’s true desires in their
daily life.
4. Do you think dreams have special meanings?
→ I do, to some extent. I think dreams can reveal what is
bothering you the most when you are awake, but in a
twisted and unexpected way, speaking from my experience.
I’m not into “deciphering” dreams but you can always look
for an expert to interpret them.
• decipher (v) /dɪˈsaɪ.fər/: giải mã
Ex: This is such a difficult game, it took me 4 hours
to decipher the clue.
• interpret (v) /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/: diễn giải
Ex: It is impossible for you to interpret this
coding because you don’t know anything about
programming languages.
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Doing Sports
1. What sports do you like?
→ I have been into sports ever since my childhood, so
the sports at the top of my list change frequently, though
topping my list at the moment would probably be cycling,
basketball, and dacau. If you are unaware of that last one,
it is a game traditionally played in many South East Asian
• Top (v) /tɑːp/: đóng vai trò quan trọng nhất
Ex: The song topped the chart for 2 months.
• Hacky sack /ˈhæk.i ˌsæk/: bóng cầu vải
Ex: The two teenagers were kicking around a Hacky
Sack in the school parking lot.
countries, similar to hacky sack in the west.
2. Where did you learn to do it?
→ While I learned dacau from my father, basketball was
taught to me in school and that is the only place I ever play
it. Finally with cycling, that is something that my mother
and I have recently gotten into. Luckily, there are many
beautiful places in my neighborhood that are great for
taking a trip by bicycle.
• Get into / ˈget ˈɪntə /: trở nên hứng thú hoặc bắt đầu
tham gia vào một hoạt động
Ex: She’s been getting into yoga recently.
• Take a trip / ˈteɪk ə trɪp /: bắt đầu một chuyến đi
Ex: I also want to take a trip somewhere without my
cell phone.
3. Did you do some sports when you were young?
→ Yes I did, mostly football. I played football for the majority
of my childhood. While other sports came and went into
• In favour of / ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv /: có thiện cảm, ủng hộ
Ex: I am in favour of a higher tax on cigarettes.
and out of my life, I played football for probably a decade
and a half before I stopped playing regularly in favour of
other sports and school work.
4. Do you think students need more exercise?
→ While this is certainly a blanket statement, I would
say for the most part, yes. Many students are perfectly
healthy but I think that our generation as a whole is much
less healthy than the generation previous. This is almost
certainly due to the fact that most people my age choose
to sit around and play on their phones, while that wasn’t
• blanket statement / ˈblæŋkɪt ˈsteɪtmənt /: đánh
giá quy chụp
Ex: This blanket statement is made without a proper
examination of the rent arrears situation.
• as a whole / əz ə həʊl /: nói chung, nhìn chung
Ex: The population as a whole is getting healthier.
an option for people born before us. They had nothing to
do but go outside and find a way to entertain themselves.
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1. Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?
→ I think sending emails will become more and more common in daily life. As you can see, emails are popular because people
can track conversation or work flow easily. Now that more things are carried out online, communicating through emails will
grow even more.
2. How often do you write an email or a letter?
→ I often write 1 to 2 emails per day, mostly for work purposes. I
prefer emails to text messages at work because emails are more
• take my time: thong thả
Ex: I don’t like to rush anything, I usually just take
my time with my work and do a thorough job
formal and I can take my time to respond.
3. What kinds of email (or letter) have you received that
made you feel happy?
• lift my mood (idiom) /ˈlɪft maɪ muːd/: cải thiện
tâm trạng
→ I have never thought about this before. Maybe emails
Ex: I drink milk tea to lift my mood whenever I
regarding happy news, such as wedding announcements, or
feel stressed.
positive feedback from my clients or managers. I don’t get these
emails very often, but when I do, they can totally lift my mood.
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Evening time
1. Do you prefer the morning or the evening?
→ True be told, I’m really quite a night owl. I usually feel
more active in the evening and consequently, most of my
• night owl: cú đêm, người thức khuya
Ex: Many IT workers are night owls.
main activities happen at night.
2. What do you usually do in the evening?
→ Most of the time I usually work because that’s when I’m
most productive, and luckily, my work doesn’t involve too
many people so my unusual daily routine doesn’t interfere
with other peoples schedules. Other than working, I usually
study or occasionally go out and catch up with some friends
• Productive: (adj) /prəˈdʌktɪv/ năng suất
Ex: Our task is to remain as productive as
possible at work.
• daily routine: lịch sinh hoạt hành ngày
Ex: My daily routine is simple.
at a cafe or restaurant
3. What did you do in the evening when you were
young? Why?
→ There was little to do when I was a kid. If my memory
serves me right, I just played some team sports with my
• If my memory serves me right: nếu nhớ không
Ex: If my memory serves me right, I had a crush
friends in the afternoon, then did homework, then went to
sleep. You know, as a kid, our main responsibilities are just
to study hard and play hard.
4. Are there any differences between what you do in
the evening now and what you did in the past?
→ Basically yes. I have improved my nightly routine over
time. Today, I spend most of the night working and reading
• bad habits: thói quen xấu
Ex: Breaking bad habits is terribly hard and
requires persistence.
books, while several years ago, when I was still a university
student, I used to have many bad habits in the evening like
eating late and throwing parties.
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Getting Lost
1. Have you ever lost your way?
→ Well, I think everyone gets lost at least once in their lifetime. I
remember that I freaked out completely the first time I got lost. It
took a long time before I could finally calm myself down.
• Lifetime /ˈlaɪftaɪm/: cuộc đời
Ex: His diary was not published during his lifetime.
• freak out (p.v): hoảng hốt
Ex: He freaked out when he heard he’d got the job.
• calm someone down: làm ai đó bình tĩnh lại
Ex: You should calm down because your son
2. How do you find your way when you are lost?
→ I have a memory like a sieve so I cannot rely on it. My sense
• have a memory/mind like a sieve (idiom): có trí
nhớ tệ
of directionis also terrible. So I usually have to use navigation
Ex: I have a memory like a sieve, so I’ve forgotten
apps on my phone or ask other people around me for directions.
specifics about the books and comics I’ve read in
recent years.
• sense of direction: ý thức về phương hướng
Ex: Sense of direction is the ability to know one’s
location and perform wayfinding.
3. Can you read a map when you get lost?
→ Yes, I learned how to read a map when I was at school. However,
there are some maps that have an overwhelming amount of
information. I find it difficult to interpret such maps.
• overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/: choáng ngợp
Ex: She had an almost overwhelming desire to tell him
the truth.
• interpret /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/: giải thích, thông dịch
Ex: It’s difficult to interpret these statistics without
knowing how they were obtained.
4. Have you ever helped someone who got lost?
→ Yes, a lot of times. I’ve been in their shoes before so I know
what it’s like, you know, the terrible feeling when you don’t know
where to go. In such moments, as long as I know the direction
that they need to go, I’ll surely give them a hand.
• give them a hand: giúp đỡ bọn họ
Ex: Those boxes seem heavy. I’ll give you a hand to
carry those.
• in their shoes (idiom): đặt mình vào vị trí người khác
Ex: Before being too quick to judge someone for their
actions, you should always try to put yourself in their
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1. Have you ever studied geography at school?
→ I have, though not to the extent that I think I should
have by now. Also, the geography that I have been taught is
rather limited to places close to my home country or places
that are important for social and economic reasons for my
country. While I see the value in this, and the reasoning
behind it, I want to know about all places in the world, not
• home country / həʊm ˈkʌntri /: quê hương
Ex: He’s been abroad for over 10 years and hasn’t
visited his home country.
• to the extent / tu ði ɪkˈstent /: đến mức độ
Ex: Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent
that we will have to close some of our shops.
just the places deemed important to my country specifically.
2. Do you like geography?
→ I very much do. I remember once when I was little and we
watched a movie as a family, I remember being absolutely
amazed when we were introduced to such exotic looking
places, with people speaking different languages than us,
and all of the different foods. I know this is only one small
• exotic (a) /ɪɡˈzɑː.t̬ɪk/: độc đáo, thú vị
Ex: Tropical countries have various exotic foods and
• human geography / ˈhjuːmən dʒɪˈɒɡrəfi /: địa lý
nhân văn
Ex: Her major is human geography.
part of geography, what is called human geography, but
my grandfather explaining to me about how large and
diverse the world is during that movie sparked an interest
in knowing more about the world from a young age.
3. Are you good at reading maps?
→ Not really. I can find my own country of course, and
many of the other countries that I have learned about
over the years, on a world map. But I have also seen, here
and there, all of the other kinds of maps. There are terrain
maps, nautical maps, all these different styles for different
reasons and I would definitely not be confident using them
if I was lost in the wilderness.
4. Would you visit a country because of its
geographical location?
→ The answer to this is definitely yes, though for a couple
of different reasons. First, I would be more inclined to go
to a country that is geographically close to me because it
would be cheaper to get to and likely share some cultural
• here and there / hɪər ənd ðeə /: nhiều nơi khác
Ex: There are small towns here and there across
this region, but there are no big cities.
• Nautical map / ˈnɔːtɪkl̩ mæp /: hải đồ
Ex: Reading nautical maps is one of the basic skills
of a sailor.
• inclined (a) /ɪnˈklaɪnd/: có xu hướng thiên về,
có khả năng
Ex: No one seemed inclined to help.
• cultural similarity / ˈkʌltʃərəl ˌsɪməˈlærɪti /: sự
tương đồng văn hóa
Ex: These groups have many cultural similarities,
similarities. Though on the other hand I would love to
including that they all produce a huge range of
travel to Nepal specifically to see the beautiful mountains
sculptural art.
that make up the country, or would love to go to the
Philippines for the gorgeous beaches.
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Home/ accommodation
1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
→ I’m living in a three-storey house with my parents in the
heart of the city. There are two main bedrooms, a kitchen,and
a large garden in the front. My house is quite large compared to
others in the neighborhood.
• three-storey house (n) /θriː-ˈstɔːri/: nhà 3 tầng
Ex: There are not many three-storey houses in my
• in the heart of the city /ɪn ðə hɑːt ɒv ðə ˈsɪti/: nằm
trong trung tâm thành phố
Ex: My grandparents’ house is located in District 1,
which is in the heart of Ho Chi Minh city.
2. How long have you lived there?
→ We moved there 2 years ago, after I graduated from high school. Before, my parents and I used to live in an apartment near my
high school in District 3. We all decided it was time to move to a new place because the old place was just too small for the three
of us.
3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
→ Sure. This place is just newly-built and equipped with all the
necessary household appliances that I’ve ever wanted. Not to
• household appliance (n) /ˈhaʊshəʊld əˈplaɪəns/:
thiết bị gia dụng
Ex: To prepare to move into our new house, we went
mention, the location is ideal so I have no intention of moving
to the electrical store last week and bought many
out any time soon.
essential household appliances.
4. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
→ I would say it’s the kitchen. My mom loves cooking and so does
my dad. They spend lots of quality time together cooking and
• homey (adj) /ˈhoʊ.mi/: ấm cúng
Ex: The best thing I like about this hotel is its homey
cleaning up, which I think is so romantic. We also eat there, so
there’s no doubt that the kitchen feels most homey to all of us.
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1. Do you like learning about history?
→ Yes. When I was a high school student, I was most attentive
during history lessons because I was always eager to learn how
certain events happened and their result. By studying history,
• national identity (n) /ˈnæʃənəl aɪˈdɛntəti /: bản sắc
dân tộc
Ex: Wearing “Ao dai” on special occasions is a way for
us to maintain our national identity.
young people like me can learn more about our national identity
and avoid making the same mistakes.
2. What historical event do you find interesting?
→ I’d say Vietnam National Day. It was on 2nd September 1945
when our former leader, Ho Chi Minh, declared Vietnam’s
Independence from French colonization. His speech at this
historical event was monumental and it was straight up one of
the most significant milestones in Vietnam’s history.
• declare (v) /dɪˈklɛr/: tuyên bố
Ex: He declared in front of the public last month that
he would take responsibility for his actions.
• monumental (adj) /ˌmɒn.jəˈmen.təl/: vĩnh đại, phi
Ex: Renovating this historical building would be a
monumental job.
• straight up (idiom) /streɪt ʌp/: thẳng thắn
Ex: His performance was straight up one of the most
remarkable of last night’s show.
• milestone (n) /ˈmaɪl.stəʊn/: cột mốc
Graduating from highschool is an important
milestone to many.
3. Do you think history is important?
→ Certainly. History not only tells of past events but also the
cultures, traditions and hardships of past generations. This
knowledge will continue to be passed down and educate us
about gratitude, patriotism and much more.
• pass down (phr.v) /pæs ˈdau̇ n/: truyền lại, truyền
Ex: This photo book was passed down from my
• gratitude (n) /ˈgrætəˌtud/: lòng biết ơn
Ex: Giving flowers to your mother on her birthday is a
nice way for you to show your gratitude.
• patriotism (n) /ˈpeɪtriəˌtɪzəm/: lòng yêu nước
Ex: There are many ways to show your patriotism,
like helping out your own people or promoting your
country’s culture.
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Housework and Cooking
1. Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at
home now?
→ Absolutely, and I have for as long as I can remember. I
help with cooking as long as I am not already occupied with
homework. I even try to do cooking sometimes and am told
I must stop, because I am obviously just procrastinating on
the homework I have to do. I can remember even when I
• Occupied with / ˈɒkjʊpaɪd wɪð /: bận rộn
Ex: After having kids, she became fully occupied
with taking care of them.
• Procrastinate (v) /proʊˈkræs.tə.neɪt/: trì hoãn
Ex: When it comes to housework, I tend to
was a very young child, I would sit on the counter beside
my mom with a sponge and ‘help’ her wash the dishes after
a meal.
2. Did you do some house cleaning when you were
→ Yes, but it was mostly superficial. My parents were
very good at teaching us not to look at chores as chores,
but just another thing that you can have fun while doing.
Two big examples are helping my mom sweep the floors,
• Superficial (a) /ˌsuː.pɚˈfɪʃ.əl/: hời hợt, không
nghiêm túc
Ex: He’s fun to be with, but he’s very superficial.
• race (v) /reɪs/: thi đua về tốc độ
Ex: The boys came racing across the playground.
and helping my dad wash the car. My mom brought me
shopping and let me pick my very own broom, then we
went home, put on music, sang, danced and swept the
floor. We did this every week. My dad and I would race to
see who could clean their half of the car first.
3.Do you have breakfast at home every day?
→ I know that I should, but I do not. As both of my parents
are already gone for work by the time I wake up, the
responsibility is on me to cook breakfast, but seeing as I
• morning person / ˈmɔ:nɪŋ ˈpɜːsn̩ /: người thường
xuyên tràn trề năng lượng vào buổi sáng
Ex: He’s not really a morning person - he doesn’t
even talk before about eleven o’clock!
am quite far from being a ‘morning person’, I generally do
not do it, and just grab a sandwich during the first break at
4. Do you want to learn how to cook well?
→ I think I can confidently say that I already cook reasonably
well. I am certainly no chef, but years of helping my mom
in the kitchen I know my way around most of the basics
and can use most of the important kitchen equipment. I
am particularly good at chopping and cutting meats and
vegetables, though I know that is only one small part of the
cooking process.
• most of the basics / məʊst əv ðə ˈbeɪsɪks /: hầu
hết những thứ cơ bản
Ex: I have learnt most of the basics of first aid.
• kitchen equipment / ˌkɪtʃən ɪˈkwɪpmənt /: dụng
cụ nhà bếp
Ex: Rice cooker is a popular kitchen equipment in
most Asian families.
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1. Do you like your handwriting?
→ I do but I think there is room for improvement with it. Most of
the time it is legible but I’m the only one that can interpret my
own handwriting when taking notes, because it is just too messy.
• room for improvement: chỗ có thể cải thiện
Ex: She is an excellent interpreter but there is still
room for improvement.
• legible (a) /ˈledʒ.ə.bəl/: dễ đọc
Ex: Her writing is legible because she practices writing
in her free time.
• interpret (v) /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/: phiên dịch
Ex: It is hard to interpret these numbers without
knowing how they were collected.
2. Do you think handwriting is important?
→ Partly. You can tell a lot about someone’s personality through their handwriting, but nowadays not many people write by hand
anymore. People mostly prefer typing because of the convenience.
3. Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing?
→ It depends. I think handwriting is more sentimental so I do
enjoy writing letters or important notes by hand. But if it is workrelated, I’d say typing is much faster and more formal.
4. What’s the difference between handwriting and typing?
→ Well, it’s much easier to correct mistakes and less time
consuming when typing. However, writing by hand shows more
• sentimental (a) /ˌsen(t)əˈmen(t)l/: có giá trị tình
Ex: She has a sentimental attachment to her childhood
• sincerity (n) /sinˈserədē/: sự chân thành, thành thật
Ex: She never questioned his sincerity when they were
of your sincerity and part of your personality through your
writing style.
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Headphones and Microphones
1. Do you use headphones?
→ Yes, as I have to do nearly everything online, so high-quality
headphones are essential. Good headphones might be a bit
expensive but they produce top-notch(2) sound quality.
• high-quality /ˈhaɪˌkwɑː.lə.t̬i/: chất lượng cao
Ex: The company had a reputation for building highquality, fuel-efficient cars.
• top-notch /ˌtɑːp ˈnɑːtʃ/ (adj): cao cấp, xuất sắc
Ex: They have just finished upgrading the facilities at
my university and they are now really top-notch.
• sound quality: chất lượng âm thanh
• Sound /saʊnd/: âm thanh
• quality /ˈkwɑː.lə.t̬i/: chất lượng
Ex: The remastered sound quality is fantastic.
2. What type of headphones do you use?
→ Thanks to the rapid development of technology, the market
is full of wireless headphones, which are what I prefer to use.
• wireless (a) /ˈwaɪərləs/: không dây
Ex: Thanks to bluetooth technology, a lot of gadgets
are now wireless.
They are really convenient because there are no cables hanging
around and getting in the way while you listen to music.
3. When would you use headphones?
• hit the gym: đi đến phòng gym
→ On many occasions. I hit the gym every morning and my
• hit /hɪt/: đi đến
headphones are always with me. Besides that, I also use my
headphones to unwind with music because they produce a
better audio experience compared to my phone’s speaker.
• gym /dʒɪm/: phòng gym
Ví dụ: You don’t have to hit the gym to get a six-pack.
• Audio experience: trải nghiệm âm thanh
• audio /ˈɔːdiəʊ/: âm thanh
• Experience /ɪkˈspɪr.i.əns/: trải nghiệm
Ex: It’s our belief that a good audio experience is key
when using a mobile phone.
4. In what conditions would you not use headphones?
• a source of distraction: một nguồn gây xao lãng
→ When driving, of course. The traffic here is a little bit crazy
• source /sɔːʳs/: nguồn
so you want to pay full attention to the road. Music could be a
source of distraction so I try to avoid using headphones when
I’m on my motorbike.
• distraction /dɪstrækʃən/: sự xao lãng
Facebook and Instagram have become huge
sources of distraction for many people.
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Hair salon
1. Do you often go to the hair salon?
→ I almost never go to hair salons, actually. My parents were
always very tight with money while growing up and so my
mother would always insist that no one is allowed to cut our
hair but herself. Over the years, she taught me how to do it
• To be tight with money /tuː biː taɪt wɪð ˈmʌni/:
Eo hẹp về tiền bạc
Ex: I can’t go with you. I’m a little tight with money
right now.
as well, and nowadays I can’t really see myself ever being
willing to part with my money for just a hair cut. I already
know how.
2. Would you like to have your hair dyed/colored?
→ It is not something that is particularly on my mind,
though now that you bring it up, I wouldn’t be against it. I
don’t know if I would want to go with just a different shade
of brown, or maybe something really striking like a bright
blue. Though my parents would probably have a heart
attack if I came home for a visit with bright blue hair.
• Shade (n) /ʃeɪd/: Sắc thái (các sắc đậm nhạt khác
nhau của một màu nào đó)
Ex: We use different shades of the same colour,
rather than lots of different colours.
• Striking (a) /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/: nổi bật
Ex: The picture was striking in its simplicity.
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Lost and found
1. What would you do if you found something that some1.27
one lost?
→ Well, it depends. If the person who lost their belongings was
one of my acquaintances, I would definitely return the item
to its rightful owner. However, if I found something lost by a
• rightful owner / ˈraɪtfəl ˈəʊnə /: chính chủ
Ex: Now that the police have caught the thieves,
all the stolen goods can be returned to their
rightful owners.
stranger, then I guess I would try to find the owner or hand it in
somewhere like an information desk or police station.
2. Do you report to the police when finding something lost
by others?
→ So if I found an item such as an ID card, bank card, or other
• valuables (n) /ˈvæl.jə.bəlz/: hiện kim có giá trị
Ex: You may store your valuables in the hotel safe.
important valuables that could be identified by the owner then
I would definitely report it to the police. I guess police officers are
trained to deal with such circumstances, so I believe they would
find a way to return the lost item to it’s owner.
3. Have you ever lost something?
→ Certainly. I can be quite an absent-minded person at
times, and I find it difficult keeping things well organized, so
consequently I often lose or misplace things. I used to lose my
• absent-minded (adj) /ˌæb.səntˈmaɪn.dɪd/: đãng trí
Ex: He appears to have become very absentminded, but makes up for it with his boundless
favorite umbrella all the time in my second year of highschool. I
• double-check (v) /ˌdʌb.əlˈtʃek/: kiểm tra lại lần nữa
would always forget to take it with me if it had stopped raining.
Ex: I always double-check to make sure I locked
Nowadays I always double-check that I have everything before
the door.
I go anywhere.
4. Would you post on social media if you lost something?
→ After searching high and low and checking in the most
unlikely places, I guess I would post a lost-and-found notice on
social media. Social media would definitely help me to reach a
• search high and low / ˈsɜ:tʃ ˌhaɪ ənd ləʊ /: tìm
khắp mọi nơi.
Ex: I’ve been searching high and low for that
certificate and I still can’t find it.
lot of people who could possibly help me out.
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1. Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often do you do it?
→ Yes I do, and I look in the mirror quite often, before I leave the house and during breaks at work, to adjust my hair and make
up. I always feel so self-conscious about my appearance, probably because I’m a girl. Sometimes I do think I waste too much
time checking myself out in the mirror. .
2. Have you ever bought a mirror?
→ Of course yes, but only a few times. When I first moved to my apartment, I bought a standing mirror to decorate my living
room, and so I could see my outfit before leaving the house. I also recently got a new makeup mirror with lights and a classic
wooden frame.
3. Do you usually take a mirror with you?
→ Yes. I keep a small circular mirror in my purse in case I need to
fix my makeup or check out my teeth after eating. It is one of a
kind because my mom customized it and gave it to me when I
• one of a kind (idiom) /wʌn ɒv ə kaɪnd/: đặc biệt
Ex: His one of a kind personality is the main reason
why many girls fall for him.
was first learning how to use makeup.
4. Would you use a mirror to decorate your room?
→ Definitely. Like I mentioned, there is a standing mirror in
my living room and it adds a nice touch to the space. It is a
brown wooden mirror, with a metal frame and is a limited
edition, which cost me a fortune.
• cost me a fortune (idiom) /kɒst miː ə ˈfɔːʧən/:
đắt đỏ
Ex: I had to pay $2000 for this flight ticket. It cost me
a fortune.
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1. Do students learn math in secondary school in Vietnam?
→ Math is one of our core subjects. Students need to learn
this subject as soon as they enter school. It is said that math
stimulates our brains, which helps children to activate different
regions of their brain while they are young.
• core subjects /kɔː ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/: những môn học chủ
Ex: The core subjects are English, Mathematics and
• stimulate /ˈstɪm.jə.leɪt/ (v): kích thích
Ex: My company will set specific targets for every
employee as a method to stimulate their work
2. Do you study math now? Why, Why not?
→ I’m not studying it at the moment because my job doesn’t
require me to. But I’m using it quite frequently because math is
really helpful in managing my budget, which helps me to keep
out of debt.
• frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/: thường xuyên
Ex: Buses run frequently between the city and the
• keep out of (p.v): tránh xa
Ex: Make sure you keep out of trouble hanging around
with those boys.
3. What can people do with math in their daily life?
• mathematical principle: nguyên tắc toán học
→ As I said before, people can use math to balance their bank
• Mathematical /ˌmæθəˈmætɪkl/: liên quan đến toán
account, helping them to understand their financial situation
better. Besides that, some professions, such as mathematicians or
scientists, rely on mathematical principles to do the most basic
aspects of their work.
4. Do you think math is difficult?
→ Well, yes. I can manage simple calculations but I find it
very difficult to deal with other complex formulas. I think that
people, even top scientists, are still discovering different aspects
and new principles of math.
• Principle /ˈprɪnsəpl/: lý thuyết, nguyên tắc
• Calculation /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/: sự tính toán
Ex: By my calculation(s), we made a profit of £20 000
last year.
• Formula /ˈfɔːmjələ/: công thức
Ex: This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle.
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Mobile/ Cell phones
1. Do you have a mobile phone?
• Capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/: ghi lại
→ Who doesn’t? Smartphones have become an integral part of
Ví dụ: They have captured a moment in people’s lives.
my life, I mean, I cannot live without one, seriously. Apart from
the main purpose of being able to connect with other people,
this smart device also helps me to store data, capture moments,
and entertain myself.
2. What do you often use it for?
→ I use it for a variety of purposes, but mostly for communicating with my friends and my family. It’s very easy to do such things at
the moment, you know, with the help of the latest technology.
3. How often do you change your mobile phone?
→ I keep using my phone as long as it can still serve me well.
The phone industry is encouraging many customers to dump
their handsets every year but I don’t want to jump on that
• Dump /dʌmp/: bỏ đi
Ex: Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
Jump on the bandwagon (idiom): Tham gia cùng
người khác làm điều gì đó đang trở thành mốt vì bạn
hy vọng bản thân trở nên nổi tiếng hoặc thành công
Ex: I finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought a
smart phone.
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New places
1. Do you feel nervous when you travel to new
→ No, I always travel with a detailed itinerary.I try to plan
everything in advance, including a strict to-do list to tick of.
I guess I only suffer from anxiety when something unexpected
• Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnəreri/: hành trình
Ex: He drew up a detailed itinerary.
• to-do list /tə ˈduː lɪst/: danh sách những việc phải
Ex: Try to make a to-do list every morning.
2. Can you read a map when you travel to new places?
→ Yes, I’m getting used to reading maps cause I’ve relied on them
• rely on (p.v): dựa vào
Ex: They had to rely entirely on volunteer workers.
whenever I’ve been in a new place. Google maps is a wonderful
app as it recommends nearly everything for you, from where to
eat or what to see.
3. Have you ever helped someone who got lost?
• give them a hand: giúp đỡ ai đó
→ Yes, a lot of times. I’ve been in their shoes before so I know
Ex: Those boxes seem heavy, I’ll give you a hand to
what it’s like, you know, the terrible feeling when you don’t know
carry those.
where to go. In such moments, as long as I know the direction
that they need to go, I’ll surely give them a hand.
• in their shoes (idiom): đặt mình vào vị trí người khác
Ex: Before being too quick to judge someone for their
actions, you should always try to put yourself in their
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1. Do you think neighbors are important?
→ They certainly can be. A good neighbor can be a huge
benefit to our lives in many ways, and a bad neighbor can
be a big hindrance to us if they want to be. While having
a relationship with your neighbors isn’t a requirement, it
certainly leads to a more integrated and reliable community.
2. How can we get along with our neighbors?
→ I think the little things are the most important, not to
leave our trash on the street or close to their homes, do
not have crazy parties late at night that will stop them from
sleeping, and just being polite with them when seeing
them in the streets. Gestures of kindness like bringing
them food or some such would obviously go a long way to
• hindrance (n) /ˈhɪndrəns/: sự cản trở, chướng ngại
Ex: To be honest, she was more of a hindrance than
a help.
• integrated (a) /ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/: Hòa nhập
Ex: In a truly integrated community, everyone feels
truly welcome to be there.
• Gestures of kindness /ˈʤɛsʧəz ɒv ˈkaɪndnɪs/: Cử
chỉ của lòng tốt bụng
Ex: A small gesture of kindness can brighten
someone’s day.
• go a long way /gəʊ ə lɒŋ weɪ/: là một yếu tố quan
trọng, cần thiết để…
building a good relationship, but I think the small things are
all that is required.
3. Do you think it’s important to have a good
relationship with one’s neighbors?
→ Like I said before, it can certainly be a benefit to have a
good relationship with your neighbors. For instance, the
family that lives next to me in my apartment building are
very friendly, and our two families have grown to feel that
• rely on /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/: dựa vào
Ex: They rely on a well for all their water.
• online-shopping orders /ˈɒnˌlaɪn-ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈɔːdəz/:
hàng hóa mua online
Ex: These online-shopping orders are mine.
we can rely on each other when needed. We accept onlineshopping orders for each other, and they even once
watched over my little brother for a night when everyone
else was required to be away from home.
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1. Do you think the city is noisy?
→ I don’t know if all cities are noisy, but mine certainly is. I
think it is likely to become at least a little noisy when you
get a few million people living close to each other. My city
is particularly noisy though because of the extremely rapid
rate of development. There are constant new construction
sites going up across the city and they are very loud.
2. What makes the city noisy?
→ I think it is safe to say that the two main contributing
factors would be traffic and construction. While the noises
• rapid (a) /ˈræpɪd/: nhanh
Ex: The patient made a rapid recovery.
• construction sites (n) /kənˈstrʌkʃən saɪts/: Khu
công trình xây dựng
Ex: Some workers had raised health and safety
issues on construction sites.
• dramatically (adv) /drəˈmætɪkli/: đáng kể
Ex: Prices have increased dramatically in the last few
from traffic increase and decrease quite dramatically
throughout the day, the sounds from construction generally
last from early morning until late at night. Some places in
the city are even 24 hour construction shifts!
3. What types of noise do you come across in your
daily life?
→ Certainly the two mentioned above, there is always
• Volume (n) /ˈvɒljuːm/: âm lượng
Ex: He adjusted the volume on his phone.
construction going on and there is always traffic while going
to and from school. There is also the fact that my classroom
has 35 students, and teenagers are not famous for being
quiet. I also really enjoy music, so I guess I will include that
in here too, as I like to listen to it at quite a high volume.
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1. Does your name have a special meaning?
→ For my name, I actually don’t think that there is a special
meaning, as it is quite generic. Though I have never
thought about this and I suppose that I should ask my
mother. As she is the one who chose it for me, there might
be some special meaning in it, at least for her, that I am not
• Generic (a) /dʒəˈner.ɪk/: cơ bản, phổ biến
Ex: Jazz is a generic term for a wide range of
different styles of music.
• aware of / əˈweər ɒv /: nhận thức được
Ex: Were you aware of the risks at the time?
yet aware of.
2. How do you choose names for your next generation?
→ I think it will be a mix of factors, though that is still
hopefully a long time away for me. I think it would be
primarily two things, the first being just how the name
sounds, do I like it? The second thing would be the
associations that the name has throughout my culture. Is
• Factor (n) /ˈfæk.tɚ/: yếu tố
Ex: Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the
• Association (n) /əˌsoʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən/: sự liên quan
Ex: This event was organized in association with a
local school.
there anyone I know and respect in the wider world with
that name? That would definitely have an effect on my
3. Are there any differences between how Vietnamese
name their children now and in the past?
→ For the most part, there isn’t a lot of difference between
the generations in choices of names. Sure, there are
phases of time when a particular group of names gain
in popularity, but for the most part I think that Vietnam in
particular is quite traditional in how names are selected,
and those to choose from, so it is pretty consistent across
• Phase of time / feɪz əv ˈtaɪm /: giai đoạn, khoảng
thời gian
Ex: Society changes throughout different phases of
• consistent (a) /kənˈsɪs.tənt/: bền vững, ổn định
Ex: There has been a consistent improvement in her
4. Does anyone in your family have the same name as
→ Yes, actually. I do have one uncle with the same name
as me, but I also have two cousins who have names that
are very similar to my own, similar enough that it can be
confusing when someone is trying to get our attention
from across the room, or something like that. Luckily there
• confusing (a) /kənˈfjuː.zɪŋ/: gây bối rối, dễ nhầm
Ex: We have two people called Paul James working
here, so it’s a bit confusing!
• get attention / ˈget əˈtenʃn̩ /: thu hút sự chú ý
Ex: I knocked on the window to get her attention.
was never any confusion with my uncle at family gatherings
though because Vietnamese pronouns make that quite
unlikely to be an issue.
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1. Have you ever seen some really old buildings in a
→ I have traveled a few places over the years but for most of
my life, I have lived in Hanoi. And you know, Hanoi is quite
famous for its classical architecture. Even though today
there are many highrises in Hanoi, old buildings in the city
center are preserved in quite good condition.
2. Do you think we should preserve old buildings in
→ This is a debatable topic, and I would say traditional
architecture should be preserved. The first reason for this
is because of the historical value these buildings hold, and
secondly because we can learn about life in the past. And
I know there are many people who enjoy learning about
the past just like me. Another possible reason might be
for the sake of tourism development. I suppose people
who travel like to look at different scenery, so if every city is
modernized with similar contemporary architecture, then
it makes traveling to different cities less appealing.
• classical architecture /ˈklæsɪkl ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/:
kiến trúc cổ điển
Ex: This classical architecture originated from the Ly
• Preserve: (v) /prɪˈzɜːrv/ bảo tồn
Ex: We should preserve wild animals.
• traditional architecture /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/:
kiến trúc cổ điển
Ex: Traditional architecture should be preserved.
• historical value /hɪˈstɔːrɪkl ˈvæljuː/: giá trị lịch sử
Ex: There is no historical value in this box.
• Ancestor: (n) /ˈænsestər/ tổ tiên
Ex: We must pay homage to our ancestors.
• tourism development /ˈtʊrɪzəm dɪˈveləpmənt/:
phát triển du lịch
Ex: This is a potential place for tourism
• contemporary
kənˈtempəreriˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/: kiến trúc đương đại,
hiện đại
Ex: I prefer contemporary architecture over the
older styles.
3. Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern
→ I would prefer a modern house as cleanliness is the very
• Degrade: (v) /dɪˈɡreɪd/ xuống cấp
Ex: Most parts of the house are degraded.
first aspect I prioritize for a place to live. When it comes to
old buildings, you know, many are degraded. They can be
moldy and full of cockroaches and rats.
4. Are there any old buildings you want to see in the
future? Why?
→ As an architecture enthusiast, I hope to pay a visit to the
• Dynasty: (n) /ˈdaɪnəsti/ triều đại
Ex: This is the heritage of the last dynasty.
• Maintain: (v) /meɪnˈteɪn/ duy trì
Imperial Palace in Hue city. You know, Hue is the home of
Ex: It’s hard to maintain enthusiasm at work at the
the last dynasty in Vietnam, and the classical architecture
end of the week.
there has been well maintained and it’s still in quite good
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Pets and Animals
1. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
→ Yes, zoos give me the chance to witness animals that I could
only find on television. There are some zoos offering tours that
allow you to see how trainers feed the animals and work with
them. It’s easier to retain information about animals when you
can actually interact with them.
2. What’s your favorite animal? Why?
→ I would say dogs because I am living with my dog at the moment.
I think dogs are great pets because they offer unconditional love
and emotional support which can help owners to overcome
• trainer /ˈtreɪ.nɚ/: người huấn luyện
Ex: A lot of wealthy people have their own personal
• retain /rɪˈteɪn/: giữ lại
Ex: I have a good memory and am able to retain facts
• Unconditional /ˌʌn.kənˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/: không điều kiện
Ex: He got an unconditional release from prison.
• emotional support: sự hỗ trợ về mặt cảm xúc
Ex: We offer both practical and emotional support.
difficult times.
3. Have you ever had a pet before?
→ Yes, I’ve been living with my dog for many years. Modern life
is kind of stressful and I have to deal with lots of pressure from
work. Luckily, my dog is a stress reliever for me. He really makes
• a stress reliever: cái gì đó giúp giảm căng thẳng
Ex: Exercise is a good stress reliever.
• melt away (p.v): biến mất
Ex: All her anger and hurt melted away in his embrace.
my worries melt away.
4. What animals would you like to have as pets?
→ Two of the most common pets you can find in Vietnam are dogs
• on a daily basis: hàng ngày
Ex: All seedlings were watered on a daily basis.
and cats. Personally, both are amazing but I prefer dogs because
I can walk and do exercise with my dogs on a daily basis. It’s a
way for me to stay happy as well as keep fit.
5. Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or
• cramped /kræmpt/: chật chội, ngột ngạt
→ Outdoors, obviously. I think they are much happier if they can
Ex: He lived for six months in a cold, cramped attic
play outside. Unfortunately, I’m living in a cramped apartment
so I have to keep my dog inside the house. I try to take him to the
park whenever I have the chance.
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Public gardens and Parks
1. Would you like to play in a public garden or park?
→ I think parks are more suitable for playing. Parks are more
spacious and there is usually a lot of equipment, such as slides,
seesaws or even pools. You can definitely do more things at a
2. What do you like to do when visiting a park?
→ I love to pay a visit to a park in the morning when it is quiet and
I can enjoy a slower pace of life. Sometimes I do a bit of exercise
at the park to stay in shape.
• spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/: rộng rãi
Ex: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.
• Seesaw /ˈsiː.sɑː/: cái bập bênh
Ex: It was a playground seesaw, but with only one seat.
• pace of life: nhịp sống
Ex: She liked the fast pace of life in the city.
• stay in shape (idiom): giữ cơ thể khỏe mạnh
Ex: Bruno likes to stay in shape. He swims 3 miles every
3. How have parks changed today compared to the time
when you were a kid?
→ They are much more modern. I remember there was nothing to
• martial arts /mɑːʃl ˈɑːts/: võ thuật
Ex: Martial arts is a dangerous but rapidly growing
do in the park when I was young, only plants and flowers around.
However, you can do different activities, from playing badminton,
swimming to practicing martial arts.
4. Would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public
→ A personal one, of course. It gives you more freedom and you
• freedom /ˈfriːdəm/: sự tự do
Ex: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
can do whatever you like. You have to pay attention to others in
public gardens, and you don’t want to do anything weird in these
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1. Did you do puzzles in your childhood?
→ I don’t think that I did that many, though I certainly did
some. Maybe I have an unrealistic view of how many
puzzles people do in their lives from television, but I can
only recall enough times that they could all be counted on
one hand. Though, every time was a nice memory of sitting
• unrealistic (a) /ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk/: phi thực tế
Ex: They were accused of being unrealistic in their
recall (v) /rɪˈkɔːl/: nhớ lại
Ex: I can’t recall meeting her before.
together with my family to do it, so while rare, definitely an
appreciated part of my childhood.
2. Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles?
Which one is more difficult for you?
→ I actually really do enjoy doing word puzzles, number
• terrible (a) /ˈterəbl/: Tồi tệ
Ex: It smells terrible in here.
puzzles not so much. Over the years, word puzzles have
been quite common in my English classes. They are good
exercise for us and it gives our teacher a few minutes of
peace. Math puzzles, on the other hand, I am terrible at.
I try hard in math class but it is certainly not a strength of
mine, even in puzzle form.
3. When do you do puzzles, during a trip, or when you
feel bored?
→ That would depend on the type of puzzle. A jigsaw
• rare (a) /reə(r)/: hiếm
Ex: It’s extremely rare for it to be this hot in April.
puzzle is quite rare for instance, whereas there are a lot
of different word puzzles available online. These online
puzzles I generally do when I am bored and waiting on
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Sweets & Cakes
1. Do you like to eat sweets?
→ I have a sweet tooth and I know it’s not healthy but I can’t go
a day without a bar of chocolate. Eating sweets really keeps me
• energized (a) /ˈen.ə.dʒaɪz/: cảm thấy có năng lượng
Ex: I usually feel energized after every vacation.
energized and focused.
2. Do you like sweets more or less now compared to
when you were a child?
→ My mother didn’t allow me to eat many sweets when I was a
• obese (a) /əʊˈbiːs/:bị béo phì
Ex: A large number of adolescents in the USA are now
kid because she was afraid that I might become obese. But that
doesn’t change the fact that I’ve loved sweet food and always will.
3. Is there any sweet food in your country?
→ Oh there is plenty. Where I’m from, people add sugar to almost
every dish, not just desserts. My favorite sweet is Lotus seed
• delicate (a) /ˈdel.ɪ.kət/ : vị thanh
Ex: Sweet tea has such a delicate taste.
sweet soup, or “chè hạt sen” in Vietnamese. It just has a delicate
and refreshing taste, perfect for the weather here.
4. Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal?
→ Not often. I only eat them as snacks, usually in the afternoon
before dinner time. But if I ever crave some sweets after a meal, I
• crave (v) /kreɪv/: thèm muốn điều gì đó
Ex: Kids usually crave attention from their parents.
will go for fruit, which is also only lightly sweet.
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1. Do you like buying shoes? How often?
→ Not really. Although many of my friends are passionate when
it comes to shoes, I don’t feel the same. I don’t understand why
• passionate /ˈpæʃənət/: có đam mê
Ex: He has a passionate interest in playing guitar.
lots of people buy new pairs, even when they don’t really need
them. For me, I only buy shoes when I really need them.
2. Have you ever bought shoes online?
→ Yes, a few times. And they were all wonderful experiences.
You don’t have to queue for hours and fight for the size that you
want, like in physical stores. On e-commerce platforms, you
can order a pair of shoes, confirm your payment and wait for it to
be delivered to your house.
• queue /kjuː/: xếp hàng
Ex: I had to join a queue for the toilets.
• physical store /ˈfɪzɪkəl stɔː/: cửa hàng truyền thống
Ex: Retailers are studying how to achieve interaction
through your smartphone when you visit a physical
• e-commerce platform /iː-ˈkɒmə(ː)s ˈplætfɔːm/: nền
tảng mua sắm trực tuyến
Ex: Alibaba has become much more than just an
e-commerce platform.
3. How much do you usually spend on shoes?
→ Not much. Shoes have become a luxury in recent years and
some shoes cost a fortune. To be honest, I try to stay away from
the expensive pairs and always opt for more affordable shoes.
4. Which do you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable
→ Most shoes I have, satisfy both criteria. I think you could select a
pair of shoes that can be both trendy and comfy. But my priority
will always be comfort, I don’t want to put on something I don’t
• cost a fortune /kɒst ə ˈfɔːʧən/: tốn rất nhiều tiền
Ex: It cost a fortune to get the car fixed.
• affordable /əˈfɔːdəbl/: (giá cả) có thể mua được
Ex: There is a lack of affordable housing in the city.
• trendy /ˈtrendi/: theo xu hướng
Ex: People are buying them just to be trendy.
• Comfy /ˈkʌmfi/: thoải mái
Ex: You’ll be nice and comfy in this room.
feel comfortable with.
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1. Do you like science?
→ Yes, it is something that I find intriguing. I have been a big fan
of science TV shows for a long time, from biology and chemistry
• Intriguing /ɪnˈtriː.ɡɪŋ/: thú vị
Ex: She has a really intriguing personality.
to nature and wildlife. I think it is great when you can learn and be
entertained simultaneously.
2. When did you start to learn about science?
→ When I was very young. I remember that my parents forced
me into watching educational programs on television. That was
also the time that I developed my passion for science as there
were many captivating science shows on tv back then.
• educational program: chương trình mang tính giáo
• educational /ˌedʒ.əˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/: mang tính giáo dục
• programs /ˈprəʊɡræm/: chương trình
Ex: That educational program may be effective.
• captivating /ˈkæp.tə.veɪ.t̬ɪŋ/: thu hút
Ex: Her voice was absolutely captivating.
3. Which science subject is most interesting to you?
→ It’s hard for me to choose. But I would go for biology. I love
to learn about wild animals and their habitats. I’ve bought many
• Insight /ˈɪnsaɪt/: hiểu biết
Ex: The book gives us fascinating insights into life in
books relating to this and they have given me a lot of great
insight into our environment.
4. What kinds of interesting things have you done with
→ Not much. I’m a learner, not an experimenter. I think that I
• Experimenter /ɪkˈsper.ə.ment̬ɚ/: người thử nghiệm
Ex: He was a great experimenter.
only use my knowledge when I talk to my friends because I love
sharing with them what I know and they also find my stories
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Shopping at street markets
1. What do people usually buy at street markets?
→ Nearly everything, except for luxurious items, I guess. My
mother always goes to a street market near my house to buy
our daily supplies. She rarely has to go to the supermarket for
2. Why do you think people go to street markets?
→ It’s more comfortable for some to shop in an open-air
environment and they might love the hustle and bustle of street
markets. Besides that, in Vietnam, goods can usually be bought
at bargain prices at street markets, so people do not hesitate to
haggle over the price for the thing they need.
• luxurious /lʌɡˈʒʊriəs/: sang trọng
Ex: The car was luxurious.
• Supplies /səˈplaɪ/: hàng hóa cần thiết
Ex: Our supplies were running out.
• Open-air /ˌəʊpən ˈer/: ngoài trời
Ex: They have an open-air swimming pool.
• hustle and bustle /ˈhʌsl ænd ˈbʌsl/: nhộn nhịp và
hối hả
Ex: The old people tend to stay away from the hustle
and bustle of city life.
• bargain /ˈbɑːɡən/: mặc cả
Ex: I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.
3. When you travel abroad, do you go to street markets?
• on top of my list (idiom): việc quan trọng nhất cần
phải làm
→ Yes, I think they represent the culture and tradition of an area.
Wandering around street markets is always on the top of my list
whenever I visit another country. You can also find a lot of stalls
full of bric-a-brac, things that you can buy as souvenirs.
Ex: Studying for the test is on the top of my list for this
• Bric-a-brac /ˈbrɪk ə bræk/: những vật nhỏ ít giá trị
Ex: There are market stalls selling cheap bric-a-brac.
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Spending time with others
1. Do you like talking with people?
• well-being (n) /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/: sự thịnh vượng, hạnh
→ Why not? Being surrounded by my friends and family can
help me to maintain a sense of well-being. This is thanks to the
emotional support that these people can provide me.
Your mother forces you to eat healthy food
because she is worried for your well-being.
2. How do you like spending time with your friends?
• Strengthen the bond (collocation): thắt chặt mối
→ Sometimes a warm dinner is enough. Besides that, holidays are
liên kết
the perfect time to gather with my friends. I mean, we could go
on a trip to strengthen our bond.
between the members.
3. Do you prefer to study alone or with others?
Regular meetings can strengthen the bonds
• a different story (idiom): khác biệt
→ Studying is a different story. Although I love socializing with
Ex: These drugs are widely believed to be effective
others, I think it is better to be in isolation if I want to focus on
medications. The data, however, tell a different story.
something. I could be easily distracted by my friends.
in isolation (idiom): tách biệt
Ex: Words are pronounced differently in isolation from
how they are pronounced in context.
4. Do you remember a time when you needed to cooperate
with others?
→ Lots of times. Modern life requires people to work with
others a lot. When I was in university, I had to cooperate with
my classmates on our class project. Now that I’m older, I have to
collaborate with my coworkers on projects at work.
• cooperate /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/: hợp tác
Ex: The two groups agreed to cooperate with each
• collaborate /kəˈlæbəreɪt/: hợp tác
Ex: Researchers around the world are collaborating to
develop a new vaccine.
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Sitting down
1. Where is your favorite place to sit?
→ Everyone has their own go-to place when they want to relax,
and for me, I generally enjoy a place that’s full of trees and flowers.
As you may guess, it is the park near my house.
2. Do you always sit down for a long time?
→ It really depends on how available I am at the time. If I have
plenty of time, I would take a stroll around the park, then sit for
a couple of hours to look at the sceneryand watch the people
passing by. But if my time is limited then I would just sit there for
10 to 15 minutes.
3. Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?
→ Not normally. There is always something really fresh and
vibrant about the park that really keeps me awake — people
exercising, the sun shining, the peacefulness of the trees - it all
really boosts my mood.
• go-to place: nơi thường lui tới
Ex: This is one of my go-to places. I am familiar
with it.
• take a stroll: đi dạo
Ex: I used to take a stroll in this park when I
needed a peaceful place to think.
• scenery: (n) /ˈsiːnəri/ phong cảnh
Ex: This is the best place to view the scenery.
• Fresh: (a) /freʃ/ tươi mới
Ex: These fish look fresh.
• Vibrant: (a) /ˈvaɪbrənt/ đầy năng lượng
Ex: Her vibrant face is attractive.
• Peacefulness: (n) /ˈpiːsflnəs/ bình yên
Ex: We are seeking a sense of peacefulness in
our minds.
• boost my mood: làm vui lên
Ex: Nothing can boost my mood now. I’m
too depressed.
4. When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?
→ Of course. I think this is true for every toddler. My parents just
let me crawl around on the floor at home when I was young. And
back then I didn’t care about the dirt on the ground either.
• Toddler: (n) /ˈtɑːdlər/ trẻ chập chững đi
Ex: Watching toddlers try to walk is fun. They fall
over, and then stand up again.
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Social Media
1. Do you like to use social media?
→ I may be a bit of an outlier on this one, because I do not
generally use social media. Even when I do use it, I only
consume it and I am essentially never a contributor, so
I don’t know if your question applies to me as much as it
would for most candidates. Though I am still influenced by
the news I see on social media platforms, so I am probably
• outlier (n) /ˈaʊtˌlaɪ.ɚ/: người ngoài cuộc, người
không có sự tham gia
Ex: We found that outliers did not influence the
• Platform (n) /ˈplætfɔːm/: nền tảng
Ex: We sell advertisements across several
different platforms.
affected more than I think.
2. Do you think your friends use too much social media?
• Self-conscious (a)
/ˌselfˈkɑːn.ʃəs/: lo lắng,
→ For some of them? Definitely. Though others I think are
bồn chồn
in between. I use very little, and I therefore think it doesn’t
Ex: He looked uncomfortable, like a self-
have a large impact on me, but some of my close friends
conscious adolescent.
spend the majority of their day on different apps. I have
even noticed in some of my friends that they have become
quite self conscious since getting involved with social
3.Do you want to work in social media? Why?
→ It depends, I do not want to contribute to all of the
negative effects that social media is causing on our societies,
but there are also many good things that have come from
them. I think that for me it would depend on which media
company it was, and what position I was being hired for.
• Involved with / ɪnˈvɒlvd wɪð /: gắn bó mạnh
mẽ, yêu thích
Ex: Maria was so involved with her work that she
didn’t hear me come in.
• contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/: đóng góp
Ex: Her family has contributed $50,000 to the
• take on / ˈteɪk ɒn /: bắt đầu nhận một công việc
Ex: These new demands may be hard for
traditional managers to take on.
I could be convinced to some jobs at some companies,
whereas I would not be inclined to take on others.
4. What’s the most popular social media in Vietnam,
and why?
→ This would also vary a lot depending on the age group
that you looked at. Among the older generations it is
absolutely Facebook. The same generation who told us
“don’t believe everything you see on line!” are constantly
• age group / ˈeɪdʒ gru:p /: nhóm tuổi
Ex: That attitude is popular in my age group.
• attention span /əˈten.ʃən ˌspæn/: khoảng thời
gian tập trung chú ý
Ex: Young children have quite short attention
finding new silly things to believe on Facebook. Whereas for
the younger generations I would definitely say that it is now
Tiktok. There are so many creators making content, and it is
clearly the next step in the trend of modern youth having
short attention spans.
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1. What snacks did you eat when you were young?
→ The snacks I ate when I was young aren’t too different
from the ones that I eat now. Such as cookies and baked
goods, though as I have gotten older I have gained a taste
for chocolate. Nowadays I definitely go more often than
not for rich sweets.
2. When do you usually eat snacks now?
→ The most common time for me to eat snacks now is while
up studying or working on homework late at night. I know
that it is unhealthy for me to do that, but it really helps with
my concentration at the time. Though it usually makes me
feel bad the next day, while up working late it really helps
calm my nerves and keep me focused on my work to have
a treat. It is also great motivation, such as “I’ll let myself
have a cookie after I finish this part of my assignment”.
3. Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?
→ It really just depends on the snack. Due to my preferred
snacks being chocolate, it is definitely not healthy. Though
a good friend of mine is constantly snacking on fruit and I
• baked goods /beɪkt gʊdz/: bánh nướng
Ex: The moment you open the door, the smell of
baked goods overwhelms you.
• gain a taste for /geɪn ə teɪst fɔː/: Bắt đầu thích
ăn (món gì)
Ex: My father has gained a taste for wines.
• concentration (n) /ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn/: sự tập trung
Ex: Tiredness affects your powers of concentration.
• calm my nerves /kɑːm maɪ nɜːvz/ : Làm dịu
căng thẳng thần kinh
Ex: Drinking a glass of water can help calm my
• motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/: Động lực
Ex: He’s intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.
• Snack (v)/snæk/: ăn vặt
Ex: It’s healthier to snack on fruit rather than
can’t imagine that that habit is bad for her. She seems very
healthy, anyway.
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Taking photos
1. Do you like taking photos?
→ Yes. I like to capture the memories of good times in photos to look back at later in life. In fact, I even took several photography
classes at university which really improved my photography skills significantly.
2. How do you take your photos?
→ Well. I can’t afford a really good camera, so basically I just use my mobile phones to capture all of the beautiful moments. I think
it’s very convenient and time-saving. And you know, there are many apps available on the Internet to help improve the quality
of our photos.
3. Do you want to improve your photography skills?
→ Definitely. To many people, taking photos is nothing
more than a way to save memories, but for many others
like me it’s a hobby. I take my photography classes seriously
and practice every weekend to sharpen my skills.
• sharpen my skills (phrase) /ˈʃɑːpən maɪ skɪl/: rèn
giũa kỹ năng
Ex: You can sharpen your photography skills by
attending workshops.
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TV Programs
1. Do you talk with your friends about the TV
programs you watch?
• the box: cái TV
Ex: What’s on the box tonight?
→ No. It’s not worth talking about. I usually watch educational
programs on the box and I guess they are not something that my
friends are interested in.
2. Do you like watching the same kind of programs all the
→ No. Although TV programs can be attention-grabbing the first
time you see them, they will soon become mind-numbing if you
spend too much time watching the same thing. So I always start
to channel-surf when I have the remote control.
• Attention-grabbing /əˈtɛnʃ(ə)n-ˈgræbɪŋ/: thu hút sự
chú ý
Ex: This is an attention-grabbing marketing campaign.
• Mind-numbing /ˈmaɪnd nʌmɪŋ/: rất chán
Ex: They’re having a mind-numbing conversation.
• channel-surf /ˈtʃænl sɜːf/: chuyển kênh liên tục
Ex: Players often use their own TV at home to channelsurf.
3. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone?
→ Cellphones are more convenient, but TV is my thing. I can
spend hours sitting in front of the telly but I cannot keep my eyes
glued to the phone screen for a long time. I guess it is because
the TV screen is bigger so it doesn’t strain my eyes. But don’t get
me wrong, I’m not a couch potato , I’m not addicted to watching
4. What kind of TV programs do you like?
→ I’m a big fan of quiz shows. I think they are hilarious, exciting,
and educational. My family and I really enjoy watching those
shows while having dinner together.
• the telly /ðə ˈtɛli/: cái TV
Ex: We don’t do much in the evenings except watch
the telly.
• Glue to something (idiom): tập trung vào cái gì đó
Ex: He spent the whole trip glued to his phone.
• couch potato /ˈkaʊtʃ pəteɪtəʊ/: người nghiện xem
Ex: He’s turned into a real couch potato since he
subscribed to the sports channel.
• quiz show /ˈkwɪz ʃəʊ/: chương trình đố vui
Ex: This is a popular long-running quiz show.
• Hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/: hài hước
Ex: Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
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1. Do you have any special talent?
→ Yeah, so I think I have a knack for singing. I sing almost every
• have a knack for: có sở trường, tài riêng
Ex: My dad has a real knack for fixing stuff.
day, whenever I feel bored or wanna entertain other people. It’s
really helped me to make a lot of great friends who also love to
sing. Sometimes we go out to a karaoke bar to sing together, it’s
always a lot of fun.
2. Did you acquire this talent recently or when you were
→ For me, singing is more like an inborn talent, it was something
• inborn talent /ˌɪnˈbɔːrn ˈtælənt/: tài năng thiên bẩm
Ex: Many people have an inborn talent. I’m still seeking
that I was just naturally good at when I was younger. But I have
• room for improvement: có không gian để phát triển
practiced a lot over the years, improving all the time. However,
Ex: Regarding Billy’s math grades, there is still room for
any great singer would agree that there’s always room for
3. Do you think your talent can be useful for your future
work? Why?
→ Absolutely yes. Though maybe not directly to my actual work,
it is something that helps me make friends with my coworkers
more easily, and you know, having a good connection with your
coworkers can really boost your career. Not to mention that it
• boost your career: thăng tiến
Ex: To boost your career, you must work extremely
• Glue to something (idiom) /ˈkændɪdeɪt/: ứng viên
Ex: Please welcome our next candidate to the stage.
can be quite relaxing whenever my colleagues and I are stressed
at work. And I think when applying for a job, candidates who
have other skills outside of their work related skills are more likely
to get hired.
4. Does anyone in your family have the same talent?
→ My parents also really enjoy singing. Normally they’ll sing in
the evening when we have eaten dinner. And they really are great
singers. I suppose I inherited their passion for singing — they are
• Inherit /ɪnˈherɪt/: thừa hưởng
Ex: He inherited a substantial amount of money from
his grandparents.
my earliest influence, and helped me to understand that singing
is not at all a useless skill to have.
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Time management
1. How do you plan your time in a day?
→ For me, time management is critical as it makes my day
more productive. So, I always have a to-do list of what I want
to achieve for the day. Although I don’t always fulfill every task
on the list, it definitely helps to keep me on track for the best
possible outcome.
2. Do you find it easy to manage your time?
→ Yeah I think so, I’ve never done any kind of time management
training or anything but I have always been quite good at
managing my time. I guess this is because my parents always
• to-do list /tə ˈduː lɪst:/ (n): danh sách những việc
cần làm
Ex: I always have a long to-do list.
• on track /ɒn træk/ (idiom): trên đường thực hiện
Ex: If he keeps performing well, he will be on track to
win the competition.
• Utilize /ˈjuːtəlaɪz/ (v): sử dụng
Ex: Vitamin C helps your body utilize iron and
other minerals.
taught me how to utilize my time well from a very young age.
3. When do you find it hard to allocate time?
→ I’m a workaholic, so sometimes I burn myself out with work.
In such moments, because I’m so exhausted, it is hard to think
things through properly, including time management tasks.
• Burn out / bɜːn aʊt/ (p.v) kiệt sức
Ex: If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll burn
himself out.
• Think through / θɪŋk θru/ (p.v): nghĩ thấu đáo
Ex: I need some time to think it through - I don’t
want to make any sudden decisions.
4. Do you like being busy?
→ Well, I don’t have a problem with being busy. However, I
think that if you are too busy, it is very likely that you won’t be
• Productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ (adj): có năng suất
Ex: The bush must be pruned to remain productive.
productive enough, which is not a good thing, obviously.
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The area you live in
1. Do you like the area that you live in?
→ Of course. I have been living here for more than 20 years, and
there is nothing to complain about. There are a lot of amenities
• amenity /əˈmiːnəti/ (n): tiện ích
Ex: The campsite is close to all local amenities.
within walking distance from my house, so it is very convenient
to live here.
2. Are there any places you like to go in that area?
→ There is a café near my house, it’s my go-to place for work and
study. It’s designed in a vintage style, which is really cool and
creates a relaxing atmosphere.
• go-to / ˈɡoʊˌtuː/ (adj) yêu thích nhất
Ex: He was the company’s go-to guy for new ideas.
• vintage /ˈvɪntɪdʒ/ (n): cổ điển
Ex: Have you been to that new store down the street
selling vintage clothing and furniture?
3. Do you know any famous people in your area?
→ We don’t have anyone in my neighborhood that really stands
out as being a famous person, so I guess the answer is no. Or
maybe I just don’t know enough people in my neighborhood.
• stand out / stænd aʊt / (p.v): nổi bật
Ex: His painting stands out above the rest. It’s a
real masterpiece.
4. What are some changes in the area recently?
→ The street in front of my house has recently been improved.
This has helped to ease traffic flow, so there isn’t any congestion
• ease /iːz/(v): làm dễ chịu
Ex: This should help ease the pain.
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1. Which technology do you more often use, computers
or mobile phones?
→ My mobile phone for sure. Due to it being portable and
me spending most of my day outside of my house, there
is no question that more of my time is spent on my phone
than on my computer. Though with that being said, I am
• Portable (a) /ˈpɔːtəbl/: Cầm tay, có thể mang theo
Ex: The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy
to store.
• Productive (a) /prəˈdʌktɪv/: Hiệu quả, năng suất
Ex: It makes them feel productive even if it is not a
paying job.
much more productive on my computer. So I spend more
time with my phone, but during my time with my computer
I get much more of my work done.
2. What electronic devices have you bought lately?
→ I haven’t bought much in the way of electronics
recently, as I don’t have a bunch of extra money laying
around. Though the last thing that I bought was my most
recent mobile phone. My previous one had been stolen. It
could have just been lost, but I feel less guilty if I say that it
was stolen.
3. Are there any technologies that you want to buy?
→ There are so many pieces of technology that I would love
to buy. The first one that comes to mind is a 3D printer. Not
that I would have a ton of uses for it, but ever since they first
hit the market I have been extremely interested in learning
• Electronics (n) /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/: Điện tử
Ex: About 45 000 people worked in electronics in
• Previous (a) /ˈpriːviəs/: (Cái) trước
Ex: The car has only had one previous owner.
• Guilty (a) /ˈɡɪlti/: có lỗi
Ex: I feel very guilty about leaving her.
• hit the market /hɪt ðə ˈmɑːkɪt/: tung ra thị trường
Ex: The iPhone 14 hasn’t yet hit the market.
• Jealous (a) /ˈdʒeləs/: Ganh tị
Ex: He’s only talking to her to make you jealous.
how to use one. One of my friends school even has their
own that students can use for free and I am very jealous.
4. What are the benefits of technology?
→ Well that is a very broad question, with far more answers
than I could give in the short term of this test, there are so
many. There are medical advancements that have made
us live longer healthier lives, communication devices that
let us stay up to date and in contact with our friends and
family, and security devices that help keep us safe. There
are so many benefits.
• medical advancements /ˈmɛdɪkəl ədˈvɑːnsmənts/:
Tiến bộ y tế
Ex: Medical advancements have made it possible to
survive a number of cancers.
• communication
dɪˈvaɪsɪz/ : Thiết bị liên lạc
Ex: There are many types of communication devices
such as phones and laptops.
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Meeting places
1. Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?
→ Like most teenagers, me and my friends tend to meet up at a
cafe. We can enjoy our favorite hot drinks while having chit-chat
in a nice intimate atmosphere, which is always the best option
when gathering with friends.
• chit-chat (n) /ˈtʃɪt.tʃæt/: trò chuyện đời thường
Ex: Mai and Hoa don’t really like each other, that’s
why you don’t see them having a chit-chat after
work like the rest of us do.
• intimate atmosphere / ˈɪntɪmeɪt ˈætməsfɪə /: bầu
không khí thân mật
Ex: The intimate atmosphere made him feel relaxed.
2. What kinds of places do you think are most suitable
for meeting with others?
→ Well, there is a wide range of choices when it comes to places
• suburban (adj) /səˈbɝː.bən/: vùng ngoại ô
to meet with people. For instance, young people usually meet up
• tranquil (adj) /ˈtræŋ.kwəl/: yên tĩnh, bình lặng
in shopping malls or cafes, which are popular and often crowded
places. But if you live in a more suburban area, then you could
Ex: I grew up in suburban Hanoi.
Ex: She sat and stared at the water for hours, it was
such a tranquil place.
meet up with someone in a park perhaps, and maybe enjoy the
tranquil vibes there.
3. Are there any differences between your favorite meeting
places in the present and in your childhood?
Yes, my favorite meeting places now tend to differ a lot from
those in my childhood. When I was a kid, me and my friends
regularly visited each other’s houses when we wanted to meet.
These days, we tend to hang out in public places such as at the
park or shopping mall.
4. Why are some meeting places better than others?
→ There are numerous reasons why certain meeting places are
better than others, but it usually would depend on who the
people are, why they are meeting, and their whereabouts. For
example, due to their popularity, cafes tend to be quite noisy
places so if you wanted a private conversation about something
• differ from /ˈdɪfə frɒm/: khác so với…
Ex: His views differ considerably from those of
his parents.
• hang out /ˈhæŋˈaʊt/: gặp mặt
Ex: I’ve been hanging out backstage with the
• whereabouts (n) /ˈwer.ə.baʊts/: vị trí địa lí
Ex: Trupin is thought to be in the Caribbean,
although his exact whereabouts is a mystery.
• popularity (n) /ˌpɑː.pjəˈler.ə.t̬i/: độ yêu thích
Ex: Organic food has gained increasing popularity.
serious then you might be better off in a park or somewhere
quiet and more private.
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1. What do you do?
→ I am currently a flight attendant and have worked for Vietnam
Airlines for over 2 years. I used to be an English teacher because
I majored in pedagogy at university but then opportunity came
• pedagogy (n) /ˈped.ə.ɡɑː.dʒi/: giáo dục
Ex: He needs to work on his pedagogy skills if he
wants to enhance his career as a teacher.
and I decided a career change would probably bring more good
than harm.
2. What are your responsibilities?
→ My main responsibility is ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers. Normally, I’m in charge of providing excellent
customer services, like making passengers feel welcomed, and I must always maintain a professional attitude at all times.
3. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
→ I’d never imagined myself being a flight attendant, not even
in my wildest dreams. At first, I thought it’d be nice trying out
something new, stepping out of my comfort zone, but I soon
grew to like it and realized this could be my lifelong career.
• in my wildest dreams (idiom) /ɪn maɪ ˈwaɪldɪst
driːm/: không thể tưởng tượng được
Ex: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one
day I would become a millionaire.
• stepping out of my comfort zone (phrase) /ˈstɛpɪŋ
aʊt ɒv maɪ ˈkʌmfət zəʊn/: bước ra khỏi vùng an toàn
của bản thân
Ex: If I’d refused to step out of my comfort zone three
years ago, I would haven’t been as successful as I am
• lifelong career (n) /ˈlaɪflɔːŋ ʤɒb/: công việc cố định
Ex: I put a lot of effort into this job because I consider
it to be a lifelong career.
4. What do you like and dislike about your job?
→ What I love most is the chance to travel to different places, which is something I didn’t get to do much as a kid. Not to mention,
I get paid hourly plus a base salary, so I make quite a generous salary, enough to support my family. However, I’m away from home
most of the time, especially on holidays, so I do miss out on a lot of bonding time with my loved ones.
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1. What is your area of specialization?
→ I major in Data Analytics, one of the megatrends these days. I
learn how to “read” data to understand current market trends and
• megatrend (n) /ˈme.ɡətrend/: xu hướng nổi trội
Ex: Mixing ice cream with noodles is one of the
megatrends on Tiktok these days.
provide insights to businesses so they can run more efficiently.
Sometimes, it is just overwhelming because the market changes
all the time !
2. Why did you choose to study that major?
→ Everyone is talking about the use of data in business so I chose
this major thinking I would have great job opportunities in the
future. To be honest, my parents tried to talk me out of studying
this subject because they believed I’m not the brainy type. But
they are now convinced by my excellent performance at school.
• talk me out of (phr.v) /tɔːk miː aʊt ɒv/: thuyết phục
tôi không làm gì đó
Ex: There is no chance that you will talk her out of
getting this job. She is very determined about this.
• brainy (adj) /ˈbreɪ.ni/: thông minh
Ex: She is such a lucky woman. Her children are all
very brainy.
3. What was your favorite subject as a child?
→ I had a knack for art subjects, and my favorite was Literature.
I received many compliments from my middle school teachers
and attended several national-level essay writing competitions.
I’ve always enjoyed jotting down my thoughts and reading in my
free time.
• compliment (n) /ˈkɑːm.plə.mənt/: lời khen
Ex: Sometimes you should pay your students some
compliments to encourage them.
• jot down (phr.v) /ʤɒt daʊn/: ghi chú
Ex: Since I’ve gone to college, I mostly use my iPad to
jot down my notes in my lessons.
4. Do you think your country has an effective education system?
→ It’s hard to tell but it is, to some extent. What I mean is Vietnamese students are generally better at Math because we get to learn
a lot more advanced concepts than kids in the US or other western countries. But most of us Vietnamese are worse at expressing
ideas because we were taught to follow rather than raising opinions.
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1. What do you usually do on the weekends?
→ Recently, my weekends have been almost completely
filled with study as I have been quite nervous about the
exams coming up. While not in exam season though, my
average weekend includes at least one day of dominantly
sports activities, and one day of dominantly leisure activities.
Either going on a bike trip or having a couple basketball
• exam season / ɪɡˈzæm ˈsiːzn̩ /: mùa thi cử
Ex: Exam season is the most stressful time for
many students.
• dominantly / ˈdɒmɪnəntli /: chiếm phần lớn,
chủ yếu
Ex: The media now are dominantly visual and
lawyers are in these pictures.
games on one day, then the other day being going to a cafe
and just chatting with my friends on the other.
2. Did you do anything special last weekend?
→ As I mentioned before, recently my weekends have been
filled with study. Though I will mention that last weekend
• Be filled with / bi fɪld wɪð /: tràn ngập, chứa đầy
Ex: His childhood was filled with happiness.
my father was also working very late, and when he came
home he saw that I was still up studying. I wasn’t aware of
it, but he went down the street and bought some snacks
and drinks for us, and he sat with me and we snacked and
discussed the paper I was writing. While not particularly
special, I thought it was very nice.
3. What will you do next weekend?
→ Well, seeing as the test that I was most nervous about
will be finished by next weekend, so the next weekend will
definitely be taken as time for myself to unwind and relax. I
will probably go to my friends house to eat some junk food
• Unwind (v) /anˈwaind/: nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn
Ex: Give me a chance to unwind!
• Junk food / ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd /: đồ ăn vặt
Ex: His diet consisted mainly of junk food.
and play video games, really just enjoy the stress free time
and let my tensed up muscles unwind.
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1. What kind of weather do you like most?
→ Well, I’m living in a tropical country, where there are only 2
seasons, so there’s not many choices for me. I guess I prefer to live
in a place with mild weather conditions, you know, neither too
hot, too cold, too humid or too rainy.
2. What’s the weather like in your hometown?
→ There are basically only 2 seasons, dry and rainy. It’s boilinghot
in the dry season and it rains cats and dogsduring the rainy
seasons. Nastyweather, isn’t it?
• tropical /ˈtrɑː.pɪ.kəl/: nhiệt đới
Ex: The Amazon river basin contains the world’s
largest tropical rainforest.
• mild /maɪld/: ôn hòa
Ex: It’s safe to take a mild sedative.
• boiling /ˈbɔɪ.lɪŋ/: rất nóng
Ex: We don’t usually have such boiling hot weather.
• rains cats and dogs (idiom): mưa rất to
Ex: Don’t forget to take your umbrella - it’s raining cats
and dogs out there.
• Nasty /ˈnæsti/: rất tệ
Ex: The news gave me a nasty shock.
3. Do you like the weather in your hometown?
→ No, I don’t. I don’t like to swelter during the dry season and
get soaked during the rainy season. But there are not any natural
Swelter /ˈsweltər/: nóng đổ mồ hôi
Ex: Passengers sweltered in temperatures of over 90°F.
disasters in my local area so I guess I couldn’t ask for better
4. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
→ Both are uncomfortable for me. But I would go for wet weather.
Compared to a swelteringly hot day, when I could be burned by
the scorching sunlight, I would prefer rain.
swelteringly /ˈsweltərɪŋli/: rất nóng
Ex: I hate swelteringly hot days.
• scorching /ˈskɔːr.tʃɪŋ/: rất nóng
Ex: At this time last year, the beach was scorching hot
so there weren’t many visitors.
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1. What kinds of websites do you usually use?/ Why do you
like them?
→ I only go online to watch movies or listen to music so I’d say
Youtube is my most frequent website. There is no doubt that
• content (n) /ˈkɒn.tent/: nội dung
Ex: You have to buy the annual membership to access
the premium content.
Youtube has some of the best free content and I just love how
the site allows users to reduce or increase the speed of the video.
2. What has changed about websites, compared to the
→ Honestly speaking, my dad didn’t let me use computers or
• User-friendly (adj): thân thiện với người dùng
Ex: My banking app is now so much more user-friendly
after I updated it.
use the internet when I was a kid, so I have no clue about what
websites were like in the past. I suppose a lot of websites are now
much more user-friendly than in the past and their designs are
definitely more detailed and attractive now.
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Watching sports
1. Do you like watching programs on TV?
→ No I don’t. I couldn’t recall the last time I sat in front of the TV, probably because I’d prefer to watch something on my phone. I
can choose programs more easily on the phone and watch them anywhere.
2. Do you watch live sports games?
→ I’m not a big fan of sport so I have no interest in watching it
on tv, let alone live competitions. But I’m sure any sports lover
would love watching live matches because of the thrill and
adrenaline rush that they can bring.
• let alone (phrase) /lɛt əˈləʊn/: chưa kể đến
Ex: You haven’t finished the introduction, let alone the
whole essay.
• thrill (n) /θrɪl/: sự xúc động, phấn khích
Ex: No words can describe the thrill I experienced
when I won that competition.
• adrenaline rush (n) /əˈdrɛnəlɪn rʌʃ /: căng thẳng tột
Ex: Many people love to watch scary movies because
of the adrenaline rush they get from it.
3. How often do you watch live sports?
→ Never. My dad, on the other hand, watches it all the time. He’s probably one of the biggest football lovers and never misses any
live match of his favorite team, Chelsea.
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1. Do you wear a watch?
→ Sometimes. You know, these days everyone has a smartphone,
so wearing a watch is no longer necessary for checking the time.
• take a stroll: đi dạo
Ex: Let’s take a stroll in the park this afternoon.
But I do wear a watch when I leave my phone at home, like when
I take a stroll in the park or something.
2. Have you ever got a watch as a gift?
→ The only watch I have is the one I got for my 18th birthday
as a present. My grandpa believes that is when you become an
adult, and wearing a watch helps me to look more mature and
professional, so he bought it for me.
3. Why do some people wear expensive watches?
→ Well, people tend to judge a book by its cover, so I suppose
wearing a luxury watch is a way to express one’s social status,
without saying anything. Also, to my knowledge, buying and
wearing a limited edition watch can be quite an investment. If
it’s rare enough, the owner may be able to sell it for a higher price
later on.
4. Do you think it is important to wear a watch? Why?
→ It really depends. People today no longer use watches for
reading the time like in the past because we all have our phones
with us. So it is really quite redundant to wear a wristwatch. But
for other purposes, say, accessorizing, a watch can be great, as
• Mature (adj) /məˈtʊr/ trưởng thành
Ex: Many people get older but not more mature.
• Professional (adj) /prəˈfeʃənl/ chuyên nghiệp
Ex: You should always try to look professional when
going for a job interview.
• social status /ˈsəʊʃl ˈstætəs/: địa vị xã hội
Ex: I don’t care about your social status. I care about
• a limited edition watch: đồng hồ đeo tay bản giới
Ex: He gave me a limited edition watch, which was out
• Wristwatch (n) /ˈrɪstwɑːtʃ/ đồng hồ đeo tay
Ex: This wristwatch looks classic.
• Accessorize (v) /əkˈsesəraɪz/ trang trí trang sức
Ex: I’d like to accessorize by wearing a necklace.
it helps you look more fashionable.
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1. Do you write a lot?
→ I write a lot for my school assignments. It can be difficult
to get into at first, but I find that once I have gotten on the
• track (n) /træk/: hướng
Ex: She decided to change her career track.
right track with a paper I can write a lot quite quickly. That
being said, I certainly do not find enough time to write for
personal reasons. I would love to write a novel one day, but
it certainly is not in the cards right now.
2. Did you do some house cleaning when you were
→ Speaking purely in the context of when I enjoy writing,
the subject that I enjoy writing the most about is history.
I have always been very interested in history and I like to
think that I am quite knowledgeable about it, at least for
my age. As I have both an interest in, and knowledge of the
subject, I really like writing about and analyzing historic
• knowledgeable (adj) /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/: có hiểu biết
Ex: She is very knowledgeable about plants.
• historic events and figures /hɪsˈtɒrɪk ɪˈvɛnts
ænd ˈfɪgəz/: sự kiện và nhân vật lịch sử
Ex: O’Donoghue often uses historic events and
figures from art history as a point of departure in
his work.
events and figures.
3. Do you think the things you write would change?
→ Over time, I see no reason why my writing wouldn’t
change. My writing has certainly changed and improved
since I was a child, so it will likely continue to do so into my
adulthood. In fact, I hope it does, as I am aware that my
• Adulthood (n) /ˈædʌlthʊd/: lúc trưởng thành
Ex: His problems began in early adulthood.
• Imperfect (adj) /ɪmˈpɜːfɪkt/: không hoàn hảo
Ex: All our sale items are slightly imperfect.
writing style as of right now is imperfect, I do hope for it to
get better over time.
4. Do you prefer typing or hand writing when you write?
→ It took me a little while to get into it, but I prefer typing
now, by far. While I appreciate good looking handwriting,
and in particular calligraphy, there is just no question to
me that the efficiency of typing can’t be beaten. It is just
so much faster and easier to correct mistakes that it is
definitely what I prefer.
• Handwriting (n) /ˈhændraɪtɪŋ/: Chữ viết tay
Ex: I didn’t recognize the handwriting on the
• Calligraphy (n) /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/: Thư pháp
Ex: The art teacher was proficient in the art of
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Traveling on PublicTransport
1. What kind of public transportation do you usually
→ Unfortunately, I very rarely actually take public
transport. This is not ideal, as I very much understand
the environmental benefits of public transport. As much
as I wish I could partake in it, the transit system in the
neighborhood around my house is not very developed
and it would take a disproportionate amount of time to
• transit system / ˈtrænsɪt ˈsɪstəm /: hệ thống giao
Ex: The transit system in New York is excellent.
• disproportionate
không cân đối, không cần thiết
Ex: There are a disproportionate number of girls in
the class.
navigate instead of just walking.
2. Do most people prefer public transportation in your
→ Definitely not, though many people still use it when it
aligns with their travel plans, or there is no other choice.
Due to the pace of development of transit systems not
keeping up with the pace of population growth in the
• align with / əˈlaɪn wɪð /: trùng khớp, hài hòa với
Ex: The post was deleted because it did not align
with the values of this website.
• keep up with / kiːp ˈʌp wɪð /: bắt kịp với
Ex: Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.
city, most people are still expected to supply their own
3. Did you take transportation when you were a kid?
→ I am not sure if I should answer this with a yes or a no.
While I never utilized urban transit systems in my city
because I was very lucky and lived close to my schools
while growing up, my family has gone on vacation where
we took the bus. I understand that those were public
• Utilize (v) /ˈjuː.t̬əl.aɪz/: tận dụng hiệu quả
Ex: The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized
by the body.
• public terminal / ˌpʌblɪk ˈtɜːmɪnl̩ /: nhà ga công cộng
Ex: She told me to wait at the public terminal.
companies that owned the buses, so it wasn’t technically
‘public’ transport, but the fees were so low and it operated
out of a public terminal, so I will count it
4. When do you usually take public transportation, in
your everyday life or when you are traveling?
→ Traveling is definitely the most common time for me
to take transit. Like I mentioned before, it isn’t really
necessary for daily life, as my neighborhood is very walkable. This means that the only times I ever interact with
that system is when I am leaving the city and do not want
to risk driving my motorbike on the big roads.
• take transit / ˈteɪk ˈtrænsɪt /: tham gia giao thông
công cộng
Ex: You’ll have to take transit to another city in
order to visit her.
• Walk-able (a) /ˈwɑː.kə.bəl/: phù hợp để đi bộ
Ex: In spite of San Francisco’s many hills, it’s a very
walkable city.
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Speaking Part 2, 3
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A famous person
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe your favourite famous person
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know about this person
What this person is famous for
And why you are interested in this person
• Tayloyr Swift, một ca sĩ nổi tiếng.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Biết đến cô ấy khi đang lướt Youtube và tìm thấy một
trong những bài hát nổi tiếng của ô cấy - Red
• Ngay lập tức thích giai điệu bắt tai của bài hát và vẻ bề
ngoài lộng lẫy.
• Taylor Swift không được sinh ra trong gia đình giàu có
Content (Nội dung)
và có địa vị xã hội cao, nhưng đã cố gắng để được công
• Luôn luôn thân thiện và chân thành với fan.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Dùng chuyến hành trình của cô ấy và các tác phẩm âm nhạc
để truyền cảm hứng cho phụ nữ trẻ.
Take note
Her name is Taylor Swift - a world- renowned American
Browsing Youtube and came across one of her most wellknown song - Red
Hooked on the catchy melody and impressed by how
gorgeous she looked
Wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she had to
work hard to achieve recognition.
Remains down-to-earth and is always sincere to her fans
Uses her journey and musical works to insprire young
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Well, there is a celebrity that I’ve been dying to meet in person. Her name is
Taylor Swift - a world-renowned(1) American artist. If I remember correctly, I
got to know her when I was browsing(2) YouTube and came across one of her
most well-known songs - Red.
impressed by how gorgeous she looked in the music video. When I listened
(adj): nổi tiếng, có danh tiếng
Ví dụ: My hometown is world-renowned
for its historical attractions.
I was immediately hooked on the catchy melody(3) and genuinely(4)
2. browse /braʊz/ (v): lên mạng
Ví dụ: When I have free time, I like to
browse the internet for the latest fashion
to it the second time, I became obsessed with (5) the song as I could totally
relate to the story
3. catchy melody /ˈkæʧi ˈmɛlədi/: giai
she delivered in the lyrics. The more I get to know about
her, the more I understand that she has such a strong will
born with a silver spoon in her mouth
. Taylor wasn’t
, she had to work hard to achieve
recognition from the music industry as they already have so much prejudice
against women in music. Another virtue (10) that I’ve learned from Taylor is
humbleness (11). Even being a rank A pop star, she remains down-to-earth (12)
1. world-renowned /wɜːrld rɪˈnɑʊnd/
and is always sincere to her fans.
điệu hấp dẫn
Ví dụ: I love this song because of its
catchy melody.
4. genuinely /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn.li/ (adv): chân
Ví dụ: He is genuinely sorry for his past
I believe that she uses her journey and musical works to inspire young women
to become successful and independent and that’s also why I’ve been a diehard fan (13) of her.
5. become obsessed with someone/something /bɪˈkʌm əbˈsɛst wɪð ˈsʌmwʌn/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/(phr.v): bị ám ảnh bởi ai/cái gì đó
Ví dụ: He has become obsessed with material possessions and his reputation since he moved to the city.
6. relate to something /rɪˈleɪt tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/: liên hệ ai đó với một cái gì đó
Ví dụ: I cannot relate to her situation as I’ve never experienced such thing.
7. strong will /ˌstrɑːŋˈwɪld/ (n): ý chính mạnh mẽ
Ví dụ: She overcame all of the difficulties in her life with a strong will.
8. born with a silver spoon in someone’s mouth / bɔːn wɪð ə ˈsɪlvə spuːn ɪn ˈsʌmwʌn maʊθ / (idiom): giàu có và thành
công từ khi mới sinh ra
Ví dụ: Children who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth tend to lack of the ability to empathize with others.
9. prejudice /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪs/ (n): định kiến
Ví dụ: Instead of having prejudice against homesexuals, people should accept them with an open mind.
10. virtue /ˈvɝː.tʃuː/ (n): đức hạnh
Ví dụ: There are a lot of virtues I can learn from him, such as patience and honesty.
11. humbleness /ˈhʌm.bəl.nəs/ (n): khiêm tốn
Ví dụ: His humbleness makes other people respect him.
12. down-to-earth /ˌdaʊn.tuːˈɝːθ/ (adj): chân thành
Ví dụ: The main reason why I like my teacher is the fact that he is always so down-to-earth and honest with his students.
13. die-hard fan /ˈdaɪhɑːd fæn/ (n): fan cứng
Ví dụ: I’ve been a die-hard fan of Taylor Swift’s for almost 10 years.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Would you like to be a famous person?
Frankly speaking, the idea has never crossed my mind. I’m an introvert
and freeze up when speaking in front of a crowd so I don’t think being
a celebrity would really suit me. Not to mention, being under the
spotlight and being followed by the paparazzi all the time would be
• be under the spotlight: là trung tâm của sự
chú ý
• spotlight /ˈspɑːtlaɪt/ (n): sự chú ý (từ báo đài,
truyền thông)
Ex: The issue will come under the spotlight
once again since it wasn’t solved properly the
previous time.
• paparazzi /ˌpæpəˈrætsi/ (số nhiều của
paparazzo) (n): tay săn ảnh
Ex: Paparazzi are like enemies of celebrities.
2. What are the hardships of a celebrity?
One common thing is that they have no privacy and are followed
by paparazzi all the time, or even stalkers. They also face constant
judgment from people and can attract fake friends, you know, those
who want to take advantage of their fame. Although there are many
privileges, the downsides are also significant.
• judgment /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ (n): sự đánh giá
Ex: It’s not something I can give you rules for;
you’ll have to use your judgment.
• take advantage of: tận dụng
• advantage /ədˈvæntɪdʒ/ (n): lợi thế
We took full advantage of the hotel
• privilege /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ (n): đặc quyền
Ex: Education should be a universal right and
not a privilege.
3. What should celebrities do to protect their privacy?
They should be clear about their boundaries and be consistent in
dealing with the media. It’s also advisable that they reveal no personal
information in order to avoid being harassed, and try to limit their
exposure to the public.
• boundary /ˈbaʊndri/ (n): biên giới, giới hạn
Ex: It is up to the teacher to set the boundary
• harass /ˈhærəs/ (v): quấy rối
Ex: She claims she has been sexually harassed
at work.
• exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒər/ (n): sự phơi bày, tiếp
Ex: Her new movie has had a lot of exposure
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Family members
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member
You should say:
When it happened
Who the person is
What the person did
And explain why you felt proud of him/her
• Lúc mẹ quyết định khởi nghiệp.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Mẹ tôi trong độ tuổi 40.
• Mẹ là vừa là mẹ và vừa là bạn của tôi.
• Khi còn nhỏ bà ấy đã học cách vượt qua khó khăn.
Content (Nội dung)
• Khi đến tuổi độ tuổi 30, bà ấy muốn mở 1 shop quần áo
và bị cả nhà ngăn cản.
• Bằng sự quyết tâm, bà ấy đã thành công.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Nhắc nhở bản thân mình cố gắng mỗi ngày để mạnh mẽ
như bà ấy.
Take note
The time my mom decided to start hẻ own business
In her forties now
She is both a mother and a friend
Reached her thirties, se decided that she wanted to run her
own business, a clothing store
All the members in our family tried to prevent her
Keep reminding myself everyday to try to be as strong as
my mother
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1. maintain a youthful appearance:
I’d like to share about the time my mom decided to start her own business.
duy trì một ngoại hình tươi trẻ
My mother is in her forties now, but she still manages to maintain a youthful
maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ (v): duy trì
youthful /ˈjuːθfl/ (adj): trẻ
takes care of her children. She is both a mother and a friend to me
as she always gives me valuable advice and is always willing to be
there for me during all of the ups and downs(2) in my life. The reason that I
am so proud of her is because she is such a strong-willed(3) person. Ever since
she was a kid, she learnt how to get through hardships herself because my
grandparents were always on the go(4), and I guess her rough childhood has
shaped her into who she is today. When she reached her thirties, she decided
that she wanted to run her own business, a clothing store. All the members
appearance /əˈpɪrəns/ (n): ngoại hình,
diện mạo
Ví dụ: In order to maintain a youthful
appearance, she eats a lot of fruit and
2. ups and downs: thăng trầm
Ví dụ: We’ve been best friends for nearly
a decade and have been through many
ups and downs in life.
3. strong-willed /ˌstrɔːŋ ˈwɪld/ (adj):
cứng cỏi, kiên quyết
Ví dụ: She was a fiercely independent
in our family tried to prevent her from doing this since we all thought it was
and strong-willed woman.
a bad idea because she would be faced with a lot of competition from other
4. on the go: bận rộn
nearby shops.
Ví dụ: Having four children keeps her on
the go all day.
But through her determination and perseverance(5) she has managed to
make a success out of her business and it really is something for us all to look
up to, and I keep reminding myself every day to try to be as strong as my
mother, a real-life “wonder woman”.
5. perseverance /ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns/ (n):
sự kiên trì
Ví dụ: They showed great perseverance
in the face of difficulty.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. When would parents feel proud of their children?
Well, parents would feel proud of their children when they achieve any
goal that they’ve set, from getting good grades to landing their first
job. Some take pride in their children simply because they are wellbehaved and can take good care of themselves.
• land a job: tìm được việc
Ex: After six months seeking, he finally landed
his first job.
2. Should parents reward children? Why and how?
I think there is no problem in rewarding children, as this act can
encourage good behavior. For example, rewarding hard work is very
crucial in reminding children to keep striving. However, rewards should
have sentimental value rather than monetary.
• sentimental /ˌsentɪˈmentl/ (adj): đa cảm,
nhiều tình cảm
Ex: He has a strong sentimental attachment
to the house he grew up in.
• monetary /ˈmɑːnɪteri/ (adj): liên quan đến
tiền bạc
Ex: She hadn’t helped anyone by turning their
past problems into a monetary issue.
3. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?
Maybe not too often. Children may develop a mechanism to only
perform or behave well if there is a reward. This would be unhealthy for
their development because they won’t be able to find their own inner
strength to achieve what they want without incentives from external
• incentive /ɪnˈsentɪv/ (n): sự khích lệ, thúc đẩy
Ex: There is no incentive for people to save
factors like rewards from their parents.
4. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?
There are plenty I could name. It could be a promotion at work, buying
their own houses or just simply helping someone in need. Being proud
is a way for us to reassure our self-worth and develop a greater passion
for life.
• reassure /ˌriːəˈʃʊr/ (v): trấn an, đảm bảo
Ex: They tried to reassure her, but she still felt
• self-worth /ˌself ˈwɜːrθ/ (n): tự tin vào bản
Ex: Praise your child to increase their sense of
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you gave some helpful advice to someone
You should say:
Who you gave advice to
What the advice was
Why you gave the advice
And how you felt about the advice
• Vài năm trước, bạn tôi đến bước ngoặt quyết định.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đang lưỡng lự.
• Tôi khuyên cô ấy nghĩ về sự khao khát lớn nhất về tương
lai và cả nỗi sợ.
Content (Nội dung)
• Tôi khuyên cô ấy theo đuổi học thạc sỹ.
• Bằng thạc sỹ có thể mở cánh cửa con đường sự nghiệp.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Miễn là cô ấy cố gắng, cô ấy sẽ đạt được mục tiêu.
Take note
She found herself at a crossroads
She was in two minds
I told her to think of her ddeeepest desire for the future
and also her fears
My best
poured her
heart out to
I talked into pursuing a Master’s degree
Master’s degree can open the door to a more rewarding
career path
As long as she applies herself and spares no effort, she
would achieve her goal.
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heart out to me. A few years ago, she found herself at a crossroads(1)
1. at a crossroads /ˈkrɒs.rəʊdz/: đến
where she had to choose between continuing to study abroad for
needed to choose between starting my
a master’s degree or working a nine-to-five job(2) with a bachelor’s
career early or going onto university.
degree. She was in two minds(3) and really needed my help to make
2. a nine-to-five job: công việc làm 8
up her mind.
tiếng một ngày
I am going to talk about the time when my best friend poured her
bước ngoặt quyết định
Ví dụ: I was at a crossroads where i
Ví dụ: Many young people feel satisfied
I told her to think of her deepest desire for the future and also her fears.
with their nine-to-five jobs because of
After hours of listening to her, I talked her into pursuing a Master’s
the stable income.
degree instead of working early. Of course, she wouldn’t just simply
go along with my advice, so she pondered for days before finally
settling on the seemingly more promising option which was studying
abroad. I emphasized that a master’s degree can open the door to a
more rewarding career path which offers advanced opportunities and
obviously a lucrative income.
3. be in two minds (a): lưỡng lự
Ví dụ: he was in two minds whether
to learn English by himself or at a
language centre.
4. apply oneself /əˈplaɪ/ : nỗ lực hết
Ví dụ: As much as I applied myself, I
still failed the driving test.
Although taking a master’s degree is by no means an easy task, I
believe as long as she applies herself(4) and spares no effort, she
would achieve her goal.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kind of advice do parents give to their children?
Parents should teach their children how to assess risks so they can learn
to be independent and make their own decisions. You know, some risks
are worth taking, but some are too dangerous. But children may not
have enough real-life experience to recognize when to step out of their
comfort zone and when they should not. So parents should give some
examples of different risks so that children learn to consider carefully
• step out of one’s comfort zone: bước ra
khỏi vùng an toàn
• comfort zone /ˈkʌmfərt zəʊn/ (np): vùng an
toàn, thoải mái
Ex: He was so brave to step out of his comfort
zone and start a new career at the age of 50.
before taking risks and to know which risks that they should avoid.
2. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g a doctor gives advice to patients)
Well, I have very little experience in this but I think experts need to
inform others about their available options and give them some
recommendations. Experts will provide support and guidance so they
can make a sound decision.
• a sound decision: một quyết định tốt, đáng
tin cậy
• sound /saʊnd/ (adj): tốt, đáng tin cậy
Ex: After asking for his mom’s advice, he was
finally able to make a sound decision.
3. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?
Parents should encourage their children to befriend those who respect and accept their differences. Children should also be taught
how to identify bad friends, and what kind of behavior is unacceptable, and how to treat friends.
4. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?
It really depends. Sometimes, friends would have a better
understanding and give better advice. But for the most part, parents are
more experienced and make more sensible judgments on situations.
However, not many are willing to listen to their parents, especially
• sensible /ˈsensəbl/ (adj): hợp lý, đúng đắn
Ex: We are just asking people to be sensible
about the amount of water they use.
teenagers who only do what other teenagers do.
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A historical event
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a historical event from your country
You should say:
What event it is
When it happened
Who or what was involved in it
And explain why you think it is an important historical event
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bác Hồ tuyên ngôn độc lập.
• Tất cả học sinh Việt Nam đều nhớ.
• Ngày 2/9/1975 là một ngày vinh quang.
Content (Nội dung)
• Đất nước đã bị xâm lược và đô hộ.
• Cuối cùng chúng ta đã có thể lấy lại tự do và độc lập.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Biết ơn các chiến sỹ.
Take note
President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of
All students in Vietnam remember
September 2nd 1945 was a glorious day
Our country was invaded and colonized
Declaration of
We finally took back our freedom and independence
I’m truly grateful to all the soldiers
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in my country. That is the time when President Ho Chi Minh read the
1. glorious /ˈɡlɔːriəs/ (adj): vẻ vang,
Declaration of Independence, establishing the Socialist Republic of
glorious victory.
Vietnam. History lessons at school in Vietnam might be boring, and
2. colonize /ˈkɑːlənaɪz/ (v): chiếm làm
I would like to tell you about one of the most important past events
not so many students pay attention to their teachers’ words in history
class, but I’m sure there’s one thing about history that all students in
Vietnam remember.
huy hoàng
Ví dụ: We congratulate you on this
thuộc địa
Ví dụ: The area was colonized by the
3. feast on something: ăn uống với sự
That is the date of the day marking our freedom. September 2nd 1945
was a glorious(1) day. Thousands of people gathered at the Ba Dinh
Square to listen to the Declaration of Independence. You know, in the
past, our country was invaded and colonized(2) for a very long time
thích thú
feast /fiːst/
Ví dụ: We sat in the yard feasting on
barbecued chicken and beer.
by different nations, but we never forgot our traditions and customs,
and always tried to fight the enemy to reclaim our independence.
France colonized us for almost 100 years, feasting on(3) our people’s
blood and sweat. Most Vietnamese people back then were farmers.
They were uneducated and had to bow to their inhumane landlords.
Despite the great disadvantages, they were still able to unite and keep
fighting bravely. Millions of them died, but their heroic actions live on
forever. And as you can guess, we finally took back our freedom and
independence. Since then, every Vietnamese person has had the right
to proudly say that he or she is free.
I mean, I’m truly grateful to all the soldiers who overcame great
hardships and fought with their lives so that I can enjoy a better life
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the benefits of museums?
I assume the main function of museums is to conserve and exhibit
tangible and intangible heritage of people and culture for the purpose
of education and enjoyment also. Museums can give visitors a strong
sense of national identity and also provide inspiration through personal
• tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/ (adj): hữu hình, có thể
thấy được
Ex: We cannot accept his findings without
tangible evidence.
• intangible /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/ (adj): không thể
nhìn thấy được
Ex: She has that intangible quality which you
might call charisma.
• heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ (n): di sản
Ex: The building is part of our national
2. Are museums in your country free of charge?
They aren’t but the entrance ticket is affordable. I think most visitors
would be willing to pay the entrance fee because this money helps
museums to pay for maintenance and the occasional renovation.
• maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ (n): sự duy trì,
bảo trì
The school pays for heating and the
maintenance of the buildings.
• renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/ (n): sự đổi mới, cải
Ex: There will be extensive renovations to the
3. Which way is better for learning history? Through reading books or visiting museums?
Of course visiting museums. Being able to see exhibits in real life
stimulates(6) people’s desire to learn. As you may know, history is not
a very interesting subject to learn so just reading books can be really
• stimulate /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ (v): kích thích, khuyến
Ex: The exhibition has stimulated interest in
her work.
• demotivating /ˌdiːˈməʊtɪveɪtɪŋ/ (adj): làm
nản chí
4. Do major cities in your country all have museums?
Yes. In fact, HCMC has several museums across the city, such as war and
art museums. However, not many people visit these places because
the displays are quite boring and I assume people would rather
enjoy themselves doing more exciting activities than strolling around
• display /dɪˈspleɪ/ (v,n): trưng bày
Ex: The medals can be seen in a display
cabinet on the first floor.
• stroll /strəʊl/: đi dạo
Ex: People were strolling along the beach.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a place in the countryside that you visited
You should say:
Where it is
When you visited this place
What you did there
And explain how you feel about this place
• Ngày Tết
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Chuyến đi ngắn đến chùa Bà Đen.
• Nơi linh thiêng này thu hút nhiều du khác.
• Hàng dòng người đốt nhang
Content (Nội dung)
• Ông tôi ở ngoài vì không thể chịu được khói và thiếu
không khí.
• Mặc dù hiểu rằng người Việt Nam thích đi chùa, sẽ không
Conclusion (Kết luận)
quay lại.
Take note
During Tet holiday
Take a short trip to Ba Den pagoda
This sacred place tends to attract countless visitors
Line of people were trying to light their incense
Ba den
My grandfather stayed outside as he can’t stand all the
Although I understand that most Vietnamese people
enjoy going to pagodas and temples, I really don’t think
I’ll do that again anytime soon
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I would like to talk about my recent trip to Ba Den pagoda, which was
an experience that I always remember due to the massive number
of visitors that I encountered(1) while I was there. So usually, during
Tet holiday, my family often drives to Tay Ninh province to visit my
grandfather and last year we decided to take a short trip to Ba Den
pagoda on Ba Den Mountain.
Before getting on the cable car to go up to the pagoda, I thought that
maybe there might be a lot of Buddhist worshippers up there, as this
sacred place tends to attract countless(2) visitors all year round, let
alone(3) during Tet, which is the biggest holiday in Vietnam. And, I was
right. There were people with flowers and candles everywhere. On
1. encounter /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/: gặp phải
Ví dụ: I had an alarming encounter with
a wild pig.
2. Countless /ˈkaʊnt.ləs/: rất nhiều
không đếm xuể
Ví dụ: I’ve heard it played countless
times on the radio.
3. let alone /let əˈləʊn/: huống chi là
Ví dụ: The characters never touch, let
alone kiss.
4. incense sticks /ˈɪn.sens stɪks/: cây
Ví dụ: It’s the fashion equivalent of
one corner, lines of people were trying to light their incense sticks(4),
incense sticks.
and inside the pagoda many people were kneeling and praying with
5. Well-being /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/: khỏe mạnh,
their eyes closed. It was pretty hard for us to even find any room
to stand. But, in the end, we successfully managed to find a way
through the crowd and got close to the worshiping place, however
my grandfather stayed outside as he can’t stand all the smoke and
hạnh phúc
Ví dụ: People who do yoga regularly
will benefit from an increased feeling
of wellbeing.
lack of oxygen.
Although I understand that most Vietnamese people enjoy going to
pagodas and temples during these special days of the year to wish for
good luck, and well-being(5) and happiness, I really don’t think I’ll do
that again anytime soon.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Is there anything special about the countryside in Vietnam?
I don’t think so. It is similar to the countryside in other places. Houses are
more spacious there because there is more land, and the neighbors are
also more hospitable, because they know others in the neighborhood
well. And there are more trees instead of concrete.
• spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ (adj): rộng rãi
The hotel rooms are spacious and
• hospitable /hɑːˈspɪtəbl/ (adj): hiếu khách
Ex: The local people are very hospitable to
2. What do people usually do when going to the countryside?
I don’t go to the countryside very often so I can’t tell what people often
do there. One popular activity is to go fishing because there are many
ponds and lakes in the countryside. But no matter what the reason is,
people usually go to the countryside to escape from the hustle and
bustle of the city and refresh their minds and bodies.
• escape from the hustle and bustle: thoát
khỏi sự tấp nập
• escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ (v): thoát khỏi
• hustle and bustle /ˈhʌsl ənd ˈbʌsl/: sự bận
rộn, tấp nập
Ex: When I have a chance to go traveling, I
often oft for mountainous areas so that I can
escape from the hustle and bustle.
3. Do you think people will live in the countryside in the future?
it is possible that more people will reside in the countryside in the near
future. This is probably because cities are becoming overpopulated(5)
and heavily polluted so people want to relocate to the countryside to
have a healthier lifestyle.
• reside /rɪˈzaɪd/ (v): ở, định cư
Ex: Their passports do not give them the right
to reside in Britain.
• overpopulated /ˌəʊvərˈpɑːpjuleɪtɪd/ (adj):
dân số đông
Ex: In the 1890s, people were leaving the
countryside for overpopulated cities.
• heavily polluted /ˈhevɪli pəˈluːtɪd/: bị ô
nhiễm nghiêm trọng
Ex: Hanoi has been reported to be heavily
polluted since last year.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a situation when something in your house was broken or stopped working
You should say:
What it was
What happened
When it broke/stopped working
And explain how you felt about it
• Mua máy giặt này một năm trước.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Máy Electrolux Inverter có thể giặt lên đên 10kg một lần.
• Không thể bấm nút khởi động.
• Thử tháo phích cắm và cắm lại.
Content (Nội dung)
• Khi thợ sửa máy đến tôi rất tức giận vì máy còn mới nên
tôi nghĩ nó hoạt động trơn chu.
• Hóa ra là do tôi chưa đóng cửa máy.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tôi ngượng đỏ mặt.
Take note
Got this new washing machine a year ago
Electrolux inverter and can wash up to 10 kg at one time
It was impossible for me to press “start”
Unplugging the machine and then plugging it again
as a way to restart it
When the mechanic arrived, I was a bit furious
It was simply because I didn’t close the door, I feel like I had
an egg on my face
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It was a week ago when the washing machine in my house stopped
running. My mom got this new washing machine a year ago, to replace
the old one which we used for over 10 years, but it also consumed a
lot of energy. It is an Electrolux Inverter and can wash up to 10kg at
one time.
clothes inside, it was impossible for me to press ‘start’. I tried to fix it
from my experience by unplugging(2) the machine and then plugging
Ví dụ: My mom does the laundry
2. unplug /ˌənˈpləɡ/ (v): tháo phích
As usual, I do the laundry(1) every other day, and after I placed the dirty
Ví dụ: The machine won’t work if you
unplug it.
3. have no clue: không có gợi ý nào
Ví dụ: I have no clue how to solve this
it again as a way to restart it. But honestly, I had no clue about how to
fix it or why it refused to work so I decided to read the manual(4) again.
4. manual /ˈmæn.ju.əl/: sách hướng
I was struggling to find the cause, then realized this washing machine
still had a warranty so I immediately called the seller to have it
repaired. When the mechanic arrived, I was a bit furious because it
was a new machine so I was expecting it to work smoothly.
However, it turned out that there was no error and it was simply
1. laundry /ˈlôndrē/ (n) : việc giặt giũ
Ví dụ: Every machine has a manual to
help the user.
5. warranty /ˈwôrən(t)ē/(n): bảo hành
Ví dụ: This stove has a 2-year warranty
because I didn’t close the door of the washing machine tight
enough. I went bright red because of my carelessness.because of my
carelessness. Obviously I will be more careful next time before calling
for help.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the most common home appliances that people use these days?
There are some appliances we just can’t live without, like refrigerators,
washing machines and cookers. Every family has at least one of these
• can’t live without: rất quan trọng, không thể
and they really come in handy because nowadays we all need help
Ex: Some teenagers just can’t live without
with household chores. If it takes us 30 minutes to wash the dishes by
hand, it only takes the dishwashing machine 15 and we don’t have to
their phones.
• come in handy: có ích
touch the greasy and dirty dishes. Since these machines are so common
Ex: This new dishwasher really comes in
these days, they are now quite affordable.
• affordable (a) /əˈfordəb(ə)l/: giá cả phải
Ex: Our new stove is affordable and has many
2. Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?
Yes, I do, but only for some people. Home appliances help us with almost
all the household chores we can think of,, from cooking to cleaning. But
that is the reason why they were invented in the first place, to make our
• beneficial (a) /ˌbenəˈfish(ə)l/: mang lại lợi
lives easier. While some people just let the machine do the job and relax,
many make use of that time for doing other more meaningful things. So
I’d say modern technology is beneficial and saves us time doing things
that can be done automatically, and it only make us lazier if we are too
Reading books is beneficial for brain
• automatically (adv) /ˌɑː.t̬əˈmæt̬ .ɪ.kəl.i/: một
cách tự động
Ex: The machine runs automatically, you don’t
dependent on it.
have to watch it.
3. What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?
Firstly, make sure to monitor the condition of the equipment and have
it serviced occasionally. People should also protect their equipment
from dust and water and have it cleaned regularly. Lastly, read the
instructions before using it to avoid careless mistakes.
• monitor(v) /ˈmɒn.ɪ.tər/: giám sát, theo dõi
• service (v) /ˈsɜː.vɪst/: kiểm tra và sửa chữa
các phần hư hại
Ex: You should have your fridge serviced
• dust (n) /dʌst/: bụi bẩn
Ex: The table was covered in dust because no
one was home.
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4. When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?
Depending on the reason why it breaks down. But the first thing I do is
to get it repaired first, since it costs less than buying a new one, and find
out the error. If it’s just a one-time glitch, I’ll continue using it, but if the
machine is likely to break down again, I’ll get a new one.
• error (n) /ˈer.ər/: lỗi
Ex: He has made several typing errors.
• glitch (n) /ɡlɪtʃ/: lỗi nhỏ
Ex: There shouldn’t be any glitch in our newlybought machine.
5. Are you good at handling problems on your own?
I think so. I’m confident that I have great problem-solving skills and
always try to figure out the problem myself. However, since I’m not an
expert in everything, I will need some professional help once a while.
For example, my fridge just broke down last week and I couldn’t fix it no
matter how hard I tried so I had to call the repair center.
• problem-solving skill: kỹ năng giải quyết
vấn đề
Ex: Problem-solving skills are not taught in
schools but are very important in life.
• expert (n) /ˈekspɜː(r)t/: chuyên gia
Ex: He is an expert in relationships.
• professional (a) /prəˈfeʃ(ə)nəl/: chuyên
Ex: She is a professional volleyball player.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event
You should say:
What the event was
Where you had it
Who helped you to organize it
And how you feel about it
• Tổ chức tiệc sinh nhật vì em tôi vượt qua thì khi đại học.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tổ chức ngày sinh nhật thứ 18.
• Nó giống hơn là một buổi ăn tối với gia đình.
Content (Nội dung)
• Mẹ tôi nấu ăn cho buổi tiệc.
• Chúng tôi hát chúc mừng sinh nhật và cắt bánh kem.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đố là buổi tiệc tuyệt nhất mà em tôi từng có
Take note
I held a birthday party for my younger sister because
she passed the university entrance examination
My parents insisted on throwing a birthday party for me
It was more of a family dinner
My mom took charge of cooking
Held a
We sang happy birthday to her
It was the best birthday party
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I would like to talk about the time I held a birthday party for
my younger sister. It was back in 2017 when she passed the
university entrance examination with flying colors(1) and
immediately got admitted to one of the best business schools
in Vietnam, which came as a big surprise to my whole family.
Therefore, to mark her resounding success(2) as well as this
turning point(3) in her life, we celebrated her 18th birthday,
just a few days after she received the acceptance letters.
1. pass with flying colors (idiom): đỗ
với kết quả cao
Ví dụ: Thanks to her hard work,
she passed the university entrance
examination with flying colors.
2. resounding success /rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ
səkˈses/: thành công rực rỡ
Ví dụ: The opening ceremony of his
company was a resounding success.
So, I would say that it was more of a family dinner which only
involved my own family and some of my sister’s close friends.
However, I still tried my best to make it one of the most
unforgettable events of her life. I decorated the house myself
with balloons in different colors, and hung a big banner saying
“ Congratulations, My”. My mom also helped and took charge
of(4) cooking her favorite dishes, ranging from spaghetti to
grilled meat. On top of that, I secretly invited her homeroom
teacher from grade 12 to the party because this is the person
who inspires her the most. The atmosphere of the party was
so homey and I could tell my sister was happier than ever. In
the end, we sang happy birthday to her when she cut the cake.
We congratulated her and wished her a successful college life
ahead. Then we ate cake and had a good feast(5) together.
3. turning point: cột mốc quan trọng
Ví dụ: Getting married is a huge turning
point for many people.
4. take charge of: chịu trách nhiệm
Ví dụ: The government should take
charge of environmental protection.
5. feast (n) /fi:st/: bữa tiệc thịnh soạn
Ví dụ: We had a feast on my birthday.
After the party, my sister came to me and said that it was the
best birthday party she had ever had in her life. My parents at
the time also felt moved because the bond between us was
strengthened a lot.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How can parents help children to get organized?
Parents can make a to-do list or a checklist with their children, setting
out what has to be done during the day or the week. The list should
include doing homework, cleaning their personal space and helping
with household(2) chores. It is important to hang the list where it is
visible, like in the kitchen or on the door of their bedroom to remind
them of their duties.
• set out: đề ra, đặt ra
Ex: Parents should set out a list of rules for
their children to follow.
• household /ˈhousˌ(h)ōld/ chore
công việc nhà
Ex: Husbands and wives should share
household chores.
• visible (a) /ˈvɪz.ə.bəl/: dễ nhìn thấy
Ex: The sign to the restaurant was visible.
• remind (v) /rəˈmīnd/: nhắc nhở, gợi nhớ
Ex: She would have forgotten about her debt
if you hadn’t reminded her.
2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?
I don’t think we need a special occasion to be organized. Everyone
should learn how to be organized at all times because it will help us
to have more discipline and save a lot of time. Not to mention, an
organized person always leaves a good impression and is highly
valued in any organization.
• discipline (n) /ˈdisəplən/: kỷ luật
Ex: The discipline in the army is very strict.
• leave a good impression: để lại ấn tượng tốt
Ex: She left a good impression on everyone
because of her positive attitude.
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A discussion
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends
You should say:
Who you spoke with
Where you were
What the conversation was about
And explain why you think it was interesting
• Sự việc bắt đầu 2 năm trước.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tôi và gia đình không cùng ý kiến về ngành học của tôi.
• Gia đình muốn tôi trở thành một luật sư mà tôi muốn trở
thành giáo viên tiếng Anh.
Content (Nội dung)
• Janie giúp tôi bình tĩnh và giải thích mọi thứ.
• Cuộc nói chuyện kéo dài 3 tiếng đồng hồ.
• Từ đó tôi luôn đặt mình vào vị trí của ba mẹ và kiểm soát
Conclusion (Kết luận)
cơn nóng giận hơn.
Take note
The incident happened about two years ago.
I had a fight with my parents.
They wanted me to become a lawyer while my dream
was to become an English teacher.
with Janie
She calmed me down and explained everything
Our talk lasted for about 3 hours
I always try to put myself in my parent’s shoes
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Well, there is a person that I always turn to for advice(1), her
name is Janie - a close friend of mine. If my memory serves me
right, the incident(2) happened about two years ago, when I
had a fight with my parents. We weren’t on the same page(3)
in regards to what college major I should choose.
They wanted me to become a lawyer while my dream was to
become an English teacher. I remembered that I was up in
arms about(4) how my family wouldn’t support my dream, so
as usual I immediately shared my problems with Janie. Then we
had a kind of serious discussion about future goals and family. I
was amazed by her mature outlook, she calmed me down and
explained everything clearly for me. She said it wasn’t that my
parents weren’t supporting me, they just wanted me to have
the best opportunities in life. Her words were so touching, I
think it even somehow touched(5) my heart. She advised me to
express my thoughts to my parents and try to reach a mutual
understanding. Our talk lasted for about 3 hours and we both
bursted into tears(6) in the end. This valuable discussion gave
me a whole new perspective on the relationship between our
family members.
1. Turn to for advice: tin tưởng xin lời
Ví dụ: My mom is the one who I can
always turn to for advice.
2. incident (n) /’insidənt /: sự việc
Ví dụ: There was an incident before the
show so it was delayed.
3. on the same page (idiom): cùng
suy nghĩ, ý tưởng
Ví dụ: My best friend and I are always
on the same page.
4. up in arms about (idiom): phản đối
mạnh mẽ
Ví dụ: My mother was up in arms about
why my brother left without.
5. touching (adj) /ˈtʌtʃ.ɪŋ/ : cảm động
Ví dụ: The play was so touching that
everyone was crying at the end.
6. burst into tears: bật khóc
Ví dụ: The girl burst into tears when the
boy tried to end their relationship.
7. put myself in sb’s shoe (idiom): đặt
mình vào vị trí người khác
Since then, I always try to put myself in my parents’ shoes
as well as control my anger to avoid making anyone upset
because of my impulsive actions.
Ví dụ: If I were in your shoes, I would
have done things differently.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. When do children normally form their own views?
Children begin to have their own thoughts as soon as they develop a
sense of self, at around 18-months old or slightly older. Although most
of them still cannot convey their thoughts clearly, they are forming
their own views about their surroundings and building ideas about the
world. Therefore, parents should be more conscious of their words and
behavior around their children from this stage on.
• a sense of self: khái niệm về bản thân
Ex: Each child begins to develop their own
sense of self at the age of 2.
• convey thoughts: biểu đạt ý kiến
• convey /kənˈveɪ/: truyền đạt
Ex: Students should learn to convey their
thoughts clearly in class.
• conscious (adj) /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/: có nhận thức
Ex: Individuals should be conscious about the
effect of their actions on the environment.
2. Do children have strong opinions?
I believe they do, but it also depends on their personality and how they are raised. For some, they are taught not to raise opinions
and should obey adults without questioning. However, there are kids who are educated in an environment where they are
constantly challenged and must make decisions for themselves; those children usually have strong opinions and know how to
defend themselves.
3. Should parents request their kids to obey them?
Yes, to some extent. In certain circumstances, like an emergency
situation, parents should make their kids follow instructions in order
to protect them. However, in other cases, parents should explain and
guide their children to make the right decision rather than forcing them
to obey.
• circumstance (n) /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/: trường
Only contact me in emergency
4. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Communication is key in every industry, from IT to social media.
Communication skills are useful not only when responding to clients
but also when cooperating between team members. Basically, good
communication skills allow you and others to understand information
more quickly and precisely.
• cooperate (v) /kəʊˈɒp.ər.eɪt/: hợp tác
Our group cooperates well because
everyone is a good listener.
• precisely (adv) /prɪˈsaɪs.li/: chính xác
Ex: The meeting starts at 7 o’clock precisely.
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A lesson
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a lesson that you remember well
You should say:
What the course was about
Where you had it
Why you remember it
And explain why it impressed you a lot
• Tôi không bao giờ chuẩn bị kế hoạch trước.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đây là workshop mà ngăn năm có một để tôi học kỹ
năng này.
• Tôi đã nghĩ sẽ không học được gì.
• Người hướng dẫn đã giới thiệu nhiều mẹo hay để có thể
Content (Nội dung)
áp dụng vào đời sống.
• Tôi nhận ra rằng làm việc logic thực sự hữu ích.
• Qua buổi workshop này tô có thể nhận ra cách tốt nhất
Conclusion (Kết luận)
để kiểm soát thời gian và nâng cao hiệu suất làm việc.
Take note
Never plans or prepares much before-hand
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to learn this skill.
I didn’t expect that I would be able to learn anything
The instructor showed us a wide range of helpful
I realized that working logically is truly useful
The most suitable way for me to control my time and
enhance my work efficiency
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I would like to share a memorable experience that I had two
years ago when I took part in a time management workshop.
To be honest, I was the kind of person who makes a lot of
arbitrary(1) decisions, who never plans or prepares much
1. arbitrary /ˈɑːbɪtrəri/ (adj): tự ý, độc
Ví dụ: The choice of players for the
team seemed completely arbitrary.
2. beforehand /bɪˈfɔːrhænd/ (adv):
trước đó
As a result, this workshop was a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity(3) for me to learn this skill. In the beginning, I
didn’t expect that I would be able to learn anything from this
workshop, but from the moment our instructor stepped into
the room, the atmosphere changed completely. Even though I
forget his name, I still remember that he was such a confident
speaker. He showed us a wide range of helpful tips that we
could apply immediately to our daily life. Despite receiving
a lot of skepticism(4) from critics and some people in the
audience, he addressed all of our concerns by performing
actual examples. The way he presented and organized his
speech made me feel convinced that with a well-planned
schedule, we can achieve our goals much faster. Even though
I wasn’t expecting anything before attending the workshop, I
realized that working logically is truly useful.
Through this workshop, I finally figured out the most suitable
way for me to control my time and enhance(5) my work
Ví dụ:
I wish we’d known about it
(idiom): cơ hội ngàn năm có một
opportunity /ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti/ (n): cơ hội
Ví dụ: I decided to turn down the job
offer even though I was aware of the
fact that it was a once in a lifetime
4. skepticism /ˈskeptɪsɪzəm/ (n): thái
độ hoài nghi
Ví dụ: Other scientists have expressed
skepticism about these results.
5. enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ (v): nâng cao
Ví dụ: The book greatly enhanced his
6. efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/ (n): tính hiệu
Ví dụ: I was impressed by the efficiency
with which she handled the crisis.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Which can help you remember things better, words or photos?
It is a fact that pictures are remembered better than words so if you
encode new information with certain images, you can retain that
knowledge longer. In teaching, teachers use pictures as visual aids(2)
to help students concentrate and improve their memory. Likewise,
students are encouraged to make visual dictionaries with pictures from
the internet to learn by themselves.
• encode (v) /inˈkōd/: mã hoá
Ex: It is impossible to encode this recorded
• visual aids: hỗ trợ thị giác
Ex: Learning with visual aids is more
2. Why do some people have better memory?
It may have something to do with genetics but good memory comes
from frequent practice and a healthy lifestyle. With frequent rehearsal,
some people can have better memories because they learned to
encode more information in the first place. People can also improve
their memory by having a healthy diet and a mentally and physically
active life.
• genetics (n) /jəˈnediks/: di truyền học
Ex: Genetics play a vital role in medical
• rehearsal (n) /rəˈhərsəl/: luyện tập
Ex: She had to participate in 3 rehearsals
before the gala night.
3. Why can some people remember some little things in life?
It may be because those little memories had some strong
emotion or meaning attached to them, so people find it easier
to recall such things. It could also be because these little things
had some connection with long term memory so they retain in
your brain longer.
• recall (v) ./rɪˈkɔːl/: gợi nhớ
Ex: I couldn’t recall what I had last night.
• retain (v) /rɪˈteɪn/: ghi nhớ
Ex: Learning with pictures can help retain
knowledge longer.
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Clothing items
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
You should say:
What the clothing was
Who gave it to you
And explain why this person gave you the clothing
• Khăn choàng, món đồ yêu thích.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Là một món quà vào ngày sinh nhật 22.
• Rất hạnh phúc khi nhận được món quà.
Content (Nội dung)
• Được làm từ 80% cotton và 20% vải polyester.
• Có thể giữ cổ ấm vào mùa đông.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Một trong những món đồ tốt nhất trong tủ đồ.
Take note
My absolute favorite clothing accessory
I got it as a gift on my 22nd birthday.
I was over the moon when I received this gift.
Made of 80% cotton and 20% polyester
A scrarf
In winter, it can help keep my neck warm
One of the best items I have in my closet
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So, today I’m going to talk about my absolute favorite clothing
accessory(1), which is my scarf. I got it as a gift on my 22nd
birthday from my aunt. I had had my eye on this scarf ever
since it was displayed in the store near my house. However, it
was costly(2) so I never thought of buying one for myself.
1. Accessory /əkˈsesəri/ (n): phụ kiện
Ví dụ: We stock a large range of bicycle
2. Costly /ˈkɔːstli/ (a): đắt đỏ
Ví dụ: Buying new furniture may prove
too costly.
My aunt found out about it and she knows that I love fashion
so there was no better gift than this scarf .Needless to say, I was
over the moon(3) when I received this gift. This scarf is red and
black with a checkered(4) pattern and is made of 80% cotton
and 20% polyester. It’s durable(5) too because I’ve had it for two
years now and it still feels soft and comfortable to wear. One
more thing is that the red and black matches with some of my
clothes, so it suits me well. I wear this scarf almost everywhere.
In winter, it can help keep my neck warm, while in summer
it can help protect my neck from the scorching rays of the
sun(6) when I’m driving on my motorbike to work.
This scarf is definitely one of the best items I have in my closet
and I’m so thankful that my aunt truly knows me and my taste
in clothing.
3. Over the moon (idiom): rất vui
Ví dụ: I was over the moon when I
received the interview results.
4. Checkered /ˈtʃekərd/ (a): (họa tiết)
kẻ caro
Ví dụ: Clothes with checkered patterns
are becoming trendy these days.
5. Durable /ˈdʊrəbl/ (a): bền
Ví dụ: Painted steel is likely to be less
durable than other kinds.
6. Scorching rays of the sun: ánh mặt
trời nóng nực
scorching /ˈskɔːrtʃɪŋ/ (adj): rất nóng
Ví dụ: I often use sunscreen to protect
my skin from the scorching rays of the
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Have you ever given clothes to others?
Yes, of course. I gave my father a shirt on Tet holiday and bought my
mom a dress on her birthday. I consider myself to be quite a fashionista
and I love to mix and match outfits for my family members. I love the
• fashionista /ˌfæʃnˈiːstə/ (n): người ăn mặc
thời trang
joy on their faces when they have a nice outfit.
She is the stylish, trendy, shopaholic
fashionista of the group who is described as
the one who always dresses in style.
• mix and match: phối đồ
Ex: You can mix and match courses to suit
your requirements.
2. Why do people dress casually everyday but dress formally at work?
Dressing formally at work helps you to present a positive and professional image of yourself and the company you work for,
whereas it is not necessary to dress the same way in everyday context because you only need to dress for yourself. Besides, wearing
formal clothes can be uncomfortable so it is not a smart idea to do so after work.
3. Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
Different cultures dress differently because there are certain dress
codes in each country and culture. Besides, people also dress according
to the weather. For example, during winter, people in South Korea have
to wear many layers, while that is not necessary in Ho Chi Minh city
because we don’t have such cold weather.
• Layer /ˈleɪər/ (n): lớp (lớp da, lớp quần áo,
lớp bụi bẩn...)
Ex: How many layers of clothing are you
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a selfie which you took on your mobile phone on your favourite occasion
You should say:
When you took it
What type of camera you used
Why you took the photo
And explain whether you liked this photo or not.
• Tôi và gia đình đã lên Đà Lạt.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Cả năm trời tôi và gia đình chưa đi du lịch.
• Chúng tôi đã ghé thăm quán cà phê The wilderness yêu
thích và chụp ảnh ở đó.
• Tôi nói với gia đình tụ họp xung quanh và cười trước
Content (Nội dung)
• Chúng tôi đã đứng trước một khu vườn và phong cảnh
phía sau rất đẹp.
• Đó là một trong ít số hình mà gia đình tôi chụp cùng
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Take note
My family went on holiday to Da Lat
We hadn’t traveled anywhere for a year
We visited our favorite coffee shop “ The Wilderness”
and decided to take a photo
My family to gather around and smile at the camera
A selfie with
We stood in front of the garden and the scene behind
us was very picturesque
It was one of the very few photos our family took together
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I am going to talk about a photo that I took some years ago when my
1. refresh our minds: giải toả đầu óc
family went on holiday to Da Lat. It was a photo of my family and we
refresh /rɪˈfreʃ/ (v): làm tươi mới
all looked so happy in it. My family went to Da Lat during Tet holiday
to refresh our minds
and escape from the hustle and bustle
of Ho Chi Minh city. Since we hadn’t traveled anywhere for a year,
everyone was looking forward to(3) this trip.
decided to take a photo to celebrate the beginning of the year. I had
my professional camera with me but couldn’t use it because I wanted
to be in the photo so we took a selfie. I told my family to gather around
and smile at the camera. My father’s eyes were sparkling(4) and the
2. the hustle and bustle /ˈhʌsl ænd
ˈbʌsl/: sự ồn ào náo nhiệt
Ví dụ: Old people can’t stand the hustle
On the trip, we visited our favorite coffee shop ‘The Wilderness’ and
corners of his eyes crinkled(5). To tell the truth, it was very rare to see
my father smile as he always keeps a serious facial expression . My
mother was standing next to him with a warm happiness glowing(7)
in her face. My younger brothers and sisters were making fun of each
other so they looked amusing in the photo. In the background, the
sky was so blue on that day so the light in the photo looked so natural
and bright. We stood in front of the garden and the scene behind us
was very picturesque(8).
Ví dụ: I listen to music to refresh my
Even though it was just a selfie, the photo was priceless to me because
I got to see my parents looking so happy and it was one of the very
few photos our family took together. I hope we could have more
opportunities to travel this year and make good memories together.
and bustle of the city center.
3. look forward to: mong chờ
Ví dụ: I look forward to receiving letters
from my mom.
4. sparkling (a) /ˈspɑːklɪŋ/: lấp lánh
Ví dụ: Her eyes were sparkling in the
5. crinkle (v) /ˈkrɪŋkld/: nhăn
Ví dụ: I loved how my mother’s eyes
crinkled in photos.
6. facial expression /ˈfeɪ.ʃəl/ ɪkˈspreʃ.
ən/: biểu cảm khuôn mặt
Ví dụ: She has a funny facial expression
in the photo.
7. glowing (a) / ˈgləʊɪŋ/ : bừng sáng
Ví dụ: Her face was glowing with
8. picturesque /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/: đẹp như
tranh vẽ
Ví dụ: The streets in Paris are just so
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do Vietnamese people like to take photos of themselves?
I think so. Probably because they are active Facebook users so they
like to post a lot and keep everyone updated constantly about their
whereabouts and photos of themselves in those places. I don’t have a
problem with it but many people like taking selfies wherever they are
and it is inappropriate sometimes. Plus, that also takes away their time
talking to other people.
• whereabouts (n) /ˈ(h)werəˌbouts/: vị trí
Ex: My mom always wants to know about my
• inappropriate (a) /ˌinəˈprōprēət/: không
phù hợp
Ex: Wearing shorts to work is inappropriate.
• take away (phr.v): mang đi
Ex: I love taking away my breakfast.
2. What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?
Most people use their smartphones because they are portable and
some are well equipped with good camera quality. They can edit photos
easily and quickly later on their phones. Some others prefer professional
cameras to have better quality photos, with higher resolution.
• portable (a) /ˈpɔː.tə.bəl/: dễ dàng mang
Ex: I have a portable computer to work and
• resolution (n) /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/: độ phân giải
Ex: Photos taken with digital camera have
higher resolution compared to those taken
with smartphones.
3.How often do young people take photos when traveling?
Very frequently. They take photos of every new place they go to and many post them on social media. It could be because they
have an active social life and feel the need to share with other people. People also take travel photos to introduce new places, and
cultures to their friends and save those memories they have.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend
You should say:
When it happened
What gift it was
Who you gave it to
And explain why you chose that gift
• Mùa đông năm ngoái
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tháp Namsan, Seoul
• Mua ổ khoá tình yêu tặng bạn gái
• Lý do : bạn gái – fan phim Hàn, tuýp lãng mạn
Content (Nội dung)
• Nơi mua : Quầy lưu niệm ở “cây tình yêu” (tree of love)
• Món quà : Ổ khoá màu hồng, có trái tim ở giữa
• Bạn gái : một trong những món quý tuyệt nhất, giúp tình
Conclusion (Kết luận)
yêu bền chăt hơn
• Làm vui lòng bạn gái
Take note
Last winter
Namsan tower, Seoul
A lovelock for my girlfriend
My gf - a hopeless romantic, K-drama fan
A lovelock
Souvenir at the “ tree of love”
A pink lovelock, with a heart in the middle
One of the best gifts -> cherish
Glad to please her
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I visited Seoul for seven days during last year’s winter with my mom
and brother. Although we tried a lot of delicious food and saw a lot of
beautiful scenery, I was looking forward to the Namsan trip the most
Ví dụ: The first part of the plan has
in order to accomplish(1) a mission.
been accomplished.
Namsan tower is famous for the ‘tree of love”, a designated area
2. Declare /dɪˈkler/ (v): tuyên bố
around the base of the tower where couples can publicly declare(2)
their eternal
1. Accomplish /əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/ (v): hoàn
love by placing love locks. My girlfriend, who is a
hopeless romantic(4) and a huge K-drama fan, wanted to get a
lovelock as a souvenir from the place. I was at a loss for words when I
saw thousands of lovelocks of different shapes and sizes, scattered(5)
around the “Tree of love”. The place looked exactly like the movies we
had watched together at home so I immediately took out my phone
to video call my girlfriend to show her. Before leaving, I got her a pink
lock, with a heart in between, which I was sure she’d love.
Ví dụ: Germany declared war on France
on 1 August 1914.
3. eternal /ɪˈtɜːrnl/ (adj): vĩnh viễn
Ví dụ: Will you two ever stop your
continual arguing?
4. a hopeless romantic: một người
luôn tin vào tình yêu lãng mạn, đích
hopeless /ˈhəʊpləs/ (adj): vô vọng
romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ (n): người lãng
Ví dụ: She’s a hopeless romantic
She believed a lovelock from Namsan tower would help our
relationship to last longer. She told me that was one of the best gifts
relationship before.
she has ever received and she definitely would cherish it. Although I
5. scatter /ˈskætər/ (v): vứt khắp nơi
don’t really believe in the magical power of the lovelock, I still got her
the lock to please her.
Ví dụ: I scattered grass seed all over
the lawn.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. When do people normally send gifts to others?
People give presents on different special occasions, like anniversaries or
birthdays, in order to show their affection. They usually buy gifts based
on the receiver, or give them red envelopes of lucky money so they can
• affection /əˈfekʃn/ (n): sự yêu thương
Ex: Children need lots of love and affection.
celebrate and buy something themselves. Besides that, people also
exchange gifts on special holidays like Christmas or New Year.
2. Do people give gifts or red packets on traditional festivals?
Well, considering Tet holiday, people give both gifts and red packets but at different times. Usually before Tet, people will give gifts
for the family to prepare for the holiday. And during the festival, people will give red packets of lucky money to wish good luck and
health for the receiver.
3. Is it easy to choose clothes as gifts?
Not at all. Some people have a very specific taste in fashion and only
wear what they’ve tried on and fits perfectly. There are many problems
when choosing clothes as gifts, like getting the wrong size, color or
style, so it is best to buy anything but clothes as gifts.
• taste in fashion: gu/sở thích thời trang
• taste /teɪst/ (n): gu, sở thích
Ex: He has very expensive taste in fashion.
4. Do people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
If the gift is what they have been wanting, they will be happy for sure.
There are a few exceptions when people react the opposite but most
people would be impressed if you splurge a large amount of money on
• splurge /splɜːrdʒ/ (v): phung phí, vung (tiền)
Ex: I feel like splurging on a new dress.
presents for them.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a special cake you received from others
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who you got the cake from
And explain why it’s a special cake
• Phải ở nhà trong thời gian Covid - 19 .
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Ba mẹ tôi rất muốn tổ chức buổi tiệc cho tôi.
• Ba mẹ tôi làm bất ngờ cho tôi bởi chiếc bánh sinh nhật
độc đáo.
Content (Nội dung)
• Đó là một buổi tiệc nhỏ nhưng ấm cúng.
• Tôi nếm thử chiếc bánh và nó rất ngon.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chiếc bánh thể hiện tình cảm ba mẹ dành cho tôi.
Take note
Had to stay at home for a long period of time because
of COVID-19 restrictions.
My parents insisted on throwing a birthday party for me
My parents surprised me with a one-of-a-kind birthday
It was a small birthday party but very cozy
A cake that
I received
last year
I tasted the cake and it was delicious, beyond my
It showed how much my parents love me
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I would like to talk about a cake that I received last year on my
birthday. As you may know we had to stay at home for a long period
of time because of COVID-19 restrictions and I wasn’t in the mood for
a birthday party at all. but my parents insisted(1) on throwing a party
for me so I had no choice but to agree.
do was to decorate the house the way I wanted my party to look like.
Ví dụ: She insisted on him wearing a
2. one-of-a-kind: độc đáo, chỉ có một
Ví dụ: My father was one of a kind-no
My mom said she would take care of everything and all I needed to
On my birthday, my parents surprised me with a one-of-a-kind(2)
birthday cake. It was a red velvet cheesecake with a picture of me on
top. I was over the moon because I did not expect to see myself on a
cake. It was definitely the prettiest cake I have ever seen in my life and
I was so thankful to my parents who wanted to boost my mood
1. insist /ɪnˈsɪst/ (v): nài nỉ
by getting me the cake. It was a small birthday party but very cozy(4)
one can replace him.
3. boost my mood: cải thiện tâm trạng
boost /buːst/ (v): nâng lên, làm tăng
mood /muːd/ (n): tâm trạng
Ví dụ: Exercising really helps to boost
my mood after a stressful day.
4. cozy /ˈkəʊzi/ (adj): ấm cúng, ấm áp
Ví dụ: I felt warm and cozy sitting by
the fire.
because I had all of my loved ones by my side. After the party I tasted
the cake and it was delicious, beyond my expectation.
I guess what made the cake special was how beautiful it is and it
showed how much my parents love me.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the differences between the special food in Vietnam and foreign countries?
From what I know, Vietnamese food has more seasonings and flavor,
And each of our dishes is distinctive, in its ingredients and appearance.
Meanwhile, food from western countries, like America or Europe, is
similar and usually bland.
• seasoning /ˈsiːzənɪŋ/ (n): gia vị
Ex:Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning,
adding more salt or pepper as desired.
• flavor /ˈfleɪvər/ (n): mùi vị
Ex:The tomatoes give extra flavour to the
• distinctive /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/ (adj): khác biệt
Ex:The male bird has distinctive white
markings on its head.
• ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ (n): nguyên liệu
Ex: Our skin cream contains only natural
• bland /blænd/ (adj): dịu nhẹ, ôn hòa
Ex: This sauce is rather bland.
2. Do people usually cook special food in Vietnam?
I guess the answer is yes. Each city and province has their own
specialties and we make them on special occasions, like the National
holiday, Tet holiday and so on. For example, we always cook Banh Chung
• specialty /ˈspeʃəlti/ (n): đặc sản
Ex:Oysters are a local specialty of the area.
and Banh Day during Tet and eat them in the first month of the year.
3. Should special food be easily available?
I think yes. If people want to promote a local special food, they should
make it easily available so people can have it anytime. However, if it is
made common, it may lose its special meaning, and become a regular
• regular /ˈreɡjələr/ (adj): thường
Ex: A light flashed at regular intervals.
dish rather than a special one.
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Telling stories
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a story someone told you that you remember
You should say:
What the story was about
Who told you this story
Why you remember it
And how you feel about it
• 10 năm trước, ở gần nhà
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Trong lúc đang ăn tối mẹ kể
• Mẹ đeo giỏ xách từ công ty về nhà
Content (Nội dung)
• Một tên cướp giật giỏ -> mẹ bất ngờ không nói nên lời
• Mất hơn 50 triệu VND
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Cảm thấy may mắn vì mẹ không sao
Take note
A conversation during dinner
10 years ago, in front of the house
Carrying purse on the way
A thief approached -> left her speechless
A time got
Lost over 50 million VND
Lucky that nothing happened to mom
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Today I’m going to tell you about the time my mom told me she got
robbed. Last weekend as I was having dinner with my mom I asked if
she had an interesting story that she would like to share. She decided
to tell me about an incident that took place 10 years ago right in front
of our house.
from work. When she was very close to home, she heard the sound of
an engine coming towards her. She was cautious(1) but still ignored
the sound because our home was just a few steps away . I was so
curious about what had happened so my mom finally revealed(2) the
whole story. A thief approached her and took her purse, she was so
surprised that it left her speechless . She never told me about this
cảnh giác
Ví dụ: The government has been
cautious in its response to the report.
2. reveal /rɪˈviːl/ (v): tiết lộ
Ví dụ: The survey reveals some worrying
It was one night when she was carrying her purse and walking home
1. cautious /ˈkɔːʃəs/ (adj): cẩn thận,
until now and what took me by surprise was the fact that
she was carrying over 50 million Vietnam Dong. It means she lost a
3. leave somebody speechless: khiến
ai đó không nói nên lời
speechless /ˈspiːtʃləs/ (adj): không nói
nên lời, nín lặng
Ví dụ: His words left her speechless.
5. incident /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ (n): sự cố
Ví dụ: She couldn’t have been more
than five years old when the incident
huge amount of money that day and didn’t tell anyone about it.
At the time I didn’t know how to react after hearing her story, but
thinking of it now, it was very lucky that nothing bad happened to
my mom.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do young children like the same stories as older children?
I don’t think so. Young children love listening to fairy tales and imaginary
stories. Whereas older children can differentiate between fact and
fiction so they usually like listening to something more realistic.
They would be way more into a story of a real life incident rather than
something that happened to a fictional character
• differentiate /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/ (v): phân biệt
Ex: It’s difficult to differentiate between the
two varieties.
• realistic /ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk/ (adj): thực tế
Ex: We have to be realistic about our chances
of winning.
• fictional /ˈfɪkʃənl/ (adj): viễn tưởng, hư cấu
Ex: The names of the characters are entirely
2. How has technology changed storytelling?
I think technology has made storytelling become more appealing.
In the past, storytellers just read from books but now they can take
advantage of projectors with audio and visual effects to make their
story more vibrant and livelier. Of course this makes the experience for
the listeners much better.
• appealing /əˈpiːlɪŋ/ (adj): thu hút
Ex: Brightly coloured packaging made the
pens especially appealing to children.
• projector /prəˈdʒektər/ (n): máy chiếu
Ex: You can connect your laptop directly to
a projector and go through the slides with a
remote control.
• vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ (adj): sôi nổi
Ex: Thailand is at its most vibrant during the
New Year celebrations.
• lively /ˈlaɪvli/ (adj): sống động
Ex: He showed a lively interest in politics.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a thing you cannot live without except a cell phone or a computer
You should say:
What it is
Why you can’t manage without it
How long you have had it for
And explain how you felt when you were without it
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Nhận từ ba mẹ 3 năm trước, quà thi đậu đại học
• Màu đỏ burgundy, dòng xe Vespa
• Động cơ mạnh, tiết kiệm xăng
Content (Nội dung)
• Chạy rất êm và ổn định
• Dùng hằng ngày để đi học, đi chơi
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Như người bạn đồng hành qua bao thăng trầm
Take note
A gift from parents, after university entrance exam
Burgundy colored, line of Vespa
Refined engine, use less energy
A motorbike
Ride smoothly and stable
Use on a daily basis, to school and work
A companion through ups and down
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To think of an item that I cannot live without, is probably my motorbike.
I received this motorbike from my parents 3 years ago as a reward for
passing the university entrance exam. From that day, it has been an
indispensable part of my life.
Ví dụ: She was wearing a burgundy
My motorbike is a burgundy(1) colored scooter, which belongs to the
2. refined (a) /rɪˈfaɪnd/: được cải thiện
Primavera line of Vespa. “Primavera” is an Italian word that means
springtime, thus, from the name we can see that this scooter is
3. engine (n) /ˈen.dʒɪn/: động cơ
designed for modern women. It features a very refined(2) engine(3)
that can deliver a lot of power when necessary. Besides this, my version
of the scooter has also been modified to use less fuel so I can save
my money and protect the environment at the same time. However,
the best thing I like about it is the riding experience it provides me.
The ride quality is extremely smooth and stable even when I want
to speed up on the highway(4), the Primavera will perform up to the
mark(5) immediately. I use my scooter on a daily basis to go to work,
or hang out with my friends.
1. burgundy (a) ˈbɜː.ɡən.di/: màu đỏ
Honestly, I cannot imagine a day without using it, not to mention, I
live alone, so it is like my best friend. This motorbike is more than just
a present from my parents, it is my companion through the many ups
Ví dụ: His methods have been refined
now, so the whole process is much
Ví dụ: The engine has broken down.
4. highway (n) /ˈhaɪ.weɪ/: đường cao
Ví dụ: The highway is less crowded
than the main street.
5. up to the mark: đủ tốt, đạt yêu cầu
Ví dụ: He always performs up to the
mark, so his boss is always happy with
6. ups and downs (idiom): thăng trầm
(Trong cuộc sống)
Ví dụ: They have gone through many
ups and downs in life together.
and downs(6) of my life.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do you think teenagers always want to have the latest devices such as an iPhone?
Most teenagers nowadays are overexposed to social media and they
tend to develop similar patterns of behavior, which is buying the latest
trends, which is an electrical device in this case. This trend comes from
the fact that many teenagers like to be the center of attention and
admired. So they constantly purchase the latest device to become a
trendy person, basically in order to attract attention.
• overexposed (a) /ˌōvərikˈspōzd/: tiếp xúc
nhiều với
Ex: Children are overexposed to advertising.
• purchase (v) /ˈpərchəs/: mua
Ex: Have you purchased a new car to replace
the old one?
2. What do they do with the old one after buying a new one?
I can’t speak for everyone but some may just throw it away. Some
would give it to their younger siblings or resell it for some money.
• throw sth away: ném thứ gì đó đi
Ex: Don’t throw the empty box away after
3. How hard is it for parents to convince their children not to buy an expensive phone?
I’ve never been in this situation before but I guess children at the age
of wanting an expensive phone are usually very stubborn and would
go to great lengths to get what they want. So unless parents are strict
from the beginning, it is hard for them to stop their kids from buying
• stubborn (a) /ˈstəbərn/: cứng đầu
Ex: Boys are usually more stubborn than girls.
• go to great lengths: làm nhiều việc để đạt
được mục đích
Ex: He went to great lengths to make sure he
got what he deserved.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a long walk you had
You should say:
When this happened
Where you walked
Who you were with
And explain how you felt about this long walk
• Đi vòng Hồ Hoàn Kiếm
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Thực hiện khá thường xuyên, thường vào buổi tối.
• Có nhiều cảnh sát trong khu vực.
• Xung quanh có nhiều vỉa hè rộng lớn.
Content (Nội dung)
• Lý do tôi đi dạo là vì tôi có trước đó đã có cuộc tranh luận
với mẹ về tương lai.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đã có thể sắp xếp mọi thứ ổn thỏa sau khi đi dạo.
Take note
This was a walk around Hoan Kiem Lake
Do this walk quite regularly actually, usually in the late
There’s also a lot of police around the area
Surrounding the lake is a long spacious pavement
A walk
Hoan Kiem
Just had a fight with my mother about my future career
I was able to get things together after the walk.
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I would like to talk about a long walk that I have taken recently. So
this was a walk around Hoan Kiem Lake. I do this walk quite regularly
actually, usually in the late evening, and usually whenever I am feeling
under pressure at work or school.
1. tranquil (a) /ˈtræŋ.kwɪl/: yên bình
Ví dụ: I love the tranquil atmosphere of
the countryside.
2. pick-pocket (n) /ˈpɪkˌpɒk.ɪt/: móc
That night, the fresh air and tranquil(1) atmosphere around the lake
made me feel relaxed, and it helped me to refresh my mind to get
ready for a new day to come. There’s also a lot of police around the
area which makes me feel quite safe, so I didn’t have to be concerned
about being pick-pocketed(2) or anything like that, so I could really
when using public transport.
3. gaze at /ɡeɪz/: nhìn ngắm, nhìn
chằm chằm vào điều gì đó
Ví dụ: I love gazing at the night sky.
lake is a long spacious pavement, where people usually go jogging
4. bizarre (a) /bɪˈzɑːr/: kỳ lạ
and walking, and after taking a long walk I just sat there on a bench,
5. calm my mind: bình tĩnh
just concentrate on other more important things. Surrounding the
Ví dụ: Be careful of being pickpocketed
taking in the peaceful atmosphere. Most of the time I was just gazing
Ví dụ: It is bizarre that it is rainy during
this time of the year.
Ví dụ: I usually go for a stroll in the park
at(3) the stars, trying my best to let my mind unwind and breathe in
to calm my mind.
fresh air. The reason I took this walk was because I had just had a fight
6. get things together: sắp xếp lại
with my mother about my future career. While I wanted to pursue
những việc chưa ổn thoả
a career in music, she wanted me to become a teacher. Things just
Ví dụ: You should get things together
started feeling very negative, because we began to argue, so I went
if you want to succeed in this project.
looking for something that would calm my mind . It was a long walk
because I didn’t return home until 11p.m that evening.
But I was able to get things together(6) after the walk.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What outdoor activities do people like?
I think a lot of people enjoy walking because this activity is relaxing and
not too physically demanding. Besides, people can walk anywhere,
like parks, or around the streets near their home. Playing sports like
badminton or football is also common.
• physically demanding (a) /ˈfɪz.ɪ.kəl.i/
/dɪˈmɑːn.dɪŋ/: đòi hỏi nhiều sức khoẻ thể chất
Ex: Swimming is quite physically demanding.
2. What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?
Honestly speaking, I think there is not much difference. Children, both in the past and now, enjoy playing sports like basketball,
football and so forth. I guess the only difference is children nowadays are less interested in being outdoors because they have
video games and the internet.
3. Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
Of course. Everyone needs a work-life balance and leisure time is when
people get to heal and refresh their minds. Without leisure time,
people can become stressed and productivity at work is significantly
• heal (v) /hiːl/: hồi phục
Ex: Your wounds are healing quickly.
• refresh their minds: giải toả đầu óc
Ex: Traveling to the beach can refresh your
• productivity (n) ˌprɒd.ʌkˈtɪv.ə.ti/: hiệu suất
Ex: The best way to increase productivity is to
work smarter.
4. Do women have more leisure time than men?
No, it’s the opposite. Men usually have more free time than women
because after work, while men can sit back and relax, women are the
ones in charge of household chores like cooking or cleaning the house.
This could change if men learn to share some of the work with women.
• household chore (n) /ˈhaʊs.həʊld/ /tʃɔːr/:
công việc nhà
Ex: My mother does all the household chores
without complaining.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a useful skill you learned from an older person
You should say:
What it is
Why the skill can be learned from older people
How you will learn the skill from older people
And explain how you will feel if you master the skill
• Học đánh đàn guitar – thường khá tốn kém và mất thời
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Học từ ông nội – không tốn phí
• Học nhạc lý, nốt nhạc, giai điệu, nhịp điệu + vị trí các nốt
và các hợp âm
Content (Nội dung)
• Ông rất kiên nhẫn và luôn khuyến khích tôi
• ->Có thể tự chơi 1 bài nhạc
• Tôi muốn làm ca sĩ -> hữu dụng với tôi
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tập một mình thường xuyên
Take note
Take a long time
Very expensive learning face to face
From grandfather -> cost nothing
Learn basic music theory, notes, chords and rhythm
Grandpa: Patient + encouraging -> play a song myself
Become a singer -> useful skill
Practice guitar alone regularly
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I’m going to tell you about a skill that takes a long time to learn,
and that is playing a musical instrument, or more specifically,
playing the guitar. There are many ways you can learn to play
the guitar but I guess the most common way is to get guitar
lessons from a guitar teacher or learn by yourself through tons
of online learning resources. Personally, I think learning with a
teacher in a face-to-face lesson is probably the most effective
method, but it’s also the most expensive method. Luckily,
it cost me nothing because my teacher was my grandfather,
who used to be a guitarist(1) in a university band. He still plays
occasionally and I always wish I could play half as well as he
1. guitarist (n) /ɡɪˈtɑː.rɪst/: người chơi
Ví dụ: He is the main bass guitarist of
the band.
2. note (n) /nəʊt/: nốt nhạc
Ví dụ: He missed the first note of the
3. chord (n) /kɔːd/: hợp âm
Ví dụ: You need to learn a lot of chords
if you want to play guitar professionally.
4. rhythm(n) /ˈrɪð.əm/: nhịp điệu
Ví dụ: People danced to the rhythm of
the music all night at the party.
5. Lose his/her temper: mất bình tĩnh
Well, there are many things to learn but he made me study
basic music theory first, learning about notes(2), chords(3) and
rhythm(4). Then he showed me the positions of the notes and
how to play specific chords. He normally loses his temper(5)
very easily yet during the time I learnt guitar with him, he
was so patient. At first, my fingertips were all sore(5) because
of the guitar strings but my grandfather encouraged me to
practice more so I could get used to the feeling and remember
the chords. Eventually, I could play a song myself and my
grandfather even asked me to perform together with him in
the future, of course when I remember all the notes by heart.
Ví dụ: Parents shouldn’t lose their
temper when teaching children.
6. sore (a) /sɔːr/: đau
Ví dụ: My stomach was sore because I
ate too much.
7. beneficial (a) /ˌben.ɪˈfɪʃ.əl/: có lợi
Ví dụ: It is beneficial to your health if
you drink a lot of water.
8. advantage (n) /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/: lợi thế
Ví dụ: Speaking several languages is a
big advantage.
Some may think this skill isn’t beneficial(6) but it is very useful
for me as I’ve always wanted to become a singer in the future
so knowing how to play guitar would be a great advantage(8)
for me. I still practice guitar alone regularly now.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What can children learn from their parents or grandparents?
Well, there are a lot of things children can learn from adults in the family.
Off the top of my head, there are two things: be thankful for what you
have and be brave to admit your mistakes. Old people know best what
we can gain and lose as we grow older so it is reasonable to teach
children to have gratitude and own up to their mistakes.
• gratitude (n) /ˈɡræt.ɪ.tʃuːd/: sự biết ơn
Ex: She sent her parents a present to show her
• own up to sth: thừa nhận điều gì đó
You should always own up to your
mistakes and ask for forgivenes.
2. From whom can children learn more, parents or grandparents?
It depends on who they are closer to. If they spend more time and
have a close-knit relationship with their grandparents, they will be
influenced more by their grandparents, rather than their mom and dad.
But most children learn more from their parents because not many live
together with their grandparents these days.
• a close-knit relationship: mối quan hệ thân
Ex: It is hard to have a close-knit relationship
with anyone if you have trust issues.
3. What kind of help do you think older people need?
Their primary need must be personal care. They may need help with
daily tasks like dressing or bathing if they are physically weak. Those
whose minds are still alert may need help in using modern technology
like phones or computers or using public transportation.
• alert (a) /əˈlɜːt/: tỉnh táo
Ex: I’m not feeling very alert today because of
a lack of sleep last night.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language
You should say:
What it is
What language you learned
How it helped you learn the language
And how you felt about it
• Là một thử thách vì không hiểu lý thuyết
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bài kiểm tra cuối kì năm lớp 7
• Phương pháp học ‘Mind mapping’ (sơ đồ tư duy) -> vị cứu
Content (Nội dung)
• Sử dụng màu sắc và hình vẽ minh hoạ
• Ghi nhớ và ôn tập nhanh hơn
• Đạt kết quả tốt, không còn sợ tiếng Anh
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tự hào về bản thân
Take note
Couldn’t make heads nor tails -> a challenge
7th grade final exam
Technique “ Mind mapping” -> a life saver
Using different colors and drawings
Memorize and revise easier
Pass with flying colors -> no longer a nighmare
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As you know, English is a compulsory subject in Vietnam and every
Vietnamese child has to study English from primary school. Learning
a foreign language at an early age was a huge challenge for me. I have
Ví dụ: I’m the only English dummy in
to admit that I felt like such an English dummy(1) back then because
the class.
I couldn’t make heads nor tails
2. make heads nor tails (idiom):
of any grammar theory. If I recall
correctly, the situation got worse when I needed to pass my 7th grade
không hiểu điều gì đó
final English exam. Most of the questions were about grammar but I
Ví dụ: I can’t make heads nor tails of
literally forgot everything I knew about it.
what my mom has been yelling at me.
Fortunately, just 2 weeks right before D-day(3), I went online and found
an interesting study method called “Mind Mapping”, a technique that
can help you to cram(4) knowledge in a short period by using colorful
1. dummy (n) /ˈdʌm.i/: người ngu
graphs. After finding out about Mind Mapping, I decided to apply it
immediately, and you know, this method was a true life-saver(5).
3. D-day (n) /ˈdiː.deɪ/: ngày quan
trọng mà sự kiện gì đó xảy ra
Ví dụ: I get nervous as D-day is coming.
4. cram (v) /kræm/: học nhồi nhét
Ví dụ: I had to cram 10 pages of history
lessons for the test last week.
5. a life saver: vị cứu tinh
By organizing my lesson in different colors and using drawings to
Ví dụ: My mom was a true lifesaver
illustrate the vocabulary and grammar, I could memorize things faster
when I learnt how to cook.
and revise my notes easier.
6. pass the test with flying colors
(idiom): đạt kết quả tốt trong kì thi
In the end, I passed the test with flying colors(6) and since then
Ví dụ: My sister passed the test with
English has no longer been a nightmare to me. I honestly was so
flying colors thanks to her hard work.
proud of myself and have been using this method to learn other
subjects since then.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What difficulties do people face when learning a language?
Maybe it’s how to pronounce the language exactly. For example, while
English has voiced and unvoiced sounds, Vietnamese doesn’t so it
is a challenge for beginners to “make” sounds that don’t exist in their
mother tongue. Other than that, learning grammar also takes lots of
• mother tongue /ˌmʌðər ˈtʌŋ/: ngôn ngữ mẹ
Ex: She can speak English but her mother
tongue is Chinese.
2. Do you think language learning is important? Why?
Definitely. Language is key to building relationships so the more languages you know, the more power you hold. Besides, learning
a language can improve memory, concentration and even your confidence, because you have to practice speaking the language.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an apartment or a house that you would like to live in, in the near future
You should say:
What it would look like
How big it would be
Where it would be located
And explain how feel about this apartment or house
• Ở chung ký túc xá với 4 bạn.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Trong tương lai muốn dọn đến một căn hộ.
• Căn hội sẽ tọa lạc ở trung tâm thành phố.
• Những tiện nghi sẽ kết nối với hệ thống tự động trong
Content (Nội dung)
• Có một ban công rộng lớn.
• Tôi đang tiết kiệm tiền để có thể biến giấc mơ thành sự
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Take note
I’m sharing a dorm with 4 of mt close friends.
But in the long-term, I would like to move into a
It has to be located in the city center
in the center
Ho Chi Minh
Amanities will be connected by a home automation
Have a spacious balcony
I am saving up so I can make my dreams come true
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At the moment, I am sharing a dorm with 4 of my close friends. They
are all genuine(1) people and I love to live with them but in the longterm, I would like to move into a condominium(2) in the center of Ho
Chi Minh city to start my adult life. I already have a complete picture of
my dream home, and how I would like it to be decorated.
So, regarding the location, like I mentioned before, it has to be
located in the city center so District 5 and 10 are now on the top of
my list. Although I did consider the nearby suburb, I think it would
take me forever(3) to get to work, let alone(4) face the terrible traffic
Ví dụ: My best friend is such a genuine
2. condominium (n) /ˌkɒn.
dəˈmɪn.i.əm/: căn hộ
Ví dụ: A condominium can be very
3. It would take me forever (idiom):
tốn rất nhiều thời gian
Ví dụ: It would take me forever to arrive
jams. Secondly, my apartment will be equipped with all top-notch(5)
because of the traffic jams.
amenities, such as the laundry-folding machine, automatic air
4. let alone (phr.v): huống chi là
conditioning and lighting system, … These features will be connected
Ví dụ: I don’t have enough time to
by a home automation
sleep, let alone travel.
system, which I can control by verbal
command(7) through digital assistants like Alexa or Siri. Finally, I want
it to have a spacious
balcony overlooking a garden, where I can
sit back(9) and relax after a long day at work. This apartment would
definitely make me feel at ease(10) and give me a sense of stability in
1. genuine (adj) /ˈdʒen.ju.ɪn/: chân
my life.
I am saving up so I can make my dreams come true as soon as possible.
5. top-notch (adj) /ˌtɒpˈnɒtʃ/: đỉnh cao
Ví dụ: The school has top-notch
6. home automation (n) /ˌɔː.təˈmeɪ.
ʃən/: hệ thống nhà tự động
Ví dụ: Only newly-built houses have
home automation.
7. verbal command
/ˈvɜː.bəl/ //
kəˈmɑːnd/: mệnh lệnh bằng lời
Ví dụ: Home automation can be
controlled by verbal command.
8. spacious (adj) /ˈspeɪ.ʃəs/
Ví dụ: This house is so spacious, it can
fit five people.
9. sit back (phr.v): ngả lưng nghỉ ngơi
Ví dụ: I love to sit back and read a good
book at the end of a day.
10. at ease (phrase) /iːz/: dễ chịu
Ví dụ: Listening to music makes me
feel at ease.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of apartments are most popular?
One or two bedroom apartments are among the most popular types.
These apartments are usually for couples or a nuclear family. Although
they are not the biggest type, they have all the essential household
• a nuclear family: gia đình hạt nhân
Ex: My family is a nuclear family, including my
parents and me.
• household
əˈplīəns/: đồ gia dụng
/ˈhousˌ(h)ōld/ /
Ex: The new vacuum cleaner is my mother’s
favorite household appliance.
2. What are the differences between houses that young people and old people like?
Old people generally like to keep the house simple, and they would
prefer durable and economical household appliances. Meanwhile,
young people usually decorate their house to show their style and
choose modern and nice-looking appliances.
• durable (a) /ˈdʒʊə.rə.bəl/: bền
Ex: These jeans are so durable, they haven’t
worn out yet.
• economical (a) /ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪ.kəl/: có lợi ích
kinh tế
Ex: Young people should be more economical
when shopping.
3. What are the differences between apartments and houses?
One obvious difference is that apartments generally only have one floor,
while houses can have many storeys. It is also clear that houses are
larger and more suitable for a big family, while apartments are chosen
• storey (n) /ˈstɔː.ri/: tầng
Ex: I’m living in a three-storey house.
by couples or small groups of friends living together.
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Visiting a new place
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time you visited a new place
You should say:
• Where the new place is
• When you went there
• Why you went there
• And explain how you feel about the place
• Năm trước tôi đã có một chuyến du lịch ngắn về quê mẹ.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Quê mẹ ở Thành Phố Quãng Ngãi.
• Mất 2 tiếng để đến bằng máy bay.
Content (Nội dung)
• Nơi này cổ kính và yên tĩnh.
• Phần tôi thích nhất là nơi ba và mẹ tô đã từng yêu nhau.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tôi mong đợi có thể quay lại sớm.
Take note
Last year we took a short vacation for about 3 days to
my mother’s hometown
My mother’s maternal home is located in Quang Ngai city
It took my family less than 2 hours by plane
My first impression of this place was how ancient
Vacation to
my mother’s
and quite it was
The part I liked most was when my mother took me to
the spot where she and our dad had met and fallen in
Really hoped I could go back soon
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Tet holiday has always been my favorite and my family’s tradition
1. set foot: đặt chân đến
is visiting a new country every year. But last year we wanted to do
Ví dụ: Some people don’t like traveling
something different so we took a short vacation for about 3 days to
so they’ve never set foot in new places.
my mother’s hometown. My mother’s maternal home is located in
2. maternal home / məˈtɜːnl həʊm/:
Quang Ngai city, a coastal city in south central Vietnam.
quê mẹ đẻ
Ví dụ: Although I’m currently living in
It took my family less than 2 hours by plane, but we were all so eager
that time flew so fast and we arrived there in the blink of an eye. Even
though it was my mother’s hometown, I’d never set foot(1) there
before. My first impression of this place was how ancient and quiet it
was, and I was really looking forward to seeing my grandparents. Our
grandparents are the type of people who prefer to stay away from
Ho Chi Minh city, my maternal home is
located in Nha Trang city.
3. coastal city /ˈkəʊstəl ˈsɪti /(n): thành
phố biển
Ví dụ: Vung Tau and Da Nang are two
well-known coastal cities in Vietnam.
modern life so they didn’t move to HCMC together with our family.
My grandparents forced my siblings and I to do all of the household
chores such as feeding the chickens and ducks and watering the
garden, which was a once in a lifetime experience. The part I liked
most was when my mother took me to the spot where she and our
dad had met and fallen in love, which was really memorable to me.
Finally, I got to visit my parents’ high school and took a lot of photos
I had a whale of a time at my mom’s hometown and really hoped I
could go back soon.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist?
I’d prefer visiting it as a tourist. If you live in a place, you may gradually
lose interest in it or become too familiar with everything. But if you only
• thrill (n) /thril/: sự hào hứng
visit it, the thrill and excitement will always last, no matter how many
times you have revisited the place.
2. How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
From my experience, most of them would cry and ask to leave, because they are not ready to be apart from their parents’ loving
arms. But this would change quite fast, after a week, they will start to get excited for school because they get to see their friends.
3. How do young and old people react differently to new things?
I think young people will adjust their emotions and adapt faster to
new things. Old people usually need time to completely take in new
situations and some may even react negatively to changes because
they feel safer with familiar things.
• adapt (v) /əˈdapt/: thích nghi
Ex: It is not easy to adapt quickly when
studying abroad.
• take in (phr.v): thấu hiểu
Ex: Because there were so many things to see
at the museum, it was hard to take it all in, in
just one visit.
4. Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?
There are many reasons. It may be because they seek better education,
or they want to experience living in another place, stepping out of
their comfort zone. Whatever the reason is, I think going to college far
from home will certainly bring about memorable experiences.
• step out of your comfort zone: bước ra khỏi
vùng an toàn
Ex: She was encouraged to step out of her
comfort zone.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a rule (in school or work) that you don’t like
You should say:
What it is
Why you don’t like it
How others feel about the rule
And explain whether you’ve followed the rule
• Trường học tại VN – bắt học sinh mặc áo dài mỗi ngày
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Dù có lợi ích, nhưng cổ hủ và bất công
• Trang phục truyền thống : thiết kế khó cử động
Content (Nội dung)
• Làm tôi phát điên vào các ngày trời nóng
• Vi phạm -> ảnh hưởng học bạ
• Các bạn nữ khác : đồng tình
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tôi : ghen tị với các bạn nam
Take note
Vnese schools: force to wear Aodai everyday
Benefit us, yet old-fashioned + unfair
Traditional costume: hard to move
Drive me crazy in dry season
Affect academic records
Other girls: Agree
Me: Jealous of the boys
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Well, Vietnamese schools have a lot of rules and regulations(1) that
students have to follow to maintain order and discipline(2). Although
most rules benefit us in one way or another, there is an extremely
old-fashioned and unfair(3) rule that I find it hard to stand,(4) which is
forcing female students to wear Ao Dai every day.
I understand the fact that Ao Dai is the traditional costume for
Vietnamese women, but we usually only wear it on special occasions.
However, the design of Ao Dai makes it hard for students to move or
do regular physical actions like jumping or running. On top of that,
Ví dụ: The government should impose
regulations on illegal hunting.
2. discipline (n) /ˈdisəplən/: kỷ luật
Ví dụ: Discipline is important when
raising children.
3. unfair (a) /ˌənˈfer/: không công
Ví dụ: It is unfair to treat men with
it drove me crazy(5) when we had to wear Ao Dai and study for the
more respect than women.
whole day in the scorching heat of the dry season. If we forgot to
4. stand (v) /stænd/: chịu đựng
wear Ao Dai, we would be disciplined by our teachers, and sometimes
it could even negatively affect our academic records.
Many girls in my school agree with me that this rule is so behind
1. regulation (n) /ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/: quy
the times(7), we should have the right to wear whatever we want as
long as it is appropriate. Despite being annoyed by this rule, I had no
other choice but to follow it. Honestly, I was quite jealous of the boys
because they could wear pants and shirts all the time.
Ví dụ: I can’t stand people who are late
for group meetings.
5. drive me crazy (idiom): khiến tôi
nổi giận
Ví dụ: Her bad attitude really drove me
6. scorching heat (n) /ˈskɔːrtʃɪŋ hiːt/:
nhiệt độ nóng bức
Ví dụ: The scorching heat of HCMC in
the summer can really drive you crazy
7. behind the times (idiom): lỗi thời
Ví dụ: Flare jeans are behind the times
- nobody wears them now.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the rules students should follow at school?
I think students should definitely follow the school dress codes,
because this rule promotes a sense of belonging and helps students
to focus on their study rather than their clothes. They should also not
cheat, under any circumstance, because it is unfair for other hardworking students.
• dress code: quy định trang phục
Ex: The restaurant has a strict dress code,
you can’t just wear shorts and a t-shirt when
dining there.
• a sense of belonging: cảm giác thuộc về
Ex: Wearing uniforms will give students a
sense of belonging.
• under any circumstance /ˈsərkəmˌstans/:
dưới bất kỳ trường hợp nào
Ex: Do not call the police under any
2. Are the rules at school good or bad?
Good, of course. Even though most of us would have disagreed when
we were students. School rules are for classroom management and
school disciplin. Without rules, many students will misbehave and this
will negatively affect other students.
• management (n) /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/: sự quản
Ex: This hotel’s owner has poor management
• discipline (n) /ˈdisəplən/: kỷ luật
Ex: Discipline is important when raising
• misbehave (v) /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv/: cư xử không
phải phép
Ex: Children misbehave because of lack of
3. Do people often violate the rules in Viet Nam?
Probably yes. I’ve seen a lot of people breaking traffic rules at
intersections. They are supposed to stop at red lights but they don’t and
I even witnessed an accident one time. Besides that, it is compulsory
that people wear helmets when driving motorbikes but a lot of young
people violate this rule.
• compulsory (a) /kəmˈpʌlsəri/: bắt buộc
Ex: It is not compulsory to wear a uniform at
our school.
• violate(v) /ˈvaɪəleɪt/: vi phạm
Ex: You will be fined heavily if you violate the
4. What rules should children follow at home?
Every family has some common rules and one of the common rules
in families with kids is to not yell in the house and wait for their turn
to speak. Children should also respect others’ personal space and ask
before using other people’s belongings.
• belonging (n) /bɪˈlɔːŋɪŋ/: tài sản của ai đó
Ex: Keep your belongings secure when using
public transport.
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Spending time with others
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What you usually do together
And explain why you like to spend time with him/her
• Là người tổ chức sự kiện và huấn luyện viên yoga
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Luôn tràn đầy năng lượng
• Dậy sớm và về nhà muộn mỗi ngày
• Tập yoga, thiền, tự nấu bữa sáng
Content (Nội dung)
• Luôn có tâm trạng tốt + thái độ tích cực, ngay cả khi khó
Linh hồn của các buổi tiệc
• Đi chơi cùng mỗi tháng
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Truyền cảm hứng -> phiên bản tốt hơn
Take note
An event planner + Yoga instructor
Full of beans
Gets up at 5, home at 10
Doing yoga, meditation, self-made breakfast
My sister
Good mood + positive attitude
The life and soul of party
Hang out together once a month
My inspiration -> a better version
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I’m going to talk about my sister who is the most energetic person I’ve
ever known. She is working as an event planner at a famous company
in Ho Chi Minh City. She also has a part-time job as a yoga instructor.
She’s always full of beans(1) and there is always a smile on her lips.
Every day, she gets up at 5 a.m and starts her day with 1 hour of yoga
and meditation(2). She always has self-made healthy breakfast with
fruit smoothies and veggies. Her job requires multitasking(3) and
creativity and she also has to travel from place to place during the
day. After work, she goes to the yoga center where she works parttime and does not come home until 10 p.m. Even though she has a
long day’s work, she’s never tired or shows that she loses her energy.
Besides that, she’s always in a good mood. Even when she faces the
biggest problems in her life, she still keeps a positive attitude. She’s
always the life and soul of the party(4). Her energy and enthusiasm
1. full of beans (idiom): nhiều năng
lượng tích cực, sôi nổi
Ví dụ: My younger sister is full of beans
- she runs around and sings all day.
2. meditation (n) /ˌmed.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/: thiền
improve your concentration.
3. multitasking (n) /ˌmʌl.tiˈtɑːs.kɪŋ/:
đa nhiệm
multitasking skills.
4. life and soul of the party (idiom):
trung tâm của buổi tiệc
Ví dụ: He is the life and soul of the
party - he can cheer everybody up.
makes people happy and motivated when they are around her.
We usually go to the movie theaters on weekends and travel together
once a month to relax and strengthen our bond. I’m grateful that I am
her younger sister. She gives me a lot of inspiration to work harder and
maintain a positive mindset. Whenever I have difficulties, she always
encourages me not to give up and thanks to her kind words, I become
a better version of myself every day.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
I think extroverts are fun to be around. They are usually open, enjoy being with others, outgoing and so on. But introverts can also
be good companions because they are good listeners.
2. How can leaders get along with their subordinates?
Well, it’s their responsibility to get along with and cooperate well with
their subordinates. They must be considerate, slow to take offense
and most importantly, value others’ opinions. If capable of all the things
above, they are great leaders.
• considerate (a) /kənˈsɪd.ər.ət/: tốt bụng
Ex: It is so considerate of you to spare me a
• take offense /əˈfens/: cảm thấy bị xúc phạm
Ex: You shouldn’t take offense to everything
everyone says about you.
3. Do people have much time for themselves nowadays?
Some do, but not everyone is lucky enough. It is difficult to maintain
a work-life balance in this day and age, especially during times like
the Covid pandemic. For example, parents have to work online and
take care of their stay-at-home children at the same time, which is both
physically and mentally demanding. Many barely have time to rest, let
alone pamper themselves.
• maintain a work-life balance: duy trì sự cân
bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống
Maintaining a work-life balance is
important if you want to stay healthy.
• pamper (v) /ˈpæm.pər/: nuông chiều
Ex: Parents shouldn’t pamper their children
too much.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a toy that you often played with as a child
You should say:
What the toy was
How old you were when you had it
Did you play with the toy by yourself or with other kids
And explain how you felt about this particular toy.
• Chiếc diều, phổ biến với trẻ em.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Những đứa trẻ trong xóm thường chơi ở sần gần nhà bà.
• Diều có nhiều màu và hình dáng.
Content (Nội dung)
• Khi lớn lên, tôi thấy trẻ em ít hứng thú với diều.
• Ngày nay, nhiều người làm diều phức tạp, chi tiết hơn.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Với tôi thì diều truyền thống vẫn là nhất.
Take note
Kites, which are very popular amongst many young
Other kids in the neighborhood ran to the field near
grandparent’s house
Kites come in many different shapes and colors.
As I grew older, I noticed that children were no lon-
A kite
ger interested in flying kites
People make more sophisticated kites
The traditional ones are the best
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I’d like to talk about kites, which are very popular amongst many
young children in my country. I still remember when I was 7, I went
back to my hometown and spent the summer with my grandparents.
1. pester(v) /ˈpes.tər/: làm nũng, mè
Ví dụ: The kid wouldn’t stop pestering
Every afternoon, when the wind was blowing, other kids in the
his mom for snacks.
neighborhood ran to the field near my grandparents’ house and flew
2. be reminiscent of /ˌrem.ɪˈnɪs.ənt/:
colorful objects in the sky, which were kites, obviously.
gợi nhớ về điều gì đó
Ví dụ: This part of the town is
Kites come in many different shapes and colors, which is often the
reminiscent of my childhood.
reason why they attract children. One day, I pestered(1) my grandma
to get me a kite of my own because I was the only kid who didn’t
have one. I was so happy during that summer because I could play
along with other kids. As I grew older, I noticed that children were no
longer interested in flying kites because they were becoming more
into tech devices and I also lost the kite that my grandmother got me
bạck then. But whenever I come back to my hometown of Vung Tau
during summer, there is an annual International Kite Festival and this
event is really reminiscent of(2) my happy childhood. Nowadays,
people make more sophisticated kites in the shape of phoenixes,
butterflies and even dragons. They also replace thick bamboo strings
with thinner ones or plastic rope.
But for me, the traditional ones, like the one I received when I was a
kid, are the best.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kind of toys were famous in your childhood? How about these days?
I remember dolls and teddy bears were everyone’s favorite toys when I
was a kid. A Barbie Doll or Hello Kitty was like a treasure to any kid and
it was so costly back then. Kids nowadays are way different from the
past as they are more into tech devices and online gaming. They have
little interest in stuffed animals or physical toys like cars or dolls, like the
older generation.
• treasure (n) /ˈtreʒ.ər/: kho báu
Ex: She found a treasure in the backyard of her
new house.
• costly (a) /ˈkɒst.li/: đắt đỏ
Ex: The latest iPhone model is so costly, only
few can afford it.
2. Do you think parents should buy more toys for their children or spend more time with them instead?
Definitely spending more time with them is the better option. Even though kids seem like they enjoy playing with toys all by
themselves, children always need affection and attention from their parents. Besides, spending time playing and chatting with
children is a great way to form a deeper connection with them.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a song that you think is interesting
You should say:
• What the song is
• What story the song tells
• Whether the song is popular
And explain why you think it is interesting
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tình cờ tìm được 1 bài hát trên mạng
• Hát bởi 1 nhóm nhạc Kpop
• Là nhạc phim Fast & Furious
Content (Nội dung)
• Bài hát không nổi tiếng
• Dần dần, mọi người thích bài hát đó
• Trở nên phổ biến trên Tiktok
• Tính độc đáo của nhóm nhạc
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Mang lại nguồn không khí mới cho bài hát
Take note
Randomly browsing -> big impression
Sung by a Kpop group
Soundtrack of Fast & Furious
A song:
Next level
Not famous -> K&M bought it -> Gradually, people
liked that song -> Become popular on Tiktok
Unique concept
Fresh air
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Well, I’m a music-lover and listen to all music genres. Recently, there is
a song, which I found while randomly browsing the internet, that left
a deep impression on me.
- “aespa”. This song was originally chosen to become the ending
soundtrack(1) for the sequel(2): Hobbs and Shaw of the movie
franchise(3) Fast & Furious. However, the song didn’t receive much
Ví dụ: I watch this movie just because
of its soundtrack.
The name of the song is “Next Level” from a famous K-pop girl group
attention until SM Entertainment - one of the largest entertainment
companies bought the copyrights(4) and rearranged(5) it to become
2. sequel (n) /ˈsiːkwəl/: phần tiếp theo
Ví dụ: The sequel to “Home Alone” is
“Home Alone 2: Lost in New York”.
3. franchise (n) /ˈfræntʃaɪz/: nhượng
Ví dụ: Starting a franchise can be much
easier than starting your own company
the next single(6) for their girl group. At first, there were a lot of
from scratch.
controversial opinions about the song as well as numerous people
4. copyright (n) /ˈkɑːpiraɪt/: bản
highly doubting that this song could become a hit. Not long after
that, everyone in Korea gradually became obsessed with the catchy
melody of “Next Level”, and I was not an exception. The producer of
this song has done a very good job on making it a masterpiece . It
soon turned into a viral(8) Tik Tok trend, every influencer and celebrity
used this song at least once in their videos.
As a whole, I think the main reason that made me fall in love with this
1. soundtrack (n) /ˈsaʊnd.træk/: nhạc
song is the unique concept that “aespa” brings. I believe their dynamic
personality did bring a breath of fresh air(9) into this song and that is
what makes the song so addictive(10).
Ví dụ: You should register copyright for
this product or else it will be copied.
5. rearrange (v) /ˌriːəˈreɪndʒ/: phối lại
bài nhạc
Ví dụ: This song has been rearranged
to suit the singer’s tone.
6. single (n) /ˈsɪŋɡl/: bài hát đơn
Ví dụ: IU just released a single last
7. masterpiece (n) /ˈmæstərpiːs/: kiệt
Ví dụ: Picasso had many masterpieces.
8. viral (adj) /ˈvīrəl/: trở nên phổ biến
Ví dụ: Taylor Swift’s old songs went viral
again after 4 years.
9. bring a breath of fresh air: mang lại
cảm giác mới mẻ
Ví dụ: Her new haircut brings a breath of
fresh air to her appearance.
10. addictive (adj) /əˈdiktiv/: gây
Ví dụ: Sweets are just addictive.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why are music competitions popular in VietNam?
It’s simple, people love competitions. Music competitions are even
better because they get to listen to music and get a thrill from people
competing at the same time. Besides, music competitions are usually
less “dramatic” than other kinds of shows so it is understandable why
they are gaining popularity.
• gain (in) popularity: nhận được sự yêu thích,
ưa chuộng
• gain /ɡeɪn/ (v): có được, đạt được
• popularity /ˌpɑːpjuˈlærəti/ (n): sự ưa thích,
ưa chuộng
Ex: Her novels have gained in popularity over
recent years.
2. What kinds of music do people like?
I can’t speak for everyone but the majority prefer pop songs, because
they are usually very catchy and easy to sing along with. As for older
people, they usually enjoy classical or traditional music, whereas indie
• catchy /ˈkætʃ.i/: bắt tai
Ex: This song has such a catchy tune.
or rap is big among young people nowadays.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it
You should say:
What the gift was
When you got this gift
Where you had it
And how you felt about it
• Quà sinh nhật 20 tuổi, có buổi ăn tối cùng bạn bè
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Món quà nổi bật nhất - chiếc ví da
• Kích thước vừa túi, gấp được
Content (Nội dung)
• Ba ngăn, đựng thẻ và tiền
• Có ngăn kiếng
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Hài lòng, một món quà đáng tiền
Take note
20th birthday, a warm dinner with friends
Stood out -> a leather wallet
Pocket-sized, foldable
Trifold, with pockets for paper money and cards
A wallet
A window to display images
Satisfied, worth every penny
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I’m going to tell you about the wallet that one of my close friends
1. Stand out (p.v): nổi bật
gave to me. It was my 20th birthday party, and I had invited lots of
Ví dụ: She’s the sort of person who
my friends to my house so we could have a warm dinner together. My
stands out in a crowd.
friends brought a lot of gifts to the party so my house was flooded with
2. Foldable /ˈfoʊl.də.bəl/: có thể gấp lại
different types of presents. All of them were amazing, I appreciated
every single one, but there was one that really stood out(1) from the
rest, which was a small brown wallet, made of leather.
boot of your car.
3. Cashless /ˈkæʃ.ləs/: không cần tiền
Ví dụ: We are living in a cashless society.
to carry around. Fortunately, this new wallet was pocket-sized and
4. Trifold /ˈtrīfōld/: gấp 3 lần
foldable(2), so it fits perfectly with all of my pants and trousers. Also, as
My previous wallet was a bit too big so it was quite inconvenient
Ví dụ: This useful foldable bike fits in the
we are beginning to live in a cashless(3) society nowadays, we need
to carry not only banknotes, but also a lot of different types of cards.
This is also what I like most about this wallet. It is a trifold wallet with
pockets for paper money and cards, and a window to display anything
you want, like a picture of a loved one or a pet.
Ví dụ: his is a trifold screen.
5. Worth every penny (idiom): đáng
worth /wɜːrθ/ (adj): đáng giá
penny /ˈpeni/ (n): đồng xu
Ví dụ: The directors of this company feel
he’s worth every penny.
6. Blast /blɑːst/ (n): sự kiện rất vui
Ví dụ: The party was a blast.
I was completely satisfied with this brand-new wallet. I don’t know
how much my friend had to pay for it but I’m sure that it’s worth every
penny(5). After opening all the gifts, we went on with the party. It was
really a blast(6); I could see happiness in everyone’s eyes.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you like giving gifts?
Yes, I consider true happiness lies in giving happiness to others. I love
to see the thrilling experience that people have when they receive a
gift. I mean, everybody is going to feel on cloud nine if they receive
something unexpectedly, right? Also, I love the feeling when looking for
gifts for others because it is gratifying when you do something noble.
• On cloud nine (idiom): rất vui
Ex: I was on cloud nine once I had completed
• Gratifying /ˈɡrætɪfaɪɪŋ/ (adj): hài lòng
Ex: It is gratifying to see such good results.
2. What gifts would parents give to children?
I guess it depends on the preference of their children. But most
likely, children’s favorite gifts are toys. However, it’s changing rapidly
nowadays as more and more children are into tech gadgets, things like
smartphones or laptops. These are a little expensive so parents should
• Tech gadget /tɛk gæʤɪt/: thiết bị công nghệ
Ex: There are so many useful tech gadgets
think carefully before making a purchase.
3. What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children?
I don’t know, I’m not a parent. But I guess they need to take price into
consideration firstly. They obviously don’t want to put themselves into
debt just because of a gift for their children. Secondly, the function
of the gift is also important. Phones and games can make children
addicted, which seriously affects their academic performance.
• take
kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/: cân nhắc
Ex: You must take his illness into consideration
before dismissing him.
• academic performance: thể hiện trong học
• Academic /ӕkəˈdemik/ (adj): thuộc về học
• Performance /pərˈfɔːrməns/ (n): sự thể hiện
Ex: His academic performance was not very
4. What kinds of free gifts do people give? Why do people feel happy when they receive free gifts?
I guess handcraft products are most common as they are affordable
and easy to make. Besides that, gifts that make people’s life more
comfortable, such as electronic appliances. The reason why people are
happy when they receive gifts is simple, they feel loved and respected.
It would certainly bring a smile to their face.
• Handcraft /ˈhænd.kræft/ (n): thủ công
Ex: There are many handicraft teachers willing
to teach you.
• bring a smile to their face (idiom): mang lại
nụ cười cho ai đó
Ex: These financial results are sure to put
smiles on our investors’ faces.
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5. Do you think our government should provide free gifts for our citizens?
Yes. During this difficult time, lots of people are unemployed and
homeless, so they are in desperate need of government support.
Therefore, if it is possible, I think that the government should give out
something, especially something that can lift people out of poverty.
• Lift someone out of poverty: giúp ai đó
thoát khỏi nghèo khổ
• poverty /ˈpɑːvərti/ (n): sự nghèo khổ
Ex: Vietnamese people, by working extremely
hard, lifted themselves out of poverty.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn
You should say:
When you learned it
Why you learned it
How you learned it
And how you felt when you learned it
• Để giỏi tiếng Anh cần phải chăm chỉ và quyết tâm.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đôi khi cần phải có năng khiếu.
• Là một môn học bắt buộc.
• Thầy giáo tiếng Anh rất nhiệt tình và luôn giúp tôi vợi
Content (Nội dung)
qua lo lắng.
• Dần dần cảm thấy thoải mái hơn
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Cảm thấy vui khi học được nghĩa của từ mới.
Take note
Need to be very determined and diligent
Sometimes, you need to have a natural aptitude for
learning languages
English is a compulsory subject
My English teacher at that time was very enthusiastic,
help me overcome my language anxiety
I felt more comfotable communicating
I find joy when I learn another meaning of a word
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I would like to talk about English, a common, yet difficult language
to master.
I remember how hard it was when I tried to first learn English. It is
1. Diligent /ˈdɪl.ə.dʒənt/ (adj): siêng
challenging to master a foreign language as you need to be very
determined and diligent(1). Sometimes, you need to have a natural
aptitude(2) for learning languages in order to effortlessly achieve a
Ví dụ: Their lawyer was extremely
diligent in preparing their case.
2. Aptitude /ˈæp.tə.tuːd/ (n): năng
Ví dụ: We will take your personal
high level of skill. However, I don’t have a knack for learning languages,
aptitudes and abilities into account.
so it’s always an arduous task for me.
3. Arduous
Just like other students in Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject
in my school curriculum. I wasn’t as talented as my fellow peers so
I was very shy, barely spoke anything in my English classes. Luckily,
my English teacher at that time was very enthusiastic so he did
everything he could to help me overcome my language anxiety(4). He
created lots of activities in my English class, trying to get me to speak.
/ˈɑːr.dʒu.əs/ (adj): khó
Ví dụ: It was an arduous climb
æŋˈzaɪəti/: sự lo lắng khi sử dụng
ngoại ngữ
Ví dụ: Language anxiety is a big
problem for language learners.
Gradually, I felt more comfortable communicating with my friends in
English and I have developed a passion for the language since then.
Thanks to him, I have found inspiration and motivation to maintain
learning English every day. I feel the true happiness of learning, I find
joy when I learn another meaning of a word or when I understand
something I have read, or when I understand what other people are
saying. At the moment, I still spend 2 hours practicing English every
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What skills do students need to master?
Computing skills, I guess. The future of the world will depend on
digitalization and schools have started to incorporate computers
in education. So I think every student must know how to utilize a
computer. Besides that, problem-solving and logical thinking skills are
always irreplaceable, all students must possess those skills.
• Digitalization /ˈdɪdʒ.ə.t̬əl.aɪz/ (n): sự số hóa
Ex: The digitalization of education has made it
easier to control students.
• Irreplaceable /ˌɪr.əˈpleɪ.sə.bəl/ (adj): không
thể thay thế
Ex: No one’s irreplaceable in the workplace.
2. Is it hard for students to learn skills?
It depends on the child and the type of skills that they want to pick
up. Children are born with different talents, some are musically gifted,
while others are brilliant at math. So some skills might be difficult for
one group of students but might be a piece of cake for others.
• Gifted /ˈɡɪf.tɪd/ (adj): tài năng
Ex: She is a gifted artist.
• A piece of cake (idiom): dễ dàng
Ex: I never said that training him would be a
piece of cake.
3. Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?
In this case, yes, old people, who are probably absent-minded, are slow
in adapting to changes so they must have a hard time learning new
things. I bet most old people are struggling with the modern world,
where everything can be done online. It took my grandmother a very
• Absent-minded /ˌæb.səntˈmaɪn.dɪd/ (adj):
hay quên
Ex: Grandpa’s becoming quite absent-minded.
long time until she could swipe the screen of her mobile phone to find
her favorite applications.
4. Is a good teacher very important for students’ learning experience? Why?
Obviously, teachers play a key role in motivating and inspiring students.
Whether a child has an enjoyable learning experience depends a lot
on the teacher. Boring lessons might reduce children’s attention, but
interesting lessons might boost children’s motivation, which helps
• Absorb /əbˈzɔːb/ (v): tiếp thu
Ex: It’s a lot of information to absorb all at
them absorb the knowledge much better.
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Getting up early
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you got up early
You should say:
When it was
What you did
Why you got up early
And how you felt about it
• Để bản thân ngủ nướng vài giờ trước khi dậy.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Thường dậy sớm vào dịp đặc biệt.
• Vũng tàu là một thánh phố ven biển, thu hút khách du
Content (Nội dung)
• Có một chuyến du lịch trọn gói đến Vũng Tàu.
• Thức dậy lúc 5 giờ sáng và chuẩn bị khởi hành lúc 6 giờ.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Mặc dù mệt nhưng vẫn rất hứng thú với chuyến đi.
Take note
Sleep in for hours before getting up
Get up early on special occasions
Vung Tau is a coastal city, a bit of a tourist trap
Have a package holiday to Vung Tau
A trip to
Vung Tau
When we woke up at 5am, preparing to hit the road
at 6
Alhough my friends and I felt a bit tired as, we were all very
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I’m not an early bird(1) so I often let myself sleep in(2) for hours
before getting up. But on special occasions, when I have something
important to do, I still get up early. And I’m going to tell you about one
of these occasions. It was just a week ago when I had to prepare for a
trip to Vung Tau with my friends.
famous for being very affordable(3) but in recent years, it is becoming
a bit of a tourist trap(4) due to the heavy influx of tourists. Despite
that, it is always our first choice whenever we want to relax, you know,
dậy sớm
Ví dụ: Getting up early is the biggest
challenge for me since I’m really not
an early bird.
Vung Tau is a coastal city, which is only 100km away from HCMC. It is
2. sleep in /sliːp ɪn/: ngủ nướng
Ví dụ: I usually sleep in on Saturdays.
3. affordable /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (adj): (giá cả)
có thể mua được
Ví dụ: There is a lack of affordable
to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
housing in the city.
We normally don’t go on package holidays , and this time was no
4. tourist trap /ˈtʊr.ɪst ˌtræp/: bẫy du
different. We decided to go on our own so that we could freely explore
all the magnificent landscapes along the way to Vung Tau. So it was
last Saturday, when we woke up at 5am, preparing to hit the road(6)
at 6. We hoped to enjoy the awe-inspiring(7) sunrise together but one
of my friends couldn’t make it on time so we missed that opportunity.
Everyone was a little disappointed but we quickly began our trip
1. early bird /ˈɝː.li ˌbɝːd/: người thức
Although my friends and I felt a bit tired as we are not morning people,
we were all very excited about the trip so it was not a big problem.
Ví dụ: That hotel is just a tourist trap.
5. package holiday /ˈpækɪʤ ˈhɒlədeɪ/:
chuyến du lịch trọn gói
Ví dụ: Older people usually prefer to go
on a package holiday.
6. hit the road /hɪt ðə rəʊd/: bắt đầu
chuyến đi
Ví dụ: I’d love to stay longer but I must
be hitting the road.
7. awe-inspiring /ˈɑː.ɪnˌspaɪr.ɪŋ/: kinh
Ví dụ: Niagara Falls really is an aweinspiring sight.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?
Well, the people who work shiftwork. I mean, not everyone has a nineto-five job, right? So there are a lot of people starting their work early
in the morning. Some of my friends, who work in convenience stores
or train stations, have to be at their workplace at 5 or 6 in the morning.
Otherwise, it is very likely that they will get the sack.
• Nine-to-five /naɪn-tuː-faɪv/: giờ hành chính
Ex: She’s tired of working nine to five.
• Get the sack /gɛt ðə sæk/: bị sa thải
Ex: I’ll get the sack if I arrive at the office late!
2. Why do people get up early?
Mostly because of their jobs, There are some occupations that require
people to show up early. In addition, I guess housewives have to get up
early to prepare breakfast for their families. For example, my mother has
to go to the flea market near my house very early in the morning to buy
• Housewife /ˈhaʊs.waɪf/ (n): nội trợ
Ex: She’s not the type of person to stay at
home and be a housewife.
our family’s daily supplies.
3. What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?
In an interview or appointment perhaps. People don’t want to be late
on these important occasions, so they must be awake way beforehand.
Otherwise, it may badly affect their image and reputation. Besides that,
I guess school and work also require people to arrive early.
• Beforehand /bɪˈfɔːr.hænd/ (adv): trước đó
He knew beforehand that his speech
would anger many people.
• Reputation /ˌrep.jəˈteɪ.ʃən/ (n): danh tiếng
Ex: She has the reputation of being a good
4. Why do some people like to stay up late?
It’s hard to say, but I guess it is just a habit. For example, I never used
to stay up late before, but then I started working at a cinema, which
required me to work until midnight. It gradually affected my sleep
pattern, preventing me from going to bed early.
• sleeping pattern: chu kì ngủ
• Sleep /ˈsliː.p/ (v): ngủ
• Pattern /ˈpæt̬ .ɚn/ (n): chu kì
Ex: My sleeping pattern changed as I grew up.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way
You should say:
Who this person is
What the problem was
How he/she solved it
And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way
• Khương, bạn thân, học chung trường cấp một.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Là một người sáng tạo.
• Phải thuyết trình ở trường đại học.
• Tìm thông tin trên Internet nhưng không tìm được thông
Content (Nội dung)
tin đáng tin cậy.
• Khương đề xuất hỏi trực tiếp công ty.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đã đạt được điểm cao nhờ vào ý tưởng đó.
Take note
One of my close friends, his name is Khuong, he went
to the same primary school as me.
A very creative person
We had to give a presentation
We looked up the internet but we couldn’t find any
useful or reliable information
Khuong suggested that we could directly contact that
We passed the course with flying colors.
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I’m going to talk about one of my close friends, who has the capacity
1. think outside of the box (idiom):
to think outside of the box .
suy nghĩ sáng tạo
Ví dụ: He is very creative and he can
His name is Khuong, and he went to the same primary school as
me. We immediately clicked when we first met and have been close
friends since then. What I like most about him is that he is a very
creative person, who always comes up with novel(2) and unique ideas.
His cleverness(3) and imagination have helped us to overcome lots of
difficult problems.
I remember that it was a project in university and we had to give
a presentation on the business strategy of a company. We were
inexperienced(4) at that time so we didn’t know how to collect
information from that company. We looked up the internet but we
think out of the box.
2. novel /ˈnɑːvl/: mới, độc đáo
Ví dụ: It was an American who came
up with the novel idea of drive-in
3. cleverness /ˈklev.ɚ.nəs/: sự thông
Ví dụ: Everyone was impressed by the
cleverness of the machine.
4. inexperienced /ˌɪn.ɪkˈspɪr.i.ənst/:
thiếu kinh nghiệm
Ví dụ: They are young inexperienced
couldn’t find any useful or reliable(5) information. We were desperate
parents and need support.
and didn’t know what to do.
5. reliable /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/: đáng tin cậy
Ví dụ: Is your watch reliable?
Then, Khuong suggested that we could directly contact that company
and ask them for what we needed. He somehow managed to find the
contact information of the business department of the company.
After that, we gave them a call and fortunately, they were eager to tell
6. With flying colors (idiom): vượt qua
kì thi với điểm số cao
Ví dụ: Sylvia had passed her exams
with flying colors.
us about their business performance when they knew that we were
struggling to find information about that.
Thanks to his amazing idea, we passed the course with flying colors(6)
as the information that we received was very detailed and up-to-date.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think children are born smart or do they learn to become smart?
From my perspective, everyone is equal at the moment they are born.
It is their surroundings and relationships that form their personality
and intelligence. So in the formative years, we must pay close attention
to our children to ensure that they receive enough input to constantly
develop their cognitive skills.
• Surroundings /səˈraʊn.dɪŋz/: môi trường
xung quanh
Everyone wants safe, comfortable
• Cognitive /ˈkɑːɡ.nə.t̬ɪv/: liên quan đến trí óc
Ex: Some of her cognitive functions have
been impaired.
2. How do children become smart at school?
From education, of course. Children go to school to be properly
educated. Thanks to well-qualified, professional teachers, students can
gain a significant amount of knowledge when they are at school. This is
how they can broaden their horizons as well as improve their thinking
• Well-qualified /ˌwel ˈkwɑː.lɪ.faɪd/: có trình
Ex: He seems well qualified for the job.
• Broaden their horizon (idiom): mở mang
tầm nhìn
Ex: Travel can help to broaden your horizons.
3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
It’s hard to tell. I guess some people are naturally curious about
everything and they try to master as many skills as they can. But, to
be honest, I don’t really believe that there are people who are good at
everything. I bet that there are some areas that they are not good at. I
would prefer having a deep understanding of one subject than being
mediocre at a lot of things.
• Curious /ˈkjʊr.i.əs/: tò mò
Ex: Babies are curious about everything
around them.
• Mediocre /ˌmiː.diˈoʊ.kɚ/: tầm thường
Ex: Parents don’t want their children going to
a mediocre school.
4. Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?
Well, because there are different aspects of society. There are
environmental problems to be tackled, dangerous diseases to be cured,
and conflicts to be resolved. Therefore, we need different minds to
help us deal with all these problems.
• Conflict /ˈkɑːn.flɪkt/: xung đột
Ex: There was a lot of conflict between him
and his father.
• Mind /maɪnd/: người thông minh
Ex: She was one of the most brilliant minds of
the last century.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a habit your friend has that you would like to develop
You should say:
Who your friend is
What habit he/she has
When you noticed this habit
And explain why you want to develop this habit
• Chế độ tập thể dục mà bạn đang làm.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đánh cầu lông với bạn mỗi buổi chiều.
• Họ đã chơi từ thời cấp 3.
• Đã từng tham gia nhưng giờ làm việc theo ca nên không
Content (Nội dung)
tham gia được nữa.
• Đã cố gắng tập gym nhưng đã từ bỏ.
• Ganh tị với bạn vì họ có thể tập thể dục mỗi ngày, cần
Conclusion (Kết luận)
phải thay đổi công việc.
Take note
Strictly follow a workout regimen, just like some of my
friends are doing
Every afternoon, my friends meet up at the park to play
badminton together
Since high school
Used to be a part of that and we’ve had a lot of fun in
the past but my work requires me to work in shifts,
unable to attend
I hit the gym a few weeks ago but I decided to give up
Feel jealous of my friends because they are able to regularly
work out together, thinking about changing my job
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Well, I’m not perfect so there are a lot of habits that I want to have.
1. workout regimen: chế độ tập thể dục
One of which is to strictly follow a workout regimen , just like some
workout /ˈwɜːkaʊt/: tập thể dục
of my friends are doing.Every afternoon, my friends meet up at the
regimen /ˈredʒɪmən/: chế độ
Ví dụ: If you want to fit into those new
park to play badminton together.
clothes, you’ll need to start a workout
They have been doing that since high school because it gives them
a chance to catch up with each other as well as improve their health.
I used to be a part of that and we’ve had a lot of fun in the past, but
you know, at the moment, my work requires me to work in shifts(2)
so I’m unable to attend these sessions anymore. My body is getting
out of shape(3) because I don’t do anything to keep fit. I hit the gym
a few weeks ago but I couldn’t stand working out alone, having no
2. work in shifts (idiom): làm việc theo
Ví dụ: I hate jobs that require people to
work in shifts.
3. out of shape (idiom): không khỏe
Ví dụ: I’m so out of shape that I get out of
one to talk to, so I decided to give up. I’ve been trying to figure out
breath climbing the stairs.
what I could do in order to get into shape but my mind goes blank
4. my mind goes blank (idiom): không
whenever I think about it. I think the only place that could help me
nghĩ ra được gì
to stay the course is the park, where I get the chance to meet my
Ví dụ: I tried to remember her name, but
my mind went completely blank.
5. stay the course (idiom): tiếp tục làm
I’m always jealous of my friends because they are able to regularly
work out together. I’m thinking about changing my job so that I could
lead a healthier lifestyle.
gì đó
Ví dụ: Very few of the trainees have
stayed the course.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What habits should children have?
Children should be taught to pick up good habits as soon as possible.
We don’t need to teach them very big things like money management
or anything like that. I think that if they can develop and maintain small
actions like having breakfast on time or brushing their teeth before
bedtime, it would do wonders for them later on.
• money management /ˈmʌni ˈmænɪʤmənt/:
quản lý tiền bạc
In seven out of 10 households it’s a
woman who’s now responsible for money
• Do wonders for: mang đến điều kì diệu cho
Ex: Going to sleep early can do wonders for
your health.
2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?
Making them familiar with them. For example, if parents can install a
routine of regular mealtimes, it is likely that children will continue this
good habit in the future. Besides that, they could use their power to
force their kids into forming good habits, like getting them off the sofa
and television, preventing them from becoming couch potatoes.
• routine /ruːˈtiːn/: công việc hàng ngày
Ex: Exercise has become part of my daily
• couch potato /ˈkaʊtʃ pəteɪtəʊ/: người
nghiện xem TV
Ex: He’s turned into a real couch potato since
he subscribed to the sports channel.
3. How do people develop bad habits?
I guess that everyone has at least one bad habit. Although most of
us know that it’s not good for us, we still keep doing it because it has
become an inner part of us. Take smoking, for example, lots of people
cannot live without it even though they are well aware that cigarettes
will destroy their lungs.
• inner /ˈɪnə(r)/: bên trong
Ex: She doesn’t reveal much of her inner self.
• Well-aware /wɛl əˈweə/: nhận thức rõ
Ex: They are well aware of the problems.
4. What habits do people have when they get older?
Things that they have been doing since they were a kid. It seems to
me that we are going to keep doing what we are familiar with. For
example, a lot of old people still prefer buying a traditional newspaper
• Familiar /fəˈmɪliər/: quen thuộc
Ex: Then she heard a familiar voice.
to reading news online because they feel more comfortable holding a
newspaper in their hands. This can also be said for the case of letters or
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen
You should say:
What you waited for
Where you waited
Why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting
• 3 năm trước, nhập ngũ
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Không thích môi trường quân ngũ vì quá khá biệt và
không thể thích nghi
• Học cách tự lập và sinh tồn
Content (Nội dung)
• Chờ đợi mỗi ngày trong 2 năm
• Gia đình là động lực vượt qua khó khăn
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Khoảng thời gian đáng nhớ
Take note
Three years ago, joined the army
Didn’t like the environment, difficult to adapt
Learn to live independently and survive
Joined the
Waited every single day in 2 years
Family helps overcome difficult moments
An unforgettable time
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I’m not a patient person so I really hate waiting. However, I had to
patiently wait to be reunited(1) with my family one time.
In Vietnam, all men are obligated(2) to serve the army for at least two
her children.
to fulfill my duty for the country and it was not a very exciting period
for me. I didn’t like the environment there cause it was completely
3. get on: làm tốt
environment and get on(3) with all the people there.
I wouldn’t say that it was a painful experience because I also learned
a lot from it. I’ve learned how to live independently and how to
Ví dụ: Last night she was reunited with
2. obligated /ˈɑːblɪɡeɪtɪd/ (adj): có
years and I was not an exception. Three years ago, I joined the army
different from my daily life, so I found it very difficult to adapt to that
nghĩa vụ
Ví dụ: He felt obligated to help.
Ví dụ: He’s getting on very well at
4. Homesickness /ˈhəʊmsɪknəs/ (n):
nỗi nhớ nhà
survive in any given situation. But there weren’t too many things to
homesickness after going to America
do in the army so I spent most of my time waiting to return to my
to study.
family. Imagine that you have to wait every single day for 2 years, it’s
definitely not something that people want to experience. Most of my
fellow peers and I suffered from homesickness(4), we talked about
our family a lot and that’s how we were able to overcome(5) all these
difficult moments.
1. reunite /ˌriːjuˈnaɪt/ (v): đoàn tụ
Finally, it ended a year ago, when I could finally come back to my
house. When I look back, it was an unforgettable(7) time and I think
5. overcome /ˌəʊvərˈkʌm/ (v): vượt
Ví dụ: She overcame injury to win the
Olympic gold medal.
6. unforgettable /ˌʌnfərˈɡetəbl/ (adj):
không thể quên được
Ví dụ: The music is what makes the
movie so unforgettable.
that I will never have the chance to experience something like that
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
There are a host of things that people need to wait for on a daily basis.
From simple things like waiting for their friends to arrive or waiting for
a plane to take off. Waiting is something that you cannot avoid in your
life because it is part and parcel of day-to-day living.
• take off: cất cánh
Ex: The plane took off an hour late.
• part and parcel /pɑːrt ənd ˈpɑːrsl/: một
phần quan trọng
Ex: Keeping the accounts is part and parcel
of my job.
2. Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?
Probably adults, I mean, they could think of the reasons why they have
to wait, and most adults, in my opinion, are accustomed to waiting.
On the other hand, children are very impatient so they are likely to
behave badly whenever they have to wait. I remember myself crying
and shouting when I had to wait too long for my mom to pick me up
at school.
• accustomed /əˈkʌstəmd/ (adj): quen với
Ex: My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the
• impatient /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/ (adj): mất kiên nhẫn
Ex: I’d been waiting for twenty minutes and I
was getting impatient.
3. Compared to the past, are people less patient now, why?
Well, patience has always been a virtue regardless of time. But you
know, time is money, so I guess time is more important nowadays
as there are so many responsibilities that people have to shoulder in
modern life. I think that is the reason why punctuality has become
increasingly important.
• virtue /ˈvɜːrtʃuː/ (n): đức hạnh, giá trị đạo
đức, đức tính
Ex: Patience is not one of her virtues, I’m
• punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ (n): sự đúng giờ
Ex: He insists on regular attendance and
4. What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?
For the advantages, I guess waiting helps develop patience, which
prevents people from becoming angry at trivial things. However,
waiting can also trigger fury. There are many cases where people get
involved in violent acts just because someone is not on time.
• trivial /ˈtrɪviəl/ (adj): không quan trọng, lặt
Ex: I know it sounds trivial, but I’m worried
about it.
• fury /ˈfjʊri/ (n): cơn giận
Ex: Her eyes blazed with fury.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an athlete that you admire
You should say:
Who the person is
What his/her achievement is
Why you admire him/her
And explain how you feel about this person
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Steven Gerrard, cựu thành viên CLB Liverpool
• Nổi tiếng về sự linh hoạt và kĩ năng -> thắng 9 cúp
• Trung thành với CLB
Content (Nội dung)
• Ngưỡng mộ trí thông minh chiến lược và kĩ năng lãnh
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đã nghỉ hưu nên thất vọng
Take note
A former player of Liverpool Football Club
The captain
Famous for his versatility and skills -> won 9 trohpies
Loyal to the club
Admired his tactical intelligence and leadership skills
Disappointing because he’s retired
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Football is my all-time favorite(1) sport, I’ve been watching football
since I was very young so I can name a few football players, but I’m
going to tell you about one of the greatest athletes in this sport. His
name is Steven Gerrard, a former football player for Liverpool Football
1. all-time favorite: luôn yêu thích
Ví dụ: Reading books is my all-time
favorite activity.
2. versatility /ˌvɜːrsəˈtɪləti/ (n): đa năng
Ví dụ: She is a designer of extraordinary
I knew him because he was the captain of my favorite football club,
Liverpool. He is famous for his versatility
and wide range of skills.
I have never seen anyone as talented as him. He is regarded as one
Ví dụ: They swore their loyalty to the
of the greatest players of his generation, leading the team to win 9
4. ups and downs: thăng trầm
trophies. Besides that, his loyalty(3) is difficult to find in this day and
Ví dụ: Every business has its ups and
age. He spent the majority of his playing career playing for the club.
3. loyalty /ˈlɔɪəlti/ (n): lòng trung thành
I mean, he was there for us, through all the ups and downs(4) of the
club. That’s part of the reason why he is so admirable.
5. role model /ˈrəʊl mɑːdl/: hình mẫu
Ví dụ: We need positive role models for
young women to aspire to.
inspired me to play football and excel at this sport. I always admired
6. tactical /ˈtæktɪkl/ (adj): thuộc chiến
his tactical(6) intelligence and ability to read the game, which allowed
for a new job was a tactical error.
He’s been my role model(5) since I started watching football. He
Ví dụ: Telling your boss you were looking
him to predict the opposition’s attacking strategy. Later, when I
became the captain of my football team, I tried to adopt his leadership
skills. You know, to try to motivate other members of my team so that
we could eventually win the game.
I always wish that I would have a chance to watch him live, but
unfortunately, he is retired now so it’s a little bit disappointing.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of exercise do Vietnamese people like to do?
We do a variety of exercises. Young people often love to play physicallydemanding sports as it helps to burn more calories and get into shape
more quickly. For older people, I think they usually choose something
easier to do. For example, you could easily see lots of elderly people
running and doing yoga in the park every morning.
• Physically-demanding /ˈfɪzɪkli dɪˈmændɪŋ/:
đòi hỏi về thể lực
Ex: The work is physically demanding, so he
always ends up being exhausted at the end
of the day.
• get into shape: trở nên cân đối
Ex: I play tennis every day to get into shape as
quickly as possible.
2. What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
Determination, definitely. I think that you must be very determined and
willing to work hard towards your goal. It’s important to stay the course
at all costs. Moreover, I guess athletes should be a little bit ambitious, to
always aim for better results, you know, to push the boundaries of what
they can achieve. That’s how they could gradually improve themselves.
• Determination /dɪˌtɜːrmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n): sự quyết
Ex: He fought the illness with courage and
• push the boundaries: vượt giới hạn
• boundary /ˈbaʊndri/ (n): giới hạn, biên giới
Ex: Scientists continue to push the boundaries
of human knowledge.
3. Why are there so few top athletes?
Because it’s too difficult. Enduring strenuous training sessions and
participating in dangerous competitions is easier said than done.
It’s all very mentally and physically demanding, which means that not
everybody can go through it.
• Endure /ɪnˈdʊr/ (v): chịu đựng
Ex: They had to endure a long wait before the
case came to trial.
• strenuous /ˈstrenjuəs/ (adj): khó khăn, đòi
hỏi công sức nhiều
Ex: How about a stroll in the park? Nothing
too strenuous.
• easier said than done: nói thì dễ, làm mới
Ex: ‘Why don’t you get yourself a job?’ ‘That’s
easier said than done.
4. What’s the best way to become a top athlete?
I don’t think adults, unless they are extremely talented, can follow
professional sports careers anymore. It has to be done when one is
very young. So if you want your children to become sports athletes,
you need to make it clear from a very young age. Maybe you could
• talented /ˈtæləntɪd/ (adj): tài năng
Some of these young musicians are
incredibly talented.
send your children to some kind of sports center so that they could be
properly trained.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a café you’d like to visit
You should say:
Where it is
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
Who you usually go there with
And explain why you like to go there
• The Coffee House
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đến khi có thời gian rảnh
• Gần nhà
• Có bán thức ăn như bánh kếp
• Hiện đại, thoải mái => Khi cần hoàn thành công việc
Content (Nội dung)
• Màu sắc dễ chịu
• Có âm nhạc giao hưởng => tận hưởng cuộc sống
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Là một nơi thư giãn với không khí yên bình
Take note
Whenever I have free time
Food such as pancakes -> phenomenon
Top-notch facilities -> meet deadlines
A café
Pleasant colors
Have instrumental music -> enjoy life
A sense of tranquility and peace
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I’m going to talk about a café that I always pay a visit to whenever I
which is also one of the most popular coffee chains in Vietnam. It’s
1. phenomenon /fəˈnɑːmɪnən/: một
just down the road from where I live so I usually walk there if I want to
have free time. The place is one of the branches of “The Coffee House”,
enjoy a cup of coffee.
hiện tượng (rất thành công)
2. top-notch (adj) /ˌtɒpˈnɒtʃ/ : đỉnh
Besides coffee, it serves a wide range of food options for customers.
this kind of snack when you go there. The café looks very modern
3. Comfy /ˈkʌmfi/: thoải mái
and dynamic with lots of top-notch
facilities, making you feel as
comfy(3) as possible. Due to the comfort it provides, I usually choose
this place to work whenever I have to meet important deadlines.
The interior(4) is painted dark yellow, and I think this color helps
me concentrate better. Moreover, they play relaxing instrumental
music(5) in the café, which is perfectly suitable for anyone who needs
to focus on their work. Besides work, I also opt for this place to relax
as it gives me a sense of peacefulness and calmness, you know, giving
me the chance to slowly enjoy my life.
Ví dụ: The school has top-notch
The pancakes they have there are a phenomenon(1). You must try
In this fast-paced(6) world, it is important to sometimes slow down a
bit and take a little retreat(7). This café offers you just that. So, if you
want to experience a sense of tranquility and peace, you should give
this café a go.
Ví dụ: You’ll be nice and comfy in this
4. interior /ɪnˈtɪriər/: phần bên trong
Ví dụ: The original interior of the hotel
has been replaced.
5. instrumental music: nhạc chơi từ
nhạc cụ
nhạc cụ
Music /ˈmjuːzɪk/: nhạc
Ví dụ: My grandmother loves listening
to instrumental music.
6. fast-paced /ˌfæst ˈpeɪst/: nhịp độ
Ví dụ: She enjoys working in a fastpaced environment.
7. Retreat /rɪˈtriːt/: sự trốn tránh
Ví dụ: Is watching television a retreat
from reality?
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do old people like to drink coffee?
I think drinking coffee can be considered as a tradition and custom in
Vietnam. Not only old people but also the young generation are really
into coffee. The taste of coffee is very unique and cannot be replaced by
any other drink. There are numerous coffee shops out there so you can
see lots of people sipping their cups of coffee every morning.
• unique /juˈniːk/: độc đáo
Ex: Everyone’s fingerprints are unique.
• Sip /sɪp/: nhâm nhi
Ex: He slowly sipped his wine.
2. Do Vietnamese people like to drink coffee?
Yeah, as I said before, drinking coffee has become a part of Vietnamese
culture. People drink coffee, firstly, because of its taste, secondly, coffee
gives them a chance to socialize, to catch up with their friends and
relatives. Asking somebody to go out for a coffee is a way to show your
politeness in Vietnamese culture.
• Socialize /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/: giao lưu
Ex: Maybe you should socialize more.
• politeness /pəˈlaɪtnəs/: lịch sự
Ex: He stood up out of politeness and offered
her his seat.
3. What kind of people would like to go drink coffee?
Anyone, everybody deserves a hot cup of coffee. But I guess gregarious
and outgoing people are keen on going out for a coffee. This allows
them to have conversations with others. I guess it is more interesting for
• gregarious /ɡrɪˈɡeriəs/: cởi mở, hòa đồng
Ex: She’s very outgoing and gregarious.
them than having coffee at home on their own.
4. Why do young people like studying in a café instead of at home?
Sometimes, you need a change of scenery. Working at home for a long
time can make you tired, and it’s therefore easy to be unproductive.
By contrast, the ambient sound of a nice and relaxing coffee shop can
actually help you to stay focused. Also, you can easily access snacks and
drinks if you need something to boost your energy.
• A change of scenery /ə ʧeɪnʤ ɒv ˈsiːnəri/:
thay đổi cảnh quan
Ex: We spent the weekend in Seattle just for a
change of scenery.
• Unproductive /ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv/: kém năng
Ex: I’ve had a very unproductive day.
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Wasting time
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time
You should say:
What it is
When you usually do it
Why you do it
And explain why you think it wastes your time
• Lướt web - phí nhiều thời gian năng suất
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Dành một giờ mỗi ngày
• Nhiều phương tiện giải trí, cám dỗ
Content (Nội dung)
• FOMO -> ảnh hưởng sức khoẻ
• Tránh trở nên nghiện thế giới ảo
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Không dùng điện thoại vào thời gian rảnh
Take note
Wasted productive hours
An hour per day
Many entertaining feature, tempting
FOMO -> detrimentally affect people’s life
Prevent from becoming addicted
Avoid using phone in free time
Lead a healthier lifestyle
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I’Well, this question makes me think about the time I spend on
the internet. Considering all the time that I spend looking at social
networking sites, watching videos, or reading meaningless articles,
internet browsing has wasted countless of my productive hours.
This happens all the time. I think I must spend around an hour a
day on mindless(1) online browsing. There are a lot of entertaining
features on the internet, which quickly grab your attention and you
are likely to end up with your eyes glued to the screen. Moreover, it
is tempting to have a constant presence
on social media. I don’t
want to miss anything, I want to stay continually connected with what
others are doing.
However, recently, I’ve read an article about FOMO, you know,
fear of missing out, specifically about how it can detrimentally(3)
affect people’s life. I mean, FOMO is associated with depression(4)
1. mindless /ˈmaɪndləs/: không suy
Ví dụ: Watching TV is such a mindless
2. presence /ˈprezns/: sự hiện diện
Ví dụ: Her presence during the crisis had
a calming effect.
3. detrimentally /ˌdetrɪˈmentəli/: có hại
detrimentally affect our health.
4. depression /dɪˈpreʃn/: sự trầm cảm
Ví dụ: She was diagnosed as having
clinical depression.
5. virtual /ˈvɜːrtʃuəl/: ảo, không thật
Ví dụ: You can also take a virtual tour of
the museum.
and anxiety, and a lowered quality of life. I soon realized that I was
suffering from that kind of anxiety and I decided to take some actions
to prevent myself from becoming addicted to this crazy virtual(5)
I have started to avoid using my phone whenever I have free time so
that I won’t be distracted by it. Besides that, I’ve taken up some new
sports to keep fit and clear my mind of social media. By doing all of
these things, hopefully, I can lead a healthier lifestyle in the future.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How do you balance life and work?
Well, I think it’s extremely difficult to be simultaneously successful in
your job and able to enjoy your life. I cannot and I don’t think anyone
can finish all their work within their working hours. So, I don’t strive for
the perfect schedule, I try to make it as comfortable as I can. Somedays,
I have to put all my effort into work but on other days, I manage to have
time to pursue other things.
• simultaneously /ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniəsli/: đồng thời
Ex: The game will be broadcast simultaneously
on TV and radio.
• strive /straɪv/: phấn đấu
Ex: We encourage all members to strive for
the highest standards.
2. Will you continue doing something when you are aware that it’s a waste of time?
No, obviously. If I know something isn’t beneficial for me, I would
probably stop doing that. I mean, we have only 24 hours a day so we
should make it as productive as possible. But, relaxing hours are also
important, sometimes, you need to unwind a bit and let your hair
down to recharge your battery.
• productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/: năng suất
Ex: The aim was to maximize the machine’s
productive capacity.
• let your hair down (idiom): thư giãn
Ex: It’s about time you let your hair down and
had some fun!
3. What kinds of things make people feel pressured?
Work, that’s all I can think of right now because I’m suffering from a
lot of pressure from my work. There are deadlines to meet, projects to
complete and so on. Other than that, family is also a big duty . Lots of
people have to shoulder the responsibility of raising children or taking
care of their parents. I think these things can also be very stressful.
• Duty /ˈdjuːti/: trách nhiệm
Ex: It is my duty to report it to the police.
• shoulder /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/: gánh vác
He was unwilling to shoulder this
responsibility alone.
4. Why do some people refuse to abide by rules?
It could be because they find the rules unjustifiable. There are many
rules that put people in an unfair situation, which encourages them to
break the rules. Besides that, it can be hard to change people’s habits.
Lots of people object to laws that save people’s lives, such as wearing
facemasks in public places, because they feel uncomfortable abiding
by them.
• Unjustifiable
chính đáng
Poisoning the earth’s atmosphere is
ecologically and morally unjustifiable.
• object/əbˈdʒekt/: phản đối
Ex: If nobody objects, we’ll postpone the
meeting till next week.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
You should say:
When and where it happened
Who he/she was
Why you didn’t like this person
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Làm việc cùng với 1 đồng nghiệp khó tính
• Anh ta hẹp hòi => không hợp nhau
• Làm việc cùng nhau => lo lắng
Content (Nội dung)
• Tôi không bao giờ tranh cãi với anh ta => để công việc
tiến triển nhanh hơn
• Giả bộ thân thiện để có thể làm việc chung
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Mối quan hệ không có tiến triển
Take note
Working with an irksome colleague
Vexing worker -> like oil anf water
Conventional, narrow - minded -> reject new ideas
to be nice
Didn’t agure -> progress faster
Relationship didn’t improve
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No one wants to deal with a person that they don’t like. Unfortunately,
there are a lot of times when people have to deal with a difficult person.
I’m going to tell you about one of my Oscar-worthy(1) performances
when I pretended to be nice to an irksome(2) colleague.
It was a year ago when I still worked for my old company. I had to
work on a project with one of the most vexing(3) co-workers in my
workplace. We were like oil and water . While I am very into trying
new ideas and solutions, he was a very conventional person, and I
considered him to be quite narrow-minded(5). Whenever I came up
with something new, he would be the first person to reject it. Besides
that, we share different interests so we rarely had a conversation with
each other.
xuất xuất sắc
Ví dụ: I made an Oscar-worthy job of
convincing the boss.
2. irksome /ˈɜːrksəm/: khó chịu
Ví dụ: I found the restrictions irksome.
3. vexing /ˈveksɪŋ/: làm phật ý
Ví dụ: I found their attitude extremely
4. oil and water (idiom): như nước với
Ví dụ: Like oil and water, the worlds of
work and pleasure do not blend easily.
He and I were assigned a project from my boss, which required us to
5. narrow-minded /ˌnær.əʊˈmaɪn.dɪd/
work together. I was quite worried when I knew that I had to work
Ví dụ: There is no point in trying to
(adj): bảo thủ, khó chấp nhận ý kiến
của người khác
with him on this project as we hadn’t done anything together before
persuade her because she is very
that. I tried to seek his approval for many ideas that I had. I didn’t say
anything when he rejected my ideas because I didn’t want to argue
6. progress /prəˈɡres/: tiếp tục tiến
with him so that we could progress
faster and meet the deadline
of the project.
1. Oscar-worthy /ˈɒskə-ˈwɜːði/: diễn
Pretending to be nice to him is the only way that I could think of
that would allow us to collaborate(7) together effectively. Sadly,
our relationship did not improve after that project as we had nearly
Ví dụ: Things are progressing well.
7. collaborate /kəˈlæbəreɪt/: hợp tác
Ví dụ: Researchers around the world
are collaborating to develop a new
nothing in common.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why are people friendly with the people they don’t like?
To show their politeness. Even when you are talking to a person you
don’t like, you have to be respectful towards the other person. I think
it’s a part of our culture, we were taught to be nice to the people around
us, even to those who are irritating and annoying.
• respectful /rɪˈspektfl/: tôn trọng
Ex: The onlookers stood at a respectful
• irritating /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/: khó chịu
Ex: I found her extremely irritating.
2. What kinds of people are usually friendly?
Celebrities. They have to be well-rounded in the eyes of the public.
Everything they do can affect their image and reputation as they are
closely watched by other people. So I think that those people have to be
friendly all the time to gain the love and trust of the public. Well, rising
to stardom isn’t an easy thing to do, right?
• Well-rounded /ˌwel ˈraʊndɪd/: toàn diện
Ex: Famous people make others think that
they are well-rounded individuals.
• Stardom /ˈstɑːr.dəm/: trở thành ngôi sao
Ex: From childhood, Britney Spears seemed
destined for stardom.
3. What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?
Friendliness and politeness are often associated with each other so
I guess they are kind of similar. You have to be friendly to show your
politeness, right? But I guess being friendly means you have to be fun
and sociable, you know, to bring people together. Meanwhile, it’s not
necessary to do that to show your politeness.
• Friendliness /ˈfrendlinəs/: sự thân thiện
We were greeted with warmth and
• Politeness /pəˈlaɪtnəs/: lịch sự
Ex: He stood up out of politeness and offered
her his seat.
4. What do you think of people who are straightforward?
For me, it’s a virtue. I love those who are honest and open, willing to tell
• The truth will come out (idiom): sự thật
you the truth in the most direct way. Eventually, the truth will come
cuối cùng cũng sẽ phơi bày
out, so it is pointless and time-wasting to keep beating around the
Ex: This is the time when the truth will come
bush. It is quite annoying to listen to a meaningless story before getting
to know the main point.
• beating around the bush (idiom): nói vòng
Ex: Stop beating about the bush and tell me
what you want.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an exciting book you have read
You should say:
When you read it
What kind of book it is
What it is about
And explain why you think it is exciting
• Tác phẩm học từ trường cấp ba
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tìm đọc sau giờ học
• Về lịch sử, văn hóa nước Pháp và tình yêu
Content (Nội dung)
• Cốt truyện bất ngờ, khiến người đọc bất ngờ
• Mang nhiều bài học đạo đức
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Khuyến khích mọi người đọc nó
Take note
Novel, written by Victor Hugo
Numberous adaptations
High school, excerpt -> enchanting, captivating
History, architecture of France
Book: Les
Romance and love
Plot: unpredictable -> sent shivers down by spine
Moral lessons
Highly recommend
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I don’t consider myself as a bookworm(1) because I don’t have
much time to read books. But I’m going to tell you about one of the
greatest novels of all time, which is called Les Misérables, written
by Victor Hugo. The novel has been popularized through numerous
adaptations(2) for musical films and plays.
1. bookworm /ˈbʊkwɜːm/: mọt sách
Ví dụ: My brother is truly a bookworm.
2. Adaptation /ˌædæpˈteɪʃn/: chuyển
Ví dụ: This is a screen adaptation of
Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’.
This novel is also well-known in Vietnam because all high school
students have to learn about an excerpt(3) from the story. Although
I read only a small part of the story, I found it very enchanting(4) and
captivating. After that lesson, I came across the book when I was
wandering in a bookstore. I quickly decided to make a purchase as I
couldn’t wait to finish the whole story.
Ví dụ: They only played a short excerpt.
4. enchanting /ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ/: thu hút
Ví dụ: What an enchanting little town!
5. masterpiece /ˈmæstərpiːs/: tuyệt
Ví dụ: The museum houses several of
The novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture
and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, and most
importantly, the nature of romance and love. The way that Victor
Hugo leads his readers is unpredictable. All the plot twists keep
you guessing throughout the whole story. This masterpiece(5) sent
shivers down my spine(6) a lot of times. Although the story is not
very relevant to modern life, it is still a meaningful moral lesson, which
is still relatable(7) to the reader.
3. excerpt /ekˈsɜːrpt/: đoạn trích
his Cubist masterpieces.
6. sent shivers down someone spine
(idiom): làm cho ai đó nổi da gà
Ví dụ: Her thrilling performance sent a
chill up my spine.
7. relatable /rɪˈleɪtəbl/: có liên quan
Ví dụ: Kat is the most relatable
character in the film.
I would highly recommend this book for you if you haven’t read it. It’s
outstanding, trust me.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you prefer books or movies?
Well, each has its own merits. Movies, with different types of special
effects, are more interesting to watch. But I think that movies actually
impair the storyline and plot of the book because movies have to put
hundreds of pages into a few hours. So, it is very likely that you’re gonna
• Storyline /ˈstɔːrilaɪn/: cốt truyện
Ex: Her novels always have the same basic
miss a huge chunk of the storyline.
2. Is it necessary for parents to read stories for their children?
No, there are other family bonding activities that parents should do.
I think it is more beneficial for children if they are allowed to read by
themselves. Reading is a skill that can boost children’s imagination,
creativity, and analyzing ability. Hence, I think reading on their own can
do wonders for their personality development.
• family bonding activities: các hoạt động
gắn kết gia đình
• family /ˈfæm.əl.i/: gia đình
• bonding /ˈbɒndɪŋ/: liên kết, gắn kết
• activity /ækˈtɪvəti/: hoạt động
Ex: There are many family bonding activities
that will surely strengthen the connection
between the family members.
• Do wonders for: mang đến điều kì diệu cho
Ex: Going to sleep early can do wonders for
your health.
3. Which group would read more, young people or old people?
Old people, of course. They are the ones who understand the value
of books. Meanwhile, most young people have to suffer from hectic
schedules at work and at home, leaving very little time for recreational
activities like reading.
• hectic schedules /ˈhektɪk ˈʃedjuːl/: lịch trình
dày đặc
Ex: His incredibly hectic schedule came as
no surprise to me since he was a successful
• recreational /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/: liên quan đến
giải trí
These areas are set aside for public
recreational use.
4. What’s the difference between men’s and women’s reading habits?
I guess men are more into sports and women love to read about
cooking. But I think that’s the old stereotype. Now, reading preferences
would largely depend on people’s personalities. Some women love to
talk about physical activities and there are men who enjoy culinary arts.
• Stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/: khuôn mẫu
He doesn’t conform to the usual
stereotype of the businessman with a dark
suit and briefcase.
• Culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/: liên quan đến nấu
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a creative person (an artist/musician/...) whose work you admire
You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What creative things he/she has done
And explain why you think he/she is creative
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Freddie Mercury - một ca sĩ nhạc rock vĩ đại
• Nhạc sĩ và ca sĩ chính của nhóm Queen, rất nổi tiếng =>
tôi là fan của nhóm nhạc đó
Content (Nội dung)
• Sáng tạo => Bohemian Rhsapsody, nhiều loại nhạc trong
1 bài hát => kiệt tác
• Cách trình diễn, tương tác độc đáo với khán giả
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Di sản của anh ấy sẽ sống mãi
Take note
One of the greatest rock singers
Songwriter and lead vocalist of Queen -> all the rage
-> a big fan
Innovative -> different types of music into 1 song ->
Charismatic, interact -> enjoy to the fullest
Legacy lives on
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There are lots of great minds out there, especially in the
entertainment industry. I’m going to talk about one of those people,
Freddie Mercury, the greatest singer in the history of rock music.
1. songwriter /ˈsɔːŋraɪtər/
Ví dụ: Ed Sheeran is a famous
2. All the rage (idiom): rất nổi tiếng và
He is a British songwriter(1) and lead vocalist of the rock band Queen.
thịnh hành
Even though I wasn’t born in their generation, I have been listening to
Ví dụ: Internet shopping is now all the
their music since I was very little. From what I know, the band was all
the rage in their time thanks to their unique style of music.
3. Compose /kəmˈpəʊz/: sáng tác
Ví dụ: Mozart composed his last opera
Freddie was a major factor in their success. He composed numerous
hits for Queen, which are still popular 30 years later. There is one
particular song that really still impresses me, and that is “Bohemian
Rhapsody”. With his innovative(4) mind, he put different types of
music, including ballad and hard rock, into one song, creating one
shortly before he died.
4. innovative /ˈɪnəvətɪv/: có tính sáng
Ví dụ: There will be a prize for the most
innovative design.
became a big fan of the band right after the first time listening to this
5. charismatic /ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk/: thu
masterpiece. Other than that, he is also famous for his charismatic(5)
great appeal to the public.
of the most memorable songs that have ever been written. I quickly
stage performances. As I have seen in his concerts, he often interacted
with the audience. I think this helps to create a friendly atmosphere
where all people can enjoy themselves to the fullest.
hút, hấp dẫn
Ví dụ: He was a charismatic figure with
6. legacy /ˈleɡəsi/: di sản
Ví dụ: After she died, her family set up
a charity to ensure that her legacy lives
I’m very thankful that the world has his music. His legacy
continues to live on .
7. live on /lɪv ɒn/: sống tiếp
Ví dụ: He lived on for fifteen years after
his wife died.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think you are a creative person?
No, my mind goes blank whenever I need it to be creative. I don’t really
know the reason why. I have been practicing different kinds of mind
training activities but they do not seem to work. I guess I still have to
rely on others’ ideas to gradually improve my creativity.
• my mind goes blank (idiom): không nghĩ ra
được gì
Ex: I tried to remember her name, but my
mind went completely blank.
• mind training activities /maɪnd ˈtreɪnɪŋ
ækˈtɪvɪtiz/: các hoạt động huấn luyện tinh
Ex: These mind training activities improve
your mental health and therefore your brain
2. Is it good for children to learn art?
Yeah, art gives children a chance to develop themselves, especially their
brain development and cognitive skills. When learning art, children
can freely express themselves during the creative process to form
artwork that is unlike any other. I think this can do wonders for children’s
imagination and their creativity.
• brain development /breɪn dɪˈvɛləpmənt/:
sự phát triển trí não
Ex: Brain development begins a few weeks
after conception.
• Cognitive /ˈkɑːɡ.nə.t̬ɪv/: liên quan đến trí óc
Some of her cognitive functions have
been impaired.
3. What kinds of jobs need creative ability?
Artists, I guess. They have to be unique to create their own image in
the eyes of their audiences. It would be very boring to look at similar
pictures or listen to the same types of music all the time. So, to create
aesthetically pleasing artwork, creativity is essential.
• unique /juˈniːk/: độc đáo
Ex: Everyone’s fingerprints are unique.
• aesthetically /esˈθetɪkli/: mang tính thẩm
Ex: The film is technically and aesthetically
4. Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?
Definitely. I think that whether a project can be successful or not
depends heavily on the leader. So, being a leader means that you need
to have the ability to think out of the box so that you can come up with
pragmatic solutions and lead your team successfully. Besides creativity,
a leader needs to be capable of thinking logically and critically.
• Think out of the box (idiom): suy nghĩ sáng
Ex: He is very creative and he can think out of
the box.
• Pragmatic /præɡˈmætɪk/: thực tế
Ex: They’re pragmatic about the spending
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go
You should say:
Who you would like to go with
Where you would like to go
When you would like to go
And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Người thích phiêu lưu => chuyến đi đến Đà Lạt bằng xe.
• Đà Lạt nổi tiếng với núi non hùng vĩ và đường xá ngoằn
ngoèo với nhiều cây => ngắm nhìn cảnh đẹp khi đi qua
Content (Nội dung)
• Đi với nhóm bạn quen thuộc
• Cần phải lập ra lịch trình chi tiết => thăm được nhiều nơi
nhất có thể
• Hi vọng rằng chúng tôi có thể dành nhiều thời gian hơn
Conclusion (Kết luận)
cho chuyến đi này.
Take note
Adventurous -> road trip to Da Lat
Majestic mountains, twisting roads, pine trees and
flowers -> enjoy as you go -> immerse in nature
Go with friends -> have been gone before -> Easy to
A road trip
Detailed itinerary -> utilize the time
Wish could have more time
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I consider myself an adventurous(1) person so I’m really into going on
road trips. There is a place where I always take my motorbike to on a
road trip, and that place is Dalat, a mountainous city located in the
middle of Vietnam.
The place is magnificent, filled with majestic
mountains, forests,
and waterfalls. Da lat is a popular tourist destination in Vietnam. It is
famous for pine forests with twisting
roads and flower blossoms in
the winter, making the city an amazing place for a road trip. You can
enjoy the scenery as you go, especially when you reach the mountain
pass(4). You will be surrounded by trees, giving you the chance to truly
immerse yourself in nature(5).
Ví dụ: Such an adventurous guy like
2. majestic /məˈdʒestɪk/: hùng vĩ
Edinburgh’s majestic castle.
3. twisting /ˈtwɪs·tɪŋ/: vòng vò, quanh
Ví dụ: This is a twisting country road.
4. mountain pass /ˈmaʊntɪn pɑːs/:
đèo vượt núi
Ví dụ: Ma Pi Leng is considered one
I have a group of friends who are also eager to explore new places so I
would definitely pick them to go with me on this trip. We have ridden
several times together before so it wouldn’t be a problem convincing
them to take this trip with me. Anyway, before hitting the road(6), I
phiêu lưu, mạo hiểm
Tom would never like this boring trip.
have to prepare a detailed itinerary
1. adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/: có tính
so that we can utilize all the
the four most dangerous mountain
passes in Vietnam.
5. immerse myself in something: hòa
mình vào gì đó
Ví dụ: In order to improve her English
time that we have. You know, our time is limited so we want to visit as
to immerse herself in an English-
many places as possible.
speaking country.
However, I wouldn’t want to drive too fast as it is very dangerous
6. hit the road /hɪt ðə rəʊd/: bắt đầu
to travel such a long distance on a bike. I hope that my friends can
allocate more time for the trip so that we can discover all aspects of
Da Lat.
chuyến đi
Ví dụ: I’d love to stay longer but I must
be hitting the road.
7. Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnəreri/: hành trình
Ví dụ: He drew up a detailed itinerary.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Which form of vehicle is more popular in your country, bikes, cars or motorcycles?
Motorcycles are most popular in Vietnam because they are a very
convenient option for commuting. A motorcycle offers more flexibility
as you can park it anywhere in the city. You can’t do that with a car as
most of the streets in this city are very narrow. However, motorcycles
are not suitable for a long-distance trip. On those occasions, people
would have to rely on buses or cars.
• Narrow /ˈnærəʊ/: hẹp
Ex: The road soon became narrower and
• Long-distance /ˌlɔːŋ ˈdɪstəns/: khoảng cách
Ex: It’s a relaxing car to drive long distances.
2. Do you think air pollution comes mostly from vehicles?
No, they are not the main culprit. They certainly deteriorate the air
quality due to their emissions and we need to cut down on the use of
automobiles wherever possible. But I think a lot of air pollution comes
from industrial activities, things like factories pollute the air more
heavily. You can see all the dark smoke coming out of them all the time.
• Culprit /ˈkʌlprɪt/: thủ phạm
Ex: The main culprit in the current crisis seems
to be modern farming techniques.
• Deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/: trở nên tồi tệ hơn
They had to cope with deteriorating
weather conditions.
3. Do you think people need to change the way of transportation drastically to protect the environment?
Well, obviously. But I think this responsibility should lie in the
government’s hands. For example, there is a lack of public transportation
here in Saigon, which deters people from using environmentallyfriendly modes of transportation. Even if people want to protect the
environment, they need to be given the opportunity to do that.
• lie in someone’s hands (idiom): nằm trong
tay của ai đó
Ex: The decision lies in the President’s hands.
• Environmentally-friendly /ɪnˌvaɪrənmentəli
ˈfrendli/: thân thiện với môi trường
environmentally friendly packaging.
4. How are the transportation systems in urban areas and rural areas different?
There are some clear differences. More people are residing in urban
areas so the transport system there is more sophisticated, which
allows people to access different parts of the city more easily. On the
other hand, rural areas are more sparsely populated so the transport
in such areas is not very modern. People who live in the countryside
normally ride a bike or just walk to their destination.
• Sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/: tinh vi
Ex: Medical techniques are becoming more
sophisticated all the time.
• Populate /ˈpɒpjuleɪt/: sinh sống
Ex: The island is populated largely by sheep.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a difficult decision that you once made
You should say:
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make
• Đang trong giai đoạn đưa ra quyết định quan trọng.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Hoặc là đi làm hoặc tiếp tục học.
• Gia đình đang gặp khó khăn tài chính, đi làm có thể là
giải pháp tốt hơn.
• Bố mẹ không cho phép tôi đi làm sớm, và phải học đại
Content (Nội dung)
• Nhận ra rằng kiến thức từ trường có thể tốt hơn trải
nghiệm thực tế.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đó là một lựa chọn khôn ngoan.
Take note
I was at the crossroads
Go to work straight away after school or I should continue
my education
My family was facing financial problems
My parents didn’t let me start my career too early
Go to
work or
continue my
Knowledge gained from higher education is by far
more significant than the practical experience
A wise decision
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I was at the crossroads(1) when I had to decide which path I should
take when I finished high school, whether I should go to work straight
đoạn cần phải đưa ra quyết định quan
away after school or I should continue my education. Most people
would love to further their education because a high school diploma
Ví dụ: After earning my degree, I was at
cannot get you a well-paid job. But my family was facing financial
a crossroads.
problems at that time and the tuition fees
2. tuition fees /tuːˈɪʃ.ən ˌfiːz/: học phí
of the university were
a big problem for us. And going to work would be a more viable(3)
solution because I could earn some money to support my family and
also gain some hands-on(4) experience from work.
However, my parents didn’t let me start my career too early. They told
me that I couldn’t get anywhere(5) if I did not attend university. It
1. At the crossroads (idiom): giai
was a sound piece of advice and I started to weigh up the pros and
cons(6) of each option. Finally, I realized that the knowledge gained
from higher education is by far more significant than the practical
experience that a job could give me. So, I decided to take a student
loan(7) and go to university.
Ví dụ: Students have to borrow £9,000
a year to pay their tuition fees.
3. viable /ˈvaɪəbl/: khả thi
Ví dụ: There is no viable alternative.
4. hands-on /ˌhændˈzɑːn/ (adj): thực
Ví dụ: It is important for fresh
graduates to have some prior handson experience.
5. Not get anywhere (idiom): không đi
đến đâu
Ví dụ: I’ve been sorting out my room all
day, but it’s such a mess I don’t feel I’m
It was a wise decision. Attending university broadened my horizons
getting anywhere.
about the world and allowed me to get my dream job. I’m very
6. weighed up all the pros and cons:
thankful for my parents’ advice. Without their guidance, I probably
cân nhắc các mặt lợi và mặt hại
wouldn’t be as content with my occupation as I am at the moment.
Ví dụ: You need to weigh up all the
pros and cons before making a final
7. student loan /ˌstuː.dənt ˈloʊn/:
khoản cho vay để học
Ví dụ: That includes the student loan of
£420, which is interest-free.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
People have to make a wide range of decisions in their everyday lives,
from deciding what to eat to choosing what to wear to school or work.
You also have to decide what your schedule is going to look like, what
you’re gonna do in the morning or in the afternoon.
• schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/: lịch trình
Ex: I have a hectic schedule for the next few
2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after a group discussion?
Certainly after a group discussion. Talking to more people helps you
to look at the problem from different perspectives, which certainly
helps you to understand the situation more thoroughly. It is even more
helpful if you could consult with an expert in order to make an informed
decision and to benefit from their experience.
• Perspective /pərˈspektɪv/: góc nhìn
Try to see the issue from a different
• Thoroughly /ˈθʌrəli/: sâu sắc
Ex: I felt thoroughly ashamed of myself.
3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?
I think it’s normal. All people have different world views and opinions,
so you cannot force a person to always listen to their parents. Up to
a point, they’re going to form their own opinions, which might be
different from what their parents think. As a result, disagreement is
going to happen and the youth would refuse to listen to their parents.
• World view /ˌwɜːrld ˈvjuː/: thế giới quan
Ex: Your education is bound to shape your
world view.
• Disagreement /ˌdɪsəˈɡriːmənt/: sự bất đồng
Ex: There’s no room for disagreement on this
4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?
Because they realize that there is no perfect answer to a problem. Even
the most decisive and straightforward person would wonder if the
decision he made was the right one. Or it could be because they have
made some unwise decisions before, so they tend to be more careful
about what they should do.
• Decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/: quyết đoán
Ex: The government must take decisive action
on gun control.
• straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːrwərd/: thẳng
He was quite straightforward with us
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Foreign people
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
You should say:
Who the person is
How you knew him/her
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you think he/she is interesting
• Đọc báo về trận đấu boxing nổi tiếng
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Ấn tượng với những cái tên
• Mayweather là một nhà vô địch
• Kiếm được nhiều tiền
Content (Nội dung)
• Kĩ thuật vượt trội
• Trải qua khổ luyện
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Muốn lắng nghe câu chuyện của anh ta
Take note
Competitive sport
Boxing fight
A champion
Lucrative pay-per-view -> highest-paid
Outstanding, defensive
Accurate puncher
Difficulties, road to stardom
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Well, I like to watch competitive sports(1) so most of the foreigners
that I know are professional sportspeople from other countries. So, I’d
like to talk about one of the highest-paid athletes in the world, Floyd
Mayweather, a professional boxer from America.
very famous boxers at that time. One of them was Floyd Mayweather.
spɔːts/: những môn thể thạo mạo
A few years ago, I read an article about a boxing fight between two
competitive sport as important in my
children’s education.
2. As it turned out (idiom): diễn ra như
He was described in the newspaper as the “Fighter of the Decade”,
dự kiến
“The unstoppable”, or “the greatest boxer of all time”. These names
Ví dụ: As it turned out, the weather-and
really impressed me so I decided to do a bit of research on him. As it
the whole weekend-was perfect.
turned out(2), he was very similar to what I expected.
3. Champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/: nhà vô địch
Ví dụ: He became the youngest US
He is a true champion , winning numerous major world
championships. I also found that Mayweather is one of the most
lucrative(4) pay-per-view attractions of all time, in any sport.
So unsurprisingly, he was the highest-paid athlete in 2018. So I
watched the match that I was talking about. His boxing skills were
outstanding(5). He was the best defensive(7) boxer I have ever seen.
I mean, he moved his body very smoothly so that he could dodge(6)
all of the opponent’s attacks. Besides that, he was also an accurate
puncher. With all of these characteristics, I think that he must endure
strenuous training sessions and have a strict high-protein diet.
1. Competitive sports /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv
Open champion in 88 years.
4. lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/: sinh lời
Ví dụ: Had the plan worked, it would
have proved highly lucrative.
5. Outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/: rất tốt
Ví dụ: It was altogether an outstanding
6. dodge /dɑːdʒ/: né tránh
Ví dụ: He ran across the road, dodging
the traffic.
7. Stardom /ˈstɑːr.dəm/: trở thành
ngôi sao
I would love to meet him and if I could, I would love to listen to all of
the difficulties that he had to face on the road to stardom .
Ví dụ: From childhood, Britney Spears
seemed destined for stardom.
8. Defensive /dɪˈfensɪv/: phòng ngự
Ví dụ: These are purely defensive
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you have any foreign friends and do you think having foreign friends is a good way to learn about other countries?
Well, I have a few friends from overseas and they have told me a lot
about their countries. I think that they change the way that I see the
world. It’s very easy to keep in touch with international friends thanks
to the development of the internet, so certainly they could give you an
authentic view into other countries.
• Keep in touch: giữ liên lạc
Ex: It is important to keep in touch with the
latest research.
• Authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk/: chân thật
This restaurant serves only authentic
Vietnamese cuisine.
2. Do you think it’s important to know the culture and language before going to another country?
Well, yes. You should understand some of the country’s traditions
and customs before going there. Otherwise, it is very likely that the
local people would be discomforted by your offensive actions. But
in terms of learning the language, I think that we just need to learn
some basic sentences to get by. For more complex situations, there are
smartphones with translation applications to rely on.
• Discomfort /dɪsˈkʌmfərt/: làm ai đó thấy
khó chịu
Many patients complained of being
discomforted by the doctor’s manner.
• Get by /gɛt baɪ/: đủ để dùng
Ex: How does she get by on such a small
3. What do you think of people who work in international companies?
They must be very good at language and communication skills. First,
you need to have fluency in a foreign language in order to talk with
your colleagues or customers. Secondly, you need to be able to use the
• Fluency /ˈfluːənsi/: sự lưu loát
Ex: Fluency in French is required for this job.
language to express your ideas and opinions. It is even harder when you
try to communicate in a second language.
4. What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?
Well, as I mentioned before, language competency and communication
skills are essential. Besides that, I think that they also need to be able to
work under high pressure so that they can cope with all the demands
from foreign bosses. And they have to be computer-literate, of course,
as most communication nowadays takes place on the computer.
• Competency /ˈkɑːmpɪtənsi/: khả năng
Ex: Relearning deepens our competency.
• Computer-literate /kəmˌpjuːtər ˈlɪtərət/: có
thể sử dụng máy tính hiệu quả
Ex: Candidates must be computer literate and
proficient in MS Office.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a businessman you admire
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person
• Nhà đầu tư thành công
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh -> ấn tượng về cách
ông ấy đầu tư
• Trùm kinh doanh, nhà đầu tư và nhà từ thiện người Mỹ
• Berkshire, một công ty sản xuất hàng dệt may.
Content (Nội dung)
• Tuân thủ đầu tư giá trị và tính tiết kiệm
• Hào phóng – cho đi 99% tài sản
• Học mô hình kinh doanh
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Kỹ năng quản lý tài chính
Take note
A successful investor
Majored in BA -> impressed by his investment
Business magnate, investor, and philanthropist
Berkshire - a textile manufacturing firm
Aherence to value investing + personal frugality
Generosity - give away 99% of fortune
Learned his business career
Money management skills
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More and more people nowadays, especially the young, look up to
businessmen, considering them to be their role models(1). I think it’s
fair because you have to work very diligently to become successful
in business. I’m going to talk about Warren Buffet, one of the most
successful investors in the world.
1. role model /ˈrəʊl mɑːdl/: hình mẫu
Ví dụ: We need positive role models for
young women to aspire to.
2. Magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt/: ông trùm
Ví dụ: The company was owned by
shipping magnate Fred Olsen.
I first heard of him when I was in university. As my major is business
administration, I had a chance to read about different business
models, strategies, and of course, business leaders. And Warren Buffet
quickly grabbed my attention(5). I was very amazed by the way he
invested his money, you know, to make a fortune out of nothing(7).
It’s such a difficult job, given the situation that the world didn’t look
like it does today.
Ví dụ: She taught me simplicity and
4. Philanthropist /fɪˈlænθrəpɪst/: nhà
từ thiện
Ví dụ: The trust was set up by an
American philanthropist.
5. grab my attention (idiom): thu hút
He is an American business magnate(2), investor, and philanthropist.
3. frugality /fruːˈɡæləti/: sự tiết kiệm
His most well-known business is Berkshire, a textile manufacturing
sự chú ý
Ví dụ: The waiter still hasn’t taken our
order-we just can’t grab her attention.
firm. He is noted for his adherence to value investing, and his personal
6. make something out of nothing
(idiom): tạo ra thành tựu từ những
despite his immense wealth. His generosity is also an
admirable trait of his. He is a notable philanthropist, having pledged
thứ nhỏ bé
to give away 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic causes
Ví dụ: I thought the cupboards were
nearly bare, but she managed to make
I have learned a lot from his business career. I think that he is the
person who teaches me money management skills and how to turn
money into a profitable(7) asset.
a delicious meal out of nothing!
7. profitable /ˈprɒfɪtəbl/: có lợi nhuận
Ví dụ: It is usually more profitable to
sell directly to the public.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think should be the retirement age for men and women?
Well, I guess 60 for men and 55 for women. I always think that it is
immoral to force old people into working endlessly. So, there should
be a time that they could finally settle down and start enjoying their life
instead of working around the clock all the time.
• immoral /ɪˈmɔːrəl/: thiếu đạo đức
Ex: It’s immoral to steal.
• work around the clock (idiom): làm việc liên
Ex: Resident medical students at a hospital
have to work ‘around the clock’ to become
2. What kinds of qualities do people need to run their own business?
There is a wide range of abilities that a person needs to possess if they
want to be self-employed. First, you need to be able to deal with a
huge amount of pressure. Sometimes, things can go wrong and
you have to be psychologically stable to get through these difficult
moments. Besides that, logical and critical thinking are also essential.
You need to decide precisely and quickly to gain a competitive edge
over other competitors.
• Self-employed /ˌself ɪmˈplɔɪd/: tự làm việc
cho bản thân
Ex: I decided to become self-employed.
• Competitive edge /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv ɛʤ/: lợi thế
cạnh tranh
Ex: The low overheads of the company gave it
a competitive edge over other retailers.
3. What do you think are the key factors that contribute to the success of a business?
Sustainability. It is always my answer to this question. To be sustainable,
a business first needs to have a wise strategy and a sound business plan.
After gaining success in terms of profit or revenue, the business needs
to contribute back to the environment and society. For example, they
could use a more environmentally-friendly manufacturing process or
give their employees more fringe benefits.
• Sustainability /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti/: sự bền vững
Ex: They are a company well-known for their
commitment to environmental sustainability.
• Fringe benefit /ˈfrɪndʒ benɪfɪt/: lợi ích thêm
cho công việc
Ex: The fringe benefits include free health
4. If you had the opportunity to have your own business, what business would it be? Why?
I would love to set up my own restaurant. I am a foodaholic, very eager
to sample different types of food. And I want to share my interests
with other people, giving the best eating experience to my customers.
However, my culinary skills are limited to boiling water so I have to
push myself harder if I want my dream to come true.
• Foodaholic /fuːdəˈhɔlɪk, -ˈhɑlɪk/
Ex: She can eat anything, a true foodaholic.
• Culinary skills are limited to boiling water:
không giỏi nấu ăn
Ex: My culinary skills are limited to boiling
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a place you visited on vacation
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you went there
• Đi du lịch Singapore để ăn mừng sinh nhật lần thứ 20.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Một trong những đất nước sạch và an toàn nhất từng
• Ốc đảo này là thành phố phát triển nhất trong vùng.
• Đường phố rất sạch và có thể bị phát nếu xả rác ở nơi
Content (Nội dung)
công cộng.
• Chúng tôi đã tham quan nhiều nơi khác nhau.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Muốn quay lại Singapore một lần nữa.
Take note
I went to Singapore to celebrate my 20th birthday
One of the cleanest and safest countries.
This little oasis is the most developed city in the region
Streets are nearly spotless and you can be fined if
you litter in public places
We visited different places
Would love to pay a visit to Singapore again
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I’m going to talk about one of my favorite overseas trips, and that is
when I went to Singapore to celebrate my 20th birthday. It is one of
Ví dụ: It is a beautiful oasis in the
the cleanest and safest countries I have ever visited.
middle of the desert.
Located in Southeast Asia, this little oasis(1) is the most developed
city in the region. Unlike other countries in the area, which are famous
for their exotic charms(2) and breath-taking scenery, Singapore is
known for its top-notch facilities(3) and modern infrastructure. Its
cleanliness is also worth mentioning. The streets here are extremely
different from what you will find in Vietnam, I mean, they are nearly
1. oasis /əʊˈeɪsɪs/: ốc đảo
spotless(4) and you can be fined if you litter in public places, which
prevents these places from being filled with trash. Even the tap water
here is potable.
2. Exotic charm /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk tʃɑːm/: sự
quyến rũ kỳ lạ
Ví dụ: The exotic charm of the Taj
Mahal attracts millions of visitors
every year.
3. top-notch facilities /ˌtɒp ˈnɒtʃ
fəˈsɪləti/: cơ sở vật chất hàng đầu
Ví dụ: The university is reputed for
excellent lectures.
So I went there a few years ago. It was the second time that I traveled
abroad so I had a little traveling experience. I planned my itinerary
quite carefully so that I could explore every aspect of the country.
We visited different places, from sidewalk cafes to first-rate shopping
malls, hotels and restaurants. What I liked most was the nightlife there.
There were several pubs selling local micro-brews, with very stylish
4. spotless /ˈspɒtləs/: sạch bóng
Ví dụ: This place needs to be spotless
when he arrives.
5. Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/: kế hoạch (về
chuyến du lịch)
Ví dụ: I want a detailed itinerary for the
trip next month.
and approachable waiters.
I would love to pay a visit to Singapore again. Of course, I have to wait
until the pandemic is over to fulfill my dream.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?
Vietnam is such a big country so there are many places that attract
people. If you are an adventurous person, you could go on a trekking
trip to various mountain ranges in the north. Or if you want to find a
picturesque village to relax and enjoy yourself, there are some islands
that offer you just that.
• adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/: có tính phiêu
lưu, mạo hiểm
Ex: Such an adventurous guy like Tom would
never like this boring trip.
• trekking trip /trekɪŋ trɪp/: chuyến leo núi
I do not really understand why she
decided to go on a trekking trip during her
2. Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?
Well, yes. I guess young people are much more dynamic and outgoing
so they prefer going to places that have lots of recreational activities
to do. By contrast, I think old people are more into quiet and peaceful
places, such as a secluded beach or a private resort. But of course,
there are exceptions, like my grandfather always loves to visit crowded
ancient temples.
• Dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/: có nhiều năng lượng
Ex: Dynamic people tend to prefer outdoor
games instead of indoor ones.
• secluded /sɪˈkluːdɪd/: yên ắng, riêng tư
Ex: Secluded places are not really my option
for traveling.
3. What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?
Old people do not want to think much about their trip. Usually, they
would go on an all-inclusive package tour that has a fixed schedule
and budget. Meanwhile, young people like choosing attractions that
they will visit or the restaurant where they will have their meals. It’s
exciting when making travel plans because you know that your vacation
• All-inclusive package tour /ˌɔːl ɪnˈkluːsɪv
tʊə(r)/: tour du lịch trọn gói
Ex: It is quite convenient, yet expensive, to
choose an all-inclusive package tour when
is coming.
4. How do people get to know a new place?
Various ways. Word of mouth is the most popular method. I mean,
they could ask for information from people who have been to that
place. Moreover, newspapers and travel magazines are useful as well.
There are often travel columns in newspapers where there is lots of
information about tourist destinations, from suggestions on where to
• sightseeing tours /ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ tʊə(r)/: tour
tham quan
Ex: A sightseeing tour is an interesting option
to discover this town.
eat, to offering sightseeing tours.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe some good service you received (company or store/shop)
You should say:
What the service was
When you received it
Who you were with
And how you felt about it
• Dịch vụ tốt
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Quán cà phê gần nhà
• Thực phẩm bổ dưỡng với giá cả phải chăng
• Nhân viên chuyên nghiệp
Content (Nội dung)
• Đến khi cần phải giải quyết công việc
• Thư giãn với âm nhạc
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Trở nên năng suất hơn khi làm việc tại đây
Take note
Good service
Near my house
Healthy options, verified ingredients, affordable
Professionalism, greet warmly
A cafe
Hectic schedule, meet deadlines
Background music
More productive
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Nowadays, it has become rare to get good service from a company
or store, at least where I live. Luckily, I accidentally got some good
service from a coffee shop near my house. Today, I will tell you how
great this service was.
1. solely /ˈsəʊlli/: chỉ (tương tự với
Ví dụ: Her success depends solely on
her luck as she didn’t try to complete
any tasks in the project.
Unlike other cafes, this one focuses solely
on providing healthy
food options to customers. The origins of all ingredients
food and drinks are strictly verified. But this doesn’t make the price
like in other places, it is still affordable for most people
in my neighborhood.
However, what impressed me most was the professionalism(4) of all
the waiters. They always behave in a good manner on every occasion.
For example, every customer is greeted quite warmly when they
enter the building. As well as that, the waiters always say thank you
whenever they bring food to the table. I received that exact service
giá quá cao
Ví dụ: Why should we stay in this
thousands of cheaper ones?
3. ingredients /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/: nguyên
Ví dụ: A lemon is a necessary ingredient
for this dish.
4. professionalism /prəˈfeʃənəlɪzəm/:
sự chuyên nghiệp
Ví dụ: I was really impressed by his
when I came here last week, which made me feel very comfortable
professionalism though he had never
to spend my time there. I often pay a visit to this place whenever I’m
tried the task before.
stressed with deadlines and a hectic schedule . This is because this
5. hectic schedule /ˈhektɪk ˈʃedjuːl/:
place gives me a sense of relaxation and a peaceful state of mind.
You know, sometimes you have to slow down a bit to recharge your
lịch trình dày đặc
Ví dụ: His incredibly hectic schedule
battery. And a hot cup of coffee, together with some harmonious
came as no surprise to me, as he was
background music, can help you to calm down and relax.
a very successful businessman.
2. exorbitant /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/: có mức
I feel that I always become more productive after having coffee there
and meeting these polite and courteous employees.
6. harmonious /hɑːˈməʊniəs/: bình
yên, thoải mái
Ví dụ: After splitting, she still maintains
a harmonious relationship with her exhusband.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think of the relationship between companies and customers?
A company’s relationship with its customers is the determining factor
that directly affects the company’s revenue. Companies cannot rely
solely on products that they manufacture, they must provide the
required quality of the relationship with their customers. This is how
they turn a first-time customer into a loyal one. Without the support of
customers, no business can sustain itself.
• determining factor /dɪˈtɜːmɪnɪŋ ˈfæktə(r)/:
Ex: Perseverance is the determining factor to
succeed in this competition.
• Revenue /ˈrevənjuː/: lợi nhuận (của công ti)
Ex: The company’s annual revenues rose by
2. As a customer, what kinds of services would you expect to receive from a company?
In my opinion, a company should ensure that its customers are served
in the most appropriate way. Therefore, I would love to be taken care
of during the entire purchasing process. After entering the store, I
want to meet with a well-trained sales assistant who is knowledgeable
about the company’s products so that I could choose the most suitable
product for me. After-sales service is also important. They have to
• Well-trained /wel treɪnd/: được đào tạo tốt
Ex: These well-trained assistants are really
• After-sales service /ˈɑːftə(r) seɪls ˈsɜːvɪs/
After-sales service at this shop is
surprisingly disappointing.
provide me support if I have any difficulty using the product.
3. What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public?
I think every part of society is connected so you have to interact with
other people in some ways. But I guess the sales representatives of a
company have to deal with the public a lot as they represent the image
• Representatives /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/: đại diện
Ex: The actor’s legal representatives have
strongly denied the allegations.
of that company. Not only selling, but they also have to maintain the
relations and understanding between the firm and the public.
4. Why should companies react quickly when customers have difficulties?
Isn’t it obvious? Customers use their money to purchase products
or services from a company, they deserve to receive things that are
commensurate with their money. Even a small blemish could drive
customers crazy. So, whenever there is a complaint, a slow response can
lead to anger and frustration. If there are too many unhappy customers,
the reputation of the brand will be tarnished in a day or two.
• commensurate /kəˈmenʃərət/: tương ứng,
phù hợp
Salary will be commensurate with
• blemish /ˈblemɪʃ/: khuyết điểm
Ex: His reputation is without a blemish.
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Spending money
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted
You should say:
What it was
How much you spent on it
Why you bought it
And explain why you think you spent more than expected
• Điện thoại cũ lỗi thời
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Cần 1 cái điện thoại mới
• Đến cửa hàng với bạn để mua 1 cái iphone
• Điện thoại đắc tiền
Content (Nội dung)
• Chức năng bình thường, có thể mua 1 cái khác với giá rẻ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Lãng phí tiền khi mua nó
Take note
Penny - wise but pound-fooolish
Old phone -> outded
New phone -> lifesave
Went to a store to buy a new Iphone
A phone
Ordinary -> can buy another with haft price
Throw money out of window
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Everybody says that I’m a hard-working and frugal(1) person, who
always spends money wisely. However, I guess I am only penny-wise
but pound-foolish(2) because last year, I made a very bad decision
when buying an overpriced mobile phone.
I don’t really like to purchase expensive items unless I have a very valid
reason to do so. My old phone was broken because I had been using it
for more than 5 years. And it was also quite outdated(3) and I couldn’t
contact my family and friends with it anymore. So, a new mobile
phone would be a lifesaver
for me at that time. So, my friends and
I went to a phone store, with the main intention to browse the store
only. Then I came across a brand-new iPhone, with various features
and a stylish design.
1. frugal /ˈfruːɡl/: tiết kiệm (tiền)
Ví dụ: He has always been hardworking and frugal.
2. penny-wise but pound-foolish: cẩn
thận khi dùng ít tiền nhưng bất cẩn
với nhiều tiền
Ví dụ: The plans to cut funding are
penny-wise and pound-foolish.
3. outdated /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/: cũ kỹ, lỗi thời
Ví dụ: It is an outdated and inefficient
4. lifesaver /ˈlaɪfseɪvə(r)/: cứu tinh
Ví dụ: The new drug is a potential
You know, Apple are famous for selling good phones, although at
an exorbitant(5) price. After thoroughly(6) talking with my friends,
I decided to buy myself a present, which was that latest electronic
device. However, I soon realized that the phone was quite ordinary(7)
and I could buy a phone with all of the same functions for half the
5. exorbitant /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/: giá quá
Ví dụ: It’s a good hotel but the prices
are exorbitant.
6. thoroughly /ˈθʌrəli/: rất nhiều,
tuyệt đối
So, I think that I’ve thrown my money out the window purchasing that
mobile phone.
7. Ordinary /ˈɔːdnri/: bình thường
Ví dụ: They are just ordinary working
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you often buy more than you expected?
No, I make a detailed shopping list before going to the store. So I
only buy the exact things that I have listed to save time and money. For
expensive items, I only buy them when I’m in desperate need of them
and of course, I only buy the adequate amount for my needs.
• detailed shopping list /ˈdiːteɪld ˈʃɒpɪŋ lɪst/:
danh sách mua sắm chi tiết
Ex: My mother gave me a very detailed
shopping list before going to the market to
prepare for our Christmas celebration.
• in desperate need /ɪn ˈdespərət niːd/: rất
Ex: They were in desperate need of assistance,
but there was no one around for hundreds of
2. What do you think young people spend most of their money on?
Different people have different interests. So some might want to buy
clothes as they want to be as fashionable as possible but others might
love to follow new electronic gadgets to be up-to-date with the tech
world. As they grow older, I guess they would spend more money on
socializing or going out, you know, to maintain their friendships with
• electronic gadgets /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk ˈɡædʒɪt/:
thiết bị điện tử
Ex: We live in a world filled with high-tech
• up-to-date /ˌʌp tə ˈdeɪt/: hiện đại, hợp thời
Ex: This software is not up-to-date, and it’s
causing problems for you computer.
3. Do you think it is important to save money? Why?
Yeah, frugality is common and in many cases vital in Vietnamese
culture. I was taught that money is extremely important, something that
my parents had to sweat blood to get. So, in my opinion, managing
money, as well as saving money, is undeniably important, not only for
me or my parents, but also for our next generation.
• frugality /fruːˈɡæləti/: tính tiết kiệm
Ex: He taught me simplicity and frugality.
• to sweat blood /swet blʌd/: làm việc rất
chăm chỉ
Ex: We had to sweat blood to get everything
ready in time.
4. Do people buy things they don’t need?
Obviously, there are people who don’t understand how valuable money
is. For example, lots of young people, who are spoon-fed with a lot of
money by their parents, might squander money on unnecessary things.
But I believe that when they understand how hard it is to earn money,
they can control their buying habits.
• Spoon-feed /ˈspuːn fiːd/: chiều chuộng (con
cái) tới mức (chúng) không thể tự chăm sóc
cho bản thân
Ex: The students here do not expect to be
• squander /ˈskwɒndə(r)/: lãng phí
Ex: The company squandered millions on two
dead-end projects.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
You should say:
Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• Why he/she impressed you most
And how you feel about him/her
• Thầy Bình, giáo viên tiểu học
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Là hình mẫu của tôi
• Ấn tượng với cách hành xử của thầy
• Là người ăn mặc gọn gàng và vui tính, dễ gần
Content (Nội dung)
• Phương pháp giảng dạy tuyệt vời, làm mọi thứ trở nên
đơn giản
• Học rất nhiều từ thầy
• Phát triển niềm đam mê với môn Toán
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Giúp tôi suy nghĩ logic hơn
Take note
Exceptionally lucky
Extraordinary teacher
Behave nicely
Tidy appearance but down-to-earth and
Mr. Binh
Excepptional teaching methods
Complex topic -> understandable
Passion for math
Critical and logical thinking
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I think I am an exceptionally lucky(1) person because I have been
taught by so many excellent teachers throughout my academic life.
One of them is Mr. Binh, an extraordinary teacher. He has always been
my role model ever since I met him.
1. exceptionally lucky /ɪkˈsepʃənəli
ˈlʌki/: rất may mắn
Ví dụ: In terms of my career I feel
exceptionally lucky.
of him is that he was a strict teacher so we had to behave nicely in
2. Down-to-earth /ˌdaʊn tu ˈɜːθ/: thực
front of him. However, despite his serious face and tidy appearance,
earth and stop considering yourself to
He was our math teacher when I was in 2nd grade. My first impression
he was a down-to-earth(2) person, who was very approachable(3)
and friendly. We didn’t have to be as polite as we had expected.
tế (không mơ mộng)
Ví dụ: You should be more down-tobe a genius.
3. approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/: dễ gần,
thân thiện
His teaching methods were exceptional . He tried to make
everything as simple as possible, and he therefore always explained
very approachable.
complex topics(5) in the most understanding way. He made learning
4. Exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənəl/: xuất sắc
so easy to the point that it made me interested in learning. Everything
we learned from him was interesting and that’s why we remember
most of the theories(6) and equations he taught us.
My passion for mathematics has developed since then. And thanks to
a strong foundation in math, I was able to learn most other subjects
Ví dụ: Despite being a big star, she’s
quite easily after that. This is because math helped me build great
logical and critical thinking(7). I’ve always been good at math and
that’s mainly thanks to Mr. Binh, who played a vital role in making the
subject interesting for me.
Ví dụ: At the age of five he showed
exceptional talent as a musician.
5. complex topics /ˈkɒmpleks ˈtɒpɪk/:
chủ đề phức tạp
Ví dụ: The article covered a wide range
of complex topics, including forced
marriage and abortion.
6. theory /ˈθɪəri/: định lý, định luật
Ví dụ: He developed a new theory
about the cause of stomach ulcers.
7. critical thinking /ˌkrɪtɪkl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/: tư
duy phản biện
Ví dụ: The book shows you how to
apply critical thinking to your studies.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do people always miss their childhood?
Because adulthood feels overwhelming and confusing. There are so
many things that adults need to deal with and these things are complex
and very likely to give you a splitting headache. That’s why we always
remember the carefree period of time in childhood when we did not
have to deal with any problems.
• splitting headache /ˈsplɪt.ɪŋ ˈhedeɪk/: cơn
đau đầu dữ dội
Ex: I have a splitting headache.
• carefree /ˈkeəfriː/: vô tư vô lo
Ex: He looked happy and carefree.
2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?
Definitely, as I mentioned before, childhood is more relaxing and
enjoyable as there aren’t too many things to worry about. By contrast,
adulthood is sometimes really stressful. For example, wages are
stagnating, your career might not progress, people’s expectations
about you can be unreasonable, and so on.
• Stagnate /stæɡˈneɪt/: dừng phát triển
Ex: Businesses must adapt to change or they
will stagnate.
• Progress /ˈprəʊɡres/: sự phát triển
Ex: We will continue to monitor progress over
the next few months.
3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?
It’s an interesting question. To be honest, I would love to know the
answer to this. I guess people are more comfortable being with
someone who they have known for a long time. The same cannot be
said for adult relationships, as we cannot spend much time with school
• responsibility
Ex: It’s time for someone to take responsibility
friends anymore due to our responsibilities at work and at home.
4. What kinds of primary school teachers will impress students?
I guess children enjoy learning with humorous teachers, who make
hilarious jokes during class time. Children’s attention spans are very
short, so funny stories can grab their attention. As long as children can
stay focused on the lesson, it is likely that they will love their teachers.
• Humorous /ˈhjuːmərəs/: hài hước
It’s a humorous look at the world of
• hilarious jokes /hɪˈleəriəs dʒəʊk/: sự đùa
giỡn vui vẻ
Ex: They often make hilarious jokes at each
other’s expense.
• attention span /əˈtenʃn spæn/: khoảng thời
gian tập trung
Ex: Young children have quite short attention
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something you think would be interesting to learn more about
You should say:
• What it is
• How you would learn it more
• Where you can learn it more
And explain why you want to keep learning it.
• Chơi ghi-ta
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bố mẹ hay chơi ở nhà
• Ấn tượng vì giai điệu của nó
• Không cần phải quá khỏe mạnh để học chơi ghita
Content (Nội dung)
• Cần đôi tay khéo léo và sự luyện tập
• Vẫn là người chơi nghiệp dư
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Giúp thư giãn, kết bạn và gây ấn tượng với con gái
Take note
Musical instrument -> guitar
Dreamed of playing, acoustic songs
Fastinated by the melody and sound
Doesn’t need to be physically strong
Skillful hands, constantly change finger’s positions ->
Still a novice player
Impress the girls
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I’m always very interested in learning to play musical instruments.
And there is one instrument that I have always wanted to master, and
that is the guitar.
những bài hát được chơi với nhạc cụ
Ví dụ: I prefer listening to acoustic
I have always dreamed of becoming a guitar player ever since I was
a kid. This is because my parents are also into playing music, and
songs rather than those with electric
the sound and melody of guitars. However, I didn’t have the chance
2. fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/: cực kỳ
to learn to play the guitar until I was 20, when one of my friends, a
his ideas.
guitarist, taught me to play.
3. novice /ˈnɒvɪs/: người tập sự, người
played lots of acoustic songs(1) in my house. I was fascinated(2) by
1. acoustic songs /əˈkuːstɪk sɒŋ/:
thích thú (với cái gì đó)
Ví dụ: I’ve always been fascinated by
mới chơi
It was not as easy as it first seemed. I mean, playing an instrument
doesn’t require you to be very physically strong , right? But, you
need skillful hands, being able to move very quickly and precisely. I
Ví dụ: I’m a complete novice at skiing.
4. physically strong /ˈfɪzɪkli strɒŋ/:
khỏe mạnh (về mặt thể chất)
found it quite difficult to constantly change the position of my fingers
Ví dụ: You need to be physically strong
and I had to spend a lot of time practicing. Although I can play a
in order to join the army.
number of songs at the moment, I still consider myself a novice guitar
player. Surely, I will continue to practice until I can play it skillfully.
5. brag /bræɡ/: khoe khoang, ba hoa
Ví dụ: I’m not bragging but I think I did
very well in the interview.
I think being able to play the guitar is one of the most wonderful
things that I have ever learned. It helps you to relax, make friends, and
it’s also a good way to impress the girls! I’m not going to brag(5) but
lots of girls have fallen for me because of my songs.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do children learn much faster than adults?
Well, yes. Everything is possible during children’s formative years.
Take languages as an example. Children can be bilingual or even
multilingual at a very young age without having to spend hours
learning vocabulary and grammar structures. I guess this is because the
brain structures are different between children and adults, which helps
them obtain knowledge better.
• formative /ˈfɔːmətɪv/: có tính nền tảng
quyết định
Ex: A child’s formative years are some of the
most important in regards to education.
• bilingual /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/: có khả năng nói 2
ngôn ngữ
Ex: She is bilingual in English and Punjabi.
• multilingual /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/: đa ngôn ngữ
Ex: A multilingual classroom.
2. Why should we learn something we are interested in?
Because that’s how we stay on course. It’s very difficult to always stay
motivated in something that you don’t have a passion for. Meanwhile,
if you are learning something that you are interested in, you can think
• motivated /ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/: có động lực
Ex: A highly motivated student.
more clearly, understand more deeply, remember more accurately, and
eventually, learn it more quickly.
3. What are the differences between hard work and smart work?
Hard work can be simply defined as putting strenuous hours into a
job or task. Hard work is often a result of not being able to finish work
on time. Smart work is a completely different story. I think it refers to
finishing the work or task efficiently and effectively, to achieve the
highest quality in the shortest amount of time.
• strenuous /ˈstrenjuəs/: đòi hỏi nhiều sự nỗ
Ex: Avoid strenuous exercise immediately
after a meal.
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209 | ZIM
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew him/her
• What type of work he/she does
And explain why you think his/her work is useful to society.
• Một trong những anh em họ.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Phục vụ trong quân đội.
• Nam, quan tâm đến lợi ích người khác hơn bản thân.
Content (Nội dung)
• Luôn có thể giữ bình tĩnh.
• Bảo vệ đất nước, người dân vô tội.
• Không thể sống thoải mái nếu không có những người
Conclusion (Kết luận)
chiến sĩ.
Take note
One of my cousins
Serving in the army at the moment
Nam is a selfless person
Always able to remain calm
Defend our country and innocent citizens from
terrorism or riots
Without them, we are not able to live as comfortably
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Personally, I think that every job contributes(1) something to society.
But of course, there are jobs that have a far greater impact(2) on our
society than any other profession. So, I’m going to tell you about one
of my cousins, who is serving in the army at the moment.
1. contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/: đóng góp
Ví dụ: parental involvement contributes
significantly to children’s learning.
2. impact /ˈɪmpækt/: tác động
Ví dụ: She has had a lasting impact on
His name is Nam. He and I grew up together so I understand him quite
well. He is a selfless person, who always puts the welfare of others
before his own. He is very polite and careful. He always treats others
with dignity , which helps him to gain respect from the people
around him. Also, he’s very courageous, I mean, he’s willing to face
fear, danger, or adversity(5). He’s always able to remain calm in those
situations. All of these characteristics make him perfectly suitable for
the army. I’m glad that my cousin could contribute his efforts(6) to
our society. You know, being a soldier is noble in any society. They are
the ones who defend our country whenever there is an enemy threat.
They also protect innocent citizens from terrorism(8) or riots. To be
able to do that, soldiers have to endure strenuous(7) training sessions
and sometimes, harsh living conditions. I always look up to people
serving in the army.
the lives of many of her students.
3. selfless /ˈselfləs/: quan tâm tới lợi
ích của người khác nhiều hơn bản
Ví dụ: A life of selfless service to the
4. Dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/: phẩm giá
Ví dụ: His aristocratic voice gives him
an air of dignity and power.
5. Adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/: khó khăn,
thử thách
Ví dụ: He overcame many personal
6. effort /ˈefət/: nỗ lực
Ví dụ: The local clubs are making every
effort to interest more young people.
Without them, we are not able to live as comfortably as we do at the
7. strenuous /ˈstrenjuəs/: đòi hỏi
nhiều công sức
Ví dụ: Avoid tasks which require
strenuous physical activity.
8. terrorism /ˈterərɪzəm/: khủng bố
Ví dụ: The government has sworn to
do everything in its power to combat
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What jobs are well-paid?
I’m not sure. But the wages would always be commensurate with
people’s qualifications and experience. So I guess being a lawyer is a
lucrative profession as they have to study for a number of years, pass
several examinations and, of course, pass the bar exam. The same can be
said for doctors. In order to make big bucks, they have to go through
an extensive amount of training and education.
• commensurate /kəˈmenʃərət/: phù hợp,
tương ứng
Salary will be commensurate with
• lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/: sinh lời
Had the plan worked, it would have
proved highly lucrative.
• make big bucks /ˌbɪɡ ˈbʌks/: kiếm nhiều
Ex: She’ll be earning big bucks soon!
2. What are the changes in working conditions?
Modern technology has surely changed modern working conditions.
The rise of new messaging apps has made remote work easier and an
effective alternative to the traditional workplace. So, offices are going to
be smaller as there is a lower number of people to accommodate and it
can save a large amount of money on rent.
• remote work /rɪˈməʊt wɜːk/: làm việc từ xa
Remote working is becoming more
popular during the pandemic.
• accommodate /əˈkɒmədeɪt/: chứa, cung
cấp chỗ nghỉ
Ex: The aircraft is capable of accommodating
28 passengers.
3. What are the impacts of the epidemic on the work environment?
The pandemic has accelerated the transition from working from the
office to working from home. Companies have no other choice but to
let their employees work remotely. In addition, many of the tools in the
office have been significantly changed in response to the epidemic
situation. For example, employees in many industries have adopted
paperless technology, such as electronic signature services.
• accelerate /əkˈseləreɪt/: tăng tốc
Ex: Exposure to the sun can accelerate the
aging process.
• paperless
tekˈnɒlədʒi/: công nghệ điện tử (không dùng
tới giấy)
This paperless technology enables
computers to read handwriting.
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Social media
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person you follow regularly on social media
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What he/she posts on social media
And explain why you follow him/her on social media
• Được theo dõi trên Facebook từ lâu
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Người sáng lập Amazon
• Một trong những người giàu nhất thế giới
• Chăm chỉ và sáng tạo
Content (Nội dung)
• Hào phóng, quyên góp nhiều cho từ thiện
• Ngoại hình ấn tượng
• Chắc chắn chọn được gặp Jeff Bezos
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Nhân cách, suy nghĩ và bản chất đáng quý
Take note
Followed for a long time on Facebook
Founder of Amazon
One of the richest men in the world
A hard- working and creative person
Jeff Bezos
Generous, has contributed a lot to charity
Impressing outlook
Definitely choose to meet Jeff Bezos
Loveable personality, throughts, and helpful nature
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For young people like me, social networking sites are an
không thể thiếu
part of our lives. They give me a chance to stay
over the world. Today, I’m going to talk about a person who I have
indispensable for learning a foreign
followed for a long time on Facebook. His name is Jeff Bezos, who
2. Well-known /ˌwel ˈnəʊn/: nổi tiếng
Ví dụ: His books are not well known.
He is one of the richest men in the world. In fact, as far as I know,
3. E-commerce /ˈiː kɒmɜːs/: thương
he is the richest at the moment, which is, of course, an admirable(4)
from the traditional brick and mortar
achievement. He is a hard-working and creative person. He says in
one of his videos that the keys to success are patience, persistence(5),
connected with not only my friends and family but also people all
is the founder of a well-known(2) E-commerce(3) company named
mại điện tử
Ví dụ: Travel companies have moved
environment to online e-commerce
and obsessive attention(6) to detail. He was the one who started the
empire Amazon, facilitating shopping regardless of location. He is
ngưỡng mộ
also a generous person as he has contributed a lot to charity, helping
Ví dụ: Her dedication to her work was
people across the globe. As he is a pioneer in the tech world, his social
media account is also amazing. I came across one of his videos when
5. Persistence /pəˈsɪstəns/: sự kiên trì
I was surfing Facebook. I must say that I was quickly impressed by his
outlook. A muscular(7) billionaire, who wouldn’t he impress, right?
Sometimes, people forget about their health as they are too busy
working. So his workout videos are a source of motivation for me,
reminding me to always pay attention to my health and keep fit no
matter how busy I am.
Lastly, I would say, if I had a chance to meet someone, I would
definitely choose to meet Jeff Bezos because I love his personality,
thoughts, and helpful nature.
Ví dụ: His persistence was finally
rewarded when the insurance company
agreed to pay for the damage.
əˈtenʃn/: sự tập trung cao độ
Ví dụ: He insisted on using the best
materials and his obsessive attention
to detail meant that a single boat would
often take 3,000 hours to complete.
7. muscular /ˈmʌskjələ(r)/: cơ bắp
Ví dụ: He was tall, lean and muscular.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind of social media software?
It is not true to say that all age groups have the same interests . Younger
people do not have to worry about work, so they are more into using
more entertaining apps. Adults, on the other hand, are concerned about
their social relationships. So, they tend to use social networking sites
that allow them to keep in touch with others.
• Interests /ˈɪntrəst/: hứng thú
Ex: Her research has generated interest
around the world.
• social networking sites: Mạng xã hội
Ex: The government has a clear policy banning
prisoners’ accessing social networking sites.
2. Do older people spend much time on social media?
Not as much as the youth. I mean, older people have too many things to
take care of, from their family, work or other responsibilities. I think that
they will spend more time using social media when they are retired,
as they would have more time for recreational activities. But social
media wouldn’t be their first choice, I don’t think the elderly like to
watch trendy videos on the internet.
• Retired /rɪˈtaɪəd/: về hưu
Ex: He is a recently retired judge.
• recreational
ækˈtɪvəti/: hoạt động giải trí
The club provides a wide variety of
swimming and squash.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a famous city that you think is interesting
You should say:
• Where it is
• What the city is famous for
• Why it is interesting
And explain how you feel about it
• Vô cùng thú vị
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Dubai độc đáo
• Thủ đô Ả Rập
• Điểm đến du lịch bậc nhất thế giới
Content (Nội dung)
• Rất nhiều những món hàng thời trang và xa xỉ
• Sự sang trọng bậc nhất, cơ sở vật chất hiện đại, vẻ đẹp
cổ kính
• Thiên đường cho du lịch cao cấp
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Hy vọng kiếm đủ tiền cho một chuyến đi tại Dubai
Take note
Very interesting
One- of- a-kind Dubai
The capital of the United Arab Emirates
World-class travel destination
Wide range of stylish and luxurious items
Extravagant luxury, high-tech facilities, and old-world
A heaven for high-class tourist
Hope to earn enough money to cover the cost of a trip here
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I consider myself an avid traveler(1) as I have been to many different
1. an avid traveler: người thích đi du
places. From my experience, all cities are unique, they are different
from others in some way or another. But, I’m going to tell you about a
Avid /ˈævɪd/: tràn đầy nhiệt huyết
Ví dụ: Such an avid traveler like me will
city that I find very interesting, the one-of-a-kind Dubai.
not refuse to try any weird experience
It is in the middle east. The name of the city is Dubai, and it is the
capital of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is well-known for many
things. The first and foremost is that it is a world-class(3) travel
destination. Millions of tourists come here to visit every year. The
most common activity that tourists often do here is go shopping as
there is a wide range of stylish and luxurious items which are sold
here, including fashionable clothing, gold, diamond, and many other
things. The views are also particularly impressive. Although Dubai
isn’t close to nature like many other tourist cities, the extravagant
2. one-of-a-kind: độc đáo, khác biệt
Ví dụ: My father was one of a kind—I’ll
never be like him.
3. world-class /ˌwɜːld ˈklɑːs/: đẳng
cấp thế giới
Ví dụ: The team is world class.
4. extravagant /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/: phung
Ví dụ: I felt very extravagant spending
luxury, high-tech facilities, and old-world charm(5) of Dubai are
£200 on a dress.
something tourists love to explore.
I know this city because I have read about it in a newspaper. The
tʃɑːm/: sức hút cổ kính, vẻ đẹp cổ kính
city was described as a heaven for high-class tourists(6) with
while traveling.
unbelievable services and scenery. However, paying a visit to Dubai
costs an arm and a leg so I haven’t had a chance to go there yet. In the
future, I hope that I will be able to earn enough money to cover the
cost of a trip there. It would be unforgettable, I’m sure.
charm /ˈəʊld wɜːld
Ví dụ: The old-world charm of the
palace attracts millions of visitors
every year.
6. high-class tourists /ˌhaɪ ˈklɑːs
ˈtʊərɪst/: du khách giàu có
Ví dụ: He is such a high-class tourist
7. cost an arm and a leg: rất đắt
Ví dụ: The repair work cost an arm and
a leg.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What advantages can tourism bring to a city?
Tourism brings a lot of money to a city. As tourists have to pay for
accommodation, food and other services on their vacation, it helps
boost the local economy. Next, tourism helps create thousands
of employment opportunities. To accommodate a great number of
tourists, more infrastructure has to be developed, requiring more
workers in different occupations.
• boost the local economy: thúc đẩy kinh tế
địa phương
• boost /buːst/: thúc đẩy, làm tăng lên
• economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/: kinh tế
Ex: Tourism is one of the main factors which
boosts the local economy.
• occupation /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/: nghề nghiệp
Please state your name, age and
occupation below.
2. Why do some young people like to live in cities?
Cities come with a variety of opportunities for the youth, including
career advancement, personal development, and enjoyment. Young
people are often very energetic and dynamic .Therefore, they are eager
to achieve their goals and enjoy their life to the fullest. Cities offer them
a chance to simultaneously advance their career, as well as experience
their life in the most comfortable and enjoyable way.
• career advancement: sự thăng tiến sự
• career /kəˈrɪr/: sự nghiệp
• advancement /ədˈvænsmənt/: sự thăng
tiến, phát triển
Ex: Career advancement is referred to as the
upward evolution of one’s career.
• Dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/: tràn trề năng lượng
Ex: He was a dynamic young advertising
• simultaneously /ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəsli/: cùng lúc
The fall of the US economy occurred
simultaneously with a downturn in Europe.
3. Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?
The population density in the countryside is quite low so there is
more freedom to do whatever we want. Besides that, houses in the
• population density: mật độ dân số
Ex: The high population density, extensive
factory farming and increased antibiotic drug
countryside are more spacious than in cities. While those in cities have
resistance put the country into an agricultural
to live in cramped condominiums, houses in the countryside are
health crisis.
roomy, with enough space to accommodate a large number of people.
For all of these reasons, I guess old people are more into country life.
• cramped condominium /kræmpt
Ex: He lived for six months in a cold, cramped
4. Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?
Without a doubt. Tourism can be detrimental to both the locals and
their environment. Most tourists do not care about the surrounding
environment of the destinations they travel to, and they litter and
cause harm to the natural landscape. This leaves a huge amount of
• litter /ˈlɪtə(r)/: xả rác
Ex: There will be fines for people who drop
trash, which directly affects the lives of local people there.
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Moving home
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you moved to a new home or school
You should say:
• When you moved
• Where you moved
• Why you moved
And how you felt about it
• Chuyển nhà đến Sài Gòn
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Phải chuyển nhà để tìm kiếm một mức thu nhập tốt hơn
• Rao bán căn nhà với nhiều kỷ niệm
• Có thêm tiền để mua nhà mới
Content (Nội dung)
• Bắt đầu mọi thứ lại từ đầu
• Mang mọi thứ đến một nơi hoàn toàn mới
• Quyết định đúng đắn vì nó giúp tôi được theo đổi đam
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Take note
Relocated to Saigon -> dynamic city
Below - average income -> change profession
Chaotic -> weigh up the pros and cons
Put on sale
Beautiful memories -> wasn’t in favor
Moving to
Star everything from scratch, better future
Difficult to adapt
Right decision
Higher education, passion
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These days, cities are really attractive because there are better job
opportunities and a more modern healthcare system. So, 5 years ago,
my family decided to relocate(1) to Saigon, the most dynamic(2) city
in Vietnam.
1. relocate /ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt/: thay đổi vị trí
Ví dụ: The firm may be forced to
relocate from New York to Stanford.
2. dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/: sôi nổi
Ví dụ: These countries are characterized
I remember that we couldn’t afford to live off of my father’s belowaverage income(3), so 5 years ago, he decided to change his longtime profession and move to a bigger city. At first, I didn’t like the idea
of living in such a busy and chaotic(4) city but all the members of my
family seemed to agree with my father, so they weighed up all the
pros and cons(5) of city life, and eventually, everybody was eager to
by highly dynamic economies.
income /bɪˈləʊ
ˈævərɪdʒ ˈɪnkʌm/: thu nhập dưới mức
trung bình
Ví dụ: People with below-average
income face serious difficulties during
times of flood and drought.
4. chaotic /keɪˈɒtɪk/: hỗn loạn
Ví dụ: She had a chaotic personal life
So our house, you know, the house that I had been living in my whole
5. weighed up all the pros and cons:
house, where I have so many beautiful memories, but sadly, there was
cân nhắc các mặt lợi và mặt hại
no other choice. We had to sell it in order to get the additional cash for
Ví dụ: You need to weigh up all the
buying a new house. The house wass sold after a few days. We traveled
pros and cons before making the final
to Saigon and started from scratch(6). After one whole week, we
luckily found a house that was suitable for us. We took our belongings
to the house in search of a better future. You know, moving to a new
house, in a completely new and strange place, is quite difficult as you
have to adapt accordingly.
with a series of broken relationships.
life, was put up for sale. Of course, I wasn’t in favor of selling our old
However, to this day, I think it was the right decision. Otherwise, I
wouldn’t have had the chance to attend higher education(7) and
wouldn’t have been able to follow my passion today.
6. start from scratch: bắt đầu từ con
số không
Ví dụ: They decided to dismantle the
machine and start from scratch.
ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/: bậc học từ đại học trở lên
Ví dụ: Studying higher education is not
the only road leading to success in
today’s world.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do people move to a new home?
People relocate for a variety of reasons. But, I guess the most prevalent
of which is career and educational opportunities. Working adults would
move to a place where they could enjoy a lucrative income and a
professional working environment. Meanwhile, students might choose
to live in a place where they could access their school easily.
• prevalent /ˈprevələnt/: thịnh hành, phổ biến
Ex: These prejudices are particularly prevalent
among people living in the north.
• lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/: tạo ra nhiều tiền, lợi
Ex: Had the plan worked it would have proved
highly lucrative.
2. What problems will people face after moving to a new place?
I think it depends upon the place they are moving to. If you move
overseas, it is very likely that you will suffer from culture shock and
homesickness because everything might be completely different from
what you are familiar with. The language barrier might also prevent
you from adapting to the new living environment. Or if you simply move
from one part of your country to another, you might just have to adapt
to different weather conditions and get to know your new neighbors.
• culture shock /ˈkʌltʃə(r) ʃɒk/: sốc văn hóa
Ex: Most people will face culture shock the
first time they travel abroad.
• homesickness /ˈhəʊmsɪknəs/: nỗi nhớ nhà
Ex: A great wave of homesickness swept over
• language barrier /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈbæriə(r)/: rào
cản ngôn ngữ
Ex: A language barrier is one the very first
challenges students need to deal with when
studying abroad.
3. How do people solve these problems?
Well, for people living in another country, it takes time to gradually get
used to the new culture. You can also reduce this adaptation time by
socializing more often. The more friends you have, the less homesick
you may feel. Other solutions might involve reading more information
about the new place or attending public events.
• adaptation /ˌædæpˈteɪʃn/: sự thích nghi
Ex: The process of adaptation to a new school
is difficult for some children.
• get used to /ɡet ˈjuːst tə/: làm quen
Ex: The Tet holiday has ended and you need
to get used to the new schedule again.
4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?
No, I don’t think so. I always believe that if you want to have a successful
career and a satisfying life, you need to settle down as soon as possible.
When you don’t have to worry about your place of living, you can pay full
attention to developing your career and maintaining your relationships.
This cannot happen if you have to move houses frequently.
• settle down /ˈsetl daʊn/: bắt đầu một cuộc
sống ổn định, vững vàng hơn
Ex: When are you going to get married and
settle down?
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an occasion that you lost something
You should say:
• What you lost
• When and where you lost it
• What you did to find it
And explain how you felt about it
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Chiếc ô Nhật Bản có màu xanh navy
• Món quà sinh nhật của mẹ
• Đi học muộn vì thức khuya
Content (Nội dung)
• Bỏ quên ô tại nhà gửi xe
• Hoàn toàn quên mất chiếc ô và đi về nhà
• Quay lại nhà gửi xe và liên hệ với bảo vệ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Không tìm thấy chiếc ô đã mất
• Cẩn thận hơn với đồ đạc của mình
Take note
A navy blue umbrella from Japan
Mom’s birthday gift
Late for school due to overslept
Leave the umbrella at school’s parking lot
Forget the umbrella and go straight back
Go back to the parking lot and contact
security guards
Can’t find the lost umbrella
Be more careful with things
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Being aware that I have the memory of a goldfish(1), I always try my best
when it comes to taking care of my belongings. Well unfortunately, in spite of
colored umbrella, which was made in Japan.
həv ðə ˈmeməri əv ə ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ /: đãng trí
When I was in high school, I used to be a teenager who was strongly hooked
3. oversleep (v)
my best efforts, I have lost one of my mom’s birthday gifts. It was a navy blue
on Korean dramas. There was a night when I was binge-watching my favorite
TV series, which made me go to bed in the dead of night(2). Undoubtedly,
due to oversleeping , I was late for school the next morning. Having rushed
1. have the memory of a goldfish /
to school, I might have forgotten my new umbrella on my bike at the school’s
parking lot. Unfortunately, because of my sleepy state, I completely forgot
about my umbrella and finally went straight back home without double-
2. in the dead of night / ɪn ðə ded əv
naɪt /: giữa đêm khuya muộn
/ˌoʊ.vɚˈsliːp/: ngủ
quên, ngủ quá giờ cho phép
4. a slim chance / ə slɪm tʃɑːns /: cơ hội
mong manh
5. down in the dumps / daʊn ɪn ðə
dʌmps /: cảm thấy không vui
checking my belongings. It was only in the next morning did I suddenly realize
the absence of my new umbrella. Then, I rushed to school, trying my best
searching around the parking lot with a slim chance(4) that I could find my
umbrella. Eventually, I had to contact the security guards and expected them
to call me as soon as they found any umbrellas.
Unfortunately, it seemed that all my efforts went in vain because I got no
call back on the following days. Nobody had seen my umbrella and it was
completely lost. I felt down in the dumps(5) for the rest of that week and that
time reminds me to be more careful with my belongings.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of things do people usually lose?
For some reason, keys and phones are probably the most common
things that people usually misplace. Although we carry them with
us everywhere, I think this is because those objects are mostly small
misplace (v) /ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/: đánh rơi, để quên
lose track / luːz træk /: quên lãng, mất ý thức về
sự vật, sự việc
enough for us to easily forget their appearance and eventually lose
track of them.
2. What do people often do when losing things?
Well, it depends. If the lost item is of great monetary value, the owner
could ask their families and relatives for support or post a lost-and-found
notice on their social media. Eventually, they could end up contacting
the police to sort out the matter. In other cases, I think people would
• of great monetary value / əv ˌgreɪt ˈmʌnɪtri
ˈvæljuː /: có giá trị tiền mặt lớn
• sort out / sɔːt ˈaʊt /: xử lí, giải quyết vấn đề
nào đó
commonly search around the corners in the house and give up when
the item is too hard to find.
3. Is it an effective way to use rewards to find lost things?
In my opinion, it is essential for rightful owners to provide rewards for
their lost items. Firstly, this would lead to a higher chance of finding
what they lost as this kind of treatment usually motivates people more
• rightful owners / ˈraɪtfəl ˈəʊnə /: chính chủ
• thankfulness (n) /ˈθæŋk.fəl.nəs/: lòng cảm
effectively. Secondly, I believe rewards are also a good way to express
thankfulness to the one who helps searching for the lost item.
4. What kinds of people may lose things often?
Well, I think there are many types of people who are prone to misplace
their belongings. Obviously, individuals who are not well-organized or
absent-minded may have a fat chance to lose track of their things
because they seem to lack a habit of checking.
• absent-minded (adj) /ˌæb.səntˈmaɪn.dɪd/:
đãng trí, hay quên
• a fat chance / ə fæt tʃɑːns /: cơ hội, khả
năng cao sẽ xảy ra
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A traditional product
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a traditional product in your country
You should say:
• What it is
• When you tried this product for the first time
• What it is made of
And explain how you feel about it
• Tò he
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đồ chơi truyền thống của Việt Nam
• Món đồ chơi quen thuộc với nhiều thế hệ
• Được làm từ bột gạo
Content (Nội dung)
• Màu sắc sặc sỡ, tạo hình đa dạng
• Thân thiện với môi trường
• Mua Tò he vào ngày Tết và các dịp lễ cổ truyền
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chứa đựng nhiều kỉ niệm tuổi thơ
Take note
Product named To he
Vietnamese traditional toy
Familiar to many past generations
To he
Made from rice flour
Colorful, various types of figurines
Eco-friendly product
Purchase To he on Tet and other Vietnamese
traditional festivals
To he embodies great childhood memory
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Our country Vietnam is well-known for its various traditional products.
Today I would like to talk about To he - a kind of Vietnamese traditional
toy. To he was quite popular, especially on the north side of Vietnam.
I would say that To he has become comfortingly familiar to many past
generations in Vietnam. This dates back (1) to decades ago and is wellknown for its traditional village called Xuan La in Phu Xuyen district,
Hanoi. It came as a surprise to me that this amazing, old-fashioned
toy was made only from rice dough mixed with food coloring. To
make To he, craftsmen
start combining rice flour with hot water,
and then cook the paste for hours. The dough is then applied in
several colors and ready to be molded into figurines. Traditionally,
To he usually depicts folk tale
characters, famous generals of 12
zodiac animals. Moreover, as the main material is merely rice dough,
To he is safe and edible, which means children could even eat To he as
their afternoon snack after playing. Therefore, To he is an eco-friendly
toy as its ingredients are mostly biodegradable.
These days, people usually buy To he on Tet and other Vietnamese
traditional festivals such as Mid Autumn festival. Although To he
1. date back / deɪt ˈbæk /: xuất hiện từ
thời điểm
Ex: Our friendship dates back to the late 70s.
2 old-fashioned (adj) /ˌoʊldˈfæʃ.ənd/:
cổ điển, có từ lâu đời
Ex: These sweets are still made in the
old-fashioned way.
3. craftsman (n)
nghệ nhân
Ex: It is clearly the work of a master
4. folk tale (n) /ˈfoʊk ˌteɪl/: chuyện
cổ tích
Ex: When I was a kid, my dad often told
me a folk tale before I went to bed.
5. embody (v) /ɪmˈbɑː.di/: thể hiện,
chứa đựng ý nghĩa
Ex: She embodied good sportsmanship
on the playing field.
cannot compete with those modern plastic toys, to me, this little kind
of traditional plaything still embodies
great childhood memories
and a tender sense of home.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why are traditional products important?
Traditional products are essential to different groups of
people. To locals, traditional products keep them connected
with their folk culture. What is more, when visitors purchase
traditional products, these also become a source of earning
to many local people. To tourists, traditional products act as
• folk (adj) /foʊk/: cổ truyền
Ex: When I was a kid, my dad often told me a folk
tale before I went to bed.
• memento (n) /məˈmen.toʊ/: quà lưu niệm
Ex: This shirt is a memento of our trip to Italy.
mementos of their pleasant trip.
2. Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?
Yes, I believe tradition plays a vital part in most country’s
well-being. In my opinion, tradition is our roots, and it
consists of numerous knowledge accumulated from the
past. Once people get aware of their tradition, not only
would they be connected to their past but they would also
• play a part in / pleɪ ə pɑ:t ɪn /: đóng vai trò
Ex: Education plays an important part in forming
children’s personalities
• come up with / ˈkʌm ˈʌp wɪð /: nảy ra sáng kiến
Ex: He is a creative man who can always come up
with new and interesting ideas.
come up with more innovative ideas for a better future.
3. What are the traditional Vietnamese products?
Vietnam is well-known for a wide range of traditional
products. For instance, Vietnam is famous for its
Vietnamese coffee, bamboo products, herbs and spices,
conical hats and so on. Personally speaking, I find
Vietnamese ao dai the most attractive due to its symbol of
• conical hat / ˈkɒnɪkl̩ hæt /: nón lá truyền thống
Ex: Conical hats are a symbol of Vietnamese
• femininity (n) /ˌfem.əˈnɪn.ə.t̬ i/: sự nữ tính
Ex: Long hair was traditionally regarded as a
sign of femininity.
traditional beauty and femininity.
3. Why is it important for children to learn about
traditional products?
Ex: Global culture is a set of shared experiences,
It is of great importance to educate young generations
• global culture / ˈɡləʊbl̩ ˈkʌltʃə /: văn hóa toàn cầu
globalization, some children are getting more and more
attached to the global culture and soon drifted away from
their national tradition. Thus, learning about traditional
norms, symbols and ideas that unite people at the
global level.
• homeland (n) /ˈhoʊm.lænd/: quê hương
Ex: Many refugees have been forced to flee
their homeland.
products would help to make young people aware of the
great significance of their folk value and would like to
contribute more to their homeland.
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Keeping fit and healthy
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy
• What it is
• When you do it
• Who you do it with
And explain why you think this method is important
• Cơ thể trở nên không cân đối
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đi tập gym để xây dựng cơ bắp
• Lưỡng lự khi quyết định
• Nâng tạ không phải là việc dễ
Content (Nội dung)
• Cố gắng vì không có vấp ngã sẽ không có thành công
• Cố gắng theo đuổi đến cùng
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tiếp tục luyện tập để có lối sống lành mạnh
Take note
Out of shape
Hitting the
Build muscles
Procastinator ⇒ reluctant
Weight training is not easy ⇒ aches and pains
No pain, no gain ⇒ stay the course
Make it daily routine
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Well, my body has gotten out of shape
recently and I had to do
1. out of shape (idiom): không cân đối
something about it before I lost control of it. So, two weeks ago, I
Ex: I’m so out of shape that I get out of
decided to hit the gym to build some muscle and get back into shape.
breath just climbing the stairs.
It was a difficult decision, to be honest. As I’m a real procrastinator ,
2. Procrastinator /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪ.tər/
I was reluctant to join the gym at first. I thought that I was just too busy
Ex: I never buy my gifts until Christmas
with my work and would not have enough time to work out regularly.
Eve because I’m such a procrastinator.
However, as soon as I realised the condition of my body, I immediately
3. weight training /ˈweɪt ˌtreɪ.nɪŋ/ (n):
decided to pay a visit to the fitness centre near my house without any
hesitation. Doing weight training (3) is not an easy task. Although I
nâng tạ
Ex: I do weight training at the gym four
have watched hundreds of videos to learn the correct techniques of
times a week.
weightlifting, I had aches and pains all over my body after the first
4. no pain, no gain (idiom): Không vấp
week. I was completely exhausted, but you know what they say, “no
ngã, không thành công.
pain, no gain”
Ex: I am going to the gym twice a day
. So, I tried to stay the course
and encouraged
myself to never give up.
(n) người hay trì hoãn
and all my muscles ache, but you know
what they say, no pain no gain!
I have been doing this activity for two weeks now, and I hope that it
5. stay the course (idiom): tiếp tục làm
becomes a part of my daily routine so that I can lead a healthier life.
gì đó
Ex: Very few of the trainees have stayed
the course.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?
As children are much more active, they usually engage in
physical activities such as playing sports or doing martial
arts to build their strength, coordination, confidence, and
to lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle. On the other
hand, older people are prone to injuries, so they usually do
more gentle and light activities such as tai-chi or yoga to
• martial arts /mɑːʃl ˈɑːts/ (n): võ thuật
Ex: Martial arts is a dangerous but rapidly growing
• Groundwork /ˈɡraʊndwɜːk/ (n): nền tảng
Ex: Officials are laying the groundwork for a
summit conference of world leaders.
reduce the impact of illness and chronic disease.
2. What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy
in your country?
Well, it depends on their age. Elderly people usually pay a
visit to the park every morning to do light exercise, while
young adults usually like to hit the gym to build muscle and
• hit the gym: đi đến phòng gym
• hit /hɪt/ (v) đi đến
• gym /dʒɪm/ (n) phòng gym
Ex: You don’t have to hit the gym to get a six-pack.
burn fat. I think it’s a great sign that people in my country
are paying more attention to their health.
3. How can parents help and guide their kids to be healthy?
Well for starters, I think that parents should encourage their
children to take part in as many extra-curricular activities
as possible, as this will be very effective in maintaining
a child’s overall well-being. Furthermore, doing regular
exercise or playing sport regularly should also be an integral
part of their lifestyle, which will help them maintain good
health in the future.
• extra-curricular activities (n): hoạt động
ngoại khóa
• extra-curricular /ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələr/: ngoại khóa
• activity /ækˈtɪvəti/: hoạt động
Ex: She’s involved in many extracurricular activities
after school.
• integral /ɪnˈteɡrəl/ (adj) không thể thiếu
Ex: Music is an integral part of the school’s
4. Do you think it is a good idea for governments to use
the influence of celebrities to help people become more
aware about health?
• Fame /feɪm/ (n): danh tiếng
Ex: She went to Hollywood in search of fame and
Yeah, I think it’s great to use celebrities to positively influence
the public. Instead of providing meaningless and unhealthy
messages, celebrities should use their fame to encourage
people to lead a healthier lifestyle. I think it’s important for
governments to always try to spread information about
health and lifestyle, in whatever way works the best,
whether it’s with celebrities or any other way.
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Helping a child
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you helped a child
You should say:
• When it was
• How you helped him/her
• Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it
• Khi đang đi lang thang trong khu vực lân cận
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Nghe tiếng khóc của 1 đứa trẻ
• Cậu bé hàng xóm
• Bị mất xe đạp và bị thương
Content (Nội dung)
• Cố gắng làm cậu ta bình
• Gọi cho bố mẹ và chở cậu tả về nhà
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Cảm thấy tuyệt vời vì làm được việc tốt
Take note
Wandering around
Crying of a kid
Approached ⇒ turned he was injured
Helping a
Bike was stolen ⇒ calmed him down
Lent a hand ⇒ call parents and go home
Not safe and sound
Noble thing
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Well, I don’t go out much, so I don’t have many opportunities to help
others. But, I would like to talk about a situation when I helped a kid
in my neighbourhood. It was very late one night, and I was wandering
1. Terrified /ˈterɪfaɪd/ (adj): sợ hãi
Ex: I’m terrified of losing you.
2. turn out (p.v): kết quả là
around my neighbourhood, when I heard the crying of what sounded
Ex: You never know how your children
like a terrified
will turn out.
3. calm someone down (p.v): làm ai
As I approached the boy, I recognized it was Huy, one of the kids living
đó bình tĩnh lại
in my neighbourhood. I immediately approached him and tried to find
Ex: You should calm down because
out what had happened to him. It turned out
your son has apologised.
that he had sprained
his ankle and couldn’t walk home. He told me that his bike had been
4.lend somebody a helping hand
violently stolen from him, and that he had become injured while
(idiom): giúp đỡ ai đó
chasing the criminals.I tried to calm him down (3) and told him to call
Ex: I went over to see if I could lend him
his family to tell them what had happened. However, his phone was
a helping hand.
also broken because of the fall. So, I lent him a helping hand
5. safe and sound: an toàn, không bị
letting him use my phone to contact his parents. After that, I took him
home on my bike. I remember that he was crying during the whole
Ex: Three days later, the hikers were
trip, which is something that I’ve never experienced before.
found safe and sound.
Once I got him back safe and sound
6.Noble /ˈnəʊbl/ (adj): cao thượng
to his parents, they listened to
the whole story and thanked me a lot. It really felt great to be able to
Ex: He died for a noble cause.
do such a noble (6) thing like that.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you often help kids?
Well, I don’t go out much, so I don’t help people very
frequently. But if the chance arises, I would love to give
• give a hand / gɪv ə hænd / (idiom): giúp đỡ
Ex: I went over to see if I could give a hand.
someone a hand. For example, whenever my nephews
visit, I usually spend lots of time with them, helping them
as much as I can.
2. Do you think it is necessary for people to do
voluntary work?
I think so. It really helps to make our community a better
place. There are lots of poor souls out there who are really in
desperate need of help. So, I think we could all contribute a
bit of our effort to a philanthropic cause sometime. I think
• Philanthropic /ˌfɪlənˈθrɑːpɪk/ (adj): liên quan đến từ
Ex: She works for a philanthropic organisation
• Selfless /ˈselfləs/ (adj): vị tha
Ex: She has a life of selfless service to the community
that being a volunteer enables people to help others in a
selfless way, which can make their life more enjoyable and
3. What can schools do to make students more aware of
the benefits of volunteering?
Well I think that schools should teach children about the
• For the sake of something/somebody (idiom):
giúp đỡ ai đó/cái gì đó
Ex: They stayed together for the sake of the children.
impact that each individual can have in making the world
a better place. Children should understand that they are a
part of their community, and everything they do should be
for the sake of it. By teaching them their responsibility
and duty, schools can certainly raise children’s awareness of
the benefits of volunteering.
4. Who benefits more from the volunteer services, the
Both parties can benefit. Volunteers will gain a sense of
• Underprivileged /ˌʌndərˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/: thiếu may mắn
solidarity and achievement, while those who are helped
• Lift /lɪft/: kéo ra khỏi
volunteers or the people helped?
can receive physical, mental, and financial support. I guess
it’s more important for underprivileged people, as help
from others sometimes can lift them out of poverty and
Ex: The party aims to represent the interests of the
underprivileged sections of society.
Ex: The best way to lift nations out of poverty is
through trade.
change their life tremendously.
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A quiet place
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a quiet place you like to go
You should say:
• Where it is
• How you knew about it
• How often you go there
• What you do there
And explain how you feel about the place
• Thành phố đông đúc
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Trú ẩn ở 1 quán cà phê ở khu vực ngoại ô
• Khó tìm đường đến đây
• Thiết kế đơn giản, nhạc nền dễ chịu
Content (Nội dung)
• Đầy đủ cơ sở vật chất
• Sạch sẽ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Một nơi tuyệt vời để nghỉ ngơi
Take note
Overcrowded city
A cafe
Hideway ⇒ Cafe on outskirts
In the middle of nowhere ⇒ hard to find
Minimalist design, soothing colours, relaxing music
Top-notch facilities, spotless
Take a little retreat
Recharge my batteries
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Modern life is stressful, especially if you live in an overcrowded
city like Saigon. So, to relieve the pressures and stress of life, I always
escape to my secret hideaway
on the weekend. And today, I’m
1. Overcrowded /ˌəʊvərˈkraʊdɪd/
(adj): quá đông đúc
Ex: Too many poor people are living in
going to tell you about that place, which is a café located on the
overcrowded conditions.
outskirts of the city.
2. hideaway /ˈhaɪdəweɪ/ (n): nơi ẩn
The café is situated in the middle of nowhere , so it’s really difficult
to get there if you haven’t received directions beforehand. I first
country on weekends.
learned about this place thanks to a friend of mine who loves finding
3. the middle of nowhere (idiom): xa
quiet places to go and relax. I was truly impressed the first time he
thành thị, đường phố
took me there, and I knew right away that this café would be my all-
Ex: She lives on a small farm in the
time favourite
middle of nowhere
place to go when I needed to rest.
4. all-time favorite: luôn yêu thích
The café is designed in a minimalist
style, with soothing colours
Ex: Reading books is my all-time
and relaxing background music, making you feel as comfortable as
favourite activity.
you would be at home. The facilities here are also top-notch, definitely
5. Minimalist /ˈmɪnɪməlɪst/ (adj) tối giản
satisfying all your needs. The high level of cleanliness is also worth
mentioning. It’s nearly spotless
; there’s hardly any dust to be seen.
Thanks to the fact that the café is usually empty, you can truly immerse
yourself in this extraordinary environment.
Ex: He escaped to his hideaway in the
Ex: They are minimalist paintings
6. Spotless /ˈspɑːtləs/ (adj) rất sạch sẽ
Ex: She keeps the house spotless.
7. Retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ sự trốn tránh
Ex: Is watching television a retreat from
Everything makes it a perfect place to slow down and take a little
retreat . That’s why whenever I need to recharge my batteries, this
café is my go-to place.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Is it easy to find a quiet place in your country? Why?
I don’t know about other areas outside the city, but it is
extremely difficult to find peace within this busy city. The
only place that I could think of is my house, but this might
not be the case for those who live with their extended
family, you know, living with all generations of the family
under the same roof. I’m sure there are quiet places outside
of the city, however Vietnam is quite a densely populated
country so it’s quite hard to escape from the sounds of
• extended family /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfæməli/ (n)
đình với nhiều thế hệ
Ex: She grew up surrounded by a large extended
• under the same roof
(idiom) chung một nhà
/ˈʌndə ðə seɪm ruːf/
Ex: We’re good friends but we could never live
under the same roof.
construction and urban life, even in the countryside.
2. Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
Older adults can get tired very quickly if they are exposed
to a noisy and hectic environment. This is because they are
not as energetic as younger people. That’s also the reason
why lots of elderly people usually choose to reside in the
countryside so that they can have their own space and
• Expose /ɪkˈspəʊz/ (v): trải qua
Ex: We want to expose the kids to as much art and
culture as possible.
• to the fullest /tuː ðə ˈfʊlɪst/ (idiom): theo cách
trọn vẹn nhất
Ex: I’ve always believed in living life to the fullest
enjoy their life to the fullest.
3. Why are there more noises made at home now than
in the past?
Probably because of all the modern appliances that we
have nowadays. These devices could possibly be a source of
noise. In the past, we didn’t have devices like air conditioners
or washing machines. However, these devices seem to be
• Appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ (n): đồ gia dụng
Ex: They sell a wide range of domestic appliances—
washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
• Necessity /nəˈsesəti/(n) vật cần thiết
Ex: Air-conditioning is an absolute necessity in
this climate.
basic necessities for most households these days, so the
increase in noise probably comes from them I suppose.
4. Why do some people like some noise in the background when they are working or studying?
Well, I think it helps them to concentrate better. Ambient
music, for example, can divert your attention to the things
that you are focusing on. That’s the reason why lots of
people nowadays, including myself, choose to work in
• Ambient /ˈæmbiənt/ (adj): thoải mái, dễ chịu
Ex: He likes a compilation of ambient electronic
• Divert /daɪˈvɜːt/ (v): định hướng
Ex: Northbound traffic will have to be diverted
onto minor roads.
coffee shops which play relaxing and instrumental music.
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An ambition
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved
You should say:
• What it is
• Why you haven’t achieved it
• What you did about it
And how you feel about it
• Có nhiều ước mơ
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Vẫn có ước mơ không thể thực hiện được => sở hữu căn
hộ của riêng mình
• Giá cả bất động sản rất cao
• Đã để dành tiền được 1 khoảng thời gian
Content (Nội dung)
• Không tiêu xài hoang phí và rất quyết tâm
• Không đủ tiền để mua
• Cần phải có thu nhập cao hơn
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Căn nhà sẽ là món quà kèm theo
Take note
Ambitious ⇒ lots of objectives
Fail to achieve: owning an aparment
Property prices are exorbitant
Having an
Not squander and very determinded
Still out of reach
Increase my income
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I consider myself to be quite an ambitious (1) person, and I tend to set
myself a lot of goals in life. Setting goals makes me more determined,
dedicated and focused. I try to finish them one by one, and of course,
1. Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ (adj): có
tham vọng
Ex: He was a very ambitious teenager
there are always some goals that I fail to achieve. One of which is to
before his mother died.
have my own apartment, which is kind of a big dream of mine, to be
2. Exorbitant /ɪɡˈzɔːrbɪtənt/ (adj): (giá)
quá cao
Ex: It’s a good hotel but the prices are
As you may know, the property prices in the city are exorbitant (2),
so it’s extremely challenging if you want to own your own home,
3. Squander /ˈskwɑːndər/ (v): lãng phí
especially for young people like me. Even with just a small apartment
located on the outskirts, the price is still prohibitively high. I have been
saving up for a very long time for this dream of mine, but you know,
life is full of unexpected surprises which require you to spend money. I
He just squandered his talent.
4. Determined /dɪˈtɜːrmɪnd/ (adj):
quyết tâm
Ex: When her parents opposed her plan,
swear that I do not squander (3) my money on unnecessary things, and
she became more determined than ever.
I am very determined
5. out of reach (idiom) không thể đạt
to build up my savings. However, for some
reason, after a very long time working, owning my own home is still
out of reach (5) for me.
Ex: Until they get high paying jobs, their
goal is out of reach.
I think the only way that I could possess a house in the future is to
increase my income as much as possible. Therefore, at the moment, I’m
just trying to focus on developing my career, and owning a house will
be my goal to fulfil in the future.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What ambitions do children usually have?
I think because children are generally fairly naïve, they have
a very simple world view, and consequently they usually
tend to want to contribute to society. Furthermore, their
ambitions are usually very noble, like becoming a doctor
or a scientist in order to help people. Besides that, I think
• World view /ˌwɜːrld ˈvjuː/ (n) thế giới quan
Ex: Your education is bound to shape your
world view.
• Noble /ˈnəʊbl/ (adj): cao thượng
Ex: He died for a noble cause.
many children are also quite ambitious to have some kind
of exciting job, such as being a pilot or an astronaut.
2. Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
• climb the career ladder: leo thang sự nghiệp
Well I guess that could be due to several reasons. Firstly,
Ex: Too many people focus on climbing the career
some people are really ambitious at work because they
ladder rather than starting a family these days.
have a tendency to want to please people. Whether it is
their boss, or their coworkers. While others really just want
to climb the career ladder in order to secure themselves a
promotion for a better position and a higher salary. I guess
money, fame, and respect are just some of the things that
drive people in their careers these days.
3. Why don’t some people have dreams?
I’m not sure really. I guess these people are already satisfied
with their lives, so they don’t want to strive for something
more. I think that would deter the growth of society
because when people are not motivated to do anything,
they wouldn’t be able to contribute much value to their
• Strive /straɪv/ (v): cố gắng
Ex: We encourage all members to strive for the
highest standards.
• Deter /dɪˈtɜːr/ (v): chặn đứng
Ex: I told him I wasn’t interested, but he wasn’t
4. How do people in your country balance work and life?
Well, I think it’s extremely difficult to be simultaneously
successful in your job and be able to enjoy your life. I don’t
really know anyone who can finish all their work within
their working hours. It’s really hard to fit both work and
entertainment activities in a single day. So, I don’t strive for
• Simultaneously /ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniəsli/ (Adv): đồng thời
Ex: The game will be broadcast simultaneously on
TV and radio.
• Fit in /fɪt ɪn/ (p.v): tìm thời gian để làm việc gì đó
Ex: Dr Halden can fit you in this morning at 10
the perfect schedule, I just try to make it as comfortable as
I can. Somedays, I have to put all my effort into work but on
other days, I manage to make time to pursue other things.
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A course
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a course that impressed you a lot
You should say:
• What the course was
• Where you took the course.
• What you did during the course
And explain why it impressed you a lot
• Chặng đường chinh phục tiếng Anh
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Khóa học có ấn tượng sâu sắc
• Kĩ năng nói là ác mộng
• Không thể giao tiếp khi cần => tham gia khóa học
Content (Nội dung)
• Giáo viên nước ngoài
• Phương pháp giảng dạy thú vị
• Sau khóa học, có thể nói tiếng Anh lưu loát
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Cảm thấy hài lòng
Take note
Conquering English
Long - lasting impression
Speaking was nightmare, spechless
An English
Not let me down
Audiovisual, speaking scenarios
Speaking fluently
Grateful and satisfied
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I would like to share with you my journey of conquering
Like many other students, I had to join a course to hone (2) my Englishspeaking ability. And that course left a long-lasting (3) impression on me.
1. Conquer /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ (v): chinh phục
Ex: They plan to completely conquer the
enemy by nightfall.
2. Hone /həʊn/ (v): trau dồi, luyện tập
Ex: She honed her debating skills at
Although I was pretty confident with my grammar and vocabulary
skill, speaking was truly a nightmare (4) for me back then. I was always
whenever I needed to communicate in English. So, I
decided to take a course to improve my speaking skills, and I can gladly
3. long-lasting /ˌlɔːŋ ˈlæstɪŋ/ (adj): kéo
dài lâu
Ex: The change brought about long-
say that the course didn’t let me down (6). My teacher was from New
lasting improvements.
Zealand, with a heavy accent, but I still managed to understand what
4. Nightmare /ˈnaɪtmer/ (n) ác mộng
he said. He made learning English so enjoyable by integrating lots of
Ex: Losing a child is most parent’s worst
audiovisual(7) elements into the teaching. By exposing students to
different speaking scenarios, we had a lot of opportunity to use the
5. Speechless /ˈspiːtʃləs/ (adj): không
language to communicate, which certainly improved my fluency and
nói được
Ex: Rachel stood staring at the grave
After a few months following the course, I was able to speak English
6. let somebody down (p.v): làm
fluently, and I’m sure that it’s thanks to the effort that my teacher had
thất vọng
put into his lessons. I felt very grateful and satisfied with the course.
Ex: I’m afraid she let us down badly
7. Audiovisual /ˌɔːdiəʊˈvɪʒuəl/ (adj): sử
dụng cả âm thanh và hình ảnh
Ex: There are audiovisual aids in the
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do some people have a better memory than others?
Young people usually have a sharper memory than older
people I think, probably because they are more active and
use their mind and memory much more in their daily life.
However, that isn’t always the case. But, I definitely think that
in general as people get older, they tend to become more
absent-minded and forget things quickly. Unfortunately,
• Absent-minded /ˌæb.səntˈmaɪn.dɪd/ (adj): hay
Ex: Grandpa’s becoming quite absent-minded
these days.
• Ageing /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/ (n): lão hóa
Ex: Some skin care products claim to stop the
ageing process.
that’s just a part of life and all people have to go through the
ageing process, although for some it is worse than others.
2. Why do some people like things of memorial significance?
Well I think that many people not only like them but also highly
value such things, and the reason being that such things
probably remind people of their loved ones or of an important
• Irreplaceable /ˌɪr.əˈpleɪ.sə.bəl/ (adj): không thể
thay thế
Ex: No one’s irreplaceable in the workplace.
event, and they’re usually priceless and irreplaceable. If
people lose such items, there is no way to retrieve them, which
makes the value of those items more significant.
3.Which can help people remember things better,
words or photos?
Well, it’s scientifically proven that images are more
memorable than text. There is a popular learning method
that states that we should associate the words that we
want to memorise with pictures. Lots of people have
• Memorable /ˈmemərəbl/ (adj): đáng nhớ
Ex: Her novels are full of memorable characters.
• Associate / əˈsəʊʃieɪt/ (v): liên kết
Ex: He is closely associated in the public mind with
horror movies.
adopted this method, and the outcome is quite impressive.
4. Can technology help people remember things
better? How?
No I don’t think so, the use of digital devices can’t really
aid our memory; in fact I believe that it makes our memory
worse. Because technology tells us to relax and encourages
us to put everything on computers and let them do the
• Aid /eɪd/ (v): hỗ trợ
The charity was established to aid hurricane
• Complicated / ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ (adj): phức tạp
The story is extremely complicated.
work of remembering things, people do not train their
memory anymore. Gradually, I think our brains will become
too lazy to store complicated information.
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A person you met once
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• When you met him/her
• Why you want to know more about him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
• Có đam mê về lịch sử và quân đội
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Lần gặp người anh họ làm phi công
• Nghe rất nhiều về anh ta nhưng đó là lần đầu gặp
• Anh ta lịch sự và cẩn trọng
Content (Nội dung)
• Dũng cảm, dám đương đầu với khó khăn
• Nghe nhiều câu chuyện về không quân
• Không thể gặp lại do anh ta phải trực
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Rất muốn gặp lại
Take note
Passion for wars and army
An army aviator
Tet holiday ⇒ First time he joined
Polite, dignity, courageous
A cousin
Stories about the air forces ⇒ grow love
Always on duty
Ask more questions if meet again
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Well, I have a great passion for learning about war history, and I have
always admired those in the military. So, I’m going to tell you about
one of my cousins, who is serving as an aviatior
in the military at
the moment.
His name is Nam. Although we are relatives and I have heard a lot about
him, I had never seen or met him until last year. It was Tet holiday when
my whole family gathered together to celebrate the holiday. It was
also the first time that Nam’s family joined us.The first impression that I
had about him was that he was very polite. He seemed to always treat
others with respect and dignity (2), which also gained him respect from
the people around him. Also, I believe that he’s very courageous (3), I
mean, he’s willing to face fear, danger, and adversity (4). He’s always
able to remain calm in those situations. All of these characteristics
make him perfectly suitable for the army. I listened to a lot of stories
about the army from him, from how he got into the Air Force
what training he had been through. Hearing these stories made my
love for the army grow even stronger.
Sadly, after that day, I have never been able to see him again as he has
to be on duty (6) all the time. I would surely ask him a lot more about his
1. Aviatior / ˈeɪvieɪtər/ (n): phi công
Ex: One of Australia’s pioneering female
aviators learnt to fly in the 1930s.
2.Dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/ (n): phẩm giá
Ex: His aristocratic voice gives him an air
of dignity and power.
3.Adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/ (n): khó khăn,
thử thách
4. Courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ (adj):
dũng cảm
Ex: I hope people will be courageous
enough to speak out against this
5. air force /ˈer fɔːrs/ (n) không quân
Ex: He is an air-force officer.
6. on duty (idiom): trong ca trực
Ex: You’re not allowed to drink alcohol
on duty.
life if I could have a chance to meet him again.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How do people make friends in Vietnam?
The way that people make friends is changing quite rapidly
• break the ice (idiom): bắt chuyện
these days. In the past, we usually had to take part in a
Ex: Jim organised a few party games to break the
social event to meet new people, and we needed to have
ice when people first arrived.
the courage to break the ice and start a conversation with
• social networking sites (n): Mạng xã hội
someone. Now, we can just stay at home and use social
Ex: The government has a clear policy banning
networking sites to make new friends. I have had a chance
prisoners’ accessing social networking sites.
to talk to lots of people through these online platforms
without needing to see them in person. I think this is quite
common amongst the younger generation these days.
2. On what occasions do people like to make friends?
It depends on their personality. I guess extroverted and
gregarious types of people would love to make as many
friends as possible at any time or place. Meanwhile, more
introverted and shy people would prefer to be alone, so, if
• gregarious /ɡrɪˈɡeriəs/ (adj): cởi mở, hòa đồng
Ex: She’s very outgoing and gregarious.
• Socialize /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ (v): giao lưu
Ex: Maybe you should socialise more.
it is not necessary, I don’t think these types of people would
socialise much with others.
Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests
when making friends?
It’s better to have something in common with each
• have something in common (idiom): có điểm chung
Ex: The two cultures have a lot in common.
• fill the gap: lấp đầy khoảng trống
other, but I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary for a good
Ex: The company is hoping to fill a gap in the
friendship. I think as long as people are willing to listen to
the other person, they can still be good friends. In fact, I
think those who have different interests and hobbies can
actually fill a gap in a friendship or relationship..
4. What qualities make true friends?
As I mentioned before, as long as a person is a good listener,
I think they can also be a good friend. So, you must be
thoughtful and considerate, trying to avoid hurting other
people’s feelings and being able to give your friends a
hand when they are in need. I would love to have such a
• considerate /kənˈsɪd.ər.ət/ (adj): tốt bụng
Ex : It is so considerate of you to spare me a
• give a hand / gɪv ə hænd / (idiom): giúp đỡ
Ex: I went over to see if I could give a hand.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an important river/lake in your country
You should say:
• Where it is located
• How big/long it is
• What it looks like
And explain why it is important
Context (Bối cảnh)
Sông Hồng ở phía Bắc Việt nam
• Nguồn gốc từ Trung Quốc
• Dài hơn 1000 km, không quá lớn
Content (Nội dung)
• Giải thích tại sao gọi là sông “hồng”
• Lợi ích cho ngành nông nghiệp và thương mại
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Lợi ích cho người dân địa phương
Take note
The Red River in the Northern Vietnam
Origin: China
1000+ km, not too big
Explain the “red” color
Benefit agriculture and trade
Benefit the local people
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I am going to talk about the Red River, one of the most important rivers
located in the North of Vietnam.
Vietnam is actually downstream(1) of the river; it originates in China. Speaking
of its length, I think it is about 1000 kilometers. I am quite unsure about how
big it is, but I suppose it’s not too big by the time it gets to Hanoi because two
famous short bridges that cross that river are the Chuong Duong bridge and
the Long Bien bridge.
Looking at it from a map, we can see that the Red river looks like a straight
line from the northwest to the southeast. The river doesn’t have “red” water, as
its name may suggest. It just looks red because of the alluvial sediment(2) it
carries. This element has been essential for the development of the northern
delta(3) for generations, first, in terms of agriculture and second, in terms of
1. downstream /ˌdaʊnˈstriːm/ (n): hạ
Ex: Hundreds of people were swept
downstream in the floods.
ˈsedɪmənt/: bồi phù sa
Ex: Its soils consist of alluvial sediment
and clay.
3. delta /ˈdeltə/: đồng bằng
southwestern Vietnam.
In short, the Red River has benefited the local people for many years, allowing
them to earn a living and have a more comfortable life.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?
I think rivers benefit local people in many ways. First, they provide food
like fish and crabs and so on, and secondly they allow people to farm
because they have access to a lot of water for crops. Another benefit
can be a more comfortable living environment as the river can help to
regulate the temperature in the area. Not to mention that riverbanks
can be a cool place to chill out with your buddies.
2. Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?
It really depends on the culture that local people have developed over
time on that river. For instance, in southern Vietnam, the floating market
• regulate the temperature /ˈrɛgjʊleɪt ðə
ˈtɛmprɪʧə/: điều hòa nhiệt độ
temperature inside your home.
• chill out /ʧɪl aʊt/: thư giãn, thoải mái
Ex: It’s the ideal place to chill out and relax.
• tourist attraction /ˈtʊrəst əˈtrækʃən/: địa
điểm du lịch
Ex: The province was a tourist attraction.
on the Mekong River is a famous tourist attraction because tourists
from other places are curious about the floating life. It’s not really like
that on the river in the north.
3. How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?
Just like the way tourism influences any place of interest, there are
both positive and negative aspects. On a positive note, rivers and lakes
can create a new source of income for local people. Their lives no longer
totally rely on the fish they catch, thus relieving the stress on the
environment. But one negative aspect is that tourists may not respect
the local environment, causing environmental problems.
• place of interest /pleɪs ʌv ˈɪntrəst/: địa
danh hút khách du lịch
Ex: The Old Quarter is a place of interest in
• relieving the stress /rɪˈlivɪŋ ðə strɛs/: giải
tỏa căng thẳng
Ex: To relieve the stress of a long day at work,
you should always take a shower when you
get home.
4. Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?
I think that using a boat can be the most economical mode of
transport. Water transport has very low operating and maintenance
costs because it requires very little infrastructure and basic vehicles. All
you really need is a simple boat made of wood or steel.
• Economical: (a) /ˌekəˈnɑːmɪkl/ tiết kiệm
transportation is the bus.
• operating and maintenance costs
/ˈɑpəˌreɪtɪŋ ænd ˈmeɪntənəns kɑsts/: chi phí
bảo trì và vận hành
Ex: The monthly fees cover all operating and
maintenance costs.
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A neighbour
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an interesting neighbor
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What you do together
And explain why he/she is interesting
Context (Bối cảnh)
Hương, hàng xóm cùng tuổi
• Tích cực, nhiều năng lượng
Content (Nội dung)
• Hướng ngoại, là người mở đầu cuộc trò chuyện
• Đi dạo cùng nhau vào trò chuyện
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Có mối quan hệ bền chặt
Take note
Huong, same-age neighbor
Positive, energetic
Extrovert, start a conversation
Take short walks together & talk
An unbreakable bond
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I am going to talk about Huong, who is my neighbor and the same age as
me. I think she is one of the most interesting people I have ever met.
I always feel a sense of positivity when I think about her. She is a very
energetic person, and she seems to never settle in one place for too long,
1. a sense of positivity /ə sɛns ʌv
positivity/: tinh thần/cảm giác tích cực
Ex: There’s always a smile on her face,
which brings about a sense of positivity
intrigued by little adventures that she comes up with. Her energy could
for everyone around.
brighten the day of the saddest person in the room.
2. intrigue /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ (v): hấp dẫn, kích
And because her energy is so strong and contagious, she meets a lot of
always initiates conversations with just about anyone she meets, and I was
3. contagious /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ (adj): dễ
no exception. So, just like that she and I became great friends.
lây lan, lan tỏa
Ex: His enthusiasm was contagious
Actually, we don’t hang out with each other these days as regularly as we
used to, because we are both busy with other things. Still, we sometimes
manage to enjoy a short walk together in the park, talking about our lives
Ex: You’ve really intrigued me—tell me
people because they are easily attracted to her. She’s very extroverted and
and current struggles.
Both Huong and I agree that we have an unbreakable bond with each
other, something like a sisterhood.
4. initiate /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ (v): bắt đầu
Ex: The government has initiated a
programme of economic reform.
5. unbreakable bond /ʌnˈbreɪkəbl
bɑːnd/: mối liên kết không thể phá vỡ
Ex: There is an unbreakable bond
between mother and child.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think people are close to their neighbors?
It really depends on where you are. I think people in cities are getting
less close to their neighbors because many residents in cities come
from different parts of the country. They are often busier with the
hustle and bustle of life and have no time to bond with those around
them. Meanwhile, in the countryside, people have tighter bonds with
their neighbors because they have lived near one another for longer,
and this allows their trust to grow. In case of an emergency, people in
the countryside can often count on their neighbors, unlike those in
the city.
• residents (n) /ˈrezɪdənt/ cư dân
Ex: The proposals sparked concern among
local residents.
• the hustle and bustle /ˈhʌsl ənd ˈbʌsl/: sự
hối hả
Ex: Despite the hustle and bustle of life, she
decided to try to live a peaceful life.
• bond (n) /bɑːnd/ liên kết
Ex: A bond of friendship had been forged
between them.
• count on /kaʊnt ɑn/: dựa dẫm
Ex: We can count on each other.
2. How can people improve their relationships with their neighbors?
There are several ways to do so. The first one is to initiate a conversation
with them. There are many occasions you can take advantage of, such as
waiting for the elevator or walking in a nearby park. Another way may
be to give your neighbors the local specialties you have just brought
• initiate
ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃən/: bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện
Ex: Many people think that introverts never
initiate a conversation.
from your hometown. People have a tendency to give something in
return when they receive a gift from someone. It’s kind of just a polite
thing to do.
3. How do children build relationships with others in a community?
It seems easier for children to build a relationship with others in a
community, because their intentions are usually quite harmless and
innocent, and therefore people generally feel less suspicious of them.
Many people approach us with the intent to gain something, while
there seems to usually be no motive behind a child’s approach. Also,
children are usually very energetic. Many people love to play with
children to free themselves from anxieties and boost their mood.
4. Is it beneficial to get along well with your neighbors?
It is, of course. The first benefit to mention here is that it improves our
mental well-being. It is important to maintain social connections with
other people, which is less prioritized these days. Second, because our
neighbors live geographically close to us, in the case of an emergency,
• free from anxieties /fri frʌm æŋˈzaɪətiz/:
giải phóng khỏi lo lắng
Ex: I am a worrier. I can’t free myself from my
• boost their mood /bust ðɛr mud/: cải thiện
tâm trạng
Ex: Eating ice cream can really boost my
• mental well-being /ˈmɛntəl wɛl-ˈbiɪŋ/: sức
khỏe tâm lý
Ex: Mental well-being should be prioritized
for everyone.
we can ask them to help us. It is more convenient than asking a friend
who lives in another district.
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Busy time
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time you were very busy
You should say:
• When it happened
• Where you were
• What you did
And explain why you were busy
Context (Bối cảnh)
Thời gian bận nhất, làm việc cho một công ty khởi nghiệp
• Sinh viên năm cuối trường đại học, 2 năm trước
• Vừa đi thực tập, vừa làm sinh viên
Content (Nội dung)
• Mới vào làm + nhiều bài tập ở trường
• Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian ké
Trở nên tự tin hơn trong việc giải quyết căng thẳng trong
Conclusion (Kết luận)
cuộc sống
Take note
Busiest time, work for a startup
A senior at college, 2 years ago
Life as an intern and also an
Beginner at work + school assignments
Poor time management skills
Become more confident in dealing with
sress in life
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I would like to talk about the time when I worked for a startup company(1),
which was also the busiest period in my life.
While I was a senior at college, about 2 years ago I suppose, I decided to
apply for an internship at an international startup. The office was near my
university — which was a great advantage. So after class, it wasn’t far to
travel to get there on time.
Life as an intern and also an undergraduate(2) wasn’t easy; I was up to my
ˈkʌmpəni/: công ty khởi nghiệp
Ex: It’s not easy to build a startup
company at first.
2. undergraduate /ˌʌndərˈɡrædʒuət/
(n): sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp
Ex: She teaches physics at undergraduate
so many tasks and procedures to learn to be able to complete the work.
3. be up to one’s ears in something /
Meanwhile, school assignments kept adding up.
Ex: We’re up to our ears in work, and
ears in(3) work and study. I was a total beginner at work; there were just
Anyway, thanks to that stressful time, I have become better at dealing
with stress in life. I am so grateful for what I experienced.
The worst thing was that at the time I had quite poor time management
skills, so I often had to bring unfinished work home to get it done. My
bi ʌp tu wʌnz ɪrz ɪn ˈsʌmθɪŋ/: bận rộn,
ngập đầu trong việc gì
haven’t had time for relaxation for
4. occupied /ˈɑːkjupaɪd/ (adj): bận rộn
Ex: We need something to keep the
children occupied.
mind seemed to always be occupied(4). There was almost no time for me
to rest.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Are you often busy?
I would say it depends. When there are no upcoming projects, my life
as an employee is quite comfortable, even though I usually have a lot
of reports to finish. However, when my boss assigns new projects to
me, my mind will be occupied withdeadlines and responsibilities. Time
really flies during those periods
• upcoming project /ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ ˈprɑʤɛkt/:
dự án sắp tới
Ex: I don’t have any upcoming projects this
month, so I think I’ll take some time off.
• Assign: (v) /əˈsaɪn/ phân công, giao việc
Ex: My teacher assigned me this boring task.
• occupied with /ˈɑkjəˌpaɪd wɪð/: bộn bề với,
bị xâm chiếm
Ex: My mind is occupied with thoughts about
my future husband.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being busy?
One benefit of being continually busy is that it pushes people to find
the most efficient way to finish their work. To do so, you usually need
to improve your time management skills and prioritizing ability.
However, being busy can backfire if you can’t adapt to change. You can
sometimes feel like life is a little too chaotic and you may not have time
to spend with your family or on your hobbies.
3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or
from being under pressure?
I think it depends on the characteristics of the child. Some kids gain
more knowledge about life and develop a strategic mindset through
playing games with their friends. But this isn’t the same for every
kid. Many kids manage to improve themselves better through stress,
because stress pushes them beyond their limits.
4. What kind of pressure do people experience at work?
There can be many kinds of pressure people can experience at work.
One source of pressure can come from outside, which is called external
stress, for instance, their boss. With the hope to achieve corporate
objectives, those in higher positions pressure their employees to finish
work by working overtime. Other pressures may emerge within the
worker, what you may call internal stress. As people strive to earn more
money or to get promoted, they push themselves harder and harder
• time
ˈmænəʤmənt skɪlz/: kỹ năng quản lý thời
Ex: I have poor time management skills.
• adapt to change /əˈdæpt tu ʧeɪnʤ/: đáp
ứng những thay đổi
• strategic mindset /strəˈtiʤɪk ˈmaɪndˌsɛt/:
tư duy chiến thuật
Ex: He has such a sharp strategic mindset.
• push them beyond their limits /pʊʃ ðɛm
bɪˈɑnd ðɛr ˈlɪməts/: thúc đẩy vượt khỏi giới
Ex: Runners are pushing themselves beyond
• external stress /ɪkˈstɜrnəl strɛs/: căng
thẳng đến từ bên ngoài
• internal stress /ɪnˈtɜrnəl strɛs/: căng thẳng
đến từ bên trong
Ex: I am stress-free. No external stress. No
internal stress.
• corporate
əbˈʤɛktɪvz/: mục tiêu doanh nghiệp
Ex: Businesses should strive to achieve their
corporate objectives.
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Family member
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• Whether you worked together before
• What kind of work you would like to do with him/her
And explain how you feel about this family member
Context (Bối cảnh)
Ông nội
• Đa tài, chăm chỉ
Content (Nội dung)
• Chưa bao giờ làm việc cùng nhau, chỉ quan sát ông làm
• Động viên tôi tự sửa chữa đồ đạc
• Lý do muốn làm việc cùng, hiểu biết và nhiều kinh nghiệm
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Một người hướng dẫn cả đời
Take note
Multi-talented, industrious
Never work together - only observe what he fixed
A family
member to
work with
Motivate me to fix things by myself
Reason to work with, knowledgeable and
A lifelong mentor
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I’m going to talk about my grandpa. If any suitable occasion arises, I
would surely love to collaborate with him.
The very first impression that he gives me is that he is a multi-talented(1
man. Honestly, I don’t know what you could say he is – an electrician, a
mechanic, a farmer, and many others. And what’s special is that all the
skills he has got are self-taught. He is very industrious(2), and always
enjoys learning new things from books, other people, and the internet.
Regarding work we’ve done together before, well there actually isn’t any.
Actually, I lived with him when I was little, so more often than not(3), I
would be his keen observer. It was always fascinating to me to watch
how he repaired everything with his own hands. At that time, I really
wished that he could teach me to do such things some day.
If there is a chance, fixing things is what I would love to do with him. Thanks
to him, I have grown interested in mechanics, and I can repair several
appliances at home on my own. But I know he is more knowledgeable(4)
and experienced, and he is a thorough(5) teacher also, always explaining
things so well, so collaborating with him to fix something, such as a radio,
would be a perfect chance to work together.
Looking back, I have always seemed to rely on my grandpa as a lifelong(6)
(adj): đa tài
Ex: She is such a multi-talented artist
who can both sing and dance very well.
2. industrious /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/ (adj):
chăm chỉ, siêng năng
Ex: She was surrounded by energetic,
industrious people.
3. more often than not: /mɔr ˈɔfən ðæn
nɑt/ (~ usually): thường thì
Ex: More often than not, he’s late for
4. knowledgeable /ˈnɑːlɪdʒəbl/ (adj):
thông thái, hiểu biết
Ex: She is very knowledgeable about
5. thorough /ˈθɜːrəʊ/ (adj): cẩn thận
Ex: He was determined to be thorough
in his research.
6. lifelong /ˈlaɪflɔːŋ/ (adj): suốt đời
Ex: Her lifelong ambition had been to
learn how to fly.
mentor. I have learned a lot from him, just by observing what he did and
how he did it.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of family businesses are common in Vietnam?
One kind of common business in Vietnam is a grocery store. With this type of business, the mother and maybe the eldest child in
the family, if the child has basic math ability, can run their little business on a daily basis. The father is usually not involved much in
this kind of business, as he usually has another job which provides more income for the family.
2. Is it good to work with family members? Why?
What do you think young people spend most of their money on?
I’d say it depends. If it is a business, I mean, if there are some kind of
financial benefits, then it’s best to not involve family members. That
is because such a benefit can easily ruin the relationship between
family members. However, if it is just like teamwork, for instance, fixing
a broken appliance at home, then collaborating with a family member
can be of great benefit.
• financial benefits /ˌfaɪˈnænʃəl ˈbɛnəfɪts/: lợi
ích tài chính
Ex: All I care about now is our financial
• ruin the relationship /ˈruən ðə riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/:
hủy hoại mối quan hệ
Ex: What you have done just ruined our
• collaborate with /kəˈlæbəˌreɪt wɪð/: hợp tác
Ex: I wish that I didn’t collaborate with such a
greedy man.
• Teamwork: (n) /ˈtiːmwɜːrk/ việc nhóm, việc
đồng đội
3. Why do people want to do family business?
There can be several reasons for this tendency. One of them is because
of familiarity and trust. Family members have known each other for a
long time, so they can skip the bonding and team building part of the
business and automatically feel comfortable working together. Another
• Bonding /ˈbɑndɪŋ/: hoạt động gắn kết đoàn
thể, đội nhóm
• team building /tim ˈbɪldɪŋ/: hoạt động gắn
kết đoàn thể, đội nhóm
Ex: I’m going to leave this company. There
reason could be to optimize the benefits. Many people think that it’s
is no need to take part in the team building
not a good idea to reveal their experience or business secrets to people
outside of their family.
• optimize the benefits /ˈɑptəˌmaɪz ðə
ˈbɛnəfɪts/: tối đa hóa lợi ích
Ex: To optimize the benefits, we should
minimize the operating costs.
4. What benefits are there when working for big companies?
Working for big corporations can be very beneficial. One of the reasons
for that is fame. When you work for a large established company, for
instance, Apple or Microsoft, you don’t need to explain much about that
field your company is in, and you can gain a lot of admiration. Another
reason is for a substantial and stable income. Because, unlike startup
companies, money is not usually a problem.
• established company /ɪˈstæblɪʃt ˈkʌmpəni/:
doanh nghiệp thành lập, đã có chỗ đứng/tên
Ex: Apple is a well-established company.
• stable income /ˈsteɪbəl ˈɪnˌkʌm/: thu nhập
ổn định
Ex: I applied for this job because of the stable
income it promised
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in
You should say:
• What the contest/competition is about
• Where the contest/competition will take place
• When it will be held
And explain why you would like to participate in it
Context (Bối cảnh)
Nói trước đám đông
• Lý do: giỏi 1 cách tự nhiên, hào hứng
Content (Nội dung)
• Diễn ra 2 lần một năm
• Tham gia để có kinh nghiệm
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Mong chờ có những trải nghiệm quý giá
Take note
Public speaking
Reason: naturally good + excitement
Take place twice a year
Participate to experience
Looking forward to this valuable experience
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I have always loved public speaking, and if there were to be any kind of
competition for this, I would surely take part in it.
Ex: She soon established a reputation as
There are two reasons for this. First, I have a reputation for being an excellent
public speaker. I don’t know where my charisma(2) comes from when on
stage, but whenever I’m in front of an audience, I feel like I have to bring the
most of myself to the stage. Second, it always gives me a thrill standing on a
big stage and expressing my thoughts as eloquently
as possible. I know it
can be scary being in the spotlight, but after a while you get used to it and it
1. reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ (n): danh
a first-class cook.
2. charisma /kəˈrɪzmə/ (n): khí chất
Ex: The President has great personal
3. eloquently /ˈeləkwəntli/ (adv): một
cách hùng hồn
actually becomes quite exciting. It can transform you I think.
Ex: She spoke eloquently on the subject.
Twice a year, a public speaking competition takes place at my university.
(trong trường Đại học)
This competition welcomes students from all faculties(4), but the point
is, it is to be presented in English. The topics range from environmental to
4. faculty /ˈfæklti/ (n): ngành, khoa
Ex: She is the one who is doing degrees
in the Arts Faculty.
political problems. This is absolutely a challenge for me because I barely have
any knowledge on these topics. So from now on, I have to totally focus on
practicing. The date of the competition is getting closer.
I decided to take part in this competition because I always consider
competitions as a way to gain more experience and help myself be more
confident, and this competition is no exception.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how far I could go in this competition.
Even if I fail, I believe that it will still be a valuable experience.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What contests are commonly seen on TV programs?
As far as I know, there are several popular contests on TV in Vietnam. One
of them is beauty contests, as appearance seems to be so important
to people these days. Another might be comedy contests, such as
“Challenge the comedians”. In this contest, contestants have to win over
the comedian judges by making them laugh out loud. These are the
most common types of contests these days.
• beauty contest /ˈbjuti ˈkɑntɛst/: cuộc thi
sắc đẹp
Ex: There are many beauty contests in the
world with the participation of a lot of young
beautiful ladies.
• comedy contest /ˈkɑmədi ˈkɑntɛst/: cuộc
thi về hài kịch
Ex: Comedy contests are popular in Vietnam.
2. Why are competition shows popular?
There are probably several reasons for the popularity of competition
shows. First, I think it is because we humans are competitive in nature.
In other words, we like to compare ourselves to other people and to
think that we are superior. So, competitive TV shows are just a type of
content that feeds our natural tendency. Also, it can be due to our need
• Competitive (adj) /kəmˈpetətɪv/ cạnh tranh
Ex: I am a very competitive person – I always
want to win.
• Superior (adj) /suːˈpɪriər/ vượt trội
Ex: He thought he was superior, though he
for entertainment because people these days are so stressed out with
3. What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
to answer more specifically, I would say education needs it most. For a
• traditional teaching methods /trəˈdɪʃənəl
while, education in Vietnam stuck with traditional teaching methods
Ex: Traditional teaching methods no longer
Every kind of industry needs an element of competition, but if I have
and prioritized the theory over the practice. This created generations
of passive learners. So, competition in education is necessary to get rid
of the old way and to welcome more innovative educational ideas.
ˈtiʧɪŋ ˈmɛθədz/: phương pháp dạy truyền
work. It’s time for change.
• welcome innovative educational ideas
/ˈwɛlkəm ˈɪnəˌveɪtɪv ˌɛʤəˈkeɪʃənəl aɪˈdiəz/:
chào đón những ý tưởng giáo dục mới
Ex: We should welcome more innovative ideas
to our business.
4. Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete
with others within companies?
To a certain extent, there should be a little competitiveness between
people within a company. I believe healthy competition is beneficial
to every employee as it pushes them to try harder and thus helps them
to gain more experience and expertise. However, toxic competition
should not be encouraged as it creates an environment that just
prioritizes results, not effort and progress.
• Competitiveness
cạnh tranh
Ex: Competitiveness is not good or bad.
• healthy competition /ˈhɛlθi ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən/:
cạnh tranh lành mạnh
Ex: Healthy competition should be welcomed.
• toxic competition /ˈtɑksɪk ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən/:
cạnh tranh độc hại
Ex: Toxic competition should be gotten rid of.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study
You should say:
• What it is
• How it helps you concentrate
• When you do it
And explain how you feel about it
Context (Bối cảnh)
Đi bộ ở công viên gần nhà, 1 lần/ngày
• Nền tảng để cải thiện sự tập trung
Content (Nội dung)
• Thiền suy nghĩ
• Không khó và không đòi hỏi nhiều thể chất
• Cảm thấy thoải mái, sẵn sàng chinh phục thế giới
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Tốt cho sức khỏe tinh thần và thể chất
Take note
Walking, a park near my house, once
a day
Foundation of practicing
Not difficult and physically demanding
Feel refreshed and ready to conquer
the world
Good for mental and physical well-being
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I’m going to talk about one thing that I do every day to keep my mind focused,
and that is walking. There is a park near my house, and I usually take a walk
to communicate with each other
regardless of distances.
I think that walking improves our concentration because it is like a foundation
2. meditation /ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn/ (n): thiền
Ex: She found peace through yoga and
means, I try my best to focus on what is happening around me and inside my
mind at that time. Also, this isn’t as difficult and physically demanding(3) as
dɪˈmændɪŋ/: đòi hỏi nhiều về thể chất
running or other forms of exercise. Walking is just perfect for someone who
Ex: Social networking sites allow people
there at least once a day, regardless of(1) the weather – rain, hail or shine.
to the concentration practice. While walking, I practice meditation(2), which
1. regardless of /rəˈgɑrdləs ʌv: bất kể
prefers gentle exercise like me.
Ex: This job is physically demanding as
he has to carry very heavy stuff.
4. conquer /ˈkɑːŋkər/ (v): chinh phục
After a walk, I tend to feel so refreshed and ready to conquer(4) the world. This
Ex: The Normans conquered England in
is because I meditate while I walk, which helps me purify(5) my mind and free
all my anxieties.
5. purify /ˈpjʊrɪfaɪ/ (v): thanh lọc
Ex: One tablet will purify a litre of water.
Not only my mind but my physical strength also gets better little by little over
time. I suppose walking boosts our mental and physical well-being(6).
6. mental and physical well-being
/ˈmɛntəl ænd ˈfɪzɪkəl wɛl-ˈbiɪŋ/: sức
khỏe tinh thần và thể chất
Ex: Children should take part in many
outdoor activities so that they can
achieve mental and physical well-being.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays
than in the past?
It is more difficult for children to focus these days compared to the
past because they get exposed to all kinds of distractions more often,
and have an abundance of information at their fingertips. Kids
just need to download a game and then can play all day long. If they
get bored with that game, they can switch to other distractions like
entertainment shows or social media.
• get exposed to /gɛt ɪkˈspoʊzd tə/: tiếp xúc
Ex: You should let your kids get exposed to
reading soon.
• an abundance of information /ən əˈbʌndəns
ʌv ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/: sự dư thừa thông tin
Ex: An abundance of information is a
• at their fingertips /æt ðɛr ˈfɪŋgərˌtɪps/: trên
đầu ngón tay, có sẵn
Ex: The world wide web gives you all the
answers you seek at your fingertips.
• distractions: (n) /dɪˈstrækʃn/ những xao
nhãng, phân tâm
Ex: Her distraction caused her to feel more
2. Do you think technology can harm children’s ability to concentrate?
I do think so. Studies show that people today, especially children, have
a shorter attention span and this correlates with the popularity of
technological devices. Children by nature are energetic; it is difficult
to keep them settled in one place physically and mentally. With
the increasing use of smartphones, they can now stay in one place
physically, but their mind remains busy.
• shorter attention span /ˈʃɔrtər əˈtɛnʃən
spæn/: khoảng chú ý ngắn hơn
Ex: Today people have shorter attention spans
than people in the past
• the popularity of technological devices /
ðə ˌpɑpjəˈlɛrəti ʌv ˌtɛknəˈlɑʤɪkəl dɪˈvaɪsəz/:
sự phổ biến của các thiết bị công nghệ
Ex: The popularity of technological devices is
a double-edged sword.
3. What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?
There are many kinds of occupations that require concentration, but
being a surgeon is what first came to mind. During a surgery, one minor
mistake could ruin the whole surgery and kill the patient. So, surgeons
must be meticulous in every step they take. In order to do that, they
must be highly skilled at controlling their emotions and eliminating
• Meticulous: (a) /məˈtɪkjələs/ tỉ mỉ
Ex: He has always been so meticulous about
his appearance
• skilled at /skɪld æt/: thạo việc gì
Ex: He is highly skilled at typing.
the distractions in their mind.
4. Can exercise help people improve concentration?
I believe that exercise is a great way to help us train our minds to be
focused when needed. When you do an exercise, for instance, running,
science has shown us that we can reach a kind of meditative state. In
that state, there is only you and the next checkpoint. You have to free
your mind from distractions or else they will slow you down and
discourage you from persisting.
• meditative state /ˈmɛdəˌteɪtɪv steɪt/: trạng
thái thiền
Ex: Reading can put you in a meditative state.
• free your mind from distractions /fri jʊər
maɪnd frʌm dɪˈstrækʃənz/: giải phóng tâm trí
khỏi những xao nhãng
Ex: He is always staring at his phone. It’s so
hard to free his mind from distractions
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something that surprised you
You should say:
• What it is
• How you found out about it
• What you did
And explain whether it made you happy
Context (Bối cảnh)
Quà sinh nhật, vé khứ hồi đi Đà Lạt, bạn tặng
• Luôn luôn tổ chức cùng nhau
Content (Nội dung)
• Nửa đêm, không thấy lời chúc, thất vọng
• Email gây ngạc nhiên: vé
• Khóc vì hạnh phúc
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Cảm thấy biết ơn vì có nhau
Take note
Last birthday present, a round-trip
ticket to Da Lat, given by best friend
Always celebrate together
Midnight, no wishes, disappointed
Surprise email: a ticket
Cry out of happiness
Blessed to have each other
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I’m going to talk about my last birthday present, a round-trip(1) ticket to Da
Lat, a city in southern Vietnam. It was given to me by my closest friends, in a
way that I could never imagine.
As best friends, we always remember and celebrate each other’s birthdays. So,
chuyến đi khứ hồi
Ex: I’ve booked two round-trip tickets for
was almost midnight and there was no sign that she had prepared something
2. sympathize /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ (v): đồng
for me. I felt a little disappointed, trying to sympathize(2) with her that we
when my birthday came, I was looking forward to my bestie’s wishes. But it
adults were too busy.
1. round-trip /ˌraʊnd ˈtrɪp/ (adj):
cảm, thông cảm
Ex: I find it very hard to sympathize with
I was almost in tears when I received an email that was sent to me to confirm
my flight. I was confused because I didn’t book it. It seemed like a mistake.
Then my bestie messaged me to announce that we were going to take a trip
to Da Lat, our first trip together. So, I did cry after that, but this was out of
happiness. I also blamed her for making me almost depressed because of
thinking that my bestie had forgotten my birthday.
Anyway, she did make my day, and I felt so blessed to have such a friend like
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How do people express happiness in your culture?
I think it is not very different from the way people in other countries express happiness. When we humans feel happy, we smile a
lot. Hugging was not very popular in years gone by, but the younger generations today feel comfortable with this gesture.
2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people?
Happiness surely has many positive effects on people. I suppose the
first influence would be its anti-aging powers. Studies have shown that
people who are pleased with their life look more youthful and vibrant.
The next effect might be that happy people tend to look on the bright
side. This makes them excellent problem-solvers when faced with some
difficult situations.
• Anti-aging /ˈænti-ˈeɪʤɪŋ/: chống lão hóa
Ex: An anti-aging cream can help remove
wrinkles on your face.
• pleased with /plizd wɪð/: hài lòng với
Ex: She was very pleased with the results
• look on the bright side /lʊk ɑn ðə braɪt
saɪd/: nhìn vào mặt tích cực
Ex: He is an optimist. He always looks on the
bright side.
3. How can people be happy?
Happiness means different things to different people. Some people feel
happy when they are physically satisfied, for instance, with the food
they have just eaten. Meanwhile, other people find themselves filled
with happiness when they help someone in need. So, it really depends
on our own experience to understand what makes us happy.
4. ls ït good for people to be unhappy? Why?
I believe it is healthy to feel unhappy sometimes for several reasons.
First, it is a natural emotion, so suppressing it means suppressing our
nature. This is unnecessary and toxic. The second reason is that our
• Satisfied (a) /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ hài lòng, thỏa mãn
Ex: She was very satisfied with the results
• filled with happiness /fɪld wɪð ˈhæpinəs/:
thấy tràn ngập hạnh phúc
Ex: When my child was born, my heart was
filled with happiness.
• Suppress (v) /səˈpres/ kìm nén, dập tắt, đàn
Ex: The uprising was suppressed.
unhappiness can be really powerful. It reveals a lot about a person and
can change someone’s behavior in a positive way. For instance, a kid
who knows that his action displeases his father can learn to not repeat
that action again.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an important event you celebrated
You should say:
• What the event was
• When it happened
• Who attended the event
And explain how you feel about the event
• Bữa tiệc sinh nhật tròn 18 tuổi được tổ chức vào năm trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Thời điểm vừa đỗ đại học
• Bố mẹ tổ chức bữa tiệc thân mật
• Các món ăn gia đình thường ngày cùng bánh sinh nhật
Content (Nội dung)
• Tổ chức board game và xem phim
• Có thời gian trò chuyện để thấu hiểu nhau
• Kỉ niệm đáng nhớ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tình cảm gia đình thêm bền chặt
Take note
18th birthday party held last year
Passed the university entrance exam
Intimate party
Family meal with a birthday cake
Playing boardgame, watching movies
Family talk to understand each other
Meaningful memories
Strengthen the bond between members
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I would like to talk about my 18th birthday party - one of the most meaningful
events I have ever celebrated. Last year, after receiving my college acceptance
letter (1) just a few days before my birthday, my family wanted to celebrate the
biggest turning point (2) of my life as an adult.
consisted of 4 family members: my parents, my younger brother and myself.
which brought us close
together. We gathered around our small kitchen and helped my mom cook
the dinner. Without any fancy recipe, the feast simply included some regular
dishes just like other daily meals. But on that day, my dad bought a birthday
cake out of the blue (4), which made a huge difference to the occasion. After
having dinner, we played board games, such as chess and Uno, while enjoying
my most favourite tv series, which is called Modern Family. That evening felt
cosier than ever, and led to a wonderful discussion between our family, with
each member talking about overcoming recent problems as well as future
expectations we would like to share together.
That celebration is one of my most meaningful memories. The party bridged
the gap (5) between my family members and gave us a chance to understand
each other better.
əkˈseptəns ˈletə /: thông báo trúng
tuyển đại học
Ex: After receiving a college acceptance
As we were under quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our party only
However, this created an intimate atmosphere
1.college acceptance letter / ˈkɒlɪdʒ
letter, you need to keep track of the
deadline to sign up for orientation.
2.turning point / ˈtɜ:nɪŋ poɪnt /: thời
điểm thay đổi quan trọng
Ex: The turning point in her political
career came when she was chosen to
run as a Senator.
3.intimate atmosphere / ˈɪntɪmeɪt
ˈætməsfɪə /: bầu không khí thân mật
Ex: The intimate atmosphere made him
feel relaxed.
4.out of the blue / aʊt əv ðə bluː /: bất
Ex: One day, out of the blue, she
announced that she was leaving.
5.bridged the gap / brɪdʒd ðə ɡæp /:
thu hẹp khoảng cách
Ex: The president singled out education
as the most vital tool for bridging the
gap between rich and poor.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1.Do you like to celebrate important events?
When I was a kid, I always looked forward to celebrations as I could
meet people and enjoy the festive vibe. However, as an adult, I think
important events bring up some kind of pressure, which makes me
get tired easily preparing for the special day. For instance, some
individuals dislike Tet as they have to spend a great amount of time
and money to purchase gifts and decorate their home
• look forward to / ˈlʊk ˈfɔːwəd tuː /: háo hức
mong chờ
Ex: She was looking forward to seeing the
grandchildren again.
• festive vibe / ˈfestɪv vaɪbz /: không khí lễ
hội sôi động
Ex: I love the festive vibe of Tet holiday.
2. What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
There are various types of celebrations. Most people would usually
prepare for important national events such as Lunar New Year,
Christmas or National Day. In addition, individuals also celebrate one’s
memorable milestones such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries or
moving to college.
3. Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or
just a few people?
In my opinion, most events related to someone’s personal milestones,
• National Day / ˈnæʃnəl ˈdeɪ /: Lễ Quốc Khánh
Ex: Vietnamese National Day is held on
September 2nd.
• milestone (n) /ˈmaɪl.stoʊn/: cột mốc quan
Ex: He felt that moving out of his parents’
• crowd (v) /kraʊd/: tập trung đông đúc
Ex: Commuters crowded into the train.
• excitement (n)
/ɪkˈsaɪt.mənt/: niềm vui
such as a birthday or graduation, would be held privately amongst
thích, phấn chấn
family and relatives. On the other hand, during public events, people
Ex: Robin’s heart was pounding with
tend to crowd at central areas setting off fireworks and air horns or just
simply shouting to express their excitement.
4.Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
Yes, as I can see, most individuals enjoy holidays with their family and
relatives. Celebrating festivals together not only helps strengthen the
bond between family members but this is also an occasion for people
to express their love and care towards each other.
• strengthen the bond / ˈstreŋθn̩ ðə bɒnd /:
giúp mối liên hệ thêm bền chặt
Ex: Empathy strengthens social bonds in at
least three ways.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a positive change that you made in your life
You should say:
• What it is
• Why you did it
• Who you did it with
And explain how you feel about the change
Context (Bối cảnh)
Thói quen thức khuya có từ hồi còn học trung học
• Thường xuyên thức khuya do trì hoãn công việc
• Thức khuya vì xem phim, chơi game
Content (Nội dung)
• Cơ thể thường xuyên mệt mỏi, thiếu tập trung
• Tập thói quen ngủ sớm, cải thiện đồng hồ sinh học
• Sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần được cải thiện
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Thêm tin tưởng vào bản thân hơn
Take note
Bad habit since secondary school
Sleeping late due to procastination at work
Get hooked on games and movies
Destructive to wellbeing, lack of concentration
Fix biological clock by sleeping earlier
Improved health
Self-confident, ready for greater changes
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So I would like to talk about my experience of overcoming one of my
worst habits that I’ve had since my years in secondary school, and that is
1. procrastinate (v)
staying up late at night.
tə.neɪt/: trì hoãn
Ex: When it comes to housework, I tend
So usually I would procrastinate finishing my school work until so late
at night that burning the midnight oil(2) became necessary to meet my
deadlines. In addition, I would stay awake for hours, hooked on a wide
range of temptations during the night, such as watching films and playing
video games. For instance, I used to spend all night binge-watching my
to procrastinate.
2. burn the midnight oil / ˈbɜ:n ðə
ˈmɪdnaɪt ɔɪl /: làm việc khuya
Ex: In order to complete my homework
on time, I had no choice but to burn the
favourite TV series called The Witcher, and as a consequence, I struggled
midnight oil
to wake up early the next day and eventually found it challenging to
3. hooked on / hʊkt ɒn /: bị lôi cuốn
maintain my punctuality(4). After undergoing extreme stomach aches as
well as lack of concentration, I finally set my heart on stopping this bad
habit. I managed to make the change by taking baby steps, getting to
bed at a more reasonable hour each night, and by doing so, I managed to
correct my internal biological clock.
Ex: The audience were hooked on his
4. punctuality (n) /ˌpʌnk.tʃuˈæl.ə.t̬i/: sự
đúng giờ
Ex: Punctuality has never been his strong
After a great amount of effort, I managed to correct my sleeping habit
back to a more normal time period, and as a consequence, my health was
better both physically and mentally. Also, since that turning point, I have
become more self-confident and ready for more positive changes in my
5. Set heart on / set ˈhɑ:t ɒn /: hạ quyết
tâm thực hiện
Ex: She’s set her heart on taking the first
prize in that competition.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Is it easy for old people to change?
In my view, the elderly may find it hard adapting to changes. One
of the main reasons I think is that old people usually hold narrowminded opinions on various aspects of life. I guess they tend to build
their perceptions of life off of their experiences. And I suppose they’ve
been through different kinds of ups and downs compared to younger
2. Is it easier for young people to change?
The youth are probably more adaptable to changes compared to
their elders. Being born in the time of rapid evolutions in technology,
the overexposure to different technology and social media has soon
made young people more willing to accept various types of beliefs
and choices. I guess the younger generations are always more openminded.
• narrow-minded (adj) /ˌner.oʊˈmaɪn.dɪd/:
bảo thủ
Ex: I really can’t stand narrow-minded people.
• ups and downs / ʌps ənd daʊnz /: thăng
trầm trong cuộc sống
Ex: Like most married couples we’ve had our
ups and downs, but life’s like that.
• overexposure (n) /ˌoʊ.vɚ.ɪkˈspoʊ.ʒɚ/: tiếp
cận quá nhiều
Ex: They were concerned about their children’s
overexposure to violence.
• open-minded (adj) /ˌoʊ.pənˈmaɪn.dɪd/: cởi
Ex: Doctors these days tend to be more openminded about alternative medicine.
3. How can people change their daily routine?
Well I think that there are certain factors that can significantly modify
one’s daily routine. The main one that comes to mind is being more
open-minded about changing lots of casual habits, which seems
challenging at first as daily routine is attributed to almost automatic
behaviour. Perseverance is also an essential factor as changing a
routine demands a great amount of time and effort.
4. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?
Continual changes could lead to noticeable displeasure in many
aspects of life. It is obvious that changing always requires a certain
amount of effort, which means people might be overloaded and
exhausted due to the new workload for the transformation. What’s
more, continual changing can also lead to a loss of control.
• habit (n) /ˈhæb.ɪt/: thói quen
Ex: I have the habit of checking my emails as
soon as I log on to my computer.
• perseverance (n) /ˌpɝː.səˈvɪr.əns/: sự kiên
Ex: It took a lot of patience and perseverance
for all sides to reach an agreement.
• displeasure (n) /dɪˈspleʒ.ɚ/: cảm giác bất
tiện, không hài lòng
Ex: Some landlords voiced their displeasure
over the city’s proposal.
• overloaded (adj) /ˌoʊ.vɚˈloʊ.dɪd/: quá tải
Ex: The market is overloaded with car
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Special day
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much
You should say:
• When the day was
• Where you went
• How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day
• Kì nghỉ hè, trời nóng nực
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đi cùng bạn thân
• Đi xe bus đến hồ Tây
• Dạo quanh vòng hồ, thưởng thức streetfood
Content (Nội dung)
• Vui chơi ở công viên nhỏ
• Picnic trên thảm cỏ và chơi card game
• Chuyến đi đáng nhớ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Sẽ trải nghiệm lại lần nữa
Take note
Summer vacation, scorching hot
Hang out with my best friend
Caught a bus to West Lake
Trip to
Jog around, enjoy street food
Went to the nearby ground
Picnic on greensward, play card game
Unforgettable trip
Will experience again
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These days, things usually do not come for cheap, especially in a bustling
trip to West Lake with my best friend. Although it was a scorching hot day,
1. hit the road / ˌhɪt ðə rəʊd /: khởi
we decided to pack our things up and just hit the road(1).
hitting the road.
city like Hanoi. Even so, on last summer vacation, I still enjoyed an exciting
In order to prevent getting sunburnt, my best friend and I caught a bus to
commute in the city. After being dropped off at the bus stop, we walked
for a short while to West Lake, our destination. Our first activity was
Ex: I’d love to stay longer but I must be
2. shell out / ˈʃel ˈaʊt /: tiêu tiền
Ex: I had to shell out a lot of money for
these shoes.
relaxed, walking around with a soft breeze, we tried out some popular
3. seesaw (n) /ˈsiː.sɑː/: trò bập bênh
street foods such as ice cream and barbecued meat without having to
facing each other.
jogging around the lake while searching for food stalls close by. Feeling
shell out(2) too much money. Out of the blue, we found a little playground
nearby. Playing around on the seesaw(3) and carousel(4) really brought
us back to our childhood memories. At last, me and my best friend got to
rest in a nice grassy area, having a mini picnic with some snacks we had
prepared previously. We nibbled on our potato chips whilst playing card
games to kill some time(5) before going back home.
Ex: Playground seesaws usually have
handles for the riders to grip as they sit
4. carousel (n) /ˌker.əˈsel/: đu quay
Ex: In 1882 a simple version of a ‘horse
carousel’ was introduced to the park.
5. kill time / kɪl ˈtaɪm /: giết thời gian
Ex: We killed some time playing cards
while we waited for the flight.
I think that day felt really special because we’d never been on such an
adventure together before. It was also nice that this trip didn’t cost much
money. The journey was so delightful that I would definitely want to
experience it again.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do people in your country like to spend their leisure time outside?
Yeah, I think a lot of people in Vietnam love to spend their days off
outside. I think that spending time outdoors really can be enough
to recharge your batteries after a long week at work or school. For
instance, cycling around the city could help alleviate stress as well as
learn some new things about the city, like discovering new shortcuts
to get places or finding new interesting places you didn’t know about
• recharge your batteries / ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ ðə
ˈbætriz /: thư giãn, hồi phục năng lượng
Ex: She took a trip to the South of France to
recharge her batteries.
• shortcut (n) /ˈʃɔːrt-/: đường tắt
Ex: I know a shortcut to get home from here.
2. How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
Well, I think there are many things that people in Vietnam do in their
free time. For example, some people love to escape suburban life for
a weekend of camping in the countryside. I tend to see a lot of young
people and families with small children doing this kind of activity the
most. On the other hand, perhaps older people, or single adults might
rather stay at home watching TV or doing other pastimes like playing
sport or going to the cinema.
3. How does technology affect the way people spend their
leisure time?
The advancement of technology has made great changes to how
people enjoy their spare time. In the past, people would hold a picnic
or simply go for a walk somewhere in nature to explore an area and get
out of the city. But these days, a lot of people prefer to stay at home
binge-watchingtheir favourite TV series or playing online games rather
• suburban (adj) /səˈbɝː.bən/: thuộc vùng
nông thôn
Ex: Suburban life may seem boring to many
young people.
• pastime (n) /ˈpæs.taɪm/: hoạt động tiêu
Ex: Painting used to be my favourite pastime,
• binge-watch (v) /ˈbɪndʒ ˌwɑːtʃ/: xem liên
tục các tập phim
Ex: We binge-watched an entire season of
“Breaking Bad” on Sunday.
• spare time (n) /ˈspeər ˈtɑɪm/: thời gian rảnh
Ex: What do you like to do in your spare time?
than getting outside.
4. Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
Absolutely. I think once people retire they have a lot more spare time
for leisure activities. I mean, that’s what retirement is all about right?
• leisurely (adj) /ˈleʒ.ɚ.li/: thư thái
Ex: We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch on the
Take my grandparents as an example, they tend to spend most of their
day doing leisurely activities like walking in the park, chatting with their
friends, reading books and listening to music. But I guess it’s not like that
for all older people. Some people still have a hard life after retirement
and don’t have the opportunity to relax very much unfortunately.
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An invention
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way
You should say:
• What it is
• What benefits it has brought
• How it influences people of different ages
And explain how it changed people’s lives
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Phát minh năm 1993, đóng vai trò quan trọng
• Phương tiện liên lạc phổ biến nhất
Content (Nội dung)
• Công cụ chụp ảnh tiện lợi
• Nhiều chức năng khác: tra bản đồ, giải trí, học tập..
• Tinh giản các hoạt động thường ngày
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tạo sự thay đổi lớn
• Không thể thay thế
Take note
Invented in 1993, plays a vital part
Most prominent means of communication
Easy photo-taking device
Many other features
Simplify daily tasks
Make great difference
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Those past decades have appeared a wide range of great inventions.
Personally speaking, I suppose that the smartphone which was invented
in 1993 has been one of the most revolutionary creations(1).
I would say the smartphone has brought about enormous advantages to
different aspects in our lives. Firstly, cell phones could be considered the
most prominent means of communication. As far as I know, centuries ago
people kept in touch(2) via verbal conversations(3), and only by sending
letters could they exchange information over a long distance. However,
since the appearance of the cellular phone, those far conversations as
well as abrupt contacts have no longer been a problem. What is more,
the smartphone is also a cost-effective(4) and portable shooting device.
Over the past few years, smartphone cameras still hold great novelty
ˌrevəˈluːʃənri kriːˈeɪʃn̩ /: phát minh quan
2. keep in touch / kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ /: giữ liên
ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn̩ /: giao tiếp thông qua đối
4. cost-effective (adj) / kɒst ɪˈfektɪv /:
tiết kiệm chi phí
5. irreplaceable (adj) /ˌɪr.əˈpleɪ.sə.bəl/:
không thể thay thế
value for capturing photographs. Also, this kind of portable device also
comprises many other handy features, such as tracking maps, studying
and researching, entertaining and so on. Thanks to the cellular phone,
our daily activities are significantly simplified, which helps budgeting our
time to complete tasks more efficiently.
To sum up, I would say that the smartphone has really made a great
difference in the way we live. This invention might be so irreplaceable(5)
that I cannot imagine a day without my cellphone.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What is the most helpful innovation at home?
To me, the most handy household invention is the refrigerator. When
it comes to food storage, this kind of innovation appears to be of
great importance. The fridge not only stores a large amount of meals
and ingredients but it also keeps them fresh for up to a whole week.
• of great importance / əv ˌgreɪt ɪmˈpɔːtns /:
đóng vai trò quan trọng
• hygienic (adj) /haɪˈdʒen.ɪk/: sạch sẽ, không
chứa mầm bệnh
Therefore, people could enjoy hygienic suppers without going to the
market regularly.
2. What household appliances make us lazy?
In my view, people tend to rely too much on microwaves. Thanks to
this gadget, the leftover food as well as some instant meals could be
heated up after a short moment. As a result, individuals no longer have
to spend time preparing meals, they only have to put certain types of
• instant (food) (adj) /ˈɪn.stənt/: đồ ăn liền,
có thể sử dụng nhanh chóng
• put into storage / ˈpʊt ˈɪntə ˈstɔːrɪdʒ /: tích
food into storage and heat them up for consumption.
3. What kind of invention can be used at school?
Owing to my observation, there is a wide range of school appliances,
which aid studying and multimedia purposes. However, the most
common invention might be the projector. With this device, films and
pictures can be multiplied in size, therefore allowing all students in class
to comprehensively catch up with the lesson.
• multimedia (adj)
phương tiện
/ˌmʌl.tiˈmiː.di.ə/: đa
• comprehensively (adv) /ˌkɑːm.prəˈhen.sɪv.
li/: một cách toàn diện
4. Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?
To be honest, I don’t think so. It is obvious that artificial intelligence
has highly promising potential in many different aspects, yet this
advancement is not suitable enough to be replaced with human
teachers. As far as I know, education requires a large amount of direct
interactions, and tutors might be able to flexibly modify their lessons
• artificial
ɪnˈtel.ə.dʒəns/: trí thông minh nhân tạo
• promising (adj) /ˈprɑː.mɪ.sɪŋ/: có triển vọng
based on each student’s learning capabilities.
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278 | ZIM
A disagreement
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a disagreement you had with someone
You should say:
• Who you had the disagreement with
• What the disagreement was
• What happened
And explain how you felt about it
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Vài tháng trước, chuẩn bị bài thuyết trình cho lớp vật lý
• Vấn đề nghiên cứu khác nhau
• Ý tưởng thuyết trình của bạn thân khó trở nên hấp dẫn
Content (Nội dung)
• Ý tưởng còn lại thú vị hơn
• Thầy giáo yêu cầu làm bài cá nhân độc lập
• Các bài thuyết trình đều diễn ra thành công
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Cả hai đều khá xấu hổ khi mâu thuẫn với nhau
Take note
A few months back
A project in physics class
Different “rabbit holes”
Close friend’s presentation idea was difficult to be engaging
The other idea was more interesting
The teacher required to do the experiments independently
Both of the presentations went wonderfully
Both were quite embarrassed to be so worked up
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A disagreement that I will talk about will be one that I had a few months
back with a close friend of mine. We were preparing a presentation for
a project in physics class that we would then do in front of the class.
Both of us are quite interested in the sciences in general, and have our
own ‘rabbit holes’ (1) that we fall down into and study at depth (2) for
a time. Well around this time he had gotten quite interested in the
oceans and marine biology in general, whereas I was going through
a phase where I was intensely interested in airplanes, and the physics
surrounding flight in general. He was adamant (3) that we should do our
presentation on the effects of water pressure on deep sea submarines.
While this sounds interesting at first glance, I thought it would be very
difficult to make an engaging presentation for. We would not have
access to, or the ability to build, anything that would allow us to get
the pressures required to actually show the class a meaningful example
of how physics was playing out in these situations. Whereas with my
idea it would be much easier to use some simple models and diagrams
to show off the physics effects that were, in my opinion, much more
interesting anyway. Eventually our teacher just told us to do our own
experiments independently, which we both knew was going to be
1. rabbit hole /ˈræb.ɪt ˌhoʊl/: vấn đề
nghiên cứu hấp dẫn
Ex: You can kind of find yourself getting
sucked into various attention rabbit
2.adamant (a) /ˈæd.ə.mənt/: cương
Ex: I’ve told her she should stay at
home and rest but she’s adamant that
she’s coming.
3. study at depth / ˈstʌdi ət depθ /:
nghiên cứu chuyên sâu
Ex: This project required us to study at
4. worked up /ˌwɝːkt ˈʌp/: cáu bẳn,
không vui
Ex: It’s easy to get worked up when
you’re tired and everything seems to be
against you.
more work.
After all was said and done though, both of our presentations went
wonderfully and we both received good marks. Talking about it after,
we were both quite embarrassed to be so worked up (4) over something
so silly.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What would you do if you disagreed with someone?
That would depend on the severity of the disagreement,
of course. In general I do not allow other people to sway
too much over my life if I can get away with it. Just because
someone and I disagree on something, that doesn’t mean
that there aren’t a million other things we do agree on. Even
• severity (n) /səˈver.ə.t̬i/: độ nghiêm trọng, căng
Ex: He spoke with great severity.
• engage with / ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ wɪð /: có liên quan, tiếp
xúc đến
Ex: Just stay out of his way as much as possible, and
if that is not the case, it is likely best for me to just engage
don’t engage with him.
with this person less than it is to escalate the situation in
2. How do we stop an argument from escalating into
a fight?
There are many different approaches that work for this.
The one that I and many others follow is a code of absolute
• Approach (n) /əˈproʊtʃ/: cách tiếp cận vấn đề
Ex: We need to adopt a different approach to the
Non-violence (a) /ˌnɑːnˈvaɪə.ləns/: giải quyết
non-violence unless our health is at risk. I would never
trong hòa bình, không bạo lực
personally agree to a make an argument into a physical
Ex: The Dalai Lama has always counselled non-
confrontation. My own personal ethics would only allow
me to be physical with someone else if they were putting
me at risk of bodily harm. In the modern era there is no
need for situations to become fights, everyone has the
power to walk away from a bad encounter.
3. Who do you think should teach children to respect their
I think, as many things to do about raising children, the old
adage “It takes a village to raise a child” is appropriate here.
It is of course the responsibility of the parents to ensure that
their children go to school ingrained with the knowledge
that they must respect their teachers, but it is also the
responsibility of teachers to be figures worth of respect and
• ingrained (a) /ɪnˈɡreɪnd/: có niềm tin tuyệt đối
Ex: Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected
• set an example / set ən ɪɡˈzɑːmpl̩ /: làm gương
Ex: You should be setting a good example to your
younger brother.
to set an example to the students in their care that they
are a moral and upstanding citizen worthy of the respect of
people around them.
4. What disagreements do parents and children usually
This would vary a lot depending on the age of the children
• Household (n) /ˈhaʊs.hoʊld/: hộ gia đình
Ex: By the 1960s, most households had a TV.
likely to be the most common would be issues that the child
social circle / ˈsəʊʃl ˈsɜːkl̩ /: các mối quan hệ xã
would perceive as being about their “freedom”. Be that the
comes from many different countries.
and the dynamics of the household, but I think what is
freedom to eat junk food whenever they want, the freedom
Ex: We belong to one world and our social circle
to decide their own bedtime, or the freedom to choose their
own social circles.
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An opinion
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion
You should say:
• When she/he asked you
• How she/he felt while listening to your opinion
• What the result was like
And explain why she/he needed your opinion
• Bạn thân kể về một cô gái
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tương đối gần đây
• Đây là một ý tưởng tồi
• Bạn thân quyết định theo đuổi cô gái
Content (Nội dung)
• Họ đã hạnh phúc bên nhau được một thời gian
• Tôi đã ra quyết định trước khi có đủ thông tin
• Trải nghiệm sẽ có ích trong tương lai để ra quyết định
Conclusion (Kết luận)
tốt hơn
• Ý kiến chưa có sự ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng
Take note
Relatively recently
A close friend asked about a girl he liked
It was a bad idea
A close
friend asked
about a girl
Close friend chose to pursue the girl
They have been together happily for some time
I spoke up before having all the information needed
The experience will be helpful in the future to make
better decisions
The bad advice hasn’t too badly damaged that
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Okay, so I will not give their name directly as I thing that would
discredit their trust in me, but the most important instance of this that
I can think of off the top of my head (1), was relatively recently when
one of my close friends asked me about a girl that he was interested
I quite firmly told him that I thought it was a bad idea, from all of my
interactions with her she seemed quite shallow
and selfish. My
friend is a very generous and caring person and I felt that she would
likely take advantage of (3) him, and I quite strongly discouraged the
idea. Luckily, for all members involved in this story, he chose not to
listen to me and pursue the girl anyway. They have been together
happily for some time now and they are a very clear example of not
judging a book by its cover
. I had not taken adequate time to
get to know this girl and I spoke up before I had all the information
needed to make an informed decision.
Hopefully this will help me in the future to make better decisions
1. off the top of my head / ɒf ðə tɒp əv
maɪ hed /: theo như trí nhớ của tôi
Ex: “What’s the capital of Mauritania?” “I
don’t know off the top of my head, but I
could go and look it up.”
2. shallow (a) /ˈʃæl.oʊ/: thờ vô, vô tâm
Ex: He’s physically attractive, but shallow.
3. take advantage of / ˈteɪk ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ
ɒv /: lợi dụng
Ex: Don’t you realize that he’s taking
advantage of you and your money?
4. Judge a book by its cover / dʒʌdʒ
ə bʊk ˈbaɪ ɪts ˈkʌvə /: đánh giá qua vẻ
bề ngoài
Ex: That man may look very small and
insignificant, but don’t judge a book by
its cover – he’s a very powerful man in
his circle.
about what advice I choose to give, and thankfully, I don’t think this
one instance of bad advice has too badly damaged my friends opinion
of my advice. He knows I still want what is best for him.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Have you ever asked someone for their opinion?
Absolutely, I do so all the time and will continue to do so.
No one can operate at 100% for 100% of the time, and
it would be silly to think that other, more experienced
people, haven’t already thought about or dealt with many
problems that I face. Some people tend to see taking advice
• deal with / diːl wɪð /: đối mặt với
Ex: How do you intend to deal with this problem?
• mindset (n) /ˈmaɪnd.set/: quan điểm, cách suy
Ex: It’s extraordinary how hard it is to change the
mindset of the public and the press.
as admitting weakness, but I think that mindset is a form of
weakness in and of itself.
2. Why do some people react impolitely when listening to
someone’s story?
I think that people in general are, unfortunately, just
becoming more and more preoccupied and self indulgent
as time goes on. While this may just be my own pessimism
peeking through, I do think that it is true. Society has
so clearly placed so much importance on financial and
• preoccupied (a)
quan tâm quá mức
/ˌpriːˈɑː.kjə.paɪd/: lo lắng,
Ex: Why is the media so preoccupied with the
love lives of politicians?
• pessimism (n) /ˈpes.ə.mɪ.zəm/: sự tiêu cực
Ex: An underlying pessimism infuses all her
personal success, that it probably seems to many people
to be not worth their time to listen to someone else unless
they benefit directly from those interactions.
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A good place
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a place you have visited that you would recommend as a good place to live
You should say:
• Where it was
• How you felt when you were there
And explain why you would love to live there
• Nơi đáng sống nhất
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Phát triển nhanh nhưng không quá mức như Hà Nội
• Tân tiến nhưng vẫn giữ văn hóa địa phương
• Tập trung vào cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống
Content (Nội dung)
• Một nơi ít áp lực hơn Hà Nội
• Có không khí sạch hơn
• Đặc điểm thú vị nhất là gần bãi biển
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Sẵn lòng thường xuyên ghé chơi
Take note
The best to live in
Fast growing but not in the intense fashion like Hanoi
Advance well into modernity but also keep the local culture
Focusing on work/life balance
Hoi An
A less stressful place to live than Hanoi
Has much cleaner air
The proximity to the beach was the most enjoyable
Would love to be able to casually visit at weekends
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What makes a place a good one to visit, is very different from what
makes a place a good one to live, so I can only speculate on a good
answer. I would choose to say that, of all the places I have visited, the
1. modernity (n) /mɑːˈdɝː.nə.t̬i/: sự
hiện đại, tiện nghi
Ex: There is a stark contrast between
one likely to be the best to live in would be Hoi An. It is fast growing
tradition and modernity.
but not in the intense fashion that Hanoi is growing.
2. work/life balance /ˌwɝːk.laɪf ˈbæl.
It is both advancing well into modernity
but also doing a good job
of keeping the local culture alive and focusing on work/life balance
. I think that this is far too often overlooked
in our society, and
is important for long term mental and physical health. While I may
have just gotten that impression from my short time spent there, it
definitely seems like a less stressful place to live than Hanoi, and has
much cleaner air, which we all know also plays a huge part
in our
long term health.
əns/: sự cân bằng giữa công việc và
cuộc sống
Ex: It can be difficult to get the right
work-life balance.
3. Overlook (v) /ˌoʊ.vɚˈlʊk/: bỏ qua,
phớt lờ
Ex: I think there is one key fact that you
have overlooked.
4.play a huge part / pleɪ ə hjuːdʒ pɑːt
/: đóng vai trò quan trọng
Ex: My thanks to everyone who has
Though personally, I think the part about living there that I would
played a huge part in saving the hospital.
enjoy the most is the proximity to the beach. I would love to be able to
casually spend weekends swimming and playing in the sand!
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. If you had the chance to live anywhere in the world,
where would it be?
This is a very difficult question, because I think the answers
• life expectancy /ˈlaɪf ɪkˌspek.tən.si/: tuổi thọ
Ex: Life expectancy in Europe increased greatly in
the 20th century.
are different if it was living short term or living long term.
Short term I would love living in South America, perhaps
Brazil. It just seems like such an exciting place. The dancing
and the music, the BBQ, and the mystery of the Jungle.
Though if I were to answer long term, I would probably be
inclined to say Japan because of the healthy food, long life
expectancy and general cleanliness.
2. What qualities make for a good place?
That would very much depend on the person and their
lifestyle preferences, though I would say for myself it is
a mixture of a few things. Access to good quality, healthy
food is very important. Next would be safety, I do not want
• lifestyle (n) /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/: lối sống
Ex: He doesn’t have a very healthy lifestyle.
• Stability (n) /stəˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/: sự ổn định bền vững
Ex: We are under a period of political stability.
to live anywhere with a high crime rate or gun violence.
The last thing would likely be stability, mostly with the
government. If there is even the small chance of war, I do
not want to be living there.
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A positive work
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an occasion when somebody said something positive about some work that you did
• Who it was
• What work it was
• When she/he told you that
And explain how you felt when hearing it
• Một bài thi quan trọng
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Luyện tập hàng tháng cho bài thi
• Đề bài về du lịch
• Câu trả lời tự tin nhưng vẫn chưa chắc chắn
Content (Nội dung)
• Câu trả lời thay đổi quan điểm của giáo viên
• Áp dụng lối tiếp cận cẩn thận với chủ đề
• Có thể truyền đạt ý tưởng bằng tiếng Anh
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Ý tưởng có sức ảnh hưởng vừa đủ
Take note
The very test
Studying and practicing for this test for months
The prompt was about tourism
The very
Answered confidently but unsure
The answer had changed teacher’s opinion on the topic
A thoughtful and well considered enough approach to the
Be able to articulate ideas in English
The idea itself has been adequately meaningful
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To answer this, I will draw attention
to this very test that we are
going through right now. I have been studying and practicing for this
test for months now, and while I have generally thought that I would
1. draw attention / drɔːr əˈtenʃn̩ /:
thu hút sự chú ý
Ex: I want recruiters to notice me, but I
do okay, there have definitely been times of worry about my progress
can’t seem to draw their attention.
leading up to the test.
2. prompt (n) /prɑːmpt/: câu lệnh, chủ
đề hiện trên màn hình
Well, about a month ago during a class, we were practicing for this
part, the third part of the speaking exam. The prompt
I had been
given was about tourism, and when my teacher asked me some
follow up questions (3) on the topic, I gave an answer that I was very
proud of but unsure if they would like it. They thought deeply for a
moment, then said that my answer had changed their opinion on
the topic all together. I was very happy about this because I see my
teacher as a very intelligent person. I had taken a thoughtful and well
considered enough approach to the topic that my opinion had been
Ex: Type your username and password
when you see the prompt.
3. follow up question / ˌfɒləʊ ˈʌp
ˈkwestʃən /: câu hỏi phụ
Ex: His interview contained various
follow up questions.
4. Validate (v) /ˈvæl.ə.deɪt/: xác thực,
công nhận
Ex: The data is validated automatically
validated (4) to the point that my professor changed their opinion on
by the computer after it has been
a real life topic due to reflection on my own thoughts.
It made me quite proud, not just for being able to articulate my idea
in English, but for the idea itself to have been adequately meaningful
to change his opinion.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Will you be affected when hearing a number of
negative stories?
I think I would be, especially if they are all about myself.
Though I consider myself to be relatively thick skinned so
criticisms generally roll right off me. What would be more
likely to affect me would be who was being negative. If some
random classmate thought my work wasn’t any good, I will
take that and carry on with my life, I am not too bothered by
it. Though if my mother told me my work wasn’t any good,
• thick-skinned (a) /ˌθɪkˈskɪnd/: không dễ dàng bị
ảnh hưởng bởi chỉ trích
Ex: You do need to be thick-skinned to survive as a
politician here.
• roll right off / rəʊl ˈraɪt ɒf /: không có sức ảnh
Ex: They can act like a duck and let hurtful
behaviors roll right off of their backs.
it would bother me a lot more as I want to make her proud.
2. How will you react when someone pays you a
Generally I try and reflect the comment back to them if it is
applicable. For instance, if I gave a speech in the classroom
and a classmate commended me on it, I would thank
them and say “yours was also awesome, we did a great
job” or something similar if they have presented already
• Applicable (a) /əˈplɪk.ə.bəl/: có liên quan, có sự
ảnh hưởng
Ex: The company will help with moving expenses
where applicable.
• take notice of / ˈteɪk ˈnəʊtɪs ɒv /: chú ý, để ý tới
Ex: Voters are beginning to take notice of him as a
serious candidate.
or “Thanks, though hopefully you don’t make me look
too bad when you get up there” if they haven’t. I think it
is important for people to compliment each other and to
just take notice of their peers’ accomplishments.
3. Why can negative feedback be just as important as
positive feedback at work?
This is a difficult one, but I will do my best to explain
how I view it. I think it is very situation dependent, and
dependent on each employee’s personality, and that of
their employer or manager. I think negative feedback
• constructively (adv)
cách có ích
/kənˈstrʌk.tɪv.li/: một
Ex: We ought to deal constructively with the
would be most beneficial when it is done constructively
and in private. If the manager cannot comment on ways
in which the work can be improved, then in my opinion,
they have no right being in management over that role.
Whereas positive feedback would likely be the most
useful in public and in front of coworkers.
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Money as a gift
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)
You should say:
• When it happened
• Who gave you money
• Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you felt about it
• Sinh nhật nhiều năm trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tờ 100 euro
• Mở mang tầm mắt
• Tiền có nhiều hình thức và nhiều giá trị khác nhau
Content (Nội dung)
• Chưa từng để ý tới hệ thống tài chính phức tạp
• Viễn cảnh khơi gợi sự thú vị về lĩnh vực tài chính
• Kỉ niệm khơi gợi sự tò mò
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của mọi người
Take note
A birthday many years ago
A $100 Euro bill
Opened the eyes to many facts
Euro bill
Money has different forms and values
Had never considered the complexity of the financial
The scenario that opened the eyes to how deep and
interesting the field could be
Find it very interesting and worthy of scrutiny
Dramatically impact the lives of absolutely everyone on
the planet
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I am going to tell you about a particular birthday of mine, many years
ago. Oddly enough, I actually can’t remember which birthday it was, it
was that long ago, but that isn’t really important. What is important is
that my grandparents gave me a $100 Euro bill.
As I lived in Vietnam at the time, I had yet to see one. This also opened
my eyes
to the fact that people all over the world use different
forms of money, and that they are valued differently at different
times against each other. This was a huge realization for me as I had
never considered the complexity or the scale of the numerous global
financial systems
. Of course, this one scenario wasn’t enough to
bring all of that information to me, but it was the scenario that opened
my eyes to how deep and interesting the field could be.
As I have gotten older I am less and less inclined to end up working
in the financial sector, but I nevertheless find it very interesting
and worthy of scrutiny
, as it does dramatically impact the lives
of absolutely everyone on the planet. And it causes these impacts
1. open my eyes / ˈəʊpən maɪ aɪz /: mở
mang tầm mắt
Ex: She really opened my eyes to how
stupid I’d been.
2 financial system / faɪˈnænʃl̩ ˈsɪstəm
/: hệ thống tài chính
Ex: A financial system is a system that
allows the exchange of funds between
financial market participants.
3. Scrutiny (n) /ˈskruː.t̬ ən.i/: sự
nghiên cứu, xem xét kĩ lưỡng
Ex: Will the candidates stand up under
all that scrutiny?
4. embedded (a) /ɪmˈbed.ɪd/: gắn
liền với
Ex: A sense of guilt was deeply
embedded in my conscience.
regardless of whether we want them to or not, as these structures or
so embedded (4) in our societies that it is essentially impossible to live
without interacting with them in some way.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do people rarely use cash now?
For many years, credit cards and debit cards were the main
driver moving people away from cash based transactions.
Now though, it seems that the majority of people tend to
use digital banking to do most of their buying and selling.
If you went to a street market, even a vegetable seller
• Transaction (n) /trænˈzæk.ʃən/: giao dịch
Ex: Users can now make financial transactions in
• digital banking / ˈdɪdʒɪtl̩ bæŋkɪŋ /: ngân hàng số
Ex: Digital banking involves high levels of process
automation and web-based services.
is likely to have a QR code that you can scan with your
smartphone to buy your groceries. It is just too convenient
not to be used.
2. Why do restaurants and shopping centres give free gifts?
I think it is to give incentives to people to get them inside
the door. While the companies are sure to lose money
when giving out anything for free, I think it is a pretty safe
assumption to make that once a potential customer is in
the door that they will likely buy something else, and offset
the loss of the free gift. Even if not all customers who get
• give incentive / ɡɪv ɪnˈsentɪv /: khuyến khích,
động viên
Ex: Bonus payments give an incentive to work
• potential customer / pəˈtenʃl̩ ˈkʌstəmə /: khách
hàng tiềm năng
Ex: The potential customer will be a person who
something for free spend money, they only need to get
will naturally have the most chance of interacting
some to buy things to offset the prices.
with the company.
3. Can the excess of free gifts have a negative impact too?
I think this is certainly possible, though maybe not easy to
do. The only situation in which I could see this leading to
less sales is if the free gifts being given were of very low
quality and the sales people trying to recuperate on their
losses were very pushy. If the business seemed to be very
• recuperate (v) /rɪˈkuː.pər.eɪt/: bù đắp lại
Ex: I don’t think we will be able to recuperate all
our outlay.
• turn away / ˈtɜ:n əˈweɪ /: từ chối
Ex: The agency turned her away because she does
not have a Social Security number.
transparent in their desire to only give gifts to make you
spend money, then people would likely be turned away
by that. It would need to be really obvious though.
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Different cultures
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person you know who is from a different cultural background
• Who he/she is
• Where he/she is from
• How you knew him/her
And explain how you feel about him/her
• Vài năm trở lại đây
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Một gia đình người Ấn
• Một đứa trẻ trong gia đình học chung trường tiểu học
• Gặp vấn đề với tiếng Việt
Content (Nội dung)
• Tiến triển rõ trong vài năm
• Không cần tham gia lớp tiếng Anh
• Được mời đến thử bữa cơm gia đình
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Không gì tuyệt hơn được mời đến ăn tối
Take note
A couple of years back
An Indian family
One of the children of this family ended up going to the
same primary school together,
An Indian
He struggled a lot with Vietnamese language
Over the first few years though his progress was amazing
He never needed to attend English class
First introduced to the foods his family cooked
Nothing more excited than being invited to his house for dinner
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Unfortunately, my home city is quite ethnically
and culturally
homogeneous, and there is not a lot of cultural diversity
in my
neighborhood, so I only know of one person, actually a family, that I
1. ethnically (adv) / ˈeθnɪkl̩i /: liên
quan đến dân tộc
Ex: My father, who is ethnically Chinese,
know directly. Just around the corner from my house, a couple of years
was born in the UK.
back, an Indian family moved in and with them being so culturally
different, and speaking different languages, it made quite a stir in the
daɪˈvɜːsɪti /: đa dạng văn hóa
community and we were all actively paying attention to them.
/ ˈkʌltʃərəl
Ex: Usually, cultural diversity takes into
account language, religion, race, sexual
One of the children of this family was actually the same age as me,
orientation, gender, age and ethnicity.
and living so close together we ended up going to the same primary
3. Struggle (v) /ˈstrʌɡ.əl/: chật vật, gặp
school together. Initially, he struggled
a lot with Vietnamese
language, and struggled with making friends for this reason. Over the
khó khăn với việc
Ex: The dog had been struggling to get
first few years though his progress was amazing, I know Vietnamese
free of the wire noose.
is a difficult language for a foreigner to learn and I am really proud
4. native speaker / ˈneɪtɪv ˈspiːkə /:
of him. Also, being a native speaker
, he never needed to attend
English class, which I was very jealous of. Looking back I am even more
impressed by him being able to come into our community, it must
người bản ngữ
Ex: All our teachers are native speakers
of English.
have been incredibly difficult for both him and the rest of his family.
The last thing I will say is that when I was first introduced to the foods
his family cooked I was horrified. Now I can think of almost nothing
more exciting than being invited to his house for dinner.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Where and how can we get to know people of
different cultures better?
Depending on where you live, it can be quite difficult to
make friends with people from different cultures, though
in some places I am sure it is easy. Also, now that we live in
the era of constant internet access, it can be much easier to
make friends around the world if we choose to do so. Being a
• make friends with / ˈmeɪk frendz wɪð /: kết bạn,
làm thân với
Ex: The child tried to make friends with the dog.
• era (n) /ˈɪr.ə/: giai đoạn, thời kỳ
Ex: They had worked for peace during the long era
of conflict.
native Vietnamese speaker, it is hard to make friends outside
Vietnam as almost no one outside our country speaks it.
2. What are the advantages of cultural diversity?
There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to
multiculturalism but I definitely think that the positives
outweigh the negatives. Variety of opinions can make
problem solving easier, and as a lover of food, diversity
of food is a huge benefit to quality of life. Though I must
accept that there are also differences in views between
cultures about what certain things are or are not socially
acceptable, and that is clearly a potential negative.
3. How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?
This is quite a difficult one, as there are many examples
around the world where modern culture has eaten away
at traditional culture almost completely, at least in some
ways. I think the key to cultural symbiosis is mutual respect
and education. Any culture that someone may be a part
• multiculturalism (n) /ˌmʌl.tiˈkʌl.tʃɚ.əl.ɪ.zəm/:
đa văn hóa
Ex: Teacher educators know the meaning of
multiculturalism and believe that it should play a
more significant role in colleges of education.
• socially acceptable / ˈsəʊʃəli əkˈseptəbl̩ /: được
chấp nhận bởi đa số xã hội
Ex: For now, alcohol remains our socially
acceptable lubricant.
• Eat away / iːt əˈweɪ /: dần dần phá hủy
Ex: Waves had eaten away at the sand dunes.
• exclusionary (a) /ɪkˈskluːʒəneri/: không cho
phép sự can thiệp
Ex: A formal US-EU trade agreement could be
viewed as an exclusionary zone by Asians.
of should be accepted and welcomed, and the cultural
majority of that place should do their utmost to teach their
culture to others. Many ‘traditional’ cultures can be quite
exclusionary of outsiders, and I think in the long term that
while this may help keep it “authentic” it will also cause it to
fall by the wayside if it cannot be included in world culture.
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An outdoor activity
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently
You should say:
• What the activity is
• Who invited you to participate in it
• Whether you asked for help in the activity
And explain what change you had in the activity
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Chuyến đi tới Ninh Bình, leo núi.
• Không có nhiều kinh nghiệm
• Rủ bạn bè cùng tham gia
Content (Nội dung)
• Việc leo núi khá khó khăn
• Cảnh từ trên núi rất đẹp, hùng vĩ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đây sẽ không phải là lần cuối cả nhóm cùng nhau leo núi.
Take note
My trip to Ninh Bình
Hiking to the top of mountain
Asked friends to join me
Hiking is quite difficult for me
The view was absolutely stunning
This would not be the last time our team went on a hike
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I will talk about my recent trip to Ninh Binh and the great time I had
trồng trọt
while there.
Ex: The United States loses over 4 000
I have been to the city before and have always enjoyed it, but one
acres of farmland every day.
of the local attractions that I had not yet gotten to experience or go
2. Steep (a) /stiːp/: Dốc
to was Hang Mua. This is a mountain that juts out of the farmland
near the city and it is incredibly steep . However there are stairs
set into the side of the mountain so people can hike to the top. I did
1. Farmland (n) /ˈfɑːmlænd/: đất
not have much experience with hiking
so it was quite difficult for
me. I had brought some of my friends from school along with me and
urged them to join me, all of whom reluctantly did. While none of us
explicitly asked for help, I think we didn’t because we didn’t need to.
Ex: The path grew steeper as we
climbed higher.
3. Hiking (n) /ˈhaɪkɪŋ/: Leo núi
Ex: He loves hiking with his team.
4. Stunning (a) /ˈstʌnɪŋ/: Rất đẹp
Ex: You look absolutely stunning!
We were all constantly encouraging each other to keep going, and
cheering each other on during the climb. After we got to the top, the
view was absolutely stunning
. It was much more beautiful than I
could have expected from the ground level.
We all agreed that this would not be the last time our team went on a
hike and have set out to find more beautiful places to get to the top of.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the differences between after-class activities done by middle and older children?
I think the big differences are not so much in the activities
themselves, but how they are structured. Younger children
for instance, if you give them a ball, they will happily kick the
ball around between each other for hours, and have a great
• to be enforced /ɪnˈfɔːst/: Được thi hành
Ex: The new rules were strictly enforced.
• boredom (n) /ˈbɔːdəm/: Sự buồn chán
Ex: nemployment can drive you mad with
time. Whereas older children require a score to be taken,
for rules to be enforced, or they will lose interest. This is in
contrast to more social activities, for instance teenagers can
sit around in a group and just chit chat for hours, whereas
younger children would go crazy from boredom pretty
quickly in that situation without some structure to keep
them entertained.
2. Do you think it’s better for people to change jobs
when there are new chances?
It would depend on each person’s personal circumstances
of course, but I think that for the most part, yes. People within
the company, and perhaps even the owners of a company
• circumstance (n) /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/: Trường hợp
Ex: Exceptions are made in special circumstances.
• profit (n) /ˈprɒfɪt/: Lợi nhuận
Ex: The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.
might feel personal connections with their employees, but
businesses by their very definitions are focused only on
profit and not on people. Therefore if a job has you working
at a given pay grade, they are unlikely to offer more, even
if the worker is worth it. So if in this situation, it is definitely
the correct choice for the worker to leave the job if they find
another one that will treat them more fairly and according
to their worth.
3. Should young people try as many new activities as
For the most part, yes. Though I think that after a while this
would have diminishing returns. A young person should
try as many different things as possible early in life so
that they can have the widest array of possible futures to
• diminishing returns /dɪˈmɪnɪʃɪŋ rɪˈtɜːnz/: Lợi ích
giảm dần
Ex: The company are likely to suffer from
diminishing returns.
• array (n): một loạt/ danh sách
Ex: Her writing covers a wide array of topics.
look forward to. Though this starts to lose value if they are
pushed into so many things that they never get the chance
to really deep dive on any of them in particular, as I think
that is where long term interests are most likely generated.
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A programme
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a programme that you enjoyed very much (e.g. on TV or the internet)
You should say:
• What the programme was about
• Where you watched this programme
• Who you watched it with
And explain why you enjoyed this programme so much
• Một chương trình TV cho những ai thích khoa học viễn
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Tên là The Expanse, Nói về tương lai 500 năm sau.
Content (Nội dung)
• Nói về những thay đổi về con người và vũ trụ
• Thú vị nhất là thay đổi về giọng nói (accent).
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chương trình mang lại nhiều ý tưởng mới mẻ.
Take note
A TV show for anyone interested in science fiction
Called “ The Expanse”, set in the near future
Introduced many complicated ideas
One example would be the changing of accents
The show introduced many new ideas
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Today I am going to talk about a TV show that got me absolutely
and I would recommend to anyone with even a small
interest in science fiction.
Ex: I first got hooked on scuba diving
when I was twelve.
The series is called “The Expanse” and it is set in the near future, not
very specific on dates but likely about 500 years from now. In the series
they try to take a realistic view of what human expansion into space
is likely to mean for the actual people doing so on a personal, social,
1. hooked (a) /hʊkt/: bị thích thú
2. nerd (n) /nɜːd/: mọt sách
Ex: I feel like a nerd in this shirt.
3. accent (n) /ˈæksent/: giọng (vùng
Ex: He lost his accent after moving to
and cultural level. While I have always been a bit of a space nerd (2), this
the capital.
introduced me to many complicated ideas that I had never considered
4. dialect (n) /ˈdaɪəlekt/: tiếng địa
before, many of which felt obvious immediately after learning them.
One example would be the changing of accents (3). Certain people in
Ex: All languages and dialects change
certain parts of the solar system are more likely to interact with each
over time.
other than with others in different areas, and this would lead to varying
5. contemplate (v) : suy nghĩ, suy
and accents among those people as they spent more and
more time in isolation.
Ex: I can’t contemplate what it would be
like to be alone.
There were numerous other examples such as this, and it is the only TV
program that I have watched where when I would be introduced to a
new idea, I would need to pause the show and contemplate
all of
the possibilities.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What programs do people like to watch in your
The most common series in my country are definitely the
big name and high budget productions that come out of
the U.S.A. The production values are very high quality, and
even if the writing isn’t great, you know the fight scenes
• high budget /haɪ ˈbʌʤɪt/: ngân sách cao
Ex: We decorated the house on a high budget.
• explosion (n) /ɪkˈspləʊʒn/: nổ
Ex: There were two loud explosions and then the
building burst into flames.
and explosions will be. The only other place that could
compete with Hollywood in production funding is China,
and people are unlikely to be drawn to those.
2. Do people in your country like foreign TV programs?
Absolutely, the largest contributor to this would of course
be American productions, but there have for many
• instantaneously (adv) /ˌɪnstənˈteɪniəsli/: Ngay
lập tức
Ex: The show sold out instantaneously.
years been a lot of Japanese series that have become
extremely popular here, particularly animated series. For
example, every single child can recognize Doraemon
instantaneously. In recent years, there has also been a
huge shift in the popularity to programs produced in South
Korea. I even have multiple friends now who have chosen
to start studying Korean language for this reason.
3.What’s the benefit of letting kids watch animal videos
instead of visiting zoos?
There are multiple benefits to this, but also some
downsides. First, the benefits are clear, it is much more
economically viable to turn on an animal video or 10 than
it is to schedule a day to pay to bring your child to the zoo.
• downside (n) /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/: Bất lợi, nhược điểm
Ex: On the downside, such improvements in
efficiency often mean job losses.
• viable (a) /ˈvaɪəbl/: khả thi
Ex: None of the projects proved financially viable.
It also lets the child learn how diverse the world is around
them in a very easy way. Negatively, the same level of
wonder will never be achieved by showing a picture or a
video of something as when getting to see it up close and
in person.
4. Do you agree or disagree that game shows and chat
shows are a waste of time?
I don’t think that they are a waste of time, not entirely.
• relaxation (n) /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/: Thư giãn
Ex: I go hill-walking for relaxation.
Game shows are pretty silly and bring little value but they
are a means of relaxation for those watching them, and
likely for a few laughs. Also, it should be said that some
game shows can be testing people knowledge, and that
can help to teach people things. Also, chat shows are only
a waste of time if what they are discussing in completely
unimportant, and I find it hard to find any topic that isn’t
important to someone.
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A photo
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a photo you took that you are proud of
You should say:
• When you took it
• Where you took it
• What is in this photo
And explain why you are proud of it
• Bức ảnh nhiều năm trước, lần đầu gia đình đi cắm trại
Context (Bối cảnh)
vùng hoang dã
• Đi cùng với một vài gia đình khác
• Chuyến đi khá kho khăn, người trẻ giúp người lớn tuổi.
Content (Nội dung)
• Dựng lều để ngủ
• Chụp cảnh hoàng hôn cùng mọi người và những chiêc lều
• Tự hào không những vì bức ảnh như được chụp bởi một
Conclusion (Kết luận)
nhiếp ảnh gia mà còn vì mọi người đã cùng nhau để có
được bức ảnh đó.
Take note
The first time may family went camping in the
Went with a couple of other families
Very difficult, and the younger ones help the older
Set up tents
A picture of the whole group, tents, the sunset
Proud, like a real photographer took it
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A photo that I am very proud of is one from many years ago. It was the
first time that my family went camping in the wilderness (1).
1. wilderness (n) /ˈwɪldənəs/ : nơi
hoang dã
Ex: We were hopelessly lost in the
A couple of other families came with us, namely the families of some
of my friends and of my brothers friends. Most of us were not in great
shape and we were all people from the city without a ton of knowledge
cắm trại
Ex: We stayed at a lovely campsite in
about living in the wilderness. It took us a few hours of hiking along
the river until we found our campsite
3. troupe (n) /truːp/ : nhóm, đoàn
the younger ones of the troupe
. It was very difficult, and
had to constantly help the older
members over rocks and fallen trees that made it difficult to walk. We
had started out into the forest very early in the morning, just after
2. Hcampsite (n) /ˈkæmpsaɪt/ : Nơi
first light of the sun, if I am remembering correctly. It was well after
lunch when we arrived at the site which was meant to be our home
Ex: Donald Ryland led the troupe down
the path on the west side of the river
4. hectic (a) /ˈhektɪk/ : bận rộn
Ex: They’ve got a hectic schedule
for the night. After some more time, we got our tents set up so that
everyone had a place to sleep, and we lit a fire to cook dinner on. Just
as all this hectic (4) work had completed and the fire was burning, one
of my mothers friends turned and quickly pointed to the mountain
behind us saying “Look at that sunset!”, everyone then turned to look
at it. It was this moment that I took a picture of the whole group, our
tents, alone in the middle of the forest, beside a clean running river,
our simple little fire and this beautiful sunset.
I am very proud of this picture, not just because it looks like a real
photographer took it, but because how well we had all worked
together to achieve the scene that it captured.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do some people like to record important things
with photos?
I think this is a simple one. Photographs are incredibly
easy nowadays but the world is changing as quickly, if not
• come and go /kʌm ænd gəʊ/ : Đến và đi
Ex: She’s seen a lot of employees come and go
during her time in the company.
quicker, than ever. This means that things can come and
go before we have realized their importance to us and
by taking a lot of photos it allows us to keep important
memories, even if we aren’t aware in the moment that they
will be important later.
2. What can people learn from historical photographs?
That depends a lot of the photo and on the context, but I think
that the most important thing for everyone to learn from old
photos, with one meaningful exception, is just how much
things have improved. While there are many things from the
past to romanticize about, it is pretty evident from almost any
old photo that our quality of life now is better than their was
back then. The exception to this I would say is in pictures of
nature, where nature is unquestionably having a more difficult
time now than ever before.
3. Which is better, taking photos or keeping a diary?
Ideally, both should be done if we want to remember
everything about our lives for as long as possible, and even
more importantly to pass down our own views of our times
to those coming after us. I think that keeping photos is
probably more of a benefit when considering emotional
attachment so a time, place, or person. Though a diary
is much more useful for recalling all the complexities of
emotions and misunderstanding of a situation.
• exception (n) /ɪkˈsepʃn/ : ngoại lệ
Ex: Most of the buildings in the town are modern,
but the church is an exception.
• romanticize (v) /rəʊˈmæntɪsaɪz/: thú vị hóa /
hấp dẫn hóa
Ex: Men tell violent tales and romanticize the
lessons violence brings.
• evident (a) /ˈevɪdənt/ : Rõ ràng
Ex: It was evident to me that the mission would
• emotional attachment /ɪˈməʊʃənl əˈtæʧmənt/:
tình cảm gắn bó
Ex: The goal is to build emotional attachment based
on the research you did.
• diary (n) /ˈdaɪəri/: Nhật kí
Ex: Peter began writing his diary in October last
• complexity (n) /kəmˈpleksəti/: Sự phức tạp
Ex: Only now did he understand the full complexity
of the problem.
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A movie
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again
You should say:
• What it was about
• Where you watched it
• Why you like it
And explain why you would like to watch it again
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bộ phim xem gần đây.
• Tên là 127 giờ đồng hồ
• Chủ yếu nói về một người đàn ông - Aaron
Content (Nội dung)
• Chuyến thám hiểm và rắc rối anh ta gặp
• Xem cùng bạn bè
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chọn xem một mình, vào tối muộn
Take note
A movie that I recently watched
Called “127 hours”
Centered around a man - Aaron
Talk about his adventure
Watched with friends
Would watch it alone. late at night
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A movie that I recently watched and would love to watch again is
actually quite an old movie, called “127 hours”.
This movie is centered around one man named Aaron, though I forget
his last name. What really got me about this movie, actually, many
things really struck me with this movie, but particularly was learning
that it was based on a true story. If you haven’t seen it then I will not
try to give too much away as I seriously recommend it. But it is based
on this man Aaron, who is an adventure athlete (1) somewhere in the
western U.S.A. He goes out on adventure in the desert and in a stroke
of hubris (2) he decides that it isn’t necessary to warn anyone where
he is going. Trouble then follows. The movie was remarkably intense
1. adventure athlete (n) /ədˈvɛnʧər
ˈæθliːt/: vận động viên mạo hiểm
Ex: If sport symbolises everything that
makes adventure athletes unique, it’s
rock climbing.
2. a stroke of hubris (n)ə /strəʊk ɒv
ˈhjuːbrɪs/: Một sự kiêu ngạo
Ex: He was punished for his hubris.
3. eloquent (a) /ˈeləkwənt/ : hùng hồn
Ex: It was an eloquent and well-informed
and it was difficult to watch at many points. Not because the points
were particularly graphic, but because it did a very eloquent (3) job of
portraying this man’s helplessness in a terrifying situation. Originally
when I watch the movie, I did so with multiple friends, at one of
their houses, as this is the way I usually most enjoy watching movies,
because it is a social activity.
Sadly, after that day, I have never been able to see him again as he has
to be on duty (6) all the time. I would surely ask him a lot more about his
life if I could have a chance to meet him again.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Where do people normally watch movies?
For the most part, I think that nowadays people usually
watch movies in their living rooms or in their bedrooms.
In the living rooms when watching with their families
and their bedrooms when watching by themselves. The
• streaming services /ˈstriːmɪŋ ˈsɜːvɪsɪz/ : dịch vụ
phát trực tuyến
Ex: Streaming services simply means that you can
watch your favorite shows over the Internet.
increase in availability of streaming services has made inhome access to media so easy and convenient that great
content can be easily and cheaply brought into ones home
in an instant.
2. What are the differences between watching movies
at home and in a cinema?
• accessible (a) /əkˈsesəbl/ : Có thể truy cập
Ex: These documents are not accessible to the
There are a lot of differences. The first being that watching
movies in a cinema costs a lot of money, by comparison.
While I understand that in most countries, streaming for free
from the internet is far less accessible, in my country there
is never a reason to pay for a video stream. If one chooses to
do so, it is still far cheaper than paying for a cinema ticket.
This is all long before we start considering the prices of
food and drinks inside versus outside of cinemas.
3. Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why?
They certainly are, though I think to less of an extent than
most people would imagine. While a bad actor or actress
can really remove you from your level of engagement with
a movie, a great actor or actress can be instrumental in
making a movie work. Though I think it is over hyped how
important particular actors or actresses are to rolls. It is
• instrumental (a) /ˌɪnstrəˈmentl/: Góp phần quan
trọng vào
Ex: He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the
• hype (v) /haɪp/: Cường điệu
Ex: The meeting was hyped up in the media as an
important event.
much more important if they can convincingly portray the
character that they are tasked with.
4. Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to
watch movies nowadays?
Many reasons, but the largest by far is that of the
• albeit /ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt/: mặc dù
Ex: He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.
entertainment into your home is so cheap and so easy that
the only real benefit of going out to a cinema is the cultural
and social experience of “going to the cinema” and almost
always with friends. Personally, I would never bother going
to a cinema alone when I can watch the same movie, albeit
with reduced quality, in the comfort of my own home.
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A friend
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• Where you met each other
• What you often did together
And explain what made you like him/her
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Một người bạn thời thơ ấu
• Tên là Mike
• Con của bạn thân của mẹ
Content (Nội dung)
• Chuyển nhà nên hiếm khi gặp lại
• Dần dần xa nhau
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Mike là một người bạn tốt, sẽ thành công.
Take note
A friend from childhood
Mike, a child of my mother’s close friend
Moved across the country
Rarely get to see him
Grow apart from each other
Mike is good person, will be successful in life
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The friend from my childhood that I will tell you about is my friend
Chuyện làm mẹ
While we are not particularly close anymore, that is not because of
choices either of us have made but just the realities of how our lives
have turned out. We have known each other for far longer than either
of us can remember, because he is the child of one of my mothers
closest friends, and we were born quite close to each other in time.
This means that much of my childhood was spent at his home, or he
was at mine. It was certainly a great benefit to our mothers to have
someone so close that they could learn from each other about the
difficulties of motherhood (1) first hand, and it was great for both of us
to have someone so similar to us around us all the time. My family has
since moved across the country for professional reasons and therefore
I rarely get to see my friend Mike anymore. We do talk on the internet
sometimes, and occasionally by phone, but we are clearly starting to
grow apart
1. motherhood (n) /ˈmʌðəhʊd/ :
motherhood and a career as a lawyer.
2. grow apart (v) /grəʊ əˈpɑːt/ : dần
không còn thân nữa
Ex: He and his close friend had been
growing apart for at least a year.
3. gravitate (v) : hướng về
Ex: Many young people gravitate to the
cities in search of work.
4. team dynamic (n) /daɪˈnæmɪk/:
hoạt động đội nhóm
Ex: They will also want to hear that you
understand team dynamics.
from each other. Without having each other around,
where we tended to gravitate
towards each others interests, now
we are pursuing our own interests independent of our team dynamic
, and that is okay.
Mike is good person and I’m sure he will be successful in life.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from
childhood? Why or why not?
That is a bit of a mixed bag. While I do keep in contact with
some of them, there are others I do not. Those who were
particularly close to me I try and keep up to date on my life
as a matter of courtesy, even if it is no longer relevant to
their lives, and because I like to know what they are up to.
• a mixed bag /ə mɪkst bæg/: chuyện vừa có điểm
tốt điểm xấu
Ex: This collection is something of a mixed bag.
• courtesy (n) /ˈkɜːtəsi/ : phép lịch sự
Ex: We asked them, as a matter of courtesy, if we
could photograph their house.
Though there are many other friends from childhood who
have grown over the years into people very different from
the people they were when I knew them best. I am sure that
I have also changed in this way, and that seems natural.
2. Do you think online social media will replace face-toface communication?
I think that to an extent it already has, and will continue
to, but it will never outright eradicate face-to-face
communication. Humans are social animals, and while
social media can obviously supplement these needs, text
and video will never be able to convey all of the things that
we have learned over millennia to crave and cherish in
• outright (adv) /ˈaʊtraɪt/: hoàn toàn
Ex: The group rejects outright any negotiations
with the government.
• eradicate (v) /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/: diệt trừ, loại bỏ
Ex: These insects are very difficult to eradicate.
• millennia (n) /mɪˈleniə/: thiên niên kỉ
Ex: For millennia, it was accepted that the earth
was at the centre of the universe.
inter-personal relationships.
3. How important is childhood friendship to children?
It might be the single most important aspect of childhood
outside of familial relationships. Childhood is the time
when we all learn how to communicate, and how to interact
• familial relationships /fəˈmɪliəl rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps/: mối
quan hệ gia đình
Ex: A familial relationship is bound to be spawned and
that’s a good thing.
with those around us. Both what is okay to do and what is
not okay to do. These early friendships are the foundations
on which the rest of your social life is built on.
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A home
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe the home of someone you know well that you often visit.
You should say:
• Whose home it is
• How often you go there
• What it is like
And explain how you feel about the home
• Ngôi nhà của anh bạn người Đức,
Context (Bối cảnh)
• ăn uống, chơi đùa, đi bơi
• Đến thăm 1 đến 2 lần 1 tháng
• Thiết kế kiểu Đức
Content (Nội dung)
• Tượng của những vị thần Hi Lạp cổ đại
• Khi đến thăm luôn là dịp để xả hơi, ăn uống, dã ngoại
• Căn nhà độc đáo ở Việt nam
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Con chó Đức của tôi rất thích ngôi nhà kiểu Đức này
Take note
Go there once or twice per month
Eat food, have fun, go swimming
Unique German house
A swimming pool
Ancient Greek gods statues
My dog really enjoys playing in the house
Love spending time there
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The home that I’m going to describe is my friend Evan’s house. Once
every month or every two months, I decide to go to his house for
maybe to eat some food or we can have some fun or go swimming
1. rectangular (n) /rekˈtæŋ.ɡjə.lɚ/:
hình vuông
Ex: I baked a rectangular-shaped cake
in his pool .
for my 24th birthday
I really like this house because it is the most unique house I have ever
seen in Vietnam. It is owned by someone that had lived in Germany
for some time. When you see it, it looks so interesting because it looks
giác, linh cảm
Ex: I got a sensation that it would be a
like it’s straight out of Germany for maybe fifty or sixty years ago, and
rainy day.
has statues of ancient Greek gods and a beautiful rectangular
3. Frolicking (v) /ˈfrɑː.lɪk/: nô đùa
And when I go there, I get such a unique feeling that I can’t quite
describe. So when I go there it’s usually a good occasion for us to have
2. sensation (n) /senˈseɪ.ʃən/: cảm
Ex: A group of suntanned children were
frolicking on the beach.
a barbecue and go hang out with some friends and so it feels like a
special occasion every time I go. This is also a great place for me to take
my dog as well. When I take my dog there it’s an opportunity for him
to go swimming in the pool since this is a new sort of sensation (2) for
my dog to be trying to experience new things. It’s a great place for me
to let him go since he has such a big yard and the pool is well so when
it is a hot day outside and he is able to run around he can go frolicking
about, which is interesting because my dog is also German.
So what’s funny is that I have my German dog going to a German
house inside of Vietnam, which I really like to do. Who knows? maybe
he feels like he’s right at home
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What are the differences between houses or buildings in the city and in the countryside?
There are many differences, but I think that in the
countryside things are often built with less technology, but
a stronger intention for them to be durable. In the country
side I think it is far more common for someone to own the
• Durable (a) /ˈdʊr.ə.bəl/: bền vững, ổn định
Ex: The resolution calls for a durable peace
• solely (adv) /ˈsoʊl.li/: độc nhất, duy nhất
Ex: I bought it solely for that purpose.
land that they are building the house on, and that they
themselves will live in it. Whereas in the city, many of the
houses are built solely with the intention to extract rent
from workers living in the city, and that gives them less
desire to make the house last for a long time.
2. Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?
Both certainly have their upsides and their downsides,
though personally I enjoy the city life much more. I
like diversity of experience and constant excitement,
which is not something in abundance when living in the
countryside. While I very much enjoy the peaceful and
• diversity (n) /dɪˈvɝː.sə.t̬i/: sự đa dạng
Ex: There is a wide diversity of opinion on the
question of unilateral disarmament.
• constant (a) /ˈkɑːn.stənt/: thường xuyên
Ex: He’s in constant trouble with the police.
clean environments of the country side while on vacation,
if I spent too long there I would almost certainly lose my
mind to boredom pretty quickly.
3. Is it expensive to decorate a house or an apartment
in the place where you live?
It can be expensive, but it can also be done quite cheaply,
depending on your taste and the styles that you enjoy. I live
in a large, metropolitan city so the choices are seemingly
unending. If using local materials made by local workers,
decorating a full house for cheap could be done quite
easily. However, if you wanted to use high end imported
materials and artwork, that is certainly accessible as well,
• metropolitan (a) /ˌmet.rəˈpɑː.lə.tən/: thuộc về đô
thị, thành phố lớn
Ex: He was drawn to the metropolitan glamour
and excitement of Paris.
• accessible (a) /əkˈses.ə.bəl/: có thể đạt được,
tiếp cận được
Ex: They agreed to build more affordable and
accessible housing.
but at a significantly higher price range.
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Plastic waste
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on a beach, etc.)
You should say:
• Where and when you saw the plastic waste?
• Why there was a lot of plastic waste?
• What you did do after you saw it?
And explain what your thoughts were about this.
• Bãi biển ở Hồng Kông nằm gần nhà máy than
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Ghé thăm vào năm 2016
• Bình thường khá sạch sẽ
• Rác thải bị đánh dạt vào bờ (ống hút, túi ni lông,...)
Content (Nội dung)
• Phá huỷ cảnh quan tự nhiên của bãi biển
• Công nghiệp hoá đã ảnh hưởng đến vẻ đẹp của bãi biển
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Tự nhắc nhở bản thân lần sau sẽ dọn rác ở khu vực biển
Take note
Visited Hong Kong in 2016
The beach near Coal Power Plant
Trash from the ocean
A beach in
Hong Kong
Example: straws, plastic bags....
Feel uncomfortable
Industrialization destroys the natural landscape
Would clean the trash next time
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The time that I saw a lot of garbage and plastic waste was when I was
living in Hong Kong in 2016. This beach was on an island that I was
living on.
1. unsettling /ʌnˈset̬ .əl.ɪŋ/ (a) : đáng lo
Ex: I received unsettling news that my
boyfriend wants to break up with me.
Next to the beach was actually a Coal Power Plant. When you enter
2. stark contrast
the beach, it is usually quite clean but sometimes, from the ocean,
træst/(a): sự đối lập rõ rệt
the ocean would bring a lot of plastic waste all over the beach. You
could see plastic straws, toothbrushes, cups, even one time I saw a big
plastic refrigerator there. It is kind of unsettling
to see when you are
in the middle of such beautiful nature and you’re on such a beautiful
beach but then next to you, you feel this feeling of uncomfortableness
because it destroys the beauty of the beach with all the plastic bags
and everything that is around. When I see that filling, I feel that there
/stɑːrk/ /ˈkɑːn.
Ex: There is a stark contrast between the
living standard in the rural areas and the
3. industrialization /ɪnˌdʌs.tri.ə.ləˈzeɪ.
ʃən/ (n): công nghiệp hoá
Ex: Commercial industrialization has a
heavy toll on the environment.
is a stark contrast (2) between where we had been and where we are
going: from the original nature to how modern industrialization
has transformed and made the beach look unpleasant and unnatural.
I didn’t know what to do when I saw the plastic.
I mean I had a thought that maybe I should pick up a couple pieces
and maybe bring a garbage bag and deal with the problem a little
bit. but I didn’t know if that would really make you such a big impact.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think that we should use plastic products?
I think that plastics are so embedded in our current
lifestyles that removing them too suddenly could cause real
problems in how people do basic things to facilitate their
lives. For example, where I live, the vast majority of people
get water delivered to their homes in large plastic bottles,
as the water piped in by the city is not safe to drink. These
bottles in particular are difficult to imagine being changed
• embedded (a)
/ɪmˈbed.ɪd/: ảnh hưởng lớn,
chiếm phần quan trọng
Ex: A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my
• Phase out / feɪz ˈaʊt /: dần dần loại bỏ
Ex: The airlines are phasing out any aircraft that is
more than 20 years old.
to glass. Either way, it seems obvious that we need to begin
converting away from the use of plastics with the end goal
being the complete phasing out of their use.
2. How can we reduce our use of plastic? What kinds of
plastic waste are often seen in your country?
There are many ways that we can reduce plastic use on a
personal level, and all that can be reasonably done, should
be. Many businesses have been shifting to paper straws
instead of plastic ones. I currently have a metal bottle that
• Shift (v) /ʃɪft/: thay đổi
Ex: Media attention has shifted recently onto
environmental issues.
• no longer / ˈnəʊ ˈlɒŋɡə /: không còn nữa
Ex: This building is no longer used.
I carry with me so I no longer need plastic takeaway cups.
While all of these small steps, it will make small differences,
and those taking the steps should be recognized for
doing so, however until large scale industry stops their
dangerous practices, our small scale changes will be almost
unnoticeable in comparison, that is my opinion from what I
have seen, anyway.
3. Why do people like to use plastic products?
I think that it mainly stems from convenience. While they
are very harmful to our environment after they have served
their purpose, they are extremely efficient at providing
those initial services. This is why many people and most
companies will not give up on their use. Until there is a way
• stem from / stem frɒm /: bắt nguồn từ
Ex: Her problems stem from her difficult
• initial (a) /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/: thuộc về ban đầu
Ex: My initial surprise was soon replaced by
to make these groups feel that it is in their interest to stop
using them, no change will be made.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you needed to search for information.
You should say:
• What information you needed to search for?
• When you searched for it?
• Where you searched for it?
And explain why you needed to search for it.
• Tuần trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Sử dụng ứng dụng vài lần mỗi tuần
• Đến văn phòng doanh nghiệp
• Tấp vào lề đường để tra cứu Google Maps
Content (Nội dung)
• Đường ngắn nhất cắt ngang qua khu đô thị
• Rất nhỏ nhưng đầy những doanh nghiệp và nhà hàng
thú vị
• Cung cấp nhiều thông tin hơn kì vọng ban đầu
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Có thêm nhà hàng để bổ sung vào danh sách
Take note
Last weekend
Use the app multiple times a week
Go to the office of a business
Pulled off to the side of the road and consulted
Google Maps
The quickest route cut straight through the urban block
Very small but full of interesting business and restaurants
Gave far more information than was intially intended
Have many restaurants to add to the list
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I search for information constantly, and so this topic was quite hard
for me to decide on any specific point to describe. But what I settled
on was actually from just this last weekend. I absolutely love Google
Ex: The central bank has pulled off
one of the biggest financial rescues of
any time that I am going somewhere that I am not totally familiar with.
recent years.
In this particular instance I was going to the office of a business that
2. Consult (v) /kənˈsʌlt/: tham khảo
general area of where the offices were located, and so I made it as close
as I could until I knew that I would need further direction. I then pulled
ngoài dự kiến
Maps. It is extremely useful and I use it multiple times a week, really
I am very seriously considering taking an internship with. I knew the
to the side of the road and consulted
Google Maps. My city is
Ex; If the symptoms get worse, consult
your doctor.
3. innumerable (a) /ɪˈnuː.mɚ.ə.bəl/:
vô số
Ex: The project has been delayed by
famous for its’ innumerable (3) tiny alleyways. It just so happened that
innumerable problems.
the quickest route to my destination was to cut straight through the
4. Alleyway (n) /ˈæl.i.weɪ/: con hẻm
urban block beside my via one of these alleyways (4). It was very small
but full of interesting business and restaurants. So many smells that
almost made me stop, despite my appointment.
1. pull off / pʊl ɒf /: hành động
giữa các tòa nhà
Ex: I ran down the alleyway and up the
So this is when I needed information and it gave me far more
information than was initially intended, and I have many restaurants
to add to my list of places I want to eat.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How can people search for information now?
There are probably thousands of search engines out there,
be it through a website or just through the browser on ones
phone or computer. Though at the end of the day, there
is no question that in terms of searching for information
Google is the dominant power. They handle the majority of
the worlds searches, and that is even considering that they
• search engine / ˈsɜ:tʃ ˈendʒɪn /: công cụ tìm kiếm
Ex: A search engine is a platform on which a user can
search the internet content.
• browser (n) /ˈbraʊ.zɚ/: trình duyệt
Ex: To explore our products online, you will simply
need a browser and internet access.
are blocked in China, with a fifth of the worlds population.
2. What information can people get from television?
Though watching cable television is far less common
nowadays than it has been previously, there can still be a
lot of important information taken from it. For instance,
during any type of time of emergency, such as we recently
experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, the TV can give
us a direct and immediate information update of those in
• Pandemic (n) /pænˈdem.ɪk/: đại dịch
Ex: The COVID-19 pandemic spread to the United
Kingdom in late January 2020.
• authority (n) /əˈθɔːr.ə.t̬i/: thẩm quyền
Ex: We need to get the support of someone in
positions of power and authority regarding developments
in the situation.
3. With the development of the internet, are libraries
sill important?
I think that they are, but I think that why they are
important now is very different from their original source
of importance. I think now that the biggest advantage of
libraries is a calm and quite place that study can be done,
• conducive (a) /kənˈduː.sɪv/: phù hợp để
Ex: Such a noisy environment was not conducive to
a good night’s sleep.
• free of charge / ˈfri: əv tʃɑːdʒ /: miễn phí
Ex: You can download the materials free of charge
from our website.
and contact can be made. Not everyone lives in a place
where it is conducive to doing homework, so libraries
should be a place where anyone can come to study
anything at any time, free of charge.
4. Does the development the internet have any impact
on some disadvantaged people​?
I can’t think of any ways that it has had a negative impact on
disadvantaged people, at the moment, though I wouldn’t
be surprised if there were. I can, on the other hand, think
of many ways that it has had positive impacts on them.
Those with mobility issues can have constant high speed
• mobility (n) /moʊˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/: tự do di chuyển
Ex: Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility
below the point of injury.
• access (n) /ˈæk.ses/: sự tiếp cận
Ex: The system has been designed to give the user
quick and easy access to the required information.
access to delivery services, and health services can give
and receive a lot of useful information through internet
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A beautiful object
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an object that you think is beautiful.
You should say:
• What it was
• How you overcame the difficulties
• Whether you got help
And explain how you felt after you succeeded
• Cái rìu
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Hứng thú với dụng cụ cắm trại
• Vô tình thấy cái rìu trong lúc đi mua dụng cụ
• Độ cong của lưỡi rìu rất đẹp
Content (Nội dung)
• Kích cỡ phù hợp với nhiều công việc
• Rìu cổ, khoảng 50-70 tuổi
• Được điêu khắc kỳ công
• Rất đẹp
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Trân trọng chiếc rìu
Take note
Camping, outdoor equipment
Different types and variations
Perfect size
Multiple purposes
Beautiful curvature at the top
Appreciate the craftmanship
Beautiful axe
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The object that I think is beautiful would be an axe. you might be
thinking how I could think an axe is beautiful.
xuống hang thỏ (nghĩa đen), dẫn đến
Well, you see that I am very interested in camping these days. I fell
down a bit of a rabbit hole
, so to speak, when it comes down to
tình huống kỳ lạ khiến bản thân cảm
thấy cực kỳ cuốn hút (nghĩa bóng)
Ex: I avoid falling down a rabbit hole
high-quality Outdoor Equipment. you see, down this Rabbit Hole I’ve
when it comes to addicted drugs
been looking into all the different types and variations of axes. Some
2. curvature (n) /ˈkɝː.və.tʃɚ/ : sự uốn
are small, some are medium-sized and some are really big. Each one
1. fall down a rabbit hole (idiom): rơi
has a different purpose for a specific use. this particular object that I
Ex: If you do not sit appropriately, it
saw, or axe, that I saw I thought it was absolutely beautiful because it
might lead to the wrong curvature of
was the perfect in between the small and the large. looking at it that
your spine
had the right grain in the Woodstock, it had a beautiful curvature
to the top of the ax. It was able to perform all the jobs that I would
need it for when I would go camping. And to boot, I loved it the size of
it was the perfect weight and length and everything that I could use it
3. workmanship (n) /ˈwɜrk·mənˌʃɪp/:
tay nghề
Ex: This violin depicts an advanced
workmanship skill.
for. My favorite part about it was that the top of the axehead is an old
Japanese axehead. It may be 50, 60, 70 years old, still with the initials
of the person that made the actual axehead.
So this is why I thought it was so beautiful to see the history of it,
the quality of it and then what I’ll be able to use it for. That kind of
workmanship (3) taking something old and making it into something
new and is also such high quality and strong, to me, is what is beautiful.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now
than in the past? Why?
This is a very hard question because I both want to be
affirmative as well as negative. In my opinion, we have lost
a lot of beauty in the natural world over the last decades, but
I think that more beauty in other aspects has been created.
• affirmative (a) /əˈfɝː.mə.t̬ɪv/: tích cực
Ex: She asked the question expecting an affirmative
• pose a threat / pəʊz ə θret /: đe dọa tới
Ex: Did they pose a threat to his place?
We just need to find a way that creating new beauty isn’t
done in a way that poses a threat to old beauty.
2. What beautiful scenery spots are there in your
Immediately I knew where to talk about, and while there are
others, this one is the most important one, in my opinion.
Ha Long Bay is a place in north eastern Vietnam, located in
Quang Ninh province. It is an area of the sea in which there
are hundreds of karst mountains sticking out of the water.
• karst (n) /kɑːrst/: núi bị phong hóa
Ex: Some of the rocky karsts contain sea caves and
hidden lagoons.
• Breathtaking (a) /ˈbreθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/: tráng lệ, hấp
Ex: The view from the top of the mountain is
It is breathtaking. Tourists can take boats to float through
the mountains in the bay overnight, it is very impressive.
3. Where do you think people usually come into contact
with beautiful things?
I think that the easiest answer would just be that people are
most likely to come into contact with beauty when doing
new things. While we can love and appreciate things we see
around us all the time, it seems to me that you would be
• encounter (v) /ɪnˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ/: gặp phải
Ex: On their way home they encountered a
woman selling flowers.
• deem (v) /diːm/: cho là
Ex: The area has now been deemed safe.
much more likely to encounter something that you would
deem beautiful if it is something you’re not already used to.
4. Why do you think people create beautiful things?
People create beautiful things because beautiful things are,
by definition, things that humans tend to enjoy. If I remember
correctly, serotonin is the chemical released when humans
experience happiness. Happiness is an emotion that can be
evoked by witnessing beauty. For the most part, humans
tend to enjoy this happiness. Once humans discovered that
• evoke (v) /ɪˈvoʊk/: làm trỗi dậy
Ex: That smell always evokes memories of my old
• imitate (v) /ˈɪm.ə.teɪt/: bắt chước
Ex: Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate
their musical heroes from the past.
we can do things to increase our happiness, we were likely
to try and imitate and improve upon it.
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Share with others
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe something you had to share with others.
You should say:
• What it was
• Who you shared it with
• Why you had to share it with others
And explain how you felt about it
• Chia sẻ cùng em trai
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Được mẹ mua
• Tranh cãi để được ngủ cùng đồ chơi
• Không ai muốn lấy món đồ chơi thứ hai
Content (Nội dung)
• Nhất quyết muốn có món đồ ban đầu
• Diễn ra trong khoảng một năm
• Dạy bài học về một chế độ chia sẻ
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chuẩn bị cho một số tình huống
Take note
Share with brother
Was bought by mother
Argue to sleep with the toy
A stuffed
cat toy
Neither of us could be convinced to take the
second toy
Dead set on having the original one
Went on for probably a year
Taught us how to establish a sharing system
Get prepared for some set of circumstances
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People on a daily basis have to share all sorts of things regardless of
the fact that they like to share or not. Something that I had to share
with others that stands out
for me was a stuffed animal that I had
as a child. Although I say “I” had, it would be more correct to say, “my
brother and I had”. My brother and I are quite close in terms of age,
so our relatives and family usually gave us presents that both of us
1. stand out / stænd ˈaʊt /: nổi bật
Ex: The black lettering really stands out
on that orange background.
2. rectify (v) /ˈrek.tə.faɪ/: chấn chỉnh
Ex: I am determined to take whatever
could share together. On one international children’s day, our mother
action is necessary to rectify the
bought a stuffed cat toy for us to play with, and we both absolutely
loved this toy.
3. dead set / ded set /: nhất quyết
Ex: Martha’s dead set on having a new
I remember that we would argue about who got to sleep with the toy
until our mother finally made us establish a rotating system of who got
to keep the toy with them. This was even after she had tried to rectify
the problem by just buying a second cat toy. Don’t get me wrong,
the second toy was great too, but neither of us could be convinced to
take the second one because we were both absolutely dead set
4. lose interest / luːz ˈɪntrəst /: không
còn hứng thú
Ex: He used to be very active in politics,
but he’s lost interest now.
having the original one. This went on for probably a year before we
finally lost interest
, maybe more and maybe less, it happened a
very long time ago, so I cannot be certain.
While it didn’t exactly teach us what the meaning of sharing was, it at
least taught us how to establish a sharing system that would stop us
from fighting. I haven’t had something similar required yet in my life,
but if some set of circumstances come about where I will need to, then
I will be prepared.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think kids like to share? Why?
Both yes and no, depending on the situation and the
context. On one hand, kids hate to share because if
something is being given to someone else, then it is not
being given to them. Kids have not yet learned that not
all concepts are zero-sum games, and that sharing can
be beneficial to everyone. They still see the world as very
black and white and that you can either have something or
• zero-sum game / ˈzɪərəʊ sʌm ɡeɪm /: trò chơi
tổng bằng 0
Ex: Free trade benefits everyone in the end
because trade is never a zero-sum game.
• Context (n) /ˈkɑːn.tekst/: bối cảnh
Ex: It is important to see all the fighting and
bloodshed in his plays in historical context.
someone else can have it. While on the other hand, children
also love to share if they think that it will increase the fun
that they are having. Such as someone else using their toy
to play a character.
2. How can parents teach their children to share?
I think the best way that parents can help their children
learn to share would be to set a good example of being
generous from the start. I think that anything children see
their parents doing from a young age, they will instinctively
try and mimic that behaviour. With this being the case,
• set an example / set ən ɪɡˈzɑːmpl̩ /: làm gương
Ex: You should be setting a good example to your
younger brother.
• instinctively (adv) /ɪnˈstɪŋk.tɪv.li/: thuộc về bản
Ex: She knew instinctively that he was dangerous.
it would do parents well to show not only parent-child
sharing relationships but also parent-parent and child-child
relationships, if there are siblings, from the very beginning.
3. What do you think is the benefit of sharing for
There are many benefits to children from learning to share.
First, it teaches them how to live in the real world where
they will have to make concessions with people. Second,
it can increase the fun quite a lot when you have your friend
• Concession (n) /kənˈseʃ.ən/: sự nhượng bộ
Ex: Both sides involved in the conflict made some
concessions in yesterday’s talks.
• Lend (v) /lend/: cho mượn
Ex: She doesn’t like lending her books.
join you in play, even if they are using your toys. Third,
becoming familiar with the concept means that not only
can they lend, they can also borrow when they are lacking
4. Is there anything that parents should persuade
children to share with others?
I don’t know if there is anything in specific that should be
focused on to have children share, and that sharing should
be pretty inclusive of things with only a few exceptions.
• inclusive (a) /ɪnˈkluː.sɪv/: đa dạng
Ex: Our aim is to create a fairer, more inclusive society.
• Exception (n) /ɪkˈsep.ʃən/: ngoại lệ
Ex: There are exceptions to every rule.
For example, children should be taught not to share
anything related to medicine, or health care in general as
that can be dangerous and unhealthy.
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Grow plants
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g. vegetables/fruits/flowers, etc.)
You should say:
• Who this person is
• What he/she grows
• Where he/she grows them
And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Sống tại Sơn Tây gần Ba Vì
• Yêu thích việc chăm sóc khu vườn của mình
• Khu vườn ở phía sau nhà
Content (Nội dung)
• Có nhiều hoa quả và rau củ theo mùa
• Yêu thích việc nấu ăn cho gia đình
• Làm vườn rất mát tay
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Bản thân không có năng khiếu làm vườn
• Hy vọng sẽ chăm cây tốt như bà
Take note
Lives in Sơn Tây, near Ba Vi
Loves to grow her garden
The garden was in the back of her house
Many available seasonal fruits and vegetables
Loves to cook and feed her family
Has “green thumb”
Have “black thumb”
Hope to be as good at growing as she is
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The person I’m going to describe would be my mother-in-law. My
mother-in-law, who lives in Sơn Tây, near Ba Vì loves to grow in her
1. Herb (n) /ɝːb/: cây gia vị, thảo mộc
Ex: Basil, oregano, thyme, and rosemary
are all herbs.
Her garden is based and in the back of her house. here she grows tons
of different fruits and vegetables. All year round, she gets to grow
quả theo mùa
winter melon, squash, beans, carrots, red Parrilla, green perilla, and all
Ex: It works just as well with apples, or
sorts of different herbs
berries or whatever seasonal fruit you
. Every time that I go to her house I always
feel so happy because I get to enjoy whatever seasonal fruits
vegetables are available. She loves to grow her fruits and vegetables.
2. seasonal fruit / ˈsiːzənl̩ fruːt /: hoa
I think that the main reason why she loves to grow all these different
3. green thumb /ˌɡriːn ˈθʌm/: khả năng
nuôi trồng mát tay
things is because she loves to cook and feed her family. At any given
Ex: My sister has a green thumb, but I kill
point, she’s always cooking and making food for everyone and when
most plants that I buy.
she has too much of something, she can’t cook or eat it all herself,
so she’s more than happy to be able to give it to the ones that she
loves. She has what you would call a “green thumb” (3). having a green
thumb she can pretty much grow anything anywhere. She has a vast
4. black thumb / blæk ˈθʌm /: vụng về,
không có năng khiếu làm vườn
Ex: I have killed all the plants in my
house. I must have a black thumb.
knowledge when it comes down to what is available and what can
grow all over.
I have what you would call a “black thumb” (4) because I can’t grow as
well as she can and so I hope one day that I can have a garden and be
as good at growing as she is.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think of the job farmer?
I think farmers are extremely important to keeping our
society running. Due to advancements in modern
agriculture, one farmer can produce vastly more food
than their counterparts only a century ago, so the number
of people relying on farmers to grow food for them has
exploded. While it is an extremely important job, I would
not want to do it myself because it is very hard.
2. Are there many people growing their own vegetables
There are many, but the number is certainly less than it was
just a generation ago. For instance, my great grand parents
grew most of the food that was eaten in their household,
• Advancement (n) /ədˈvæns.mənt/: phát triển
tiên tiến
Ex: Nowadays, merger and acquisition transactions
occur at a faster pace, due in part to advancements
in communications.
• Agriculture (n) /ˈæɡ.rə.kʌl.tʃɚ/: nông nghiệp
Ex: Agriculture is still largely based on traditional
methods in some countries.
• Household (n) /ˈhaʊs.hoʊld/: hộ gia đình
Ex: By the 1960s, most households had a TV.
• density (n) /ˈden.sə.t̬i/: mật độ
Ex: We were unable to move because of the density
of the crowd.
where as my mother only grows green onions on the
window sill of the kitchen. Increasing population density
in the cities also means that people tend to lack sufficient
space for more farming.
3. Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?
Absolutely, I remember doing so in school and I really
enjoyed it. Also, showing children how plants come from
• System (n) /ˈsɪs.təm/: hệ thống
Ex: We’re having a new computer system installed.
seeds, how they develop and how they must be cared for is
very important in developing that child’s views of the world
they are growing up in. Teaching them about planting also
starts teaching them about the systems of nature.
4 What are the differences between traditional and
modern agriculture?
The main differences between traditional and modern
agriculture are twofold, first that modern agriculture is
vastly more efficient, and second is that it also tends to be far
• Twofold (a) /ˈtuː.foʊld/: có tính hai mặt
Ex: The problem is twofold.
• Sustainable (a) /səˈsteɪ.nə.bəl/: bền vững, ổn định
Ex: That sort of extreme diet is not sustainable over a
long period.
less sustainable. While traditional farming methods usually
do not degrade the land severely, modern agriculture can.
This is because there is often a lot of chemical and pesticide
use that can be damaging to the soil over time.
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An appointment
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment.
You should say:
• When it was
• Who you made it with
• Why you missed it
and how you felt about it
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Đầu tuần này
• Gặp vấn đề trong lựa chọn ngành học
• Bố mẹ luôn than phiền về việc đưa ra quyết định
Content (Nội dung)
• Thức khuya để làm bài tập
• Hoàn toàn quên buổi hẹn
• Cố vấn tỏ ra rất đồng cảm
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Hẹn lại vào tuần tới
• Cảm thấy tệ ban đầu nhưng ổn về sau
Take note
Earlier this week
Have trouble deciding on what to pursue
in university
Parents were on my back about making
the decision
with the
Stayed up much too late working on an
Totally forgot about the appointment
The counselor was very understanding
Set for the next week
Felt bad at first but okay in the end
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A time that I missed an appointment was actually just earlier this week.
I had set up an appointment with the councilor at my high school
because I had been having troubles deciding on what to pursue in
about making the decision. They were also,
as always, very much controlling
of ensuring that I spend every
possible minute doing homework and extra study. Because of this, I
tục nhắc nhở hoặc khiển trách ai đó
Ex: His father was on his back night and
It had been causing me quite a bit of stress as my parents were very
much on my back
1. on my back / ˈɒn maɪ ˈbæk /: liên
stayed up much too late working on an assignment and totally forgot
about the appointment that I had arranged last week, for the next
morning. Thankfully my councilor was very understanding, it seems
that this type of overworking (3) is quite typical among students like
myself so he was very understanding when I went to him later that day
Ex: Stop being too controlling over his
3. overworking (n) / ˌəʊvəˈwɜːkɪŋ /:
làm việc quá sức
Ex: He got sick through overworking.
4.Reschedule (v) /ˌriːˈskedʒ.uːl/: hẹn
lại lịch
Ex: I rescheduled my doctor’s
appointment for later in the week.
to reschedule (4).
2. controlling (a) / kənˈtrəʊlɪŋ /: kiểm
It was then set for the next week and I immediately saved the date in
my phone with three separate alarms to make certain that I got up on
time for it. I felt bad about it at first, but it was all okay in the end.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. How do people who are busy remember things they
need to do?
I think there are many different approaches to staying
organized that can be effective, but for me it is writing
down everything into the calendar app on my phone. I
always have my phone with me so it is very convenient to
check and make sure of things in my schedule, and it is also
very easy to modify things when needed.
2. Do you think people should remember family history?
Absolutely. I think that it is very important that the older
generation can pass down all the information about where
the family came from to the new generations. While it is
not integral to life, I think it can provide a lot of value to a
person to know the history of their family. Not all families
have a particularly happy past, but it still important to learn
• Approach (n) /əˈproʊtʃ/: cách suy nghĩ hoặc tiếp
Ex: I’ve just read an interesting book which has a
new approach to Shakespeare.
• convenient (a) /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/: tiện lợi
Ex: Our local shop has very convenient opening
• pass down /pɑːs daʊn/: lưu truyền từ đời này
sang đời khác
Ex: His is a family trade, passed down from
generation to generation.
• integral (a) /ˈɪn.t̬ə.ɡrəl/: quan trọng
Ex: He’s an integral part of the team and we can’t
do without him.
about these things so that we can learn how to live better
while moving forward.
3. What do you think of people using calendars to
remind themselves of things?
I think it is very logical. As said before I do so very frequently,
just in the electronic version instead of paper. It is very
efficient and can be very helpful to keep people on time
• On time / ˈɒn ˈtaɪm /: đúng giờ
Ex: My parents go to the house right on time.
• authority (n) /əˈθɔːr.ə.t̬i/: quyền hạn kiểm soát
Ex: He has no authority over his students.
and on task. I do think though that it could be focused on
too much, to the point that it could start having negative
impacts on a persons life if their calendar is given too much
authority over their lives.
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An English lesson
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an English lesson you had and enjoyed.
You should say:
• When it was
• What it was about
• What happened
and explain why you liked it
• Hơn một năm trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Rất nhiều từ vựng và ngữ pháp cần luyện tập
• Thay vào đó giáo viên hướng dẫn thiết kế bài học riêng
• Giáo viên đề xuất cách thiết kế một bài học hay
Content (Nội dung)
• Dành ra một lúc để tự tạo nên bài học riêng
• Hướng dẫn làm vườn và chăm sóc cây cối
• Sau giờ nghỉ một vài bạn muốn làm khu vườn tại lớp
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Các bạn rất thích bài học này
Take note
Over a year ago
A lot of vocabulary and grammar rules to practice
Teacher instead instructed us to write out our
own lesson plants
Advised us about how to structure a good lesson
Take some time to come up with our own lesson plans
Teach about gardening and proper plant care
Break afterwards some friends want to start a
class garden
Friends really enjoyed the lesson
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Many of my English lessons have been memorable (1), but my favourite
one happened just over a year ago. This lesson was a review lesson, so
1. Memorable (a)
we had a lot of vocabulary to practice with and a lot of grammar rules
đáng nhớ
to check over.
Ex: I haven’t seen them since that
memorable evening when the boat
While this would normally lead to a class being quite boring, our
teacher instead instructed us to write out own lesson plans. She drew
2. diagram (n) /ˈdaɪ.ə.ɡræm/: biểu đồ
a diagram
of a simple lesson plan outline
on the board and
advised us about how to structure a good lesson. She then said that
we can take some time to come up with
out own lesson plans, then
we will be given a short time to teach about any topic that we wanted
for the rest of the class. The only condition is that we had to try and
Ex: The teacher drew a diagram showing
how the blood flows through the heart.
3. outline (n) /ˈaʊt.laɪn/: bản tóm tắt
Ex: If you read the minutes of the
meeting, they’ll give you a broad outline
work in as much of the vocabulary and grammar as possible into the
of what was discussed.
lesson. I chose to teach about gardening and proper plant care, it was
4. come up with / ˈkʌm ˈʌp wɪð /: đề
actually a lot of fun, and good practice!
xuất ý kiến
Ex: She’s come up with some amazing
Even at break afterwards some of my friends came to me and they
scheme to double her income.
said that they want to try starting a class garden that we could put at
our classrooms window. It seems they also really enjoyed that lesson.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Why do people learn foreign languages?
There are many different reasons for different people, but
I think the most common one is for economic reasons. As
English has become the de facto world language, and
with the world being as interconnected as it is, it makes
sense that anyone who wants to participate with the wider
world at large should learn to study English. But depending
on where people live, it would also make sense for them
• interconnected (a) /ˌɪn.t̬ɚ.kəˈnek.tɪd/: liên kết
với nhau
Ex: Our society is too complex and interconnected
to defend against all possible threats.
• de facto (a) /ˌdeɪ ˈfæk.toʊ/: nghiễm nhiên
Ex: The city is rapidly becoming the de facto centre
of the financial world.
to learn other languages. As long as it helps more people
communicate then it is beneficial, in my opinion.
2. What makes for a good foreign language teacher?
I think enthusiasm is a large part of it. I have been in classes
with very engaging teachers, as well as in classes with quite
dull teachers. While it is not the only factor, it is important.
Especially when considering speaking. If a teacher is not
someone who is fun to talk to, students are less inclined to
speak up and practice what they have learned.
• enthusiasm (n) /ɪnˈθuː.zi.æz.əm/: lòng nhiệt
Ex: One of the good things about teaching young
children is their enthusiasm.
• dull (a) /dʌl/: nhàm chán
Ex: She wrote dull, respectable articles for the
local newspaper.
3. Do you think it would be interesting to be a foreign
language teacher?
Absolutely, I think it would be very interesting. First off,
• Abroad (adv) /əˈbrɑːd/: nước ngoài
Ex: He’s currently abroad on business.
it being a foreign language at all means that it is from
outside of the country that it is being taught in. This means
that either someone has come from abroad to teach it, or
someone likely studied abroad to learn it, then came back
to teach it. Both of these situations mean that they have
gotten to travel and experience new cultures.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time when you succeeded in doing something that was difficult.
You should say:
• What it is
• Why it is difficult
• How you would like to prepare for it
and explain why you would like to be successful in doing it
• Tôi và các bạn cùng lớp
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Xây dựng và phóng mô hình tên lửa
• Cần rất nhiều lần thử nghiệm và sự trợ giúp
• Tuy không thắng nhưng đạt được số điểm rất cao
Content (Nội dung)
• Rất vui để học nhưng cũng rất khó
• Tìm ra lí do có rất ít người đến vũ trụ
• Một cảm giác thành tựu vô cùng lớn lao
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Đính kèm dự án này vào đơn xét tuyển đại học
Take note
Me and my classmates
Build and lauch a model rocket
Took us many tries and required a lot of assistance
City wide
science fair
Though we didn’t win but we did score very highly
A lot of fun to learn, but also very difficult
Turns out reasons why so few people have gone
to space
A tremendous amount of feelings of accomplishment
Include that project in applications for university
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A time when I succeeded in doing something difficult is the time
when my classmates and I participated in a city wide science fair. We
decided that we were going to build and launch a model rocket that
would then eject a parachute (1) and land safely on the ground again.
Ex: For whatever reason his parachute
failed to open.
This took us many tries and required a lot of assistance (2) from our
2. assistance (n) /əˈsɪs.təns/: sự trợ
physics teacher and our chemistry teacher, but in the end we managed
assistance in exams.
to be successful. It was really a big achievement and though we didn’t
win the entire science fair we did score very highly. Having always
been interested in rocketry
and space it was a lot of fun to learn,
but also very difficult. It turns out there are plenty of good reasons
why so few people have gone to space, if it was easy, everyone would
do it.
1. parachute (n) /ˈper.ə.ʃuːt/: dù
I know that not just myself, but all my team mates as well got a
tremendous (4) amount of feelings of accomplishment from having
Ex: Teachers can’t give pupils any
3. rocketry (n) /ˈrɑːkɪtri/: tên lửa học
Ex: This research could shed light on a
wide range of fields, like rocketry and
4. tremendous (a) /trɪˈmen.dəs/: rất
Ex: They were making a tremendous
amount of noise last night.
done so, and I think that both our physics and chemistry teachers
were quite proud of it. I certainly intend to include that project in my
applications for university when that time comes.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Is it easy to become a successful person?
For the most part, no, it is not. Though that changes a lot
when considering just how we define successful. Is it easy
to become successful financially? No, that is very difficult
unless you are starting from a place of wealth. Is it easy
to become successful in a given field? Also no, tonnes of
practice, learning, and hard work are required to get there.
Though those are far from the only ways to measure success.
• define (v) /dɪˈfaɪn/: định nghĩa
Ex: Before I answer your question, could you
define your terms a little more?
• Determine (v) /dɪˈtɝː.mɪn/: quyết định
Ex: The number of staff we can take on will be
determined by how much money we’re allowed
to spend.
Some people define success as just being happy, and that is
much more determined by your own outlook on life, and in
that case, it can be easy.
2. Would you do charity after having become
I would like to think that yes, I would partake in charity
after having become successful. I like to be active in my
community and there are a lot of problems that could be
solved if someone with the means were to take those
• partake (v) /pɑːrˈteɪk/: tham gia vào
Ex: She was happy to partake in the festivities.
• Charitable (a) /ˈtʃer.ə.t̬ə.bəl/: mang tính từ thiện
Ex: The entire organization is funded by charitable
problems on themselves. It is commonly understood that
having a lot of money often changes people and their
attitudes, but if I am successful then I hope that does not
happen to me, I want to remain charitable.
3. Is there a lot of competition with others trying to
achieve the same goals?
I think there certainly is, but to varying degrees depending
on what those goals are. For instance, in applying to
universities where all students have the same goal of being
accepted, then there is bound to be huge amounts of
competition among the candidates. There are also things to
• bound (a) /baʊnd/: chắc chắn xảy ra
Ex: You’re bound to forget people’s names
• human nature /ˌhjuː.mən ˈneɪ.tʃɚ/: bản tính tự
nhiên của con người
Ex: You can’t change human nature.
look at such as fitness. Competition tends to be fostered in
fitness communities even though there is no direct winner
or loser in becoming more fit, it is just a symptom of human
nature, it seems.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.
You should say:
• Who this person is and how long you have known him or her
• Why you chose this person
• How this person has influenced your life
And explain how you feel about him or her.
• Lớn hơn vài tuổi
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Học kĩ thuật tại Đức
• Giới thiệu những người bạn mới chào hỏi bằng tiếng Đức
• Diễn giải vài khía cạnh của ngôn ngữ
Content (Nội dung)
• Tiếng Anh thừa hưởng phần nhiều cấu trúc từ tiếng Đức
• Bắt đầu học tiếng Đức năm nay
• Cuối cùng giúp trau dồi vốn tiếng Anh
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Một sở thích thú vị
Take note
Few years older
Study engineering in Germany
Introduced new friends who greeted in German
Explained some aspects of the language
English has inherited much of its structure from
the German
Start studying German this year
Ultimately help improve English knowledge
A point of interest that I can enjoy working on
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A person who inspired me to do something interesting is actually my
cousin. He is a few years older than myself and he ended up (1) being
accepted to a university in Germany to study engineering.
I had spent many years learning English in school, but after finding
out that my cousin was studying in German I was very curious about
it. The next time that I spoke with him by video call, he introduced me
to his new friends there and they all greeted (2) me in German after I
1. end up / end ʌp /: cuối cùng
Ex: Much of this meat will probably
end up as dog food.
2. Greet (v) /ɡriːt/: chào hỏi
Ex: He greeted me at the door.
3. apparently (adv) /əˈper.ənt.li/: có
had tried to give them a “guten tag”. He explained some aspects of the
apparently caused by a programming
language to me and I was very interested to find out that apparently
English has inherited
much of its’ structure from the German
language. I didn’t know that and was ever more interested. So this
year I have taken it upon myself to start studying German. I am already
quite confident in my English skills, and I am aware that speaking
4. Inherit (v) /ɪnˈher.ɪt/: thừa hưởng
đặc điểm
Ex: Rosie inherited her red hair from
her mother.
German is more difficult and that it will not be as useful as being an
English speaker.
All of this taken into consideration though, I think it will ultimately
help improve my English knowledge as well as a point of interest that
I can enjoy working on.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Which types of people become role models in your
I think the most common role models in most societies is
that of celebrities. Generally, when a lot of people come
to know your name, they will often shift into the position
of role model whether they are deserving of being one or
not. While this is certainly not an inherently good thing,
• role model /ˈroʊl ˌmɑː.dəl/: hình mẫu lí tưởng
Ex: Sports stars are role models for thousands of
• human nature /ˌhjuː.mən ˈneɪ.tʃɚ/: bản tính tự
nhiên của con người
Ex: You can’t change human nature.
it does seem to be human nature. It is everyone’s own
personal responsibility to choose which people to look up
to as role models.
2. Do you agree that famous people have more
responsibilities than ordinary people?
I don’t think that it is exactly correct to say that famous
• conscious (a) /ˈkɑːn.ʃəs/: nhận thức được
Ex: He’s still conscious but he’s very badly injured.
people have more responsibilities than ordinary people.
Though I do think that it would be correct to say that they
have different responsibilities from the rest of us. Due to
their high level of influence in how people act towards each
other and how they view the world, it is important for them
to be conscious of socially important topics when they
speak in public.
3. What happens when young people lack good role
I think that when young people lack good role models,
they find role models in other people, who are not good
role models. This can have long-term negative impacts if
not corrected for. If people learn to idolize the incorrect
• long- term (a) /ˌlɑːŋˈtɝːm/: về lâu dài
Ex: Scientists warned of the long-term effects of
global warming.
• idolize (v) /ˈaɪ.dəl.aɪz/: thần tượng hóa
Ex: She idolized her father.
values of a person, then changing that later in life would be
very difficult, as it becomes part of their personality to view
those positions as positive.
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?
While teachers should certainly aim to be good role models,
there is a lot of diversity in how they choose to do that.
Two different people can be role models for completely
different reasons, for example, I have one teacher who is
extremely kind, generous, and always very involved with
other teachers and classes, on the other hand I have another
• diversity (n) /dɪˈvɝː.sə.t̬i/: sự đa dạng
Ex: Does television adequately reflect the ethnic
and cultural diversity of the country?
• Independence (n) /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dəns/: sự độc lập
Ex: It’s important that parents should allow their
children some independence.
teacher who promotes independence, self reliance and
personal motivation. These things are very different from
each other but can both be important factors to look up to.
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A decision
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something.
You should say:
• When it happened?
• What you waited for?
• Why you made the decision?
And explain how you felt while waiting.
• Hồi còn nhỏ
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Một phương pháp khá phổ biến
• Có 100k ngay lập tức hoặc chờ một năm và nhận 1 triệu
• Em trai ngay lập tức chọn 100k
Content (Nội dung)
• Ghen tị với số kẹo em đã có thể mua
• Chờ 1 triệu mặc kệ sự nóng vội
• Quên về thỏa thuận cho đến năm sau
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Không còn ghen tị nữa
Take note
During childhood
A pretty widespread strategy
Have 100,000 VND right now or wait for a year and
receive 1 million VND
A lesson that
my parents
Brother instantly jumped at the 100k
Jealous of all the candy that brother was able to buy
Wait for the 1 million against the urges
Forgot about the deal until it came to the next year
No longer jealous
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A time that I decided to wait for something was during a lesson that my
parents taught my brother and I during our childhoods. I have come to
find out that this is a pretty widespread
strategy for teaching this,
Our parents offered us a deal, we could have 100,000VND right now,
or we could wait for one year and receive 1 million VND. My brother
instantly jumped at
biến, lan rộng
Ex: There are reports of widespread
flooding in northern France.
but I was unaware of that at the time.
the 100k and wanted it right away. My father
1. widespread (a) /ˌwaɪdˈspred/: phổ
laughed and that instantly made me suspicious . I also wanted the
100k right away, and was somewhat already jealous of all the candy
my brother was going to be able to buy, but I could not. Against the
urges , I decided to tell them that I will wait for the 1 million.
2. jump at / dʒʌmp æt /: ngay lập tức
đồng ý
Ex: She jumped at the chance of a trip
to Paris.
3. Suspicious (a) /səˈspɪʃ.əs/: nghi
Ex: Her behaviour was very suspicious.
4. Urge (n) /ɝːdʒ/: ham muốn mạnh
After some time I had actually forgotten about the deal until it came
Ex: The urge to steal is very strong in
to the next year and my mother handed me two crisp 500,000 VND
some of these young men.
notes. I was ecstatic
5. Ecstatic (a) /ekˈstæt̬.ɪk/: vô cùng
. I put the money towards a new bike, and was
no longer jealous of the candy my brother had had a year before.
hạnh phúc
Ex: The new president was greeted by an
ecstatic crowd.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do people in your country like to take public
Unfortunately the rates of use for public transit in my
country is not as high as I would like it to be. However I
don’t think that this is because people are adverse to the
idea, I think that the main issue is just lack of development
• adverse (a) /ædˈvɝːs/: phản đối, chống lại
Ex: They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism
about the changes.
• as a whole / əz ə həʊl /: nhìn chung
Ex: The population as a whole is getting healthier.
of the public transport system as a whole. Hopefully, as it
starts to become more developed and reliable, people will
take it more often.
2. Why do some people like a slow-paced life?
People like a slow pace of life because it is relaxing. Many
people do not get the same satisfaction of living in the rat
race of professional life, and that is okay. It also seems to
me that these sentiments grow with age, and that older
people are less likely to be bothered by engaging in the
• rat race /ˈræt ˌreɪs/: cuộc sống ganh đua
Ex: He decided to get out of the rat race, and went
to work on a farm.
• Sentiment (n) /ˈsen.t̬ə.mənt/: quan điểm
Ex: I don’t think she shares my sentiments.
hectic and chaotic world they may have enjoyed in their
3. Is being patient good for people? Why?
It absolutely is, but with limits. Patience is an important skill
to foster, because many things in life cannot come right
away. However it is also important to distinguish the line
between being patient and being a pushover. For example,
if I were to be working a job and the boss said I need to wait
one day to receive my pay, I would not be happy about that
but understanding, I can be patient. However, if it were to
• distinguish (v) /dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/: phân biệt
Ex: I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing
Spanish from Portuguese.
• Pushover (n) /ˈpʊʃˌoʊ.vɚ/: người dễ thuận theo
quyết định bên ngoài
Ex: Krista gets whatever she wants – her parents
are real pushovers.
go on for a longer period of time then it is important that
we stand up for ourselves.
4. Are people less patient now than people in the past?
People now are certainly less patient than people in the
past. We have grown accustomed to fast paced life styles
and instant gratification that was simply not available
throughout most of human history. This trend continues to
grow as well, it will be interesting to see just how far this can
• accustomed to / əˈkʌstəmd tuː /: quen thuộc với
Ex: She quickly became accustomed to his messy
• attention span /əˈten.ʃən ˌspæn/: khoảng chú ý
Ex: Young children have quite short attention
continue until there is no attention span at all.
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A traffic jam
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.
You should say:
• When and where did it happen?
• How long you were in the traffic jam?
• What you did while waiting?
And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam
• Vài ngày trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Mưa nhỏ đủ để làm ướt đường
• Không có gió bão và mưa đã ngừng
• Giao thông kẹt cứng hàng cây số
Content (Nội dung)
• Tắt máy và dắt xe chậm rãi
• Chật vật qua đám đông để về nhà
• Chân và lưng đau, tâm trạng cáu giận
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Chuyến đi 20 phút kéo dài gần 2 tiếng
Take note
Just the other day
Little rain. enough to wet the roads
The day wasn’t stormy and the rain had already stopped
Stand still traffic for kilometer after kilometer
Traffic jam
Turned off the bike and walked very slowly
Struggled through until eventually got home
My feet hurt, my back hurt, and I was angry
A 20-minute trip ended up taking very nearly 2 hours
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Just the other day is a perfect example of when I was stuck in a traffic
jam. There had been a little rain, nothing too serious, but enough that
the roads were wet by the time I got out of school.
1. Understandable (a) /ˌʌn.dɚˈstæn.
də.bəl/: có thể hiểu được
Ex: You have to put the facts into a form
that’s understandable to everyone.
Traffic often becomes worse when there are weather issues, and that
is understandable
, but this particular day wasn’t stormy and the
rain had already stopped. The traffic was bumper to bumper (2), stand
still traffic for kilometer after kilometer. After a while of breathing in
the exhaust (3) from all the bikes around me, I decided that it was not
worth it to even keep my bike on. I then just turned off my bike and
essentially walked my bike back to my house very slowly as the traffic
crept forward. It was very frustrating, but I knew the whole time that
there was literally nothing I could do about it. I considered a few times
just pulling off
of the road and finding somewhere comfortable
to sit for a while until the traffic cleared out, but it was still rather
2. bumper to bumper / ˈbʌmpə tu
ˈbʌmpə /: phương tiện kẹt cứng sát với
Ex: By eight o’clock the traffic was
bumper to bumper.
3. exhaust (n) /ɪɡˈzɑːst/: khí thải
Ex: Car exhaust is the main reason for
the city’s pollution.
4. Pull off / pʊl ɒf /: hành động ngoài
dự kiến
Ex: The central bank has pulled off one
early and the clouds looked like they could start raining again at any
of the biggest financial rescues of recent
moment, so I just struggled through until I eventually got home.
My feet hurt, my back hurt, and I was angry, but I was home at last.
A trip that usually only takes me 20 minutes ended up taking very
nearly 2 hours.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Which vehicles are more likely to be in a traffic jam, cars
or buses?
I think that once a traffic jam starts, it doesn’t matter much
if you are in a car or a bus. What I think is a more interesting
question would be which vehicle type is more likely to cause
traffic congestion? For that one, I think that the answer is
definitely cars. Buses fit a much larger number of people
and that means that many more people can be moved at
• Congestion (n)
/kənˈdʒes.tʃən/: ùn tắc giao
Ex: Major airports will need new runways to
relieve congestion.
• likelihood (n) /ˈlaɪ.kli.hʊd/: khả năng
Ex: This latest dispute greatly increases the
likelihood of a strike.
a given time, in a smaller space. This would also reduce the
number of individual parts in the traffic flow and reduce
likelihood of accidents.
2. If you were in a traffic jam would you prefer to be in
a car or a bus?
It depends on if I was driving the car or not. If I was a passenger
then it would not matter to me if I was in a car or bus. That
• passenger (n) /ˈpæs.ən.dʒɚ/: hành khách
Ex: Taxis are allowed to carry no more than four
being said, I certainly would like the least to be driving a car
in a traffic jam.
3. What do you think of people who always drive their
car, even when they could just as easily use public
I think that there are two main reasons why people tend to
do this, on one hand it is that people tend to keep a lot of
important things in their cars. A laptop, books, etc. If they do
not know what all will be needed throughout a day then it
• Bravado (n) /brəˈvɑː.doʊ/: tự tôn
Ex: It was an act of bravado that made him ask his
boss to resign.
• social status / ˈsəʊʃl ˈsteɪtəs /: địa vị xã hội
Ex: Top-performing school systems are likely to
have teachers with high social status.
makes sense for them to bring their cars with them. On the
other hand, I think that a lot of it is due to bravado. Having
a car is a sign of social status in many places, and so even
if it is hugely inconvenient for them to do so, they are going
to bring it regardless, because it makes them feel successful.
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Mobile phone
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a time you used your mobile phone for something important.
• When did you use it?
• How did you use it?
• What did you use it for?
And explain how you felt when you used your mobile phone for something.
• Một vài tuần trước
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Phỏng vấn cho vị trí thực tập sinh
• Không thể tìm thấy tòa nhà nơi phỏng vấn
Content (Nội dung)
• Hỏi đường
• Dùng app chỉ đường trên điện thoại
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Sẽ dùng app chỉ đường khi cần
Take note
A couple of weeks ago
Had an interview
Could not find the building
Asked a couple of people on the street for directions
Opened the map application, got to the building
Will use the map on my phone when needed.
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A time that I used my mobile phone for something important would
be just a couple of weeks ago. I had an interview for an internship (2)
position at a company that my father had helped me get.
1. Accumulate /əˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt /(v): tích
Ex: I have accumulated a lot of biological
knowledge by reading books.
I was a fresh graduate at that time, and to be honest, although I had
quite a lot of theoretical knowledge accumulated
from school,
I was pretty oblivious when it came to hands-on experience. As a
Ex: He served his medical internship at
result, I spent 2 months sending my resume to as many companies
Southern Pacific Hospital.
as possible, but there was no reply. When my father saw that I was
3. Prior /ˈpraɪə(r)/ (a): trước
having trouble finding a job, he decided to help me out by putting
me in touch with a company that had a job that I could do. They
2. Internship /ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/ (n): Kỳ thực
Ex: He was there during the week prior
to the meeting.
contacted me and set up an interview, which was just between myself
4. Direction/dəˈrekʃn/ (n): Phương
and a manager at the company. They gave me the address to go to the
day prior
Ex: Let’s stop and ask for directions.
, and while I wasn’t particularly familiar with that part of
the city I felt confident that I would be able to find the building. After
a while, I knew that I was in the right area, but I could not find that
particular building for the life of me. I asked a couple of people on the
street for directions
map application
, but eventually I just gave up. I opened the
5. application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/(n): Ứng
dụng, app
Ex: Users access the applications via the
on my phone and entered the building’s address,
and it brought me straight there. I should have just done that from the
beginning, as I was now slightly late for my meeting. Thankfully the
interviewer was quite understanding and gave me a chance to prove
myself in the interview.
From now on, if I am not absolutely certain of a place’s location, I will
just use the map on my phone. Sometimes it will lead me to the wrong
place, but it is very often correct.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What do people generally do with their mobile phones?
People do all sorts of things on their phones, from playing games, to recording information, to looking up new information
or listening to music. Though I think that the most common uses for phones are for messaging and searching the internet for
information. At least among my friends and myself that seems to be the most common use.
2. Is calling the most important function of a mobile
I think that calling used to be the most important function
of a phone, but that is no longer the case. I think the most
important function of a phone is now the use of messaging
• application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/(n): Ứng dụng, app
Ex: Users access the applications via the Web.
• Productivity /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti/(n): Năng suất
apps, the use of web browsing apps, and the use of map
apps. These applications are the most important when
considering productivity, but games can also be very
important in the context of stress reduction.
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A popular person
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a popular/well known person in your country.
You should say:
• Who this person is?
• How you know this person?
• What this person is famous for?
And explain what this person is famous for?
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh
• Chủ tịch nước đầu tiên
• Bác đã thống nhất hai miền Nam-Bắc
Content (Nội dung)
• Biết 7 thứ tiếng
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Rất kính trọng Bác, Bác là một tấm gương sáng
Take note
Ho Chi Minh
The first president of Vietnam
Very intelligent and well spoken
A famous
Speak 7 languages
Go abroad to find way to save country
Role model for everyone
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The most well known person in my country is, without a doubt (2), Ho
1. endearment /ɪnˈdɪəmənt/(n): Quý
Chi Minh.
He was the first president of the modern Vietnamese government,
Ex: ‘Darling’ is a term of endearment.
who was a Vietnamese revolutionary and statesman, and every single
2. Without a doubt: Không một chút
person in the country knows about him. Most people here refer to him
nghi ngờ
as “Uncle Ho”, because “uncle” is a common term of endearment
Ex: Without a doubt, I am going to take
in Vietnamese. He was a very intelligent and well spoken man, who
the IELTS test this month.
was very knowledgeable
3.Live in misery and poverty: sống
about not just Vietnam, but about the
wider world as well. Back in his era, Vietnam was divided into 2 parts,
trong khổ sở và đói nghèo
ruled by two governments, and Vietnamese people at that time lived
Ex: Poor people usually live in misery
in misery and poverty
and poverty in slums.
. Uncle Ho was really concerned about the
future of the country, so he decided to go abroad to find a way to help
his people. He studied in multiple countries and is rumored to have
spoken 7 languages! I have difficulty with two, I can’t imagine trying
4.knowledgeable /ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl/(a): Hiểu
biết nhiều
Ex: She is very knowledgeable about
to remember the grammar rules for 7 different languages. He was also
famous for being self-disciplined because he was very aware of how
5. Frugality /fruːˈɡæl.ə.t̬i/ (a): tiết kiệm
influential he was to Vietnamese inhabitants. What I admire about him
even more is that even when he was the president of a country, he
lived in frugality
and simplicity. Nowadays, his picture is common
to see in schools or offices, and his face is on our money. It would be
Ex: If you were unemployed, you would
have to live in frugality
6. a good role model : tấm gương sáng
Ex: He is a good role model for me.
impossible to live in my country and not be aware of who Uncle Ho is.
Personally, I respect him very much, he was a strong leader, but also
caring and well cultured. He is a good role model (6) for everyone to
have and we should all try and learn from the example that he set.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kinds of people are popular at work?
I think that the people who are likely to become popular in
workplaces are those who can help you take your mind off
of work on one hand, as well as help you stay motivated
on work on the other. Someone who can tell jokes at the
right time to keep everyone’s mood up would be good
• motivated /ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/(a): Có động lực
Ex: She is a highly motivated student.
• Morale /məˈrɑːl/ (n): Tinh thần
Ex: Another win would be good for the team’s
for workplace morale. But also someone who can get
everyone fired up and excited to complete their work.
2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work?
I think it would depend a lot on the boss. I have yet to work
in a company, so it is difficult to say, but I find it unlikely
that bosses are likely to be “popular”. This is because the
relationship is different between employees and their
bosses versus between employees. At least in my mind,
popularity is a concept among peers.
3. Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work?
I think it would be important to sustain a balance between
these two things. Of course you do not want a sour
relationship with those that you work with every day, but
you should also not allow social interactions at work to be
• popularity /ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti/(n): Sự phổ biến, ưu
Ex: The band’s growing popularity landed them a
US tour.
• Peers /pɪə(r)/(n): Những người đồng trang lứa
Ex: Children are worried about failing in front of
their peers.
• sustain /səˈsteɪn/ (v): Duy trì
Ex: She managed to sustain everyone’s interest
until the end of her speech.
• impediment /ɪmˈpedɪmənt/(n): Trở ngại
Ex: The level of inflation is a serious impediment
to economic recovery.
an impediment to the quality of work that you are trying
to achieve.
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A friend
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a friend that you enjoy talking with.
You should say:
• Who this person is?
• How did you know him/her?
• What do you usually talk about?
And explain why you want to talk to this person?
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bạn của tôi, tên Chinh
• Thông minh, hài hước
• Là bạn từ hai năm trước
Content (Nội dung)
• Chơi game, tán gẫu chung
• Giỏi ở việc cho lời khuyên
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Là một người để tâm sự và rất vui khi ở cạnh.
Take note
My friend - Chinh
Sit next to each other on the first day of school
Down to earth, intelligent
Good at playing devil’s advocate
A fun person to hang out with
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A friend that I really enjoy talking with is my friend Chinh.
1. down to earth : Chân thật, gần gũi,
We have been friends since we met at our new school about two
Ex: My best friend is down to earth.
không khoa trương
years ago. We sat next to each other on the first day of school. I was an
introvert (2) so it’s natural for me to sit quietly, try to focus on my phone.
Eventually, Chinh awkwardly asked my name, and introduced himself,
and we carried on the conversation about our previous schools until
our teacher came.
Talking about his personality, well, he is intelligent and down to earth
, but also very funny, as he can always crack a joke
to make
everyone around him laugh. We share a ton of interests, but also have
things that we pursue that the other doesn’t. This means that there is
always a lot of diversity in our discussions. While we sometimes play
sports or video games, most of our time together is just spent chatting.
He has a very good ability in seeing things from varying perspectives
, so when I am unsure of how to approach something, he is the
perfect person to ask. He is also very good at playing devil’s advocate
, so whenever I complain about something, he is very good at letting
me know if I am in the right or wrong, and making me see why in a way
that doesn’t not upset me at all. It is a good skill to have, and I have
definitely become a more logical and balanced thinker (8) since we
started hanging out together.
While he is good to confide in
2. introvert /ˈɪn.trə.vɝːt/ (n): người
hướng nội
Ex: I am an introvert so I don’t like
talking with people
3. crack a joke: nói điều gì đó hài hước
Ex: I tried to cheer her up by cracking
some jokes.
4. sense of humor: khiếu hài hước
Ex: Some people are born with a sense
of humor
5. Perspective /pəˈspektɪv/(n): Quan
Ex: A historical perspective may help us
understand the issue.
6. play devil’s advocate /pleɪ ˈdɛvlz
ˈædvəkɪt/: Giả vờ có quan điểm ngược
lại với đối phương trong một cuộc thảo
luận để có cái nhìn tốt hơn về vấn đề.
Ex: I don’t really believe all that - I was
just playing devil’s advocate.
, he is also very good at just being
a fun person to hang around with, as his sense of humor (4) is deep.
7. confide/kənˈfaɪd/ (v) : Thổ lộ, tâm sự
Ex: It is important to have someone you
can confide in.
8. logical and balanced thinker: nhà
tư tưởng logic và cân bằng
Ex: I hope that I could become a logical
and balanced thinker one day
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Is it better to communicate face to face or online?
I think it depends on the situation, but for the most part,
face to face is better than online. There is a lot of information
• Portray /pɔːˈtreɪ/(v): Mô tả
Ex: The painting portrays the duke’s third wife.
that is portrayed through things like body language that
would be extremely difficult to properly understand when
only communicating online. There are some circumstances
though where online would be better, particularly when
considering convenience.
2. Do you think it is impossible to make real friends on
the internet?
I don’t think so. For instance, I have online friends that I have
• genuinely /ˈdʒenjuɪnli/ (adv): Chân thật
Ex: There are some genuinely funny moments in
the film.
made through gaming that I genuinely feel are my real
friends. I care about their well being and I think they also
care about mine. In this day and age I think it is becoming
increasingly common to have internet friends, and they are
still valid. Hopefully I get to meet some of them in real life
one day, but if not, they are still my friends in my eyes.
3. Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some
I think that for a lot of people there are myriad reasons.
Some people are just socially awkward and not good at
engaging with other people. Depending on the person
this may leave them feeling lonely, though for many others
• myriad /ˈmɪriəd/ (a): Vô số
Ex: there are myriad problems of modern life.
• Psychopath /ˈsaɪkəpæθ/ (n): Kẻ điên/ hoặc chỉ
những người khó gần
Ex: She’s such a psychopath.
they prefer not to need social interactions. Also there are
psychopaths, who just are not capable of establishing
bonds with people the way that the rest of us do.
4. What do you think it takes to become friends?
It is different for different people, so I will answer in the
context of myself. There is the need for some shared
interests, or there is nothing to bond over. Another
• Openness /ˈəʊpənnəs/(n): sự cởi mở
Ex: He talked with a new openness about his own
important thing is openness. When I meet people who are
not willing to be open with their thoughts and feelings with
me, I find it difficult to trust them, and I could not be friends
with someone that I do not trust.
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5. What do you talk about with your friends?
It changes by the day, we discuss anything and everything
that is relevant to our lives. Luckily, my circle of friends is
quite diverse, so this means that there is always something
new or interesting on the table in terms of discussion.
• Diverse /daɪˈvɜːs/ (a): Đa dạng
Ex: People from diverse cultures were invited to
the event.
• broaden one’s horizons : Mở mang hiểu biết
This also helps us all broaden our horizons, as it is not
Ex: Travelling helps me broaden my horizons.
abnormal in anyway to need to consider things from
• Abnormal /æbˈnɔːml/ (a): Không bình thường
varying perspective.
Ex: They thought his behaviour was abnormal.
6. Do you think you can be friends with strangers?
I think that by definition, no. As far as I understand the word, to be friends with a person you need to actually know them. While
you can certainly be “friendly” with a stranger, that is very different from being actual friends.
7. How should you treat a stranger?
You should be friendly with strangers. Even though you
don’t know them yet, there is a chance that they could
become your friend given time. There is an old saying along
• mentality /menˈtæləti/(n): Trí lực, tư duy, tâm lí
Ex: I can’t understand the mentality of people
who are unkind to their pets.
the lines of “all strangers are just friends you haven’t met
yet”. While this won’t be true in every case, it is a mentality
that I choose to view the world with.
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IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably.
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• What job he/she does
• What kind of clothes he/she wears
And explain why he/she likes fashion
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Bạn của tôi, tên Tuấn
• Là người ăn mặc thời trang, đôi lúc hơi khó hiểu
• Tôn trọng bạn, nhưng cũng lo lắng về cách xài tiền của
Content (Nội dung)
• Từng chuộng phong cách US, nay chuyển qua Hàn Quốc
• Tự hỏi anh ấy sẽ theo đuổi phong cách nào tiếp theo
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Take note
My friend - Tuan
Fashionable, some of the fashion choices are
My friend
Respect his decision, also worry about his bad
spending habits.
Used to love the styles from the U.S, now Korea
Wonder where will be next
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A person I know that is concerned with fashion is my friend Minh.
Khó hiểu, đáng nghi
Ex: The conclusions that they come to
Of all of my friends he is the only one who bothers to follow fashion and
are highly questionable.
put his money into it. While he definitely has the best looking clothes in
2. silly /ˈsɪli/ (a): ngớ ngẩn
our class, some of the fashion choices are questionable (1). Sometimes
we get to tell him “Hey Tuan, that’s a really silly (2) hat you’ve got there”,
but he is never bothered by it and insists “this is what is cool wherever
1. Questionable /ˈkwestʃənəbl/ (a):
these days.” While I totally respect his decision to buy clothes that he
thinks are fashionable, I do sometimes worry about him and his bad
spending habits. There have definitely been a few occasions in which our
friend group has had to buy him lunch all week at school because that
weekend he decided to buy the latest sneakers. Hopefully he learns to
Ex: It would have been silly to pretend
that I wasn’t upset.
3. balance /ˈbæləns/(n): Cân bằng
Ex: Tourists often disturb the delicate
balance of nature on the island.
4. trendy /ˈtrendi/ (a): hợp thời trang
Ex: People are buying them just to be
find a fair balance (3) between being trendy (4) and being able to sustain
a budget. He used to be really into the styles coming out of the U.S., and
I guess he still is to an extent, but a lot of his focus has shifted to South
Korea recently, as it has become a world power in terms of world culture.
I wonder where will be next? I’m sure he will find time to tell us all.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think online shopping will replace in-store
shopping in the future? Why?
I think that it is already well on the way to replacing it,
but I don’t think that it will ever replace it entirely. There is
something about going to a store and browsing the shelves
that will entice people to buy things that they didn’t need,
and in a world governed by economics, that makes it very
unlikely that brick-and-mortar stores will ever completely
2. Are you a person who likes to follow fashion?
I have absolutely no concern for fashion. While I do like to dress
well, I determine that wholly for myself and do not listen to
brands or designers, as I could not care less of their opinions.
The only people other than myself who I would listen to in
terms of fashion would be my close friend circle, as I think that
they have my best interests at heart.
3. Are older people as fashionable as young people?
I think that as people get older, they tend to care less about
fashion. Why should they care? Trends seem to be young
person problems, at least in my experience. My grandfather
certainly doesn’t care about fashion, and I don’t blame him.
4. Are women more fashionable than men? Why?
I think women are culturally expected to care more about
fashion, and so tend to do so because of that expectation. It
is obvious, to me at least, that there would be no biological
reason or something like that which would cause women
to be inherently more fashionable, it is just an artifact of
our cultures.
• entice /ɪnˈtaɪs/ (v): Dụ dỗ, thuyết phục
Ex: The bargain prices are expected to entice
customers away from other stores.
• brick-and-mortar stores: các cửa hàng truyền
thống nơi mà khách hàng có thể đến trực tiếp
mua sản phẩm, trái ngược với mua hàng online.
Ex: Shopping online can be more convenient
than going shopping at brick-and-mortar stores.
• friend circle /frɛnd ˈsɜːkl/: Vòng bạn bè
Ex: The presence of our self, our family, and mainly
our friend circle affects us the most in our present
• wholly (adv): một cách hoàn toàn.
Ex: I don’t think his explanation is wholly wrong.
• Trend /trend/ (n): Xu hướng
Ex: There is a growing trend towards later
• blame /bleɪm/(v): đổ lỗi, trách
Ex: She doesn’t blame anyone for her father’s death.
• biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl/(a): Thuộc về sinh học
Ex: There are many biological factors for that.
• inherently /ɪnˈherəntli/ (adv): Vốn dĩ
Ex: the work is inherently dangerous
• artifact /ˈɑːtɪfækt/ (n): Tạo tác
Ex: The museum has artifacts dating back to
prehistoric times.
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An important thing
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe an important thing that you learned (not at school or in college).
You should say:
• When did you learn it?
• How did you learn it?
• Why did you think it was important to learn it?
And how you felt when you learnt it?
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Khi chiếc xe máy phát ra tiếng lạ.
• Lúc trước thường vào quán cà phê khi xe đang sửa
• Nay đem xe đi sửa, nhưng ở lại để quan sát
Content (Nội dung)
• Biết được nguyên nhân vấn đề
• Biết được nguyên nhân nhưng vẫn chưa tự tin để có thể
tự sửa.
Conclusion (Kết luận)
Take note
When my motorbike started making odd sounds
Used to walk to a nearby cafe while the repairs are
being taken care of. This day, I did not
Knew me the issue and how to fix it
Not confident enough to fix it myself next time
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Something that I learned that I didn’t learn in an educational
environment was just recently, when my motorbike started making
odd sounds.
I am not particularly mechanically inclined, so the cause of the
clunking noises were a total mystery to me. One morning this week I
did not have classes in the morning, and so this allowed me some time
to go and get my bike repaired. Normally when getting repairs done,
I have a lot of other work that I can walk to a nearby cafe and work
on while the repairs are being taken care of. This day, I did not, I was
free of other obligations (1) and so I determined to try and learn about
1. Obligation /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn/(n): Nghĩa vụ,
nhiệm vụ
Ex: You are under no obligation to buy
2. Misaligned /ˌmɪsəˈlaɪnd/ (a): bị lệch
Ex: If the child’s teeth are becoming
misaligned because of thumb sucking
the dentist should be consulted.
3. Mechanic /məˈkænɪk/ (n): Thợ cơ khí
Ex: He is a car mechanic.
what the issue was, with the hope being that if the problem arose
again, I would be able to fix it myself. Luckily, the mechanic nearest
my house has been the one who has always done the work on my
families vehicles so he knew me and was comfortable with showing
me the issue at hand and how to fix it. The issue turned out to be that
the chain of my motorbike and the gear teeth on the back tire had
gradually become somewhat misaligned (2), and after some time had
cause enough wear on the gear that the chain would slip and make
the noise that I had been hearing. We took it off together, replaced the
gear, and tightened the chain.
I am happy that I learned the technical reasoning behind the issue, but
I don’t think that I am confident enough to do it myself next time, I will
go back to the mechanic.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What can children learn from parents?
Children can learn a huge variety of things from their
parents, and I think that they do so whether they are trying
to or not, and regardless of if that is the intention of the
parents. Children are naturally inclined to learn about their
environment, as it is an evolutionary advantage to do so.
2. Do you think some children are well behaved because of influence from their parents?
I think that the parents behaviour is likely to have a large
impact on how well behaved their children are, but is also
largely affected by the development of the child’s own
• intention /ɪnˈtenʃn/(n): Chủ đích
Ex: I have no intention of going to the wedding.
• evolutionary /ˌiːvəˈluːʃənri/ (a): tiến hóa
Ex: Some scientists have rejected evolutionary
• emulate /ˈemjuleɪt/(v): Bắt chước
Ex: They tend to emulate their teacher.
• distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/(a): Khác biệt
Ex: The results of the survey fell into two distinct
personality, though that is also influenced by parents.
Children will try to emulate their parents for the most part,
but will also try and make themselves distinct from their
parents as they get older, so this is likely affected from both
3. Is it necessary for adults to learn new things?
For some people it may seem that it is not necessary, but
from my perspective, that is a very sad way to live your life.
• attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/(n): Thái độ
Ex: These societies have to change their attitudes
towards women.
The world is an incredibly interesting place and no one can
ever know everything about the world, if you allow your
attitude to become that of “I know enough, I don’t need to
learn anything new” then you are allowing yourself to be
cut off from all the great new things that you can become
aware of.
4. How can people learn new things?
I think that the most important factor when considering
learning new things is as simple as curiosity. As long as a
person remains curious, there will be a seemingly infinite
amount of knowledge that they can pursue. I think that
• Curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti/(n): Sự tò mò
Ex: Children show curiosity about everything.
• Pursue /pəˈsjuː/(v): theo đuổi
Ex: She wishes to pursue a medical career.
for most people learning comes naturally, but for others it
may be more difficult. As long as a person can approach the
situations they find themselves in with an open mind, they
are going to learn no matter what.
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Shopping online
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a problem you had while shopping online or while shopping in a store.
You should say:
• When it happened?
• What you bought?
• What problem you had?
And explain how you felt about the experience.
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Khi đi nghỉ hè ở Thailand
• Không biết tiếng Anh, cố gắng giao tiếp
Content (Nội dung)
• Bố thích trà và muốn mua nhiều loại, trừ một loại
• Vì sai sót, cửa hàng lại gói và tính tiền loại bố không thích
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Nhận ra vấn đề khi sắp lên máy bay về nước, bố rất buồn
Take note
Summer vacation with family in Thailand
Do not speak much English
A problem
My dad likes tea, wanted to buy all kinds except one
Can’t read Thai
They ended up only charging me for the tea that my
father has specified he didn’t want
We learned of my error too late
My father was very upset
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A particular time that I was in a store and had a problem was over the
summer when my family and I went on vacation to Thailand.
As most of my family does not speak much English, and the shop
worker in the store also did not speak much English, or any Vietnamese,
then the responsibility was left on me to attempt
to do the
communication with the store worker. My father absolutely loves tea
and is a huge fan of collecting teas that he likes from each of the places
we visit while on vacation. Well, when we went to this fancy tea shop,
they were nice enough to let us try multiple different samples of tea.
All of the names were in Thai which made it all the more difficult as I
can’t read Thai. My father decided that he loved all the teas except one,
and so I singled that one out (2). Around this time my mother pulled
my father away to look at things in the window of the next shop over,
leaving me to finish the transaction. Right after this we were planning
1. attempt /əˈtempt/(v): Nổ lực, cố
Ex: I will attempt to answer all your
2. single sth out: Chọn ra
Ex: You can’t just single out young people
when you talk about what’s wrong with
the country.
3. single sth out: Chọn ra
Ex: You can’t just single out young people
when you talk about what’s wrong with
the country.
4. board /bɔːd/ (v): Lên tàu, máy bay,..
Ex: Passengers are waiting to board.
to go to the beach down the street, so I was trying to get some advice
about good places to eat around the beach from the staff, and was
not paying attention to what they were doing. They ended up only
charging (3) me for the tea that my father had specified he didn’t want,
then put it in a bag and handed it to me.
We didn’t learn of my error until we were about to board (4) our flight
back home to Vietnam. My father was very upset.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. What kind of service do you think is good?
I think that what defines good service is respect. Often
in stores staff will follow you around very closely in case
you need anything because they think that waiting on
• Invasion /ɪnˈveɪʒn/ (n): Sự xâm phạm
Ex: The actress described the photographs of her as
an invasion of privacy.
your hand and foot is good service. While I see the logic
behind this I personally disagree and think that it is often
an invasion of my personal space.
2. What are the differences between shopping online
and in stores?
The biggest difference for me is not being able to physically
• fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/(n): Vải
Ex: They sell a wide variety of printed cotton fabric.
touch something before buying it. With some things, this
doesn’t make much of a difference, pieces of technology
for example. Where this becomes a much bigger issue is
when shopping for things like clothes. If I cannot try it on
first to make sure it fits, or feel the fabric to decide if it will
be comfortable, it is very possible that I will not be happy
with the purchase after it arrives.
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A place for sport
IELTS Speaking Part 2
Describe a place popular for sports.
You should say:
• Where it is
• When you went there
• What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place
Context (Bối cảnh)
• Một nơi gần nhà, sân vận động Mỹ Đình
• Là nơi các đội tuyển quốc gia chơi
• Thi thoảng có các buổi hòa nhạc
Content (Nội dung)
• Có cơ hội chơi trên sân nhìn thấy nhiều lần trên TV
Conclusion (Kết luận)
• Không buồn khi thua, vui vì có cơ hội tham gia
Take note
Near my house, My Dinh stadium
National football stadium
Where the national football teams play
A famous
Sometimes there are music concerts
See no many times on TV
Not sad that we lost, just happy to have an
opportunity to participate
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Today, I will tell you about a place that is very popular, famous even,
for sports, and very near my home. It is the national football stadium of
Vietnam located in the My Dinh neighborhood (1) of Hanoi.
The place is actually just a few minutes’ ride from my house, and I come
across it every day, on my way to school. From the outside, the stadium
looks enormous, with its high wall surrounding the football field.
It is so famous because it is where the national football team plays, and
watching them play on TV is a very important event here. Sometimes,
there are also musical concerts with the participation of international
stars held in the stadium. The stadium at those times would be covered
with thousands of people, and everyone is excited and thrilled in the
festive atmosphere. When I was a little kid, I desperately wanted to
partake in an event there. Eventually, when I was in middle school, I
was a part of the school football team and one year we had actually
1. neighborhood /ˈneɪbəhʊd/(n): Khu
xóm, khu vực sống
2. competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/(n): Cuộc
thi đấu
Ex: Hundreds of schools entered the
3. field /fiːld/(n): Sân (thể thao)
Ex: Every player on the field did their
best today.
4. Honour /ˈɒnə(r)/(n): Vinh dự
Ex: It was a great honor to be invited
here today.
done well enough in competitions around the city that we got to
participate in a youth competition (2) that was held at the stadium.
This was about three years ago. We only got to play one game because
we lost the first one, but just getting to run on that field (3) that I had
seen on TV so many hundreds of times felt like an honor (4).
I will likely remember that game for the rest of my life, and am not even
sad that we lost, just happy to have had the opportunity to participate.
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IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do young people like to do sports?
Of course they do, I think that young people tend to have
so much energy that sports are a very logical outlet for that
energy. Also, team sports give children and teenagers a
structured way to compete with their peers, which I think
many people crave. I, and essentially everyone I know,
• outlet /ˈaʊtlet/(n): Chỗ thoát
Ex: Sport became the perfect outlet for his
• beneficial /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/(a): Có lợi
Ex: A good diet is beneficial to health.
played sports when they were young and I am pretty
confident that it was beneficial for our development.
2. What are the benefits of playing sports as children?
There are a few, but I think that the most important benefits
to sports for children is the structure of most sports, and
learning to play by the rules. It is also very important for the
development of learning how to work on a team. Finally,
getting to partake in competition in a constructive
way is a good way for young people to learn that not all
• partake /pɑːˈteɪk/(v): Tham gia
Ex: They preferred not to partake in the social life
of the town.
• constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/(a): Mang tính xây
Ex: You should always welcome constructive
criticism of your work.
competition has to come at a cost to someone else, it can
be mutually constructive.
3. Is it necessary to build public sports places?
I don’t think that it is technically necessary, but I do think
that it brings a lot of advantages to a community. All of the
benefits of sports that we have spoken about so far, if there
is no where in a neighborhood to partake in the sports, all
• citizenry /ˈsɪtɪzənri/ (n): Công dân
Ex: An angry citizenry organized resistance to the
harsh new laws.
• technically (adv): về mặt cơ bản.
Ex: It is still technically possible for them to succeed.
of those benefits are lost. Therefore, I think that it is in the
best interest of all communities to ensure that facilities are
available for their citizenry to use.
4. What do you think of companies donating to sports
venues for poor children?
I think that for the most part it is a positive thing, similar
to paying taxes. They have earned their money in our
communities and it is therefore only right that they pay
back into our communities. As long as they do it in a
• indoctrinate /ɪnˈdɒktrɪneɪt/ (a): truyền dạy giáo lí
Ex: They had been indoctrinated from an early age
with their parents’ beliefs.
• ethically upright /ˈɛθɪkəli ˈʌpraɪt/: Ngay thẳng về
mặt đạo đức
Ex: What makes a person ethically upright?
fashion that is constructive, for instance not only as a way
to indoctrinate children in to believing their company is
more important or more ethically upright than it really is.
But generally, it is a good thing and should be encouraged.
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Trần Ngọc Minh Luân
Biên tập
Samuel Gregory Prior
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