Geothermal Heat Heat (W) = 3.35Lk0.853 (VRT – α) Where: L is the length of the opening K is the Thermal Conductivity of the host rock (Norite = 2.28 W/m°C) VRT is the Virgin Rock Temperature α is the Mean dry bulb temperature estimated to be 29°C W is the Geothermal Heat Heat@750m below surface W = 3.35(750)*(2.28)0.853(36.9-29) = 40.12 Kw Heat@1400m below surface W = 3.35(1400)*(2.28)0.854(52.3-29) W = 220.9 Kw Heat@2800m below surface W = 3.35*(2800)*(2.28)0.854*(83.1-29) W = 1025.83 References Lk&source=bl&ots=G2ziQCN9hm&sig=ACfU3U3UyCgnLAN0nEZb4r1LKOjx6BlJg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb6pam6Z2BAxXPhv0HHd3jAuIQ6AF6BAgIEAM#v=on epage&q=heat%20%3D%203.35Lk&f=false