Indigenous Health Assignment Jasmeen Kaur Practical Nursing, Durham College Health and Healing, NURS 1521 Professor Doreen Kaneko Feburary 18, 2023 Call to action I am using for this essay is #24 “We call upon medical and nursing schools in Canada to require all students to take a course dealing with Aboriginal health issues, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, and Indigenous teachings and practices. This will require skills-based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism.” The call to actions were issued as the beliefs of Indigenous people were questioned and it put a negative strain on the indigenous communities and their practices. The lasting effects of residential schools on survivors and their families are acknowledged in the TRC calls to action. The one I've chosen to discuss in this article argues that those in the medical field should be educated and taught in incorporating cultural values as well as how to deal with structural racism that occurs to indigenous people in the health care system since, on occasion, they are denied services due to the difficulty of funding, which has serious repercussions. This call to action is intended to ensure that no one is left behind when it comes to healthcare and health care workers receiving education so they can comprehend the perspectives, intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools, post-European colonisation, and from where the trust-issues with modern practises originated. The majority of us consider residential schools to be a thing of the past, but the final one wasn't closed until 1996, and many of the survivors are still struggling with the effects of it. Nurses are huge part of any health-care system in the world and are in this position to work collaboratively with others to solve the inequities in our healthcare system and aim for improved, better health care for everyone. Nursing can adopt new concepts and approach"One World, One Health” (Premji & Hatfield, 2016). Nurses must learn to adapt indigenous practices such as medicine wheel to use it as in holistic approach while treating first nation people, they can also advocate to rally for Indigenous people across the nation for improving the social determinants. As a nurse I will take holistic approach by applying my knowledge and also making sure that I am at least educated enough to deliver knowledge and approach Indigenous people in a way that they feel safe, heard and comfortable in my care. Before taking PN program I wasn’t well aware of the things that happened to indigenous community and had a little knowledge about the trauma they have to go through, being an immigrant, it was so hard to adjust in a new environment so I can’t even imagine being on your own land and with no regard for the consequences, colonialism nearly wiped out an indigenous community by robbing them of their land, culture, and families (Henderson,2018). By achieving this calls to action it will benefit Indigenous people as they will regain access to modern as well as traditional methods. For an instance, the percentage for diseases is higher in indigenous people as compared to non-indigenous, example as in diabetes first nation people are 3-5% more in danger of having diabetes as compared to the later. Also with achieving this call to action will increase trust, vulnerability and them being more open to the new ideas or even trying to approach different types of treatments that they might be scared to try if the health care professional they are seeing is not educated and has less information about the culture. The initiatives of doing Indigenous-led health partnerships also appears to be successful as they collaborate with the traditional healing practices and western medicine eg. In Haidi Gwaii, BC; 1999 Diabetes clinic was opened which offered traditional diet, plant medicines and exercise programs which was considered successful. In conclusion, I would say the intergenerational trauma that indigenous people had to go through is very unfortunate and Canadians haven’t done justice towards the first-nation as there are numerous people who still believe in the myths that First-nation people receive extra benefits which isn’t true at all. We need to take holistic approach and try our best to help these calls to action to be deemed successful. Reference: Barton, S (2019), Boucher,C (2019). Candian fundamentals of Nursing. Indigenous health: Mosby Henderson, K. (2018, March). Understandings of Colonization on Indigenous Health. College of Medicine. NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic. (n.d.). doi:10.1503/cmaj.190728