EFFECTS OF DECAYING MATERIALS TO ONE’S HEALTH AND SAFETY DEFINING TERMS Spoilage – condition of being decay or damage Molds - a fungus that cause foods to decay Foul odor – bad odor Disease-causing bacteria – sickness caused by bacterias SIGNS OF FOOD DECAY/SPOILAGE Presence of : Molds Bubbles Bulging/expanded canned goods Foul odor Worms top in Effects of decaying materials in one’s health Disease-causing bacterial – it causes weakening your body and make you sick Cholera - is a serious bacterial disease that can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Diarrhea - discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form. Food poisoning - illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in food, typically with vomiting and diarrhea. EFFECTS OF DECAYING MATERIALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT Not proper disposal of decaying waste allows flies, cockroaches, rats and mosquitoes to breed/live in the street, makes you sick and may cause the following: Malaria - disease spread by mosquitoes is causes a high fever and chills Leptospirosis - is an infectious disease that causes symptoms such as fever, headache, and chills Dengue - causes symptoms such as fever, rashes and low platelet count HOW TO PREVENT THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF DECAYING MATERIALS Keep leftover food in the refrigerator Do not eat leftover food showing signs of spoilage Make it a habit to always to look for expiry date of food stuff you buy Dispose your garbage properly. Separate those that decay from those do not decay Always cover your garbage bins