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PQRST Assessment Guide: Symptom Evaluation

P = Precipitating
o To identify factors that make symptoms worse and/or better; any previous selftreatment or prescribed treatment; and response
Q = Quality
o To identify patient’s rating of symptoms (for example pain on a 1-10 pain scale)
and descriptors (for example numbness, burning, stabbing)
R = Region
o To identify the exact location of the symptom (pain) and any areas of radiation
S = Severity
o To identify symptom’s severity (how bad at its worst) and any associated
symptoms (for example presence or absence of nausea and vomiting associated
with chest pain)
T = Timing
o To identify when complaint was first noticed; how it has changed/progressed
since onset (remained the same or worsened/improved); whether onset was
chronic or acute; whether it has been constant, intermittent, or recurrent