I Research Title Presentation December 02, 2021 GROUP 2 - RIEMANN RESEARCH 1 The efficacy of Musa acuminata (Lakatan) peelings as sustainable paper November XX, 2021 GROUP 2 - RIEMANN RESEARCH 1 I Rationale Papermaking is a process believed to be harmful to the environment; mainly because it is an agent to pollution, and it is also estimated that around 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut each day to provide to the paper industry. Researchers from around the world have made attempts on how to decrease the number of trees being cut and destroyed, and this study can help contribute to the decline of the phenomenon. Making paper out of banana peel has been tried by many, and it was already experimented by many. In this study, we will try new formulations and methods to maximize its full potential. RESEARCH 1 II Setting The study will be conducted in the science laboratories in Mindanao State University General Santos City. The laboratory is one of known laboratories in the city. Given that the study requires a number of equipment that is not commonly found in homes, it is preferred to have it done in a safe space with complete materials and equipment. RESEARCH 1 III Basic Literature The banana plant is commonly known for its fruit. But little did we know, the banana plant has a diversity of uses in every part, from the root to its leaves. The banana roots contain medicinal nutrients like dopamine, and vitamins A, B and C. The banana stem can be used as a floating material for people who live in rural areas, and the banana leaf can be used in food preparation. The banana heart is also considered as an ingredient in number of dishes in the Philippine cuisine. And lastly, the part of the banana plant favored by all, its fruit. Bananas can be peeled and eaten raw, and it can also be mashed and fed to toddlers. It is certainly a crowd favorite, because it makes people feel full easily. There are more than 1,000 varieties of bananas throughout the globe. Grown in more than 150 countries, it is then subdivided into 50 groups. (Mach & Reed, 2016). RESEARCH 1 III Basic Literature The Philippines is one of the top exporters of the said fruit worldwide. Producing 9.36 million metric tons of bananas on the year 2018, the country belongs to the top 5 in terms of export, and top 10 in terms of production. Its top contributors, Davao Region, Northern Mindanao, and SOCCSKSARGEN Region has produced 84% of the bananas the country had distributed worldwide. And not only is it enjoyed by other countries, but it enjoyed by people who live here as well. The Philippines has been ranked 19th within the group of 141 countries we follow in terms of interest rate on banana consumption per capita. Commonly, banana waste ought to be thrown were given one more use as a compost material. It is a suitable compost material, as it breaks down within the compost to provide a nutrient-rich ingredient to garden soil. RESEARCH 1 IV General Objective The general objective of this study to have another option: another option for paper material and another option of creating something usable from something that is supposed to be thrown. This study aims to create a new version of paper that is sustainable, and can be used in a variety of purposes. The study also aims to adopt a new way of re-using banana peels. Banana peels are commonly used as compost, and often found in natural fertilizers. But in this research, we can transform banana peels into something that is used by people on a daily basis. RESEARCH 1 V Significance of the Study This study will be significant to the following: The Environmental Sector With this study, the environmental sectors can have awareness on how to maximize the use of banana peelings, and can have further ways to improve sustainability of waste products. This can also generate income for the people affiliated with this sector. The General Public With this knowledge, the general public can be aware of the other purposes and the alternative uses of waste products. Having the public's cooperation in this study can lead to a more environment friendly community. Future Researchers With our world becoming more advance, future researchers can improve this study to discover new formulations with the guidance of modern technology. They can figure out what is better, and what works better for the time to come. RESEARCH 1 VI References https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/how-many-trees-does-it-take-to-make-1-ton-of-paper.html https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/news/43403/snact-bananas-food-waste/ https://www.promusa.org/Philippines https://www.mindanews.com/business/2013/09/region-12s-banana-industry-gets-a-boost/ http://www.fruitnet.com/asiafruit/article/184346/philippine-banana-exports-close-out-a-tough-2020 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/8-things-you-didnt-know-about-bananas