This topic is about sources of business finance. See we will in this topic we will learn what is the importance of finance, why finance is required in the business okay, is it like the business or finance is required at the start of the business only or is it something which is continuously required by the businesses, what are the different sources of finance, what are their merits, what are their limitations, we will understand that, we will also understand what are the various financial institutions who provide finance in India okay, so let us begin. See finance is known to be the lifeblood of the company or in other words finance is the soul of the company, now what is the reason for that, what happens is when you start a company you would require some kind of fixed capital right, see let us take an example if tomorrow Rama wants to open a kitchen, now this kitchen will scattering to the needs of the people that is the eating needs of the people, now for opening a kitchen I would require utensils, I would require various other things which are required necessary for cooking the food okay, so a business requires fixed assets and to buy the fixed assets we require finance okay, now is it that only finance is required at the start of the business, no it is not, so let us understand that, the first thing is as I just told you business produces goods and services, so in our example Rama is going to prepare food which needs to be supplied to the consumer okay, so we require money to provide the same, now see in Rama's kitchen as I gave you the example we would require the utensils, we would require all the materials that is the raw materials which are required to prepare the food right, so because of that she needs finance, now. As I already told you finance is the soul of the business, finance is the light blood of the business right? Because imagine if Rama doesn't have any money what she will do? Would she be able to start her business or would she be able to provide the food which she intends to do to the consumers? No. Without finance she cannot go and buy the vegetables, she cannot buy the utensils, she cannot buy the other ingredients which are required for cooking food and that is the reason it is said that finance is the soul of the business. Now what is business finance? See business finance is requirement of funds by business to carry out its activities. As I gave you the example in Rama's kitchen she has to carry out the activities of cooking food so she will require funds for doing that. Now remember in business there are fixed work capital requirements and then there are working capital requirements. What are these? Let's understand that. When it comes to fixed work capital requirements, Capital requirements, see when you start your business you need to invest in certain assets like you have to purchase the machinery, you need the requisite equipment to start your business. So, all this assets in which you are investing these are your fixed assets requirements, so you require finance for that. Now, is it sufficient as I told you earlier? No, it is not sufficient. The need for finance is also there when you are running your business for day to day operations also you require finance. Now the question would arise why? See today when the customer places an order from that date till the date I am able to realize the payment from him that is known as the working capital cycle. Okay? Now in this working capital cycle there would be many stages where I will have to make a payment but then I am going to realize the payment from my customer, I am going to receive the payment from my customer only at the end. Right? So, to meet these expenses which are coming in between from the date or from the day of receiving the order till the day I receive the payment from the customer at this particular cycle we require finance and to meet those requirements these are known as working capital requirements. Okay? So, to meet those requirements of finance, to meet those requirements of business we also require finance. Okay? Now let's understand the nature of business finance. Now remember before I go further when it comes to your fixed capital requirements and your working capital requirements the need varies from industry to industry. For example if it is a trading company then the requirements for fixed capital would be lesser compared to a manufacturing company where I will have to invest very heavily into machinery equipment. For each of us fix your where I will have to invest very heavily into machinery equipments, furniture, fixtures, etc. Now, whe n it comes to working capital requirement, it purely depends upon the working capital cycle which I e xplained you. So every industry has a different working capital cycle, for example, aviation industry. N ow it would havea very large working capital cycle, the number of days till the time the payment is re alized or released from the customer is very long, ok, compared to a normal production company, ok. For example, a company manufacturing pens. So remember the requirements differ from industry to industry. Again, whether youare a small company or whether you are a big company, you require mo ney to run for your, you require money to run the operations of the company, ok. Now your efficienc y would be to ensure that minimum points are used for the operations of the company, ok. Now let u ssee the nature of business finance. See the concept is wide because as I explained you, it would con tain all the requirements which are there, that is the fixed capital requirements and as well as the wo rking capital requirements of the business. So it includes all the activities which are required in the business, which has to be done in the business. Now every business require finance and that is the reason we have been telling you that finance is the sole of the business. Without finance, I cann ot do anything, ok. When it comes to business, money is the most important thing and hence this is something which is used by every person in the business. Now this would incl ude all types of funds and capital to run the business. As I explained you, you will have the fixed capit al requirements, you have the working capital requirements. So all the means through which you raise the finance would be included in this particular finance. When I am talking about bus iness finance, everything gets included in that. So when an entrepreneur, let us say a sole proprietor l ike Rama starts her kitchen, then she is investing her own personal savings. So even that is a part of business finance later when she expands and her brand, she builds a brand, her company is famous across the world and she starts doing other things also and she expands the company. At that time, if she goes and raised the money from investor, even that is a source of business finance, ok. So even that is a capital which would be included in business finance, ok. Now the primary goal of the finance is to raise the corporate value. Corporate values are the valu es or the ethics which we discuss for which you want to build the company. helps you to get that goodwill get that name in the market okay now let's move further and understa nd what are the significance of business finance see it is necessary to start a business now as I told yo u certain businesses are started through savings for example to start a kitchen as I gave you an example Rama's kitchen it is very easy you can start from your own savings but some times certain industries certain setups need huge amount of money and in at that time you have to u se the various sources of finance it helps to face economic cycle see economic cycle I'm talking in perspective of the country so a country can see a growth period it can s ee a recession or it can see a depression now what happens during recession and depression the de mand goes down right and at that time it is the it is finance which helps you to come over that okay so you're able to face depression or recession because you have fin ance in hand what happens is when your money in recession when the demand is going down apart f rom that the business condition also becomes stiff so people will not be willing to give you an advance or you will require the sources of finance would dry up so if you have at that tim e money in hand okay or if you have the finance in at that time it helps you to cater to those difficulti es next it is necessary for growth now tomorrow as I gave you example Rama's kitchen wants to expand from one city it wants to go to diffe rent cities of India okay it wants to establish those branches when she is going to hire people like her so she will require money to grow to expand so remember even for growth and expansion finance is required necessary for payment of debt okay finance is necessar y so that you get paying the debts which you have taken okay so you need to keep on earning finance you need to keep on ensuring that you receive orders and you're getting money for those orders so that you can pay your debts on time it is necessary for availing opportunities let's tak e an example if Rama has been running her kitchen wherein the daily demand is only 10 different so she has a working capital cycle set wherein she is able to cater to demand of 10 different tomorrow suddenly she gets an demand of 100 that is a order comes in wher ein they say they require 100 difference at a short notice okay now she it would be finance will will w hich would help her to avail this opportunity and why would she avail this opportunity because obviously she's in charge of premium and she'll get a double profit on that and so remember finance helps you to avail opportunities which would would be in and which would help your business to attain more profit this brings us to the end of the video. Now this is all about the financial needs of business. So we are going to understand what are the financial needs of business. Why would you require finance for your business? Now see we I already discussed in the previous video about the fixed capital requirements and working capital requirements. Okay. Now we are going to learn in detail what are the specific requirement when it comes to fixed capital and working capital. See as I was telling you when it comes to fixed capital requirements these are the requirements they arise because you need furniture, fixture, equipment, machinery, building, land etc to run your business. So the requirement increases when it comes to manufacturing companies which is quite obvious okay. Again the business who are operating on a large scale will have more requirements. So as in when your business would grow the fixed capital requirement starts increasing. For example you require an office right. Now when you start your business your office would be only at one city. Now as you move further and you want to open up your branches you will require offices in those cities also. So that means your scale of operations is increasing you are becoming a large scale company and because of that the fixed capital requirements are increasing. Similarly if you start opening up factories so more than one factory that means you are expanding and because of that you require more machinery, more equipment to run the business. Okay. Now always remember they should be financed by long term sources of finance. What is long term sources of finance we will learn later in the video but remember that long term sources of finance is the only way to finance the fixed capital requirements. Okay. Now the question that could have come to your mind is why would a long term source of finance is necessary. See when I am teaching you the long term source of finance I will also make you understand that why fixed capital requirements should be met through these sources of finance. Okay. Now let us understand what are the working capital requirements. I already explained you the working capital cycle. Okay. Now remember the longer the working capital higher is the working capital required. I gave you an example of aviation industry. Similarly a shipping company these all are companies who would have a very long working capital cycle and hence the working capital required to run the business would be very high compared to someone like a vegetable vendor. Okay. He gets cash every day so is a daily basis of his working capital requirements are very less. Okay. Now remember working capital requirements are met only through short term finances. When it comes to fixed capital requirements they would be see met through long term sources of finance but when it comes to working capital requirements these are met through short term sources of finance. Now if you are selling the goods on credit that is now what happens is generally industry to industry the way the operations are done are different. Okay. So if you are selling the goods on credit then you would have higher requirement. Why because you remember I was telling you that from the time you start get the order from the customer till the time you are releasing the payment that is your working capital cycle okay. So if you are giving someone goods on credit you are increasing this life the life of this working capital cycle and hence it becomes necessary that to understand that working capital cycle gets prolonged or the number of days increases when the goods are sold on credit. Okay. Now again the requirement would be very high when you have a slow sales turnover that is the amount of sales are lesser. In that scenario also you will have to keep you will have to understand that the working capital cycle would be on a larger basis. Now what happens is this requirement compared to fixed capital requirement changes quite often okay. So you have to understand how the requirement changes. The requirement would increase when there is a peak season. See every industry has a peak season for example a garment manufacturing unit. The peak season is generally when the market is at a high price. There are festivals, for example during Diwali, during Eid or during New Year or during Christmas people go and buy new clothes. So, at that time that would be the peak season for them, ok. Similarly, for a AC company that is an air conditioner company, the peak season is the months of summer, ok. So, at that time the demand fro m the customers for your goods is very high and because of that the working capital requirement increases. What about festive season? I already gave you one e xample that people buy a new clothes during the festive season. Now, remember the second thing lik e even for eatables like mithai, that is any sweets when you go and buy those, ok. During festive seas on the demand for such sweets increases, the demand for gifts increases. So, the industries who are wor king or the companies who are working under this industry, that is food industry, they would see a hi gher requirement during the festive season. Expansion of business, if you want to expand your busin ess, if you want to take more orders. At that time your working capital requirement also increases, shifting t o new location. Now, when you are shifting to new location, let us say if you are in city A, you want to shift to city B, ok. So, the time of delivering the goods may get delayed, ok. And then the time of setting up the business will also have to be considered. So, that is the reason the requirement of working capital will increase. Then payment of current debts, a lways remember that when we buy raw materials, we have to pay for the them, right. So, we have to pay our creditors, we have to pay our debts. So, working capital requirement flu ctuates on the basis of the amount of raw material which we have bought, amount of purchases we have made. Sometimes in case if you have taken any kind of finance and you have to pay an interest or you have to pay the installment, then again your working capital requireme nt changes accordingly, ok. This brings us to the end of this. which we have bought, amount of purch ases we have made. Sometimes in case if you have taken any kind of finance and you have to pay an interest or you have to pay the installment, then again your working capital requir ement changes accordingly, ok. This brings us to the end of this. Now see we understood what is the need of finance, we understood the significance of finance, we understood where is finance required that is fixed capital and working capital requirements of finance. Now let us understand the sources of finance, okay. See there are classifications which are being done for sources of finance. So this is the classification which is available to us. Don't get confused if you see names appearing in all the three subheadings, okay. The reason is when it comes to sources of classification, finance classification, it is either done on the basis of period or on the basis of ownership or on the basis of sources of generation, okay. So on the time period when it comes to the classification on the basis of period it would be long term and short term, okay. We will understand this in the next slide as to what is long term and short term. For timing remember when I am speaking about equity share capital, when I am speaking about retained profit, preferences, debentures, these all will come under the long term source of finance, okay. Whereas if I need finance for my working capital requirements then trade credit, factory, banks and commercial paper will come under that, okay. Now remember there is a medium term source of finance also. What is that? This is required for a medium term, neither it is a long term nor it is a short term as the name suggests it is somewhere between these two and this is required, this can be taken from as a way of loan from bank or as a public deposit or as way of lease financing, okay. Now on the basis of ownership it would be either the owner's fund that is the person the proprietor investing in the business itself. So these would be again equity shares and retained earnings. So you can see the names are getting repeated out here. The same way the debentures loan from banks, loan from financial institutions all this will come under borrowed funds. Now on the basis of sources of generation you have the internal sources as well as you have the external sources. Internal that is someone is bringing the money into his own business. So again the proprietor or the owner when he brings the money so it would be equity share capital when you are taking the money from the shareholders or it would be retained earnings. External it would be again financial institutions loan from banks, referent shares, public deposits, lease financing all this will come under external sources of finance. So these are the ways in which the classification of finance sources of finance is done. Now let's understand each of them in detail. Now let's start with on the basis of time period, okay. See long sources in case if I am talking about long term source of finance I am talking about finance for more than five years. Now in the earlier video I had told you that when it comes to fixed capital what happens is you are investing in assets, you are investing in machinery, equipment, computers, fixed tools. So that kind when you have require finance that kind of finance would be long term source of finance because the machinery equipment is needed by business for a long term. It is not for a short term you require it continuously maybe till the time your business is in existence in hence the finance for more than five years comes under long term source of finance. Now medium term is somewhere between one and five so the finance which I require for more than one year but then it is less than five years it will get classified as medium term source of finance. Now lease financing is an example for that. Remember the terms I am using lease financing, commercial paper or shareholders equity I will explain all this in detail later. For time being let's concentrate on understanding what is long term, medium term and short term. Now coming to short term sources of finance this is less than one year that is the reason it is used for financing working capital needs. So whenever you are addressing the working capital needs the needs are only for less than one year it is mostly for few months or at the most for an year and that is the reason these are known as short term sources of finance. Now on the basis of ownership I gave you an example of Rama's kitchen so in case if Rama wants to invest. She will bring her own funds so this would be the funds invested by owner. So here if Rama invests her own funds these would be known as owner's fund. They are not required to be paid back. See Rama will never take back that capital. She will not s ay give me the money back. She will not go to the business and say I want my money back. All the onl y things she would do is once the business is up and running, she will start demanding a salary or a dividend. She will start earning a dividend on it. Now remember this is a permanent source of finance because as I told you Rama will not go and s ay I want my money back. So when it comes to owner's fund, remember the owner of the business is investing in the money and that is known as o wner's fund. We are not required to pay it back and it is a long permanent source of finance. When it comes to borrowed funds, these are loans and credit. So as I gave you an example, if Rama's kitchen wants to expand in different cities and open branches out the re, she will have to borrow funds. So what she can do? She can go to bank. She can take the money f or expansion of her business. The reason being because she doesn't have that much of money to expand. So that would be a borrowed fund. So loans and credit which you tak e come under borrowed fund. Now this is an external source of finance. That means when a party w ho is not the party to business, that is an external party is helping you out. Someone outside the business is helping you out to give you that finance. Now remember t his is required to be paid back in stipulated time. Whenever you take a loan from bank, the bank will give you a loan for a specific time period. For example, let's say five years. So from the day you take the loan till the end of five years, you will have to pay regular install ments. Apart from that you will have to pay interest to the banks. So as I said, interest is being charge d by the bank. So it is a fixed rate of interest which is being charged by the bank. So whenever you take credit from any person as a loa n, they charge you an interest and you need to pay them. Now let's see the last source of finance tha t was internal sources. Now see these are the funds which are generated within the business. How can we do that? By accelerating accounts receivable. What is acc ounts receivable? See when I give someone a credit, okay, so suppose a customer comes to me, he d emands goods from me, but he says he will pay me in 60 days. Okay, so I have to give him that 60 days. If I agree to that, then I'll have to wait for 60 days,s after the delivery of goods to get payment from him. So, I can accelerate this cycle and these are kno wn as accounts receivable. So, I can accelerate the cycle and increase the money by from the account s receivable by realizing them at a faster rate. If I have inventory I can ensure that the inventory is sold off as early as possible so that I can receive more funds. Now, if I am earning profits then I can ensure the profits are flawed back in the business that is the money which I have earned through profits I am again investing in business. So, these become internal sources of finance ok. Now, remember these fulfill very limited n eeds because the quantum is always less ok. So, they are able to only fulfill your let us say daily need s compared to your bigger needs. For example, when you have a house so your daily needs would be getting food right or electricity and other water etcetera. So, whatever charges are r elated to that that would be you would be paying on a monthly basis ok. But when it comes to renov ating a house that is a big demand you have for a house right. So,I am taking a hypothetical example here when I am having a internal source of finance these would cater to these daily needs rather tha n these bigger needs for example, renovating a office ok. So, for renovating my office or buying some thing as a fixed assets or much new machinery these resources are not useful. Now, external sources these are from outside the business. So, these are fro m your bank loan these would come in form of your bank loan, lease financing or money from your s uppliers wherein the suppliers agree to give you a longer term of credit that is you do not pay your suppliers immediately you take the goods from them, but you pay them after a certa in time period ok. Now, they are available at cost when it comes to loans. Obviously, I explained you t hey come at a rate of interest you need to pay a rate of interest the same applies to other sources of finance. This brings us to the end of the video.